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Living in a city-Living in the country

Living in a city : advantages Living in a city : Disadvantages

 Many people like living in a big city  There are several problems too
because life is never boring there.  The air is more polluted.
 You can see the latest exhibitions,  Public transportation is usually
films and plays so there are more inadequate, buses and trams are
possibilities for spending your free crowded. There are a lot of cars on the
time. roads and there are constant traffic
 There are usually better conditions jams in the rush hours.
in a city.  There are more and more skyscrapers
 Streets are better kept and shops are and high-rise blocks in the city and
better supplied. there isn't enough space for greenery.
 There are big supermarkets and  Homelessness is another problem in a
plazas with a wide range of goods big city. You can bump into homeless
and you can find everything that you people wherever you go: In the waiting
need. rooms of railway stations, underpasses
 There are a lot of schools so children and doorways.
don't have to commute. People have  In big cities there are muggers and
more chance to get a job in a city. vandals who take out their aggression
 The hospitals and specialised health on innocent people.
services are more easily accessible  It can be noisy.
than from a village.  The streets are dirty.
 There is good night life  You have a higher cost of living.

Living In a village: advantages Living in a village : disadvantages

 In a village people are friendly , close  Services are less efficient: there is
to nature and the atmosphere is only one school and one GP.
clean.  There are streets that are not
 You can be on friendly terms with tarmacked and on a rainy day you
the shopkeepers and they always sell can easily get stuck in the mud.
you fresh food and meat.  There are enough entertaining
 You can grow your own vegetables facilities and people have to
and gardening might be a rather commute to work and school
relaxing hobby. because there is less chance to get a
 Village people are healthier than city good job or go to secondary school.
people.  There is no public transport.
 You can enjoy the sight of green  There isn't much privacy: everybody
trees and fields , the silent nights. knows everybody.
and the sound of twittering birds.
 All this can work wonders for people'
mental and physical well-being.

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