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Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet

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Consti: Philippine Constitution

Introduction To Political Science

Political Science- systematic study of the state and government (“political” derived front the Greek word
“polis” which means “city”; “Science” derived from the Latin word “scire” meaning “to know”)

a. The science of politics, therefore, has, as its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the state
and of the principles and ideals which underlie its organization and activities.

b. It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into a body politic or a political community
(one organized under government and law)

c. It deals with those relations among men and groups which are subject to control by the state, with the
relations of men and groups to the state itself, and with the relations of the state to other states.

Scope of Political Science

Political Science is a very comprehensive field. Its curriculum includes:
1. Political theory- The entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior, and purposes of the state.
2. Public law
a. organization of governments
b. limitations upon government authority
c. powers and duties of government offices and officers
d. obligations of one state to another
3. Public Administration -Attention is focused upon the methods and techniques used in the actual
management of state affairs by the three branches

Function and Importance of Political Science.

(1) The function of political science is to discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs and
to study the operations of government in order to demonstrate what is good, to criticize what is bad or
inefficient, and to suggest improvements.

(2) Its findings and conclusions may be of immense practical use to constitution-makers, legislators, executives,
and judges who need models or norms that can be applied to immediate situations. Again, they may be of
immense practical use to individuals who seek to understand the state in which they live.
(3) The study of political science deals also with problems of social welfare, governmental economic programs,
international cooperation, and a wide range of other matters that are urgent concern to public officials and to
private citizens.

Goals In The Study Of Political Science Courses.

(1) Education for citizenship- The preparation of students for careers in politics, law, teaching, the civil service,
and the foreign service (though vitally important) is secondary to the task of equipping them to discharge the
obligations of democratic citizenship, which grow constantly heavier in the modern world.
(2) Essential parts of liberal education.

(3) Knowledge and understanding of government.

Concepts Of State And Government

A state is a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying
freedom from external control.

Origin Of States.

There are several theories concerning the origin of states, among which are:

(1) Divine right theory. - It holds that the state is of divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern
the people.

(2) Necessity or force theory.- It maintains that states must have been created through force, by some great
warriors who imposed their will upon the weak;

(3) Paternalistic Theory. -It attributes the origin of states to the enlargement of the family which remained
under the authority of the father or mother. By natural stages, the family grew into a clan, then developed into a
tribe which broadened into a nation, and the nation became a state, and

(4) Social contract theory- It asserts that the early states must have been formed by deliberate and voluntary
compact among the people to form a society and organize government for their common good. This theory
Justifies the right of the people to revolt against a bad ruler.

State Distinguished From Nation.

(1) The state is a political concept, while nation is an ethnic concept. A nation is a group of people bound
together by certain characteristics such as common social origin, language, customs, and traditions, and who
believe that they are one and distinct from others.

(2) A state is not subject to external control while a nation may or may not be independent of external control;

(3) A single state may consist of one or more nations or peoples and conversely, a single nation may be made up
of several states.

State Distinguished From Government.

The government is only the agency through which the state articulates its will. The former is the agent, the latter
is the principal, A state cannot exist without a government, but it is possible to have a government without a
state. Thus, we had various governments at different periods of our history, from pre-Spanish times to the
present. There was no Philippine state during those periods when we were under foreign domination. A
government may change, its form may change, but the state, as long as its essential elements are present,
remains same.


De Leon H & De Leon H, Jr. (2014 Edition). Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Rex Book Store

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