History & Geography Grade 8CD Homework

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Geography Home Work


1. With reference to marine fishing in Pakistan:

 Describe its traditional fishing methods

 Discuss the initiatives taken up by the Government of Pakistan


2. Attempt question 2 on page 105 of the geography book.


3. What benefits has fish marketing brought to Pakistan?


4. State any 3 problems with the fishing Industry of Pakistan and discuss anyone of them, provide

your opinion on it, that why is it that you feel it is the most important one?


5. What is the concept of sustainable fisheries and what advantages does it brings? Discuss.

6. Attempt the question box on page 19


7. What is the difference between inland and marine fishing?

Question )

8. What can you infer from this picture? (refer to page 99-100 of geography book)
History Homework

Discuss the following questions

 What was the Lucknow Pact?

 How was the Luck Now pact made? (What sort of opportunity came to give this chance)

 In what ways did the Indian National Congress give concessions to the All Indian Muslim league? And Why?

 What were the common demands made by the pact?

 What was the significance of the Luck now pact?

 Why weren’t the Indians satisfied by the Montagu Chelmsford reforms?

 What Was the impact of the World war on India? Before and After.

 How did the world war changed the political strategies of the existing parties working in India?

 Infer on page 59, picture of Queen Victoria, what sort of role did she had on India?

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