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Foundations of towns in Arnor

Bar Faroth

Tham Nambarth
House Brumbar
Tham Varan
Ost Heryn
Tham Andalath
Tham Ornen
Barad Rath, constructed before Ost Forod

Tham Sarch
Tham Laegamon
Tham Habad

Ost Forod, during reign of Valandil at latest, was his seat

Fornost, along with Ost Forod, one of favored residences of Valandur
Amon Sul

Ost Ardulin, very old gnawed foundation stone,perhaps oldest of the 5 dating to
Arnor, now known as Merenost
Duintham in 587 (1249) under king celebrindor, now known as Ost Lagoros
Carnoglin during the reign of Malvegil 598-634, now known as Ost Galumar
Henneth Rhun 662 in the first year of reign of Araphor, now known as Minas Vrun
Dolindir in Arthedain of Old, Arassuil (1278-1308) reestablished it as Esteldin

Dol Nendir mentioned during Angmar's onslaught

Ost Crithlanc, one of forwardmost outposts of Arthedain

Order of Angmar's conquests of seven swords

Guinokh fought against Cardolan

Kolmak second to join, had sister blade with Guinokh
Innis of the Hillmen, bowman, ambusher
Manas, brutal
Kevoka fought against Witch king, was tricked into joining him
Abb,healer leader of hillmen of Rhudaur among last to join
Anraig, lord of Rhudaur, fought against Arthedain

Stone Cairn of battle after fall of Arnor

Statue of Aranarth in Ost Baranor

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