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The Ébriés are members of the Akan ethnic and linguistic group.

Their oral tradition teaches us that

they come from the North-East, from a region neighboring the Abron country in Ghana. They
emigrated from the 18th century following a war with a neighboring ethnic group. This migration
took place in successive waves. In Côte d'Ivoire, they are grouped into nine phratries or goto, each
with its own name: Akouedo, Kwè, Bidjan, Yopougon, Nonkwa, Songon, Bobo, Dyapo, Bya and
Gnangon. All these moieties form a set of sixty-three villages. In recent years we have witnessed a
massive disappearance of these villages.

On the whole, the Ébriés inhabit large villages organized along a central artery. Each village has three
religious buildings: Catholic church, Protestant temple and Harris temple. Each year, one of the
above-mentioned generations organizes a festival called Fatchué, it is the generation festival of the
Ébrié people that is more than three centuries old. It is an initiatory ceremony which marks the
passage from one stage to another in the life of the young girls and boys of the age groups which
make up a generation among the Ébriés. All individuals are equal in rights and duties and are
responsible for running the affairs of the village. What makes Ébrié society an egalitarian and
democratic society.

The world so much towards an evolution the technology and the creation of new institution and
infrastructure being integrated in the south on their lands we are witnessing a massive
disappearance of their village this civilization risks disappearing because the evolution of countries
implies changing the loss of their culture of their value for the benefit of an economic evolution, we
can say that the development of the country forces a disappearance of several civilizations for the
benefit of the brilliance

No country should evolve at the request of these values we tend to abandon our culture for the
benefit of the world indeed the Ivory Coast must protect and help all these populations have evolved
by keeping their value we will avoid keeping the majority of the cultures of the population more to
take care of the learning of traditional languages especially to value the most our cultures to give
importance to it

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