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Módulo 6659

Análise de textos informativos

Nome: Joana Oliveira Data: 08/11/2022
Turma: 21_TSEC08-APZ1

1.Instructions for products and equipment
Word Translation Meaning
• Is a booklet or book, usually accompanying an appliance,
device, computer game or vehicle, which contains written
guidelines informing how to use it.
User’s manual Manual de • The main purpose of these manuals is to instruct, teach and
instruções present the product in a clear way, so that even the least
experienced user can understand it undoubtedly.
• A fire extinguisher (from the Latin extinctore) is a safety
device that has the purpose of extinguishing or controlling fire
principles in emergency cases.
Extinguisher Extinctor
• In general, it is a cylinder that can be carried to the location of
the fire, containing an extinguishing agent under pressure.
• Set of furniture, pieces or equipment with certain
characteristics and intended for a specific purpose (eg school
furniture; the company sells street furniture that includes
Mobiliário bollards, paper bins, benches, shelters and panels, among
• Relating to furniture (eg, furniture art).
Word Translation Meaning
• Advertising is a means of mass communication, for
commercial purposes, aimed at users of a product or service.
• Its general meaning is to disclose, to make public an idea or
Publicidade fact.
• The word “publicity” comes from the Latin “publicus”, or
“public” in Portuguese.
• Characteristic is an element that helps in the construction of
an idea, concept and the notion of someone or something.
Características • As personal characteristics, which are the set of qualities,
defects and expressions of people.
• The term business comes from the Latin “negotĭum”, which is
a word formed by nec and otium (“that which is not leisure”).
Negócios • It is the occupation, activity or work that is carried out for
• Who or who disturbs
Disruptive Perturbador
• Feminine noun Quality of believable, of what incites
confidence, of what can be trusted, believed: the candidate has
Believability lost his credibility with the people.
• In the United States, commercial radio stations make most of
their revenue by selling airtime to be used for running radio
• These advertisements are the result of a business or a service
providing a valuable consideration, usually money, in
Radio Publicidade em exchange for the station airing their commercial or mentioning
Advertising rádio them on air.
• The most common advertisements are "spot commercials",
which normally last for no more than one minute, and longer
programs, commonly running up to one hour, known as
• Print advertising means advertisements that are printed in
hard copy in publications (newspapers, magazines, journals)
likely to be read by your target audience.
• Benefits: If you buy an advert in a magazine with a big
Print Publicidade
circulation, you increase the likelihood that you will reach a
Advertising Impressa
wide audience.
• A television commercial is a type of advertisement broadcast
on television sets that is characterized by an advertising piece
Television Publicidade with the aim of becoming a decisive factor in the viewer's
Advertising televisiva consumption action, seeking to instigate and conquer the
person on the other side of the screen.
• Online advertising is intended to influence the purchase of
products or contracting of services through advertisements on
Internet Publicidade na
the Internet. It emerged in 1993, when the use of the internet
Advertising internet
as a commercial medium was released.
• Outdoor advertising or outdoor media is the term used in
Outdoor publicidade advertising in a generic way for placements in an urban
advertising exterior environment.
• Press advertising is a form of traditional display advertising,
used by brands and businesses to promote products and
Press Publicidade na services in physical publications including national, local and
advertising imprensa regional newspapers, leaflets, brochures and trade and
consumer magazines.
Word Translation Meaning
• A lead is an opening paragraph that gives the audience the
most important information of the news story in a concise
and clear manner, while still maintaining the readers'
Parágrafo de
Lead interest.
• In marketing, publicity is the public visibility or awareness for
any product, service, person or organization (company,
charity, etc.).
• It may also refer to the movement of information from its
Publicity source to the general public, often (but not always) via the
• The subjects of publicity include people of public interest,
goods and services, organizations, and works of art or
• Headlines are top-level headers on an article or piece of
content that summarize the substance of a piece.
• A headline is meant to highlight the main point or category of
Título content, so viewers know the general topic of what they
would see if they were to read on.
• The byline (or by-line in British English) on a newspaper or
magazine article gives the name of the writer of the article.
• Bylines are commonly placed between the headline and the
Byline Assinatura text of the article, although some magazines (notably Reader's
Digest) place bylines at the bottom of the page to leave more
room for graphical elements around the headline.
• A newspaper is a publication printed on paper and issued
regularly, usually once a day or once a week.
• It gives information and opinions about current events and
Newspaper Jornal
• Usually people like to read them to stay informed about their
local city, state or country.
• Newspapers can be delivered to one's home, by subscription.
4.Product labels
Word Translation Meaning
• tells consumers about the ingredients, and nutritional
composition of packaged food for sale. Labels may also
rotulagem de
Food labeling contain information about the conditions under which the
food was produced.
Fonte: power point 004_Food labels
• Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by
which an organism uses food to support its life.
• It provides organisms with nutrients, which can be
Nutrition metabolized to create energy and chemical structures.
• Failure to obtain sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition.
Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, though it
typically emphasizes human nutrition.
• Guar gum is a gel-forming fiber from the seed of the guar
plant (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba).
• It's used to thicken foods and is also used as a dietary
Guar Gum
Goma de guar supplement.
• Guar gum helps normalize the moisture content of the stool,
absorbing excess liquid in those with diarrhea, and softening
the stool in those with constipation.
• It also might help decrease the amount of cholesterol and
sugar that is absorbed in the gut.
• People use guar gum for constipation, diarrhea, irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS), high cholesterol, and high blood
pressure. It is also used for obesity, diabetes, and many other
conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support
these other uses.
• Carrageenans or carrageenans are a family of sulfated linear
polysaccharides obtained from extracts of red marine algae
(rhodophytes), known as carrageenan algae, common on the
coasts of temperate oceanic areas.
• The seaweed most used for the extraction of carrageenans is
the species Chondrus crispus, found on the European and
Carrageenam North American coasts of the North Atlantic.
• Carrageenans, usually sold under the trade name of
carrageenan, have been used for hundreds of years as
additives to food products, in particular as stabilizers and
clarifiers in beverages and as a vegetarian and vegan
alternative to gelatines of animal origin.
• The label is another element that connects the consumer to the
product and the brand, showing details such as the name of
the Product, barcode, weight, tare, price, expiration date,
Etiqueta da
pack label manufacturing date, promotions, wholesale, retail, among
other information.
Word Translation Meaning
• Game is any activity in which there is a player figure and
rules that can be for restricted or free environment.
• Generally games have few rules and these tend to be simple.
Games Jogos
• Its presence is important in several aspects, among them the
rule defines the beginning and end of the game.
• A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the
primary focus of the activity, with elements of competition or
social participation where rules and patterns of behaviour
Sports Esportes
governing the activity exist formally through organisations
and is generally recognised as a sport.
• Lawn games are just that. They are played outside on a lawn,
most of the time in the backyard.
• They tend to be very easy to play and have very simple rules
that participants can learn as they play.
• There isn’t any specific thing (such as a ball or any other
Jogos de object) that qualifies a game as a lawn game.
Lawn games
gramado • Generally speaking, if it is played outside in a backyard
setting, it will fall into this category.
• Though lawn games can definitely get competitive (if you
have a family like mine, everything is always competitive),
they are usually very calm games that people play in social
• They give people at an event or gathering something more to
do, than just sit and talk, which can ease the tensions and
bring the fun.
• Board games are a specific type of tabletop game that often
include pieces or counters that are moved on a board
according to a certain set of rules.
Jogos de
Board games • For example, many board games require players to roll a die,
which depends largely on chance, whereas others are more
skill-based or focused on turn-taking.
• Card game, game played for pleasure or gambling (or both)
with one or more decks of playing cards.
• Games using playing cards exploit the fact that cards are
Card games Jogos de cartas individually identifiable from one side only, so that each
player knows only the cards he holds and not those held by
anyone else.
• Dice games are games that use or incorporate one or more
dice as their sole or central component, usually as a random
Dice games Jogos de dados
• The following are games which largely, if not entirely, depend
on dice: Backgammon. Balut. Beetle.
• Dominoes is a family of tile-based games played with gaming
pieces, commonly known as dominoes.
• Each domino is a rectangular tile, usually with a line dividing
Dominoes Jogos de
its face into two square ends.
games dominó
• Each end is marked with a number of spots (also called pips
or dots) or is blank.
• Some popular examples of pencil-and-paper games include
Tic-tac-toe, Sprouts, Dots and Boxes, Hangman, MASH, Paper
Pencil and Jogos de lápis e soccer, and Spellbinder.
paper games papel • The term is unrelated to the use in role-playing games to
differentiate tabletop games from role-playing video games.
• Britannica Dictionary definition of GUESSING GAME. [count]
: a game in which the player has to correctly guess the answer
— often used figuratively.
Guessing Jogos de
• Making a diagnosis in such cases can be a real guessing game.
games adivinhação
Reporters continue to play a guessing game as they wait to
hear her final decision.
• The easy answer is that a video game is interactive digital
entertainment that you “play” via a computer, a game console
(like the Xbox or PlayStation) or a phone or tablet.
• There, you can go home now because class is over and we’re
Video games Jogos de vídeo done. That really does sum it all up — but it’s not a very good
explanation otom clancy's the divisionf everything going on
• In computing, online gaming is a type of electronic game
Online games Jogos on-line
played via the Internet, where a player with a computer, video
game, gadgets, television or other types of electronic devices
connected to the network, can play with other players without
both needing to be on the internet. same environment.
• Rules may be defined as statements and directions that must
be followed within a given game in order for it to be played
• They are often fixed as "rulesets," created by the game
Rules games Regras do jogo
designer and agreed upon by the players.
• The interactions between rules create the formal system
underlying any given game.

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