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Lesson Cover Page

Lesson Topic: Parts of an Argument

Lesson Duration: 40 mins
Course: GATE English
Grade Level: 9th


State the terminal objective, which must include both content and behavior.
Students will be able to write a four sentence argument using claim, counterclaim, reasoning, and evidence.


What is the name of the set of standards you are using?
Arizona English Language Arts Arizona State Standards

List 1-2 specific standards from that set that will be taught/assessed during the lesson. Be sure to include the actual wording of
the standard(s).

9-10 W.1
Writing: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substansive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence.
a. Introduce precise claims, distinguish the claims from alternate or oppsing claims, and create an organization that
establishes clear relationships amoung claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
List the key vocabulary in this lesson:
Argument, claim, counterclaim, reasoning, evidence, conclusion


List all of the materials you will need to teach this lesson:
Youtube video : Parts of an Argument
Examples of Arguments
Whiteboards, markers and erasers

Lesson Sequence
The Lesson Sequence shows the steps in the lesson. The first step should be your Bell Work/Anticipatory Set.
The last step should match your terminal behavioral objective for the lesson. Add/subtract rows to this chart as needed.


This column is the breakdown of
TIME This column is where you list the teaching This column is where you list what each student
the day’s content/task into smaller
In minutes strategy, materials, links to presentations, etc. for is doing that allows you to check their
pieces (sub-objectives) for the
each step understanding of that step
students to master

10 mins Bellwork Quick write prompt Students will be responding to this prompt:
Put topics on Jamboard Describe one time where you lost an argument
and one time you won an argument. For each
one, what topic were you arguing. and how did
you go about doing that?

Each student is writing and posts topics on

moderated jamboard organized by won vs lost

10 mins Youtube Video Parts of an Argument Students take notes on video

Watch Twice
Parts of an Argument Conclusion Intermittents closure: Use white boards to
match parts of an argument to the definition
the teacher has on each slide.

10 mins Students will listen to examples of arguments

Activity: Examples of Arguments and will write down on their whiteboards what
Examples part of the argument each sentence the teacher
highlights is.

10 mins
Each student: Using one of the topics that is
Exit Ticket under the lost column on the jamboard, write a
Closure 5 sentence argument.

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