Correct Spelling

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1 – Choose the correct spelling of the following words:

a) Commic b) Comic c) Coumic d) Comick

a) Insult b) Inssult c) Insolt d) Innsult

a) Horry b) Hury c) Hurry d) Hory

a) Distinct b) Distint c) Disstinct d) Disstent

a) Conntestant b) Contestant c) Contestent d) Contentast

a) Defendant b) Deffendent c) Deffindant d) Defenddant

a) Asistant b) Assissent c) Assistant d) Assistent

a) Migraton b) Migration c) Migretion d) Maigreition

2 – Match the words from ACTIVITY 1 with their synonyms:

a) Haste / Speediness: _________________
b) Humorist / Comedian: _________________
c) Exodus / Diaspora: _____________________
d) Participant / Contender: ________________
e) Disrespect / Insolence: __________________
f) Aide / Collaborator: _________________
g) Suspect / Offender: ___________________
h) Definite / Unmistakable: _________________

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