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Analysis of Video 1

No Aspects of analysis Description

1 level of formality : formal
level of familiarity : Student and teacher
directness : indirect
level of politeness : Very polite
2 non-verbal communication projected : The student made low tone and little
by the speakers bit worried body language
3 speech acts : Complaints and clarification
4 pragmatic failure in the interaction : No failure interaction
5 Speculate how this interaction might :
have unfolded if students B and C
complained about peer feedback that
student A gave. Do you think the
dialogue would be different? How
significant is the difference? In what
way is it different?
6 Consider how this interaction might
be different if it were between the
same people but after graduation.
7 Consider the situation if students B
(and C) were the child of the
professor's cousin? Do you think the
dialogue would be different? How
significant is the difference? In what
way it is different?

8 Speculate how this situation might

unfold if it were in your first language
and cultural context rather than L2.

1. Analyze the speech acts performed by the roleplayers using the following variables:
a. level of formality of the speaker and listener (highly formal, formal, more informal,
very informal), 
b. level of familiarity (close friend, casual friend, acquaintance, etc.)
c. directness (totally blunt, somewhat blunt, indirect, very indirect),
d. level of politeness (very polite, polite, rude, very rude). 
2. Comment on non-verbal communication projected by the speakers (tone, mimic,
body language, attitude projected in the dialogue, e.g., angry, conciliatory, etc.).
3. Analyze the speech acts they performed in this roleplay (e.g., complaint, request,
denial, threat, etc.). How effective do you think each speech act was (i.e., in terms of
its uptake).
4. Determine if there were any instances of pragmatic failure in the interaction (i.e., a
participant not succeeding in having the intended uptake from what they say).
5. Speculate how this interaction might have unfolded if students B and C complained
about peer feedback that student A gave. Do you think the dialogue would be
different? How significant is the difference? In what way is it different?
6. Consider how this interaction might be different if it were between the same people
but after graduation.
7. Consider the situation if students B (and C) were the child of the professor's cousin?
Do you think the dialogue would be different? How significant is the difference? In
what way it is different?
8. Speculate how this situation might unfold if it were in your first language and
cultural context rather than L2.

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