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Problem Definition

Glenmuir High is a traditional high school located at 10 Glenmuir Rd, May Pen

Clarendon. It was founded by Reverend Percival Gibson on September 15, 1959. Its motto is

“Flagrans Veritatis Studio: Burning with the zeal for truth” and possesses a very active student

council. Mrs Harvey, the first staff supervisor of the council, found the Glenmuir High School

Students’ Council in 1976. It was implemented with the sole purpose of providing a medium

through which students’ views and ideas could be heard and addressed. Each year, the president

and vice president of the council are chosen through an election where all students (excluding

first formers) vote for their favourite candidate from a list of nominees. This list contains no

more than five names for each position. On election day, ballots with the list of names are

issued to all students eligible to vote during form time. These ballots are then collected by the

form teacher and delivered to the head council supervisor. The head supervisor, along with a

selected group of staff members, then manually counts the ballots. The persons with the most

votes for president and vice-president are then introduced to the school population in the next

general devotion.

This manual method of counting the votes can be very time consuming and is prone to

bias and human error. Additionally, the process can also be hindered if suitable persons cannot

be employed for the task. Therefore, a program will be created that will carry out accurate

ballot tabulation while eliminating the effects of bias and/or human error on election results.

The program will therefore be able to accept the number corresponding to the name and

form of the person being voted for. The program will produce pre-set lists with the candidates

for both positions. Any number entered that is not on the list will not be counted, and the user

will be prompted to enter a number on the list. The program will also tabulate and print the

number of times each number is inputted, so as to give the total number of persons that
participated in the voting process and the total number of votes each candidate received. The

winner’s will then be printed as well as the percentage of votes that he/she received.

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