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!" Home Replications

Technology Clovis replica made by percussion. I like
to use an antler baton to rough out the
initial shape of a biface by using
freehand suppoort. Support at the far
!" Clovis edge of the biface helps flakes travel
Caches further.
!" Publications
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I really like using a

forked stick to support
freehand percussion. It
allows long, clean flakes
with feathered

These replicas were made by a

rocker punch, not my favorite
technique but clearly effective.

While pressure flaking, I find it

useful to support the preform
with edge upright in a nest of
crumpled leather. This avoids
short bevels and reduces step

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This replica was pressure

flaked by antler.

I prefer to flute points by direct percussion

while the tip is supported on an anvil.

There are many ways to make notches. This

illustration shows the use of a copper punch.

Here are some notched replicas.

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©2012 by Bob Patten. All Rights Reserved.

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