An Omegan Weakness To Exploit For Anyone Harassed by Them

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An Omegan Weakness Anyone Harassed By Them

Can Exploit by Lucus Louize 

The Omegans lack a military so must resort to disinformation operations and
psychological manipulation. They therefore infiltrate planets and try to control the
population like a parasite controls it’s host in order to use the host for their parasitic
benefit. (Please see: ‘Overview of the Omegan Situation Section 3: Internet Bulletin
Board Messages’ from the excellent TerraKor Files site by brother Bob Renaud) The
undercover Confederation and Omegan operatives are born here on Earth with their
memory intact of their missions through use of the soul transfer machine. My theory is
they transfer the soul of the agent into the embryo at a certain stage of development. 

A large aspect of the Omegan program is their nose thumbing to elicit emotional
responses as a form of emotional control using M-T-C formula which is as follows:
Manipulate the target (M), the more the targeted is manipulated the more they are trapped
(T), and the more the target is trapped the more the target is controlled (C). They also use
methods like gangstalking, electronic harassment, and good cop/bad cop tactics. 

The Omegans have purposely influenced the Alliance to feel anger, grief, and revenge
through doing truly unnecessarily evil actions against them. (Please see: ‘Overview of the
Omegan Situation: Letters to Gabriel Green 2/25/1986 from the excellent TerraKor Files
site). The Omegans have purposely influenced the Confederation operatives to feel anger
and frustration through doing unnecessary evil as well. (Please see: Menger’s From Outer
Space To You Chapter 24 Project Moon.) They also unnecessarily harass me in very evil
ways through their directed energy weapons and gangstalking to try to get me to become
emotional. In my humble opinion the Omegans do this as a part of the M-T-C formula of
manipulation and control. I have seen undercover Omegans indirectly likely admit this
was the case. 

The space friends have helped me out when the Omegans try to get me to become
emotional using the M-T-C formula. The space friends have encouraged me to simply

As stated in The Happiness Track by Emma Seppala PhD we can control our emotions
simply by the way we breathe thus negating and neutralizing the entire point of the
Omegan nose thumbing operations. I have seen undercover Omegans resigned to this fact
and indirectly admit this simple breathing method works against their attempts to
emotionally manipulate. 

Not only that but we can turn the Omegan nose thumbing to our advantage by not being
emotional than praying for the Confederation and Alliance to be successful when the
Omegans attempt to harass to get emotional responses in their attempts at the M-T-C
formula. So we can neutralize their attempts of emotional harassment and actually turn it
against the Omegans and the more they harass the more counterproductive it becomes for
the Omegans using this very simple method. And not only can the Earth people use it but
also undercover Confederation and Alliance operatives too if they wish. 

In actuality when the Omegans harass, the parasitic Omegans are actually giving away
their power to the person who they are trying to emotionally control because they are
hoping the person they are trying to control as their host will react the way they want.
The person only need to choose to not act in the way the Omegans want and use the
opportunity to support the Confederation and Alliance in order to continue to support the
process of further slowly eliminating the Omegans instead. 

This Omegan harassment counter method can be summed up in two simple steps. When
the Omegans try to harass to emotionally manipulate this is what anyone can do to
neutralize and turn the harassment to our advantage therefor using the M-T-C formula
against the Omegans:

Step 1: Do not emotionally react and keep a clear mind. (2 Timothy 4:5 NLT). Practice
relaxed breathing by breathing in 4 counts, holding the breathe four counts, breathing out
four counts and holding the breathe four counts and repeat in order to control your
emotions. (Please see: The Happiness Track by Emma Seppala PhD) If you are an Earth
person focus on Jesus as you breathe. (John 15:4) (I personally visualize all energy
leaving out from my stomach to Jesus. This is influenced from the teachings of Lester
Levenson who was also a contactee of the Confederation. See: ‘Letter to Isabel Davis
Jan. 13, 1968’ by James E. McDonald. Lester like Adamski and others had his memory
manipulated by the evil Omegans and also wrongly believed that the Confederation came
from Venus, believed in light dimensions and light beings and other nonsense.) The clear
mind helps the undercover Confederation operatives focus as well because their
registering discs relay our thoughts to them in real time. The Omegans have the same

Step 2: Use the harassment as an opportunity for justification to pray for the
Confederation and Alliance to continue to be successful (“Is any among you afflicted?
Let him pray.” James 5:13 KJV) and there really will be a positive impact on the
Confederation and Alliance because science has shown remote prayer really has some
effect please see: ‘A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory
prayer on outcomes in patients admitted to the coronary care unit’ W S Harris et al. Arch
Intern Med. 1999.’ Do not physically think the prayer just use your intent because God
knows what we want even before we ask so try and keep a clear mind and only use prayer
intent rather than verbal prayer. (Mathew 6:7-8 And 2 Timothy 4:5 NLT) For Earth
people they can further use the evil to their advantage by first forgiving the harassment in
a tactical manner so their own sins are forgiven, then pray for the Confederation and
Alliance are successful so the Omegans unintentionally keep the targets karma clean as
well as unintentionally serve the Confederation and Alliance. (Mark 11:25 NLT) An
undercover Omegan unintentionally admitted this 2 step method works. You can even
use this method when thinking back on the Omegans and how disturbing their harassment
is so even when the Omegans are not around they are still useful in being used to pray for
the Confederation and Alliance. So the Omegans are forever useful until they are
forgotten. Use this method also when harassment is subtle and you are unsure whether it
is actually harassment or not or if you are facing a potential ‘good cop’ and use the stress
of the situation to pray since the Omegans put you in a situation where you are unsure if
it is harassment or not. If you have trouble controlling your thoughts you can even use
this step 2 method for unwanted thoughts. The more unwanted thoughts cause affliction
the more you pray for the Confederation and Alliance to be successful and give the
unwanted thoughts to God so even unwanted thoughts are helpful in supporting the
Confederation and Alliance. 

Therefore the Omegans lose more than they gain each time they attempt to harass. So
anyone can use the M-T-C system against the Omegans by simply using the two steps
Omegans counter harassment method above. This is because the when the Omegans
attempt to harass the they are discredited as parasites who are being used to the benefit of
the people they are trying to harass (Manipulate), the more they try the more they are
discredited (Trapped), and being evil by nature they have no choice but to manipulate
because evil by nature requires violation of consent, and the more they are discredited the
more the Confederation and Alliance are justified in eliminating and further discrediting
them due to their harassment. (Control) Do not care what the undercover Omegans think
because they will just use the M-C-T system against you.

But that is not all. Using the Mathew 23:23 system against the Omegans on a global scale
the M-T-C system is used against the Omegans globally.

In Mathew 23:23 Jesus states:

“But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and

In my humble opinion, the Confederation is God’s Mercy because they have registering
discs that read people’s thoughts so their undercover agents (who are physical not
etheric) can help people in small ways and contact supporters in order to reveal their
undercover operatives indirectly by their good energy their operatives radiate to those
who support them and be their friends (but they never share high level intel with any
Earth person) at the same time they also help people who see them as friends and teach
the laws of Jesus to make it into Confederation worlds in their next life with their
personality and memory in tact in this life through the use of the soul transfer machine.
(Please see Threads of Light to You by Menger and Inside the Spaceships by Adamski)
The Confederation does not come from Venus or any other local planets that was
memory manipulation against the contactees by the Omegans to discredit their message.
Please see brother Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files site under ‘Spurious Contacts Files’.
The Alliance are God’s Justice because they physically remove the Omegans. We can
also see their work by ‘reading in between the lines’ (Please see: ‘Overview of the
Omegan Situation: Letters to Gabriel Green 2/25/1986 from the excellent TerraKor Files
site) of the news of day with credible mainstream news articles in support of the UAP
movement. The Alliance are helping behind the scenes to make UFO’s more credible in
mainstream media so they can come openly one day. The Earth people are God’s Faith
that rely’s upon the teachings of Jesus and God’s Mercy (Confederation) and God’s
Justice (Alliance). All three groups have a synergistic relationship the more one is
successful the more there other two groups indirectly benefit as one system under God. 

Mathew 23:23 Used Against the Omegans:

The more the Omegans try to carry out their operations the more they are discredited as
parasites by the Confederation and the more justified the Alliance is in removing them
and the more people that follow the laws of Jesus the less perceived control the Omegans
have trying to be parasites over their host planet. In addition to this the Omegans are
losing to the Alliance Please see: (‘ArKay Questions and Answers 2013/10/16) on top of
this the Confederation, the Alliance, and the Earth people can use the 2 step method
mentioned above in order to take away the Omegans attempts of emotional control and
make them indirectly support the Confederation and Alliance scientifically through the
justified prayer as they continue to be discredited and lose. It’s a vicious downhill cycle
the Omegan parasites are forced into which I call the ‘Omegans giving away power and
value to be transformed into service for their enemies’ system and the ‘Tendency of the
Rate of the Omegans to Fail’ (TROF). The more they try to carry out their operations the
more they are discredited as parasites, have their emotional manipulation attempts
neutralized and indirectly scientifically support the Confederation and Alliance while
they are slowly eliminated by the Alliance. (Please see: ‘ArKay Questions and Answers
2013/10/16) In my humble opinion, this is the result of God’s system of the Mathew
23:23 system used against them. In everything the Omegans do within this system makes
it makes the Omegans look like hypocrites, parasites, unintentional servants, and
therefore they look foolish according to Proverb 26:11 (As a dog returns to its vomit, so
fools repeat their folly.) When everything your enemy does is to your benefit you win
even if you don’t kill them for the time being. If you are an Earth person never physically
fight the Omegans leave the fighting to the Confederation and Alliance they have the
technology to deal with the Omegans we Earth people do not. You can gangstalk the
Omegans by holding onto the image that they are losing the planet and unintentionally
supporting the Confederation and Alliance as they lose the planet. This is because they
also have registering discs to read thoughts.

If you wish to potentially contact the real Confederation here is one way to do it: 
The Space Friends [Federation] Do NOT come from Venus or Saturn. It was memory
manipulation by the evil Omegans. See Bob Renaud's Spurious Contacts Files on the
TerraKor website. All links to the Alliance TerraKor official site are with permission
from brother Bob through personal communication on his TerraKor guestbook 4-2018.

A: Know God is the infinite intelligence everywhere, is all things, and is unfathomable to
the mind. 

B: As recommended by the W56 and Alliance, follow the 4 gospels.

C: Have true intentions of teaching the laws of God (as mentioned in Inside the
Spaceships by Adamski) and pray for federation assistance in life and their registering
discs will read your thoughts and they will help by influencing your subconscious with
their technology from the distance or by sending an undercover agent. They are physical
people that radiate universal love energy. They never 'channel'. They never share secret
intel with us. They will use a soul transfer device so you can incarnate into their worlds.
You can feel good energy of operatives from everything even from pictures however it
could also be imprinting. Be careful of undercover Omegans that pretend to be
undercover Confederation operatives. The Alliance contacted only brother Bob openly
and no one else. 

With gratitude, humbleness, and service, I hope this info helps in some small way (as it
has helped me) to reduce the suffering and increase the success of the Confederation,
Alliance, and Earth people who I all see as one family in service to God. Credit goes to
the Space Friends encouraging me to breathe I am eternally grateful. 

(Since my goal is to reduce suffering and increase success for both the Confederation and
Alliance brothers in small ways maybe the Mathew 23:23 system can be used beyond
Earth in modified form for the conflict as a whole. Since the Confederation provides
mostly economic and personnel support except on Earth they can discredit the Omegans
as parasites in addition to economic and personnel support for the other 22 planets while
the Alliance brothers have the edge by using Omegan attempts at emotional manipulation
to their advantage while physically removing the Omegans on the other 22 planets. This
way maybe the Omegans within the entire conflict as a whole on the 22 other planets too
are viewed as parasites who give the Alliance the edge since their emotional
manipulation attempts can be used against them through the two step method mentioned
in this article. Since the Omegans have indirectly admitted the system works here against
them, maybe it will work on the other 22 planets as well and help the Confederation and
Alliance brothers in small ways. Another advantage the Alliance and Confederation have
is that it does not matter if they are exposed to the people of the planets because they are
good and respect consent. The Omegans are evil and do not respect consent, so the
Alliance can use that pressure against the Omegans to further give them another edge
over the Omegans and is therefore another weakness to exploit which the Alliance has
done here on Earth. For more info on the war in general for Earth people interested in
what I am referring too please see: ‘Overview of the Omegan Situation’ on the excellent
TerraKor Files Site.)

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