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Text: Covibesity

Since declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, rapid global
spread of the disease has led to unprecedented measures. The improvised nature of
such lockdown has triggered rapid weight gain, or covibesity. This worldwide
phenomenon is of great significance and needs both acknowledgement and action.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide from COVID-19 could have been
avoided if obesity rates were lower, a new report says. An analysis by the World
Obesity Federation (WOF) found that of the 2.5 million COVID-19 deaths reported by
the end of February 2021, almost 90% (2.2 million) were in countries where more than
half the population is overweight. Obese people may have a harder time fighting the
virus due to other health complications, such as heart disease and diabetes. Serious
cases of the coronavirus affect lungs, and doctors say that extra fat could limit the lungs
´ ability to expand.
On the other hand, during lockdown, inactivity has been coupled with altered
eating habits. Furthermore, the combination of working from home, on-line education
and social media usage have all caused screen time to surge. The food industry has
intensified on-line advertising. Food shopping increased by 124% which mean more
food consumption; consequently, higher rates of obesity.
The report, released to coincide with World Obesity Day (4th of March), calls for
obesity to be recognized as a disease in its own right around the world, and for people
with obesity to be included in priority lists for COVID-19 testing and vaccination
Adapted from the internet


1.What has The COVID-19 lockdown caused according to the text? (2 pts)
2.Why do overweigh people find it difficult to resist COVID-19 virus according to the
text? (4 pts)
3.According to the text, how do fats affect breathing process at an obese person? (4
4.Are people with obesity included in priority lists for COVID-19 testing and vaccination
according to the text? Justify. (4 pts)


5.In your opinion,how can we fight against obesity? (6 pts)

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