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Journey into Heartbreak

Not only must one learn to do without someone he had come to feel he could not live without, but he must endure dagger-thrusts to the heart, such as: You deserved to be rejected. You are not worthy to be loved. You will never be loved. Who would want you? Elisabeth Elliot1

IT WAS LATE NIGHT. Rain was pouring down in buckets. I had no umbrella and was soaked to the bone.

But I didnt care. I was a massive welt of pain as I staggered back to the institute where I was studying to get my MBA. The romance was dead before it was even born. I felt so achingly hollow, as if someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. I couldnt think. I couldnt talk to people. I just wanted to walk and walk, even under the raging storm. Perhaps I will die of pneumonia, I thought, but even that would be better than living. I was at the ripe age of 25. After graduating from college with an engineering degree, I worked in a factory for three years. However, I got bored with valves and pipes, so I decided to make a career shift to marketing. To pull this off, I decided to take a detour by getting an MBA. I applied for admission and a scholarship at a prestigious institute. Thats when and where I met her. She was working at one of the offices of that institute. I was instantly smitten by her flawless complexion, shoulder-length hair and slim figure. She mistook me for a Korean as I filed my application papers. Chatting with her, I found her to be very respectable and intelligent. She chuckled as I vowed that I will not resign from my job until I was granted the scholarship that I was applying for. Sigurista ka talaga (you only want sure bets),she quipped. My scholarship was indeed granted. I resigned from the factory and began the twoyear full-time MBA course. During that time, I would happen to drop by her office every now and then, turning on whatever charm I had. I also learned that she would attend the Mass held in the campus chapel every Friday.Wow, I thought, pretty and religious. Ill never go wrong with this one. Pretty soon, I was thinking of her more and more. One morning I woke up and realized, Im in love with her! The thought began to form in my mind: Why not court her? It would be great to graduate from the institute not only with a prized MBA degree, but also with a desirable wife. I certainly didnt want to live the rest of my life alone. With that, I embarked on my first serious courtship. I never had a girlfriend before. Being an only child, my childhood companions were mostly science books and comics. The fact that my teenage idol was Mr. Spock of Star Trek should be prima facie evidence that I was a nerd. In fact, during college I was more immersed in mathematical models than in female models, fashion or otherwise. I relished my forays into calculus, thermodynamics and physicsnone of them, by the way, I used in the real world. Believing that having a good job depends on having good grades, I studied hard to collect those As. You can imagine, therefore, how seriously underdeveloped my social skills were. In fact, I chose engineering because I wanted to deal with numbers rather than people. But it also left me socially awkward and unappealing as I was courting this girl. It was next to impossible for me to get in touch with my emotional side, let alone relate with her. Still, in a phase of romantic conceit, I had supreme confidence that she will be mineall mine! So, I dealt with the situation in the only way I knew how: I tried to analyze her and strategized what to do next. In due time, I asked her out on a date. She smiled and chirped, Next time. Two weeks later, I tried again. Again she said, Next time. I should have seen it coming! The Love Train was speeding towards the ravine and I, the dull engineer, turned up the steam even more. I would visit her after office hours as she was waiting for her dad to take her home. I would share some of my experiences in the classroom. I projected the Mr. Nice Guy image as I greeted her boss on her birthday. Thinking I can lower her defenses with humor, I cracked jokes. I wince now at how corny I must have been in one instance: She once took a medical leave due to low iron content in her blood. When she returned, I gave her a hand-drawn welcome-back card, with the picture of what she needed: a steam iron. But whenever I would test the waters again and ask her out for a date, she would give one excuse after another. Oh, its family day. Oh, I have work to do. All the while she was still sweet and charming while turning me down. Then the Hunk came along.

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