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IEC 62093

Edition 2.0 2022-01

in s id e

Photovoltaic system power conversion equipm ent - Design qualification and

type approval

Materiel de conversion de puissance des systemes photovoltaYques -

Qualification de la conception et approbation de type

fclectroiechnteal Com m ission


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Copyright International Electroiechnlcaf Commission

IEC 62093
Edition 2.0 2022-01

in s id e

Photovoltaic system power conversion equipm ent - Design qualification and

type approval

Materiel de conversion de puissance des systemes photovoltaiques -

Qualification de la conception et approbation de type



ICS 27.160 ISBN 978-2-8322-1064-7

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- 2 - IEC 62093:2022 © IEC 2022


F O R E W O R D ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1 S c o p e ...............................................................................................................................................................8
2 N orm ative re fe re n c e s ................................................................................................................................. 9
3 T erm s and d e fin itio n s ...............................................................................................................................10
4 S a m p lin g .......................................................................................................................................................13
5 T esting re q u ire m e n ts ................................................................................................................................ 14
5.1 G e n e ra l.............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.2 E n vironm ental se rvice c o n d itio n s ............................................................................................. 14
5.2.1 G e n e ra l.....................................................................................................................................14
5.2.2 O u td o o r.....................................................................................................................................14
5.2.3 Indoor, u n c o n d itio n e d .......................................................................................................... 15
5.2.4 Indoor, c o n d itio n e d ............................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Test s e q u e n c e s ............................................................................................................................. 15
5.3.1 G e n e ra l.....................................................................................................................................15
5.3.2 Test co nd itio ns for C ategory 1 PCE (M odule level pow er e le c tro n ic s )................ 15
5.3.3 T est co n d itio n s fo r C ateg ory 3 P C E -la rg e scale and C ateg ory 4 P C E -
ce ntral large scale pow er conve rsio n e q u ip m e n t....................................................... 16
5.3.4 Test co nd itio ns fo r C ategory 4 PCE (large central pow er conversion
e q u ip m e n t)............................................................................................................................. 16
5.4 G eneral testing re q u ire m e n ts ..................................................................................................... 21
5.4.1 In stallation o f testing s a m p le .............................................................................................21
5.4.2 P e rip h e ra ls ...............................................................................................................................21
5.4.3 C onnectors and w irin g ......................................................................................................... 21
5.4.4 M easuring instrum ents and m onitoring e q u ip m e n t..................................................... 21
5.4.5 E lectrical pow er s o u rc e s ......................................................................................................21
5.4.6 E lectrical lo a d s .......................................................................................................................22
5.4.7 Earthing te rm in a ls ................................................................................................................ 22
5.4.8 C o n tro ls .................................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 Pass c rite ria ..................................................................................................................................... 23
6 T est p ro c e d u re s ........................................................................................................................................ 23
6.1 V isual in s p e c tio n ............................................................................................................................ 23
6.1.1 P u rp o s e .................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................ 23
6.1.3 P ro ce d u re .................................................................................................................................23
6.1.4 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 C haracterization o f operating p e rfo rm a n c e ............................................................................. 24
6.2.1 P u rp o s e .................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................ 24
6.2.3 P ro ce d u re .................................................................................................................................24
6.2.4 R estrictions and e x c e p tio n s ...............................................................................................24
6.2.5 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 F un ction a lity te s t............................................................................................................................ 24
6.3.1 P u rp o s e .................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................ 25
6.3.3 P ro ce d u re .................................................................................................................................25
6.3.4 R estrictions and e x c e p tio n s ...............................................................................................26
6.3.5 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 26

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 - 3 -

6.4 V o ltag e (d ie le ctric stre n g th ) t e s t ............................................................................................... 26

6.4.1 P u rp o s e .....................................................................................................................................26
6 .4.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................26
6 .4.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 27
6.5 Bus link ca p a cito r th erm al t e s t ..................................................................................................27
6.5.1 P u rp o s e .....................................................................................................................................27
6 .5.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................27
6 .5.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 27
6 .5.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 29
6 .5.5 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.6 Pow er tra n sisto r m odule therm al t e s t .........................................................................................30
6.6.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 30
6 .6.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................30
6 .6.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 30
6.6.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 30
6 .6.5 R e q u ire m e n ts .......................................................................................................................... 31
6.7 H um idity fre e ze te s t........................................................................................................................ 31
6.7.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 31
6 .7.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................. 31
6 .7.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 32
6 .7.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 33
6 .7.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 33
6 .7.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................33
6.8 Therm al cyclin g te s t....................................................................................................................... 34
6.8.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 34
6 .8.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................34
6 .8.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 35
6 .8.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 37
6 .8.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 37
6 .8.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................37
6.9 Dam p heat t e s t ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.9.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 37
6 .9.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................38
6 .9.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 38
6 .9.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 40
6 .9.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 40
6 .9.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 40
6.10 Dry heat te s t..................................................................................................................................... 40
6.10.1 P u rp o s e .....................................................................................................................................40
6.10.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................40
6 .10 .3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 41
6 .10 .4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 42
6 .10 .5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 42
6 .10 .6 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 42
6.11 UV w e a th ering te s t.......................................................................................................................... 43
6.11.1 P u rp o s e .....................................................................................................................................43
6 .11 .2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................43
6 .11 .3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 43
6 .11 .4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s .............................................................................................. 43

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- 4 - IEC 62093:2022 © IEC 2022

6 .11 .5 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................43

7 O ptional te s ts .......................................................................................................................................... 44
7.1 G e n e ra l.............................................................................................................................................. 44
7.2 Rain intru sio n te s t.......................................................................................................................... 44
7.2.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 44
7.2.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................44
7.2.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 44
7.2.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ............................................................................................... 45
7.2.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 45
7 .2.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................45
7.3 W ind driven rain te s t..................................................................................................................... 46
7.3.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 46
7.3.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................46
7.3.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 46
7.3.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ............................................................................................... 47
7.3.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 47
7.3.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................47
7.4 D ust t e s t ............................................................................................................................................47
7.4.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 47
7.4.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................48
7.4.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 48
7.4.4 E xceptions and re s tric tio n s .................................................................................................48
7.4.5 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................48
7.5 S hipping v ib ra tio n t e s t ................................................................................................................. 49
7.5.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 49
7.5.2 A p p a ra tu s .................................................................................................................................49
7.5.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 50
7.5.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ................................................................................................50
7 .5.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 50
7.5.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................50
7.6 S hock te s t......................................................................................................................................... 50
7.6.1 P u rp o s e ..................................................................................................................................... 50
7.6.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................. 50
7.6.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 50
7.6.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ................................................................................................ 51
7 .6.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ..............................................................................................................51
7.6.6 R e q u ire m e n ts .......................................................................................................................... 51
7.7 S alt m ist te s t....................................................................................................................................51
7.7.1 P u rp o s e ......................................................................................................................................51
7.7.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................. 51
7.7.3 P ro c e d u re ..................................................................................................................................51
7.7.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ................................................................................................52
7.7.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................. 52
7.7.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ..........................................................................................................................52
7.8 M ixed gas co rrosio n t e s t ..............................................................................................................52
7.8.1 G e n e ra l.....................................................................................................................................52
7.8.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................. 52
7.8.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................. 52
7.8.4 R estriction s and e x c e p tio n s ................................................................................................52

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 - 5 -

7.8.5 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................ 52

7 .8.6 R e q u ire m e n ts ......................................................................................................................... 52
7.9 Am m onia corrosio n t e s t ...............................................................................................................53
7.9.1 P u rp o s e .................................................................................................................................... 53
7.9.2 A p p a ra tu s ................................................................................................................................ 53
7.9.3 P ro c e d u re ................................................................................................................................ 53
7.9.4 Final m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................................ 53
7.9.5 R e q u ire m e n ts .........................................................................................................................53
8 R e p o rt......................................................................................................................................................... 53
A nnex A (no rm ative ) S p ecifica tion o f tests perform ed fo r r e p o rtin g .................................................. 55
B ib lio g ra p h y ........................................................................................................................................................ 56

Figure 1 - T est sequence fo r PCEs o f C ategories 1 to 4 ................................................................... 17

Figure 2 - A lte rna tive te st sequence fo r C ategory 3 P C E .................................................................. 18
Figure 3 - C ham ber te m p e ra tu re /h u m id ity profile and pow er fo r hum idity freeze te s t..............32
Figure 4 - T herm al cycling test - Tem perature and o utp ut pow er p ro file ..................................... 35
Figure 5 - Dam p heat te st p ro file ............................................................................................................... 39
Figure 6 - Dry heat te st - T em p eratu re and input vo ltag e p r o file ................................................... 41
Figure 7 - R eference fo r d ust a ccum ulation e valuation le v e l............................................................49

Table 1 - T estin g sam ple q u a n tity .............................................................................................................. 14

Table 2 - E n vironm ental co ndition c la s s ific a tio n s ................................................................................. 15
Table 3 - Sum m ary o f te st levels (m ain te s t s e q u e n c e )....................................................................... 19
Table 4 - Sum m ary o f te st levels (optional te s ts ) .................................................................................. 20
Table 5 - Tem perature and hum idity lim its fo r hum idity freeze t e s t .................................................33
Table 6 - U pper and low er tem perature lim its fo r therm al cycling te s t............................................36
Table 7 - Tem perature and hum idity lim its for dam p heat te s t.......................................................... 39
Table 8 - Tem perature lim its fo r dry heat te s t........................................................................................ 42

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- 6- I EC 62093:2022 © IEC 2022



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IEC 62093 has been prepared by IEC te chn ical com m ittee 82: S olar p h o to vo lta ic energy
system s. It is an In te rn atio na l Standard.

This second e dition ca nce ls and replaces the firs t e dition published in 2005. This edition
co n stitu te s a te chn ical revision.

This e dition includes the follow ing sig n ific a n t te ch n ica l changes w ith resp ect to the previous

a) Title m odified.
b) This e dition focusses on the design q u a lific a tio n o f pow er conve rsio n e le ctro n ics (PC E), and
e lim in a tes the clauses a ssociated w ith q u a lifica tio n testing o f o the r balance o f system
com ponents.
c) W hile m any clause title s rem ain the sam e as the firs t edition, su bsta ntia l changes have been
d) W hereas the first e dition e sta b lish e s req uirem en ts fo r the design q u a lific a tio n o f balance-
of-system co m ponents used in te rre stria l p h o to vo lta ic (PV) system s, this e dition is lim ited
to pow er conve rsio n equipm ent.

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IEC 62093:2022 © IEC 2022 - 7 -

e) The te st pro toco ls have been changed.

The te xt o f th is In te rn atio na l S tandard is based on the fo llo w in g docum ents:

Draft Report on voting

82/1963/FD IS 82/1983/R VD

Full inform ation on the voting fo r its a pproval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.

The language used fo r the deve lo pm e nt o f th is In te rn atio na l Standard is English.

This d ocu m e nt w as drafted in a ccorda nce w ith IS O /IE C D ire ctives, Part 2, and d eveloped in
accorda nce w ith ISO /IEC D irectives, Part 1 and IS O /IE C D irectives, IEC S upplem ent, available
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1 Scope

This docu m e nt lays dow n IEC req uirem en ts fo r the design q u a lific a tio n o f pow er conversion
e quipm ent (PC E) su ita b le fo r long-term operation in te rre stria l p h o to vo lta ic (PV) system s.

This docu m e nt covers e le ctro n ic pow er conve rsio n e qu ip m e n t intended fo r use in te rre s tria l PV
a pp lica tion s. The term PCE refers to e qu ip m en t and co m ponents fo r e le c tro n ic pow er
conve rsio n o f e le ctric pow er into a n o th e r kind o f e le ctric pow er w ith resp ect to voltage, current,
and freq ue n cy. This docum ent is su ita b le fo r PCE fo r use in both indoor and o utd oo r clim a tes
as defined in IEC 607 21 -3 -3 and IEC 60721-3-4. Such e qu ip m en t m ay include, but is not lim ited
to, g rid -tie d and o ff-grid D C -to-A C PCEs, D C -to-D C co nve rte rs, battery c h a rg e r co nve rte rs, and
b attery charge co ntrolle rs.

This d ocu m e nt co vers PCE th a t is co nn ecte d to PV a rrays th a t do not nom in a lly exceed a
m axim um circu it vo ltag e o f 1 500 V DC. The e qu ip m en t m ay also be connected to system s not
e xceeding 1 000 V AC a t the AC m ains circu its, non-m ain AC load circ u its , and to o the r DC
source or load circu its such as batterie s. If p a rticu la r a n cilla ry parts w he re b y m anufacturers
and m odels are sp ecified in the m anual fo r use w ith the PCE, then those parts are tested w ith
the PCE.


a) This docu m e nt does not a ddress c h a ra c te ris tic s o f pow er sources o th e r than PV system s,
such as w ind tu rb ine s, fuel ce lls, rota ting m achine sources, etc.
b) This docu m e nt does not a ddress the c h a ra c te ris tic s o f pow er e le c tro n ic conversion
e qu ip m en t fu lly integrated into p h o to vo lta ic m odules. S eparate sta nd ard s e xist or are in
deve lo pm e nt fo r those types o f devices. It is, how ever, a pp lica ble to devices w here the
m an ufa ctu re r e xp licitly sp e cifie s the c a p a b ility o f full deta chm e nt from and su bse qu en t
re a tta chm en t to the PV m odule or if the input and o utp ut te rm in a ls can be accessed and a
sp e cifica tio n sheet fo r the PCE is availab le . D evices m eeting these requirem ents m ay be
tested as individ ua l sa m p le s ind ependent from the PV m odule.
c) This docu m e nt does not apply to pow er conve rsio n e qu ip m en t w ith integrated (bu ilt-in)
e le ctro ch e m ica l energy sto ra ge { e .g . lead acid or lith iu m -io n ). It is, how ever, a pp lica ble to
e qu ip m en t w here the m an ufa ctu re r sp e cifie s and perm its co m p le te rem oval o f the
e le ctro ch e m ica l energy sto ra ge from the PCE so that sta n d -a lo n e assessm ent o f the PCE
w ith the sto ra ge rem oved becom es possible.

The o bject o f the te st sequences contained herein is to e sta b lish a basic level o f d u ra b ility and
to show , as fa r as it is possible w ithin reason ab le co n stra in ts o f c o st and tim e, th a t the PCE is
capable o f m aintain in g its perform ance a fte r prolonged exposure to the sim ulated enviro n m e nta l
stresses d escrib e d herein th a t are based on the intended use c o n d itio n s sp e cifie d by the
m anufacturer. O p tion al tests contained herein m ay be selected d epending on the intended
in sta lla tio n , m arket, o r special e nviro n m e nta l c o n d itio n s that the PCE is a nticipa te d to
expe rie nce . The ca teg orizatio n im poses d iffe re n tia te d te st sequences and te st se ve rity levels
refle cting the d iffe re n t req uirem en ts o f m echanical and e le ctrica l co m ponents in d iffe re n t
e nvironm ents.

PCEs are grouped into ca te g o rie s based on size and insta lla tio n e nvironm ent.

The actual life e xpe ctan cy o f co m ponents so q ua lifie d depends on th e ir design, th eir
e nvironm ent, and the co nd itio ns under w hich th ey are operated. E stim ation o f a life tim e and
w ear out is not g e n e ra lly covered by th is docum ent.

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 - 9 -

2 Normative references

The fo llo w in g d ocu m e nts are referred to in the te x t in such a w ay th a t som e or all o f th e ir co nte nt
co n stitu te s requirem ents of this docum ent. For dated references, only the e dition cited applies.
For undated refe ren ces, the latest edition o f the referenced docu m e nt (in clu d in g any
a m endm ents) applies.

IEC 6 00 68 -2 -2 :2 00 7, E n viro n m e n ta l te s tin g - P a rt 2 -2 : Tests - Test B: D ry h ea t

IEC 60068-2-6, E n viro n m e n ta l te sting - P art 2 -6 : Tests - Test F c: V ibration (sin u so id a l)

IEC 60068-2-14, E n viro n m e n ta l te sting - P a rt 2 -1 4 : Tests - T est N : C hange o f te m p era ture

IEC 600 68 -2 -2 7 , E n viro n m e n ta l testing - P art 2 -2 7 : Tests - Test Ea a n d g u id a n c e : S hock

IEC 6 0068-2-52, E n viro n m e n ta l te stin g - P a rt 2 -5 2 : Tests - Test K b : S a lt m ist, c y c lic (sodium ,

ch lo rid e so lu tion )

IEC 6 0 0 68 -2 -6 0 :20 15 , E n viro n m e n ta l te s tin g - P art 2 -6 0 : Tests - Test K e : F low ing m ixe d gas
co rro sio n test

IEC 6 0068-2-68, E n viro n m e n ta l te stin g - P a rt 2 -6 8 : Tests - T est L: D u st a n d sa n d

IEC 6 0068-2-78, E n viro n m e n ta l te stin g - P art 2 -7 8 : Tests - Test C ab: D am p heat, ste a d y state

IEC 6 00 68 -3 -5 :2 01 8, E n viro n m e n ta l te sting - P art 3 -5 : S u pp o rtin g d ocu m e ntatio n a nd g uida nce

- C on firm a tion o f the p e rfo rm a n ce o f te m p era ture cham bers

IEC 60068-3-6, E n viro n m e n ta l te sting - P a rt 3-6: S u pp o rtin g d ocu m e ntatio n a n d g u id a n c e -

C on firm a tion o f the p e rfo rm a n ce o f te m p e ra tu re / h u m id ity ch am be rs

IEC 6 05 29 :1 98 9, D egrees o f p ro te ctio n p ro v id e d by e nclosu res (IP Code)

IEC 6 0 5 2 9 :1 9 89 /A M D 1 :1 999
IEC 6 0 5 2 9 :1 9 8 9 /A M D 2 :2 0 13

IEC 607 21 -3 -3 , C la ssifica tio n o f e n v iro n m e n ta l c o n d itio n s - P art 3 -3 : C la s s ific a tio n o f groups
o f e n viro n m e n ta l p aram eters a nd th e ir s e v e ritie s - S ta tio n a ry use a t w e a th e r p ro te c te d
loca tion s

IEC 607 21 -3 -4 , C la ssifica tio n o f e n v iro n m e n ta l c o n d itio n s - P a rt 3 -4 : C la s s ific a tio n o f groups

o f e n viro n m e n ta l p a ra m e te rs a n d th e ir s e v e ritie s - S ta tio n a ry use a t n o n -w e a th e r p ro te c te d
loca tion s

IEC 610 00 -3 -2 , E le ctro m a g n e tic c o m p a tib ility (EM C) - P a rt 3 -2 : Lim its - Lim its fo r h arm o nic
cu rre n t em ission s (e q u ip m e n t in p u t c u rre n t <>16 A p e r phase)

IEC 6 1000-3-12, E le ctro m a g n e tic c o m p a tib ility (EM C) - P art 3 -1 2 : Lim its - Lim its fo r harm o nic
cu rren ts p ro d u c e d b y e q u ip m e n t c o n n e cte d to p u b lic lo w -v o lta g e syste m s w ith in p u t c u rre n t > 16
A and <75 A p e r phase

IEC TR 6 1000-3-14, E le ctro m a g n e tic c o m p a tib ility (EM C) - P a rt 3 -1 4 : A s se ssm e n t o f em ission

lim its fo r h arm onics, inte rh a rm o n ics, voltage flu ctua tion s a nd unb alan ce fo r the co n n e ctio n o f
d istu rb in g in sta lla tio n s to L V p o w e r system s

IEC 61180, H ig h -vo lta g e te st te chn iqu es fo r lo w -v o lta g e e q u ip m e n t - D efin ition s, te s t a nd

p ro ce d u re req uirem en ts, te st e qu ip m e n t

Copyright Internationa) Electroiectmlcaf Commission

-1 0 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

IEC 61557-1, E le c tric a l sa fe ty in lo w voltage d is trib u tio n syste m s up to 1 000 V A C and

1 5 00 V DC - E q u ip m e n t fo r testing, m ea su rin g o r m o n ito rin g o f p ro te c tiv e m ea sures - P a rt 1:
G e ne ra l req uirem en ts

IEC TS 61836, S o la r p h o to v o lta ic e n e rg y syste m s - Terms, d e fin itio n s a n d sym bols

IEC 621 09 -1 :2 01 0, S a fe ty o f p o w e r c o n ve rte rs fo r use in p h o to v o lta ic p o w e r syste m s - P a rt 1:

G e ne ra l req uirem en ts

IEC 6 21 16 :2 01 4, U tility-in te rco n n e cte d p h o to v o lta ic in ve rte rs - Test p ro ce d u re o f isla n d in g

p re ve n tio n m easures

IEC 624 77 -1 :2 01 2, S a fe ty req uirem en ts fo r p o w e r e le c tro n ic c o n v e rte r syste m s a n d e qu ip m en t

- P art 1: G e ne ra l
IEC 6 2 4 7 7 -1 :2 0 1 2 /A M D 1 :2 0 16

IEC 6 27 16 :2 01 3, P h o to vo lta ic (PV) m odules - A m m on ia c o rro sio n testing

IEC 62852, C on ne cto rs fo r D C -a p p lica tio n in p h o to v o lta ic syste m s - S a fe ty req uirem en ts a nd


IEC 6 28 94 :2 01 4, P h o to vo lta ic in ve rte rs - Data sh e e t a n d nam e p la te

IEC 6 28 9 4 :2 0 1 4/A M D 1:2016

IEC TS 63106-2, B asic req uirem en ts fo r s im u la to r u se d fo r te sting o f p h o to v o lta ic p o w e r

co nve rsio n e qu ip m e n t - P art 2 : DC p o w e r s im u la to r

ISO 489 2-2, P la stics - M ethods o f e xpo sure to la b o ra to ry lig h t so urces - P art 2 : X e no n -a rc
lam ps

ISO 12103-1:2016, R oad vehicles - Test co n ta m in a n ts fo r filte r e v a lu a tio n - P a rt 1: A rizon a

te st d ust

ISO 22479:2019, C orrosion o f m etals a nd a llo ys - S u lfu r d io xid e te s t in a h um id atm o sph e re

(fix e d gas m ethod)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes o f th is docum ent, the term s and d e fin itio n s given in IEC TS 61836 and the
fo llo w in g apply.

ISO and IEC m aintain te rm in o lo g ica l d atabases fo r use in sta nd a rd iza tio n at the fo llo w in g

• IEC E lectropedia: a va ila b le at h ttp ://w w w .e le c tro p e d ia .o rg /

• ISO O nline p latform : a vailab le at h ttp ://w w w .iso .o rg /o b p

NOTE Sym bols and variable names for PCE input and o utput values fo llo w the te rm in o lo g y o f IEC 62894.

3 .1
power conversion equipm ent
e le ctrica l device co nverting one kind o f e le ctrica l pow er from a voltage o r cu rre n t source into
a no the r kind o f e le ctrica l pow er w ith resp ect to vo ltag e, cu rre n t and fre q u e n cy

Note 1 to entry: Exam ples include A C -D C converters, DC-AC inverters, DC-DC charge co n tro lle rs, frequency
converters, etc.

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 - 11 -

m odule-level power electronics: C ategory 1 PCE
refe rring to PCE th a t is sp ecified by the m an ufa ctu re r to o pe ra te on a PV m odule basis,
interfacin g w ith up to fo u r individ ua l PV m odules

string-level power electronics: C ategory 2 PCE
category com p rising PCE th a t is design ed to inte rfa ce m ore than fo u r se rie s- a nd /or p arallel-
connected PV m odules and not m eeting the conve rsio n pow er o f the C ategory 3 PCE or
C ateg ory 4 PCE d e fin itio n

large-scale p o w er electronics: C ategory 3 PCE
ca teg ory com p rising PCE p re do m in an tly in a single unit ca pa ble o f pow er conve rsio n equal to
o r g re a te r than 100 kVA and less than 1 000 kVA

Note 1 to entry: This class o f PCE m ay have m ultiple pow er conversion units b u ilt into the la rg e r containing unit.

central large-scale power electronics: C ateg o ry 4 PCE
ca teg ory com p rising PCE p re do m in an tly in a single enclosure ca pa ble o f pow er conversion
equal to or g re a te r than 1 000 kVA

Note 1 to entry: This class o f PCE m ay have m ultiple pow er conversion units b u ilt into the la rg e r containing unit.

derating tem perature
a m bient te m p era ture lim it at w hich the PCE starts to a ctively cu rta il its input and o utp ut pow er
to m aintain a certa in m axim um ope ra ting te m p era ture

Note 1 to entry: T his te m p e ra tu re m ay also depend on input pow er and o th er e le ctrica l param eters, and thus may
not be unique.

electrically independent inputs
ports fo r inp ut o f pow er to the PCE th a t are not o hm ica lly co nn ecte d to one a no the r interna lly
but serve to supply pow er to the PCE at d iffe re n t ope ra ting points o f cu rre n t and voltage at the
sam e tim e provided by, fo r exam ple, a boost c o n ve rte r stage in the PCE fo r each such
e le ctrica lly ind ependent input

part o f the e quipm ent w hich su rrou nd s internal parts, intended to provide p rotection a gainst
e xternal influ en ces, a g a in st the spread o f fire , or a ga in st a ccess to hazards

Note 1 to entry: E nclosures may be fre e standing, w all, rack, ce ilin g , fram e or skid m ounted.

m axim um total PV array short circuit current
U c max
absolute m axim um to ta l PV a rray sh o rt c irc u it cu rren t (DC ) th a t the PCE is rated to have
connected to its PV input, under m ost se vere-case co nd itio ns o f a m bient tem perature,
irradiance, etc.

Note 1 to entry: T his rating o f the PCE refers to the a bsolute m axim um c u rre n t the PV in p u t to the PCE is designed
fo r un d er co n d itio ns o f expected use. This d iffe rs from the sim ple sum o f the m arked / sc ratings o f the connected PV
m odules, since those m arkings are based on sh o rt-c irc u it co n d itio ns under standard test conditions, and m ay be
exceeded at high te m peratures or w ith irradiance above the standard level.

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-1 2 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

value a ssigned, g e n e ra lly by a m anufacturer, to a sp ecified o pe ra ting co ndition o f a com ponent,
device o r e quipm ent

rated input voltage
rated inp ut vo ltag e sp ecified by the m anufacturer, or if not sp e cifie d , the m id po int o f the
m axim um pow er p oint (M P P ) inp ut vo ltag e range of the PCE

rated power
m axim um active pow er the PCE can d e liv e r in co ntin uo us ope ra tion

m axim um power point voltage
m axim um MPP voltage
yv mpp max
m axim um vo ltag e at the DC input port at w hich the in v e rte r can d eliver its rated pow er
co n tin u o u sly w ith o u t pow er cu rta ilin g

minim um MPP voltage
v m pp min
m inim um voltage at the DC input port at w hich the inve rter can d e liv e r its rated pow er
co ntin uo usly

loca tion giving access to a device o r netw ork w here e le ctro m a g n e tic ene rg y or sign als m ay be
supplied or received or w here the device or netw ork va riab les m ay be observed o r m easured

photovoltaic array
PV array
a ssem bly o f e le c tric a lly intercon ne cte d PV m odules, PV strings or PV sub-arrays

Note 1 to entry: For the purposes o f th is docum ent a PV a rra y is all com ponents up to the DC input te rm in a ls o f the
in ve rte r o r other pow er conversion equipm ent or DC loads.

Note 2 to entry: A PV array does not in clu d e its foundation, trackin g apparatus, therm al co n tro l, and o th er such
com ponents.

Note 3 to entry: A PV array may co n sist o f a single PV m odule, a single PV string, or several p a rallel-connected
strings, or several pa ra lle l-co n n ecte d PV su b -a rra ys and th e ir associated e le ctrica l com ponents. For the purposes
o f th is docum ent the boundary o f a PV array is the o utput side o f the PV array disco n n ectin g device.

printed circuit board
e le ctro n ic c irc u it co nsisting o f thin strips o f a cond uctin g m aterial such as copper, w hich have
been etched from a layer fixed to a fla t insu latin g sheet; integrated circu its and o the r
com ponents are attached

co m p on en t provided fo r the conn ectio n o f a device (eq uip m e nt) to e xternal conductors

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -1 3 -

c a p a c ito r te m p e ra tu re
m easured ca p a cito r te m p era ture on its surface

m a x im u m c a p a c ito r te m p e ra tu re
t C2
h ighest m easured ca p a cito r te m p era ture , Tq

a m b ie n t s e tp o in t fo r m a x im u m c a p a c ito r te m p e ra tu re
^a m b .s e t C
a m bient te m p era ture o f the te st e n viro n m e nt (as in the c lim a tic cham ber) at w hich the m easured
peak ca p a cito r te m p era ture TC2 is obtained

p o w e r tr a n s is to r ca se o r re fe re n c e te m p e ra tu re
m easured pow er tra n s is to r case or reference te m p era ture

m a x im u m p o w e r tr a n s is to r ca se o r re fe re n c e te m p e ra tu re
h ighest m easured pow er tra n sisto r case or reference tem perature

a m b ie n t s e tp o in t fo r m a x im u m p o w e r tr a n s is to r c a s e o r re fe re n c e te m p e ra tu re
^ a m b .se t I
a m b ie n t te m p era ture o f the te st e n viro n m e n t (as in a c lim a tic cham ber) at w hich the m easured
highest pow er tra n s is to r case o r refe ren ce te m p era ture Tx2 is obtained

4 S a m p lin g

For the te st pro ced ure described in C lause 6, a n um ber o f te s t sam ples according to T able 1
shall be taken at random from a production batch or batches. The PCE sam ples shall have been
m anufactured from sp ecified m aterials and co m ponents in a ccorda nce w ith the releva n t
draw ings and p rocess sheets and shall have been su bjected to the m an ufa ctu re r's norm al
insp ectio n, q ua lity co ntrol, and production a cceptance procedures. The sam ples shall be
com plete in every detail and shall be accom panied by the m an ufa ctu re r's pro du ct s p e cifica tio n s,
handling, m ounting, and conn ectio n instru ction s. W hen the PCE to be tested are p ro totype s o f
a new design and not from p roduction, th is fa c t shall be noted in the te st re p o rt (C lause 8).

If a C ateg ory 3 PCE or C ateg ory 4 PCE consists o f ide ntica l parallel pow er co nve rte rs w ithin
an enclosure, it is perm itted to operate only one o f those co n ve rte rs as a sam ple fo r te sting in
o rd er to reduce the cooling req uirem en ts o f the clim a te cham ber. In such a case, any active
cooling ca p a b ility o f the PCE com m on to the w hole e nclo su re shall be p ro p o rtio n a lly reduced.
For exam ple, if th ere are th re e co nve rte rs and only one is pow ered in the test, then fans
com m on to all th re e units shall be blocked in area by tw o -th ird s or pow ered in te rm itte n tly only
o ne -th ird o f the tim e. A pplied e le ctrica l pow er to the inputs o f the m ain u nit shall also be scaled
to one-third.

T esting o f PCE in C ateg ory 3 PCE and 4 PCE m ay invo lve the use o f the sam e sam ple fo r the
va riou s te st sequence if d esired, th erefore a range o f sam ple count is given. Sam ples specified
in T able 1 m ay be reused any n um ber o f tim es fo r optio na l tests d escrib e d in C lause 7.

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- 14 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

A lte rn a tive ly, a d d itio n a l sam ples m ay be procured fo r use in optio na l te sts if provided by the
party su bm itting the PCE type fo r testing.

Table 1 - Testing sample quantity

S trin g -le v e l p o w e r L a rg e -s c a le p o w e r C e n tra l la rg e -s c a le

e le c tro n ic s e le c tro n ic s p o w e r e le c tro n ic s

C a te g o ry 1 PCE C a te g o ry 2 PCE C a te g o ry 3 PCE C a te g o ry 4 PCE

N um ber of
4 4 1 1-2 1-2
re q u ire d s a m p le s

1 For ca te go ry 2 PCE w ith a rated output pow er o f 50 kVA or above, the required num ber o f te st sam ples may
be reduced by half.

5 Testing requirements

5.1 General

This C lause d escrib e s the testing fram e w o rk, including ca te g o rie s o f enviro n m e nta l service
co ndition th a t inform s the stress level requirem ents fo r each test, a table su m m arizing the test
req uirem en ts, and fig u re s illu stra tin g the sequence o f tests. W hile te st procedures given in the
su bse qu en t clau ses describ e sp e cific re strictio n s and e xcep tion fo r d iffe rin g PCE ca teg ories,
an o ve rvie w is given here. G eneral te sting req uirem en ts and apparatus com m on to the C lause 6
te st procedures are described. F inally, the req uirem en ts fo r passing this in te rn a tio n a l design
q u a lifica tio n and type a pproval standard are given.

5.2 Environm ental service conditions

5.2.1 General

The te st se ve ritie s are based on e nviro n m e nta l se rvice co nd itio ns fo r the PCE th a t are specified
by the m anufacturer. This docu m e nt adopts the te rm ino log y used in IEC 62109-1 and
IEC 62477-1 and on the cla ssifica tio n o f e nviro n m e nta l co nd itio ns in IEC 607 21 -3 -3 and
IEC 60721-3-4.

The fo llo w in g e nviro n m e nta l se rvice co nd itio n c la s s ific a tio n s fo r the purpose o f this docum ent
are sum m arized here and in Table 2 and are given as g uide lin e s fo r se le ction o f e nviro n m e nta l
se rvice co nd itio n under w hich the PCE type w ill q ua lify. W hile it m ay be co n ve n ie n t fo r the user
o f th is d ocu m e nt to reference and m aintain co n siste n cy w ith the ta b le o f e nviro n m e nta l
ca teg ories, e nviro n m e nta l co n d itio n s, and te st req uirem en ts listed in IEC 62109-1, it is not
required by th is docum ent. T hree enviro n m e nta l se rvice co nd itio n ca te g o rie s w ith requirem ents
fo r testing from m ost extrem e to least extrem e are: o utd oo r (5.2.2), ind oo r unco nd itio n ed (5.2.3);
and indoor, co nd itio ne d (5.2.4). PCE q ua lifie d fo r a m ore extrem e co nd itio n is im p licitly
q ualified fo r the lesse r extrem e co nd itio ns.

5.2.2 O utdoor

PCE designed fo r clim a tic co n d itio n s 4K 25 and 4K 26 in IEC 6 07 21 -3 -4 are ca teg orized fo r
O utdoor e nviro n m e nts. T his ca te g o ry refers to PCE intended fo r lon g-te rm ope ra tion in non­
w e a th e r protected o utd oo r or g eneral o p e n -a ir clim ates. D uring norm al o pe ra tion , the PCE is
fu lly or p a rtia lly exposed to d ire ct rain, sun, w ind, dust, fu ng us, ice, rad ia tio n to the cold night
sky, etc. S evere e nviro n m e nta l stress is projected on PCE th a t fa ll into th is ca teg ory. The
co ndition o f IEC 6 0721-3-4 clim a tic co n d itio n 4K27, o p e n -a ir p la cem e nt in cold and polar
clim a tes, is not s p e cifica lly covered in th is docum ent; how ever, te sting to low er te m peratures
m ay be selected fo r te sting and reported as sp ecified in A nnex A.

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5.2.3 Indoor, unconditioned

PCE designed fo r clim a tic cond itio ns 3K23 and 3K24 d efined in IEC 6 0721-3-3 are categorized
fo r indoor, u nco nditioned enviro n m e nts. In th is ca teg ory, the PCE can be loca lize d in the sam e
clim a tes as designated in 5.2.2, but the PCE is fu lly enclosed by a building or a n cilla ry enclosure
to p ro tect it from rain, sun, w ind-blow n dust, ice, fu ng us, and rad ia tio n to the cold n ig ht sky, etc.
H ow ever, the building or clim a te is not s y s te m a tic a lly co ntrolle d fo r te m p era ture and is not
controlled fo r h um idity. The e qu ip m en t m ay expe rie nce co nd en satio n and the a ir m ay not be
filte re d .

5.2.4 Indoor, conditioned

PCE designed fo r clim a tic co nd itio ns 3K20, 3K21, and 3K22 d efined in IEC 607 21 -3 -3 are
ca teg orized fo r indoor, co nd itio ne d enviro n m e nts. In this ca teg ory, the PCE is enclosed by a
building or a n cilla ry enclosure to p ro tect it from rain, sun, w ind -b low n dust, fu ng us, and radiation
to the cold n ig h t sky, etc. A d d itio n a lly, the building o r e nclosu re th a t in co rp o ra tes the PCE is
e n viro n m e n ta lly co ntrolle d fo r te m p era ture . W hile hum idity m ay not n ece ssarily be co ntrolle d,
condensed m oisture does not norm a lly occur, nor is it e xpected. Lim ited e nviro n m e nta l stress
is a nticipa te d on PCE fa llin g into this ca teg ory. The e xte n t o f d ust pre sen t in this e n viro n m e nt
depends on the level o f a ir filtra tio n .

Table 2 - Environm ental condition classifications

E n v iro n m e n ta l c o n d itio n s

O u td o o r In d o o r, u n c o n d itio n e d In d o o r, c o n d itio n e d

C lim a tic c la s s
(IEC 60721-3-3 o r
60721-3-4) 4K25 and 4K26 3K23 and 3K24 3K20, 3 K 2 1 , and 3K22

T em p e ra tu re 1 -20 °C to +50 °C -5 °C to +55 °C 5 °C to +40 °C

H um idity 4 % to 100 % RH 5 % to 100 % RH 5 % to 85 % RH

(condensing) (condensing) (non-condensing)

W et location Yes No No

1 Some p rovisions e xist in the C lause 6 stress te sts for PCE that claim en viro n m e n t co n d itio n cla ssifica tio n s
(environm ent te m p e ra tu re ) th a t d iffe r from those listed here.

5.3 Test sequences

5.3.1 General

The te st sequence w ith n um ber o f required sam ples and d is trib u tio n o f the sam ples am ong the
test legs is illu stra te d in Figure 1. It is a pp lica ble for C ateg ory 1 PCE to C ateg ory 4 PCE. An
a lterna tive te st sequence fo r C ateg ory 3 PCE and C ateg ory 4 PCE is given in Figure 2, w hich
perm its testing w ith a reduced n um ber o f sam ples. T able 3 sum m arizes the d iffe re n t tests.
W hile an o vervie w o f the handling o f the d iffe re n t PCE ca te g o rie s is given here, C lause 6
provides the d e scrip tio n s o f the required tests and test p rocedures, including initia l and final
m easurem ents, req uirem en ts, and exceptions.

Table 4 pro vid e s a sum m ary o f optio na l te sts that m ay be applied.

5.3.2 Test conditions for C ategory 1 PCE (Module level power electronics)

U nlike PCE o f C ateg ories 2, 3, and 4, the bus link c a p a c ito r and pow er tra n s is to r m odule
therm al tests (6.5 and 6.6) are not im plem ented fo r d ete rm ina tion o f te m p era ture s for
p erform ing the dry heat te st and th erm al cycling te st fo r C ateg ory 1 PCE, fo r w hich the test
te m p era ture s are fixed.

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5.3.3 Test conditions for C ategory 3 P C E -la rg e scale and C ategory 4 P C E -c e n tra l
large scale power conversion equipm ent

An a lte rn a tive test sequence fo r C ateg ory 3 PCE and C ategory 4 PCE w ith a m inim um
req uirem en t o f only one sam ple is show n in Figure 2 w ith the option fo r m ore units fo r optional

5.3.4 Test conditions for C ategory 4 PCE (large central power conversion equipm ent)

Due to th e ir size, w eight, and g re a te r pow er requirem ents, e xcep tion s a llo w in g fo r testing of
com ponents apply to large ce n tra l in ve rte rs o f C ateg ory 4 PCE.

The te st procedures fo r 6.8 and 6.10 can be m odified fo r the te sting o f C ateg ory 4 PCE by
subd ivid in g the unit into com ponents instead o f testing o f the com p le te PCE u nit if e ith e r the
co n d itio n s a) o r b) and a d d itio n a lly c) below are fu lfille d :

a) Each included m ain PCE com ponent including but not lim ited to the rea ctor (AC choke),
ca pa citors (DC link, DC input, and AC, as a pp lica ble ), sw itchg ea r, surge p rotection d evices,
tra n s is to r (and its m odule), internal power, co ntrol pow er su pp ly unit, user interface panel
or displays, te rm ina l blocks, and cables is tested s e p a ra te ly or in a ssem blies w ith o the r
com ponents as listed here according to the te st co nd itio n, inclu ding w ith rep re sen ta tive
e le ctrica l pow er and loading, indicated in the a pp lica ble su bclau ses o f th is docum ent.
b) The m ain circu it co m p on en t listed in a) is te ste d, q ua lifie d, and approved a ccordin g to the
te st co n d itio n indicated in the IEC pro du ct d esign q u a lific a tio n type a pproval sta nd ard fo r
that com ponent w hen it is used in the PCE under test w ithin the q ualified param eters and
s p e cifica tio n s a pplied in th a t co m p o n e n t-sp e cific standard.
c) The control circu it boards, w hich c o n sist o f co m p ute r te ch n o lo g y fo r ope ra tion and co ntrol
o f the inve rter th a t interfaces w ith internal and external m easurem ent points, sw itches,
se m icon d ucto rs, and sim ila r e quipm ent, shall be co nn ecte d to a fu n c tio n a l actual, sim ulated,
or m in iatu re size PCE w ith the m ain c irc u it in d u cto r and c a p a cito r co m ponents that m ay be
p ro p o rtio n a lly scaled fo r rating, capacity, o r q ua ntity. The co ntrol c irc u it boards shall be
installed and tested in the clim a te te st cham ber, and the actual, sim u late d , o r m in iatu re size
PCE is operated so th a t the co n tro l c irc u it board is su bjected to stress levels (environm ental
and e le ctrica l) as they w ould expe rie nce in the integrated unit according to the requirem ents
o f th is docum ent.

W hen using a sim u late d or m in iatu re PCE, it shall a ccept or trig g e r all inputs and o utputs to the
control circu it board as if it w as operated in the actua l PCE as indicated in 6.8 and 6.10.

W hen the co m p on en t te sting is selected, a dd itio n a l e xcep tion s and req uirem en ts listed in 6.5
and 6.6 apply.

The fo llo w in g tests do not need to be perform ed fo r C ategory 4 PCE:

6.7 H um idity freeze test

6.9 Dam p heat test

NOTE 1 In ve ry large central in ve rte rs the high therm al m asses resu lt in an in te rn a l te m p e ra tu re th a t is usually
above the am bient tem perature m inim izing condensation

NOTE 2 In very large PCE o f C ategory 4 PCE, internal heating as well as d issipated heat from fans and auxilia ry
co n ve rte rs prevent freezing te m peratures inside the PCE in usual o p erating co n d itio ns, resulting in the n ecessity and
u tility o f the h u m id ity freeze test being low er fo r C a tegory 4 PCE.

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Category 1: 4 samples
Category 2: 4 samples3
Category 3: 1-2 samples
Category 4: 1-2 samples
Optional samples

a For PCE with a rated o utput pow er o f 50 kVA o r above, the indicated num ber o f test sam ples m ay be reduced by
b Not app lica b le for Category 1 PCE.
c Not a p plicable fo r C ategory 4 PCE .
The optional te st group beginning w ith the rain intrusion te st may be perform ed w ith sam ples p reviously used fo r the
required te sts. UV stress tests for PCE parts and com ponents som etim es required are not shown. Test grouped
to g eth e r in hashed line boxes are fre q u e n tly perform ed together.

Figure 1 - Test sequence for PCEs of Categories 1 to 4

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Category 3:1 sample

Category 4 :1 sample
Optional samples

a Not app lica b le for Category 4 PCE.

The optional test group beginning w ith the rain intrusion test may be perform ed w ith sam ples previously used for the
required te sts. UV stress te sts fo r PCE parts and com ponents som etim es required are not shown. Test grouped
to g eth e r in hashed line boxes are freq u e n tly perform ed together.

Figure 2 - A lternative test sequence for C ategory 3 PCE

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Table 3 - Sum m ary of test levels (main test sequence)

T e s t c o n d itio n s

T e s ts , C a te g o ry 1 C a te g o ry 2 C a te g o ry 3 C a te g o ry 4
S u b c la u s e Environm ental
condition (M LPE) (S trin g -le v e l (L a rg e -s c a le (L a rg e -s c a le
pow er power power
e le c tro n ic s ) e le c tro n ic s ) e le c tro n ic s )
6.1 V is u a l in s p e c tio n According to 6.1.4
6.2 C h a ra c te riz a tio n o f
According to IEC 62894:2014, 4.5 .3 C h a ra cte riza tio n o f the operating
o p e ra tin g
perform ance
p e rfo rm a n c e
6.3 F u n c tio n a lity te s t O rperation at 25° C am bient; P r ; Vmnn
mpp m m ' Vmnn
min, a x ' and Vac,r
mpp m ,r _

6.4 V o lta g e (d ie le c tric Ambient conditions and test conditions according to the voltage test in
s tre n g th ) te s t IEC 62109-1
6.5 B u s lin k c a p a c ito r th e rm a l te s t
Indoor, conditioned 2,5 °C/h ram p betw een max. rated am bient
tem perature and 25 °C, w ith Vmppmax and Pf for
unconditioned Not perform ed determ ination o f the m axim um ca p a citor case
tem perature TC2 and co rresponding am bient
te m p e ra tu re r amb 8etc.

6.6 P o w e r tr a n s is to r m o d u le th e rm a l te s t
Indoor conditioned 2,5 °C/h ram p betw een max. rated am bient
tem perature and 25°C, w ith / gc max and Pt, for
unconditioned Not perform ed determ ination o f m axim um pow er tra n sisto r case
tem perature 7j2 and co rresponding am bient
tem perature 7amb set|

6.7 H u m id ity fre e z e te s t

Indoor, conditioned 20 cycles, Not required
Indoor, - 4 0 °C 1 to
unconditioned 85 °C, 85 %
RH' Vmpp max
O utdoor 20 cycle s from - 4 0 °C 1 to 60 °C,
and Vm pp min 85 % RH; Vmpprnax and Vmppmjn
sequentially Not required
se q u en tia lly fo r m ultiple DC
fo r m ultiple
inputs, £ 0,5 Pr for +T ramp
DC inputs,
* 0,5 Pr for
+ 7 ram p
6.8 T h e rm a l c y c lin g te s t
Indoor, conditioned 400 cycles, 400 cycles; -10 °C 1 to r |2; with /scmax and Pr during +
- 40 °C to
T ram p and high tem perature dwell
85 °C;’ 's
/ c max
during + r
unconditioned ram p and high 400 cycles; -40 °C 1 to r |2; with / sc max and Pr during +
O utdoor tem perature T ra m p and high tem perature dwell
dw ell
6.9 D am p h e a t te s t
Indoor, conditioned 10 cycle s a t 35 °C, 85 % RH
Vm PP max (P ^ s e d )
30 cycle s at
Indoor, +85 °C, 85 % 20 cycle s at 60 °C, 93 % RH
unconditioned Not required
R H ^ m p p m ax' Vm pp max: 0,1 P, pulsed)
0.1 Pf (pulsed)
O utdoor 30 cycle s at 60 °C, 93 % RH
^mpp max: 0,1 pulsed)

6.10 D ry h e a t te s t
Indoor, conditioned 2 000 h at
/u n conditioned 85 °C,
O utdoor v T ^ m p p m a x ^ O -1 ^ 2 000 h
m pp m ax’

S 0,1 Pr

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T e s t c o n d itio n s

T e s ts , C a te g o ry 1 C a te g o ry 2 C a te g o ry 3 C a te g o ry 4
S u b c la u s e Environm ental
condition (M LPE) (S trin g -le v e l (L a rg e -s c a le (L a rg e -s c a le
pow er power power
e le c tro n ic s ) e le c tro n ic s ) e le c tro n ic s )
6.11 UV W e a th e rin g te s t
Indoor, conditioned Not required
Indoor, Not required
IEC 62852 test phase G1, W e a th er resistance: irradiance: 60 W /m 2,
wave band: 300 nm to 400 nm, black panel standard tem perature:
O utdoor 65 °C, relative hum idity: 65 %, cycle: 18 min spraying, 102 min drying
w ith X enon-lam p, 500 h to ta l: not required if m aterial is q u a lified
elsew here
+ 7 ram p refers to a p o sitive te m p e ra tu re ram p in therm al p ro file s o f stress tests.
1 A lte rn a tively, m inim um sp ecified use tem perature.

Table 4 - Sum m ary of test levels (optional tests)

T e s t c o n d itio n s
No. T e st
A ll c a te g o rie s
7.2 R ain in tru s io n te s t
Indoor, con d itio ne d Not required
Indoor, unconditioned Not required
O utdoor 1 h o f w a te r sp ra y descending p a rallel to each face and 15 min o f
w ater spray at 45° dow nw ard tilt from each side. W ater pressure at
nozzle o f 200 kPa ± 10 kPa
7.3 W in d d riv e n ra in te s t
Indoor, con d itio ne d Not required
Indoor, unconditioned Not required
30 min o f rainfall exposure per side at 15 cm /h rainfa ll rate and 31
O utdoor
m /s wind ve lo city
7.4 D u s t te s t
Indoor, con d itio ne d Not re q u ire d 1
Indoor, unconditioned Not required 1,2
O utdoor 60 °C, 30 % RH and 75 % RH, fine d u st transported by 26,8 m /s to
40,2 m /s peak w indspeed, 2 h per ve rtica l face
7.5 S h ip p in g v ib r a tio n te s t 10 Hz to 11,8 Hz; 11.9 Hz to 150 Hz
A m plitude: 3,5 mm, acce le ra tio n : 2 g
1 octave/m in. D uration on each axis: 2 h; o ve ra ll: 6 h
7.6 S h o ck te s t 15 g, h a lf-sine, Duration: 11 m s; Sequence: 1 s
Num ber o f shocks: 18 (6 x 3)
7.7 S a lt m is t te s t According to 60068-2-52 Test m ethod 1
7.8 M ixe d gas c o rro s io n te s t According to IEC 60068-2-60
7.9 A m m o n ia c o rro s io n te s t According to IEC 62716

1 Im plem ent if PCE has door, fan, vent, window , etc.

2 Im plem ent outdoor co n d itio ns where there is d ire c t ve n tila tio n or d ucts from PCE cabinet to outdoors.

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5.4 General testing requirements

5.4.1 Installation of testing sample

In g eneral, the e qu ip m en t shall be installed in accorda nce w ith the m ethods prescribed by the
m an ufa ctu re r in the e q u ip m e n t’s in sta lla tio n m anual. D eviations from the p re scrib ed insta lla tio n
m ethod are perm itted if influence on the specified te st req uirem en ts can be ruled out. If several
co nfig uratio ns are a llo w e d, the e quipm ent shall be installed under the least fa vorab le
com bination o f te st co n d itio n s to achieve reason ab le w o rst-ca se c o n d itio n s in each particula r
test. The se lected insta lla tio n m ethod shall be d ocum ented fo r each te st in the te st report.

If an a n cilla ry part is sp ecified w ith m an ufa ctu re r and m odel in the m anual fo r use w ith the PCE,
then th a t part sh all be tested w ith the PCE. If ingress p rotection o f the PCE is co m prom ised by
lack o f conn ectio n o f an a n cilla ry part, then such a n c illa ry part as specified by the m an ufa ctu re r
shall also be tested w ith the PCE

5.4.2 Peripherals

E xternal perip h erals required or recom m ended by the m an ufa ctu re r fo r actua l ope ra tion o f the
PCE in the field (such as tran sfo rm e rs, m onitoring system , e tc.) m ay be included in the
lab ora tory test setup o utsid e of a clim a tic ch am be r if it does not co n flic t w ith o th e r requirem ents
in this docum ent.

5.4.3 Connectors and wiring

O nly the w ires specified by the m an ufa ctu re r shall be used fo r conn ectio n o f the P C E ’s input
and o utp ut te rm ina ls to e xterna l te sting e quipm ent. If the PCE co m p rise s te rm in a ls requiring
special co nn ecto rs, the m a n u fa ctu re r's recom m ended m ating co nn ecto rs shall be used. C ables
or co nn ecto rs shall be through m a n ufa ctu re -spe cifie d cable e ntries. All te rm ina ls, covers, and
cord grips should be im plem ented a ccordin g to m anufacture s p e c ific a tio n s before fu rth e r testing.

5.4.4 Measuring instrum ents and monitoring equipm ent

M easuring instru m e nts and m onitoring e quipm ent and m ethods shall be chosen in accordance
w ith IEC 61557-1 and a pp lica ble parts referenced th erein . If o the r m easuring e qu ip m en t is used,
it shall provide an e q u iva le n t degree o f p erform an ce and safety.

5.4.5 Electrical power sources General

For te sts during w hich the PCE sam ple requires ope ra tion u nder pow ered co nd itio ns, suitab le
e le ctrica l DC pow er so urce(s) shall be provided. If m ultiple inp ut ports w ith ind ependent pow er
conversion circu itry are present, unique input p ow er so urces shall be connected to each input
port. The fo llo w in g two o ptio ns are perm itted: a PV a rray s im u la to r (IEC TS 6 3106-2) or a
co ntro lla b le DC pow er supply. In the case w here a DC pow er su p p ly does not provide
ch a ra cte ristics fo r sta ble ope ra tion o ver the entire range o f o pe ra tion sp ecified by the PCE
docu m e ntatio n and in a m anner co nsiste nt w ith real-w orld ope ra tion o f the PCE, a su ita b le PV
array sim u la to r as described in 5 .4.5.2 shall be used. For m ore inform a tion about sim u lato rs
used fo r testing o f p ho tovo lta ic pow er conve rsio n equipm ent, see IEC TS 63106-2. In case of
a co n flict betw een IEC TS 63106-2 and th is d ocum ent, the req uirem en ts o f this docu m e nt shall
be im plem ented. PV array simulator

Refers to a sp ecial typ e o f AC to DC pow er su pp ly w ith va ria b le o u tp u t c h a ra c te ris tic s capable

o f sim u latin g the IV -curve o u tp u t ch a ra c te ris tic s o f an actual PV array.

Copyright International Electrotechnlcaf Commission

-2 2 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022 DC p o w er supply

Refers to a source o f DC cu rre n t w ith co n sta n t vo ltag e (C V ) fe ed ba ck co n tro l o utp ut and cu rren t
lim iting ch a ra cte ristics. A lte rn a tive ly, m ay refe r to a source o f DC cu rre n t w ith co n sta n t current
(CC ) fe ed ba ck co ntrol o utp ut and vo lta g e lim ita tion . Both c o n s ta n t vo ltag e and co nsta nt cu rren t
pow er supplies are perm itted if the input c h a ra c te ris tic s o f the PCE u nder te st perm it the usage
o f those and if th e ir lim ita tion s on the te st results can be co nside red neglig ib le. The DC pow er
supply o utp ut im pedance in co n sta n t vo ltag e m ode shall be low enough, so th a t the voltage
ripple at the o utp ut te rm in a ls is w ithin ± 0,1 %. For co n sta n t cu rren t pow er supplies, the output
im pedance shall be high enough so th a t the cu rre n t ripple at th e o u tp u t te rm in a ls is w ithin
± 0,2 %.

5.4.6 Electrical loads General

For tests during w hich the PCE sam ple req uires to be operated under pow ered co n d itio n s, a
suitab le e le ctrica l load shall be ca pa ble o f a bsorbing the fu ll e le c tric pow er g en erated by the
PCE. W here any influ en ce on the results o f a te s t can be excluded the below listed th re e options
are perm itted. S elected C lause 6 te st p rocedures im p lem en t d isco n n e ctio n and conn ectio n o f
the e le ctrica l load o ver the course o f the test. Grid-tied operation

PCEs th a t are designed fo r g rid -tie d ope ra tion are perm itted to be connected and operated at
a su ita b ly rated u tility grid a ccess point. Inthis case, asu ita b ly sized tra n s fo rm e r m ay be
installed betw een PCE o utp ut te rm ina ls and grid access p oint fo r isola tion and, if required, fo r
vo ltag e m atching purposes. The load im pedance as seen from the o utp ut te rm in a ls o f the PCE
shall be confirm ed to be su ffic ie n tly low as not to im pede w ith the PCE ope ra tion at rated
conditions. Active load

A ctive loads include e le ctro n ic loads and reg en erative pow er s u p p lie s th a t p rovide a stable and
controlled sink fo r converted active pow er from the PCE. The a ctive loading device shall be
confirm ed to be suitab le and co m p atib le w ith the PCE. Passive load

Passive resistive loads are connected in parallel w ith a reg ula ted voltage source. The load
im pedance o f the PCE shall be set so th a t the passive load can absorb all active pow er when
the PCE is operated at its rated pow er co nd itio ns.

5.4.7 Earthing term inals

A p ro tective co nd ucto r te rm ina l, if provided, shall be connected to earth.

5.4.8 Controls

C on trols th a t the o p e ra to r can a djust, unless o th e rw ise sp ecified in th is d ocum ent, shall be set
as follow s:

- in accorda nce w ith the ope ra tion m anual provided by the m anufacturer;
- in accorda nce w ith real ope ra ting co nd itio ns.

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5.5 Pass criteria

The PCE design shall be jud ge d to have passed the design q u a lifica tio n tests and th e re fo re to
be approved according to th is docum ent, if the PCE type m eets all o f the fo llo w in g criteria:

a) There is no visual e vidence o f any m ajor d e fe ct as d efined in 6.1 in itia lly and at all C lause 6
- sp ecified visual insp ectio n points.
b) The te sting sam ples pass the fu n c tio n a lity te st (6.3) in itia lly and at all C lause 6 - sp ecified
test points.
c) The vo ltag e (d ie le ctric stre n g th ) te st req uirem en ts as defined in 6.4 are m et in itia lly and at
all C lause 6 - sp ecified te st points.
d) All sp ecific requirem ents in subclauses o f C lause 6 are fu lfille d in the o rd er show n in
Figure 1 or Figure 2, and sp ecific req uirem en ts in selected optio na l su bclau ses in C lause 7
are fu lfille d .
e) None o f the tested sam ples e xhibit any irre ve rsib le o p e n -circu it, s h o rt-c irc u it, or ground fa u lt
during the te sts, nor any su spe nsion s o f ope ra tion th a t require m anual interven tion on the
PCE to resum e full o p e ra b ility. P erm itted are re ve rsib le situ a tio n s w hich are triggered by
the PCE fo r the purpose o f p ro tectin g its e lf or any o th e r connected device or load th a t self-
co rrects. There shall be no p erm a ne nt dam age to the PCE.
f) If two or m ore PCEs are supplied fo r each C lause 6 te st procedure and one unit fa ils, one
PCE unit o f the sam e design m ay be replaced fo r testing again at the sta rt; (6.1 ) no more
than one such e qu iva len t u nit m ay be replaced due to a fa ilu re in a C lause 6 or C lause 7
te st procedure. If one PCE is supplied fo r each C lause 6 te st pro ced ure and it fa ils, the
q u a lifica tio n te st shall be repeated w ith the n um ber o f sam ples sp ecified in Table 1.

6 Test procedures

6.1 Visual inspection

6.1.1 Purpose

The purpose o f th is te st is to d ete ct any visu a l defects in the PCE that m ay cause a risk of
re lia b ility loss.

6.1.2 Apparatus
a) A light source capable o f producing an illu m in a tio n o f g re a te r than 1 000 lux.
b) A m agnifying glass or e le ctro n ic m ag nifie r tool w ith an o ptica l m ag nifica tion o f at least
4 tim es.
c) P hotog ra p hy e qu ip m en t capable o f reso lvin g and recording results o f the visual inspection.

6.1.3 Procedure

C arefully insp ect the e xte rio r and in te rio r o f each sam ple using a suitab le light so urce w ith
w orking illu m in atio n not less than 1 000 lux. C apture o vervie w p ho tog rap hs o f the PCE. The
sam ple shall be opened fo r the purpose o f insp ectin g its interio r, applying the procedures and
tools specified by the m anufacturer. Use a m agnifying glass fo r inspection and photograph
sm aller e le ctro n ic com ponents, such as those m ounted on a PCB, that are suspect.

6.1.4 R equirem ents

Any fin ding s in line w ith one o r m ore o f the criteria listed below co n stitu te a FAIL o f the
resp ective test. For the purpose o f design q u a lifica tio n , the fo llo w in g are co nside red to be m ajor
visual defects:

- broken, cracked, bent, d isp lace d, torn o r detached part o f the PCE enclosure:
- broken or dam aged w ire, cable, busbars inco rp o ra ted into the PCE;
- broken or cracked e le ctro n ic and o r e le ctro m e ch a n ica l com ponents;

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- fa u lty co nta cts/le ad s, o penly a cce ssib le live parts;

- corrosio n o f in te rio r part o f the PCE (e.g. housing, co nta cts/le ad s, on PCB, com ponents);
- fa ilu re o f adhesive m aterial;
- burn m arks, cracks, d efo rm a tion s or detached e le ctrica l o r e le c tro n ic com ponents;
- expansion, ve ntin g, or gassing o f ca pa citors;
- bubbles or d elam ina tion on PCB;
- visib le so ld e r defe cts such as so ld er jo in t cracks or s o ld e r corrosion;
- co o la n t leakage (fo r liquid cooled PCE designs);
- loss o f m echanical in te g rity, to the e xten t th a t the insta lla tio n a nd /or ope ra tion o f the
co m p on en t could be im paired;
- any o th e r states o r co nd itio ns, w hich can a ffe c t the fu n ctio n , p erform an ce o r sa fety o f PCE.

V isible defects like scratch es, rubbed o ff co lo ur not a ffe cting le g ib ility o f m arkings, or the like
that are deem ed not to cause a risk o f re lia b ility loss do not co n stitu te a fail; how ever, such
visib le changes to the PCE shall be indicated in the rep ort and the te s t a fte r w hich it w as

6.2 Characterization of operating performance

6.2.1 Purpose

E valuate the published param eters o f the PCE at various o utp ut pow er levels

6.2.2 A pparatus
a) PV m od ule /array sim u la to r or o th e r su ita b le pow er so urce according to 5.4.5 w hich is
capable o f delivering the vo ltag e versus cu rren t c h a ra c te ris tic o f the la rg e st PV a rra y fo r
w hich the PCE is rated, w ith regard to open c irc u it voltage and sh ort c irc u it cu rren t. For
pow er co nd itio ne rs ope ra ting w ith fixed inp ut voltage, the DC pow er source shall be a
storage b attery or co n sta n t vo ltag e pow er so urce to m aintain the inp ut voltage.
b) S u itable e le ctrica l load according to 5.4.6 w hich is capable o f rece ivin g the fu ll am ount o f
produced pow er a t both h ighest and low est rated PCE o utp ut power.

6.2.3 Procedure

Perform according to IEC 62894:2014, 4.5.3.

6.2.4 Restrictions and exceptions


6.2.5 R equirem ents

A ll m an ufa ctu re r p ublished param eters on the PCE nam eplate and te ch n ica l data sheets shall
be w ith in 3 % (re la tive ) o f th a t derived from the m ea surem e nts perform ed herein.

NOTE This subclause does not sp e cify w hat para m e ter fie ld s the m anufacturer shall place on the nam eplate or
publish, which is the scope o f IEC 62894.

6.3 Functionality test

6.3.1 Purpose

This te st is to ve rify the proper fu n ctio n in g o f the P C E ’s pow er conve rsio n fu n c tio n a lity and that
o f integrated p erip h eral devices such as the disp lay, u se r-in te rfa ce co ntrols and com m un icatio n
inte rfa ce before and a fte r e nviro n m e nta l stress tests. The fu n c tio n a lity tests w ill be perform ed
before and a fte r the e nviro n m e nta l stress test sequences as indicated in Figure 1 and Figure 2
and as sp e cifie d w ith in the te st procedures in C lause 6.

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6.3.2 A pparatus
a) PV m od ule /array sim u la to r or o th e r su ita b le pow er source a ccordin g to 5.4.5 w hich is
capable o f delivering the voltage versus cu rren t c h a ra c te ris tic o f the la rg e st PV array fo r
w hich the e qu ip m e n t is rated, w ith regard to open c irc u it vo ltag e and sh o rt c irc u it current.
b) S u itable e le ctrica l load according to 5.4.6 w hich is capable o f rece ivin g the fu ll am ount of
produced pow er at both h ig he st and low est rated PCE o utp ut power.
c) M eans fo r m easuring cu rre n t and vo ltag e at all pow er te rm ina ls o f the PCE. For PCE w ith
m ulti-ph ase AC output, the te st and m easurem ent e qu ip m en t shall record each phase
cu rren t and each p h a se-to -n eu tral or p h a se-to -p ha se RMS vo ltag e. The m easurem ent
accuracy shall be 1 % or less o f rated PCE rated in p u t/o u tp u t vo ltag e and 1 % or less o f
rated PCE in p u t/o u tp u t current.
d) M eans fo r sp ot-m ea surem en ts (at least 50 ms d uratio n) o f vo ltag e w ave fo rm s w ith m em ory
or w aveform ca ptu re fu n ctio n a t all connected in p u t and o utp ut ports as sp ecified in
IEC 62116:2014, 5.1.
e) M eans (clim a tic cham ber, te st room ) fo r e q u ilib ra tin g the PCE to a m b ie n t te m p era ture of
25 °C ± 3 °C fo r testing.
f) Therm al cam era fo r e valua ting location o f m axim um h ea tsink te m p era ture and tem perature
m easurem ent device fo r co n tin u o u sly m onitoring the te m p era ture o f th a t m axim um heatsink

6.3.3 Procedure
a) S upply any n ecessary a u xilia ry pow er to the co ntrol c irc u itry o f the PCE according to the
m ethod sp ecified by the m an ufa ctu re r and v e rify the basic fu n ctio n in g o f integrated
p erip h eral devices. These should include, but are not lim ited to, any integrated display,
u se r-in te rfa ce co n tro ls and co m m un icatio n in te rfa ce s w ith e xterna l p e rip h eral devices when
pre sen t on the PCE. E stablish a list o f item s to be tested th a t is based on the included
fu n ctio n a lity in the PCE. Use the sam e lis t fo r all su bse qu en t tests o f the sam e m odel.
b) The PCE sam ple inp ut te rm ina ls shall be connected to a suitab le pow er source described
in 6.3.2 a) and m onitoring e qu ip m en t to m on itor the inp ut cu rre n t and vo ltag e described in
6.3.2 c) shall be installed at all inp ut term inals.
c) The PCE sam ple AC or DC o utp ut te rm ina ls sh all be connected to a su ita b le load as
described in 6.3.2 b) and m onitoring e qu ip m en t to m on itor the cu rre n t and vo ltag e te rm ina ls
as d escrib e d in 6.3.2 c) shall be installed.
d) C onnect m easurem ent e qu ip m en t described in 6.3.2 d) to perform sp ot m easurem ents of
input and o u tp u t voltage w aveform s.
e) S tab ilize the PCE in a 25 °C ± 3 °C e nvironm ent, m onitoring the te m p e ra tu re at a heat sink
o f the PCE.
f) O perate the PCE in steady state, applying in p u t vo ltag e ^dc.r w ith s u ffic ie n t cu rre n t to
achieve the m axim um rated g en e ra to r pow er co nd itio ns Pr fo r 2,5 h or g re ate r. If the PCE
tu rn s o ff due to e xcess heat or pow er, resta rt the e qu ip m en t at a low er DC inp ut current
a fte r a period w ith the pow er o ff and repeat. If not p re vio u sly perform ed fo r the PCE,
evalua te location o f m axim um heatsink te m p era ture w ith infrared th e rm og ra ph y and apply
heat m easurem ent device at th a t loca tion . E valuate and note the co nd itio ns per h), below.
g) O perate the PCE in steady state across the DC input pow er range in the 25 °C ± 3°C
e nvironm ent. For this, se le ct Vmpp mjn, and Vmpp max, in add itio n to Vdc r per 6 .3.3 f) and
ope ra te the PCE in each ope ra ting p oint at Pr o f the PCE or as close to PT as possible if
lim ited by the s p e cifica tio n s o f the PCE (not the te s t equ ip m en t) a fte r reaching te m p era ture
and e le ctrica l sta b iliza tio n or 2,5 h, w h ich e ve r is firs t, m aking note o f the co nd itio ns per h)
below . If the rated inp ut vo ltag e is equal to the m inim um or m axim um input voltage, then
tw o operating points, mjn, Vmpp max are su fficie n t. For su bse qu en t m easurem ents after
p erform ing stress te sts, choose the sam e ope ra ting points and te s t schedule (to achieve
repeatable therm al co n d itio n s) fo r p erform ing the fu n c tio n a lity te st on a given PCE type.

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h) A fte r each new setting w ithin both f) and g), c o lle c t and record:
1) Input voltage
2) Input cu rren t
3) Input pow er
4) O u tp ut voltage
5) O u tp ut current
6) O u tp ut pow er
7) W aveform sam ple o f vo ltag e and c u rre n t at each pow ered e le c tric a l port a t 10 000 Hz
or g re a te r sam ple freq ue n cy
8) H eatsink tem perature
9) A m b ie nt te m p era ture (°C)

V a lue s o f AC w ave fo rm s are reported as RMS.

6.3.4 R estrictions and exceptions


6.3.5 R equirem ents

The PCE u nder this te st procedure passed if the fo llo w in g item s are sa tisfied :

a) PCE can su cce ssfu lly ope ra te under all DC input p ro file s in 6 .3.3 f) and g).
b) F u n ctio n a lity o f a u xilia ry se rvices and co m ponents (displa y, u se r-in te rfa ce co ntrols and
com m un icatio ns, etc.) is not im paired as com pared to initia l m easurem ents. F un ction ing is
as described by the ope ra tion m anual.
c) W hen perform ed at the end o f a te s t sequence; nam ely, a fte r the te st sequence o f 6.8 or
6.10, and a fte r o p tio n a l testing o f C lause 7
• no m ajor change in w aveform is e vid en t as com pared to in itia l m easurem ent, w here in
the case o f AC co nn ectio ns to the PCE, a m ajor change in w aveform as obtained in
6.3.3 h)7) is defined as g re a te r than a 2,5 % abso lu te change in total harm onic d isto rtio n
(cu rre n t and vo lta g e ) e valuated by the procedure in IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 6 1000-3-12,
IEC TR 6 1000-3-14, o r a pp lica ble standard fo r cu rre n t and pow er class o f the PCE and,
• no g re a te r than 5 % red uctio n in P r when im p lem en ting any o f the 6 .3.3 g) -sp e cifie d
input vo ltag e levels.

6.4 Voltage (diele ctric strength) test

6.4.1 Purpose

In general, d ie le c tric w ithstan d vo ltag e testing is used to d ete rm ine th a t the clea ra n ces and
solid insu latio n o f co m ponents and o f assem bled PCE, w hich p rovide p ro tectio n a ga in st e le ctric
shock, have adequate d ie le c tric strength to w ithstan d the o ve rvo lta g e co nd itio ns to w hich the
PCE m ay be exposed in use.

This te st is intended to ve rify th a t this p rotection a ga in st e le ctric shock is not im paired through
enviro n m e nta l and o pe ra tion al stresses.

This te st is perform ed as an in itia l te st and as part o f the requirem ents fo r som e o f the stress

6.4.2 Apparatus

A vo ltag e source w ith a sh o rt-circu it cu rre n t o f at least 0,1 A a ccordin g to IEC 61180.

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6.4.3 Procedure

The vo ltag e te st sh all be perform ed in accorda nce w ith the te s t requirem ents of
IEC 6 2109-1:2010. V oltage testing per 6.4 p rior to p erform ing the te st sequence outlined in
Figure 1 and Figure 2 is optio na l if the sam ple type is also s u b je ct to te sting fo r sa fety and
m eeting the pass criteria o f the vo ltag e te st o f IEC 62109-1 separately.

The te st is su ccessfu lly passed if no e le ctrica l breakdow n occurs during the te s t and there is
no abnorm al cu rre n t flow during the te st. C urren t is co nside red abnorm al if it s ig n ific a n tly
exceeds the norm al cu rre n t flow expected w ith all insu latio n in place and undam aged, or if the
cu rre n t rap id ly increases w ith o u t co ntrol a fte r the te st vo ltag e has reached the fu ll voltage.

NOTE Some norm al am ount o f current is expected during a test, p a rticu la rly w ith an AC te st voltage.

6.5 Bus link cap ac ito r therm al test

6.5.1 Purpose

A sse ssm en t o f the m axim um ope ra ting case te m p era ture o f the bus link ca pa citors fo r use in
the su bse qu en tly perform ed 6.10 and fo r e valua tion o f the a de qu acy o f the bus link ca pa citors
fo r therm al design and relative long-term re lia b ility based on the m axim um te m p era ture
exhibited at its ope ra ting bus voltage. See B ib lio grap h y [1 ]1 fo r a dd itio n a l background about
a pp lica tion o f the bus link ca p a cito r therm al test. This te st is a pp lica ble to C ateg ories 2, 3 and
4 PCE only.

6.5.2 A pparatus
a) A ch a m b e r w ith a u to m a tic te m p era ture co ntrol, ca pa ble o f su bjectin g one or m ore PCE in
the range o f 25 °C to the m axim um rated ope ra ting te m p era ture o f the PCE. R elative
hum idity co ntrol is not required; how ever, the 25°C a m bient relative h um id ity shall be less
than 70 %. R eference IEC 6 00 68 -3 -5 :2 01 8 fo r inform a tion a bout te m p era ture cham bers.
b) M eans fo r m ounting or su pp orting the PCE in the cham ber.
c) M eans fo r m itig atin g clim a tic cham ber a ir circ u la tin g around the PCE and m eans to evaluate
and m aintain the a ir speed to 0,2 m /s ± 0,1 m /s around the PCE.
d) M eans fo r m easuring the case te m p era ture o f m ultiple bus ca pa citors in aggregate, and
m eans fo r recording the case te m p era ture o f tw o bus ca pa citors to an accuracy o f ± 1 °C.
D evices fo r m easuring te m p era ture s that w ill be useful include th erm oco up le s, th erm istors,
resista nce te m p era ture d ete cto rs (R TD s), o ptical th erm og ra ph y sensors including fib e r­
o p tic based devices.
e) A PV array sim u la to r or a pow er su pp ly in accorda nce with 5.4.5 capable o f d elive rin g the
voltage versus cu rre n t ch a ra cte ris tic o ver the range fo r w hich the e qu ip m e n t is rated.
f) An e le ctrica l load in accorda nce w ith 5.4.6.
g) M eans fo r m onitoring the cu rren t and vo ltag e (R M S ) values at all connected inp ut and output
h) M eans fo r m onitoring vo lta g e w ith 10 000 Hz sam pling fre q u e n cy betw een the DC bus link
and DC neutral.

6.5.3 Procedure Determination o f bus link capacitors of highest tem perature

The purpose o f this part o f the procedure is to d ete rm ine the bus ca pa citors ope ra ting at the
h ighest te m p era ture s. If th ere are fe w er than th re e bus ca pa citors, this procedure m ay be
o m itted so as to s ta rt at 6 .5.3.2 d irectly.

1 Num bers in square brackets refer to the Bibliography.

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a) Instrum ent PCE so th a t ca p a cito r te m p era ture m ay be e valuated w hile m in im a lly influencing
the reg ula r th erm al ch a ra cte ris tic s o f the PCE e nviro n m e nt. M ethods m ay include
te m p era ture m easuring device a ffixed to each c a p a c ito r’s case, a ccordin g to the
m an ufa ctu re r's in stru ctio n s fo r m easuring c a p a c ito r te m p era ture , th e rm og ra ph y w ith use of
a fa lse e nclosu re panels w ith q u ickly rem ovable portal or portals fo r line o f sig h t view o f the
ca pa citors w ith a pp aratus sp ecified in 6 .5.3 d) th a t m in im a lly interfere w ith in trin s ic therm al
ch a ra cte ristics, convection, rad ia tive em ission, etc., o f the PCE. A lte rn a tiv e ly , the tw o DC
bus link ca pa citors exhibitin g the h ig he st te m p era ture m ay be ide ntifie d via a com prehensive
ca lcu latio n or sim u latio n o f the PCE, in clu sive o f co nside ratio n o f pow er d issip atio n,
conductive, co nve ctive, and rad ia tive heat tran sfe r, if provided by the m anufacturer.
b) Place PCE design ed to be on the ground on the flo o r o f the cham ber. M ount o th e r PCE to
a solid e le ctrica l and th e rm a lly insu latin g w all.
c) To the e xten t required so th a t w ind speed does not exceed 0,2 m /s ± 0,1 m /s a t all surfaces
around the PCE in the unpow ered state, place b affles in fro n t and sides o f m ounted PCE at
a d istan ce o f 30 cm to 60 cm from the PCE surfaces. If it can be ensured by a d ju stin g the
clim ate ch am be r (e.g. a ir circu la tio n s e ttin g ) th a t th is a ir c ircu la tio n does not exceed the a ir
speed req uirem en ts, a dd itio n a l m itig atio n such as sh ie lding and baffles is not required.
A llow natural convection by providing ch am be r a ir using gaps in the baffles at th e ir base
and top o r ducts so th a t the a ir te m p era ture at the base o f the PCE rem ains at the specified
ch am be r se tp o in t tem perature.
d) P erm it any active cooling (fans, a ir co n d itio n in g , w a te r c irc u la tio n ) o f the PCE to operate
norm ally.
e) Set the ch am be r te m p era ture to 25 °C. C onnect the pow er su pp ly and e le ctrica l load to the
PCE. Set the pow er supply to p rovide Vmpp max to the PCE inp ut(s) and s u ffic ie n t c u rre n t to
operate the PCE at Pr V e rify th a t any forced a ir v e n tila tio n or cooling system o f the PCE is
opera tion al.
f) A fte r sta ble ope ra tion fo r at least 16 h, E valuate and dete rm ine the tw o bus ca pa citors
e xhibitin g the h ighest te m p era ture using instru m e ntatio n discussed in Evaluation of m axim um tem p eratu re of bus link capacitors during operation
a) Place te m p era ture sensors on the c a p a cito r case locations o f tw o bus ca pa citors determ ined
in fo r m easurem ent o f Tc .

b) Place PCE in the clim a tic cham ber according to b).
c) A p pa ratu s set fo r w indspeed co nd itio ns in the clim a tic cham ber a ccordin g to c).
d) C on ne ct the pow er su pp ly and e le ctrica l load to the PCE. C lose any e nclosu re doors o f the
PCE. Set the cham ber te m p era ture to the m axim um rated a m b ie n t ope ra ting te m p era ture of
the PCE. Set pow er to supply the vmpp max o f the PCE and m aintain s u ffic ie n t c u rre n t to run
the PCE at its rated ope ra ting pow er, PT. V e rify th a t any forced a ir v e n tila tio n or cooling
system o f the PCE is on and ope ra ting .
e) Ram p the clim a tic cham ber te m p era ture at a m axim um rate o f 2,5 °C /h dow n to 25 °C,
m onitoring Tc as instrum ented in 6 .5.3.2 a) and the PCE o utp ut pow er. If a peak te m p era ture
point in Tc is observed during the ram p (not including e ndpoints o f the ram p), se le ct and
record this te m p era ture as TC2. R ecord the ca pa citor, m easurem ent loca tion , and clim a tic
ch am be r se tp o in t te m p era ture at w hich the PCE d e live rs TC2 and record it as, r ambiSet c .

If th ere is no peak in te m p era ture observed during the ram p dow n in cham ber te m p era ture
(not including e ndpoints o f the ram p), increase the c lim a tic cham ber te m p era ture at the end
o f the previous step (from 25° C) at a m axim um rate o f 2,5 °C /h up to the m axim um operating
te m p era ture as d efined by the m an ufa ctu re r and se le ct and record the m axim um Tc
observed during both ram ps (in clud ing ram p end po in ts), the ca pa citor, and m easurem ent
location, and record it as TC2 and record the co rresp on din g c lim a tic ch am be r se tpo int
te m p era ture as Tamb set c .

NOTE M axim um ram p rate is called out to allow for the se lection o f low er ram p rates in the case of ve ry large
in ve rte rs with large therm al m asses, allow ing the fo r m easurem ents o f tem perature in co n d itio ns clo se r to
eq u ilib riu m .

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f) E xtra po late the life o f ca p a cito r at the m axim um te m p era ture TC2 e valua te d in e), w ith the
rated life L R at the m a n ufa ctu re -spe cifie d rated a ir te m p era ture T R e ith e r w ith the
m an ufa ctu re r-sp ecifie d form ula, o r if not a va ila b le , the fo rm u la s fo r e le c tro ly tic ca pa citors:

or fo r m etal film ca pa citors,

L n l = L R e x p 7 0 0 °(2 7 3 .i:S + Tc2 “ 273.15 + 7 * )

and fo r e ithe r ca p a cito r type,

^2 = ^1 ( W

w here
n is the m an ufa ctu re r sp ecified va lu e to a d ju st the life o f the c a p a c ito r to the nom inal
m axim um bus vo ltag e V0 w ith resp ect to the c a p a c ito r rated vo ltag e VR;

V0 is the m axim um vo ltag e m easured betw een the positive and negative te rm ina ls o f the
DC bus ca p a cito r bank w hile applying Vmpp max to the DC inputs.

If not a vailab le from the m anufacturer, use n = 2,5 fo r e le c tro ly tic ca pa citors and n = 3,5 fo r
m etallized film ca pa citors.

6.5.4 Restrictions and exceptions C ategory 1 PCE

Not perform ed fo r C ategory 1 PCE. C ategory 4 PCE

W hen opting fo r testing o f co m ponents o f ca te g o ry 4 PCE ra th e r than the unit as a w hole in the
su bse qu en tly perform ed 6.10, record s im u lta n e o u sly the resu ltin g te m p era ture fo r each
com ponent listed in 5.3.4 a). R ecord the te m p era ture o f the individ ua l co m ponents m easured
when the bus link ca p a cito r te m p era ture is t C2- These recorded com ponent te m peratures
o ccurrin g sim u lta n e o u sly w ith the o bse rva tio n o f peak te m p era ture TC2 w ill be referenced fo r
selecting the te m p era ture co n d itio n s in the Dry heat te st 6.10.

6.5.5 R equirem ents

R equirem ent fo r the bus link ca p a cito r therm al te st is as follow s:

a) E valuation o f T c 2 , the peak ca p a cito r te m p era ture observed during the ram p pow er and the
co rresp on din g clim a tic cham ber se tp o in t te m p era ture at w hich it occurs 7ambset fo r
im plem en ta tion as the peak te m p era ture co ndition in 6.10. N oting the a dditional
m easurem ents specified in the case w here a pplies C ateg ory 4 PCE, a p lo t show ing
the te m p era ture o f the se lected ca pa citors Tc , the c lim a tic cham ber te m p era ture , and the
input and o utp ut pow er o f the PCE as a fu nctio n o f tim e w ill be useful fo r the e valuation of
the requirem ents o f th is subclause.
b) E xtra po late d life o f ca pa citor, Ln2 e valuated in 6 .5.3.2 f) g re a te r than 17 500 h.

NOTE 17 500 value co n sid e rs the PCE o p erating 40 % o f the tim e under the m axim um te m p e ra tu re found in 6 .5 .3 .1 .

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-3 0 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

6.6 Power tran s isto r m odule therm al test

6.6.1 Purpose

The purpose o f th is procedure is to dete rm ine the m axim um ope ra ting te m p era ture o f the pow er
tra n sisto r m odule o f the PCE running at rated pow er and e nviro n m e nta l c o n d itio n s at w hich it
m anifests. See B ib lio grap h y [1] fo r add itio na l background a bout a pp lica tion o f the pow er
tra n sisto r m odule th erm al test. This is perform ed fo r C ateg ories 2, 3 and 4 PCE only. The results
are used in the subsequent 6.8 T herm al cycling test.

6.6.2 Apparatus

The a pp aratus req uirem en ts fo llo w those o f 6.5.2.

6.6.3 Procedure
a) Instrum ent the PCE so th a t the pow er tra n s is to r case or refe ren ce te m p era ture Tj m ay be
e valuated w h ile m in im a lly influencing the reg ula r th erm al and e le ctrica l c h a ra c te ris tic s o f
the PCE e nvironm ent. This is u sua lly perform ed according to the m a n u fa ctu re r’s instru ction s
fo r m easuring fo r exam ple, using the m an ufa ctu re r-inclu de d th e rm isto r, or o the r
te m p era ture m easuring device in co njun ction w ith the m a n u fa c tu re r’s reco m m en d atio n fo r
calculation o f T\, and d rillin g a narrow d ia m e te r hole th ro ug h the heat sink to place a
te m p era ture se nso r on the pow er tra n s is to r surface, o r if not possible, on the h o tte st portion
o f the heat sink as observed w ith an infrared th erm o g ra p h ic im aging cam era. If th ere are
m ultiple such units, each should be e xam ined, p re lim in a rily , or during the course o f this
te sting procedure, to dete rm ine w hich exhibits the h ig he st te m p era ture in operation.
b) Place PCE in the clim a tic ch am be r according to b).
c) Set co nd itio ns fo r w indspeed in the c lim a tic ch am be r a ccordin g to c).
d) C on ne ct the pow er su pp ly and e le ctrica l load to the PCE. Set the ch am be r te m p era ture to
the m axim um rated ope ra ting te m p era ture o f the PCE. Set the inp ut cu rre n t to the PCE to
/sc max w hile lim iting inp ut vo lta g e as nece ssary to obta in Pr V e rify th a t any fo rce d air
ve n tila tio n or cooling system o f the PCE is fu n ctio n in g norm ally.
e) Ram p the clim a tic ch am be r te m p era ture at a m axim um rate o f 2,5 °C /h dow n to 25 °C,
m onitoring T\ and the pow er at the PCE input and o u tp u t te rm ina ls. If a peak te m p era ture
point in T\ is observed during the ram p (not including e ndpoints o f the ram p), se le ct and
record th is te m p era ture as T\2- R ecord the c lim a tic ch am be r se tp o in t te m p era ture at w hich
T \2 is observed as Tamb set

f) If th ere is no peak in te m p era ture observed during the ram p dow n in cham ber te m p era ture
(not including e ndpoints o f the ram p), increa se the c lim a tic ch a m b e r te m p era ture again from
25 °C a t a m axim um rate o f 2,5 °C /h up to the m axim um ope ra ting te m p era ture as defined
by the m an ufa ctu re r and se le ct and record the m axim um 7*| observed co nside rin g both
ram ps (in clud ing e nd po in ts) and record it as 7!2 and record the co rresp on din g clim a tic
ch am be r se tp o in t te m p era ture as 7'amb set

NOTE M axim um ram p rate is called out to allow for the se le ctio n o f low er ramp rate s in the case o f very large
in ve rte rs w ith large therm al m asses, allo w in g fo r the m easurem ents o f te m p e ra tu re in co n d itio ns clo se r to eq u ilib riu m .

6.6.4 Restrictions and exceptions C ategory 1 PCE

D eterm ination o f m axim um ope ra ting te m p era ture o f the pow er tra n s is to r m odule is not
perform ed on C ateg ory 1 PCE sam ples.

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -3 1 - C ategory 4 PCE

W hen opting fo r testing o f co m ponents o f ca te g o ry 4 PCE ra th e r than the unit as a w hole in the
su bse qu en tly perform ed 6.8, record s im u lta n e o u sly the resu ltin g te m p era ture fo r each
com ponent listed in 5.3.4 a) se lected to be in d ivid u a lly tested in 6.8 w h ile perform ing 6.6.3 of
the Pow er tra n sisto r m odule therm al test. R ecord the te m p era ture o f the individ ua l com ponents
seen when the refe ren ce te m p era ture T, m easured in 6.6.3 is T\ 2- These recorded com ponent
te m p era ture s occurrin g sim u ltan e ou s w ith the o bse rva tion o f peak te m p era ture T a w ill be
referenced fo r se tting m axim um te m p era ture s in 6.8 fo r the testing o f those com ponents.

6.6.5 R equirem ents

E valuation o f 7j2, the m axim um pow er tra n s is to r case or refe ren ce te m p era ture and the
corresp on din g clim a tic ch am be r se tp o in t te m p era ture at w hich it occurs r amb>set | fo r use in 6.8.
N oting the a dd itio n a l m easurem ents sp ecified in the case w here 6 .6.4.2 applies, a plot show ing
the pow er tra n s is to r case o r refe ren ce te m p era ture T\, c lim a tic cham ber te m p era ture , input and
o utp ut pow er o f the PCE as a fu nctio n o f tim e w ill be useful fo r the evalua tion o f the
req uirem en ts o f th is subclause.

6.7 Humidity freeze test

6.7.1 Purpose

This te st co n sists o f exposure to com bined ele vated te m p era ture and high hum idity enviro n m e nt
fo llow ed by a freeze cycle. In add itio n to rep lica ting fa ilu re s such as those listed in the dam p
heat section, e le ctrica l loading during a p ositive te m p era ture ram p induces add itio na l th erm al-
and vo ltag e stress to active and passive com ponents. T yp ica l fa ilu re s besides those listed in
6.1.4 include cracks, corrosio n and defo rm a tion to the PCE e nclosu re and o th e r m echanical
com ponents and insu latio n fa ilu re due to m oisture ingress. This te st also includes cold sta rt
co nd itio ns w ith d iffering inp ut pow er if m ultiple e le c trica lly ind ep en d en t DC inputs e x is t as may
o ccur due to, fo r exam ple, snow on som e PV m odule strings. This te s t a lso im p lem en ts applied
vo ltag e to the PCE inputs w hile the load is d isconnected, w hich m ay sim u late a fa ilu re o f the
connected e le ctrica l grid.

6.7.2 A pparatus
a) A clim a tic ch am be r w ith a u to m a tic te m p era ture and h um id ity co ntrol, capable o f su bjectin g
the sam ples u nder test to the hum idity free ze cycle sp ecified in Figure 3 w ith levels specified
in T able 5. A clim a tic te st ch am be r w hich is capable o f fu lfillin g the s p e c ific a tio n s of
IEC 600 68 -3 -6 w ill be su itab le ; how ever, to leran ce o f m easured te m p era ture from specified
se tpo ints is ± 3 °C;
b) M eans fo r m ounting or su pp orting the PCE sam ple(s) in the cham ber a ccordin g to the
m ethod prescribed by the m anufacturer. The insta lla tio n shall allo w free c ircu la tio n o f the
surrou nd ing air;
c) PV array sim u lato rs or a DC pow er supplies in a ccorda nce w ith 5.4.5 ca pa ble o f delivering
the voltage and cu rre n t to achieve the req uirem en ts o f 6.7.2 e);
d) An e le ctrica l load in accorda nce w ith 5.4.6;
e) M eans fo r m onitoring the cu rre n t and vo ltag e (RM S) values at each connected input and
o utp ut ports;
f) Fuses or circu it breakers installed a t the input and o utp ut te rm ina ls to p ro tect a gainst
possible sh o rt circu it during the test;
g) E le ctrica l co n ta cto r at the e le ctrica l o u tp u t o r o th e r m eans to p h y s ic a lly co nn ect and
d isco n n e ct the PCE from the load rep e a te d ly during the co urse o f testing.

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- 32 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022


R efer to T able 5 fo r tem perature (Tse{) and relative h u m id ity (/?//) co n d itio ns.

Figure 3 - C ham ber tem p e ratu re /h um id ity profile and power for humidity freeze test

6.7.3 Procedure
a) Install the PCE sam ple unit on a rigid m ounting stru ctu re using the m ethod prescribed by
the m an ufa ctu re r w ith m axim um a ir circu latio n o f the c lim a tic ch am be r around the PCE.
b) C on ne ct each input o f the PCE sam ple at the PV a rray side to a DC pow er source as
described in 6.7.2 c). MPP trackin g fu n c tio n a lity o f the PCE m ay be d isabled if necessary
to achieve a sta ble ope ra ting p oint at the DC input ports.
c) C on ne ct the PCE sam ple at the e le ctric o utp ut te rm ina l to a suitab le load according to
6.7.2d ) and as described in 5.4.6.
d) Install cu rre n t and vo ltag e m on itoring devices to all inp ut and o utp ut ports according to
releva n t parts o f 5.4.4 and 6 .7.2 e).
e) M on itor ch am be r a ir te m p era ture and relative h um id ity reading from the e nviro n m e nta l
cham ber co n tro lle r. The test co nd itio ns are co ntrolle d on ch am be r te m p era ture and relative
hum idity, not w ith the sam ple tem perature.
f) A fte r closing the cham ber, su bject the com ponent to com p le te cycles in accorda nce w ith
Figure 3 and T able 5. The m axim um and m inim um te m p era ture s shall be w ith in ± 3 °C of
the sp ecified te m p era ture levels in T able 5 and the relative h um id ity shall be m aintained
w ithin ± 5 % o f the sp ecified relative h um id ity levels, R H se{, indicated in T able 5. V e rify that
any fo rce d a ir ve n tila tio n o r co oling system o f the PCE is fu nctio na l.
D uring the positive te m p era ture ram p, the PCE sam ple sh all be pow ered and o pe ra ting . In
the case o f a single inp ut PCE, apply a vo ltag e as close as possible to Vmpp max to achieve
at least 50% o f PRated o utp ut from the PCE.

If there are a dd itio n a l e le c tric a lly ind ep en d en t inputs, to the second and all even num bered
e le c tric a lly ind ep en d en t inputs, apply m inim um rated inp ut vo ltag e Vmpp mjn (in clud ing , if
necessary, a su ffic ie n t in itia l turn-on vo ltag e pulse), and s u ffic ie n t input cu rre n t so th a t the
PCE operates. A ll odd e le ctrica lly ind ependent inputs sh all be connected to a vo ltag e as
close as possible to Vmppmax- Pow er to m ultiple e le c tric a lly ind ependent inputs is to be
balanced so th a t all inputs run at non-zero pow er and the total o u tp u t pow er o f the PCE is
at least 50 % o f Pr

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -3 3 -

The upper te m p era ture dw ell shall be 20 h. Ramp tim es betw een the te m p era ture lim its shall
be as fa st as e quipm ent perm its, but the duratio ns are undefined. The cycle tim e is n om inally
24 h, but because o f va riou s heat ca pa citie s o f PCE, the cycle tim e is not co nstrain ed
co nside rin g th a t the ram p tim es m ay be adjusted fo r the sam ple u nder te st. U pper and low er
dw ell tim es sta rt once the ch am be r co nd itio ns reach the resp ective dw ell cond itio ns
according to T able 5. It is accep tab le if the PCE norm a lly derates or idles at the higher
te m p era ture s o f the ram p. D uring the d w ells and neg ative te m p era ture ram p, the pow er
o utp ut from the PCE u nder te st to the load shall be d isco nn ected by m eans o f an e le ctrica l
co nta cto r w hile the e le ctrica l bias a pplied to the input o f the PCE rem ains a pplied th ro ug h ou t
the test.

NOTE D isconnection o f the load sim u la te s a grid fa ilu re o r AC disco n n ectio n condition.

This te st m ay be perform ed w ith doors o f the PC E's e nclosu re opened and the cooling
system o f the PCE m ay be co ntrolle d in d ep en d en tly only to a ssist in reducing tran sition
tim es betw een dw ells.
The low e r tem perature dw ell shall be 30 min.

Table 5 - T em peratu re and hum idity limits for humidity freeze test

PCE E n v iro n m e n ta l c a te g o ry D w e ll c o n d itio n s C y c le s

c a te g o ry
Tset,min ^sot.max’ ™ ,o «

1 - all service categories -40 °C 1 85 °C /85 % RH 20

- indoor, conditioned Not required

2. 3 - indoor, unconditioned -40 “C 1 60 °C /85 % RH

- outdoor -40 °C 1 60 °C /85 % RH

The test co n d itio ns are co n tro lle d on the basis o f cham ber a ir tem perature and relative hum idity. A cceptable
to le ra n ce fo r tem perature is ± 3 °C. A cceptable to le ra n ce fo r relative h u m id ity is ± 5 %.

1 T esting w ith a h ig h e r m inim um tem perature than r 8#(m|n shown above in th is table is p erm itted, if the
s p e cifica tio ns o f the PCE do not a llo w exposure to the ab o ve-sp e cifie d r set mjn. In th is case, the lim it Tget mjn
shall be adjusted according to the m anufacturers low est tem perature spe cifica tio ns; however, highest value
fo r 7»e«,mln sha" b e -1 0 * C .

The actual te st co nditions shall be docum ented in the test report.

g) The PCE re sta rt shall begin at the end o f the low te m p era ture dw ell by reco nn ectin g the

6.7.4 R estrictions and exceptions

Not required fo r PCE sp ecified fo r use only in indoor c o n d itio n s in the cases o f C ateg ories 2
and 3.

Not required fo r C ateg ory 4 PCE.

A u to m a tic o utp ut pow er d erating, d isco n tin u o u s o pe ra tion and te m p ora ry su spe nsion of
ope ra tion is perm itted at all te m p era ture s that exceed the m a n u fa c tu re r’s sp e c ific a tio n s if fo r
fu n ctio n a l p rotection.

6.7.5 Final m easurem ents


6.7.6 R equirem ents

The req uirem en ts are as follow s.

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-3 4 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

None o f the te sting sa m p le s e x h ib it any irre versib le o pe n-circu it, s h o rt-c irc u it, o r ground fa ult
during the tests, nor any suspensions o f o pe ra tion th a t require m anual interven tion on the PCE
to co rrect. P erm itted are reve rsib le s itu a tio n s w hich are trigg ered by the PCE fo r the purpose
o f p ro tectin g its e lf o r any o th e r connected device or load th a t se lf-co rre cts. T here shall be no
p erm a ne nt dam age to the PCE. R ecord the nature and duration o f any d isco n tin u o u s or
te m p ora ry suspension o f norm al ope ra tion o f the PCE th a t m ay o ccur during the test.

6.8 T h erm al cycling test

6.8.1 Purpose

This te st consists o f repeated exposure to hot and cold te m p era ture extrem es w ith p eriods of
pow ered ope ra tion to accelera te the d aily te m p era ture sw ings seen in field a pp lica tio n s. In
addition to the e ffects o f e le ctrica l stresse s a pp lie d, th erm al cyclin g a lso induces th e rm o ­
m echanical strain as a result o f d iffe re n ce s in expa nsion c o e ffic ie n ts betw een d iffe re n t
m ate ria ls used in PCEs and its com ponents. C om ponents in a PCE th a t are su scep tible to
accelera ted th erm al cyclin g include pow er se m ico n d u cto r devices, integrated circu itry,
ca pa citors, printed circu it boards, m echanical- enclosure and stru c tu re s as w ell as w ire
term ina ls and connectors.

T ypical fa ilu re m echanism s th a t are accelera ted by therm al cyclin g include bond w ire fa tigu e,
b ase -p late so ld e r and chip so ld e r fa tigu e, intercon ne ction fa ilu re , m aterial defo rm a tion and
cracks, d elam ina tion o f co nfo rm a l co at and potting interface s, etc.

The upper te m p era ture im plem ented in the th erm al cycling te st is based on actual upper
te m p era ture a ttained by the pow er tra n s is to r m odule o f the PCE in 6.6. The stress level applied
is thus related to the e fficien cy and th erm al m anagem ent exhibited by the PCE.

6.8.2 Apparatus
a) A cham ber w ith a u to m a tic te m p era ture co n tro l o f c ircu la tin g air. The c lim a tic ch am be r shall
be su ffic ie n tly large to fit the PCE sam ple including required clea ra n ces or spacing as
specified by the m an ufa ctu re r and be ca pa ble o f su bjectin g one or m ore sam ples to the
th erm al cycle p ro file show n in Figure 4 and p aram eters given in T able 6. A clim a tic ch am be r
capable o f fu lfillin g the s p e cifica tio n s o f IEC 6 0068-2-14, T est Nb w ill be suitable.
b) M eans fo r m ounting or su pp orting the PCE sam ple(s) in the cham ber according to the
m ethod prescribed by the m anufacturer. The in s ta lla tio n shall allo w free c ircu la tio n o f the
surrou nd ing air. T he th erm al co nd uctio n o f the m ount o r su pp ort stru ctu re shall be low (i.e.,
non m e ta llic).
c) A p pa ratu s set fo r w indspeed co nd itio ns in the clim a tic cham ber a ccordin g to 6 .5.3.1 c).
d) M easurem ent instru m e ntatio n fo r achievin g and reco rd ing the PCE pow er tra n s is to r case or
reference te m p era ture T\ as in 6.6. T ole ra nce o f m easured te m p era ture from specified
se tp o in ts is ± 3 °C.
e) A PV a rray sim u la to r o r a DC pow er supply in a ccorda nce w ith 5.4.5 capable o f delivering
the vo ltag e ve rsu s cu rre n t ch a ra c te ris tic o f the la rg e st PV array fo r w hich the e qu ip m e n t is
rated, w ith regard to open circu it vo ltag e and sh ort c irc u it current.
f) An e le ctrica l load in accordance w ith 5.4.6.
g) M eans fo r m onitoring the cu rren t and vo ltag e va lu es (RM S) at all connected inp ut and output

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -3 5 -


R efer to Table 6 fo r te m p e ra tu re (7get) and required dw ell tim es.

Figure 4 - Therm al cycling test - Tem pe ra tu re and output power profile

6.8.3 Procedure

The te st shall be carried o u t in accorda nce w ith IEC 6 0068-2-14 w ith the fo llo w in g add itio na l
p rovisions:

a) The PCE, shall be installed into the test ch am be r using a su ita b le m ounting or su pp orting
m ethod as described in 6.8.2 a). The e qu ip m en t is to be m ounted in accorda nce w ith the
m an ufa ctu re r's instru ction s. To achieve fa s te r ram p tim es, the te st m ay be perform ed w ith
doors o f the e le ctrica l e nclosu re opened and during the tra n sitio n tim es, the cooling system
o f the PCE m ay be used and adjusted as needed to reach the sp ecified se tpo ints m ore
q u ickly if agreed to by the m anufacturer.

NOTE 1 If the PCE is in te rn a lly cooled by fans, te stin g w ith open doors o r open cover m ay influence the a irflow
and cause some com ponents to becom e m ore overheated than norm al.

b) The PCE sam ple inp ut te rm in a ls shall be connected to a suitab le pow er so urce as described
in 6.8.2 b).
c) The PCE sam ple AC o r DC o utp ut te rm in a ls shall be connected to a suitab le load as
described in 6.8.2 d).
d) Install suitab le cu rre n t and vo ltag e m onitoring devices as described in 6.8.2 f) to all inp ut
and o utp ut ports.
e) C on ne ct or im plem ent m easurem ent o f pow er tra n s is to r m odule case or reference
te m p era ture I\ as described in 6.8.2 d). In the case o f ca te g o ry 1 PCE, m on itor tem perature
at the a tta ch m e n t (m o un ting ) p oint o f the device w hile m ounted . T he te st c o n d itio n s are
adjusted using th is te m p era ture m easured on the sam ple.

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f) The PCE is to be su bjected to a th erm al cycle p ro file as show n in Figure 4 w ith specified
sa m p le -tem p eratu re lim its, n um ber o f cycles, m inim um dw ell tim es, and w ith o ptio ns fo r
m od ifica tio n as described in T able 6. There is no lim ita tio n on how fa s t the ch am be r a m bient
te m p era ture is allo w e d to tra n sitio n during the positive and negative te m p era ture ram p, but
a ram p rate betw een 0,5 °C / m in and 2 °C / min is recom m ended. If Table 6 T ^e t min v a ^u e s
are below the P C E -specified m inim um use te m p era ture s, or the te m p era ture range o f the
th erm al cyclin g te st shall be reduced fo r any reason, see the fo o te r in T able 6 fo r how to
increase the num ber o f te st cycles required based on the reduced te m p era ture range fo r
a pp lica tion o f this clause. To reduce testing tim e, Tset max m ay be increased and the num ber
o f th erm al cycles reduced. In th is case, turn o ff d erating if d eratin g occurs at the higher,
desired T'set.max* and have T\ achieve th is increased sam ple upper te m p era ture lim it by
increasing pow er to the PCE by increasing input voltage, m aintaining cu rre n t at /sc max. If
the pow er reaches Pr and fu rth e r a ccelera tion w ith higher 7 ^ max is sought, then increase
ch am be r te m p era ture , w hile ensuring pow er reaches Pr during the cycle.

g) D uring the negative te m p era ture ram p and the low te m p era ture dw ell, the pow er supply
connected to the inp ut o f the PCE shall supply no pow er to the PCE. Forced a ir provided by
the P C E ’s own cooling system , the c lim a tic c h a m b e r’s circ u la tin g air, o r add itio na l forced
a ir m ay be introduced to achieve sam ple te m p era ture 7 ^ min m ore quickly.

h) M aintain a dw ell tim e o f 20 min at each extrem e.

i) A fte r the low te m p era ture dw ell at te m p era ture 7set mjn, a re s ta rt o f the PCE is perform ed at
the tim e o f the s ta rt o f te m p era ture ram p up from the idle or o ff co nd itio n. A t restart, set the
input pow er to the PCE to /sc max, lim iting input vo ltag e as nece ssary to obtain Pr Tow ard
the later p ortion s o f the ram p and during the upper te m p era ture dw ell, the cham ber
te m p era ture shall be o ptim ized such that Tse{ max = T{2 is achieved at the m easurem ent point
on the sam ple.

NOTE 2 In 6.6.3, the Ti2 relatio n sh ip w ith cham ber setp oint tem perature Tambset, was developed fo r q u a si­
e q uilibrium conditions.

j) To a ccou nt fo r any d elay in the sta rt o f energy conve rsio n by the PCE, the PCE m ay be
energized before the end o f the prescribed dw ell such th a t the sta rt o f ene rg y co nve rsio n is
realized at the end o f the prescribed 20 min. dw ell and the s ta rt o f ram p up in tem perature.
k) A fte r the stress te st, allo w a m inim um reco very tim e o f 1 h at at (23 ± 5) °C under unpow ered
co nd itio ns.

Table 6 - U pper and low er tem perature limits for thermal cycling test

PCE E n v iro n m e n ta l c a te g o ry S a m p le te m p e ra tu re lim it s 1 M in im u m T e st

c a te g o ry d w e ll tim e c y c le s 1
Tset.min °C Tset,max °C

1 all se rvice categories -40 85 125 °C 20 min 400

indoor - conditioned -10 T,2 r ,2 + 10 ° c

2, 3, 4 outdoor, indoor - 20 min 400
-40 T\2 r l2 + 40 ° c

The test co n d itio ns are adjusted using th is te m p e ra tu re m easured on the sam ple. A cceptable to le ra n ce fo r
tem perature is ± 3 °C.

1 If the m inim um rated use tem perature as defined by the m an u fa ctu re r is higher, th a t m inim um rated use
tem perature may instead be im plem ented as Tset mjn. T his d e via tio n from the values in the table shall be noted
in the te s t report and a label in d ica tin g the h igher m inim um use tem perature indicated on the PCE sp e cifica tio n
sheet according to Annex A. However, if for any reason, when using a d iffe re n t A7"mod value than A7'S0t specified
in T able 6. the num ber o f cycles (Armo<J) shall be m odified according to the fo llo w in g form ula:

where û r mod is the te m p e ra tu re span betw een the im plem ented Tset mm and Tsel max. T his form ula shall also
apply if 7"set max is increased beyond th a t in the above table for the purpose o f reducing test tim e (cycles).

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -3 7 -

6.8.4 R estrictions and exceptions

MPP trackin g fu n c tio n a lity o f the PCE m ay be disabled if n ecessary to achieve a sta ble
o pe ra ting p oint at the DC inp ut ports.

A u to m a tic o u tp u t pow er d erating, d isco n tin u o u s o pe ra tion and te m p ora ry su spe nsion of
o pe ra tion is perm itted at all te m p era ture s th a t are o utsid e o f the m a n u fa c tu re r’s use
te m p era ture levels fo r fu n ctio n a l p rotection. The o ccurre nce o f these phenom ena shall be noted
in the te st report.

In the case the th erm al cycling test is done w ithin the a lte rn a tive q u a lific a tio n te st sequence fo r
C ateg ory 3 PCE and 4 PCE w ith reduced sam ple re q uirem en t d escrib e d in 5.3.3, the fo llo w in g
6.8.5 Final m easurem ents and 6.8.6 R equirem ents are om itted.

W hen te sting C ategory 4 PCE in co m ponents instead o f the integral unit, su b stitu te fo r 7|2 in
Table 6 the actual com ponent te m p era ture m easured at the instan t the reference tem perature
7| is m axim um at Ti2 as described in 6 .6.4.2 . Perform the therm al cycling te s t fo r each
com ponent desired to be tested se pa ra te ly such th a t all co m ponents listed in 5.3.4 a) are tested.
Use the sam e te m p era ture m easurem ent d evices, m ountings, and loca tion s im plem ented in 6.6.

6.8.5 Final m easurem ents

A fte r a m inim um reco very tim e o f 1 h, perform 6.3, 6.4, and 6.1 in such order.

6.8.6 R equirem ents

The req uirem en ts are as fo llo w s:

a) The PCE shall su ccessfu lly operate w ithin its sp ecified ope ra ting range th ro u g h o u t the
w hole te st period.
b) None o f the te sting sam ples e xh ib it any irre versib le o p e n -circu it, s h o rt-c irc u it, or ground
fa u lt during the tests, nor any su spe nsion s o f operation th a t require m anual interven tion on
the PCE to correct. Perm itted are re ve rsib le situ a tio n s w hich are triggered by the PCE fo r
the purpose o f p rotecting its e lf o r any o th e r connected device o r load th a t se lf-co rrects.
T here shall be no perm anent dam age to the PCE. R ecord the nature and d uration o f any
d isco n tin u o u s or te m p ora ry su spe nsion o f norm al o pe ra tion o f the PCE th a t m ay occur
during the test.
c) The PCE shall m eet the criteria d efined in 5.5.

6.9 Damp heat test

6.9.1 Purpose

The dam p heat te st consists o f expo sure to com bined elevated te m p era ture and high h um id ity
enviro n m e nts w ith voltage bias. It is intended to a ccelera te fa ilu re m echanism s th a t are
activated by pen etra tion o f m oisture v a po r th ro ug h p ro te ctive m ate ria ls and e le c tric fie ld s that
are created by applied vo ltag e to the internal c irc u itry . The dam p heat te s t is intended to ide ntify
com ponent fa ilu re s th a t are induced th ro ug h va riou s form s o f g alvan ic and e le ctroch em ical
corrosion, e le ctro m igration, insu latio n d eg ra da tion , etc. P o te n tia lly a ffe cted com ponents
include integrated circu its, pow er se m ico n d u cto r devices, ca p a cito rs, printed c irc u it boards,
intercon ne ction s, w iring and m e ta llic parts such as fram e, screw s and enclosure. Levels of
h um id ity experienced by the PCE are g e n e ra lly governed by the e nviro n m e nta l use co ndition,
thus te m p era ture o f the d w ells o f the therm al p ro file is co n tro lle d a ccordin g the cham ber a ir
te m p era ture in the dam p heat te st. The dam p heat te st is not im plem ented fo r C ateg ory 4 PCE
and PCE in the Indoor, co nd itio ne d category.

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-3 8 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

6.9.2 A pparatus
a) A clim a tic cham ber su ita b le fo r a p p lica tio n o f IEC 6 00 68 -2 -7 8 and te m p era ture cond itio ns
as sp ecified in Table 7. A cce ptab le to leran ce fo r te m p era ture is ± 3 °C from specified
se tpo int. A cce ptab le to leran ce fo r relative h um id ity is ± 5 % (ab solu te) from sp ecified
b) A PV a rra y sim u la to r or a DC pow er supply in accorda nce w ith 5.4.5 capable o f a pp lyin g the
m axim um rated in p u t vo ltag e to the PCE input te rm in a ls w h ile sourcin g cu rre n t to achieve
10 % o f PT o r the m inim um o pe ra ting pow er Pr min o f the PCE, w h ich e ve r is greater.

c) An e le ctrica l load in a ccorda nce w ith 5.4.6.

d) M eans fo r m onitoring o f cu rre n t and vo ltag e (RM S) values at all connected inp ut and output
e) Install fuses or circu it breakers at the inp ut and o utp ut te rm ina ls to protect a gainst possible
sh ort c irc u it during the test.

6.9.3 Procedure

The te st shall be carried out in accorda nce w ith IEC 6 0068-2-78 w ith the fo llo w in g p rovisions.

a) The PCE w ith d eratin g ch a ra cte ris tic s rep re sen ta tive o f production e quipm ent not changed
in any w ay fo r th is te st shall be introduced at room te m p era ture into the te st cham ber and
installed using a m ounting or su pp orting stru ctu re in a ccorda nce w ith the m an ufa ctu re r's
instru ction s.
b) The PCE sam ple inp ut te rm ina ls shall be connected to a su ita b le DC vo ltag e source
sp ecified in 6.9.2 b).
c) The PCE sam ple o utp ut te rm ina ls shall be connected to a su ita b le e le c tric load as described
in 5.4.6.
d) S u itab le m onitoring e quipm ent as described in 6 .9.2 f) sh all be installed w ith the function
o f m onitoring and logging the current and voltage a t the e le ctrica l te rm ina ls o f the PCE
tra n sm ittin g e le ctrica l pow er to and from the PCE. M onitor ch am be r te m p era ture and air
te m p era ture reading from the e nviro n m e nta l cham ber co ntrolle r. T he te s t c o n d itio n s are
co ntrolle d on cham ber te m p era ture and relative hum idity, not w ith the sam ple tem perature.
e) A fte r closin g the cham ber, the PCE shall be su bjected to 10 °C te m p era ture . A fte r
e q u ilib ra tio n , ram p h um id ity to /?//-,. A pply te m p era ture and h um id ity to the PCE according
to the profile show n in Figure 5 and c o n d itio n s listed in T able 7. R elative h um id ity levels are
not sp ecified fo r periods o f te m p era ture ram ps. W hen called fo r according to the tim ing
indicated in Figure 5, apply Vmpp max to the inp ut ports o f the PCE and su ffic ie n t cu rre n t to
achieve 10 % o f PT or the m inim um ope ra ting pow er o f the PCE w hen Vmpp max bias is
applied to the input term inals, w hich eve r is g re ate r. If the PCE d erate s to less than 10 % Pv
reduce the te st te m p era ture 7 1 (upper dw ell te m p era ture ) until 10 % o f Pr is achieved and
increase the te st d uration to t2 rounding up to the next in te g e r cycle o f 12 h d uration
according to the fo o te r in Table 7, w here 7 1 is the te m p era ture listed in T able 7 fo r the
a pp ro priate PCE enviro n m e nta l ca teg ory, T2 is the te m p era ture to w hich the clim a tic
ch am be r w as reduced fo r the upper te m p era ture level d w e ll, and ^ is the tim e listed in
Table 7.
Figure 5 ind icate s d uratio n o f pow er a pplied to the PCE, 10 min pulses. Ensure the PCE is
co nve rtin g pow er n om inally fo r 10 min by in itia tin g applied pow er to the PCE e a rlie r in the
cycle if necessary, to a ccou nt fo r sta rt-u p tim e o f the PCE.
f) The low te m p era ture dw ell co nd itio ns m ay be allow ed to d rift a ssociated w ith the 10 min
applied pow er to the PCE. O utside o f th is period, a dd itio n a l adjustm e nts to the n um ber o f
cycles shall be m ade according to T able 7 notes if 93 % RH ca n n o t be m aintained reliab ly
according to IEC 6 0068-2-78 if and w hen called for.
g) A fte r the d uratio n o f the te st sp e cifie d in Table 7, ram p to a m bient co nd itio ns by firs t turning
o ff h um id ity gen eratio n then ram ping te m p era ture to 23 °C ± 3 °C. A llow a reco very tim e
betw een 2 h and 4 h at (23 ± 5) °C and a relative h um id ity less than 75 %. D uring recovery
tim e, no voltage shall be a pplied to the inp ut and o utp ut term inals.
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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -3 9 -

* M *<
JO T 3

r 1


Tem perature and relative h u m id ity levels are given in Table 7.

NOTE Refer to a d d itional d e ta ils o f 6.9.3 e) w hen a ch ie vin g 10 o f P, . « w i, h ''m p p m sx a P P 'ie d t0 t h e in Pu l

te rm inals o f the PCE cannot be sustained.

Figure 5 - Damp heat test profile

Table 7 - T em peratu re and humidity limits for damp heat test

PCE E n v iro n m e n ta l c a te g o ry U p p e r d w e ll le ve ls E le c tric a l D u ra tio n (n u m b e r

c a te g o ry c o n d itio n s o f 1 2 h fu ll
Tv RH, c y c le s )

1 - all se rvice categories 85 °C \ 85 % RH 360 (30)

- indoor, conditioned 35 °C \ 85 % RH V mpp max 120 (10)

- indoor, unconditioned 0,1 Pf 1 240 (20)

2, 3 60 °C \ 93 % RH

- outdoor 60 °C \ 93 % RH 360 (30)

A cceptable to le ra n ce fo r te m p e ra tu re is ± 3 °C. A cceptable to le ra n ce s fo r relative hum idity is ± 5 %. C ontrol is

perform ed based on the m easurem ents o f the te st cham ber air.

M axim um dw ell level fo r te m p e ra tu re and relative h u m id ity in the clim a tic test cham ber for each PCE and
enviro n m e n ta l category is as shown in th is table under U pper dw ell le ve ls Tv RH r w hereas the lo w e r dw ell level
fo r all PCE is RH, and 10 °C.

1 Reduce te m p e ra tu re if required to m aintain con ve rsio n fo r PCE at le a st 10 % o f its nom inal rated power, and
increase te st tim e according to:

t2 = t, X e6963x(r2«T3ic r,42»ic)

w here
Ty is tem perature liste d in th is table,
T2 is the te m p e ra tu re to w hich the clim a tic cham ber was reduced for the up p er te m p e ra tu re level dwell,
is the duration w ith o u t te m p e ra tu re reduction, num ber o f cycles x 12 h, according to th is table.

If it is deem ed th a t the clim a tic cham ber test equipm ent cannot m aintain 93 % RH re lia b ly according to IEC 60068-
2-78 when called for, then use instead relative hum idity o f 85 % and fu rth e r a d ju st the num ber o f cycles up by
27 %, to the next highest 12 h cycle interval.

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-40 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

6.9.4 Restrictions and exceptions

MPP trackin g and d erating fu n ctio n a lity o f the PCE m ay be d isabled if n ecessary to achieve a
stable ope ra ting p oint a t the DC input ports.

N ot required fo r C ateg ory 4 PCE and PCE in the e n viro n m e nt ca teg ory o f indoor, conditioned.

6.9.5 Final m easurem ents


6.9.6 R equirem ents

None o f the te sting sa m p le s e x h ib it any irre versib le o p e n -circu it, s h o rt-c irc u it, o r ground fa ult
during the tests, nor any su spe nsion s o f o pe ra tion th a t req uire m anual interven tion on the PCE
to co rrect. P erm itted are reve rsib le s itu a tio n s w hich are trigg ered by the PCE fo r the purpose
o f p ro tectin g its e lf o r any o th e r connected device or load th a t se lf-co rre cts. T here shall be no
p erm a ne nt dam age to the PCE. R ecord the nature and d uration o f any d isco n tin u o u s or
te m p ora ry suspension o f norm al ope ra tion o f the PCE th a t m ay o ccur during the test.

6.10 Dry heat test

6.10.1 Purpose

This te st co n sists o f extended expo sure to elevated te m p era ture in co m b in a tion w ith cyclic
a pplication o f rated pow er to the PCE. C om ponents in a PCE th a t are su scep tible to heat include
pow er se m ico n d u cto r devices, film - and e le ctro lyte ca pa citors, integrated c irc u itry , a uxilia ry
circu itry, cooling fans, insu latio n m aterial, w ire te rm in a ls and connectors.

T ypica l fa ilu re m echanism s that are accelera ted by dry heat testing w ith the PCE pow ered
include d ie le ctric breakdow n, e le ctro m ig ra tio n , insu latio n deg ra da tion , e le c tro ly te e vap oratio n,
intercon ne ction fa ilu re , fan bearing w ear, etc.

The te m p era ture im plem ented in the d ry heat te st is based on actual u pper te m p era ture a ttained
by the ca p a cito r reaching m axim um te m p era ture in 6.5, the bus link c a p a c ito r therm al te s t fo r
PCE o f C ateg ories 2, 3 and 4. For these PCE types, the stress level a pplied is thus related to
the e ffic ie n cy and therm al m anagem ent.

D erating o f the PCE m ay o p tio n a lly be sh ut o ff fo r this te st and d uratio n o f the te st shall be
adjusted if a d iffe re n t te m p e ra tu re from th a t prescribed is selected.

6.10.2 Apparatus

A clim a tic ch am be r w ith a u to m a tic te m p era ture control o r a no the r su ita b le te sting cham ber
w here to le ra n ce s fo r te m p era ture w ith in ± 3 °C from the prescribed se tp o in t te m p era ture can
be m aintained.

a) The ch am be r shall be su ffic ie n tly large to fit the PCE sam ple including required clea ra n ces
as sp ecified by the m anufacturer.
b) M eans fo r m ounting or supporting the PCE sam ple a ccordin g to, rep re sen ta tive, and
ch a ra cte ristic o f the m ethod prescribed by the m an ufa ctu re r in the insta lla tio n m anual.
c) A p pa ratu s set fo r w indspeed co nd itio ns in the c lim a tic cham ber a ccordin g to 6 .5.3.1c).
d) M eans fo r m onitoring te m p era ture Tc at location o f h ighest m easured c a p a cito r tem perature
as acquired in, e). In the case o f C ateg ory 1 PCE, m on itor te m p era ture at the
a tta chm en t (m o un ting ) point o f the device.
e) A PV array sim u la to r or a DC pow er su pp ly in a ccorda nce w ith 5.4.5 capable at delivering
the vo ltag e ve rsu s cu rre n t ch a ra c te ris tic o f the large st PV array fo r w hich the e quipm ent is
rated w ith regard to voltage and current.

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -4 1 -

f) An e le ctrica l load in accorda nce w ith 5.4.6.

g) M eans fo r m onitoring the cu rre n t and vo ltag e va lu es (R M S) at all connected inp ut and output

6.10.3 Procedure

The te st shall be carried out in accorda nce w ith IEC 6 00 68 -2 -2 :2 00 7, 5.4 w ith the fo llo w in g
p rovisions.

Tem perature req u ire m e n ts are given in T ab le 8.

Figure 6 - Dry heat test - T em peratu re and input voltage profile

a) The PCE, being at room te m p era ture , shall be introduced and installed into the te st ch am be r
or te st room using a suitab le m ounting or su pp o rtin g stru ctu re as described in 6.10.2 b).
The e qu ip m e n t is to be m ounted in accorda nce w ith the m a n u fa ctu re r’s instru ction s.
E quipm ent w ith active cooling (a ir co n d itio n in g , w a te r c irc u la tio n ) shall be active repeating
the co n fig u ra tio n used in 6.5.
b) The PCE sam ple inp ut te rm in a ls shall be connected to a suitab le pow er so urce as described
in 6.10.2 e). S u itab le m onitoring e qu ip m en t as described in 6 .10 .2 g) shall be installed w ith
the fu nctio n o f m onitoring and logging the inp ut cu rre n t and voltage.
c) The PCE sam ple AC or DC o utp ut te rm ina ls shall be connected to a su ita b le e le c tric load
introduced in 5.4.6. The PCE shall be set to ope ra te at rated o utp ut vo ltag e co nd itio ns and
nom inal unity pow er fa cto r (PF=1) th ro u g h o u t the test. S u itable m onitoring e qu ip m en t as
described in 6.10.2 g) shall be installed w ith the fu n ctio n of m onitoring and logging the
o utp ut cu rren t and vo ltag e. The d erating c h a ra c te ris tic s o f the PCE shall be re p re sen ta tive
o f production e qu ip m en t and not changed in any w ay fo r th is test, e xcep ting if changing
d erating a ccordin g to the co nd itio n in e), below .
d) The PCE is to be su bjected to a m inim um n um ber o f hours at elevated a m bient te m p era ture
to achieve ca p a cito r te m p era ture TC2 achieved w ith ch am be r te m p era ture r amb>set c as
e valuated in at pow ered co nd itio ns. The ch am be r ope ra ting te m p era ture levels and
te st d uratio ns are selected according to T able 8. All releva n t e le ctrica l p aram eters during
the te st are to be m onitored and docum ented in the te s t report.
e) W ithin every hour during the te st, the PCE shall be su bjected to one pow er c ycle — the restart
introduced by an inp ut vo ltag e profile as show n in Figure 6. S p e cifica lly, a fte r the pow er
cycle m aintaining the shutdow n tim e only long enough to v e rify ze ro o utp ut pow er, input
voltage shall be set to Vmpp max w ith su ffic ie n t cu rre n t su pplied so th a t the PCE can sustain
nom inal rated pow er, Pr O ptim iza tion o f 7'amb set c sh all be m ade to achieve Tc = 7C2.

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-4 2 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

If under the specified te st co n d itio n s, the pow er o utp ut o f the PCE d erate s to less than 10
o f % Pr R educe the te st te m p era ture ^amb.set c until cu rre n t o utp ut is at least 10 % o f PT
and increa se the te st d uration to Durationaai associated w ith the reduced te st tem perature,
7’adj (m easured at the sam e ca p a cito r loca tion as TC2), according to the fo otno tes in T able 8.

A lte rn a tive ly, to reduce testing tim e, the te m p era ture Tc m ay be increased using a higher
selected ^adj* In this case, turn o ff d eratin g if derating occurs at the higher, desired c a p a cito r
te m p era ture , and have Tc achieve th is te m p era ture by increa sing pow er to the PCE by
increasing inp ut cu rren t, m aintaining voltage at Vdc r. If the pow er reaches Prated and fu rth e r
accelera tion w ith h ig he r Tc is sought, then increase the cham ber te m p era ture , w hile
ensuring pow er reaches Pr during the cycle.

Table 8 - T em peratu re limits for dry heat test

PCE E n v iro n m e n ta l c a te g o ry T e m p e ra tu re E le c tric a l D u ra tio n

c a te g o ry s e tp o in t c o n d itio n s

1 all se rvice categories +85 °C 1 ^m p p m a x*0 -1 Pr 2 000 1

indoor - conditioned TC2 1 ^ p p m a x ^ ' 1 Pr 2 000 1

2, 3, 4
ou tdo o r and indoor - TC2 ^
^p p m a x *0’1 ^ 2 000 1

Tem perature se tp oint is evaluated on C ategory 1 PCE referencing the te m p e ra tu re m easured on its m ounting
bracket, w hereas fo r C ategories 2, 3 and 4, it is on the ca p a cito rs’ location o f highest tem perature as found in 6.5.
The a cceptable to le ra n ce s fo r m easured te m p e ra tu re is ± 3 °C.

1 M aintain su fficie n tly elevated te m p e ra tu re such th a t the PCE co ntinues to convert at least 10 % Pr

Testing at a low er te m p e ra tu re than the above sp e cifie d setp oint is p erm itted. Testing at low er tem peratures
requires an increase o f the te stin g dura tio n according to the follo w in g form ula:

DurationadJ = 1000/» x

W here TC2 was d e term ined in 6.5 and Tadj is the m odified te st tem perature. (T h is assum es an A rrhe n iu s-re la tio n
w ith an a ctiva tio n energy o f 0,6 eV)

This form ula shall also apply if the Ta<Jj = Tc setp oint is increased beyond TC2 to achieve a reduced te st duration.

6.10.4 R estrictions and exceptions

MPP trackin g fu n c tio n a lity o f the PCE m ay be disabled if n ecessary to achieve a stable
o pe ra ting p oint at the DC inp ut ports.

D erating o f the PCE m ay o p tio n a lly be defeated to achieve the sp ecified te st co nd itio ns.

W hen testing C ategory 4 PCE in com ponents and not as a com p le te unit, su b stitu te fo r TC2 in
Table 8 the actua l com ponent te m p era ture m easured at the instan t the refe ren ce te m p era ture
Tc is m axim um at TC2 as described in 6 .5.4.2 . P erform the dry heat te st fo r each com ponent
such that all co m ponents listed in 5.3.4 a) are tested. Use the sam e te m p era ture m easurem ent
d evices, m ountings, and loca tion s im plem ented in 6.5.

6.10.5 Final m easurem ents

A fte r a m inim um reco very tim e o f 1 h, perform 6.3, 6.4, and 6.1 in such order.

6.10.6 R equirem ents

The PCE shall m eet the criteria defined in 5.5.

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6.11 UV w eathering test

6.11.1 Purpose

The w e a th ering te st is to e valua te the d u ra b ility o f o rg a n o p o lym e ric e nclosu re m ate ria ls and
lab els to UV light at elevated te m p era ture .

6.11.2 A pparatus

Xenon arc lam p(s) in com bination w ith the a pp ro priate o ptical filte r(s ) to produce an irradiance
spectrum sim u latin g te rre stria l su n lig h t a ccordin g to the requirem ents of, and a b ility to co ntrol
te m p era ture and relative h um id ity o f the te st ch am be r a ccordin g to IEC 62852, te st phase G1,
w ea th er resista nce and ISO 4892-2.

6.11.3 Procedure
a) C ollect tw o sam ples o f at least 5 cm * 10 cm o f each rep re sen ta tive face m aterial o f the
PCE enclosure or cabinet. Include sam ples w ith all m arking label types and polym eric
w ind ow m aterials. T est rep re sen ta tive parts and com ponents such as labels, cable grips,
w ire harnesses, and o th e r accesso rie s m ade o f p olym e ric m ate ria ls th a t have p ortion s of
them e xterna l to the e nclosu re and exposed to the w ea th er m ounted held on th e ir enclosure
parts w ith re p re se n ta tive cables o r w ire held w ithin them , if a pp lica ble . G asket m aterial
having norm a lly som e exposed to su n lig h t shall be co lle cted in 10 cm strips in the w idth
used in the PCE in tw o replicas.
b) M easure c h a ra cte ristic d im en sion s o f p olym e ric parts to 0,1 mm accuracy at 22 °C ± 3 °C.
c) Perform UV w ea th ering te st on parts according to requirem ents o f IEC 62852 test phase G1
as follows:
• Irradiance: 60 W /m 2
• W ave band: 300 nm to 400 nm
• Black panel standard te m p era ture : 65 °C
• R elative hum idity: 65 %
• C ycle: 18 min spra yin g , 102 min d rying w ith X enon-lam p
• Total d uratio n: 500 h.
d) R em easure ch a ra cte ristic d im en sion s of polym eric parts to 0,1 mm accuracy at
22 °C ± 3 °C.

6.11.4 Restrictions and exceptions

Parts o f m ate ria ls th a t have been ce rtifie d to pass requirem ents o f IEC 62852 do not require
the UV w e a th ering test. In ca ses w here co m p lia nce can be checked by exam in a tion o f the
co nstructio n and o f a vailab le data regarding the UV resista nce c h a ra c te ris tic s o f the
enclosure m aterial and any a ssociated p ro tective coating fo r the intended a p p lica tio n as
described in IEC 6 2109-1:2010, 13.6.4, the co m p on en t w ill not req uire the UV w ea th ering

Parts w itho ut o rg an op olym eric m ate ria ls are excluded from the req uirem en ts o f th is subclause.

6.11.5 R equirem ents

The w eathered sam ples shall not e xhibit:

- reduction in le g ib ility o f printed m aterial o f te s t sam ple w ith resp ect to co ntrol (acce pta b le
is a change in co lo r w ith o u t a change in le g ib ility );
- corrosio n o f in te rio r part o f the sam ple (do not c o n s id e r edge o f the sam ple, if cut from the
e nclosure);
- burn m arks, severe d isco lo ra tio n , cracks, crazing, com paring te st sam ple to control;
- bubbles o r d elam ina tion ;

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- loss o f m echanical integrity;

- defo rm a tion and dim en sion al changes e xceeding 2 %.

7 Optional tests

7.1 General

The fo llo w in g te sts serve the purpose o f a dd itio n a l q u a lity a ssurance. T hey aim to address
q ua lity conce rn s th a t m ay arise in ce rta in ope ra ting e nviro n m e nts th a t intro du ce sp ecific types
o f enviro n m e nta l stresse s on the PCE and its com ponents. P a rtic u la r tests are recom m ended
if the co rresp on din g e nviro n m e nta l co nd itio ns e xist at the intended ope ra ting lo ca tio n s and if
these co nd itio ns are perm itted by the m an ufa ctu re r in the s p e cifica tio n sh ee t o f the PCE. Pass
crite ria fo r each test are according to 5.5. W hen a pplied, the optio na l tests shall be a pplied on
a m inim um o f one te st specim en. The users o f this docu m e nt m ay o p tio n a lly choose to reuse a
given PCE unit fo r m ore than one optional test.

NOTE The optional rain in tru sio n test, wind driven rain test, and the d u st test, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 respectively, were
developed based on the needs o f u tility scale PV in sta lla tio n s fo r perform ing to g e th e r as a unit fo r the expressed
needs o f this m arket segm ent.

7.2 Rain intrusion test

7.2.1 Purpose

This test is to dete rm ine if the ca b in e t or e nclosu re e ntrances o f the PCE (fans, vents, w indow s,
cord grips, p ass-thro ug hs, rem ovable panels) w ill s u ffic ie n tly p ro tect a ga in st w a te r intru sio n
during rainstorm s. This te st exam ines pro visio ns fo r rainstorm w ater to be properly guided away
from , and not com e in co n ta ct w ith, the e le c tro n ic s e ith e r during or a fte r the rainstorm .

7.2.2 Apparatus
a) The p ressure in spray heads defined in IEC 60529:1989, Figure 5— second c h a ra c te ris tic
num erals 3 and 4 (spray n o zzle )— at a d istance o f 710 mm from one a no the r (ce n te r to
ce nte r) o f su fficie n t n um ber to exceed the lin e a r d im ension o f the h orizo n tal e nclosu re edge
o f the PCE to be te ste d. R equirem ents fo r th is te st are in accordance w ith IEC 60529 second
ch a ra cte ristic num eral 4; how ever, requirem ents o f this d ocu m e nt w ill supersede in case of
co nflict.
b) The w a te r line a t each spray head shall be 200 kPa ± 10 kPa w hile spraying fo r all te sts in
th is subclause.
c) M ate ria ls and tools fo r d ete ction o f m oisture presence and q u a n tity o f accum ula ted w ater:
sponges, syringes, scales.
d) M oisture se n sitive co lo rm e tric d e ve lo p e r or w ater leak dete cting p aint (ae ro sol) fo r w ater
leak d etection.

7.2.3 Procedure
a) M easure the e nclosu re volum e. E nclosure volum e shall be based on overall o utside
dim ensions.
b) S pray inside o f ca b in e t o r e nclosu re (doors, in te rio r bottom , in te rio r top, and in te rio r w alls)
w ith m oisture se n sitive co lo rm e tric d e ve lo p e r or sim ila r w a te r-d e te ctin g paint.
c) The e nclosu re shall be placed at the m inim um height w ith resp ect to the ground level w ithin
the to leran ce o f the m a n u fa ctu re r’s specified m ounting instru ction s, and at the m axim um
allo w a ble angle from h orizo n tal th a t is sp ecified by the instru ction s.
d) For th is te st, the drain plugs or taps to d isch arg e w ater accum ula ted on the bottom plate o f
PCE, sh all be closed fo r keeping the w ater intru sio n fo r th is test.
e) Perform e ig h t enclosure door open and close cycles on each access panel or d oo r th a t can
be u nlatched by hand or w ith a tool p rior to the fo llo w in g spray procedure, fin a lly p lacing the
enclosure doors in th e ir closed p osition . All fans and cooling system s shall be operating or
in th e ir fu n ctio n a l open position (dam pers, o r m ovable flaps or lou vers) during these tests.

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f) Spray w ater w ith w a te r spray heads a t each e nclosu re fa ce fo r 1 h, one or m ore faces at a
tim e. Each spray head shall be p ositioned 0,5 m from the c lo s e s t p oint o f the PCE enclosure
and o the rw ise perform ed co n sis te n tly w ith IEC 60529 second c h a ra c te ris tic num eral 4.
Im m ediately a fte rw ard s, the in te rio r shall be exam ined and m easured fo r w a te r penetration.
The doors o f each side shall be opened, one at a tim e, and the in te rio r shall be inspected.
D ocum ent w a te r found inside and its p ro xim ity (tou chin g or n ea rly to uch ing if not fo r surface
tension o f w a te r) to the e le ctro n ics w ith photographs. W a te r if found, should be collected
and m easured fo r volum e.
If one fa ce o f the e nclosu re is done at a tim e, repeat fo r all e s s e n tia lly ve rtica l PCE
enclosure fa ces. The panels shall be dried out a fte r each side is com pleted p rior to going to
the next side fo r exposure. C alcu la te the to ta l volum e o f w ater m easured at each step and
repeat fo r all PCE enclosure faces.
g) R earrange the spray heads so th a t w ater co nta cts all d oo r edges, handles, hinges, locking
m echanism s, louvers, fe ed -throu g h, rem ovable or adhered panel seam s o f the enclosure,
and any location w here w ater ingress m ay be possible dow nw ard a t an angle o f 45° from
h orizontal. A fte r spraying each enclosure fa ce fo r 15 min, the in te rio r shall be exam ined and
m easured fo r w ater penetration. The doors o f each side shall then be opened, one at a tim e,
and the in te rio r sh all be inspected. D ocum ent w ater found inside and its pro xim ity to the
e le ctro n ics w ith photographs. W a te r if found, should be co lle cted and m easured fo r volum e.

7.2.4 Restrictions and exceptions

This te st is recom m ended fo r any PCE fo r use in the outdoors th a t has a door, fan, vent, w indow ,
etc. This te st is not recom m ended fo r PCE c la ssifie d fo r ind oo r e nviro n m e nt, how ever ducting
fo r d irect tra n sfe r o f a ir betw een PCE and vents to o utd oo rs shall be included in the testing as
part o f the PCE. A ir tran sfe r, doors, w indow s, and filtra tio n system o f the PCE or housing
allow ing the PCE to be cla ssifie d fo r ind oo r a pp lica tion sh all be sp ecified, d esigned, co ordin ate d
fo r te sting , w he th er on the PCE, the housing, o r the co m b in a tion o f the two.

7.2.5 Final m easurem ents

C o lle ct detailed photos, including line ar d istance scales in the im age, o f any w ater com ing in
contact or near pro xim ity w ith e le ctro n ic devices or co m ponents w ithin the enclosure and of
w ater on or near exposed co nd ucto rs w ith aid o f the m oisture se n sitive c o lo rm e tric developer,
and w ater a ccum ula tion observed.

C um ula tively ca lcu la te the total volum e o f w ater m easured at each step o f o pening each
enclosure doors or a ccess panel th a t can be unlatched by hand o r w ith a tool o f the in v e rte r fo r
docu m e ntatio n in the te st report.

7.2.6 R equirem ents

A fte r each a bo ve-de scrib ed expo sure to w a te r spray, th ere shall be no e vidence o f w ater
com ing in pro xim ity (tou chin g or p o te n tia lly touching if not fo r su rfa ce tension o f w ater) w ith
e le ctro n ic devices o r co m p on en ts w ithin the enclosure.

T here shall be no e vidence th a t w ater is im pacting creepage req uirem en ts in c ritic a l areas, as
in the case o f m oisture on c irc u it board betw een exposed co nd ucto rs.

The to ta l a ccum ula tion (sum o f the m easurem ents) o f w ater in the e nclosu re shall be less than
1 cm 3 per 0,025 m 3 o f e nclosu re volum e.

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7.3 Wind driven rain test

7.3.1 Purpose

This te s t is to determ ine if the e nclosu re is capable o f preventing w ater ingress a fte r exposure
to rain and w ind, any physical d e te rio ra tio n o f the PCE caused by the rain, and the e ffe ctiven ess
o f any w a te r rem oval system in the PCE. This te s t is also to dete rm ine the e n c lo s u re ’s a b ility
to protect from w ater com ing into co nta ct w ith the e le ctro n ics inside the e nclosu re in cond itio ns
o f w ind driven rain.

7.3.2 Apparatus
a) A p pa ratu s w ith m eans fo r blow ing a ir (w ind) and a w ater d is trib u tio n device w ith in that
produces d ro ple ts having a d ia m e te r range predo m in an tly betw een 0,5 mm and 4,5 mm.
The a pp aratus shall disp erse w a te r d ro p le ts co m p le te ly o ver the te s t item when
accom panied by the prescribed w ind. For steady state rain, use spray nozzles or dispensers
at a h eigh t su fficie n t to ensure the drops app ro ach te rm ina l ve lo c ity (about 9 m /s). It is not
n ecessary to use de-io n ize d or d is tille d w ater fo r th is te st. A pow er source to heat the PCE
or source o f ch illed w ater is required so th a t PCE u nder te s t has a te m p era ture e qu ilib ra te d
at 10 °C ± 3 °C above the te m p era ture o f the w ater used fo r the w ind driven rain.
b) The w ind source shall be position ed w ith resp ect to the te st item so th a t it w ill cause the
rain to beat d ire ctly, w ith va ria tio n s up to 45° from the h orizo n tal, and unifo rm ly a g a in st one
side o f the te st item . Use a w ind source th a t can produce h orizontal w ind v e lo citie s equal to
and e xceeding 31 m /s. M easure and confirm the required w ind v e lo c ity at the position o f the
te st item before p la cem e nt o f the te s t item in the cham ber. As part o f the a pp aratus setup,
docu m e nt the location o f the w ind speed se nso r and the te s t device w ith photographs.
D ocum ent the w a te r d ro p le t co verag e o ver the entire exposure surface by m eans o f a
photograph. D ocum ent the d irectio n o f w ind d riven rain chosen relative to the su rfa ce o f test
item (d ire ctly or w hat va riatio n o f d egrees from the horizo n tal).
c) M eans fo r m ounting, te m p era ture m easurem ents, and applying e le ctrica l loads according to
6.4.2 b) th ro ug h 6.4.2 f).
d) M eans to d e te ct w ater, such as w ater dete ction sticke rs or o the r m eans shall be used to
dete rm ine if se nsitive co m ponents are exposed to w ater. A w a te r-s o lu b le dye such as
flu o re sce in m ay be added to the w a te r to aid in loca ting and ana lysin g w ater leaks.
e) M ate ria ls and tools fo r d ete ction o f m oisture presence and q u a n tity o f a ccum ula ted w ater:
sponges, syringes, scales.
f) M oisture se n sitive co lo rm e tric d e ve lo p e r or w ater leak dete cting p aint (ae ro sol) fo r w ater
leak d etection.
g) Instrum ents suitab le fo r m easuring w ind driven rain (see B ib lio g ra p h y [2]) and an
anem om eter.

7.3.3 Procedure

The PCE enclosure shall be placed at the m inim um h eigh t w ith resp ect to the ground level
w ithin the to leran ce o f the m a n u fa ctu re r’s sp ecified m ounting instru ction s, and at the m axim um
allo w a ble angle from h orizo n tal th a t is sp ecified by the instru ction s. All fa ns and cooling system s
shall be ope ra ting and in th e ir fu n ctio n a l open position (dam pers, o r m ovable flaps or louvers)
during these tests.

a) M easure the e nclosu re volum e. E nclosure volum e shall be based on overall o utside
dim ensions.
b) Spray inside o f enclosure (doors, in te rio r bottom , in te rio r top, and in te rio r w a lls) w ith
m oisture se nsitive co lo rm e tric d e ve lo p e r or m oisture d ete cting paint.
c) Place m eans to d ete ct w ater, such as w a te r d ete ction sticke rs o r o the r m eans to determ ine
if e le ctrica l and se n sitive co m ponents w ill be exposed to w ater inside the enclosure.
d) Perform e ig h t e nclosu re door open and close cycles p rio r to the fo llo w in g spray procedure,
fin a lly placing the enclosure doors in th e ir closed position.

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e) If the te m p era ture o f the w ater is less than 10 °C low er than the te st item , either heat the
te st item to a higher te m p era ture than the ra in w a te r such th a t the te st item te m p era ture has
been sta bilized at 10 °C to 15 °C above the ra inw a te r te m p era ture a t the s ta rt o f each
exposure period or cool the w ater. R estore the te s t item to its norm al physical operating
co nfig uratio n (un po w ered ) im m e diately before te sting if it had been changed to achieve the
te m p era ture requirem ents.
f) W ith the te st item in its norm al physical ope ra ting co n fig u ra tio n , a djust the rainfall rate and
w ith the firs t face o f the PCE p e rp e n d icu la r to the w ind source, in itia te the w ind at the
ve lo city sp ecified as fo llo w s:
• R ainfall 15,0 cm /h ± 2,5 cm/h
• W ind velo city: 31 m /s ± 4 cm /h m easured at the PCE w ith in 0,3 mo f w here the w ater
im pacts the PCE under te st
• E xposure d uratio n on each w all surface: 30 min.
g) R otate the te st item to the rain and blow ing w ind source to a su bse qu en t side o f the test
item or m ove the w ind and rain sources to the next PCE face th a t could be exposed to
blow ing rain in deploym ent.
h) R epeat until all e sse n tia lly ve rtica l surfaces have been tested.
i) C on du ct an insp ectio n fo r w ater ingress. The doors o r a ccess panels shall be opened one
at a tim e, and the in te rio r shall be exam ined. D ocum ent w a te r found inside and its proxim ity
to the e le ctro n ics w ith photographs.
j) M easure any free w ater found inside the protected areas o f the te s t item by m eans o f w eight
change o f sponge and w ith vo lu m e tric m ea surem e nts and w ith d ocu m e ntatio n o f any
observed w ater co lle cted . It m ay be n ecessary to em pty w a te r from the te s t item a fte r the
w ind driven rain test to pre ven t a sa fety hazard.

7.3.4 Restrictions and exceptions

The te xt o f 7.2.4 applies.

7.3.5 Final m easurem ents

A fte r te st is com pleted, photographs o f each open e nclosu re door or panel o f the PCE shall be
docum ented in te st rep ort along w ith detailed photos o f any w ater a ccum ulation observed.

7.3.6 R equirem ents

a) The m axim um to ta l a ccum ulation o f w ater in the e nclosu re sh all not exceed 1 cm 3 per
0,025 m 3 o f enclosure volum e.
b) A fte r each a b o ve-de scrib ed exposure to w ater spray, th ere shall be no e vidence o f w ater
com ing in pro xim ity (touching o r p o te n tia lly touch ing if not fo r surface te nsio n o f w ater) w ith
e le ctro n ic devices or com ponents w ithin the enclosure.
c) There shall be no e vid en ce th a t w ater is im pacting cree pa ge req uirem en ts in c ritic a l areas,
as in the case o f m oistu re on circ u it board betw een exposed conductors.

7.4 Dust test

7.4.1 Purpose

D ust and so il dep ositing on e le ctro n ic co m ponents can lead to d e ve lo pm e nt o f s ta tic charge,
a lterna tive cu rre n t paths, and ve n tila tio n blockage that can cause dam age and fa ilu re o f
com ponents including the e le ctrica l c irc u it boards, ca pa citors, te rm ina tion s, pow er e le ctron ics
and contactors.

This test exposes the fa cto rs o f d ust and sand to the PCE e nclosu re to evalua te its a b ility to
w ithstan d intrusion into the e le ctrica lly active in te rio r o f the enclosure or cham ber. T his te st
also serves to evalua te the design fo r clogging o f filte rs.

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7.4.2 A pparatus
a) The a pp aratus w here the PCE is tested shall be ca pa ble o f pro vid ing an a ir te m p era ture o f
60 °C and achieve relative h um id ity o f the a ir o f 30 % relative h um id ity and 75 % relative
h um id ity and provide airspeed in cid e n t to the d evice u nder te s t in the range o f 26,8 m /s to
4 0,2 m/s. L am inar flo w is not required.
b) Black high d e n sity co n d u ctive or a n tis ta tic foam tape (or black high d e n sity co nd uctive or
a n tista tic foam a pplied w ith a n tis ta tic or co n d u ctive a dh esive) fo r dust co lle ction .
D im ensions o f the foam shall be in the range o f 1,75 cm * 1,75 cm to 2,25 cm * 2,25 cm.
c) ISO 12103-1, A2, Fine te st dust.

7.4.3 Procedure

This procedure re fe ren ces IEC 6 0068-2-68. In case o f co n flic t, the m ethods e x p lic itly listed here

a) Perform 6.1. A ssu re no dam age is observed th a t w ould im p air norm al ope ra tion o f the
e qu ip m en t such as doors, latches, and fan m otors. A lso ensure any fans are o pe ra tion al.
b) Place black foam d ust co lle cto rs on all h orizo n tal o r near h orizo n tal su rfa ces inside the
enclosure at all locations w here d u s t entry is possible: at each seam edge, such as inside
enclosure doors a t each side and at the m id-point, and around any vents.
c) Place all louvers and vents in th e ir norm a lly open p osition . Turn on in te rio r and e x te rio r fans
fo r the e n tire ty o f the te st d uratio n a p p lica tio n o f d ust and sand.
d) Perform e ig ht enclosure door open and close cycles, fin a lly placing the e nclosu re doors in
th e ir closed position.
e) A pply te st procedures o f IEC 6 0068-2-68 m ethod Lc1 w ith ISO 12103-1, A2, Fine te st dust
w ith co nce n tra tio n (10,6 ± 7) g /m 3 and se ve ritie s given in high te m p era ture low hum idity:
• T em perature: 60 °C ± 3 °C
• R elative hum idity: 30 % ± 5 %
• W ind speed: 26,8 m /s b aseline to 40,2 m/s peak gusts
• D uration: 2 h per ve rtica l face.
f) A p ply te st procedures o f IEC 6 00 68 -2 -6 8 m ethod Lc1 w ith ISO 12103-1, A2, Fine te st dust
w ith co nce n tra tio n (10,6 ± 3,0) g /m 3 and se v e ritie s given in high te m p era ture high hum idity:
• T em perature: 60 °C ± 3 °C
• R elative hum idity: 75 % ± 5 %
• W ind speed: 26,8 m /s b aseline to 40,2 m/s peak
• D uration: 2 h per ve rtica l face.
g) A fte r 1 h se ttling tim e, exam ine each black foam d ust co lle c to rs and rate on a 1-8 scale
according to the o bse rva tio n a l standard fo r evalua ting d ust a ccum ula tion located in
Figure 7.

7.4.4 Exceptions and restrictions

This optio na l te st is proposed for any PCE fo r o u td o o r use th a t has a door, fan, vent, w indow ,
etc. PCE specified fo r ind oo r use is e xcluded, e xcept w he re d ire c t d uctin g from e quipm ent to
the o utd oo rs e xists or is sp ecified.

7.4.5 Requirements
a) D ust a ccum ula tion level according to Figure 7 o f 4 or less.
b) In te rio r and e x te rio r fa ns fu n ctio n norm a lly fo r the e n tire ty o f the te s t d uratio n and a fte r the

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IEC 62093:2022 <D IEC 2022 -4 9 -

’A l , 07*
. v y..*>
• > »V / V > • Jr
V. v i O '
V- • •;"
D im ensions o f the above black foam d u st co lle cto rs are 2 cm x 2 cm

X rite C olorC hecker C lassic greyscale levels provided to fa cilita te co lo u r checking fig u re im ages

Figure 7 - Reference for dust accum ulation evaluation level

7.5 Shipping vibration test

7.5.1 Purpose

The purpose o f this te st is to ide ntify m echanical w eak points a n d /o r to ascertain any
d e te rio ra tio n o f the sp ecified param eters. A cco rding to IEC 600 68 -2 -6 , it shall be conducted on
structural ele m e n ts or devices, w hich are exposed to harm onic vib ra tio n s during sh ipm ent, such
as o ccur on ships, in a irc ra ft and land vehicles.

7.5.2 Apparatus

Im plem ent the a pp aratus in IEC 60068-2-6.

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-5 0 - IEC 620 93 :2 02 2 © IEC 2022

7.5.3 Procedure

Im plem ent the procedure in IEC 6 0068-2-6 w ith the se ve ritie s of:

Frequency range: 10 Hz to 11,8 Hz; 11,9 Hz to 150 Hz

C onstant a m p litu d e: 3,5 mm
C onstant a cce le ra tio n : 2 gg
C ycling: 1 octave/m in
D uration on each axis: 2 h
Total te st duration: 6 h.

The specim ens m ay be packaged or unpackaged during the test. For packaged te sting , the
specim en is tested in a co ndition including all packaging m aterial th a t is sp ecified by the
m an ufa ctu re r fo r tra n sp o rt and d istrib u tio n o f the PCE.

The specim ens are not e nergised during the test.

7.5.4 R estrictions and exceptions C ategory 1-2 PCE

No re strictio n s apply. C ategory 3 PCE

May be perform ed on su ba ssem blies. T his fa ct shall be noted in the te st report.

7.5.5 Final m easurem ents

Perform in such o rd er as listed, 6.3, fu n c tio n a lity te st; 6.4 voltage te st; and 6.1, visu a l inspection.

7.5.6 R equirem ents

R equirem ents o f 6.3, 6.4 and 6.1 shall be met.

S p ecify w he th er the specim ens during the te st w ere packaged, unpackaged, o r if th ey w ere
tested in both states in the te st report.

7.6 Shock test

7.6.1 Purpose

In co njun ction w ith the previous test, the purpose o f th is te st is to d is c o v e r m echanical weak
points a nd /or to dete rm ine w h e th e r the specified p aram eters are m aintained o r d ete rio ra te . The
tests are conducted in co nfo rm a nce w ith IEC 60068-2-27.

7.6.2 Apparatus

Im plem ent the a pp aratus in IEC 60068-2-27.

7.6.3 Procedure

Im plem ent the procedure in IEC 60068-2-27 w ith se v e ritie s as fo llo w s:

A m p litu de o f a cce le ra tio n : 15 g

T ype o f shock: half-sin e
D uration o f shock: 11ms

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S equence o f shocks: 1s
N um ber o f shocks: 18 (6 x 3).

The specim ens m ay be packaged or unpackaged during the test. For packaged te sting , the
specim en is tested in a co ndition including all packaging m aterial that is sp e cifie d by the
m an ufa ctu re r fo r tra n sp o rt and d istrib u tio n o f the PCE.

The specim ens are not energised during the test.

7.6.4 Restrictions and exceptions C ategory 1-2 PCE

No re strictio n s apply. C ategory 3 PCE

Not required.

7.6.5 Final m easurem ents

Perform in such order as listed, 6.3, fu n c tio n a lity test; 6.4, vo ltag e te st 6.1, visual inspection.

7.6.6 R equirem ents

R equirem ents o f 6.3, 6.4 and 6.1 shall be met.

7.7 Salt mist test

7.7.1 Purpose

The sa lt m ist te st consists o f extended expo sure o f com bined high h um id ity and high
a tm o sph e ric sodium ch lo rid e co nce ntra tion . It is intended to sim u late accelera ted expo sure in
environm ents w ith changes betw een sa lt and d ry atm ospheres, such as coastal areas. The salt
m ist te st is intended to produce a co rrosive a tta ck on the sam ple. The m ain ta rg e t is to evaluate
the in te g rity o f the e nclosu re and its resista nce a g a in st c o rro sive a tta cks. C om ponents in a PCE
th a t are ty p ic a lly a ffected by sa lt m ist te sting are the m echanical e nclosu re, and associated
m echanical parts. Internal e le ctric c irc u itry m ay also be a ffe cted if resista nce to s a lt m ist
corrosio n is in su fficie n t o r not present.

7.7.2 Apparatus
a) A te st cham ber according to IEC 60068-2-52.
b) M eans fo r m ounting or supporting the PCE sam ple according to the m ethod prescribed by
the m anufacturer.

7.7.3 Procedure
a) The tests shall be perform ed w ith the PCE fu lly assem bled, and all covers in place and all
doors o f the enclosure closed. A pply to the te s t sa m p le s the sa lt m ist te st as described in
IEC 6 00 68 -2 -5 2 , te st m ethod 1 fo llo w in g the g eneral co nd itio ns, a pparatus, and
ch a ra cte ristics o f the sa lt so lu tion , se ve ritie s and o th e r s p e c ific a tio n s included. The se verity
o f the sa lt m ist te st shall be chosen according to the a tm o sph e ric co nd itio ns p re va ilin g in
the place w here the insta lla tio n o f the PCE is intended. S e verity (2) is not suitab le fo r PCEs
as testing co nd itio ns are too w eak and shall be avoided when a pplying this docum ent.
b) S e verities are according to IEC 6 00 68 -2 -5 2 te s t m ethod 1; s p e c ific a lly 4, cycles o f the
fo llo w in g stages:
• S alt m ist 35 °C ± 2 °C, 2 h d uration
• Hum id co n d itio n 40 °C ± 2 °C 93 % ± 3 % RH, 6 days and 22 h d uration.

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c) The PCE sam ple is to be m ounted or supported by a su ita b le structure inside the cham ber
according to the m ethod prescribed by the m anufacturer. The insta lla tio n shall allow
su fficie n t spacing betw een sam ple and ch am be r w alls and uniform sa lt m ist co verag e on
the sam ple.
d) The te st is to be perform ed under co nd itio ns w ith the PCE being turned o ff and no pow er
source or sink being connected to any o f its input and o utp ut ports.
e) A fte r the test, all sam ples shall be w ashed to rem ove the a d h e re n t s a lt from the e x te rio r o f
the PCE e nclosu re using running tap w ater (not a rtific ia lly p re ssurised ) fo r a m axim um tim e
o f 1 m in per sam ple. Do not open the e nclosu re during the w ashing period. A lte rn a tiv e ly , a
w et cloth m ay be used to w ipe o ff a dh eren t sa lt if the IP rating does not perm it the use of
running w ater.
f) O nce the w ashing is fin ish ed , allo w a m inim um o f 2 h o f drying a t room te m p era ture . A dry
cotton cloth m ay be used to w ipe o f rem aining drops o f w a te r on the PCE e x te rio r a fte r the
drying period.

7.7.4 Restrictions and exceptions

This te st a pp lie s only to PCE intended fo r o utd oo r use.

7.7.5 Final m easurem ents

A fte r the drying period, perform in such o rd er as listed, 6.3, fu n c tio n a lity test; 6.4, vo ltag e test;
and 6.1, visual inspection.

7.7.6 R equirem ents

R equirem ents o f 6.3, 6.4, and 6.1 shall be met.

7.8 Mixed gas corrosion test

7.8.1 General

The m ixed gas corrosio n te st m ethod 4 o f IEC 6 00 68 -2 -6 0 is applied fo r testing of

e le ctrote ch nical p roducts operated o r stored in m oderately c o rro sive enviro n m e nts. The PCE is
not e nergized during the exposure to the co rrosive gasses.

7.8.2 Apparatus

The te st a pp aratus consists o f a clim a tic system , te s t enclosure, gas d e liv e ry system and m eans
fo r m easuring gas co nce ntra tion , in a ccorda nce w ith IEC 60068-2-60.

7.8.3 Procedure

T esting is perform ed a ccordin g to IEC 60068 -2 -6 0 :20 15 , C lause 7, te st procedure 2, w ith the
PCE unpow ered. S e verities applied are a ccordin g to IEC 60068 -2 -6 0 :20 15 , Table 1, M ethod 4,
fo r the inse rtio n o f inse rtio n o f H 2S, N 0 2, C l2, S 0 2, and H20 into the te st cham ber. The d uration
is 21 days.

7.8.4 Restrictions and exceptions


7.8.5 Final m easurem ents

Perform in such o rd er as listed , 6.3, fu n c tio n a lity te st; 6.4, voltage test; and 6.1 visual inspection.

7.8.6 Requirements

R eq uirem en ts o f 6.3, 6.4, and 6.1 shall be met.

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7.9 A m m o n ia corrosion test

7.9.1 Purpose

This te st is hig hly recom m ended fo r m icro and string inve rters, w hich shall be m ounted in or
close to anim al farm s, e.g. pou ltry or pig farm s. The procedure im plem ented is a ccordin g to
IEC 62716 fo r PV m odules. The PCE is not e nergized during the test.

7.9.2 Apparatus

As described in C lause 5 o f ISO 22479:2019, m odified fo r am m onia input.

7.9.3 Procedure
a) Place or m ount the PCE on an open rack such th a t a ir circ u la tio n around the PCE is
unim peded.
b) A p ply se ve ritie s o f IEC 62716:2013, 7.2, a sequence o f 20 cycles each co nsisting o f two
te st sections:
• 1st te st section
i) Tim e: 8 h
ii) NH3 co nce ntra tion 6 667 ppm

iii) T em p eratu re 60 °C ± 3 °C
iv) R elative h um idity: condensing
• 2nd te st section
i) Tim e: 16 h
ii) NH3 co nce ntra tion 0 ppm
iii) T em p eratu re 18 °C to 28 °C
iv) R elative h um idity: 75 %, m axim um .
c) Clean residual am m onia on PCE w ith running w ater.

7.9.4 Final m easurem ents

Perform in such o rd er as listed , 6.3, fu n c tio n a lity te st; 6.4, v o lta g e te st; and 6.1, visual

7.9.5 R equirem ents

R equirem ent o f 6.3, 6.4 and 6.1 shall be met.

8 Report

The re p o rt shall contain the d eta il sp e cifica tio n fo r the PCE u nder te st. Each te s t rep ort shall
include at least the fo llo w in g inform ation:

a) a title;
b) nam e and a ddress o f the te st la b o ra to ry and location w here the tests w ere ca rried out;
c) unique ide n tifica tio n o f the rep ort and of each page;
d) nam e and a ddress o f clien t, w here a ppropriate;
e) d escrip tio n and id e n tifica tio n o f the item tested (prod uct m odel num ber shall uniquely
correspond to the optio na l parts o f this docum ent s u c ce ssfu lly passed);
f) ch a ra cte riza tio n and co nd itio n o f the te st item;
g) date o f re ce ip t o f te st item and d ate (s) o f test, w here app ro priate ;

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h) id e n tifica tio n o f te st m ethod used;

i) reference to sam pling procedure, w here relevant;
j) any d e via tio n s from , a dd itio ns to, o r e xclu sio n s from , the te st m ethod and any o the r
inform a tion re le va n t to sp e cific tests, such as e nviro n m e nta l co nd itio ns, add itio na l testing
perip h erals such as tran sfo rm ers;
k) m easurem ents, e xam in a tion s and derived results su pported by tables, graphs, sketches and
photographs as a pp ro priate including:
- results o f the ch a ra cte riza tio n fo r a sce rta in m e n t o f perform ed tests;
- any fa ilu re s observed;
- a sta te m e n t o f the e stim ated u n ce rta in ty o f the te st resu lts (w here relevant);
- a sta te m e nt ind icatin g if the sam ples m et the requirem ents o f the perform ed tests;
- the results according to A nnex A fo r in clu sio n in the rep ort and s p e cifica tio n sh ee t o f the
pow er conve rsio n electronics;
I) a sign ature and title , or e qu iva len t id e n tifica tio n o f the p erson (s) accepting re s p o n s ib ility fo r
the co nte nt o f the report, and the date o f issue;
m) w here relevant, a sta te m e n t to the effe ct th a t the results relate only to the item s tested;
n) a sta te m e nt th a t the rep ort shall not be reproduced e xcep t in fu ll, w ith o u t the w ritten
approval o f the laboratory.

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IEC 62093:2022 © IEC 2022 -5 5 -

A n nex A
(norm ative)

S p ecificatio n o f tests p erform ed fo r reportin g

The fo llo w in g serves to cla rify that the PCE has m et the req uirem en ts o f this d ocu m e nt w ith
resp ect to the va riou s optio na l stress te sts th a t the PCE has passed. Item s in bold are norm ally
tran scrib ed to the p roducts sp e cifica tio n sheet. Item s not in bold are instru ction al.

This power conversion equipm ent has met the requirem ents of IEC 62093: yyyy.

Category: (in dica te C ateg o ry 1 P C E -M o d u le -le v e l p o w er electronics OR C ategory 2 P C E -

String-level power ele ctronics OR C ategory 3 P C E -L a rg e scale power electronics OR
C ategory 4 PCE- central large-scale power electronics).

Environm ent Category: (O utdoor OR Indoor, unconditioned, OR Indoor conditioned).

For the case o f e n viro n m e n t C ateg ory outdoor OR indoor, unconditioned AND IF value is
less than o r g re a te r than -40 °C Minimum operating tem perature: (7*set min te m p era ture
[ T ° C]; em ployed in 6.7 and 6.8; use the g re a te r o f the tw o if d iffe re n t).

List as a pp lica ble , co n siste n t w ith the C lause 8 R eport, the C lause 7 Optional tests that have
been performed and meeting IEC 62093 requirements:

Rain intrusion test

Wind driven rain test
Dust test
Shipping vibration test
Shock test
Salt mist test
Mixed gas corrosion test
A m m o n ia corrosion test.

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[1] P. H acke, D. C lem ens, R. T hia ga ra jan , J. Flicker, and H. Igarashi, “ E valuation o f the DC
bus link ca p a cito rs and pow er tra n s is to r m odules in the q u a lific a tio n te sting o f PV
inve rters", P rogress in P h o to v o lta ic s : R esearch a n d A p p lic a tio n s 29 (7), 2021,
pp. 675-683, h ttp s://d oi.o rg /1 0.10 02 /p ip .3 34 1

[2] B. Blocken and J. C arm eliet, “On the accuracy o f w in d -d rive n rain m easurem ents on
buildings", B u ild in g a n d E n viro n m e n t 41, 2006, pp. 1 7 9 8 -1 8 1 0

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Copyright International Electroiectinlcarf Commission

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