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NAME: ……………………………………………………………………..

What do you think?

A. Look and complete the sentences.

1. If you eat meat, itʼs better to eat vegetables
a. red meat b. chicken c. vegetables
veggies help you avoid high-calorie options.
2. Ordering _________
a. veggies b. fries c. red meat
3. Super-size portions are usually _________.
a. small b. healthy c. large
4. Itʼs better to _________ side orders.
a. eat b. skip
a is a healthy alternative to ice cream.
5. _________
a. Low-fat frozen yogurt b. A cookie
a) b) c)
B. What time is it?

a) twelve o'clock
b) twelve one
c) twelve three
d) twelve thirty
e) one nine
f) three eleven d) e) f)

C. Check the people conversation buying drinks and snacks, try to fill in the blanks with the words

A: Could I have a order of tacos please?
B: Anything else, any drink?
A: Um… , yes, and a Coca-Cola lite please.
B: That’s five dollars ___________.
for all, please
A: Five _____________.
B: Thanks.
2. .
A: Three hot dog's please.
B: Three?
A: Yes, please. And two sandwiches
_________. How much is that?
B: Nine ____________.
A: Ok, nine dollars ___________.
thank you
3. .
burgers please. And a ______________.
A: Two ______________, cold coffee
B: Anything else?
A: No, thanks.
B: Ok, that’s ____________ please
pounds, _____________.

Who is the customer, A or B? The customer is the letter B

D. Complete the chart whit plurals

Singular (a/an) Plural (Two, three…)

Hotdog hotdogs
Sandwich sandwiches
Burger burgers
NAME: ……………………………………………………………………..Group………………
Drink drinks
Coffee coffees
Tea tea's
Orange juice oranges juices

E. ABOUT YOU. Answer the questions.

1. What is your favorite food?

the sushi is my favorite food
2. What is your favorite drink?
Is the cold coffee, i love it
3. Do you like healthy foods?
4. Do you always eat healthy foods?
I don't like all at lot
5. What unhealthy foods do you eat?
I love eat, gorditas, fries food, hamburgers,
SPEAKING. Use the image of healthy eating plate and create your personal diet for one day, record
yourself in power point presentation with sound file. Write and speak at least 5 sentences and no more
than 12 sentences.
NAME: ……………………………………………………………………..Group………………

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