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ELL-2ol Lacho -2 OG 01-2020 beckons poet 2822. Reem? Digital Ec tronics 2 OReUability © Acewras ( O Prxiniivnry @ Csr Stor. 5 7 Wavsmission , plese Building Bavcks! (© Anaysis @ Vesign © Usaae Number Sagstem' Decimal Numbers: (0%) 10 Binary Numbas: (0, ae Ockak Numbers * (03 #) vs 8 dedmat Numbars | (0 9 > aie (ae) ois »o—(r-d oe VL —— Decimal No, x tot + 2x10 + 3X10°4 1K 107 = 100 +2045 1 2123) Xz basa or radix bf a numbed system ©\0\\501001 navi 4ev) — Binamy No. ° re oxrv4 x2 sueic (s 10 n-\ Cap) See a 62 (4-8) ‘oe In qermrad, a number system wi base «| ns) Any + Anat 2 4 -) 2 Hr AGE HAT HAGA ALY PANE wes (wor. z 1 ° -\ = URS 4FOXS +IXET + 1X5 = (tor-2) eae (837°), 0-4 A-F a = Mx a sxe + Fx 4 Isxte usast),, —— > Clotoorvortriray) A vinang digi —p bie B vies —p byte Conversion frm decimal fb binany « ap Co, (e-3er) {0 O26 x 220650 0: 6S5°x2-= Cm ele eee o-2 x2 = Coates oO ° oO ° ° 2 GL 2 a +3 2 ) 33 Remainder 2 36 l ais : fA © ap Gv. \ oD ° 1 7 0 = leat 001) ° > 1 =( » ° \ (v-a2s) lo (0. proveo) 1 (a3.2S),, = eo\oo1- Or0100), 0 Ockad Ss Hexadgumar Ee? 0° Ooo0e 0° 0 o? 000) oO} 1 o2 elo oz 2 o3 peti 0% 3 ony 0100 ou u og O10! or s 66 o1ld 06 6 oF out oF z of t 000 Lo 2% 04 toe fea 4 so toro 12 t u rotl 12 8 42 rroe iM < i rrot is > 4 fee tL € 13 — oa eee CC Vo\O11N 001-111 01000 1 Cetieb Nea hoe Ps 4 Each octar corres ponds to einanng igs. Pt Hex ” “Yow a G241.420)5, (zeae 8), Det / Hax —+ Bin 6 conversion ——> Do ir vgounsel . . ay . on Arithmakic Dperak mS 1 rh Siseheh Advihon’ OF Veh 5 ath Ve \ jo0O00 letlan Binarrgy MalRpiicahiens ix tel i \x0z0 x itt o2 25 torte (2 0 04 1 SWorbrack on | 101101 Minuend TE we implement Mis - torrid swestrrend swostradnon iv digi 000110 (10). is On au SL a = He indent en's ! z at speek) cost | wre base numb on Srastam ‘ wis Uomplement =, wadix complement ja FA Alnleished Yasin complement, ae tom pement 1; Vg complament , HE Take a number No with base haw = 's Camplemen’ S Corr) 7 nj Dee (~+ 12) weve a's tom plement = T(10"- )- NJ nm digtts . nn {ov —* \0 10° 1000 locoe Wei neo ned wee ior) 9 ae art 9299 Te oblain A’complument —3 Sueshack every dat froma a's complement wf S63 ~4 999 -Se3= 36 4 = . \ 533 Bin a ee Re \'s temipement Ce -\) = Ny 7 Single \, fallmocd wry no's. 2: — 10 loo ooo looon ~ to nee ney ney ao n 2-1 —s ww Vs. 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Cormplements 2's Cor plement Ww-1)'s LN “ («P-\) - v, Sub strach ow Using complamrsm minuana M SWestearnd Procedure * OD Add minvand yR(TE Deg bo +e t's com -end M+ (~™ 9) plemant of We subst (MAN) 4 ©" @®y My se Mas Sum wil Produce own end canny M4 ksoond ib. Thee corte 3 (MN) eM = (mM) ®rst MON 7 00 ond wn & ee yensrabed, THe estk 9 = (NM) 1S complement of wen} Familay facm — = (Ne M) eae Ms 34354 IN = 05670 se-tasr 91494332 re3ee4 MM N a a P3LIG Ms Ouse N= A4ABSD wr eth 202148 07024 sa |[x* - (N-M) {> on (N-™ to's tam Plemntnd oF (w-m) N00 000 onygiiemeni Camriar trem > Orit aan Bi nay Swestrrachon |. ———— * = lolor10e Y=lo000l\ Lsety eoty eros _ @sor10%0) ——” 001000} ——___—_— Y-x looooi4 sc ofke Ot Ol 160 fyerrdgd 2's come. oopoeo! (Foe) Gem) Sarat hat iieeire ey eon Bin suostracke win VS Compl ment f@r-) - s} Li, need ty add Wis ‘extra’ | back . KX Flo\otoo Ns loooot Set FO) E1100 1WeT.0e = 1000004 — Tere. oo t ( ~ 4 End Around Coats [Designed Numba [Egret Samba) Ce) Hew we ~epressnt a im handwane 0 bec Bin : : 3° Ooon Unsrqned Nambsr — Lattmesh Bib i Doel ane . -' 7 100} Mosk sranrficant Bt I~ a Signed Number, —¢ Lt mos HE — San Bit (oleer). — 7 unsiqred binary +4 Signed ~ Creer) 25 unsigned “ 2 - 4 Signed nw. Signcd Magnitude € 5m) Signed Complement Ge) Neqates a numioers bry bain ibs complement » (9). — > 0000 toot G), a OCG Colo. 3M ° —_ititotio 13 womplemenb SC —r, (lyvotit 2's a Se Acithmahe Addition? 25 +342 sa Seeere —e es — tee ~3R- US +F o2°0100] 4, osceojool st_S- e0eoD Le) oe hi-t+0-0-+ sa ees +y (tortor ed Carey Ascarded -4 tlivorws =) eee p00 OL) oe eT OL u aaa ei-F-8-6 — a (ve0001 08) 2's Complement “eprtsentahea : EX Cocecotos), Ititttoo M Aridn Sutos Hak Acid makic Sues trachow es) yvv011 -9 GAD G8) = G8) + Co) ae (2a) - 8) (es) +48) —————— —— @oexo00lvd W commen Handwant caste discarded Spred f CodnS > For case of undated, He Arcmals anz coded bnsmacmnie in aa aps. Binary, Coded Decimals (@cD») ae Bu2| rater? coo ~~, oy Wrens aim me cit [Brighter Codes| ; (a6) — (oot Loot ove) lo Ben Qa loe} + ( >) Lem 24urn\) — wrighhed de a paolo sis ete 1—~_+ —1-9-0—8 Sayne number is wp asented SS oot o Vn fuse voamys « Exeass 3 code —p Neta waked code. ee 2 oe 0000 1 —+ Ol oo oe.) uL—s Olol Gray Code 2 Binacyy Greeny Code Eoror prone Do ooo0o £20 25 1 ooo ooel 4 vow ed out ZF Ot 3 oo. oolo & 1000 4 es otro z 27 O-1 01 chat + e180 S2 Ryarcees ; ypoo = r108 1 Mse LsB ASC1l —4 American Starcdand Code for Informahm brtan charmog D-— 1 —+ Numbers. LY cdements 2" A> 2 9 Alphatebs. 128% = 2 a 2 be + . = specie Tymbels @ bees ba be Column = Reto beg As vu (ro dfeoon —> Asctt by Tv y be | Colmmn gas » — 1! te eo ne 13. 01-2002 lectwre 4 4 Re L Signed Numbers , Bin: Codes (BCD, Excess-3, 2421, fecops 514 aes & es Codes) + Morris Mano Self - Lomplementiny code —~ 2 Malvine come — O Excess -3 @® mI (ass — > ([Olve 1160 (000 Excess-3 nth Fig We bits (toe, oo or) —=+(604) f Je (sis) Hers (ou) _— Bok Alaabra \ & of Wag civesd ; coluan Alagbra re : cw L a Sipasa at eparskowl @ Deduckve material Syston Sek of Chiwents sek of opprakess , 2) > pestwtatas and co ,o : se yu, 3 @D Ussunet A sek Is Uosed uk a ——— : “es , YES, hinarneg oporakes if fee Ov pan . of OF 5, The oprramer ALhws & E A *VAR vo obkwiv an ays Rewer SS. Sz fasted + ar ewahe abit’ , aeesces Noo NS z Cari 4 atece aren 4 CEN. bmanny opsratoy « ~ Ari mate subsharther, a-wee V-2ee-1 ren ,-1\4N 2. AssoUanve tow» &® Or = *@ (2) 3. c Rve L aan MALE LEY ommutahve Law @% = tOn 2 ane TS Inverse» (KOM =e +H TI tb. Dishivuive Law : mea nga 2 Gee q) (x +2) Gry) Ce m8 (” is SY oe = a(isyr2) 492 mii +48 xtIS V V 4- Dw NOS io Memes Va even rf Doediey beget and idewking “Dasenaw One i archos d A, Ausorghen | m4 my = es ~ (lay) 2x Operator Precedence PNAO v AND veh Pavehthes es Not/ eo Bovean Functon | oR womusists: of © Booton/ Binarey sranalls @ Constants 0 wd | @D Wye oprrmers, Faxy 2 + x Qa! xa Ulenats Impuds yo a simye we cose Term + owkpwss of a qake which tare ( teem oe fe so ee Ga FF x=p” a maxis & pee y D* Pe y! (oe Com handle =p—_. Witnaek distunbing, z ft eee eae! ies normal [plata faa FC operation at Pale RL ay xy 2! © ° ( \ o 0 ' 1 fz Mit Mo ‘ Fe Me My + MQ MY + Mg, eS Comte ment ot a funchew ’ L 1 ’ ae: =o Greet ol (x4) Ky (arere)’ o(ate | Bec = As! 1 —— (A®) = Ate te =A. (8 ie a are (3 x ye! Kye el (a'yt + ayi2y tae” (x42)! > Qasr). (e+ 4472) Canonical Form and Standard Firm | hs > ay ay ey —_ Mintanms / Stamohand Products _ n-variaholes —= 2" minterms - 2 Go), Gr’) o'49) (45) — > Maxtorms ] Stamdernd Sums. Min forms 7 Max berms Texms Desvqnahens Tawm Desiqnakn © ° ° x a ne mo x+y +2) Me Oo ° 1 wy mM, waged) M, ° \ ° 5 ae ma Cx t9 42) ML a 92 us (x ayae) mM, ar , ' o ° eye Mu w+ 2) m 4 ° 1 ae ms. Gas 3A my \___1_9_aesy.9f me ott yl ee My _o : “42 ™ foley tal) Mp. FR (a,b, ¢) > mye my tm = Awe +hac’ + ABC — Find ont each combi nw of Vanebls Hot ant. Fame naein t 0h NDNA alae! produ — 0K Av Such mintows Compament of Hae func | Fy, = Met mMatmad ms time 1 (F\) = = (x+9 42) (nao +2) (x49! +2!) (dass ) (xlave 2) ———_4 MoM, Ma Me Me — find out each comkmaken of We varrabls tat prodwes SS — > AND alW such maxtams, Sum of Minterms Canowicad Forms Product of Max bams, TT A+ a! Fe ACH ABc'taAge A= A(gx8') >AB+ AL Cost = AoCe+c') + AG (cae!) = Aor t Abe + ABC + Agc! Fa mama tmch nity Be > (A+a') Bo = Age a Ae =2 (vs /6,7) € (4,6.0) = aC, s, ¢,7) fa eye x'2 = bys!) (ease) = (m+x') Crsx') (are) Cat2) = Ot) (x42) (Yt?) Suan AB TRIMS. Ways vayteaals (x's442) (x'eqte) Regis neyyl aa z(t ®) (wey) +2) te = tyea cs Cunt 2) (+442) (x 4942) (%a9/9 a) Gate) (+942) £(A,8,<) = LCs ws,6-7) mgs elya : m2 Oey’ re Fe =2(0,2,3) = MetMitms 24942) (e')' = & = (mot mitma)/ =m, oma emg 7M, cee Mg Mer 15 = ® (0,2,4) - - 1 Stamdord Form co wy © oy x yam To my Me Sum of Froducks (Sof ) aes Produck Of Sums Cees) Faye xyt 4?! sox 6 2 x (K+) (x'4ye2) POS ELI Leche 5 —_— VR. DI. 2022, Recap: Canenicar Form — Sum of minterms € 22 (04,8) F my bmg ting Paro gurck & maxteams = 7 1,2)95/6) = Miya ts Me Standard Form —* Sum of Products (SOP) Fe x4 nly xya! Product of Sums (POS) £ = (At) (ate) (a Now Stamdonad Form —r Fr agrC(re) Mini miaahon © Algebraic Manipubaion cork YL hecdow ® Map Metrod | Richrich mrepresantan ow st Pe kur Wu, Speed b Karnangh Map Ck- Map) ' 1 €LA,9,6) = ABC HA BC+ ABs Aad TAlBe FT AB'C. Re ABABcac, 2a vararele may m yf, ay F 2 my ay 9 AND EN ee ee a f= msm I = MEMS 4M, = regex y grey 1 Ma, Fa ean Gas AND ox ye eran oo fo abr®) (ya) oe}. ' ° s ‘ 1 2 HRY 2a varriete\a tree .__1# B=B mintierms & f+ T(2-3.4.5) @ Number of saynranes Wat are combined Pron apr rN, Ug, ee Ex € J Ot, 5,0) g_ € +2 (1.2,3,5,2) Rotoete rset imnts ° 1 Y 1 aly \ Talay « ya — ot a 1 a a \ fa xyr? Fo alan! : = Sywans ~epresents —= 3 hen als . “ > . S c ” . . SS unity * - Wa vanialoe mah — 2 F (wr ,2) ———— BEN = wr ye : \ Seyware —r U Utenals j 2 «4 — 3 u * w { u ~ —— —— gz “ —' “ 2 to ody be rr Zr 45.6, 8a seiis, 1) _— ca ee Ag ceo i te a's olfi om a ot i B> we fl ote 1 Crime lemplreant (F0) The product beams ina SoP PAPTESSON ane cattad Ha impticants . pliicamt 91 4 € 391 Prine Veep conte — A pro duach term obbrned bey Comins nag HAR macienarn pee muamler> of adjactar Sapna, Essentiah Prime Implicant | Courrad Wry omtry TL prime “implicant, Haak prima implicant is Cabked gssentah. CET) FE a mmtam in a same is € >= LT (0, 2,3,5,4-8,%, 14, 4, ) £O ApNeo bt te eal : ] 4 Bp) Cer) : oO: cv Wr — My CD OS ee ERD) . a y Aya comes Mma —P AG oC AD ro AG! m, 7 0/ e/aii/ao AD f= pp’ + Bd + BIC + AD ert 4 ee + Ad + cD + AD + co4+av PL FOS SimpGocanon ae ee = (etxad race ne) Be iz rs = (we"): () - (av)! (929) = (pac)-(Aad ).(+>). (areas) Six unused combornaionr® rp Unspecrh ed —> iocomptey spect hed func, 187 We don't cane 3 AR any assume OTA mark Maem as & In We eee | Erma > Don’t canes Condinrns wr DL (e-rtes <> Ayes 21 1 © of X I | Aig! ' oy : FocpraAn ‘a’ uw 1 Ap No 2 <> Etvt2o1 Reet 20-01-2022 Reco) Karnaugh Map (K- ng) Prime Impiicamts , Essenbat Prins lanplicants , . Reflechon Axis Five Variabk K- 7 7 , — 5 ep ons Rebrechon Wap _ £050. GRD) oro ue GIDGoD 10¢ Easton = (g 00009 ——» 00160(¥) eaise 9 lols | state |r |s ful Sore, a Poos ¢ orl | q les fio fay jes [io fiz (3) 000\ ' —* oerst () (r)00010—F pol 0(¢) lo 0ee wv Jw }rs] rq jre [30 | 30 ]29 2 af ~to fie fle fig fig [ze p23 [tr [te i 010 1101) Joy tee a_}y) avio+ woe’s wel pel fh be @ vy ere TT Mt ee’ Krmap t Challeng : Tk dtpimds ow war's adoility to find pation mn An ese Ly . om : % r Dither fer S ec higher Varies - Tabor “ 8 uine - Metlus kev Metrod * —> Easien bo Wmplemnent ™ Aan Comput sr. nN FT (Or 42,3, r0, 99, 12, We ,14, 18) See > as o 6 2 ° \ ‘ 0@ © o ¢ \ Hog 8 19 1 2 © 0 y | ) ot ° ° ° : oo4 ° \ o HW: Tey Wo solve Hats by o t 1 0 ° = ° \ I i 0 ‘al sn 1 oO ° oO 0 1 9 © 1 0 24 ° 4 ° \ 3 ° t 1 1 2 1 ° 7 \ Bt) Oo ' ) 1 °o ee ee © Deteminaheon & PL Sragg z Stage 3 Agen oce0 (eo ooo, () POO. 6 (uy = coord wv tot © (ev Vito e ay oe Pro tye tito we ABD 000 Po D (2) ~ CoD = =O) Lore toto fet ’ \ On) ~ (23) ~ \o Cuwy)y Gaye (we, wv) Ce,tw) (02,43) G24 v 4 nlac'o +Age!D 2 alec! ABCD ool ) Se - Cer1,2,3) — TT Yt Gn2,3,0) Cie, 4,415) (o\2 Cera nas Wy = (ays. tes) Wes Crna, VAY Cs) ~ Wt Gyo 2 AEs) ee PL of F anr —> AG, Be ,AC, AB @® Selemon of PI: Om r 3 Cee a x oe x Ay! a ~ Be x x x x Ae x x x x AS x x x x — t te ae’ ert FSARTARBTRC & AR4AB+AC AS— ERI Whak if Haare is Aon't cane condibons ? Donk Cant’ Consider Mam as mintorms FL (21%, 18, Wt as, mtr) 44 (01) @ Comscdsr don't care as minteams im step t © de nok incde Ha don't cares in Hat Column of s ex! #22 (0,1.2,5) 48 (4) a as Fe eo 0 0 ' oo t a Caja! t » ener ane y oO t o °@ x fog t 11-2 2 to. 2 Stagg | Shaye b Stee 3 ABS ABS ABC ooo (9) ~~ fo- (%1) =e eee oot © —0o —— ees 02 oy) = ) too Ww) = ao. Ws ae ten (is) = = + ris re) PL —> Ac, Ac, 2B! o t 5 a A x ® x Lol ae ay. otra Recap. Logical Function minimiaaion (enplmentrnen of \egiens funchons using dagrd Lexic, 2S. Hy 4) bey) RG coe" meoy (Fi fy Fy Fu + Fa Ais 0 0 0 © Oo ° ° 1 1 ots, hl oar io4 1 ° ° ° t I r 1 ' ee 1 . AND oR Cx) (xy) NANG — —s 3 32Ty Nom —3 X#y > *XIY v xXeR + 2OY — ay ty ~ XNOR —+ *xOy Hy 4 x4! Mudeiple inpurs * Fan in ® Commubehve — K+ = BH —— + Abids 4] NOR and NAND @ Asseciakue need) > Gey) +2 —> Nb valid, me Cada) $ @se)ia— (e+2)'+2 7 (cee) a! = real ye! ites s(aasy! > x'Care) aay tar meLYy V2) = Heyer ; Taree inpur Nok Gave) = @ro42) may sa) = (« ye)! “ « NAND RAND ord NOR — + Universe} yes wasp € > (as) i AB A a NoT ep AND == = ‘ oR & pi z > z uv t y AND - inverk Invent= OF Two wed inplamentadron » Fo =Ab+ CD A ' o Dy (@or%es) ae aan

\st 2nd AND -tavark AND -myerk — invarkr of NOR operation is Ye dual of oR oprah. p>—- D> p&- invak lave - AND SV : Ho ° v Oe L Lo ' [ * args. vt login __aa8. Logic ~s 2 Lele ‘ cB] LL 4¥e lege _ = —-_ *4 )—— Bete = one ee) ame = Hula So ° an I Arve byte a ot ( 2 ret * Sami 2 °o 0 ° © Numban Swstems @ Avithmale opershien © Combinatomal logis ® ees fometton © Seapankiar rege - D ear) Funckion Miniminahon, @ Digit ugie Gates. Combinahonad Logs e. \—> Combinakined |-—> Lege Dasign Procedure | v. From We sped ficariow A re cuts, doranmine Me number FF inpabs and onkpuls. 2. Deriv2 a buts table-—> dolines He velehen votoamn Yes and Pe 3. Oblarn Me simpified Logicad function > Rach oWrpur as a famdiow of Yur \npuds , M. Dwaw We logical Hiagran anc VRU Me COYTRE RASS Of Bat Rasiya OR oa Desiqn Prosum: binany fo vs Complament . ' AeoD woe Ye x x*@tax’ — xO ane = 1 1 84 = xO4 =G@») my any Difkars bo Poss XOR oa 2xOy function itse AND - 08 - NoT OR fer mubme i ape + (A@9O@c > AO cont > A@vOc TP ney , Geode + Gove : NAND A@s@ce= (aveneye + (Aoxae ye a ool Has. = kod + Ave! +aece Adc Gio) Crmeet 100 Vs. = LC te, 3) ae : = 20D Have (un Odd fanchon => Exctusiva OF oil Number — -— Vol of ls. 110 Even funckon —> Exclusive NOR oc. a te 1 ifs 1) odd fumeh' nn Ss hr 4@0 A D sD ) A@v@c a 1 c a O18) odd fouchow Even fauach en £ , A@w@c@v = (Aw +Ko) Q@(er'4 >) Looe 2 yO. 1, 4,4 %, NV, I, ) Aggricah wt Exner Debecking Codes * ASCII Byte — 9 rr A — \oc00e1 Fimad bie poston + iSMSRA 4 pady we. Pam ty ik An extra We incrded wit a message fo make “Ae Fokad numer of 165 2MAOL odd ar een. ASC BR —* Loceoey Even panityy ead poly 01000 00} lloceoot Rx sands a nagakive acknovoladen menh Asal Naw Ol \loooy Ase ACK (acknow LAspment) Parity fhenerakien and Checki No heeeiy, a a % bik message uit poery vik. We want te make Sure to Aransmik with even pat, xy 2 P 7 : o © © #2 ry poery eee oO ° ‘ ‘ oe Nv 088 function oo t ° ° , © Ot p. 4 eo4 ° 7h A 1. erahion oe P t Pantry Qi Generar ees At Rx , led (a Pari ty checker ~x~y 2 P ce (G2 O60 a ° Cc A odd funchon ° oo ! r oo cz xO@y~@z2or ° o t t ° ° 19 © 1 el oj. ° 2 tt eo 0 ' 1 , e--0-0 0 - y P cf Pro _ 2@r=2 Same creek Can be used e foe poy, myriad checking. Binemg Axi make oprrakions ‘ cs Vr Carry, Adders | 0 +2 200 VA Half Addsr — oF tno nari 1 +0 201 To0 Cutl Addr oe ae Smee S= xOYD? Cz WDAVATNE = OOD +9 1 0 8 Jog 1 oc 1 ° 11 e (eee 4 I ' 1 \ aa HA * eee x@v@?2 s ao ~ Ges) Gay2+%y cq i + ST Be Cored Diagvavn for FA .—> Tod HAs cee 2 Fwsk MA + %, 9 Second HA —7 2@Y , 2 [Binanng Adder * Ay Arai ho By Br & Bo ey tg 0 Ci inp eneerny, fo Lf { L& % 5 lof Addihon ft two in rt numbers) A chain of w FAs tr a chain of (n-\) FAs ond a HA will te needed- Bik Adder’ rien et — > by --- be As-*- Ao & Sy, - > Sx Gye ee 2" = SID entrees ane ~ Rayuared tw Truth Talo for desig He cdr in a fadktonal way, : = lr Propanahen Dele} Gace Propagation ae ee acl) tate oda ee Ey ELt2e% B1,01-2012, leche 9 fecops HA. EA, Oi Adder: Ds AS By Ar bs Ay B Ae Cro PrapaqabenDedang, Ayan Ay Pe = Carry Propayahen B.S. Bi Be c+ ty rere are qencated after tye deleny Then Cy Wii vgach a steady, stake vate OF ber. Ubpa Bunt deter AND Ue, foe each FA, Hat cary propagation will wenderge toro aate wets. 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