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Section 4(c); Limits State use of prior restraint or subsequent punishment

in relation to internet-related rights only upon a judicial order conforming with
provisions laid out in Section 5 ,and only under certain circumstances.

Section 4(d): Protects persons from being forced to remove content

beyond their means or control, specifically addressing mirrored and archived

Section 53: Explicit on how it puts limits to speech, citing how it can be
inimical to public interest:

* Internet libel: defined as “public and malicious expression tending to cause

the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to
blacken the memory of one who is dead, made on the Internet or on public

* Hate speech: defined as “public and malicious expression calling for the
commission of illegal acts on an entire class of persons, a reasonably broad
section thereof, or a person belonging to such a class, based on gender, sexual
orientation, religious belief or affiliation, political belief or affiliation, ethnic
or regional affiliation, citizenship, or nationality, made on the Internet or on
public networks”; and

* Child Pornography

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