For Peterson

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The West it seems, will fall among other things because of one similar thing it

does like USSR. A person simply cannot say straight up publicaly what he or she
thinks. Even when one dares say something outside the narrative is about to be
said, you have to give a "disclaimer statements" and then perhaps another, go and
agree with the narrative and then shyly say "but" and say in very vague terms what
you mean. Just look at this reporter/host here. He doesn't want to let Peterson say
what he means without guiding him into narrative and what is the range that is
allowed. And frankly the narrative he is pushing him into is infantile and full of
usual tropes and talking points.

You don't have to like immediately switch sides but at least inform yourself about
the conflict and in what way the other side is thinking. It isn't as simple as
saying "Hurr durr Putin's war, Putin is megalomaniacal Hitler holding his people
hostage". This would've happened even without him in power, heck many people
thought it would've happened in 2014 and one of main complaint among the populace
in Russia was that Putin was traitor who first allowed Maidan to happen on his
watch and then abandoned fellow Russians to the wolves.For 8 years it irked people
how he was calling people who in their opinion were openly out to destroy Russia
"our western partners". Even now there are people who want way more decisive
actions taken just like there are people who want it all to end. But to know that
you must know the nature of this conflict and explore Russia beyond common tropes
and go back to at least 2013 or even further which many are unable to and simply
don't want to.

Even among well meaning people from the West Russian people are always objects,
always they are the ones who are brainwashed they have to be cowed by fear, they
are a singular mass, instead of people with various oppinions. That they had any
agency and stake in this, their own cares and love for their country seems
unfathomable to some.

Host is talking about totalitarianism while not realising that western society and
it's citizens are far better material for it than we were. Communist
totalitarianism was never as succesful as in the west because ordinary people in
vast majority of cases could tell truth from lies or at least knew when they were
being lied to which sadly can't be said for much larger percentage of westerners
who not only believe in the narrative shoved on them but they wouldn't even listen
to you or your opinion of your own country if you told them. Some would even feel
as a personal insult to even suggest there is propaganda in their own countries.

I'm not from Russia but am from similar country and in recent years have been
interacting with foreigners. On rare occassions subject of conversation would turn
to politics and it shocked me how much someone who has never been in my country
would tutor me like he knew what is what despite not knowing to name two cities in
it while every word I said was disqualified as if I were the one that is
brainwashed. Of course I have bias but at least I am aware of it but I have still
lived in the place for all my life. Surely the "other side" would be at least
intrigued by what I had to say. But nope. It was like talking to a brick wall.

Of course not all people from the west are like that but unfortunately many in
higher positions (this guy was) are. He behaved as if even slight admission of him
not being informed well enough would somehow diminish him and his points. I fear
that such is also the modus operandi of US policy makers which makes this entire
thing all the more scary. Because if they make mistake, but then can't admit a
mistake was made (much like in USSR) due to societal pressure or if they can't turn
back on narrative then they must double down instead. We are then on a road to Hell
and this will only get worse and worse.

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