Final Fantasy Iii

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Final Fantasy III

Strategy Guide
Author(s): Keyblade999
First Published: 30-07-2015 / 00:00 GMT
Last Updated: 18-03-2018 / 11:40 GMT
Version: 1.0 (????) 26-11-2018 / 05:55 GMT

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© 2018 Gamer Guides Ltd
Table of Contents

• Introduction................................................................................................................................ 7
◦ Foreword ....................................................................................................................... 7
▪ Welcome!........................................................................................................... 7
▪ Game Basics ..................................................................................................... 8
◦ Playable Characters .................................................................................................... 10
▪ Luneth ............................................................................................................. 10
▪ Arc ................................................................................................................... 11
▪ Refia ................................................................................................................ 12
▪ Ingus................................................................................................................ 13
• Walkthrough ............................................................................................................................ 14
◦ Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal............................................................. 14
▪ Altar Cave........................................................................................................ 14
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 19
▪ Altar Cave........................................................................................................ 20
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 23
▪ Ur..................................................................................................................... 24
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 29
▪ Kazus............................................................................................................... 30
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 32
▪ Castle Sasune ................................................................................................. 33
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 38
▪ Sealed Cave .................................................................................................... 39
◦ Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One.................................................................. 44
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 44
▪ Castle Sasune ................................................................................................. 45
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 46
▪ Kazus............................................................................................................... 48
▪ Mythril Mines ................................................................................................... 50
▪ Kazus............................................................................................................... 51
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 53
▪ Canaan ............................................................................................................ 55
▪ Dragons Peak.................................................................................................. 59
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 62
▪ Tozus ............................................................................................................... 64
▪ Tozus Tunnel ................................................................................................... 67
▪ Vikings Cove.................................................................................................... 68
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 71
▪ Nepto Temple .................................................................................................. 72
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 75

◦ Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two ...................................................... 76
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 76
▪ Tokkul .............................................................................................................. 78
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 80
▪ Village of the Ancients ..................................................................................... 82
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 85
▪ Castle Argus .................................................................................................... 86
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 89
▪ Gulgan Gulch .................................................................................................. 90
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 91
▪ Tower of Owen................................................................................................. 92
▪ Overworld ........................................................................................................ 99
▪ Gysahl ........................................................................................................... 101
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 104
▪ Dwarven Hollows........................................................................................... 105
▪ Subterranean Lake ........................................................................................ 107
▪ Dwarven Hollows............................................................................................111
▪ Molten Cave .................................................................................................. 113
◦ A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal ......................................................... 118
▪ Dwarven Hollows........................................................................................... 118
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 121
▪ Castle Hein .................................................................................................... 123
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 130
▪ Castle Argus .................................................................................................. 131
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 132
▪ Cave of Tides ................................................................................................ 135
◦ Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One ................................................... 139
▪ Amur .............................................................................................................. 139
▪ Amur Sewers ................................................................................................. 143
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 147
▪ Goldor Manor................................................................................................. 148
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 152
▪ Duster ............................................................................................................ 153
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 155
▪ Replito ........................................................................................................... 157
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 160
▪ Southwest Saronia ........................................................................................ 161
▪ Southeast Saronia ......................................................................................... 164
▪ Northeast Saronia ......................................................................................... 166
▪ Northwest Saronia ......................................................................................... 168
▪ Saronia Castle ............................................................................................... 169
▪ Southwest Saronia ........................................................................................ 173
▪ Northwest Saronia ......................................................................................... 174

▪ Northeast Saronia ......................................................................................... 175
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 177
▪ Dogas Manor ................................................................................................. 178
▪ Cave of the Circle .......................................................................................... 180
◦ Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two......................................... 181
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 181
▪ Dogas Village ................................................................................................ 182
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 185
▪ Saronia Catacombs ....................................................................................... 186
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 190
▪ Sunken Cave ................................................................................................. 191
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 195
▪ Temple of Time .............................................................................................. 196
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 201
▪ Ancient Ruins ................................................................................................ 203
▪ Overworld / The Invincible ............................................................................. 209
▪ Falgabard ...................................................................................................... 211
▪ Falgabard Cave ............................................................................................. 214
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 216
▪ Cave of Shadows .......................................................................................... 217
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 223
◦ Going into the Darkness; The Endgame ................................................................... 225
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 225
▪ Lake Dohr ...................................................................................................... 226
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 230
▪ Bahamuts Lair ............................................................................................... 231
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 235
▪ Dogas Grotto ................................................................................................. 236
▪ Overworld ...................................................................................................... 241
▪ The Ancients Maze........................................................................................ 242
▪ Eureka ........................................................................................................... 245
▪ Crystal Tower................................................................................................. 256
▪ The World of Darkness.................................................................................. 266
• Jobs ....................................................................................................................................... 275
◦ Introduction................................................................................................................ 275
▪ What are Jobs? ............................................................................................. 275
▪ Job Mechanics............................................................................................... 276
◦ Wind Crystal .............................................................................................................. 277
▪ Freelancer ..................................................................................................... 277
▪ Warrior........................................................................................................... 278
▪ Monk.............................................................................................................. 279
▪ White Mage ................................................................................................... 280
▪ Black Mage.................................................................................................... 281

▪ Red Mage ...................................................................................................... 282
▪ Thief............................................................................................................... 283
◦ Fire Crystal ................................................................................................................ 284
▪ Ranger........................................................................................................... 284
▪ Knight ............................................................................................................ 285
▪ Geomancer.................................................................................................... 286
▪ Scholar .......................................................................................................... 287
◦ Water Crystal............................................................................................................. 288
▪ Viking............................................................................................................. 288
▪ Dragoon......................................................................................................... 289
▪ Dark Knight.................................................................................................... 290
▪ Evoker ........................................................................................................... 291
▪ Bard ............................................................................................................... 292
◦ Earth Crystal.............................................................................................................. 293
▪ Black Belt....................................................................................................... 293
▪ Magus............................................................................................................ 294
▪ Devout ........................................................................................................... 295
▪ Summoner ..................................................................................................... 296
▪ Sage .............................................................................................................. 297
▪ Ninja .............................................................................................................. 298
◦ Special....................................................................................................................... 299
▪ Onion Knight.................................................................................................. 299
• Bestiary.................................................................................................................................. 300
◦ Bestiary Listings ........................................................................................................ 300
▪ Introduction.................................................................................................... 300
▪ Enemies 1 - 20 .............................................................................................. 301
▪ Enemies 21 - 40 ............................................................................................ 303
▪ Enemies 41 - 60 ............................................................................................ 305
▪ Enemies 61 - 80 ............................................................................................ 307
▪ Enemies 81 - 100 .......................................................................................... 309
▪ Enemies 101 - 120 ........................................................................................ 311
▪ Enemies 121 - 140 ........................................................................................ 313
▪ Enemies 141 - 160 ........................................................................................ 315
▪ Enemies 161 - 180 ........................................................................................ 317
▪ Enemies 181 - 200 ........................................................................................ 319
▪ Enemies 201 - 226 ........................................................................................ 321


Welcome to the Final Fantasy III guide! Released in 1990 in Japan for the Famicon (otherwise known as the Nintendo
Entertainment System elsewhere), this game is often known as the "lost Final Fantasy" because it wasn’t released
internationally until August 24th, 2006 , when it was remade for the Nintendo DS in Japan, and finally localized. Shortly
afterwards, Final Fantasy III was polished and remastered for a port to Steam. Note that all screenshots in this guide are
taken from the Steam port of this game. Aside from differences in typeface, everything seen here can be experienced on
the Nintendo DS.

Though old, this game is still forever worth playing. For a bit of trivia to impress your friends, Final Fantasy III is the origin of
some staple mechanics in the modern Final Fantasy franchise such as fat chocobos , Gysahl , summon magic , terrain
effects in battle , and most important… Moogles!

This guide aims to arm you with the basics you need to know about this game, such as a full writeup on all available jobs,
an introduction to the four playable characters of the game, and a detailed walkthrough that will take you from town to
town, dungeon to dungeon, and help you open every treasure chest and discover every nook and cranny of the world of
Final Fantasy III. Take note that some content only available through Wi-Fi download back in 2006 are no longer obtainable
unless you are playing the Steam port. However, none of it is necessary to beat the game.

I hope that this guide proves to be a useful asset to you as you traverse through the epic journey that is Final Fantasy III.

Cassie Sun


Game Basics
Final Fantasy III is a turn based, RPG game. Combat involves taking turns with the enemy. You make your move, then the
enemy makes your move. As a result, you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do. Enemies are encountered
through random encounters as you walk through dungeons, the overworld, and sometimes towns.

As such, controls are fairly simple. The interface is a bit more complex than the control scheme, but is easily picked up
after a few minutes of play.

Action (Towns + Dungeons) Input

Move around the area D-pad

Run, cancel out of menus B

Confirm selection, talk, open chests, etc. A

Talk to NPC party members Y

Open menu X

Zoom in or zoom out L

Open/close menu R

Action (In-battle) Input

Navigate menu D-pad

Cancel selection B

Confirm selection A

Attempt to flee battle L+R

Action (Overworld) Input

Move around D-pad

Cancel out of menu, exit transportation B

Confirm selection, enter transportation A

Action (Overworld) Input

Talk to NPC party members Y

Open menu X

Zoom in or zoom out L

Open/close menu R

When in the menu, you can press L or R to scroll between characters rather than having to cancel out, select a character,
and confirm selection.

The touch screen has a fair number of intuitive controls as well. To walk , touch close to the character. To run touch the
edges of the touchscreen. To interact with objects, characters, chests, etc., simply tap on the target you want to interact
with. When navigating the menu, instead of using the D-pad to move around, you can also simply tap the options you want
to look at.

If you want to put the game down for a while and are looking for where to save, you can only save in the Overworld.
If you are in a town or are in the middle of a dungeon, finish what you started and head to the Overworld to save. If you
are in a hurry and cannot save, you can quicksave within a dungeon. Once the quicksave is loaded, it will be deleted, and
you will have to quicksave again unless you want to lose all of your save data that happened after you last saved in the

Sorry, save scumming right before the boss isn’t allowed this time!

Playable Characters


Luneth, the "main" character of the game! Or at least the first you meet.

Luneth is one of the four Warriors of Light and is the first character you can play in the beginning of the game. He is the
first to be chosen by the Wind Crystal. Because of that, it is entirely possible for Luneth to blaze ahead in the early-game
as a more powerful character, but by the endgame this has pretty much become moot as everybody else in your party
catches up.

Due to the fact that stats are more affected by the jobs you pick than the characters themselves, characters are as
valuable as you make them out to be. Additionally there are only four playable characters and all four are out in combat all
the time, meaning you will have no issues with keeping everybody leveled. However, Luneth is the most well-rounded out
of the group, which makes sense given that he is the first character you can play. His stats are all solidly average which
makes him readily adaptable to any job you put him in.

Luneth, as a result, will excel in any job given to him so long as he invests in the job. I recommend you start out with Red
Mage and then progress from there to jobs like Dragoon or Black Mage. Due to the jobs affecting stat growths the most
strongly, you should aim to focus entirely on either magic or melee.

Playable Characters


Arc is quiet and timid, and would rather spend his days reading rather than fighting.

Arc is stated to be Luneth’s closest friends. Instead of adventuring and doing potentially fatal things such as falling down
holes into unknown caves, Arc prefers to read books and learn as much as he can. However, as a result, he gets bullied a
lot. Later as Arc becomes stronger, he tries to stop bullies whenever he sees them. Also, Arc is really cute.

You will notice that Arc’s strength and hit points aren’t as high as Luneth’s (or, later, Ingus’s). This is to be expected; after
all, he spent his life reading and not buffing himself up. However, Arc is very fast. You should capitalize on this. Arc fits very
well into the roles of Thief and later Ninja , however he picks up any job pretty well. You can even turn him into any kind
of mage since his strength is rather lacking. However, if you place him within a melee role such as Dragoon and invest in it
he will be just as potent as any of the other members on your team.

Playable Characters


Refia, the token female in your party, but no less important or unimportant!

Refia is the adoptive daughter of a blacksmith in Kazus. She is known for constantly running away from her father because
of how rigorous her training is. Thankfully, the one time she does run away in the game, she manages to barely dodge the
curse that the Djinn lays upon the town. This leaves her free to find the key to defeating the Djinn and breaking the curse.

At first, Refia will leave your party after you have sufficiently advanced the plot. She will rejoin you soon enough, however,
so don’t worry about the lost experience. After she rejoins she will never leave you again.

You might notice that even as a Freelancer, Refia’s strength is not up to scratch compared to Luneth and Ingus. Rather,
she is better geared to being your White Mage and supporter in general. Her lower strength, defense, and hit points counts
means that she struggles in melee. However, with enough investment and focus, Refia can be whatever you want her to
be. If you focus her exclusively on various melee classes, she will become just as potent as your other characters.

Playable Characters


Contrary to this image, Ingus makes for a better Knight than a Ninja. But hey, your call!

Ingus is established as one of the older warriors of light in your party. He joins up last but will catch up quickly. He is
part of the guard in Saronia Castle and is in love with the Princess Sara. He, too, is an orphan, raised by foster parents,
completing your party of four orphans! Ingus is much more mature than Luneth, Arc, or Refia, and speaks more formally.
He is also very protective of his friends. After all, he is a chivalrous knight! Also he has weird hair.

What will impress you the most about Ingus is his higher hit points, strength, and defense in comparison to the rest of
your party, particularly Arc and Refia. He is suited to taking on roles such as the Knight to defend the rest of your party.
However, he also can be a surprisingly good mage, with slightly higher defense to sponge up the melee attacks that other
characters as mages might fall to. Again, just as the rest of the characters, you can put him into any job you’d like and his
stats will adapt accordingly.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal

Altar Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Goblin 7 10 1

Carbuncle 10 5 2

Eye Fang 11 7 3

Blue Wisp 14 10 4

Say hello to Luneth, your first progatonist of this game.

As your new adventure begins, you’ll begin by watching a young boy, Luneth, fall into a hole. He lands in an underground
cave that is filled with treasure … and monsters! Being the beginning of the game, these monsters are fairly weak. For
once, these monsters ARE something to sneeze at - the Blue Wisp would probably break apart.

Ohs nos, monsters!

You’ll begin your quest with a quick fight versus some Goblins. You should simply Attack them, as they’re nothing special.

Note: Dual Wield or Shield?

Dual-wielding allows you to do a much larger amount of damage than before, because your Attack option
will be, in effect, used twice. However, this also lowers your Defense by not letting you hold a shield. Holding
a shield can be valuable in that it can raise your Defense and you’ll stay around longer.

Almost all the dungeons in this game are riddled with chests containing precious items.

Afterwards, go north and you’ll reach two treasure chests. Open one for a Potion , and another for a Leather Shield .
Equip the latter to raise your Defense a bit. Obviously save the Potion for now, use it in a pinch.

By zooming in with the camera you can inspect your surroundings to unlock new paths.

Continue north and notice the strange looking rock that stands out from the background. Hold L to zoom in with the
camera , revealing sparklies. Sparklies means that there’s a secret to this object, so press A to examine . Once you
examine the rock, some of the surrounding wall will fall away, revealing a path!

Here's how you can equip different weapons/armor. Mix and match to your whims!

Continue along the path to find a chest containing a Long Sword. If you’re following our preferences, swap out your
Leather Shield for your Longsword and you’ll easily decimate every enemy in this dungeon because you’re dual-wielding
(it’s your decision to make, however).

Left is the Potion chest, right is the Antarctic Wind chest.

Continue through to the next area.

Here, go east and snatch the Potion , then west and grab the Antarctic Wind . The Antarctic Wind is a useful item that
casts Blizzara, a middle-level Black Magic spell you won’t be using for quite some time. It is quite powerful, so save this for

Left is the Potion chest, right is the Antarctic Wind chest again!

Let’s continue! Go north to another Potion chest, then go east to find another chest. Open it for another Antarctic Wind.

Healing pools like these are scattered throughout the world of FFIII.

Further east, you’ll find some water. Examine it and you’ll fully restore your HP/MP. Because this pool is here to offer
you guaranteed healing right in-dungeon, you are free to grind and level up your job and character levels without fear of
death. Not required but strongly recommended, and can easily set you up for success for the rest of early game (especially
because your job level will go up which makes a huge difference).

Backtrack west to the intersection and go further west and you’ll soon find some stairs. Use them.

In the next area, go north and you’ll find a shrine of some sort. Go north and, suddenly, an enemy will pop down from above
to attack you! This is your first boss!

Most every dungeon in Final Fantasy ends with a boss fight!

Boss: Land Turtle

Attribute Stat

Level 4

Max Hp 111

Exp Earned 20

Gil Earned 600

Not much to say attack-wise. The boss will just do basic physical attacks that hit moderately hard. You can just use your
regular Attack and do just fine (like you have a choice!). If you get in low HP, feel free to use a Potion. If things get tough,
use the Antarctic Winds you picked up. Just keep in mind that they’re better off used elsewhere and saving them is the
best idea.

After the boss, you’ll watch a scene with the Wind Crystal before exiting to the overworld.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Isn't it pretty?

After the scenes, you’ll arrive on the overworld map. Here, save.

Now, there are two things you can do. Firstly, you can go north back into the Altar Cave for some new items, which I
recommend doing. Or you can go south into Ur to advance the story. The following section will cover the optional return to
Altar Cave.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal

Altar Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Goblin 7 10 1

Carbuncle 10 5 2

Eye Fang 11 7 3

Blue Wisp 14 10 4

Take this turn first...

And then go through the wall! (you will be able to do this a lot throughout the game)

Back inside, you’ll find a new area! Go north a bit, then east and through the wall to find two chests; open them for a
Leather Cap and some Bronze Bracers .

Pressing onward!

Go back west to the intersection, then go south to the next area.

How did Luneth not notice the hole he fell through?

Go along the path in here for a while and you’ll reach a big area. Its most prominent feature is the big hole that started this
game. Open the chests around the room for the Sleep spell , a Longsword , more Bronze Bracers , and some Bronze
Knuckles .

Teleporters appear near all the Crystals. Use them to return to the Overworld!

Fall down the hole if you wish and continue along back to the Wind Crystal’s shrine; it makes for some nice levels. You can
also just backtrack through the cave you came through, but what’s the fun in that?

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Ur is just south of Altair Cave.

There is nothing much else to do here. Go south and into the first town you see, Ur.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Goblin 7 10 1

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Antidote 80

Eyedrops 40

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Dagger 60

Staff 40

Wooden Arrow 4

Long Sword 100

Bow 100

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Leather Armor 90

Leather Cap 15

Leather Shield 40

Item Name Cost

Bronze Bracers 80

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Poisona 100

Here is where you can heal up from battle.

Firstly, we’ll begin by advancing the story some. Go into the house on the left with the blue roof . There, you’ll find two
wellsprings of water. One will fully restore your HP and MP; the other revives your party members from KO.

Here you'll see a scene advancing the story.

Go further into the building. You can speak with Luneth’s foster mother on the left, then speak with Elder Topapa nearby.

Outside this building, you can speak with the old man nearby and you’ll be able to use a Potion on him to receive a Phoenix
Down. You can’t buy Phoenix Downs in this game so every one counts, save them for important boss fights.

In the well you can find treasure!

Go east to the Inn, then pass it (we’ll come back to it later) and go further east into the woods. Near the woman is a well.
Go inside to find three Potions in three chests . Sweet.

This building is the inn!

Remember the Inn we passed? Go inside. You’ll find an Item Shop, a free bed to sleep in to heal HP/MP/status (only here
is it free), and there’s a pub in the back. There, you’ll be able to watch someone dance and play the piano.

Note this, though. There is no need to go to the pub aside from some easter eggs. There is no effect on the game itself
if you watch the girl dance or the boy play piano. Sorry to disappoint you! It’s still funny to watch the crowd boo you off

Time to watch more scenes!

Leave the Inn and go northeast and into the forest. There, you’ll watch three kids bullying another older kid. This is Arc ,
another Light Warrior. He’s your rather timid, shy person, but also a very knowledgeable one and Luneth’s best friend. And
also an orphan. Once Luneth comes up, the kids flee, followed by Arc, who wants to prove himself.

Remember the sparkle spot in Altair Cave? All around the towns are sparklies hiding treasure!

After the scene, go back to that spot and go to the top of the flower patch. Hold L until something shiny pops up and
examine there for a Potion .

Then go north of the weapon shop (northwest of this forest path, and north of the Inn) and go along the path. At the end
of the path, look around the water for another Potion (zoom in for the sparkly like in the flower patch), then go into the

There's a plethora of treasure here.

Inside, you’ll want to speak to the old man about zooming in the camera to see various sparkles that can show you hidden
things (you got a small demo of this in Altair Cave and various places in Ur), which can be examined for various effects.
Examine the pots to the west to find two Antidotes , then examine the camera the man pointed out.

Go along to the secret area you now uncovered and you’ll find some stuff there: a Dagger, some Eye Drops , a Cure spell,
a Phoenix Down , and a Longsword . That’s about it for now; return to the main town.

Heal and shop to your heart’s desire, then it’s time to go to our next destination.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Kazus is nearby. Don't forget to battle monsters along the way to fill out your Bestiary.

Go further south and into the next town, the cursed town of Kazus.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Once Arc joins you, check by the puddle of water for some goodies.

Once you enter town, you’ll meet up with Arc and he’ll beg to join you. You might as well let him, the more the merrier.

Let’s go to the blue-roofed house in town. Use the wellspring within to heal, then leave. Go west of this house and through
the trees to find a small puddle of water. On the other side, near the trees, you’ll be able to get a Staff and a Mythril Helm
. You’ll also find out that the people of this town need a Mythril Ring or else they’ll be ghosts. We have the Mythril, just not
the blacksmith.

The path can be a bit unclear at times, whenever you can move in a direction, go that way.

Go east and through the hidden path in the trees to find another chest containing Zeus’s Wrath . Return to the main bit of
town now.

Right now Cid's a ghost but he'll still be helpful to us.

Go inside the Inn and look around for sparklies to find a Potion , and do the same in the house to the north to find another
one. Return to the Inn and speak with one of the ghosts to find Cid . He’ll ask you to help out here, and lends you the
airship he possesses. Obviously he can’t fly it right now.

Leave town so we can claim our new airship and help break this curse!

Important: Oh, and for the curious, do not go into the cave at the north end of town . You will be easily
 defeated in one hit by the enemies within, and running never solves your problems, as they say. We’ll come
back there eventually, though.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Refia was lucky enough to escape the curse of Kazus.

After getting Cid’s permission to use his airship, go west and into the desert. You’ll find the airship ready to go, and then
find the blacksmith’s foster daughter, Refia. She wasn’t affected by the Djinn’s curse on Kazus because she ran away from
her intense blacksmithing training. Looks like we have another ally!

The airship should be in the sandy area outside Kazus, then press A to get in. Land by pressing B.

Let’s fly! Go west and into Castle Sasune after landing near it.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal

Castle Sasune

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Red Wisp 39 18 70

Dark Eye 43 20 95

Zombie 49 22 100

Griffon 230 40 130

Ingus is the fourth and final member of your party!

As you arrive at Castle Sasune, you’ll meet up with Ingus. After a few scenes, you’ll be in the castle courtyard. Go north
and into the main building. Since everyone’s a ghost, we’ll do some looting before we leave. Muahaha.

The beds are essentially a free inn, making this a wonderful place to grind for levels.

Here, to the west are some beds that you can freely use to take a nap and heal some HP/MP (though you shouldn’t be
using MP at this point). Go north into the next area.

Cracked walls means there's a walkway underneath.

Here, on the west side of the room, go west through the cracked wall and then north to find a Phoenix Down .

Then go through the southeastern wall and you’ll find two entrances. Use the southeastern one to reach two 1,000 Gil
chests , then go back up; there’s nothing else down there. Use the other entrance nearby.

Let's loot the castle!

Here, go along the path to find two chests, these containing a Leather Shield and the Blizzard Spell .

When in darkness, just go in a direction until you are forced to stop, then keep guessing from there.

Go northwest and through the wall, then go north and east to find a chest containing the Bronze Knuckles .

Now your party is officially complete.

Now, go back to the second floor room where you first began mysteriously going through walls, then upstairs through the
center of the room twice to watch a scene. You’ll be sent along to the Sealed Cave to find Sarah , sent after the Djinn along
with a Mythril Ring we need. Ingus, forever the chivalrous knight, comes along.

There's some more treasure left to rob.

From the castle courtyard, go northwest and into the West Tower . Go up the stairs for a while here. On the way, you’ll find
a chest with some Holy Arrow and Wooden Arrow items. Continue up to the top and you’ll find a chest. Open it to find a
Wightslayer … and a battle!

Boss: Griffon

Attribute Stat

Level 6

Max Hp 230

Exp Earned 130

Gil Earned 40

Say hello to Castle Sasune's boss! Miniboss?

The Griffon actually isn’t exceptionally difficult. Switching to the Wightslayer in the midst of the battle will help out a fair
deal. You can switch equipment in the middle of battle without expending a turn in case you didn’t know, so use that to your
advantage and just attack!

The other tower will have some more loot.

Go back downstairs after the battle and head into the eastern tower. There, go up along a monsterless path. You’ll find
Wooden Arrow and Holy Arrow chests on the third floor. Continue up to the top and open the chests for a Bow , another
Wooden Arrow , and a Potion . Take a free nap in the bed.

Finish up any other business you have here, then leave.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Fly northeast from Castle Sasune, and you will arrive at your destination by the lake!

Return now to your airship and if you need to shop for supples, do so in Ur. Then fly east along the northern mountains
from Castle Sasune to find a cave near some water. Land near the cave and enter.

Meeting the Light Warriors; The Wind Crystal

Sealed Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Mummy 52 24 100

Skeleton 57 26 105

Cursed Copper 42 52 105

Larva 44 30 120

Shadow 66 32 120

Revenant 70 34 130

Welcome to Sealed Cave, the next dungeon in this game.

First and foremost, it’s highly recommended that you equip the following weapons: the Wightslayer you got from Castle
Sasune, and the Bow with some Holy Arrows . Both of these abuse weaknesses of the enemies in this dungeon, as they
are all weak to Light/Holy-elemental damage . If you lack these for a character, simply go with Longswords. Note that
Bow-users should be in the back row, since Bows are long-range and do the same damage, but the user will take half-

Final Fantasy veternas will know that Cure can also damage undead enemies, but I highly recommend against this unless
you are desperate with no other options. MP is limited at lower levels so use it sparingly. Save your MP for curing your own
team members!

Once inside, go south along the path and you’ll soon reach an intersection. Go south to find a Potion, then go back north
to the intersection and east along the narrow path. In the next room, go north and you’ll find a chest containing the Cure
spell. Go back to the previous room and go along the path to the southeast until you reach the next area.

In this area, go southwest and you’ll find a chest with 500 Gil . Then go to the northeast corner and zoom in with the
camera to find a sparkly. Examine it to lower the wall. You’ll meet up with Princess Sarah and she’ll join your party. She’ll
be a support member, so you cannot control her in a battle. But she may come into the fight at any time to help by casting
Aero or Cure! You can also speak with her in the field by pressing Y.

Now, continue along the path southeast to the next area. Go along the path southward to a fork. Continue south into a
larger room, then exit it to the south and then east to find a chest with another useful Antarctic Wind ! Go back up to the
fork you used earlier and head north. Follow the path until you reach a large room.

In here, grab the Eye Drops from the chest, then exit the room to the northwest and continue along to the next room. Exit
it to the southeast to reach the room with the Djinn , our lovely dungeon boss. Heal up before approaching him to battle!

We're going to clean this dungeon of treasure chests like usual so make sure you're prepared.

Go south to find a Potion, then go back north to the intersection and east along the narrow path.

In the next room, go north and you’ll find a chest containing the Cure spell.

That finishes up this area of Sealed Cave!

Go back to the previous room and go along the path to the southeast until you reach the next area.

Remember to inspect weird, off-colored objects!

In this area, go southwest and you’ll find a chest with 500 Gil . Then go to the northeast corner and zoom in with the
camera to find a sparkly. Examine it to lower the wall.

NPCs who join cannot be controlled.

You’ll meet up with Princess Sarah and she’ll join your party. She’ll be a support member and may come into any fight at
any time to help by casting Aero or Cure! The latter is particularly helpful so if you get lucky you could have a pretty easy
time going through this dungeon! You can also speak with her in the field by pressing Y.

The more the merrier!

Now, continue along the path southeast to the next area. Go along the path southward to a fork. Continue south into a
larger room, then exit it to the south and then east to find a chest with another useful Antarctic Wind !

Almost there!

Go back up to the fork you used earlier and head north. Follow the path until you reach a large room.

Make sure you're ready to for the boss.

In here, grab the Eye Drops from the chest, then exit the room to the northwest and continue along to the next room. Exit

it to the southeast to reach the room with the Djinn , our lovely dungeon boss. Heal up before approaching him to battle!

Boss: Djinn

Attribute Stat

Level 7

Max Hp 600

Exp Earned 200

Gil Earned 1,400

Jolly old fellow, right?

The Djinn is unexceptional as far as its attacks go. All I really noted were a basic physical attack and a Fire spell that may
hit your entire team. His Attack is about 33% higher than the other enemies around here, so you may need to use Cure in
this fight if it gets to be a little long.

Due to its weakness to Ice, it’s highly recommended you equip and use the Antarctic Wind you acquired, but only once;
being of the Ice/Blizzard element, it’ll easily do about 500 damage. So why not a second use? Well, I’d save it for other
fights. You should be able to trim down 100 HP in two turns or so anyways, especially if you had someone learn Blizzard

After the battle, you’ll end up teleporting before Sarah’s eyes. But where in the world are you going…?

You end up in the Wind Crystal shrine. The Crystal bestows a task upon you, the Warriors of Light. The world’s light is
fading, and the equilibrium of the planet is at risk. Much like the previous two Final Fantasy installments, the world’s ecology
will go into chaos if the world’s Crystals’ light and the forces of evil are not restored and banished, respectively.

The Wind Crystal gives you the ability to switch jobs. Of the jobs you have just obtained, you’ll be allowed to be a Warrior,
Thief, Monk, Black Mage, White Mage, or Red Mage. It’s recommended you choose Warriors, Thieves, and Red Mages
(hybrid between Black and White Mages).

Also note you can now do the Wi-Fi-based sidequest concerning the Onion Knight. See the Wi-Fi Sidequests section for
details. Backtrack to the overworld so we can continue with the main storyline.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Yes, you're going to have to walk.

So, then, we’ve met up with the Wind Crystal and realized that we are the Warriors of Light, meant to return the world to
equilibrium. We should set out to see the other four Crystals.

We’ll end up heading for the Fire Crystal in this section. For now, since there is a lot to go and a lot of traveling in store,
we’ll begin by getting ourselves a ship for the world’s oceans.

After having left the Wind Crystal shrine, it is time to finally return back to Castle Sasune. So let’s go back there now. Head
south and west on foot.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Castle Sasune

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Red Wisp 39 18 70

Dark Eye 43 20 95

Zombie 49 22 100

Griffon 230 40 130

Don't ask how you can carry a folding canoe: A wizard did it!

Once you return to Castle Sasune, you’ll watch a few scenes in which the Mythril Ring that Kazus needs is cleansed of the
captive Djinn, thereby removing its curse from those affected in Castle Sasune and Kazus. You’ll also end up receiving a
magical Folding Canoe from the king!

Let’s return to the overworld now.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Now you can cross the water!

Back here, you’ll want to go, still on foot, east and north, as if you were heading back to the Sealed Cave. You’ll remember
that it was blocked by some dark blue water.

That kind of water can be crossed now by walking into it, which automatically puts you in that new Folding Canoe.

Now you can return safely to Kazus.

Go across and into the airship, then fly south/southeast to Kazus.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Antidote 80

Eyedrops 40

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Rod 400

Mythril Sword 500

Mythril Knife 400

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Armor 350

Mythril Helm 130

Mythril Bracers 120

Mythril Shield 180

Mythril Gloves 120

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire 100

Item Name Cost

Sleep 100

Blizzard 100

After entering town, Refia runs off to meet with her foster father. While that’s happening, it’s time to go shopping! Hope
you’ve gotten plenty of money; all this new gear means you can get plenty of great upgrades.

Warriors and Red Mages will want one or two Mythril Swords apiece. They have more power than the Wightslayer. Note,
however, enemies in the next area will be undead, so keep the Wightslayer until we’re done there (remember that undead
enemies are weak to Holy and Light!). Thieves attack best with Mythril Daggers, Black Mages with the Mythril Rods. White
Mages and Monks will stay empty-handed for now.

I would recommend holding out on two of the Mythril Sword purchases. We’ll soon head into the Mythril Mines of Kazus,
which have two free Mythril Swords at the end. Whatever would be replaced should still be okay to make it through the
short dungeon.

For armor, Mythril Armor is the best for your Warriors, Red Mages, and Thieves. It’s a bit costy, but a worthy investment.
Mythril Shields are good if you decide not to dual-wield. Mythril Helms are also great for everybody. Mythril Gloves are nice
on Warriors, Monks, and Thieves. Mythril Bracers are the go-to for any Mages you might have.

Now that you’ve spent a fairly large amount of money, we’ll spend a bit more. You’ll want spells. Fire and Blizzard are the
only two worth worrying about. You will not want to make a character purely physical. Every character will be pretty
much forced into spellcasting at some point, so you had best prepare for it now. Get one Blizzard and Fire spell for all who
lack one at the moment. Sleep isn’t as effective but you can buy that too.

Remember that you can only teach certain spells to people of a certain job class: in this case, Black or Red Mage. Note
that I do not recommend changing jobs twice just to teach someone something then go back. If they can not learn it now,
just let them learn it when it is needed and later on teach it to them.

Now we’re all done. Remember the cave I told you not to enter? That’s Mythril Mines and now you can safely go there.
So let’s head out.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Mythril Mines

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Mummy 52 24 100

Skeleton 57 26 105

Cursed Copper 42 52 105

Larva 44 30 120

Shadow 66 32 120

This is a very short "dungeon". Baby dungeon?

This will be a short visit. Like the Sealed Cave, this area is filled with the undead. The Wightslayer and Holy Arrows with a
Bow are great for damaging here, as before! The Cure spell can also make a nice hit-all offense, since you aren’t in a long
dungeon and can easily return to Kazus to restore your MP. Put your bow-users in the back, as always.

Go along the path for a bit and you’ll reach a dead end. Zoom in there with the camera to find a sparkle in the northwestern
corner. Examine it and continue on to the next area. Follow the linear path there to reach two chests, which have two free
Mythril Swords within, saving you 1,000 Gil. You’re welcome.

Backtrack out of the cave. Yup, short visit.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Antidote 80

Eyedrops 40

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Rod 400

Mythril Sword 500

Mythril Knife 400

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Armor 350

Mythril Helm 130

Mythril Bracers 120

Mythril Shield 180

Mythril Gloves 120

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire 100

Item Name Cost

Sleep 100

Blizzard 100

Because spoilers are considered bad practice you can't see what they're saying!

Back in town, head back to the Inn. Stock up some on a little of everything. If you need more money, continue to grind more
in Mythril Mines. If you buy in bulk, then you pay less money.

Afterwards, speak with Cid nearby. He’ll join the party for now, like Sarah did before. Go to the blacksmith’s house - the
one north of the Inn. You’ll watch some scenes there where the airship is fitted with a ram. Oh boy. Leave town and be sure
to re-equip Refia with whatever you bought for her.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary (Kazus/Ur/Sasune)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Bee 18 12 12

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Regional Bestiary (Canaan)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Basilisk 100 44 150

Bugbear 110 46 180

Mandrake 120 48 180

Fly east and you'll find the rocks below Castle Sasune.

Head into the airship now, which has a new mythril ram attached to it. Now we can destroy obstacles in our way! Go west
to Nelv Valley, where you’ll see rocks blocking your path. Ram the rocks…

… a little too hard, as it turns out. We end up destroying the airship in the process. Derp.

You'll have to walk on foot now.

Go southeast now to find Canaan, another town.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire 100

Sleep 100

Blizzard 100

Echo Herbs 100

Gold Needle 100

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Rod 400

Mythril Sword 500

Mythril Knife 400

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Mythril Armor 350

Mythril Helm 130

Mythril Bracers 120

Mythril Shield 180

Mythril Gloves 120

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Cure 100

Poison 700

Thunder 700

Blind 700

Let’s first do some treasure hunting before we advance the story.

Yes, you can walk in water. I guess this river is super shallow.

Go to the northeastern part of town and use the stairs to go along the river.

See the chest?

At the end, you’ll find an Elixir chest. Do not use the Elixir you find . We’re saving it so we can hit a treasure trove.

This is why we saved our Elixir.

Where is said trove? Go into the northwestern house where Cid lives. Speak with him, then use the Elixir on Mrs. Cid to
cure her.

This is the key to the trove.

Afterwards, zoom in and examine the sparkly lamp to open a secret passage .

So many items!

In this secret area, you’ll find a nice few items: a Potion , three Phoenix Downs , a Gold Needle , two Gnomish Breads

, one Blind spell, the Great Bow , and an Iron Arrow . Go east through the southeastern corner to find two more chests,
each containing 2,000 Gil !

The two items are both hidden, and are connected by a dark passage.

Go into the house that is connected to the Inn to find a Gold Needle and a Mallet . Now it’s time to advance the plot some.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Dragons Peak

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Firefly 92 36 130

Helldiver 120 38 130

Rust Bird 135 40 150

Rukh 155 42 150

Here is how to get to Dragon's Peak.

Welcome to Dragon’s Peak! Let’s not linger here longer than necessary and find Desch as soon as we can.

Remember to open all treasure chests.

Once you arrive, go along the path for a bit. At the first intersection, go south to reach an ever-valuable Phoenix Down .

Go along the other branch of the fork now to quickly reach another fork, this one running north/west.

More forks!

Once you go beyond this point, scenes are going to happen!

Go back south to the fork and go west to reach yet another fork. Go west to find a chest with another Gold Needle , then
return to the fork and head north.

Eventually, you’ll run into a scene.

Note: Steam players should press M to flee a fight like this one!

You’re not going to win this fight even if you try. Bahamut is a god-dragon, after all. To save yourself, flee the fight.

Afterwards, there will be some more scenes. You’ll jump off of the mountain and you’ll end up receiving the Mini spell
before the scenes end.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Werewolf 24 14 14

Berserker 28 22 14

Basilisk 100 44 150

Bugbear 110 46 180

Mandrake 120 48 180

Enter this patch for some healing springs.

Back here on the world map, you’ll be in a different area. You’ll first want to go south and into the center of the small forest.
Here, you can get another Mini spell from the guy here. Also examine the nearby springs: one heals your HP/MP, one
heals your statuses, and one will heal the KO status.

Now to proceed, you’ll need someone to be at Level 8 or higher to learn Mini as a White Mage (or Red Mage) ; if you’re
not higher than that, shame on you, go back and grind some more until you are. You will need to have someone know Mini.
Without the Mini spell, you cannot proceed to Tozus, our next area.

A word of warning: When you are Minimized, your physical stats will be so low that they will essentially be worthless. You
will want to have everyone become some type of Mage. I would either go for four Red Mages or three Black Mages with
one White Mage. Take your pick. Put everyone in the back row as well, to lessen damage taken.

Finally, remember when I recommended that you buy one of each spell when we went on our shopping spree? These
mostly include Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Poison if you felt like it. Everybody will need one of each, job permitting.
All Black Mages need the latter four, and White Mages only really get Cure. That’s why Red Mages are better for right now.
You have versatility! The one doing the highest damage with magic should use Aero, so swap your spells around if needed.

Once you have Minimized everyone, and then have changed their jobs to ones of magic, and also put everyone in the back
row, go to the HP/MP healing spring to give them their full MP to be able to cast spells in battle.

Here is where Tozus is, invisible in the forest.

Desch has joined your party as a guest and will for a fair while, being an amnesiac and all. He will be very helpful: he can
attack an enemy physically, or he can blast all enemies with Thundara, both usually resulting in kills.

Are you finally fully prepared? If so, go into the southern large forest. Go further south to the forest-mountain border. Run
north along the western mountains and you should reach Tozus!

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Antidote 80

Eyedrops 40

Gnomish Bread 200

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire 100

Sleep 100

Blizzard 100

Thunder 700

Poison 700

Blind 700

Aero 700

Everything is tiny in Tozus!

First, be sure to stop by the shops and replenish your supplies. The Gnomish Bread really only shows you the world map,
which isn’t really worth 200 Gil. You might want to stock up on some Potions though. And magic? As before, you’ll want
everyone to have Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder minimum for offense. Poison and Aero are also good ideas. Remember,
Cure and Aero are White Magic , so it gives your White Mage a chance to do damage rather than sit around every turn.

After you’re done, stay at the Inn to heal any MP you may have used. Then head into the northwestern house. Zoom in
with the camera and you’ll be able to find four sparkles showing off Fira and Cura spells, and the Mythril Bracers and the
Fire Staff . Nice haul! Put Fira and Cura on the person with the highest magic-based damage. The Fire Staff and Mythril
Bracers won’t affect anyone Minimized for now, so just hold onto them for now.

Apparently this guy decided it was a good idea to eat something he had never seen before...

Speak with the doctor and he’ll ask for an Antidote . Buy one if needed, then hand it to him to open up a secret pathway .

Enter it and you'll find two chests past some stairs; open each one for a Phoenix Down. Then continue into
another dungeon.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Tozus Tunnel

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Leprechaun 142 52 200

Darkface 168 53 200

It's a very straight path.

Not a lot to say about the tunnel. This is a very short dungeon and for the most part is very linear and easy to follow. Take
note that none of the enemies have weaknesses to any particular element.

After you leave the tunnel, go north into the Vikings’ Cove .

While you may be beyond the point of needing to be Minimized, don’t remove it yet. You’ll be needing it
 shortly after this anyways, and you could always use a few more levels for your magic jobs.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Vikings Cove

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Antidote 80

Eyedrops 40

Maiden's Kiss 100

Gold Needle 100

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire 100

Sleep 100

Blizzard 100

Thunder 700

Poison 700

Blind 700

Mini 1,000

Viking's Cove acts as a port of sorts and will give you access to the sea...eventually.

Simply follow along the linear path for a bit. Eventually, you’ll exit the hall to find a few vikings nearby in this small room.
Go southeast through that corner to find a chest with the Spark Dagger . Since you’re Mini’ed, it doesn’t mean much right
now, but it’s a pretty good weapon.

You can go north to find two doors that will lead you to the shops. The one on the right leads to an Inn. Use it and if you
need to, browse the shops. As in Tozus, make sure everyone has Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Poison. Aero went blowing
away, sadly, and was replaced with Mini. Not a huge recommendation, but do as you will. Go through the left doorway
outside when you’re done.

Here, go left to a "dead end", but then go south… through the wall! You’ll find two chests: one with 3,000 Gil and the other
with a Viking Axe ! You’ll also find a wellspring that revives KO’ed allies.

Go back to where you went west and go east. Hug the southern wall by tapping the D-Pad right and go south until you
seem to no longer move. Then go west as far as possible, then south. You’ll find three chests containing Fira , Blizzara
, and Thundara spells! I’d probably recommend splitting these among the party so everyone has one "-ra" spell (two will
have Fira).

Backtrack back to the hallway with the Moogle. Go east and south. Speak with the viking here. He’ll let you have his ship
if you can somehow quell the Nepto Dragon outside. So let’s go north and head out! We need this ship or else we can’t
complete our mission of saving the world.

Looting a little bit as usual...

Go southeast through that corner to find a chest with the Spark Dagger . Since you’re Mini’ed, it doesn’t mean much right

now, but it’s a pretty good weapon.

You can go north to find two doors that will lead you to the shops. The one on the right leads to an Inn. Use it and if you
need to, browse the shops. As in Tozus, make sure everyone has Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Poison. Aero went blowing
away, sadly, and was replaced with Mini. Not a huge recommendation, but do as you will. Go through the left doorway
outside when you’re done.

There's some more looting then talk to the Viking displayed on the right.

Here, go left to a "dead end", but then go south… through the wall! You’ll find two chests: one with 3,000 Gil and the other
with a Viking Axe ! You’ll also find a wellspring that revives KO’ed allies.

Go back to where you went west and go east. Hug the southern wall by tapping the D-Pad right and go south until you
seem to no longer move. Then go west as far as possible, then south. You’ll find three chests containing Fira , Blizzara ,
and Thundara spells! I recommend splitting these among the party so everyone has one "-ra" spell (two will have Fira).

Backtrack back to the hallway with the Moogle. Go east and south. Speak with the viking here. He’ll let you have his ship
if you can somehow quell the Nepto Dragon outside. So let’s go north and head out! We need this ship or else we can’t
complete our mission of saving the world.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Basilisk 100 44 150

Bugbear 110 46 180

Mandrake 120 48 180

Nepto Temple is out on a peninsula.

Important: Do not get on the ship that is to the west. If you do, you will encounter Nepto Dragon , and you
 will be defeated before you can even move. Evidently it’s bantering around in a mindless rage, which means
you will fall easily before its wrath.

As a side note, it will not be absent from your Bestiary. It will be put in automatically, but without stats. Shame,
but it’s better than being slaughtered.

Now that you know what not to do, go north and west on foot to the nearby Nepto Temple!

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One

Nepto Temple

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Petit 103 54 200

Poison Bat 98 56 220

Lilliputian 118 58 220

Wererat 130 60 220

Blood Worm 165 62 240

Yes, this temple dungeon is basically a fetch quest.

Once you enter the area, go north and examine the dragon statue, likely of the Nepto Dragon. Apparently, it is missing a
jeweled eye. Guess that means you will need to find it.

Like with the town of Tozus, you’ll need to be Minimized for the mission. As usual, I would prefer that you use four back-row
Red Mages or just four of any Mage because becoming Minimized greatly reduces your physical stats. Poison Bat is weak
to Aero, but no other enemy has a weakness you can exploit.

Remember to use magic, as you are still Minimized.

Go along the linear path to a room that has two holes in it. Go down the western hole to find two chests, which contain
Shell Armor and a Shell Helm , which are better than Mythril Armor. Then backtrack to the previous area and down the
other hole.

Moving along...good thing this place is small and linear.

In here, go along the path to find a Serpent Sword in a northern alcove, then go south and east from there to find another
hole. Enter and continue east and north in the next area to find a Giant Rat .

Boss: Giant Rat

Attribute Stat

Level 11

Max HP 900

EXP Earned 1,200

Gil Earned 1,500

Exterminate that beast!

The Giant Rat is unexceptional as far as its attacks go. Its offense is about 50% stronger than the other enemies here, but
that’s about it.

This fight is pretty easy if you’re at a decent level and have the "-ra" spells, as you should. With each person casting
one, you should be done in one or two turns, easily. Use Cure as needed. Not much else to it. Remember that you’re still
Minimized, so a physical offense will not do nothing.

Congratulations, you have restored the eye!

After exterminating that minor infestation, you’ll obtain the Nepto Eye, likely belonging to the statue from before. Backtrack
to the entrance and examine the statue to put the eye back. The Nepto Dragon will telepathically speak to you, thanking
you for replacing its eye and quelling its mindless rage. You’ll be given the Fang of Water .

Time to leave.

Getting a Ship; The Fire Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Basilisk 100 44 150

Bugbear 110 46 180

Mandrake 120 48 180

Congratulations, you now own a boat!

Congratulations, you have earned yourself a proper ship! Return to the Vikings’ Cove and speak with the viking who cut
you the offer earlier. Now you are captain of the Enterprise .

That’s it for the first half of your journey to the Fire Crystal. Don’t give up now!

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Nepto Temple)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Basilisk 100 44 150

Bugbear 110 46 180

Mandrake 120 48 180

Regional Bestiary (Seafaring Monsters)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Killer Fish 135 64 240

Hermit 173 66 240

Sea Elemental 155 67 250

Tangie 225 68 250

Sahagin 190 70 250

Regional Bestiary (Tokkul)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Griffon 230 40 130

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

The ocean has its own critters for you to fill your bestiary with, by the way.

After having obtained the ship, all aboard and then sail north out of the port. Follow along the shore southward and
westward until you reach a town.

Make landfall and enter.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Well no harm in claiming all these abandoned items right?

You’ll arrive in a town that was recently ravaged by the soldiers from Castle Argus, taking away all of the men of the town.

First let’s collect some items. Go to the northwestern corner of town and examine the base of the lone tree to find a Lamia
Scale .

Some more stuff...

Go south to a house, then west to the crates. Examine one to find a Great Bow . Then go another house south (not the
blue-roofed house!) and you’ll find some Bacchus’s Cider , which causes the very powerful Haste status.

There's just a little bit more left to do.

Now head back to the eastern half of town. You’ll find an Ice Staff if you zoom in close enough. Go to the northern portion
of town and into the open house.

Enter the house shown in the previous screenshot.

Go to the basement to reach three chests: a Kenpo Gi , a Serpent Sword , and some Sonic Knuckles .

There is not much left to do here. Time to go.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Southwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Parademon 245 72 270

Griffon 230 40 130

Lynx 265 76 270

Hornet 260 78 300

Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Regional Bestiary (Southeastern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Red Cap 252 87 320

Tarantula 240 92 330

Cuphgel 240 94 360

Regional Bestiary (Northeastern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Barometz 264 88 330

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Slime 240 90 330

Of course this game has Chocobos! Wouldn't be Final Fantasy without them.

There are four enemy bestiaries displayed here for you for a reason. Do take note that Tokkul’s general area is in the
southwestern Floating Continent.

Move your way west to the Village of the Ancients . We’ll visit there momentarily. First, go into the smaller forest within
the larger forest east of there. You’ll find Chocobo Forest . It’s worth your while to catch yourself a Chocobo. Aren’t they
cute? They’re useful, too, for quick traveling without non-plot fights. Go west as far as possible and you’ll notice that the
entire overworld you’ve been traversing this game floats in the air. And so for the purposes of this guide, we’re calling it the
Floating Continent.

Let’s go north, then east, then south, then west, then north. You’ll want to fight every enemy you can to fill up the bestiary.
If you get lost, just divide the Floating Continent into about four equal quadrants (like you’re cutting a pizza into four slices)
and you’ve gotten the regions as they are defined here.

Here is where our next village is.

Once you return to the Chocobo Forest’s area, get off of your Chocobo and head west into the Village of the Ancients .

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Village of the Ancients

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Serpent Sword 1,500

Ice Staff 1,500

Killer Bow 1,500

Fire Staff 1,500

Light Staff 1,500

Fire Arrow 150

Ice Arrow 150

Light Arrow 150

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Shell Armor 1,250

Flame Mail 2,500

Headband 1,200

Kenpo Gi 2,000

Mage Robe 2,000

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Sight 100

Fira 1,500

Blizzara 1,500

Thundara 1,500

Cura 1,500

Teleport 1,500

Blindna 1,500

Let’s begin with some shopping. At the item shop, stock up on a few of the status items you lack, pretty much. Hi-Potions
may or may not be a good idea. Do as your max HP dictates.

Weapon-wise has the usual complications. Your Warriors and Red Mages should use two Serpent Swords (50 Attack) or
a Killer Bow with an Elemental Arrow (43 Attack), depending on your preference for or against dual-wielding. Your Black/
White Mage will want one of the Elemental Staves as well, though it is not really a requirement. Their magic deals damage
anyways, but you can run out of MP (after which Staves are your only option of attack).

Note that you can get a free Serpent Sword in this town, so if you’re buying some of them, buy one less. Same goes for
the Killer Bow , Fire Staff , and Ice Staff .

As for your armor, it’s pretty easy. Buy a Flame Mail for Warriors, Red Mages,and Thieves. Buy a Headband and a Kenpo
Gi for Monks (you should have one of the latter already). Buy a Mage Robe for the Black/White Mages. Of course, you may
want it for the Red Mage as well: it does increase your magical stats by one.

As with the weapons, we’ll be obtaining a Scholar Robe and a Mage Robe for free soon enough.

And, finally, magic. You should only need two Firas, three Blizzaras, three Thundaras, and three Curas to give everyone
one of those. And you’ll want that as well, given our next forced dungeon. Teleport isn’t excessively useful unless you want
to be lazy and leave a dungeon or battle. But you shouldn’t want to avoid the ever-precious EXP. Blindna cures Darkness,
the accuracy-lowering status, and has the same effect as an Eye Drop. Just purchase a lot of Eye Drops for the same cost
as one Blindna, since items are available to everybody. As for Sight, it’s completely unnecessary.

Here's an item for ya.

Now let’s hunt for our freebies. You can go to the topmost area, on the southwest side, to find your KO-restoring wellspring.
You can speak with the kid in the southwestern alcove after circling the Floating Continent with a Chocobo to receive a
Gnomish Bread, and you can do that over and over again for lots of bread. And, finally, go to the Inn. Rest up if needed,
then go to the well on its eastern side. Zoom in with the camera and go north to the white flower to find a sparkly, revealing
a Serpent Sword .

That is about it. You can speak with the townspeople to learn various things. For example, you’ll be told that their world
exists entirely above the clouds. A certain tower we’ll visit later is like a support for the world. Isn’t that neat?

When you have finished your business leave town.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Southwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Parademon 245 72 270

Griffon 230 40 130

Lynx 265 76 270

Hornet 260 78 300

Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Here is where Castle Argus is located.

Go back east and north to Tokkul, where you parked your ship.

Travel west and north along the coastline some more until you see a brown castle near some forests: Castle Argus .

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Castle Argus

With the castle being unsettlingly empty, now's our chance to loot it!

This place is a huge treasure trove. The items you’ll find will greatly augment your already-impressive collection, and if you
need more money to purchase what you need, you’ll find a grand total of 7,700 Gil here!

Enter the castle. In the room with the four lit candles on a wall and a table in the western corner, zoom in and examine the
far right candle with the sparkle to open a passageway.

There's going to be a ton of Gil for you.

Go along it to reach some treasure chests past the southeastern wall, each having 1,000 Gil within. Go up the stairs

Here, you’ll find six more chests, altogether containing 4,700 Gil . Open them up and continue on upstairs to the castle’s

Be careful you don't fall! Heh heh.

Go west and north. Go into the northwestern door now. In order to enter, put a Thief as the lead member of the party to
pick the lock.

The dresser lets you access the chests displayed on the right.

Within, examine the dresser to open up another room: go inside to find three chests. These contain a Killer Bow , Light
Arrows , and Medusa Arrows .

Go back outside and go east to another doorway. Open it up as before and you will find another treasure room, as before.
You’ll find the Books of Ice , Fire , and Light ; Fire Arrows and Ice Arrows ; and a Scholar Room . Backtrack to the
room with the four candles from before and go upstairs right there.

More looting!

Notice how you came up the west staircase? Go around to the other side of the table and go south through the pillar to find
a hidden staircase and two chests in the next area, containing a Bomb Fragment and an Antarctic Wind . Go east and
through the wall between the chests to find an Arctic Wind .

Backtrack to the table room and exit it to the south. Outside, you can go west to find a KO-healing wellspring, and you’ll
find an HP/MP-healing wellspring to the east. Heal up and leave; there’s nothing else to do here.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Here is Gulgan Gulch. What kind of a word is "Gulch"?

Okay, now that we’re done sidequesting, it’s time to get onto business.

To the west of Castle Argus is a forest. Go north and through the forest. When it ends, there should be a walkable path
west or northwest of you that heads southwest. Go along it and you’ll soon reach a dead-end.

Nearby is the Gulgan Gulch . Go inside.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Gulgan Gulch
Here, continue on to the second floor and speak with the Gulgan in the middle of the group. You’ll learn some stuff about
Desch and also receive the Toad spell .

Much like with the Mini spell from back then, we’ll be needing this to progress in a dungeon coming up very soon. Toad is
learned by White and Red Mages, so make sure one of your party members is in that job. You should be able to learn it, it
is a level 2 spell in the same leagues as the Mini spell.

Here are the secret treasure chests.

What else? Go across the "secret" bridge to find three chests at the end of the path, containing the remaining treasures:
Ice Staff , Fire Staff , and a Mage Robe . This should help save on your shopping!

That’s it. Let’s head now to the Tower of Owen . Leave the area.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Here is where the Tower of Owen is located, and what it looks like on the map.

Backtrack out of the narrow mountain path and go east back to the water. Go north along the coastline for a bit and you’ll
eventually find a tower.

That is our destination: the Tower of Owen .

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Tower of Owen

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Pugman 171 96 360

Far Darrig 177 98 360

Blood Rat 208 100 380

Petit Mage 196 101 380

Fury 216 102 380

Aughisky 235 105 400

See all the frogs? They're not just decoration...

Once you arrive, go south, then west for a bit. Eventually, you’ll come across a hall going north. Follow it north, east, north,
then go east at the fork to find another room.

Poor Refia...

There, you’ll need to become a Toad via the spell to proceed, much to Refia’s chagrin. You can transform back to humans
after going through, but you will need to use it if you choose to turn back. If you opt to stay Toads the whole way, switch to
back row Red Mages and note how Furies and Blood Rats are weak to Wind/Aero. Go along the path, then continue after
the scene and head to the next area.

Here are the Echo Herbs.

Go west, then along the southbound hallway to another fork. Go east there to find some Echo Herbs , then go west and
north to find the path to the next area.

Nothing of interest here!

There, go east, south, west, and north to the next area.

Here is the Spark Dagger.

Go west and watch the scene. Then go west some more, south, east, south, and then you’ll reach a fork. Go along the
eastern path to reach a Spark Dagger , then backtrack and go along the other path to the next area.

Press A when you see sparkles show up.

Here, go west and bypass the southbound hallway. Watch the short scene there, then go just a bit east of the southbound

hall. Zoom in with the camera and examine the "door" to open up a wall. Go south along the hall and east just before the
room to reach it.

More Echo Herbs!

In this hidden room, go south through the hall, then west. Bypass the first northbound hallway and use the second to reach
some Echo Herbs . Then use the hallway we skipped to hit the next area.

There, go west, south, east, and north to the next area.

Grab the treasures here!

In this area, first go east to the wall and head north to find two chests; open them up for some Echo Herbs and a Bomb
Fragment .

We're almost done with this dungeon, I promise.

Backtrack to the entrance of the room, then go west, north, and along the hall to the fork. The short eastbound path is a
dead-end, so go north to the next area.

More weaponry!

From there, go west to the next room, then north from to another. Exit this room to the east and go along the path to find
some Sonic Knuckles . Backtrack to the room and exit through the southeastern corner. Go along the hall to find the way
to the next area.

Lots of things to add to your item storage. Isn't it worth it?

Exit the room through the northwestern corner. Head west for a bit, then south when possible. There, at the fork, go east
to find the Salamand Sword , then go west to the wall.

We're almost to the end!

Go north at the fork to find the Flame Mail , then go south to the wall. Then head east. Get Zeus’s Wrath from this room
and exit to the north. Here, heal up and follow along a linear path to meet up with the boss of this dungeon!

Boss: Medusa

Attribute Stat

Level 17

Max HP 3,000

EXP Earned 1,680

Gil Earned 2,600

Well isn't she gorgeous.

If you know Greek myth, you should see this coming: of course the Medusa would be able to use an attack that may turn
you to stone (her Stare attack), which is thankfully fairly inaccurate, but use a Gold Needle if needed. Otherwise, a basic
attack and Thundara make up her offense

There’s not much strategy to this fight, given the lack of weaknesses. If you have dual-wielding characters with Serpent
Swords, you’re pretty well off. You’ll want a White/Red Mage for curative purposes, and pretty much just let everyone
Attack, Advance, or use the "-ra" spells. If you have a Mage that runs out of MP, you can use an Elemental Staff as an item
for pretty decent damage in the area of 200 points.

After the battle, you’ll watch a scene. You’ll be warped out to your ship, and the whirlpool near the Tower will be gone. Let’s
keep going.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Seafaring Monsters)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Anet 268 100 400

Mermaid 364 123 450

Seahorse 278 119 450

Sea Serpent 530 406 700

Let’s take some time to prepare, level up, get some neat items, and do some other side tasks. It will give you valuable exp
and equipment you need to continue the main story.

It's a long road to Gysahl.

Sail to the far north and past where the whirlpool once was, then go east and along the southbound path for a bit.

Here it is!

You’ll notice a town near a set of mountains. Make landfall and enter the town of Gysahl .

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Magic Key 100

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Toad 1,000

Mini 1,000

Break 3,000

Shade 3,000

Libra 3,000

Confuse 3,000

Silence 3,000

Sparkly sparkles!

Let’s start off by finding all the freebies. Go to the southeastern corner of town and, as the land narrows near the water,
zoom in the camera and look around for two Magic Keys and some Gysahl Greens .

So many greens...

Next, go to the Chocobo stable, which is the house accessible by the bridges. Inside, examine some pots by zooming in
with your camera and you’ll find two more Gysahl Greens . That’s almost everything.

Just keep on going in different directions when you hit dead ends to get through.

Go into the house north of the Chocobo stable and you’ll be able to buy Magic Keys. Buy a few if you wish, as it prevents
you from having to switch to a Thief to open locked doors. Use the secret path to get behind the counter and open the
chest to find a Shuriken!

That Shuriken is a throwable weapon of massive value: it sells for over 30,000 Gil! But don’t let that make you think its
lone purpose is like that of a Nugget in Pokemon. Rather, when Thrown, the Attack used is 200. That’s about 33% more
power than the most powerful equippable weapon! The way damage is calculated will let you deal well over 6,000 damage
at the lowest levels. But only Ninjas can Throw the Shruiken. So hold onto it for now until you get that job.

Beyond here is an old man.

Let’s head to the Inn next. In the entrance room, you’ll be able to find a hidden path. Go through the eastern wall to find a
wise man. He knows lot of stuff, including the very Bestiary you’ve been reading in this guide. Use him to see how complete
your Bestiary is.

That’s about it for this town. Let’s cover the items shops. At the locksmith’s, you’ll be able to buy Magic Keys, explained
two paragraphs above. The main shop sells Gysahl Greens, which will bring about Fat Chocobos in certain areas for item
storage. If you want to use the Fat Chocobo to store items, be sure to buy Gysahl Greens. But with the unlimited inventory,
you don’t need to.

And Magic? The available spells for White Mages are Libra, Confuse, and Silence. The first one reveals enemy HP and
weaknesses: stuff you’ll find here in this guide, so it’s not recommended. The second and third induce their respective
statuses. Of course, Toad and Mini are also White Magic you’re well acquainted with. Black Magic consists of Break and
Shade. The former petrifies, and the latter paralyzes. Neither are really worth the 3,000 Gil, but that is your call.

Let’s leave.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

The Dwarven Hollows are in the north region of this continent, if you were wondering.

Sail back to the area where the whirlpool once was and, this time, go west. You’ll end up reaching an island with some
mountains and two caverns on there. Since the northern cave cannot be accessed at this time, let’s enter the southern

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Dwarven Hollows

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Tyrfing 2,000

Ice Staff 1,500

Diamond Bell 4,500

Iron Arrow 8

Holy Arrow 10

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Ice Armor 1,250

Item Name Cost

Ice Helm 2,400

Ice Shield 1,200

Kenpo Gi 2,000

Mage Robe 2,000

Speak to this dwarf to continue the story.

Once you arrive, go through the first room and downstairs. Here, in the next area, you’ll find the main "town square" of
sorts. The shops line the northern wall. Let’s speak to them.

The weapon shop offers the Tyrfing, which is superior to all other swords at this point in the game. Consider replacing your
Serpent Swords. The Diamond Bell is used for Geomancers, so no point in equipping them yet, but you can purchase them
to save for later if you want. There are also Fire and Ice Staves and Iron and Holy Arrows if you want to stock up on those.
Take note that Holy Arrows are effective against undead foes.

The armor shop offers Ice Armor. That is a decent buy for your Warriors, Thieves, and Red Mages. Note that its Defenses
are slightly lower than the Flame Mail’s by one point per stat, but you’ll want Fire resistance in a future dungeon. Buy some
and save them for letter. The Ice Helm and Ice Shield are superior to the other Helms and Shields at this point, so give
some new stuff to the Warriors, Thieves, and Red Mages (and whoever else you want). Of course, also get Kenpo Gis for
Monks and Mage Robes for White and Black Mages.

Okay, once you’re done, speak with the guy standing guard of the central shrine to help him out.

Now let’s head to the Subterranean Lake via the southwestern passageway. Down there, you’ll have to transform into a
Toad to go past to the next area. Don’t worry Refia, it’s only temporary! You can undo the Toad spell once you’re on the
other side of the passageway.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Subterranean Lake

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Bomb 315 110 400

Manticore 375 112 400

Stalagmite 284 115 400

Sea Devil 339 116 450

Merman 345 118 450

Ruinous Wave 296 120 450

This dungeon is smaller than Tower of Owen no worries!

When you arrive here, go south along the path, then go east to another, larger area. Open the chest to the north to find a
Gold Needle , then continue to the next area. Go through the northeastern corner of the area and along the path to the
next area.

These powerful items will come in handy later so save them!

There, go south and west to find a chest with Zeus’s Wrath within. Go south and open another chest there to find more of
Zeus’s Wrath . Guess Zeus was an angry fellow.

Not the best loot ever but it'll do?

Go northwest, west, and you’ll notice a northbound path. First, go south to find another Gold Needle .

Another Gold Needle?! Sigh.

Now you can go along the northbound path and grab another Gold Needle , then travel northeast and along the path to

the next area.


Follow the linear path here, and be sure to grab the two 3,000 Gil chests on the way. In the larger room, heal up and
approach the enemy, our next boss.

Boss: Gutsco

Attribute Stat

Level 17

Max HP 3,500

Exp Earned 2,304

Gil Earned 3,500

Well look at this handsome boss.

This boss will end up doing two moves each turn. He has a basic physical that is little more powerful than the other enemies
down here, dealing maybe 100 damage. He has a water attack as well, and can heal himself a little or cast Mini. Hope

you brought some Mallets or Mini. There’s not much strategy to this fight, given the lack of weaknesses. If you get Mini’d,
use Mini or a Mallet on the affected character. The use of "-ra" magic is pretty good here but keep watch on your MP. No
gimmick that you can pull, so just go all-out, healing when needed.

Is it just me or does this smell fishy?

After the battle, you’ll get the Horn of Ice . Backtrack to the Dwarven Hollows or Teleport.

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Dwarven Hollows

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Tyrfing 2,000

Ice Staff 1,500

Diamond Bell 4,500

Iron Arrow 8

Holy Arrow 10

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Ice Armor 1,250

Item Name Cost

Ice Helm 2,400

Ice Shield 1,200

Kenpo Gi 2,000

Mage Robe 2,000

Brownie points to those who saw the ruse before the cutscene.

Upon arriving back, speak with the guard from before. Some more scenes will happen, setting your next destination as the
Molten Cave, the northern cave on the island.

Before going, make sure you have Ice Armor and Ice Helms (and Shields, if you don’t dual wield) for your Warriors,
Freelancers, Red Mages, and Thieves. You’ll want the fire resistance, trust me. You’ll also want to bring a truckload of
Potions because this next dungeon also has passive damage inflicted on you in the field.

Go north in the overworld to reach the cave. (Remember the cave we couldn’t access before?)

Sailing the High Seas; The Fire Crystal, Part Two

Molten Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Balloon 386 125 450

Myrmecoleon 494 130 500

Crocotta 800 270 500

Adamantoise 800 270 700

Red Marshmallow 510 140 500

Firstly, you’ll be fighting a lot of Fire-based enemies here. The use of your Ice equipment is now recommended. Ice-based
attacks, such as Blizzard, Blizzara, Ice Staves, Ice Arrows (with any kind of Bow, obviously), and so on, will do extra
damage towards all enemies here but the Myrmecoleon, so feel free to use those for an easier time (but watch your MP).

Secondly, you’ll find a fair amount of lava in here. As would be expected, it will damage your HP in the field. There’s enough
lava here that the damage will rack up. I would suggest bringing along Potions to restore lost HP in the field to save MP
from using Cure all the time.

You finally prepared? Good, let’s tackle this dungeon.

How does the Antarctic Wind not melt?

Once you arrive, go south, then west along the hall. As you go, you’ll notice some lava to the south. Skip it and continue to
the end of this path to find an Antarctic Wind .

Another Antarctic Wind! Yay!

Backtrack to the lava now. Go south and you’ll reach a fork; go southeast and along the path to another Antarctic Wind ,
then go along the other path for a bit to reach the next area. Nice of this dungeon to gift us with Ice-based spells.

This weapon is very useful here.

Go along the path here and you’ll eventually reach a west/south fork. Go south and grab the Freezing Blade. It is Ice-
based, so put it on your strongest Warrior/Red Mage/Freelancer. Backtrack to the fork and head west past the "lava-fall"
(it’s a waterfall of lava so we call it the lava-fall).

More loot!!

Go south to find a Hi-Potion , then go back to the lava-fall and north to a north/west fork. Go north for the Phoenix Down
, then return to the fork and go west and south to find the entrance to the next area.

We're almost to the end.

There, travel along the lava road for a bit. To the west, as you begin turning northwest, you’ll find the Impact Claw . Keep
going north and open the chest at the end to find another Phoenix Down .

Given that the rock is an odd color it does stand out.

Zoom in with the camera and examine the suspicious rock, which opens a path to the west. Go on in.

In the next area, go north to another room. Heal up before going in, then prepare to fight another boss.

Boss: Salamander

Attribute Stat

Level 19

Max HP 5,700

EXP Earned 2,744

Gil Earned 3,700

Now just how you see a humanoid and then fight a dragon is beyond me. A wizard did it!

Salamander has a unique gimmick: It will end up doing two moves each turn, often hitting an ally two times, and thus often
killing them if you lack Ice-based gear (and didn’t we tell you to equip Ice gear?). He has a few Fire elemental attacks, not
to mention the fire breath attack and a basic physical strike.

This boss is almost mind-blowingly easy if you’ve got Ice equipment, especially the Freezing Blade which the dungeon
conveniently provided you with. You should have your Mages first focus on casting Blizzara and Blizzard, and your physical
units Attack/Advance. You could use your Antarctic/Artic Winds, but let’s not until you’ve run out of options. They are very
useful into the endgame so save them if you can. Do as you will, though, as they can easily deal upwards of 750 damage.

White Mages should focus on healing for the most part, using Aero when a free turn has come up. Your Warrior/Red Mage
with the Freezing Blade definitely needs to keep up the attacks, and any spare Ice Staves can be used as items for great
damage as well.

You've now awakened 2/4 crystals!

After the battle, you’ll end up meeting with the Fire Crystal and getting some more jobs!

The Ranger is an expert archer. They come with a Barrage ability that lets them hit four times. This damage is randomly
distributed, and is about 80% the overall norm until around Job Level 21.

The Knight is the defensive post for your job selection. They can use White Magic and can use a Defend ability to raise
Defense and cover for allies.

Scholars can use the Study ability, which is basically Libra without MP cost, and it will have the effect of Dispel. Items are
doubly-effective, and they can use Level 3 White and Black Magic.

The Geomancer is able to harness nature itself with their Terrain ability, which has various attacks depending upon the
terrain. For example, use Whirlpool while sailing the seas and watch your opponents melt before your very might!

We’ve completed the long Fire Crystal section! On to the Water Crystal.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal

Dwarven Hollows

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Tyrfing 2,000

Ice Staff 1,500

Diamond Bell 4,500

Iron Arrow 8

Holy Arrow 10

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Ice Armor 1,250

Item Name Cost

Ice Helm 2,400

Ice Shield 1,200

Kenpo Gi 2,000

Mage Robe 2,000


Once we have gotten a few jobs from the Fire Crystal, adjust your gear and item set as you want to back in the Dwarven
Hollows. Remember to buy the Diamond Bell if you opted for a Geomancer.

Speak with the guard as before to give him the Horns of Ice and receive a Magic Key. You’ll also be given access to a
large treasure trove! Use the southeast passage to reach it.

So, stuff to mention about them. The Ottershroom makes you high. … just kidding, it is an out-of-battle Teleport. The
Gauntlets are arm gear for Knights and Warriors. The Scholar Robe and Hat are good for, obviously, Scholars. Knight
Armor is the best thus far and only for Knights. The Books are weapons for Scholars; choose an element you prefer.
Medusa Arrows are used by Rangers and may even Petrify, and the Heroic Shield for Knights/Warriors is very useful, as
it raises a fair number of stats, and guards from a lot of statuses.

This isn't a good sign...

Now, let’s leave. As you do, you’ll meet up with an injured person. After the scene, let’s head to the overworld.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal


Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Regional Bestiary (Southwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Parademon 245 72 270

Griffon 230 40 130

Lynx 265 76 270

Hornet 260 78 300

Well then.

Now, let’s head east and south around to the inner sea of the Floating Continent.

Our next stop is obviously going to need to be Tokkul. Sail due south when you reach the inner sea, then go east along the
coastline for a bit to reach the town we pilfered from before. After a scene there…

loud clanging sound

Oh no.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal

Castle Hein

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Pharaoh 580 145 600

Lemur 752 150 600

Lamia 850 310 840

Demon 742 316 1,008

Dullahan 1,000 320 1,008

Wow the security here sucks.

Go through the wall on the right after being imprisoned. The hole is about 2/3 of the way down.

This is the King Argus.

Speak with the soldier, repeat the action, and continue on through the cells, talking to everyone.

This is a miniboss. He's not too hard, don't worry. Just use your regular attacks.

Quite bad security here, eh? One of soldiers hands over a Mallet ; another will fight you.

If you don't have Mini by now, shame on you.

In the far-right cell, you’ll find a recovery pot up north. Examine it to heal some HP/MP and your status. Go through the
open gate to the south and and east to find another open cell. Speak with the guy lying down to get the Mini spell in case

you don’t somehow have it by now.

Backtrack to the far right cell with the recovery pot. Minimize everyone and go through the hole. Don’t worry about jobs,
this is only so you can go through the hole in the wall. On the other side, undo your Mini and let’s get down to business.

This is the inside of a giant tree, by the way.

Go along the path until you arrive in a large room.

As usual, let's claim the loot.

Go to the southern bit of it and go east to find a chest; open it for some Holy Arrows . Backtrack to the big room and use
the northwestern path to get two Phoenix Downs from two chests at the western bit of that room.

It's a fake wall!!

Backtrack again to the larger room and go west and through the wall.

Here, you’ll find two paths. Go north along the eastern one to reach a third Phoenix Down chest, then use the other path
to head north into the next area.

So much treasure...

Here, you’ll find a doorway to your north, another to the west of there, and another one to the east of there. Go through
each door to reach a small room you’ll find some treasures in. The western one has 3,000 Gil and a Bomb Fragment .
The central one has 3,000 Gil and an Antarctic Wind .

We're almost there!

The eastern one has 3,000 Gil and Zeus’s Wrath . Go around to the northern side of the main room to reach the next area.

There, go north and grab the Royal Sword from the chest, a weapon for your Warriors and Knights. It is much better than
other swords at this point in the game (that includes your Freezing Blade)! Equip it, then go west, through the wall, and
continue west to the real wall. Then north to the next area you go.

Hey look we're outside!

Go along the path west, then go north to the Phoenix Down chest. Continue north to the next area.

Oh boo now we're back inside.

Back inside the tree, go west to find yourself an Elixir , then go back to the entrance of the area. Go east and north to a

Prepare for the boss very soon!

Go along the northern path to reach a Rune Bow , then backtrack and go along the other path. Continue along to the next
area, where you’ll finally encounter the boss.

Boss: Hein

Attribute Stat

Level 22

Max HP 4,500

EXP Earned 3,464

Gil Earned 4,300

Doesn't he look lovely?

Perhaps the only real noteworthy feature of this boss is his ability to change weaknesses: Barrier Change . It can change
his weakness; during the course of the fight, to Fire, Ice/Blizzard, or Lightning/Thunder.

When the fight begins, throw out everything you have at the boss. He’ll begin the fight with no initial weakness, so blow out
all of the Antarctic/Arctic Winds, Bomb Fragments, "-ra" spells, and so on that you like before he changes his weakness. If
you lack the items or Magic, general Attacks are always okay. Barrage is a nice command for Rangers.

And after the element change? Well, use Libra (White Magic) or Study (Geomancer ability) on him to learn the weakness
and switch your magical focus to that. Geomancy from the Geomancer is fairly effective, and the "-ra" spells he is weak
to deal great damage. Arctic Wind, when weak to Ice/Blizzard, is extremely effective, possibly dealing upwards of 1,000
damage! If you saved them from before, now is a great time to bring them down on the boss for a good deal of hurting.

Hooray for plot advancement!

After the battle, there will be a short scene, and you’ll end up receiving the Fang of Wind from a fairy. You’ll also be told
something very important by the tree and forbidden to access the Living Woods ever again.

Oh, yeah, you’ll also leave the area.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal


Regional Bestiary (Northwestern Floating Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lizardman 155 84 320

Knocker 131 80 300

Flyer 139 82 300

Gorgon 145 86 320

Once you return to the world map, the Fang of Wind blowing wind into your sails or something, sail to Castle Argus .

You remember where it was, right? Northwest of Tokkul.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal

Castle Argus

For such a cool-sounding item it's quite mundane, really.

After arriving at Castle Argus, proceed to the room with the four lit candles. Proceed through the secret passage to the
southeast and use the hidden stairs to make your way to the castle roof.

Then go northwest and through the door here. Speak with the lady within to receive two Elixirs ! Sweet!

Backtrack to the four-candle room and go up the normal path to the room with the table and the King there. Speak with
His Majesty and you’ll end up getting the Wheel of Time! Don’t turn it, lest you end up undoing your own birth and causing
a paradox in the space-time continuum that would destroy the universe, or at least our own galaxy! (I’m just kidding it
wouldn’t do that…I hope)

Plot twist!!!

Cid will be able to use this item to turn that little paper boat of yours into a mighty airship! Let’s leave the Castle and go to
Canaan . It’s just southeast of here.

Go to the northwestern house and spead with Cid for some more scenes.

Then let’s head out.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal


Simply direct your ship away from the floating continent.

After having obtained and taken control of your airship, time to learn controls. Press B to land (you can only land in water!)
and then press A to board.

I highly recommend you use your map to navigate since you have no landmarks in the overworld.

Fly off of the edge of the Floating Continent and, after piercing the clouds, you’ll find yourself on a largely-flooded surface.

We have some small errands to take care of.

After listening to the nice music, go to the northernmost island. You’ll find a tiny chunk of forest and a ship there. Head into
the ship.

Some little treasure to welcome us, perhaps?

Go down to the bottom deck and snatch the Blood Sword and the Zeus’s Wrath . The former is a nice, HP-draining
weapon for if you need to heal and want to damage at the same time.

You've done this before so this should be old hat.

Speak with the old man nearby, then the woman. Hand her an Antidote to wake her up and cure her. She’ll then tell you
about the Temple of Water, which sounds like where you could find the Water Crystal. Well, let’s go!

This will kick off our next portion of the plot.

Fly over to the largest of the island here and you’ll find the Temple of the Water and the Cave of Tides there. Go inside the
temple. Go along the path to the Crystal room and you’ll get a Crystal Shard . Then go into the cave.

A New World: The Surface; The Water Crystal

Cave of Tides

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Cockatrice 890 185 800

Poison Toad 800 190 900

Twin Heads 910 195 900

Roper 815 200 900

Agaliarept 930 210 1,000

More cutscenes

Once you arrive, go along the path to the end. Aria will open up the pathway ahead. Continue to the next area.

The area is actually quite linear for a bit. At one point, there will be a fork where you can go either north or east from the
northeastern corner of a room.


Go along the north path for a quite decent while and you’ll eventually get to the Blizzaga chest. Backtrack to the fork and
continue along the straight path.

This part of the dungeon can be a bit confusing.

Backtrack to the fork and continue along the straight path.

Eventually, you’ll find another fork. One path is rather wide and goes east, while the other is northbound and narrow. Use
that narrow path and continue along to the next area.

As you can now tell, we're almost to the end.

This watery area is the last area of the dungeon. Just keep going along the path to the end.

After some scenes there with the Water Crystal, you’ll be attacked by the boss: the very unoriginal Kraken.

Boss: Kraken

Attribute Stat

Level 24

Max HP 8,000

EXP Earned 5,280

Gil Earned 5,500

He looks so typical.

Kraken can unleash a hard hitting physical attack, a Blizzara spell that will hit everybody, and a Blind spell. If you’re using
Ice equipment, switch to something other equipment or Blizzara will kill you. Blind reduces accuracy, so bring along
Blindna or Eye Drops.

The strategy is very simple. We finally have a use for all of those Zeus’s Wraths we’ve been building up for a while now.
Since Zeus’s Wrath is an item, and Scholars double items’ potency, bring along a few leveled up Scholars (this is an
eastern RPG, you should be familiar with the term "grinding", yes?) and use all of those Wraths that you have been saving!

After the fight, you’ll end up with some more scenes to watch. As it ends, Aria will hand over the Water Crystal’s power …
and pass away. Hold on while I’m getting my tissues…

Okay, back with my tissues. What new jobs do we get?

Vikings have an ability (Provoke) that draws enemy attacks onto the user while reducing the enemies Defense. This is
a very much useless ability early on, only really provoking about 1% decreases, but it can make almost 50% cuts at Job
Level 99, so if you invest in it, it will pay off.

The Dragoon comes with the Jump ability, tossing them into the air, avoiding all damage for a bit, and later coming down.
The damage is up to 100% more powerful than a basic attack, and is doubled on enemies with a Wind/Aero weakness!

The Dark Knight is not Batman. Or Cecil from Final Fantasy IV. Their ability is Souleater. It cuts their HP by ~20% to
deal higher damage than usual. They also have the ability to have their weapon do extra damage to dividing enemies, an
inherent trait for some, if not all, of their weapons.

Evokers are like a summoners. They can use Summon Magics. Look in the back of this guide for information and listings.

And Bards are one of the more famous jobs, given Tellah’s comment of "You spoony bard!" to Edward in Final Fantasy IV.
They have a few songs they can use to buff the rest of the party, making them excellent supporters. Some can increase
Defense/Attack by10% ~ 20%, others can damage enemies, or heal, and so on and so forth.

Well, let’s continue, shall we?

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Potion 50

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Echo Herbs 100

Gysahl Greens 150

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Battleaxe 7,400

Maine Gauche 7,000

Thunder Spear 8,000

Selene Bow 16,000

Boomerang 9,000

Iron Arrow 8

Holy Arrow 10

Madhura Harp 10,000

Item Name Cost

Viking Helm 5,500

Viking Mail 8,000

Heroic Shield 3,500

Thief Gloves 2,500

Black Garb 5,000

Black Cowl 4,000

Black Belt Gi 6,000

Black Garb 5,000

Chakra Band 4,500

Once you awaken, you’ll be in a new town, Amur . And you know what new towns and new jobs mean? New items! You
probably will be broke long before you can buy everything, so go ahead and find your favorite grinding spot to gather
together the Gil you need. You’ll get EXP too.

Let’s begin with the weaponry. The Battleaxe is a must for Vikings and Warriors with its whopping 65 Attack! The
Boomerang is your preferred weapon for the Thief and it should allow you to be in the back row, so get two per Thief.
Rangers will need the Selene Bow plus some Iron or Holy Arrows if you lack some. Get a Thunder Spear for the Dragoon
and the Madhura Harp for a spoony ol’ Bard. If you have none of these jobs right now and spare Gil (unlikely) then go
ahead and invest in these items if you plan on using these jobs in the future.

As for armor, it’s time for a makeover. Get pretty much everything that applies for your current party right now. Note that
you’ll get a Black Garb, Black Cowl, and Thief Gloves in mere moments, so buy one less than usual to save on the money.

After you’re done emptying your wallet, go ahead and Save outside of the village , then go speak with the person south
of the armor shop to meet the "true" Warriors of Light.

They're not useful, but we must make sure this game is as complete as possible right?

After this, go east and into the house east of the weapons shop. Speak with the elderly man to be able to reach the river
around town. Once you reach the water, go north and into the garden. Pick up four Gysahl Greens there by zooming in
with the camera, then return to the aquatic path.

These are much more useful!

Go west and past the weapon and armor shops, then go along the first northbound path. Walk up the waterfall and continue
north to a small island. Pick up the Black Garb , Thief Gloves , and Black Cowl , also hidden like the Greens.

This is our next destination.

Now use the water to head to the southeastern corner of town to find the entrance to the sewers. Plug your nose and get
in there.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Amur Sewers

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Dark Legs 940 220 1,000

Gigantoad 838 230 1,000

Twin Liger 960 240 1,100

Stroger 1,100 250 1,100

It must stink.

Here, go south until you hit the eastbound path. Go along it until you bump into a wall, then go north and go east along the
next eastbound path reaching out of the wall. Go east again, bump into the wall, and go south to the next area.

These claws must be for monks who wish to cosplay as cats.

Go south and west a bit to notice two nortbound paths. The eastern one is a mere dead end, so go along the other pathway.
Once you see an opening to the south, ignore it (it’s another dead end) and continue west. Go south at the wall and you’ll
notice the entrance to the next floor nearby. Bypass it going south, bump into the southern wall, and go east to find some
Cat Claws . Then you may proceed down a floor.

They're scared of frogs?!

Go along the linear path set here for a bit and you’ll eventually end up saving "the Light Warriors" from some enemies.
Afterwards, go southeast to find the main path from that large room and go along to the next floor.

More loot. These contain the Hammer and the Diamond Bell mentioned below.

Here, go south and west to find yourself in a room with two different paths. Go along the eastern one and through a fake
wall into another room. Continue east to find another; open the two chests here for a Hammer and a Diamond Bell .

This is 1/3 chests in the same area.

Cross the water for the other two.

Go back west to the previous fork, then go west. As you go along the hall, you will notice it turns north. Continue west
through the wall at the bend and open the nearby three chests for Kaiser Knuckles , Power Bracers , and a Poison
Dagger .

Get back into the hall and go along the path and you’ll eventually find the entrance to the next area.

Mission accomplished!

Go inside and walk on over to find Delilah. After a few scenes, you’ll receive the Levigrass Shoes ! Once back in Amur,
just restock and leave to the overworld.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary (Amur Villages Island)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Black Fan 880 260 1,100

Hellgaroo 888 270 1,250

Vulcan 2,200 560 1,750

Dracocotta 1,050 290 1,250

Magician 1,040 300 1,400


Go south and along the path and you’ll reach Goldor Manor. You’ll end up crossing a bottomless bog which would have
killed you had you not obtained the Levigrass Shoes moments before. Hope there were four pairs!

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Goldor Manor

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Lost Gold 928 310 1,400

Gold Eagle 935 320 1,400

Gold Warrior 1,130 330 1,500

Gold Bear 1,090 350 1,500

Gold Knight 1,100 350 1,500

Nightmare 1,120 360 1,900

You're about to get rich!

Begin first, when you enter, by going to the northernmost part of the room and into the next area.

There, go north, then west to the wall. Go south to the wall, then go east and you’ll find not one, not two, not even three, but
twelve chests. Unfortunately that the western eleven chests contain the weakest swords of the game, the Golden Sword.
Sell it as vendor trash. The Wyvern Claws are nice with Monks, though. Backtrack to the entrance.

This is a fairly short dungeon, don't worry.

Go into the northeastern room. You’ll need a Magic Key or a Thief in the lead of the party. In there, go along the path to the
left, then it’ll go south and back north to another area.

Lots of forks.

There, you can go a few ways. Go north and then west at the fork. You’ll reach another fork; go south, then west at the
next one.

You’ll arrive in a larger area. Hug the southern wall there and go west for a bit. Once you have to head north, do so, then
go west when possible. After hitting the wall, go north to find the next area. Continue in there to find your next boss. It’s the
idiot who locked up the Enterprise!

Let’s beat some sense into his head. Violently. As always, it is the only solution.

Boss: Goldor

Attribute Stat

Level 26

Max HP 8,000

Attribute Stat

EXP Earned 6,560

Gil Earned 9,900

Here's the jerk who locked up our ship!

The boss’s attack repertoire is fairly unexceptional. He will do some basic physical attacks, and can also cast spells that
Silence and Blind. Bring along a few Eye Drops and Echo Herbs just in case. He can also cast Protect on himself to buff
his already-high defense through the roof.

With or without Protect, this guy’s Defense is pretty high, so your "-ra" spells might not be too effective on him. Dragoons’
Jump should deal decent damage with a decent Job Level, and Geomancy seems to work pretty well here. Arctic Winds
and Blizzaga didn’t do terribly here either. The Scholars’ Study may work to dispel Protect if you’ve invested in that job.
Decently-leveled Vikings might be able to reduce the enemy Defense by about 5% ~ 10% with Provoke. Dark Knights
with Souleater can do great damage (about 700~900) if they’ve got the Blood Sword and Royal Sword ! With a little bit
of luck, a team of four Dark Knights using Soul Eater could get away without a single KO.

Your Bards, if you have them, will probably be sticking to using Sing to raise your own Defense, and your various
spellcasters may want to keep their eyes on healing when at all possible (keep an eye on your MP).

This will free your ship.

After the fight, snatch up the Chain Key from the floor, since it doesn’t look like anyone’s gonna be using it anytime soon.
Now just return to your ship and examine the chains holding it down.

Congratulations! You’re free to do as you wish…after we have dealt with the Light Warriors!

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


It's easy to miss this place, isn't it?

Well, we can do some sidequesting now! During this time, you’ll want to avoid flying over the Saronia Kingdom on the
northwestern continent or you’ll be shot down. Let’s find some more treasure first.

Head to the middle of the world map. You’ll find a small island there, which has the small village of Duster on it.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Diamond Bell 4,500

Madhura Harp 10,000

Loki Harp 10,000

Lamia Harp 12,000

Dream Harp 12,000

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Gaia Vest 7,600

Item Name Cost

Bard Vest 5,500

Feathered Hat 6,000

Rune Bracers 5,000


Let’s first find the Earthen Drums , items that allow a free use of the powerful Quake spell. Go find the guys up north
speaking about Chocobos and items: nearby, you’ll find the two hidden Earthen Drums .

As for the shops…

The weapon shop is interesting for your Bard. Each harp allows a different Song to Sing. The Madhura Harp raises
Defense; Loki Harp raises Attack; Lamia Harp deals damage; and Dream Harp restores HP. All of these attacks or
modifiers range in the 10%~20% of actual Attack/Defense/HP. Purchasing one of each if you are investing in the Bard is
not a bad idea (but if you don’t have the Gil, Loki or Dream Harps are good ones to pick).

The armor shop has a Feathered Hat , which is one of the best hats you can have so far. The Viking Helm, Dragon
Helm, Chakra Band, Black Cowl, and Scholar Hat are all better, but also more job-specific. The Feathered Hat works for
everyone! So consider that.

The Gaia Vest for Geomancers and the Bard Vest for Bards are also pretty good, but specific to that job, more or less.
The Rune Bracers are allowed for the more magical jobs, prevent a few statuses, raise magical stats, and are a good buy
for your various mages.

After you’re done, leave town.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary (Seafaring Monsters)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Anet 268 100 400

Mermaid 364 123 450

Seahorse 278 119 450

Sea Serpent 530 406 700

Sea Dragon 2,550 1,120 4,680

Regional Bestiary (Saronian Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Hellgaroo Mage 1,093 370 1,400

Needle Monkey 1,100 380 1,100

Catoblepas 1,260 390 1,600

Sorcerer 1,270 400 1,600

Sand Worm 1,290 420 1,920

Another small village.

Now would probably be a good time to mention the Sea Dragon . A new monster for the surface world’s seas, if you don’t
beat it before finishing this section of the walkthrough and getting the Nautilus, your Bestiary will never be complete. It is
weak to Thunder/Lightning and not excessively powerful, so be brave!

After you’re done with that, head over to the northwestern continent. Don’t fly over the Saronian kingdom. Instead, go to
the northern portion of the continent and land near the northern town in the forests. Then enter.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Ottershroom 2,000

Gnomish Bread 200

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Escape 100

Icen 7,000

Spark 7,000

Heatra 7,000

Hyper 7,000

Here's the Phoenix Down.

Begin by going to the east side of town and you’ll find a Gulgan hiding in the forest. Near him, if you zoom in and examine
the shiny thing, you’ll find one Phoenix Down .

More items.

Go west of the Moogle and examine the sparkle in the tree for a Turtle Shell , with another north of the two western
houses, in the trees.

Final item!

Go to the hidden path in the western trees west of the house northwest of the Inn and you’ll find an Elixir . Go to the
northeastern blue-roofed house. Go into it via the back and you’ll be able to get an Elixir, and also speak with the man
here for a helpful tip.

Now, let’s take a look at this Magic Shop. What are all these weird spells?

Those are Summon spells. Evokers, Sages, and Summoners are the only ones that can use them, and only Summoners,
which you don’t have, can use their proper powers. Evokers and Sages get one of two random effects decided by the RNG
(which is why Evokers in particular are very outclassed by Summoners when you get them).

• With **Escape** , you'll get a flee or failed attack attempt. This is a worthless spell as of now.
• With **Icen** , you'll get Sleep on all enemies, or Ice/Blizzard damage to one.
• With **Spark** , it is Paralyze for all, or Thunder/Lightning damage on one.
• With **Hyper** , it is always just basic physical damage, punch or kick.
• With **Heatra** , it is mass HP healing for all allies, or Fire damage to one enemy.

You'll definitely want Heatra for sure. Remember to probably buy the latter four for their nice effects
with Summoners (or you can just come back and buy them later, but that might be a hassle).
When you have done everything you need to do, you can leave.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Fly here.

Once you’re ready, go south and fly over the Saronian kingdom.

They’ll think you to be invaders or something and shoot you down.

We'll start in the southwest and work our way around.

Once you fall to the ground, you’ll notice soldiers on your left and right. Let’s go south so we can reach the towns. We’ll
begin with the southwestern kingdom.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Southwest Saronia

This is the Fat Chocobo.

Go into the huge L-shaped eastern building and you’ll find a guy within that knows how to find Fat Chocobos ! Speak with
him and he’ll demonstrate by using a Gysahl Greens item where it smells of Chocobo. They store items in their obscenely-
large bellies. In the first incarnation of this game where the inventory was limited, the Fat Chocobo was a necessity for
storing away items you didn’t need right now. But in the DS version, you have plenty of inventory space making the Fat
Chocobo more of a trophy or nostalgia factor. Use them if you wish though.

Sorry to disappoint you...

Also note the hidden passage on the eastern side of the room: it leads to a bunch of chests. Eleven to be precise! All filled
with with Gysahl Greens !

Arc doesn't like bullies!

Leave the building and go to the pub at the northern bit of town. Inside, watch the scene where Prince Alus gets bullied.
Arc, usually the bullied, will stand up for him and proceed to let the party of four defeat the bullies and watch another scene.

This battle should be easy-peasy for you.

Prince Alus will join the party. Now that that’s done, we should get to grabbing some free items.

I highly recommend you have some accomplished Dragoons as soon as you can.

Go to the southwestern portion of town and you’ll be able to get a Wind Spear from one guy, and the guy on the "island"

in the center of town hands over a Dragon Mail . Nice.

Let’s continue on to southeastern Saronia.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Southeast Saronia

Regional Monster Bestiary (Within the Dragon Spire)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Hellgaroo Mage 1,093 370 1,400

Needle Monkey 1,100 380 1,100

Catoblepas 1,260 390 1,600

Sorcerer 1,270 400 1,600

Sand Worm 1,290 420 1,920

This tower will have lots of loot for you.

Once you arrive, there really is little to do unless you feel like adoring the Chocobos on the east side of town. There is a
giant stash of treasure within the Dragon Spire in the middle of town for your stash.

Is it just me or is the game telling you that you should be leveling up your Dragoons?

Proceed to the top, it’s a pretty straight path, for a bunch of useful stuff for Dragoons!

Let’s continue to northeastern Saronia.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Northeast Saronia

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Ottershroom 2,000

Gnomish Bread 200

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Wind Spear 10,000

Thunder Spear 8,000

Nothing to see here really.

Just letting you know that shops exist here! Wind Spears are good for the upcoming boss I suppose.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Northwest Saronia

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Again, nothing here except the Inn.

Again, just more shops.

Also consider using the Inn (320 Gil). Afterwards, head for Saronia Castle. Take note that the boss you’ll soon face is very
weak to Wind/Aero. So level up your Dragoons! Haven’t we been saying that a lot recently?

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Saronia Castle
Not a lot to say. Continue along to the room past the entrance room. There, speak with a guard by the castle and you’ll
watch some dramatic scenes, revealing the truth behind the king’s insanity.

Boss: Garuda

Attribute Stat

Level 28

Max HP 10,000

EXP Earned 8,800

Gil Earned 10,200

He looks pretty cool, I'll admit. Break out your Dragoons!

The boss’s attack repertoire is fairly small. There is a basic physical that barely more powerful than other enemies’ at this
point, and a Lightning/Thunder attack that hits the whole party.

Remember all the Dragoon stuff you got from the rest of Saronia? You should have plenty to supply four Dragoons, and
grinding Dragon Spire should have gotten you up to Job Level 10~15. Using Jump at that point should be able to deal
about triple the normal amount of damage, and throwing in Wind Spears really can result in one Jump dealing 2,500~3,000
damage with ease. If you feel like it, you can even bring along one Bard with the Loki Harp to boost your offensive power
by 20%~25% for one member, and it stacks if you perform it again and again!

And if your Dragoon Job Level is sitting at one or two? Well, you should still be able to deal decent damage… But you
can always bring along other jobs, I guess. Or go grind before coming here to fight! The Aero spell does great here, and
the Dark Knight with the Blood and Royal Swords has no problem dealing around 800 damage at low Job Levels with

After the post-fight scenes, let’s loot the castle!

So much loot! It is a castle after all.

Go through the east-central wall and along the long path to find a dozen treasure chests. Take your time in opening them
for an Ice Rod , a Tome of Fire , a Tome of Ice , a Tome of Light , a Golem Staff , a Medusa Arrow , a Rusty Mail , a
Main Gauche , a Scholar Hat , a Selene Bow , a Boomerang , and a Dragon Hammer .

Whoop whoop!

Next, go down the stairs nearby. In the next area, go south into a large room, then go along the hidden path on the east
side of the room to find another six chests. These contain another Rusty Mail , a Viking Helm , some Viking Mail , a
Dragon Helm , a Gaia Vest , and an Earthen Bell .

We're almost done. We'll get our new ship soon.

There are two buildings nearby: one to the west and one to the east. Go into the former first. Go into the hidden passage
to the east and go to the next area. There, go west, through the wall, north, east, south, and west to the next area.

The last of the items!

Continue along the linear path to find two Phoenix Downs . Backtrack out of here.

A new ship at last!

Back in the castle courtyard, go into the eastern building. Speak with the four guys for a ship upgrade. Sweet! Leave the

castle so we can destroy it again! Just kidding. The Nautilus goes crazy fast through the sky, so no more slow traveling for

Let’s also consider visiting the various shops that have been unlocked in the four Saronian towns.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Southwest Saronia

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Rune Bracers 5,000

Gaia Vest 7,600

Scholar Robe 5,500

Scholar Hat 7,500

The Gaia Vest and Rune Bracers have already been dealt with. The Scholar Hat will be the best thing for a Scholar until
you get the Ribbon. As for the Robe, it is a similar idea, with the next best being the White Robe. Both are acquired later.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Northwest Saronia

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fira 1,500

Blizzara 1,500

Thundara 1,500

Cura 1,500

Teleport 1,500

Blindna 1,500

The magic shop is the same as in the Village of the Ancients from way back before we even had the Fire Crystal jobs. As
before, you should be able to have everyone have one Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, and Cura. If they can’t equip it right now,
just keep in stock until it is needed. But you honestly should’ve had it by now. Blindna is useless as we can just use the
Eye Drops, and Teleport is only useful in the rarest of situations. You also only need one person for it.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Northeast Saronia

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Echo Herbs 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Ottershroom 2,000

Gysahl Greens 150

Gnomish Bread 200

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Fire Rod 10,000

Ice Rod 10,000

Light Rod 10,000

Golem Staff 13,500

Rune Staff 18,000

Wizard Rod 20,000

Wind Spear 10,000

Thunder Spear 8,000

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Thundaga 5,000

Raze 5,000

Erase 5,000

Curaga 5,000

Raise 5,000

Protect 5,000

Break 3,000

Blizzaga 3,000

Shade 3,000

Libra 3,000

Item Name Cost

Confuse 3,000

Silence 3,000

The Rods from the weapon shop are pretty much useless for your mages shouldn’t be physically attacking. They do provide
three-point boosts to Intelligence and Mind (five with the Wizard Rod), though, so you may want to consider it. The Golem
Staff is inferior in that way, so stick with Rods. The Rune Staff boosts only Mind by four.

And magic? You’ll want Thundaga, Blizzaga, Raise , and Curaga for as many people as possible. I wouldn’t really go
all-out and go for all four, because you’ve probably begun to get the characters’ Job Levels such that switching jobs may
be dangerous. It’s worth the investment though if you choose to have well-rounded characters jobwise (but that’s a lot of

Curaga is a moderate-power HP restoration, and Raise revives from KO, so they are both important. Protect raises your
physical and Magic Defense, though not to the point that buying it is necessary. Erase is Dispel in this game: it removes
various positive statuses (i.e. Protect). Raze is basically a try at killing all enemies, but it is grossly inaccurate (think Fissure/
Sheer Cold from Pokemon and other OHKO attacks) so not worth buying at all .

Okay, that’s about it. Return to the overworld.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One


Regional Bestiary (Dalg Continent)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Frostfly 1,200 430 1,920

Simurgh 1,220 450 2,080

Harpy 1,650 460 2,080

Gargoyle 1,240 470 2,400

Chimera 1,250 475 2,400

Here's how to get there!

Okay, we now have to have the Dalg Continent. It is southwest of the one with Amur Village on it; flying due north will get
you there. Go around the continent to find a flyable opening. Go along and through the mountains to Doga’s Manor .

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Dogas Manor

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Firaga 10,000

Bio 10,000

Warp 10,000

Aeroga 10,000

Stona 10,000

Haste 10,000

Curaga 5,000

Raise 5,000

Well hello there Doga.

Once inside, go along the path within and you’ll eventually watch a scene in which Doga will join your party, asking you to
bring him to the Cave of the Circle .

Continue and you’ll find a room filled with Moogles. Use the two shops as you will. Firaga is a powerful spell, and Bio is
barely weaker than that. Firaga is definitely worth your Gil.

Warp is a low-accuracy Death attempt, though it brings you back to the previous floor out-of-battle so it’s good for that.

Aeroga is the most powerful spell thus far and well worth it, so invest in it as soon as you can!

Haste doubles your number of Hits per attack, which effectively doubles your power for the most part.

Stona cures Petrification, but you could buy 99 Gold Needles, usable by all, for the price of Stona and have change left
over! So just buy Gold Needles.

East of the magic shop, you’ll also find yourselves a Fat Chocobo . Use its magical belly as you will. Then go north
between the shops to the next area.

Use Mini to pass through.

In this junk room, go to the northeastern corner and examine the candle nearby to open up the path. Continue along and
you’ll end up having to be Minimized to continue . Use Mini, there is no excuse for you to not have this spell by now!
Let’s head to that cave.

Getting a Submarine; The Earth Crystal, Part One

Cave of the Circle

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Demon Horse 710 480 2,640

Rock Gargoyle 720 490 2,640

Bovian 730 500 2,640

Dread Knight 740 510 2,880

Flyer Mage 680 520 2,880

Just go straight. There's no deviation or puzzles here.

You’ll pretty much have to stay minimized down here, so you might want to change your jobs to magic-based jobs if you
want to grind down here. Otherwise, just run from the battles and pray that you get lucky. Once in this cave, follow the path
straight down to the end.

There, Doga coughs up a spell that is cast on the Nautilus , letting it go underwater, giving us our submarine . He’ll also
tell us about the Temple of Time (you know, like the one from Ocarina of Time…don’t hit me please)

This subsection of the guide has been completed! Go get your well-deserved snack break, we’ll be here when you return.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


Regional Bestiary (Underwater Encounters)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Noggle 1,310 540 2,880

Abtu 1,128 550 2,880

Kagura 1,143 580 3,120

Charybdis 1,350 580 3,120

Pass through this secret tunnel and then surface.

Let’s first do some new sidequests. There’s a lot of treasure hidden underwater (Atlantis included) and we should make
sure we nab them all.

So where’s first? Let’s head for Doga’s Village. Go to the eastern part of the Dalg continent and dive underwater. You
should see a secret pathway nearby. Go along it and emerge from the water to find it.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Dogas Village

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Firaga 10,000

Bio 10,000

Warp 10,000

Aeroga 10,000

Stona 10,000

Haste 10,000

Curaga 5,000

Raise 5,000

Item Name Cost

Thundaga 5,000

Raze 5,000

Erase 5,000

Curaga 5,000

Raise 5,000

Protect 5,000

Item Name Cost

Break 3,000

Blizzaga 3,000

Item Name Cost

Shade 3,000

Libra 3,000

Confuse 3,000

Silence 3,000

Item Name Cost

Fira 1,500

Blizzara 1,500

Thundara 1,500

Cura 1,500

Teleport 1,500

Blindna 1,500

Item Name Cost

Escape 100

Icen 7,000

Spark 7,000

Heatra 7,000

Hyper 7,000

Item Name Cost

Quake 20,000

Drain 20,000

Esuna 20,000

Item Name Cost

Breakga 20,000

Curaja 20,000

Reflect 20,000

Each table represents a different shop in this area, which explains the overlap in some of the spells.

You’ll probably be grinding for a while for some of these new spells (this is the final time you’ll get new spells at a shop).
Quake hits all enemies with Earth-based damage; it gets useful versus multiple enemies because of the lack of a power
split. Aeroga has a power of 200 but it will divide its power between enemies unlike Quake.

Breakga is an instant Petrification, but very inaccurate, so not really worth your Gil.

Drain provides an effect like that of the Blood Sword: it damages an enemy and heals the user somewhat. It is single-target
and very powerful. It might be worth going for if it works with your strategy.

Curaja is the most powerful restorative spell out there, so it is definitely a must to own.

Esuna cures all negative statuses except KO. You should be easily able to buy all of the items for those. About 50
Antidotes, Gold Needles, Echo Herbs, and Eye Drops will sum that up. Items are also usable by all, unlike the Level 7
White Magic Esuna. So pass on Esuna.

Reflect will toss spells back at the caster. This can be useful because it is possible to bring it on an enemy to stop healing,
and it can protect you from magic while also damaging the enemy. It’s situational but when you need it, you really need it,
and it proves its worth.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


This is optional. Skip this if you want to keep with the plot.

Let’s go to the Saronia Catacombs next to continue working through our little laundry list of sidequests. To get there, go to
the Saronian Continent and dive underwater south of the southeastern town. You’ll find a small cave. Go inside.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Saronia Catacombs

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Kyklops 1,580 720 4,000

Boss Troll 1,600 740 4,000

Fachan 1,620 745 5,600

Cenchos 4,000 1,500 6,600

Balor 1,660 1,300 4,400

Ouroboros 2,660 1,300 7,200

Note: Ouroboros will only be encountered in chests.

Once you arrive, go due north into the next area.

There, follow the path to the next area.

Then, go north and you’ll reach a fork. Go east and along the path to another fork. There, go west to find the Golem Staff
, then into the room to the east to find a Rune Bell and an Aegis Shield .

The Rune Bell for the Geomancer is actually the second most powerful Bell in the game. The Aegis Shield will protect from
all status ailments and is one of the most resilient shields in the game. Equip both if necessary.

This is the Reflect Mail.

Go back to the entrance of this area, then go north and west at the fork. Go along the path to another fork. There, go east

and grab the Reflect Mail.

Don't trigger the boss fight yet. There's more treasure to get.

Eventually, you’ll find the entrance to the next area to the north. Before going on through, first go east to find the Heavy
Lance .

See? I told you.

Once you arrive, go due north and bump into the wall, then go east and you’ll go through some hidden walls. You’ll
eventually end up finding a plethora of useful chests. Four have Elixirs , four have Phoenix Downs , and just so that you
don’t get a heart attack, you will have to fight chest enemies to get your loot. They’re not very hard to defeat, don’t worry.

After opening them all, return west to the large room with the blue rug. There, go to the center of the room and warp to
Saronia Castle, where you’ll have to fight Odin, the king of the Norse gods!

Boss: Odin

Attribute Stat

Level 40

Max HP 31,000

Attribute Stat

EXP Earned 20,000

Gil Earned 16,800


Odin is one hard hitter. One of his attacks is your basic physical attack, not worth much mention unless you have low
Defense. The other is much more impressive: his signature Zantetsuken , hitting all allies for about 750+ damage. Odin
will begin busting out Zantetsuken when he is around half-health.

There are a few strategies you can use to safely dismantle the boss. One would be your basic fighting strategy. It’s nothing
special; your typical varied party made up almost-equally of physical and magical fighters, one being solely delegated to
healing for the most part, and making good use of Aeroga when you can. Cura/Curaga should suffice for your main healing,
though it may come to the point of using Curaja for your Zantetsuken-resultant healing. Haste and Protect are very helpful.

Another is a bit more elegant. Its healing relies solely on items alone, so you’ll need to be very careful and wary here, and
come stocked with a fair amount of Hi-Potions. You’ll need four Dragoons , each at a decent Job Level. Lv. 15 ~ 20 should
be fair at this point. The idea is pretty simple: Jump . Since this move prevents you from being damaged while in the air,
you’ll be taking less than half of the normal amount of damage and still dealing 1.5x the normal amount of damage than
had the Dragoon normally attacked. If you’re uneasy about this idea, you can prepare for this fight a properly geared White
Mage (be sure to amp up their defense) and have them add to the healing, and even bring along Protect for more damage
reduction and safety.

Finally, one more strategy. Dark Knights have the ability Souleater , which deals damage based on their Job Level and
HP and weapon Attack. With a Job Level of 1, you should be able to be dealing about 500~750 damage per attack with
two Main Gauches at the least. The Blood Sword/Royal Sword combo allows closer to 1,000. Had you gone ahead and
bought Defenders, you will be dealing around 1,500 damage if you’re at a decent level. Of course, since you will be losing
20% of your HP per Souleater, I recommend having one White Mage so we can have Curaga/Curaja when needed. Make
sure your other three Dark Nights do nothing but Souleater.

Also worth noting is this boss’s Gungnir . You obtain this as a rare drop (less than 1%) or as a Steal for your Thief at Job
level 70 minimum . If you can get this, you should. Gungnir is the second most powerful Spear in the game. Dragoons
with this can rip through almost everything. There are three potential opportunities for Gungnir in this battle: two are Steals,
and one is that rare drop. Good luck!

After the powerful enemy is sent to Valhalla, you’ll end up receiving the Catastro Summon spell . This Level 6 spell, for

Sages and Evokers, can cast a magical barriar around your allies or attack all enemies. With Summoners, it can execute
the legendary Zantetsuken and kill all enemies (if it hits). Very powerful.

Now leave so we can go somewhere else.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


Another optional dungeon, FYI.

Our next stop is the Sunken Cave . Go to the tiny triangular island on the southeastern portion of the overworld map and
dive underwater to find that there’s a cave beneath it. Go inside. We’ve got some great treasures to find…

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Sunken Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Dozmare 1,650 780 4,400

Sea Witch 1,660 800 4,800

Killer Hermit 1,680 820 4,800

Ologhai 1,415 840 4,800

Kelpie 1,420 850 5,600

Aegir 1,750 860 5,600

Regional Bestiary (Chests Only)

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Eater 2,700 945 1,020

Zombie Dragon 11,000 2,880 15,000

Death Claw 3,800 680 7,500

Peryton 9,650 2,400 9,600

Once you enter, follow the path to the next area.


There, go east and along the path to find some Tiger Claws .

This is the northwestern chest.

There are four paths branching off at the intermediate geographical directions from here. Go northwest to find the

This is the southwestern chest.

To the southwest lies the Dual Tomahawk. After you’re done, go southeast to find the next area.

More loot! We're almost done.

There, go south and you’ll have a choice to go south or west. Go south and, in the next big area, go west to find the
Ancient Sword .

Big finisher right? There's still more!

Continue south to find four more chests; open them for a Diamond Shield , Cognitome , Metal Knuckle , and Diamond
Helm .

Go back north to the small-sized room north of the area with the Ancient Sword chest. Go west and you’ll find four more
chests throughout this room: Air Knife , Diamond Bracers , Loki Harp , and Diamond Armor .

All right, now we're done.

Go south to the next room to find three more chests, these contain an Elixir , Diamond Gloves , and a Phoenix Down .

At the western chest, go south to the wall, and west through it to soon reach an area with four chests. Here, you’ll find the
Trident Spear , the Aegis Shield , some Reflect Mail , and a Triton Hammer . Now, let’s leave.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


You'll want to dive where the land seems to "pinch" the water.

That just about ends the sidequesting for now! Congratulations! Equip your sparkly new gear. Then let’s go find our next

Go find the Saronian Continent (the large northwestern one) and land at the southern tip. In the water, head underneath
the surface and you’ll find the Temple to be nearby. Go inside.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Temple of Time

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Dira 5,000 610 3,280

Chimera Mage 1,540 615 3,280

King Lizard 1,560 620 3,280

Pterodactyl 1,570 640 3,280

Wyvern 1,825 1,300 6,000

Behemoth 12,650 4,668 6,900

King Seahorse 1,405 680 3,600

Dragon 11,000 9,000 7,200

No Zelda jokes allowed!

There are a few locked doors so have a Thief at hand.

Once you arrive, go south, then west when first possible. As you go along, there will be an entranceway in the northern
wall. Go through and, at the end of the path there, you’ll find a Diamond Helm .

This will be a huge armor upgrade.

Backtrack to the previous area and go west, ignoring the southbound path for now, to find the way into another area on the
north wall. Go through and you will find some Diamond Bracers .

There's a lot of water so you can easily get confused, just stick to the walls for landmarks.

Return to the previous area and use the southbound path we skipped previously, then go north and east when possible the
second time to find the path to the next area. Let’s continue.

More gear!

Here, go to the far eastern portion of the room to find a chest with a Defender within. Go west along the southern wall and
you’ll reach the way to the next area.

More upgrades!

There, go as far east as possible, ignoring the northbound path, and you’ll find another doorway. Use it and grab the nearby
Diamond Armor to your northeast. Backtrack to the previous area.

Here is the fork.

There, go west and use the northbound path from before. Make your way northwest to the next area. There, go north to
reach a fork.

We're about halfway through.

Go east to find a Behemoth Knife , and west to find the Diamond Gloves . Back in the previous area, head due east to
find the entrance to another area.

There, go along the path north, east, and south to the next area.

More amazing gear. Your Dragoons will love the Spear.

Here, when you arrive, go east and through the northeastern corner of this rectangular room to find a hidden path. Go east,
north, east, south, then west and north at the room edge to find three chests; open them for a Blood Spear , Protect Ring
, and Lamia Harp . Backtrack to the entrance of the area.

We're almost there.

Go south as far as possible through the rooms until you bump into the wall. There, go west and north to another area,
where you’ll end up finding a chest with the Diamond Shield to the west and north.

No boss? No problem!

Return to the previous area and go east and through the unused entranceway to find another chest, this one containing
Noah’s Lute .

That’s what we came for! No boss, no epic scenes…sorry! Time to go.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


Here's where Unei is located.

Once you’ve obtained Noah’s Lute from the Temple of Time, resurface. Go along the coastline on the west side of the
continent, then go right when possible into the mountains.

I don't know about you but I don't wake up that fast

Go into the cave and use the Lute to wake Unei up . After a scene, you’ll learn what you need to be doing and Unei will
join the party, as well as hand over the Fang of Fire .

We're about to upgrade our airship.

Now, start flying in the overworld. Go to the center parts of the Saronian continent and, on its west coast, you’ll find the
mouth of a river that splits into two, making a triangle delta, with trees between the forks. From there, follow the river to the
east and land in front of the cave and head on in.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Ancient Ruins

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Defender 28,000

Blood Lance 28,000

Medusa 300

Armor Shop

Item Name Cost

Diamond Shield 18,000

Diamond Helm 20,000

White Robe 27,000

Item Name Cost

Black Robe 27,000

Diamond Mail 32,000

Diamond Bracers 10,000

Diamond Gloves 10,000

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Pyralis 6,550 1,760 14,400

Silenus 2,120 900 1,020

Gaap 1,800 623 1,020

Azarael 1,950 640 1,020

Eater 2,700 945 1,020

Zombie Dragon 11,000 2,880 15,000

Death Claw 3,800 680 7,500

Chronos 4,100 320 1,280

Valefor 4,240 320 1,280

Haniel 3,400 1,450 1,280

A lot of the enemies up there are actually ones that divide when physically hit but not killed. Magic will be preferred here,
unless you somehow have a Dark Knight with a Dark Blade.

Good thing we didn't have to destroy an airship for those boulders.

Go along the path for a bit and you’ll find it to be blocked by some boulders. Unei will remove them. Let’s continue south and
west. There are two doorways here; go through the eastern one and along the path to find some Reflect Mail . Backtrack
and go through the other door.

Two are booby trapped! ...just kidding

Here, go north and you’ll find three doorways. From left to right, you’ll get weapons, an Inn and item shop, and an armor
shop. You’ll want pretty much all you can get from the weapons and armor store, though be sure it actually improves upon
what you’ve got. Good thing you got a lot of free Diamond gear earlier. Then go to the southeastern corner of the area and
continue on.

If you see a fork in the road...take it!

Here, go south and east to find a fork. Go north to quickly reach another.

Halfway there!

Go through each one to find sweet items: the Rune Bell for the western door.

Fairies have claws?!

You’ll find Faerie Claws for the other one.

Yay more armor!

Backtrack to the four-way intersection between these two doors. Go south to a south/east fork. Go east and through the
door to find a Chakra Band .

Okay we're almost there.

Go back to the south/east fork, then go south, west, and through the door to find a Black Belt Gi .


Backtrack one more time to the south/east fork, then go due north to the wall, then east and south to the next area.

Continue along a fairly lengthy, linear path to reach a ship … the Invincible !

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Overworld / The Invincible

Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Maiden's Kiss 100

Echo Herbs 100

Mallet 100

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Sleep Arrow 200

Poison Arrow 200

Medusa Arrow 300

Magic Arrow 250

Dark Knife 30,000

Rune Axe 35,000

Dragon Lance 40,000

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Quake 20,000

Breakga 20,000

Drain 20,000

Curaja 20,000

Esune 20,000

Reflect 20,000

Finally, the small hills won't stand in your way!

Buy all the gear you need from the shops on the Invincible before you head to helm and begin flying. The shops are the
little items. By pressing A in front of them you can access everything!

Additionally you have beds and a Fat Chocobo at your disposal. No more having to pay for inns!

The Invincible has a special ability to fly over small mountains. Go to Saronia Castle, then southwest to the mountains.
Once you bump into them, go west into them. Once you leave the forest, stop and face south. Those particular mountains
can be "jumped" over with the A Button .

Fly over them and continue along the path to soon reach Falgabard . Land and enter.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


Item Shop

Item Name Cost

Gysahl Greens 150

Hi-Potion 600

Gold Needle 100

Ottershroom 2,000

Echo Herbs 100

Gnomish Bread 200

Eye Drops 40

Antidote 80

Weapon Shop

Item Name Cost

Ashura 16,000

Yoichi Bow 42,000

Yoichi Arrow 500

Demon Axe 40,000

Armor Shield

Item Name Cost

Demon Mail 25,000

Demon Shield 12,500

Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Fira 1,500

Blizzara 1,500

Thundara 1,500

Cura 1,500

Teleport 1,500

Blindna 1,500

First, shopping!

The Dark Knight practically must have the Ashura now. With 100 Attack, and its ability to deal extra damage to incessantly-
annoying dividing enemies, you’ll want it. Everything else is more or less up to your discretion.The armor is nice, and if you
don’t have the magic spells here by now…how’d you make it this far?

There's a small optional miniboss back here.

In the northeastern bit of town, you can find an elderly man in the cave behind the waterfall. At the north part of this cave
is Shinobi.

Boss: Shinobi

Attribute Stat

Level 46

Max HP 11,000

Attribute Stat

EXP Earned 8,800

Gil Earned 3,700

Here's the boss.

If you’ve been leveling fairly well, you are good to go. Similar to Odin, you can either have your basic, well-rounded team,
and through careful management of MP, attacking, and items, survive through the fight.

Alternatively, you can use the four Dragoons strategy discussed earlier (at Odin as well), and if you feel unsafe about
healing, have a high-defense White Mage. Finally, the Dark Knights strategy focusing on Souleater can also work to take
down Shinobi.

After the fight, you’ll obtain the Kiku-ichimonji , a nice Dark Blade for your Dark Knight. As you leave the cave, use the
waterway to go along outside and find four chests at the end: Demon Mail , Demon Shield , Blessed Hammer , and a
Hi-Potion .

Now, go back and use the northwestern cave.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Falgabard Cave

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Silenus 2,120 900 1,020

Gaap 1,800 623 1,020

Death Claw 3,800 680 7,500

Chronos 4,240 320 1,280

Valefor 4,240 320 1,280

Haniel 3,400 1,450 1,280

Vassago 4,440 320 1,280

Again, you’ll want at least one Dark Knight here. Equip Dark Blades to take care of those dividing enemies. The last thing
you need is double what you can’t kill in one hit.

So, onto the cavern.

There's a few treasures here to be grabbed.

In the entrance room, go southwest and grab the Blessed Hammer from the chest, then go east and through the wall.

And we're done!

Follow the linear path and along some more walls and finish grabbing the chests’ treasures: Demon Mail , Kotetsu , and
Ashura .

Then leave.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


There's a lot of mountain-hopping.

Now, time to reach the Cave of Shadows .

Go to the island in the center of the map that houses Duster, then fly east to another continent. Once you hit the desert
on that continent, go north to find an opening going into the mountains. Go along the path there, flying over the smaller
mountains as you go, to reach the cavern.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two

Cave of Shadows

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Silenus 2,120 900 1,020

Gaap 1,800 623 1,020

Death Claw 3,800 680 7,500

Hellish Horse 4,360 690 8,000

Chronos 4,100 320 1,280

Valefor 4,240 320 1,280

Haniel 3,400 1,450 1,280

Vassago 4,440 320 1,280

Again, it is nice to have a Dark Knight along to smash into dividing enemies with the Dark Swords, making them disperse
before they can multiply.

As the name suggests, there's a lot of black areas in this dungeon. So don't be fooled!

Once you enter the dungeon, first go east to find a Black Musk on the north side of this room.

There is also a lot of Dark Knight-related equipment here.

Return to the previous room and go south, then east. Get the Dark Claws from the chest.

Ouch. Poor guy.

Speak with the wounded Dark Knight to get a Kotetsu . Go south to the next area.

Persevere through the darkness!

Here, go east and north. As you do, about halfway to the curve, ram into the wall to find a small room with a Tranquilizer
in a chest.

More hidden items!

Return to the main hall and go along the path and through the walls at the dead end. You’ll find a Lilith’s Kiss on the other
side. Go south and along the path to the next area.

Here, go south, west, and north to find what appears to be a dead end. Go east once you bump into the northern wall to
find the way to the next area.

More gear for your team.

Once you enter this area, go east and through the northeastern walls of this room. Once you see a southbound path, use
it and you’ll eventually reach a chest. Open it for some Genji Gloves and continue to the next area.

Don't let the illusions fool you!

There, simply go south and along the path until you reach another illusary dead end. Go through the wall to reach a small

Leave it to the south and go along the path and through another wall to reach another room. Leave it going south to reach
another one. Exit it to the northwest via the wall and go along the path to the next area.

There, go east into the wall. Note that you’ll want to try going through that wall at the very northern bit and go down a little
until you do. Once you do, continue due east to another larger rom. Go south and exit it via the southwestern corner by
using a fake wall.

If you get lost use these treasure chests as "landmarks".

Go west to a smaller room where you’ll find a chest with a Kiku-ichimonji inside. Go south to the next area.

This area is similar to the last one so navigate it similarly.

Here, you’ll find an odd repeat of the previous area, but the chest is actually near where you enter the area and contains a
Genji Shield.

Ooooh is this a skeleton???

Go east for a bit to eventually find a chest that contains a Genji Helm . Then go through the nearby entryway.

This is the last item. The boss is right ahead of you.

Here, hug the southern wall and go east through the wall, and you’ll make your way to another smaller room, this one

having a Genji Armor chest. Go back to the other side of the hidden path and go a fair way north to reach your next boss.

Boss: Hecatoncheir

Attribute Stat

Level 43

Max HP 28,000

EXP Earned 14,400

Gil Earned 8,000

I question his fashion preferences.

This boss has an unexceptional set of moves, pretty much being one of this area’s basic enemies but with more HP. He
does have Quake, but it is laughably weak.

Unlike some previous bosses, this boss can be handled by your usual go-to strategy, be that a well-rounded team, magic
focus, a bunch of Dragoons or Dark Knights, etc. Just make sure you keep an eye on your MP and HP and you’re golden.

After you defeat the boss, you’ll receive the final Fang, the Fang of Earth . We now own all four fangs.

Finishing Some Sidequests; The Earth Crystal, Part Two


Make sure you walk past the statues. You can't fly through here unless you walk first.

Okay, we’re going to get the final Crystal (and the jobs it unlocks). A little earlier than was predicted, but no complaints here

Fly to the northeastern continent. Before, you couldn’t explore because of the dreadful Guardian Statues. Now, with the
Fangs, they’ll let you by. At the statues, land and walk down the row of guardians. Nice to know that they won’t shoot you
down or anything else harmful.

Yes, we're sequence breaking a little bit. It's for the better though.

Once they disappear, return to the Invincible and fly deeper into the mountains to the tower surrounded by a wall. Go inside
to the Ancients’ Maze . Go due north within to find the Crystal’s Chamber. As you prepare to use it, you’ll be jumped by a
surprise boss fight!

Boss: Titan

Attribute Stat

Level 49

Attribute Stat

Max HP 29,000

EXP Earned 27,600

Gil Earned 13,500

Hey look: A palette swap!

Similar to the boss beforehand that you just fought, Titan doesn’t necessarily have anything too exceptional up its sleeve.
So just handle him how you handled the previous boss and you should be good. Since you had access to the Overworld
earlier, if you aren’t doing so good you won’t have to trek through another whole dungeon again to have a rematch.

After the battle, you’ll watch some more scenes and receive the light of the final Crystal, the Earth Crystal. We now have
all of the jobs. Lets take a look!

Black Belts are like super-Monks. They have a Boost ability that can be used to double or triple their offensive power.
They’ll halve their own HP if it is used more than twice in a row, though.

The Magus can use all Black Magic. The Black Mage, ironically enough, could not.

Devouts can use all White Magic. Similarly, White Mages had restrictions. Wonder why they call them "Black" and "White"
Mages if they can’t use every single Black and White spell?

Summoners are able to use the super-special effects of the Summon Magic spells you’ve found recently. These effects
are quite spectacular, to say the least…

Sages are able to use any spell you wish. They just won’t get the super-special effects from Summon spells that
Summoners will have. That is, after all, exclusive to Summoners.

Ninjas can use Dark Blades, just like Dark Knights. But what makes them special is that they can also Throw weaponry.
Shurikens are such an example, having 200 attack when tossed. At just Job Level 1, a Shuriken can deal 6,000~9,999
damage! You can also throw other weaponry! They can deal a lot of damage with a high enough Job Level, making them
worth investing in.

If you want a detailed writeup and analysis, plus recommendations, check out the Jobs section of this guide.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame


See the dark blue oval moving in the water? Once you're in the lake, canoe towards it.

So, then, we’ve finally received all of the Elemental Fangs. We’ve received the light of all four Elemental Crystals by going
to one early. We have (almost) all of the jobs in the game. We’re fit to fight the final boss…

Just kidding. We’re not! But we can become prepared…by doing some more sidequesting! The EXP will be well worth it, if
the gear isn’t (but then your standards are exceedingly high). Let’s go! (note that this is optional so if you really just want
to finish the game, skip this and the next few sections)

The first of these sidequests will pertain to obtaining the legendary Leviathan summon . You can opt to go for Bahamut
first, but he’s stronger, so we’ll want to cram in as many levels as possible before we challenge Bahamut.

Return to the Floating Continent on the Invincible. It’s north of the Cave of Shadows. Go to the northwestern part of the
area and head south of the Gulgan Gulch and you’ll find a shadow swimming in the water.

To get to the lake, fly your airship in from the south and go over the small mountains in your way. Land on the small grassy
area and go into the lake. With the Folding Canoe , paddle around to the underwater cavern.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

Lake Dohr

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Ouroboros 2,660 1,300 7,200

Plancti 2,260 1,223 7,200

Sea Lion 2,275 1,325 7,600

Remora 2,720 1,354 7,600

Treasure treasure treasure!

Once you enter, go south and east. You’ll quickly arrive at a fork: you can go northeast or south out of the room. Go south
to find four chests; open them for a Phoenix Down , a Heavenly Wrath (free Thundaga), Earthen Drums (free Quake),
and an Arctic Wind (free Blizzaga).

Useful for healing!

Go back to the previous room and head northeast. Open the chests here and you will get three Hi-Potions and one Elixir
. Go south and you’ll reach the next area.

The goodies don't stop coming!

Here, go west, north, and east into another room. At the room’s southwest corner, you’ll find a White Musk (free Holy).
Leave the room via the northern wall to find four more chests, these containing an Aegis Shield , a Platinum Hammer ,
Bacchus’s Wine , and a Turtle Shell . Return to the previous room and exit it via the southeastern path.

This "X" shaped area branches to a few different treasure chests.

Here, go along the path to a larger area where there are three other paths. Go southwest to find yourself a Raven’s Yawn
and a Lilith’s Kiss.

After this we'll go take down the boss.

Go northeast to find a Black Hole , Platinum Hammer , Reflect Mail , and a Black Musk (free Death). Go back to the
center of this "X" and go northwest and along the short path to the next area.

Just follow this short path.

There, go west, south, east, and north to find…the boss, Leviathan!

Boss: Leviathan

Attribute Stat

Level 43

Max HP 32,000

EXP Earned 20,000

Gil Earned 17,100

Hey look it's pink!

Leviathan can attack twice per turn, usually sticking to basic physicals, which are just a little more powerful than the
enemies around here. Leviathan will also use Protect early on, and later will favor water-based attacks that can hit the
whole party.

Here, your various spellcasters are pretty helpful. Thundara and Thundaga are great spells to use. The various Hammers,
being of the Thunder/Lightning element, should be able to deal 4,500~9,999 damage when Thrown by a Ninja. And you
got a Platinum Hammer or two in that dungeon, so use them! Ninja is a useful class, you should have invested in it for
at least one member. Spark Daggers, Serpent Swords, Books/Tomes of Light , and Thunder Spears are other great
Throwing options. With an accuracy exceeding 95%, you’re basically guaranteed to hit every time.

The use of Zeus’s Wrath and Heavenly Wrath (free Thundara and Thundaga, respectively) are also useful, especially when
used by a Scholar . The Spark Summon, when used by a Summoner, is also very powerful. Protect will be a helpful
defense all around, and physical hitters should get a dose of Haste. Dragoons should stick to Jumping, though, to avoid
damage. Also be sure to have someone on-hand for Curaga/Curaja , because damage can rack up with two moves
per turn from Leviathan. Having someone with Erase, or making a Scholar use Study will also help remove Protect from
Leviathan itself if that is annoying you.

And your reward is the Leviathan him(her?)self!

After the battle, you’ll receive the Leviathan summoning spell ! Congratulations!

As you leave Lake Dohr, remember to make sure that you’ve fought one of each monster for the Bestiary and gotten all of
the items here. You can’t come back after leaving!!

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame


Once again, this is strictly optional. Skip if you wish to finish the game already.

So, there’s one final optional summon to go: The legendary god-dragon Bahamut. Remember way back when in the
game? Come on, use your noggin. We went up against him back on the Dragon’s Peak, but were forced to flee him and
his cute baby-Bahamuts. I think it is about time to give them a surprise visit.

Let’s just hope the babies didn’t grow up too.

So where is Bahamut’s Lair? From Lake Dohr, fly east and then south to the southeastern bit of the world map. From the
east, go towards Bahamut’s Lair and enter.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

Bahamuts Lair

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Grenade 2,305 1,400 7,600

Drake 3,260 1,650 7,600

Greater Boros 3,280 1,700 7,600

Sabertooth Liger 3,300 1,800 7,600

Queen Lamia 7,200 4,400 12,000

This dungeon isn't too long either, similar in length to Lake Dohr.

Once you enter, there will be three paths to use. The east and west ones are dead ends, so go south to find another tri-
branch fork.

As with the lake, there's a lot of goodies here.

Go east to find an Arctic Wind and a Phoenix Down ; to the west, you’ll find some Earthen Drums and a Heavenly
Wrath . Continue south to the next area.

There's a lot of treasure chests along this route.

There, simply go along the winding, linear path. Along the way, pick up the Golem Staff , White Musk , Lilith’s Kiss ,
Chocobo’s Wrath (free Flare!), and the Turtle Shell . From those last two items, head south to the next area.

We're almost to the boss.

There, go west and grab the Eurytos Bow , then go east and north to find a Phoenix Down and an Elixir. Go west past
the northbound path to find a Kotetsu . Then go along the northbound path, healing up on the way as you prepare to fight
the god-dragon Bahamut!

Boss: Bahamut

Attribute Stat

Level 45

Max HP 34,000

EXP Earned 20,000

Gil Earned 16,500

Now you can finally have your revenge!

Like Leviathan, Bahamut will attack twice per turn. His Attack is barely 6% higher than the other enemies around here,
meaning his basic physical attacks won’t be too dangerous. But Mega Flare , his signature move, will start to get used later
in battle, often dealing 1,000~1,500 damage to your whole party. You cannot Reflect it back on him either.

Here, White Magic casters are more of a priority than ever. Curaga/Curaja are going be required for healing, especially
after a Mega Flare, and then there’s Raise to revive the KO’ed. Protect will be very helpful in reducing damage, Haste will
help to up physical damage, and Aero and Aeroga make serious dents in this boss’s HP.

Dragoons are also extremely helpful with their Jump ability that deals double-damage to bosses like Bahamut who are
weak to Wind/Aero . With a decent Dragoon around Job Level 25, you’ll already be dealing about 3.5x more damage than
usual with Jump! Of course, don’t necessarily stick the Wind Spear on someone because of this weakness. Something
with 106+ Attack: Trident, Dragon Lance, Holy Lance, Gungnir, or Magic Lance, can out-damage a Wind Spear by sheer
raw power. If you lack one of those for a weapon slot, though, you probably should use Wind Spear.

Everyone else is going to be less helpful. Ninjas might get a kick out of using that one Air Knife from before to deal about
2,000 ~ 3,500 damage. The Wyvern Claws can also do some lesser damage when Thrown, and the same goes with Wind
Spears. Anyone using Black Magic will pretty much need to stick to the "-ga" spells. Summoning Leviathan can hit for a
fair chunk of damage as well. A Geomancer has a pretty good chance of casting Wind Slash, which can deal 1,500~2,500
damage at a decent level. But your main source of offense will come from Dragoons’ Jumps and castings of Aeroga.

After the battle, you’ll get the Bahamut Summon . It’s exceedingly powerful and well worth the effort. Congratulations!

That’s it. Go around to the north and leave.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

All right, you are done with sidequests! Let’s get back to saving the world with our new gear and higher levels!

From wherever you are, go back to the planet’s surface and fly to the Dalg continent again. Remember, Unei said to visit
her and Doga after having obtained the Fang of the Earth.

Not suspicious at all. Get the Nautilus from wherever you last parked it and return to Doga’s Manor. After a scene, step into
the portal.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

Dogas Grotto

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Peryton 9,650 2,400 9,600

Ogre 5,680 5,680 6,800

Cyclops 4,700 1,000 6,800

Nemesis 4,720 1,050 6,800

Humbaba 6,740 1,100 6,800

This dungeon is also relatively short.

Once you enter, go along the path to the next area.

There, continue along the linear path, picking up two 10,000 Gil chests along the way!

In the next area, go southwest to another fork, and you’ll have two options: northwest or south.

More treasure!

Going south yields nothing, so go northwest and into the next area for three chests. Open them for a White Musk , Lust
Dagger , and a Rising Sun .

Almost there.

Backtrack to the entrance of the previous area and go southeast and along the path to the next area.

In the next area, continue along the linear path to the next area, picking up a Chocobo’s Wrath along the way.

In the next area, continue this pattern, grabbing two Phoenix Downs on the way.

The boss is up ahead. The second Phoenix down mentioned earlier is on the left!

In the final area, go along the linear path to your next boss.

Doga is on the left. Unei is on the right.

Boss: Doga

Attribute Stat

Level 45

Max HP 22,800

EXP Earned 13,600

Gil Earned 12,000

Boss: Unei

Attribute Stat

Level 44

Max HP 21,800

EXP Earned 16,000

Gil Earned 12,600

The fight begins with you fighting just Doga. After beating him, you’ll start fighting against Unei.

Doga’s basic physicals are pretty damaging. He can also cast Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga across the whole party or
one single person, and Flare will be used towards the end for extra hurt.

Reflect will be a great asset to your defenses if you get lucky often enough. If you’re willing to deal with just items for
restoration, then that is perfectly viable as well. Reflect on all party members will greatly raise the chance that you’ll damage
him more than you should, however, and can speed things along.

Protect is a good idea as well. Remember, cast Protect before Reflect . Your offense strategy will be pretty basic, as there
aren’t any real weaknesses to mess with. Toss on Haste and you’re pretty much good to go. Bahamut, Leviathan, Jump,
the "-ga" spells, Aeroga, various high-power items, etc., can all prove their worth here. You get the idea.

After finishing off Doga, Unei will come into the fight. You will not get a chance to heal, and statuses from the previous fight
are removed. So make sure you don’t spend too much trying to take down Doga.

Unei uses a fair amount of White Magic; notably, Aera, Haste, Protect, and Tornado . Tornado is a new spell that reduces
the target’s HP to being less than 10, if it hits. Supposedly it’s inaccurate but this is the AI, and they’ll probably hit with it
more often than they should.

There is a lower number of spells coming your way, but Tornado can really make you want to use Reflect on your characters
(if you’re willing to gamble, go ahead). It may even be a good idea to hit Unei herself with Reflect to stop Protect and Haste.
Of course, Erase or the Study ability could work as well. But pretty much do the same thing as you did with Doga. Make
sure you have Cure spells at the ready, along with other items. Save Phoenix Downs as last resort, given that there are a
finite number available in the game.

You will need these keys for later, of course.

After the battle, you’ll watch a few scenes, during which point you’ll end up getting the Eureka and Syrcus Keys.

Afterwards, proceed back to the Nautilus, then return to the Invincible.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

Our next stop is the Ancients’ Maze , found on the northeastern continent. You should have been here after obtaining the
Fang of Earth to obtain some jobs early. And now we are back again.

If you didn’t do that though, once you hit the statues, land and walk down the row and, after the statues go off, return to the
Invincible and fly into the mountains to find a large Crystal Tower surrounded by a brownish wall.

Land and go into that wall to find the Ancients’ Maze .

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

The Ancients Maze

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Iron Claw 5,760 2,000 7,600

Greater Demon 10,750 4,800 11,400

Unei's Clone 10,000 8,500 14,400

Thanatos 11,800 5,000 11,400

Bone Dragon 14,000 7,800 11,400

King Behemoth 45,000 10,800 15,200

When you enter the area, if you haven’t messed with the Earth Crystal yet, go due north to the next area. Go towards the
Crystal, beat a boss, and get some jobs you should have gotten earlier. The boss is Titan; go to the earlier section for
details on how to beat him.

This dungeon is again fairly short, but the next dungeons in the end-game will be very long.

After that, return to where you entered the dungeon. Go to the far east, then north to find an Elixir . Continue west, then
along the first northbound path to reach the next area.


Here, when you enter, go west and grab the Crystal Shield and Lilith’s Kiss.

Then go east and along the path for a bit, picking up the Crystal Mail , White Musk , and Crystal Gloves as you continue
to the next area.

So many treasure chests...

There, go east to find a Crystal Helm , then go south from the entrance and east to a south/east fork. Go south and grab
the three treasures: a Break Blade , Chocobo’s Wrath , and a Phoenix Down .

Halfway there about.

Return north to the fork and go east and north. Go west to find the Dual Haken , then go east to the next area.

Here, simply go along the lengthy, but linear path to the next area, picking up a Phoenix Down and a Protect Ring on the


In this area, go north along either northbound path and grab the Holy Lance . Then head east or west along either path
until you reach a set of two close-together northbound paths like the others from before. First go south to get the Hellish
Claws , then go north to leave.

Back in the overworld, quickly save and go north into the Crystal Tower , then due north to the Forbidden Land …

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame


Magic Shop

Item Name Cost

Flare 60,000

Death 60,000

Meteors 60,000

Tornado 60,000

Arise 60,000

Holy 60,000

Item Name Cost

Catastro 40,000

Leviath 50,000

Bahamur 60,000

Hidden Shop

Item Name Cost

Shuriken 65,500

Crystal Shield 50,000

Crystal Mail 50,000

Crystal Gloves 50,000

Crystal Helm 50,000

Apollo Harp 60,000

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Abaia 6,970 2,700 8,000

Sleipnir 7,000 2,800 8,000

Haokah 7,200 2,900 8,000

Acheron 13,600 6,600 12,000

Oceanus 13,200 6,800 12,600

This area is technically optional, but gives you some of the most powerful end-game gear. So get to it!

To find Eureka, enter Crystal Tower. You’ll unlock the locked door with the key from Doga and Unei. Be sure to save first!
Eureka is a long dungeon with many bosses.

This is only the start of the many treasures hidden here...

Once you enter this forbidden land, go south to find a fork. Go along the southwestern path, then go east when first possible

to get a Chocobo’s Wrath and Fuma Garb .

Hey look it's like, symmetrical or something.

Backtrack to the entrance and go along the southeastern path, then west when first possible to find an Elixir and a White
Musk. Go east and south to the next area.


There, go south to find another fork. Go southwest, then north when first possible to reach another area with another White
Musk chest.

Oooooooh shiny

Backtrack to the fork in the previous area and go southeast, then north when first possible. In the next area, you’ll find
another Chocobo’s Wrath , a Phoenix Down , and yet another White Musk .

Back in the previous area, once you re-enter, go south and you’ll soon find an unused westbound path. Go along it to reach
a Ribbon guarded by a Ninja.

Boss: Ninja

Attribute Stat

Level 47

Max HP 24,000

EXP Earned 28,400

Gil Earned 14,400

Hey look a stereotypical ninja!

The Ninja is a tough boss, but just like Odin, there are the same three strategies you can use that will be the most effective:

Using a well-rounded team, using four Dragoons, or using four Dark Knights.

One boss down, a lot left more to go.

After the battle, return east into the southgoing hall, then go south and west to find the fork.

First, go along the western branch to go to another area where you’ll find a Shuriken in a chest! Then backtrack to the fork
and use the eastern branch to reach the next area.

Here, go south until you run into a larger area. There, go northwest to find an Elixir .

Almost to the next boss, so heal up.

Then go south and along what remains of the linear path, finding a Shuriken and a Phoenix Down in chests in alcoves
to the north along the way. In the next area, go along the path until you find a chest in a room. Open it up. We want that
Moonring Blade!

Boss: Amon

Attribute Stat

Level 48

Max HP 33,500

Attribute Stat

EXP Earned 26,800

Gil Earned 20,350

So many palette swaps!

Amon is like Hein. He has high Defense, made higher with a Protect spell he can use. He also has a subpar physical attack
and can use Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga. And he also can change his weakness.

With this fight, you may want someone along to use Libra/Study to find out Amon’s weaknesses, then abuse them as you

After the fight, you’ll receive that Moonring Blade . Cool. go southwest out of this room and continue along the path to the
next area.

This is strangely reminiscient of another dungeon in the past....

In this next area, go south until you reach a tri-branch fork. In this next area, go south until you reach a tri-branch fork. Go
along the western branch to find the Omnirod in a chest, then go along the eastern path to find a pedestal. Examine it for
a fight!

Boss: Kunoichi

Attribute Stat

Level 48

Max HP 29,000

EXP Earned 29,200

Gil Earned 14,500

Oh another ninja?

Kunoichi, being a ninja, moves fast, so she will be able to get three moves per turn in this fight. She will make generous
use of Haste and Aera, and can also Poison you. Use Reflect if you want to evade some of those attacks, or use Reflect
on Kunoichi if you don’t want her to get the buffs from Haste. Then proceed with your usual attack strategies.

After the battle, you’ll end up receiving a Masamune

Moving right along!

Go back to the four-way intersection and go south to the next area, picking up a Phoenix Down on the way.

In the next area, go along the linear path and you’ll eventually notice a northbound entranceway to the next area.

Here's where the next boss is.

Go east past it and, at the end of this path, you’ll find something else to examine for yet another battle.

Boss: General

Attribute Stat

Level 48

Max HP 35,000

EXP Earned 30,000

Gil Earned 15,600

Not very much worth worry, offensively. This boss can use a basic physical attack that is barely more powerful than the
other enemies in this dungeon. He can also use Drain, and if he’s feeling like intimidating you, he will attempt to use the
very inaccurate Death spell. Brace yourself for the hit though, if you see him using it, rather than pray for luck (you probably
won’t get hit, but always prepare for the worst).

Protect can help you take even less damage (it is not as necessary). But otherwise just do the usual and he will fall soon

After the battle, you’ll receive the Excalibur ! Now, backtrack to that entranceway we passed by earlier.

In the next area, go north to the next room. Go through the hall on the east side of this room to find yet another boss. They
just keep coming, don’t they?

Boss: Guardian

Attribute Stat

Level 49

Max HP 33,700

EXP Earned 31,600

Gil Earned 16,500

Make sure you're healed!

This boss likes to use physical attacks and Quake, and also will cast Reflect on itself. Because it likes to use Reflect, stick
to physical attacks. This can be a bit more complicated than previous fights. Three Dark Knights plus one Devout is a viable
strategy. Spam Souleater with Dark Blades, and dedicate your Devout entirely to healing your Dark Knights.

If you’d like to use magic attacks, however, put Reflect on your sturdiest character (if you want to beef up the character’s
defense even more, use Protect beforehand). Then, when you cast spells, aim at that character. The spells will bounce
off and hit the Guardian. If you cast a spell that can hit an entire party, however, every single member of your party will
need Reflect active.

After this battle, you’ll receive the Ragnarok ! Go back west into the room and use the western hallway to find another
fight. Yay…

Boss: Scylla

Attribute Stat

Level 49

Max HP 35,000

Attribute Stat

EXP Earned 30,800

Gil Earned 16,200

She's so lovely isn't she?

Scylla will hit twice per turn, and will use, in addition to a basic physical attack, Firaga, Thundaga, and Blizzaga. Also,
Scylla can Petrify you. Hope you brought your Gold Needles. And if not, hope you purchased the spell that will cure Petrify.

Using Dragoons to Jump will help you avoid some of Scylla’s attacks, as will casting Reflect.

After the battle, you’ll obtain the Elder Staff .

Don't forget these hidden treasures!

Go east into the room, then north to the next area.

There, go north and you’ll find a few things. In this room’s northeast corner is an HP/MP recovering wellspring, and a KO-
healing one is on the west side of the room. Make sure you heal (as if that weren’t obvious enough) Also open the four
chests in this area for two Elixirs and two Shuriken !

You’ll also find magic shops selling the Lv. 8 Magic spells! Of all the spells, it’s recommended you grab Flare, and you’d

better buy Holy and Arise.

This is the last attraction of Eureka.

After that, you can go through the wall south of the HP/MP wellspring to find a hidden item shop. From there, if you have
invested in the Ninja job (you should have!), spend the rest of what Gil you have left on Shuriken. If you need to grind for
Gil, the wellsprings are here.

Once you’re finally done here, you’ll need to backtrack out of here. Walking instead of Teleporting will allow you to get more
Gil and EXP.

Let’s begin the Crystal Tower! Be sure to save in the Overworld first. After this, you won’t be able to save for a while.

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

Crystal Tower

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Gomory 19,976 7,000 12,600

Bluck 6,720 1,655 8,400

Doga's Clone 18,500 5,000 16,000

Azer 17,560 7,400 13,200

Platinal 19,976 7,600 13,200

Kum Kum 9,600 3,600 8,000

Shinobi 11,000 3,700 8,800

Dark General 20,000 8,600 13,800

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Yellow Dragon 79,999 12,000 30,000

Green Dragon 89,999 13,300 45,000

Red Dragon 99,999 14,666 60,000

Glasya Labolas 22,800 8,400 13,800

Thor 12,500 4,000 9,600

After approaching the mirror, you’ll watch some scenes and then proceed to another area. There, go north for another
scene and another boss fight!

This is a long dungeon.

From the Eureka gateway, go northeast and along the path to a north/south fork. There, go north to find an Elven Bow in
the northwestern corner of the room. Go around and you’ll find a Chocobo Wrath at the end of the path.

Here are the White Musk and Chocobo Wrath.

Go back now and use the southern branch and examine both branches of the next fork to find a White Musk and a
Chocobo Wrath .


Backtrack to the Eureka entrance and go northwest. As before, you’ll find a north/south fork. Go south and along the first
eastbound path to find a Fuma Garb . Backtrack to the north/south fork and go around the wall to the west to find another
White Musk.

Now it's time to really start this dungeon!!

Go to the north side of this area to the door shown above to reach the next area after a scene.

It's like we're looting another giant palace.

In this area, go around and south along the path.

When you first see a northbound path, go along it to find an Elixir. Go back to the main hall and continue along for a bit,
finding a Phoenix Down on the way.

Feel free to burn through resources. This is what you have been saving your items for!

Once you hit the large room with a path to your west, go west, then north at the north/south fork. At the northern side of
this area is an Elixir . Go back to the previous room and exit it via the southeastern corner. Go along the path into the next

More Elixirs for your MP!

Here, go north to find an east/west fork. Go east and along the winding path to soon reach a north/east fork. Go north to
first find an Elixir , then go east and along that path to the next area.

And a Phoenix Down so you don't have to exit and start over if you lose a teammate!

In this area, go north, west, south, then west to find a chest with a Phoenix Down . Go west when just south of the chest
to go through the wall.

More Shuriken! Having a Ninja is basically free damage, you know.

Then, go west, south, west, north, and west to emerge on the other side. Travel north to find a Shuriken in the alcove,
then go west, north, west, and south to the next area.

We're about halfway through. Hang in there!

In this area, go south, east, and north along the path to reach a small room with two chests containing a Phoenix Down
and an Elixir (the chest for the Elixir is in the screenshot below).

The chest on the left is the Elixir chest mentioned above.

Go east and around the south side of the central structure of this room to find a path heading southeast.

More Elixirs!!

Go along it to find an Elixir in a chest. Then go to the north side of the central structure to find the way to the next area.

In this U-shaped area, there is nothing of interest so just continue north to the next area.

Once you arrive in this new area, go around to the east and you’ll find a side path heading east from the wall. At the fork
on the other side of the small passage, go south and along the long straight path until you find a narrow northbound path,
which leads to the next area.

More gear for you.

Here, go north to find three paths: one north, one east, and one west. Go east to find some Crystal Mail at the end of the
path, and go west to find a Phoenix Down at the end. Then go north to the next area.

We're almost to the end.

Here, go east and grab the Phoenix Down , then continue east and north to find a Crystal Helm .

These are the last of the loot to grab!

Backtrack to the entrance of the area and go west to find some Crystal Gloves, then continue west and north to find a

Crystal Shield . Backtrack to the entrance of the area and go north to the next area.

Important: In this new area, there is a mirror to the north. If you go there, you will not be able to return to this
 world you are in for any reason whatsoever. Before going to the mirror, restock and go shopping and prepare
yourself. Then just go up Crystal Tower again, fleeing from enemies if you can to conserve on supplies, and
then continue.

Remember: This is the point of no return.

After approaching the mirror, you’ll watch some scenes and then proceed to another area. There, go north for another
scene and another boss fight!

Boss: Xande

Attribute Stat

Level 50

Max HP 49,999

EXP Earned 34,000

Gil Earned 25,000

Make sure you win!

Xande as usual has a basic physical attack that’s not too much more powerful than the attacks of the enemies in this
dungeon. Xande can also cast elemental magic to hit the whole party, and boost himself with other spells. If you’d like, you
can put Reflect on Xande and the ally, so that you can still cast magic and prevent Xande from boosting himself. Other
than that, just stick to your usual status quo team strategy.

After the battle, you’ll learn that the Cloud of Darkness is already upon the world.

This is a designated hopeless boss fight.

You’ll fight it in vain, so don’t be afraid when you lose.


After the battle, you’ll regain control of yourself again. Speak with your friends, then go into the World of Darkness .

Going into the Darkness; The Endgame

The World of Darkness

Regional Bestiary

Monster Name Max HP GIL EXP

Shadow Master 10,000 8,800 3,800

Kage 12,000 3,900 9,200

Yourmungand 30,560 8,800 13,800

Thor 12,540 4,000 9,600

Hydra 33,800 8,500 14,400

Queen Scylla 34,760 10,000 14,400

Garm 19,960 6,700 14,400

Twin Dragon 34,920 11,000 15,000

Xande's Clone 39,000 15,000 24,800

Note: Xande’s Clone can only be encountered in chests.

You will begin in a room shaped like an X. There are five teleporters here: four at the corners of the X and one at the center.

Under no circumstancers should you ever enter the center teleporter. You need to go through all the other four
teleporters first. The Ribbon is an incredibly critical piece of equipment you will need for the final boss, and they
are beyond the other four teleporters.

You can take them in any order you wish. The central teleporter will be covered in this guide after the other four, as per the
recommendation provided above in bold.

Northwestern Teleporter

You can take the teleporters in any order.

Go along the linear path for a bit. At one point, you’ll go southwest, then northwest into a room with a path going northeast
and southwest out of it.

Just showing you Xande's Clone for reference. All the chests will require you fight this enemy.

As with all of the chests here, it is guarded by a Xande Clone, weaker than some of the basic enemies around here.

Go northweast and continue along the path. You’ll soon reach a teleporter: go on it to reach the next area, and a boss fight.

Boss: Cerberus

Attribute Stat

Level 55

Max HP 99,999

EXP Earned 66,666

Attribute Stat

Gil Earned 66,666

Hello, cliche three-headed dog.

Cerberus gets three attacks per turn, often doing a basic physical attack. It is not much stronger than the other enemies in
this dungeon, but attacking three times before you can move once does add up quickly. Cerberus may also use the various
"-ga" spells. Make sure you bring along somebody with Curaja. Reflect is not as necessary this battle. Dragoon Jumping
again always works, but otherwise try your best and heal when you need to.

After the scenes, go back to the X-shaped room.

Northeast Teleporter

Just the usual routine here.

This area again is simple. Follow the linear path. Pick up the Ribbon on the way.

Then in the next area, you’ll find a boss.

Boss: Two-Headed Dragon

Attribute Stat

Level 55

Max HP 99,999

EXP Earned 66,666

Gil Earned 66,666

This boss has the most creative name ever, right?

The Two-Headed Dragon will mainly use physical attacks. They’ll hit for around 2,000 damage, which is a hefty amount, so
make sure you bring along Curaja as always. And then just do what you’ve been doing to get this far!

Backtrack to the X-shaped room.

Southwest Teleporter

We're halfway to being fully prepared for the final boss!

Here, go north and you’ll find some paths branching off in various directions. Go west to another similar situation. Don’t get
confused: continue west and go along the northbound path to find a Ribbon .

Go back south to the previous room, then east and north to the next area for another boss!

Boss: Echidna

Attribute Stat

Level 55

Max HP 99,999

EXP Earned 66,666

Gil Earned 66,666

Oh she looks lovely.

The Echidna, as all the other bosses, will attack multiple times per turn. She can use a mildly-painful physical attack as
well as Quake, Drain, Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, and Tornado. You’ll really be hurt from that Tornado and, given the
multiple-moves-per-turn thing, there’s about a 0.8% chance she can one-hit-kill your party. That happens if Tornado lands
on everybody and is followed by a Quake.

Reflect theoretically can work, but then you lose the ability to heal yourself (it will bounce onto Echidna, of course), reducing
you to using items. Dragoon Jumping, as with everything else, may well be the trick here, since it lowers the chance of you
being exposed to attacks in the first place.

Again, backtrack to the X-shaped room.

Southeast Teleporter

This is the last place we need to visit before the final boss.

Here, go straight north and grab the Ribbon . Then exit the room to the southeast/southwest and go along the path. At one
point, you’ll go south and then west/east into another room. There, go north to the next area to find another boss.

Boss: Ahriman

Attribute Stat

Level 55

Max HP 99,999

EXP Earned 66,666

Gil Earned 66,666

Monster's Inc., anyone?

As usual, this guy gets to move twice per turn. He has the "-ga" spells along with a weak physical attack. Don’t

underestimate it though. It could potentially Petrify the victim.

This time it is definite: Dragoons are the ultimate strategy. Ahriman is incredibly weak to Wind/Aero, first of all, and by
Jumping you can dodge the Petrifying Attack and all the other moves half the time, then smack him around for a lot of
damage. Wind Spears are great, but if you have any other spear with a raw attack over 106, use that over a Wind Spear.

Backtrack to the teleporter room shaped like an X when you’re done thrashing him.

Central Teleporter

The suspense! The suspense!

Go along the linear path north, east, north, west, north, east, north, and west to find the final teleporter.

Equip your Ribbons. Don’t forget to do this. We didn’t go through all that trouble for nothing. Then heal up, and
prepare yourself for the final battle.

Boss: Cloud of Darkness

Attribute Stat

Level 30

Max HP 120,000

EXP Earned 99,999

Gil Earned 70,000

This is it! This is what you have been working towards all game long! Good luck.

Take note of the tentacles that you can target when fighting the Cloud of Darkness. They have health bars and will take
turns to attack you, making it highly recommended you attempt to get rid of them. Disposing of both will put Cloud of
Darkness into rage mode and she will begin to use Particle Beam , her signature move which hits like a truck, very often.
As a result, you should leave one alive while destroying the other.

The left tentacle is immune to all magic attacks. The right tentacle is immune to all physical attacks. Target the left
tentacle, it is the one that will attack you for damage. The right tentacle is mainly devoted to statusing your team, which is
why you have equipped the Ribbons, making it easy to ignore. Once the tentacle is dead, start hitting Cloud of Darkness.

Cloud of Darkness will also use Haste and Protect to buff herself, as well as a physical attack only slightly stronger than the
rest of the enemies in this dungeon. She can also use Lightning/Thunder-based attacks that will hit the entire party. Plus,
she has another unique attack called Flarewave which deals very heavy damage to your entire party as well. And don’t
forget the aforementioned Particle Beam.

For this fight, it is recommended you have a certain four party members.

First is obviously the Devout. With their mastery of White Magic, you will have consistent, reliable healing. This is a long
fight, so don’t worry about using all your hard-earned Elixirs to keep the Devout’s MP from falling down to zero. They will
be needing to use Curaga/Curaja almost every other turn. Also, make sure that they use Haste and Protect on everybody
(Haste only on physical fighters of course). This is one non-negotiable member.

The second is the Ninja. Their ability to Throw weaponry means that they are the true damage per turn kings of this game.
Have them flinging nothing but Shuriken at the Cloud of Darkness and you can hit up to 9,999 damage per Throw if you
invest in the job. I would say the Ninja job is very close to non-negotiable simply because you have acquired so many free
Shuriken and since your Ninja is in the back, you’ve got free damage.

Another good job to have is the Summoner. They won’t be able to help out the rest of the party, but their Summons
guarantee a truck of damage for the Cloud of Darkness. Bahamut should get used first, Leviathan. Then follow up with Titan
(Odin is not going to work), and then Ifrit, Ramuh, and Shiva. If you get desperate enough, you can summon Chocobo.
And if you run out of MP, start using those White Musks and Chocobo’s Wraths items that you picked up and should have
saved, along with restorative items to heal the rest of the party.

The final slot is totally up to you. Vikings are great if they are decently leveled. Provoke can reduce the enemy’s defense
down by a very noticeable amount if you are at a high enough level. Dragoons also come to mind (when do they
not) because they can avoid damage and their Jump attack is so powerful. Dark Knights equipped with Ragnarok and
Masamune can also hit very hard with Souleater. And of course, the Onion Knight is great, but only if you are around Job
Level 95. Bards are also great for buffing and providing general support.

Of course if you just want to go on the all-out offensive, double up on Ninjas. Or if you want to be very safe with healing,
double up on Devouts. Doubling up on Summoners means you can easily dish out the hurt if you bought Bahamut and
Leviathan Summons in Eureka.

That is all that we can say. Good luck, Warrior of Light.

After the battle, enjoying the ending scenes…and congratulations on completing Final Fantasy III.


What are Jobs?

Jobs are a way to allow your character to specialize in a certain area, such as magic or melee at its most basic level, and
add another layer to the complexity of forming team synergy and strategy. All of the jobs are naturally unlocked as you
progress through the game. Each Crystal you restore will add to your job list, so you don’t need to worry about going out of
your way for all of them (except the Onion Knight job, which is in no way necessary for game completion).

Different jobs can equip different weapons. Knights, for instance, can equip swords , but not a bow and arrow, which a
Ranger can use. Many magic classes also can only use very specific pieces of armor, and some other classes, such as
Thieves and Monks, have other specialized armors just for them.

There are a total of 23 jobs in FFIII. One of them, the Freelancer, is the initial job you get when you first start the game.
The last one, the Onion Knight job, is exclusive to a sidequest. DS users will need to have the data from Wi-Fi downloads
that are no longer available (sorry new players), whereas Steam users merely need to have certain percent benchmarks
completed in their Bestiary.

This section will provide you with everything you need to know about all jobs, including the Onion Knight. Bear in mind that
though some jobs are more favored over others, all are equally useable. If you find yourself liking a job and worry that it
isn’t very good, don’t worry. In only a few instances are some jobs strict upgrades, and they will be pointed out to you.


Job Mechanics

Here is the Job menu.

Before we begin, let’s go over some job mechanics. First of all, jobs have levels separate from your character levels. By
performing and successfully executing any action except “Flee!” in battle, you will gain a hidden number of job points
(referred to as JP in this guide). As your job levels up, you will reap benefits such as more powerful special abilities and
higher hit count. There’s no way really to know how many job points you have, but the game will inform you when your job
levels up.

If you want to specifically level up your jobs quickly without risking dying (ex. if you’re already at level 99) then go to Altair
Cave and repeatedly use the "Guard" action on the Goblins inside.

When changing jobs, you will notice that your character has poor performance and that by their icon in the Status screen,
there is a grey arrow pointing down. What is this? They are caught in the middle of “transition” . Think of it like the
character learning (or re-learning if you’re switching back) the job. It takes a bit of time. The higher the levels of the jobs
involved, the shorter the transition time. Keep track of your character’s transitions so that you aren’t fighting important or
hard battles during that period.

Finally before we jump in, I’d like to leave you with some advice. You do not need to reach job level 99 to perform well
in combat, or beat the game. A job level of around 20 - 30 is sufficient. If a character never switches jobs, you will find that
they naturally tend to have a high job level. But don’t worry if you switch jobs after restoring a Crystal. The Earth Crystal
is especially notorious for causing a lot of switches right before the final boss due to many of its jobs being upgrades to
previous jobs. Just go ahead and do it, level grind a little bit if you are worried.

Being at max job level unlocks a nice bonus in the form of the Legendary Blacksmith sidequest but otherwise you don’t
need to aim for it. (DS players will need the data from a long-gone Wi-Fi event, Steam users will find that it is automatically
unlocked when a character hits job 99 and you are sufficiently advanced into the game’s plot.)

All jobs will first have a melee, magic, or hybrid classification based on what they primarily rely on to deal damage. After
that, weapon types that can be equipped will be listed, and finally, I will give a brief overview of the job and my opinions
and recommendations. Jobs are sorted by the crystal that unlocks them so you have an idea of what you have first, and
what you have last.

Wind Crystal


Jack of all trades, master of none...

Combat: Hybrid

Weapons: Knives, Swords, Bows, Claws, Lv. 1 white magic, Lv. 1 black magic

The freelancer is the starting class you get before you restore the Wind Crystal. As such, you don’t really have much
of a choice whether you use it or not. The freelancer is the classic jack-of-all-trades, master of none job, able to use a
wide variety of weapons and some elementary spells. However without further specialization, some of the most powerful
weapons in the game are beyond the freelancer’s ability. Once you get jobs from the Wind Crystal, you’ll want to move
forward from Freelancer.

Wind Crystal


Strong and sturdy.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Knives, Swords, Bows, Axes

The warrior is meant to be bulky but without sacrificing attack power. Its signature ability is Advance , which cuts defense
in exchange for a powerful attack. The attack boost grows with job level. The warrior also has a wide variety of equippable
weapons, meaning you can adapt to almost every situation. If it weren’t for all the dungeons that force you to use magic
to deal damage (as Mini causes your attack and defense to drop to basically one), the warrior would be a solid option.
However, by the time physical classes become more viable, many other jobs outclass the Warrior, leaving the Warrior job
in the dust as most pursue the shinier options.

This does not detract from the Warrior’s prowess at all though. In fact, having it so early means you are likely to hit near
max job level by the end. At job level 99, Advance multiplies your attack by x2.4 !

Wind Crystal


Might makes right!

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Claws, bare fists

The monk is the traditional bare-fisted fighter. Without some of the end-game claws, you’re better off equipping nothing
for highest attack power (that’s what "bare fists" means). The special Retaliate ability allows a Monk to take a hit and the
counter back for double the damage. I recommend you avoid it, as you can deal more damage in two turns. Monks are
very powerful out of the box without you needing to grind for money to buy shiny weapons, but like the Warrior job will
eventually fall behind. The Black Belt job is a natural upgrade path when you obtain it.

Wind Crystal

White Mage

Always there for your boo-boos.

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 7 white magic

The white mage is the typical healer and supporter. While almost incapable of combat ( do not attack with the staves you
equip because you will deal double digit damage ), the safety and survivability the white mage provides is unmatched.
You absolutely need one of these, and not just for boss fights, but for emergencies where your supplies may run low.
White Mages can even learn Teleport later on which lets you escape instantly from dungeons in a pinch. Your mage will be
able to attack with air elemental spells such as Aero but for the most part, they are your defensive team member. Keep
your White Mages in the back formation at all times . White Mages are not designed to be end-game jobs, as they
cannot use magic beyond level 7, barring them from powerful spells like Arise. As soon as you’ve restored all crystals, you
can upgrade to Devout .

Wind Crystal

Black Mage

For those times when you need yourself a nuke.

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 7 black magic

In direct opposition to the White Mage is the Black Mage. Instead of contributing via support, the Black Mage seeks to
deal as much damage as possible through various magic spells of different elements. Similar to the White Mage, the Black
Mage suffers from similar drawbacks such as armor with low defense and limited MP (due to how this game chose to
spread MP). However, the Black Mage possesses power unparalleled, especially in the early game, due to magic’s higher
power compared to melee (seriously it’s insane). Be sure to carefully manage your MP however, or find enemies you can
use a Thief to steal some Elixirs from. Black Mages cannot use level 8 magic, similar to White Mages, and will upgrade to
Magus at the end of the game.

Wind Crystal

Red Mage

The better version of the Freelancer.

Combat: Hybrid

Weapons: Knives, Swords, Bows, Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 5 white magic, Lv. 1 – 5 black magic

Red Mages have the magic power of mages without sacrificing the versatility melee provides, with their only drawback
being that they have a lower magic level limit, and roughly half the MP of a Black or White Mage. However, they are very
small drawbacks compared to their advantage. I highly recommend you use multiple red mages in the early game before
you get more jobs so that you can have a wide range of options with weapons and team setups.

A vast majority of the early dungeons involve the use of Mini or Toad , for example. Red Mages can adapt to almost every
situation, making them invaluable early on. Later, they suffer from low stat growths, unfortunately. I would define the Red
Mage as the best early game job when your characters need to be able to do bits of everything, to be left behind when they
"graduate" into more specialized roles. However, it’s no slouch at job level 99 either.

Wind Crystal


The best at pickpocketing your enemies blind.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Knives, Boomerangs

The thief is your standard fast but frail class, able to Steal items. Most of the time, your steals are going to be fairly
standard, such as potions. But many enemies will also drop things like Heavenly Wrath, and even Phoenix Downs and
other useful items! Not to mention once you unlock boomerangs, you can put the thief in the back row to deal full damage
without taking full damage. There are also several dungeons with locked doors. If you don’t buy Magic Keys , you can
simply have a thief lead your party to unlock them.

Also, a job level 71+ Thief is the only way to acquire Gungnir from the boss Odin, the second most powerful Lance in the
game (the most powerful, the Magic Lance, is exclusive to the Blacksmith sidequest). So if you like Dragoons, consider
investing in a Thief so you can get some great equipment for them. After the last crystal, the Ninja will be your choice of
upgrade, unless you need the ability to steal.

Fire Crystal


Ranger, ranger!

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Bow

The ranger is an oft-overlooked job in favor of the shinier jobs you get at the Water Crystal, but is not to be scoffed at.
The most obvious draw of a ranger (pun unintended) is its ability to stand in the back row by your mages while still dealing
full damage, owing to the bow’s range. Additionally, arrows can be all kinds, from standard arrows to arrows imbued with
elements, allowing you to exploit weaknesses—something many melee users cannot do. Unfortunately, the special ability,
Barrage , is a bit of a letdown, attacking all enemies at once but cutting your attack. However many other jobs have
lackluster abilities but are still great, so don’t let that discourage you. Honestly, the biggest drawback of the ranger is that
you have to constantly buy more arrows.

Fire Crystal


For when you need your man in shining armor.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Swords, Lv. 1 white magic

The knight is a solid, defensive tank, but isn’t lacking in offensive power. Its special ability, Defend , is like a guard on
steroids. The higher the job level, the more damage you can guard. Knights also have an innate ability Cover that allows
them to take damage for allies on the verge of death while reducing the damage they take at the same time. Again, the
higher the level, the less damage a knight will take from covering an ally.

Knights can also use Lv. 1 white magic. Later in the game, this won’t really amount to much, as Curaga and Curaja will be
the new standards, but it’s handy in a pinch if your mage gets overwhelmed. If you’re willing to stick with it, the knight might
seem plain but he is anything but. This job is a personal favorite of mine for all-around reliability.

Fire Crystal


Unleash nature!

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Bells

Geomancers are a special magic class. While they can attack with various bells, their special ability is that they can cast
spells for no MP based on the terrain of the battle. In addition, all terrain carry a small chance of casting the powerful
Shadowflare , which deals thousands of damage even at low job levels! Geomancer is a job that requires a lot of
investment and care, as the amount of damage you do goes up based on your job level.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the Geomancer class is its dependency on the terrain . If the terrain provides very poor
spells, then your Geomancer will be next to useless aside from attacking with bells. Also, every type of terrain in the game
has multiple spells that have various chances of being activated, meaning that there’s a chance you could activate a spell
that doesn’t do the damage you need to succeed. Geomancer also faces a lot of competition from Evoker and Summoner.
I recommend you have a Geomancer character be masterful at another job so that if you find yourself with bad terrain, you
can still have offensive presence.

Fire Crystal


Knowing is half the battle.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Books, Lv. 1 – 3 white magic, Lv. 1 – 3 black magic

Scholars are an odd class. First off, they literally whack enemies with books. Who does that? And it works! Books have all
sorts of different elements too. Not to mention, scholars can wear armor with high defense! On top of this, scholars can use
elementary white and black magic.

However, scholars suffer from very poor vitality growth and stat growth overall, so leave them in a job for too long and you
might find their HP to be lagging behind (remedy by giving the character some training as a Black Belt ). In addition, their
Study ability, which reveals details such as health, elemental weakness, and other information, is very situational. And
when you finally enter the late game, you’re going to need to be able to cast at least level 5 – 6 magic, which a scholar
cannot provide. Use one if you wish, but they are definitely not a replacement for a white mage or devout!

Water Crystal


Did you know Vikings didn't actually wear horned hats?

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Hammers, Axes

The Viking operates like a reverse Warrior. Packing high attack and tough defenses, but low magical defense (be careful
around bosses who like to use magic!), the Viking can use hammers and axes, some of the most powerful weapons in the
game, to really lay on the hurt. The biggest draw of the Viking, however, is its special ability, Provoke. Provoke will taunt
the enemy into attacking only it. Provoke has a higher success rate at higher job levels, starting out at 60% and maxing out
at 100%.

Now this might seem like a bad idea, taunting and whatnot, but this can become a very effective way to control a battle by
setting your Viking in the back row and dual-equipping him with shields . This effectively makes the Viking impossible to
kill outside of magic (again, be cautious!) and allows you to control the enemy’s AI and thus the flow of the match. If you’re
willing to put in the time for this, this tactic can be very effective.

Water Crystal


Jumping always works!

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Lances

The Dragoon is one of my all-time favorite classes. Dragoons equip exclusively Lances and their signature ability is their
Jump attack. Dragoons will leap into the air, avoiding damage for one turn, and then attack for roughly x1.5 damage at
minimal job levels. The multiplier goes up with job level and can become quite ridiculous very quickly, especially since
it mitigates damage for a turn! Jump attacks, regardless of Lance, also inherently have the Wind element, making it
especially powerful on enemies weak to wind.

While Dragoons will initially start out with very weak Thunder Spears, later dungeons will literally give you free Dragoon
armor and upgraded spears, from the Heavy Lance to the Trident to the Blood Lance. All jobs are usable and equally
viable, but honestly the Dragoon stands out from the rest as a particularly powerful powerhouse. I strongly recommend you
have at least one on your team, just like you would have at least one White Mage.

Water Crystal

Dark Knight

Their name says dark but don't worry they're still protagonists!

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Knives, Swords, Dark Blades

Dark Knights, similar to Warriors, Vikings, and Knights, are powerful melee users whose signature weapons, dark blades,
carry the additional advantage of being super effective on enemies capable of dividing (which appear frequently towards
the end of the game and are incredibly annoying). Their special ability, Souleater , cuts 10% of their HP in exchange for
doing a powerful attack on all enemies. Plus, it’s unaffected by the back row! If you pair a Dark Knight with a White Mage/
Devout or a Bard, you can constantly heal so that you can spam Souleater, which at a high job level packs a big punch.
On top of that, Dark Knights have access to very powerful endgame armor and gear, particularly where dark blades are
concerned. Like the Dragoon, they are reliable, sturdy powerhouses.

Water Crystal


The random number job

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 8 summons

Evokers are a specific magic class specializing in Summons. When you first unlock the Evoker class, you will find that you
are unable to actually fight with your character, because Summon spells are different from black and white magic spells
(classified with a gray dot instead of a black or white dot). Summon spells must be purchased or acquired from some
optional bosses. Replito is the town you will need to go to for buying your very first Summon spells, which already puts a
damper in the Evoker’s usefulness. The very best summons come after that by fighting optional bosses such as Odin and
Bahamut, and those must be done even later due to the bosses’ high levels.

Once you get everything together though, Evokers ultimately are a rather disappointing class. Summon magic is incredibly
powerful, able to attack every enemy without losing power, and you can still stay in the back row, but Evokers suffer from
being inconsistent in using them. Every time you use a summon spell with an Evoker, you have a 50% chance of actually
attacking. The other 50% of the time, you will cast a random status effect, or heal your party, etc. While the healing can
be appreciated, if it’s a pretty big boss battle that comes down to the wire, it’s easy for one unlucky Summon to cause the
game over screen to appear. This is the only instance where I suggest you wait for the Summoner job instead.

Water Crystal


You spoony bard!

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Harps, Knives

Bards are an oddball class. First off, they attack by playing instruments. While not as bizarre as whacking faces in with
books, that already sets them up for being rather eccentric. The harps that they play also come with side effects, such as
valuable buffs to you or debuffs to the enemy, meaning you can do damage and make the flow of battle easier! The Dream
Harp can heal your entire party, and the Loki Harp gives you a free Haste! They are, however, end-game harps, but their
performance is unmatched.

Because you can alternate equipment without wasting a turn in this game, you can easily switch between Dream Harp and
Loki Harp to offer healing and Haste every other turn. Bards are one of those jobs that takes a lot of love to get it off the
ground, but if you are good with the upkeep costs then it pays off. At higher levels, the Dream Harp can heal up to 1,200
HP to every single member every turn. And remember, this doesn’t cost you any MP, you just have to Sing with the Harp!
While somewhat outclassed by melee fighters who do more damage, and by mages who can heal for more, the Bard is an
excellent middle ground. And who doesn’t want to whack enemies with musical instruments?

Earth Crystal

Black Belt

This is the upgrade from the Monk.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Claws, bare fists

The Black Belt is the upgrade to the Monk job with a few key differences. Once you unlock a Black Belt, however, there is
no reason to keep a Monk in the party, as the Black Belt has notoriously high stat growth, especially in Vitality and Strength.
In fact, one of the reasons you should invest in Black Belt and why it is so popular is because it is the only job that can
almost guarantee your character will hit the coveted 9,999 HP cap at level 99. If you find your character lagging behind
because their job has poorer stat growths, switch to Black Belt, grind them up a few levels, and you’ll notice an immediate
change in their HP!

That aside, the Black Belt has the Boost ability where you store energy for a turn, then deal double damage next turn.
It’s best to just attack each turn, rendering Boost (like the Monk’s Retaliate), fairly situational at best, and easy to ignore
at worst. Be sure to equip your Claws when using the Black Belt job if you plan on investing in it, and you’ll probably want
to job grind up to around level 40 as well. Unlike Monks, Black Belts need a lot of love before their bare fists out-damage

Earth Crystal


This is the upgrade of the Black Mage.

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 8 black magic

The Magus is the naturally upgrade to the Black Mage, and is strictly superior in every way. The biggest addition is now
you can use Level 8 black magic, which includes Flare , one of the most powerful ways to damage a single enemy in the
game. Unlike Black Mages, the Magus has a very different MP setup, losing MP in the Level 1 department to have a more
balanced MP distribution for more powerful spells. Unlike the Devout, where being able to use Cure so often is actually
hard to give up, the Magus won’t be missing those Blizzard spells at all, and now you have more MP to spare on the spells
like Blizzaga instead.

So why isn’t everyone jumping on the Magus bandwagon? Well, despite all the amazing things the Magus can bring to
the table, the Summoner (discussed later) will be giving the Magus some severe competition. The Summoner has a great
MP curve as well, and loses none of its power when attacking multiple targets. In addition, the end-game summons you
can obtain by defeating the optional bosses are very much on par with Black Magic, particular summons obtained from
Bahamut and Leviathan. And finally, the Magus still suffers from the same issues as the Black Mage, which can prove to
be problematic when facing up against endgame bosses.

Earth Crystal


This is the upgrade to the White Mage.

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 8 white magic

The White Mage, long considered an essential team member to the balanced party, now has a necessary upgrade in the
form of Devout. The Level 8 magic you unlock in this job contains the essential Arise spell, which will revive your ally and
heal them of 9,999 HP, more than what they will have by the point you’ve reached the last throes of the storyline. This is far
superior to the Phoenix Down, and similar to the Magus, Devouts have a restructured MP curve to let you use Arise more
often. You sacrifice being able to throw more Cures and Curas around, unfortunately, and that can sting a bit, but if you are
well-leveled then battles of attrition shouldn’t be happening in the first place. That is also what Elixirs are for. Save them for
critical situations!

There’s not much for me to say about the Devout simply because it is such an important job . Rather than tell you why
you should have a Devout, I should be wondering why you don’t have a Devout. How do you survive anything?

For those comparing the Devout to the Sage, the Devout has much more MP to throw around.

Earth Crystal


The other version of the Magus.

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods, Lv. 1 – 8 summons

The Summoner is a class that is sometimes hard to understand. In order to reach its full potential, you should do a few
sidequests that will allow you to defeat Leviathan (Lake Dohr) and Bahamut (Bahamut’s Lair), unlocking two of the most
powerful summons in the game. The other summons can be purchased and the last one from Odin isn’t as necessary.
Once you have done that, in addition to purchasing summons from Replito , you’re ready!

Summoners are very similar to Black Mages, requiring MP to use powerful spells—“summons”—that involved using the
power of another creature, such as Bahamut, to deal damage. However, Summoners can deal damage to entire parties
without fear of skimping on damage, which Black Mages and Magus cannot do, and overall can give a Magus a run for
their money what with the power they can provide. As a result, the Summoner is an incredibly viable job even with light
investment. Make sure you put your Summoner in the back row. Similar to mage classes, they have very low defense, so
watch out.

Earth Crystal


The new and improved Red Mage?

Combat: Magic

Weapons: Staves, Rods (excludes Lilith and Millennium Rod), Lv. 1 – 8 black magic, Lv. 1 – 8 white magic, Lv 1 – 8

Just one look at the weapons list Sages can equip and cast should tip you off that the Sage is an incredibly versatile class.
Black magic, white magic, and all summons?! The Sage has it all. But before you start jumping to make your team a team
of Sages, you should know that such great advantages are followed closely by equally big disadvantages.

For one, Sages as a result have drastically reduced MP compared to Magus, Devouts, and Summoners. The MP curve
also gives fewer MP for high level spells (6 – 8) and more MP for low level spells, further hindering your Sage’s ability
to cast high powered spells. Finally, you can only have equipped three spells per level at a time. With mages who focus
on one type of magic, this isn’t a really big problem. But with this kind of versatility you need to make sure you tailor your
Sage’s spell set to each battle! I suggest if you use a Sage, to use it to complement a pre-existing Magus, Devout, or
Summoner, instead of as a standalone replacement.

Earth Crystal


The invisible assassin.

Combat: Melee

Weapons: Knives, Dark Blades, Boomerangs

As with Thieves, note that Boomerangs include all items thrown to inflict damage (without actually using the Throw
command). The Ninja is more or less a standard upgrade to the Thief. Instead of stealing, the Ninja will Throw items for
massive damage. The item will be lost, but with items like Shuriken dealing enormous damage (9,999 kind of damage),
it’s well worth it, at least on the final boss. In every other situation, the Ninja is bulkier, more powerful, and faster than the
Thief, and still retains the key advantage of being able to stand in the back row and throw Boomerang class weapons. On
top of that you can still use knives, and now you can even equip dark blades!

You should take advantage of being able to sit in the back row as often as you can, though. Ninjas, with their high speed,
also have very high hit-counts to compensate for middling attack compared to other offensive job classes. 20 hits will
become commonplace with the Ninja. The Ninja’s biggest weakness is its lack of magical defense . Make sure your
Devout is on hand at all times.


Onion Knight
Combat: Hybrid

Weapons: Everything excluding non-Onion Knight Legendary Blacksmith items and summons

You heard right. The Onion Knight can use everything from your inventory—except what you might get from the Legendary
Blacksmith designated for other jobs! The Onion Knight also can’t use summons, but they can use all other kinds of magic
at all levels, with enough MP to throw around, unlike the Sage. The Onion Knight is literally the best job in the game, and
this includes stat growths and caps. If you unlock the Onion Knight job, there is no reason to use any other job, and this is
intentional, because this job has one huge condition: You must be at Job Lv.99 or your stats will be the worst out of
all the jobs. Yes, the Onion Knight will only really show its true colors once you have achieved complete mastery! This is
in line with the philosophy of the Onion Knight: achieving mastery and accomplishment through determination and a lot of
hard work.

You most certainly don’t need four Job Level 99 Onion Knights to beat the main game, but for those looking to complete
their characters and truly master the game, you can’t beat the path of the Onion Knight.

Bestiary Listings


Why is the Bestiary important?

Well to be frank, if you’re here to play the game and finish up the story, you could leave the Bestiary incomplete and nobody
would try and get on your case about it. But, like completing a Pokedex, there’s a thrill to being able to say you encountered
(and defeated) every enemy present in the game! Not to mention, Steam users will be able to unlock many sidequests that
DS users were able to get from Wi-Fi through certain percentage completion levels of the Bestiary. So if you’re playing
using Steam, it pays to make sure you inspect every nook and cranny of the overworld.

This section isn’t going to give you a ton of number specs about the creatures. What you’ll find instead are where you
can find every single enemy in the game, should you find yourself with a few missing spots. As mentioned in the Gysahl
section of this guide, the old man in the village of Gysahl will be your Bestiary resource. I know, I know, it’s annoying to not
be able to have it on hand in the menu, but that’s the way it goes.

Good luck completing your Bestiary, hunter!

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 1 - 20

Screenshots display the partial list of what you will see when speaking with the Bestiary Man.

No. Enemy Location

001 Goblin Altar Cave, Overworld (Ur)

002 Carbuncle Altar Cave

003 Eye Fang Altar Cave

004 Blue Wisp Altar Cave

005 Killer Bee Overworld (Castle Sasune, Kazus)

006 Werewolf Overworld (Castle Sasune, Kazus)

007 Berserker Overworld (Castle Sasune, Kazus)

008 Red Wisp Castle Sasune

009 Dark Eye Castle Sasune

010 Zombie Castle Sasune

No. Enemy Location

011 Mummy Sealed Cave

012 Skeleton Sealed Cave

No. Enemy Location

013 Cursed Copper Sealed Cave

014 Larva Sealed Cave

015 Shadow Sealed Cave

016 Revenant Sealed Cave

017 Firefly Dragon's Peak

018 Helldiver Dragon's Peak

019 Rust Bird Dragon's Peak

020 Rukh Dragon's Peak

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 21 - 40

"New!!" means you haven't looked at it yet. There will be a lot of "New!!"s.

No. Enemy Location

021 Basilisk Overworld (Canaan, Tozus, Viking's Cove)

022 Bugbear Overworld (Canaan, Tozus, Viking's Cove)

023 Mandrake Overworld (Canaan, Tozus, Viking's Cove)

024 Leprechaun Tozus Tunnel

025 Darkface Tozus Tunnel

026 Petit Nepto Temple

027 Poison Bat Nepto Temple

028 Lilliputian Nepto Temple

029 Wererat Nepto Temple

030 Blood Worm Nepto Temple

No. Enemy Location

031 Killer Fish Overworld (Floating Continent Ocean)

032 Hermit Overworld (Floating Continent Ocean)

No. Enemy Location

033 Sea Elemental Overworld (Floating Continent Ocean)

034 Tangie Overworld (Floating Continent Ocean)

035 Sahagin Overworld (Floating Continent Ocean)

036 Parademon Overworld (Southern Floating Continent)

037 Griffon Overworld (Tokkul, Village of the Ancients)

038 Lynx Overworld (Southern Floating Continent)

039 Hornet Overworld (Southern Floating Continent)

040 Knocker Overworld (Tokkul, Village of the Ancients)

Note: All Bestiary enemies located in the ocean of the floating continent are impossible to encounter once
 you have destroyed the Enterprise , the ship originally given to you at Viking’s Cove. Sorry!

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 41 - 60

As you can probably tell, my personal Bestiary is 83% complete.

No. Enemy Location

041 Flyer Overworld (Tokkul, Village of the Ancients)

042 Lizardman Overworld (Tokkul, Village of the Ancients)

043 Gorgon Overworld (Tokkul, Village of the Ancients)

044 Red Cap Southern Floating Continent

045 Barometz Southern Floating Continent

046 Slime Southern Floating Continent

047 Tarantula Southern Floating Continent

048 Cuphgel Overworld (Gysahl)

049 Pugman Tower of Owen

050 Far Darrig Tower of Owen

No. Enemy Location

051 Blood Bat Tower of Owen

052 Petit Mage Tower of Owen

No. Enemy Location

053 Fury Tower of Owen

054 Aughisky Tower of Owen

055 Bomb Subterranean Lake

056 Manticore Subterranean Lake

057 Stalagmite Subterranean Lake

058 Sea Devil Subterranean Lake

059 Merman Subterranean Lake

060 Ruinous Wave Subterranean Lake

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 61 - 80

However, some enemies, once past a certain point, will never be seen again.

No. Enemy Location

061 Balloon Molten Cave

062 Myrmecoleon Molten Cave

063 Crocotta Molten Cave

064 Adamantoise Molten Cave

065 Red Marshmallow Molten Cave

066 Pharaoh Castle Hein

067 Lemur Castle Hein

068 Lamia Castle Hein

069 Demon Castle Hein

070 Dullahan Castle Hein

Note: All enemies found in Castle Hein cannot be encountered after you have defeated the boss of the
 dungeon, since after this leg of the plot is completed, you are barred from entry to the area. Be sure to collect
all the enemies the first time around if possible.

No. Enemy Location

071 Anet Floating Continent Ocean

072 Mermaid Floating Continent Ocean

073 Seahorse Floating Continent Ocean

074 Sea Serpent Floating Continent Ocean

075 Cockatrice Cave of Tides

076 Poison Toad Cave of Tides

077 Twin Heads Cave of Tides

078 Roper Cave of Tides

079 Agaliarept Cave of Tides

080 Dark Legs Amur Sewer

Note: All enemies you can encounter in the ocean of the floating continent will be impossible to encounter
 after you have destroyed the Enterprise, the first ship you got at Viking’s Cove.

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 81 - 100

There is also no New Game+. To get 100% completion, you must get it right all at once.

No. Enemy Location

081 Gigantoad Amur Sewer

082 Twin Liger Amur Sewer

083 Stroper Amur Sewer

084 Black Flan Overworld (Amur, Goldor Manor)

085 Hellgaroo Overworld (Amur, Goldor Manor)

086 Vulcan Overworld (Amur, Goldor Manor)

087 Dracrocotta Overworld (Amur, Goldor Manor)

088 Magician Overworld (Amur, Goldor Manor)

089 Lost Gold Goldor Manor

090 Gold Eagle Goldor Manor

No. Enemy Location

091 Gold Warrior Goldor Manor

092 Gold Bear Goldor Manor

No. Enemy Location

093 Gold Knight Goldor Manor

094 Nightmare Goldor Manor

095 Hellgaroo Mage Overworld (Duster, Replito, Saronia), Dragon Spire

096 Needle Monkey Overworld (Duster, Replito, Saronia), Dragon Spire

097 Catoblepas Overworld (Duster, Replito, Saronia), Dragon Spire

098 Sorcerer Overworld (Duster, Replito, Saronia), Dragon Spire

099 Sand Worm Overworld (Duster, Replito, Saronia, Dragon Spire

100 Frostfly Dalg Continent Sky (Use your airship!)

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 101 - 120

Thankfully, in the DS version, 100% completion is merely an Achivement.

No. Enemy Location

101 Simurgh Dalg Continent Sky

102 Harpy Dalg Continent Sky

103 Gargoyle Dalg Continent Sky

104 Chimera Dalg Continent Sky

105 Demon Horse Cave of the Circle

106 Rock Gargoyle Cave of the Circle

107 Bovian Cave of the Circle

108 Dread Knight Cave of the Circle

109 Flyer Mage Cave of the Circle

110 Noggle Main World Ocean (Underwater)

No. Enemy Location

111 Abtu Main World Ocean (Underwater)

112 Sea Dragon Main World Ocean (Surface)

No. Enemy Location

113 Kagura Main World Ocean (Underwater)

114 Charybdis Main World Ocean (Underwater)

115 Dozmare Sunken Cave

116 Sea Witch Sunken Cave

117 Killer Hermit Sunken Cave

118 Ologhai Sunken Cave

119 Kelpie Sunken Cave

120 Aegir Sunken Cave

Note: The enemy Sea Dragon is impossible to encounter after the Enterprise has been destroyed. It is also
 a rather rare encounter so be sure to fight and defeat it before obtaining the Nautilus.

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 121 - 140

In the Steam version, however, completion does matter.

No. Enemy Location

121 Kyklops Saronia Catacombs

122 Boss Troll Saronia Catacombs

123 Fachan Saronia Catacombs

124 Cenchos Saronia Catacombs

125 Balor Saronia Catacombs

126 Dira Temple of Time

127 Chimera Mage Temple of Time

128 King Lizard Temple of Time

129 Pterodactyl Temple of Time

130 Wyvern Temple of Time

No. Enemy Location

131 Behemoth Temple of Time

132 King Seahorse Temple of Time

No. Enemy Location

133 Dragon Temple of Time

134 Pyralis Ancient Ruins

135 Silenus Ancient Ruins, Cave of Shadows

136 Gaap Ancient Ruins, Cave of Shadows

137 Azrael Ancient Ruins

138 Eater Ancient Ruins

139 Ouroboros Lake Dohr, Saronia Catacombs

140 Plancti Lake Dohr

Note: The enemy Plancti in Lake Dohr will be impossible to encounter within the dungeon once you have
 defeated the optional boss Leviathan.

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 141 - 160

Thankfully, getting the special sidequests in the Steam version doesn't need 100% completion.

No. Enemy Location

141 Sea Lion Lake Dohr

142 Remora Lake Dohr

143 Grenade Bahamut's Lair

144 Drake Bahamut's Lair

145 Greater Boros Bahamut's Lair

146 Sabertooth Liger Bahamut's Lair

147 Queen Lamia Bahamut's Lair

148 Zombie Dragon Ancient Ruins

149 Death Claw Cave of Shadows

150 Hellish Horse Cave of Shadows

Note: The enemies Sea Lion and Remora are impossible to encounter once you have defeated the optional
 boss Leviathan of Lake Dohr.

No. Enemy Location

151 Chronos Cave of Shadows

152 Valefor Cave of Shadows

153 Haniel Cave of Shadows

154 Vassage Cave of Shadows

155 Peryton Doga's Grotto, Sunken Cave

156 Ogre Doga's Grotto

157 Cyclops Doga's Grotto

158 Nemesis Doga's Grotto

159 Humbaba Doga's Grotto

160 Death Needle Main World (Ancient's Maze)

Note: All enemies found in Doga’s Grotto will be impossible to encounter once you have defeated dual
 bosses Doga and Unei.

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 161 - 180

Note that enemies that you can encounter do not have equal encounter rates.

No. Enemy Location

161 Liger Main World (Ancient's Maze)

162 Aeon Main World (Ancient's Maze)

163 Minotaur Main World (Ancient's Maze)

164 Iron Claws Ancient's Maze

165 Greater Demon Ancient's Maze

166 Unei's Clone Ancient's Maze

167 Thanatos Ancient's Maze

168 Bone Dragon Ancient's Maze

169 King Behemoth Ancient's Maze

170 Abaia Eureka

No. Enemy Location

171 Sleipnir Eureka

172 Haokah Eureka

No. Enemy Location

173 Acheron Eureka

174 Oceanus Eureka

175 Gomory Crystal Tower

176 Bluck Crystal Tower

177 Doga's Clone Crystal Tower

178 Azer Crystal Tower

179 Platinal Crystal Tower

180 Kum Kum Crystal Tower

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 181 - 200

So if you find yourself missing a few enemies in a dungeon, be patient. They might be rare spawns.

No. Enemy Location

181 Shinobi Crystal Tower

182 Shadow Master World of Darkness

183 Kage World of Darkness

184 Dark General Crystal Tower

185 Yellow Dragon Crystal Tower, ??? Dungeon

186 Green Dragon Crystal Tower, ??? Dungeon

187 Red Dragon Crystal Tower, ??? Dungeon

188 Glasya Labolas Crystal Tower

189 Yormungand World of Darkness

190 Thor Crystal Tower, World of Darkness

Note: Red, Yellow, and Green Dragon won’t be encountered in Crystal Tower until you have completed the
 main storyline and dealt with the ??? Dungeon.

No. Enemy Location

191 Hecatoncheir Cave of Shadows

192 Hydra World of Darkness

193 Queen Scylla World of Darkness

194 Garm World of Darkness

195 Twin Dragon World of Darkness

196 Land Turtle Altair Cave

197 Djinn Sealed Cave

198 Nepto Dragon Viking's Cove (automatic entry)

199 Giant Rat Nepto Temple

200 Medusa Tower of Owen

Note: The Nepto Dragon will never actually be fought. After you have found the eye of the Nepto statue
 in the Nepto Temple and quelled the Nepto Dragon’s rage, you will automatically have the entry for Nepto
Dragon logged into your Bestiary!

Bestiary Listings

Enemies 201 - 226

The last few entries are just bosses, including optional, post-endgame ones!

No. Enemy Location

201 Gutsco Subterranean Lake

202 Salamander Molten Cave

203 Hein Castle Hein

204 Kraken Cave of Tides

205 Goldor Goldor Manor

206 Garuda Saronia Castle

207 Odin Saronia Catacombs

208 Leviathan Lake Dohr

209 Bahamut Bahamut's Lair

210 Doga Doga's Grotto

No. Enemy Location

211 Unei Doga's Grotto

212 Titan Ancient's Maze

No. Enemy Location

213 Ninja Eureka

214 Amon Eureka

215 Kunoichi Eureka

216 General Eureka

217 Guardian Eureka

218 Scylla Eureka

219 Xande Crystal Tower

220 Xande's Clone World of Darkness

No. Enemy Location

221 Cerberus World of Darkness

222 Two-Headed Dragon World of Darkness

223 Echidna World of Darkness

224 Ahriman World of Darkness

225 Cloud of Darkness World of Darkness

226 Iron Giant ??? Dungeon


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