Activity Template - Sprint Backlog

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Epic User Story Title Story Acceptance Criteria Value (Story Sprint
Plant Care out which plants are easiest to care for "advanced" Points)
Low-maintenance options As a plant owner, I want to access care each order $$$ 8 Current Sprint
Plant Care so that I can purchase low-maintenance 2) Ability to search for plants with
Plant care tips instructions easily so that I can keep my 2) Option
tree to sign up for monthly
species $$$ 8 Current Sprint
Initiatives able
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Selection plantto select
alive from a variety of different
longer. emails
2) withto
Options seasonal care tips $$$ 13 Current Sprint
As a Bonsai
Bonsai trees tree owner,
so that I canI want
pick the to learn
exact 2) Can sign upsort
forby species,
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Techniques As howa to shape and Istyle size, and care requirements
plant owner, wantmy tree so
to have thethat I styling course $$$ 21 Current Sprint
Plant Care can control itscare
growth. vines, etc.)
3) Can sign up for advanced
Plant care tools right
As a tools
plant to owner, for my to
I want plant so that I
remember $$ 13 Next Sprint
Plant Care 2) Option
2) Option toto add
buy partial
reminderkits or
Watering reminders canwhen
keep it healthy
to water
a customer, my and beautiful.
I want so that I don't
a hassle-free way on homepage $$ 5 Current Sprint
Plant Care stickers for use with calendars to
Return policy under-
to ormy overwater them.
Initiatives As a new Bonsai tree owner, I wantsure
return order so that I can be to I 2) All orders ship with return $$ 5 Current Sprint
have the right plant for me. styles so I website
labels and instructions
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Styles learn
As about
a Bonsai different
tree owner,BonsaiI want to have purchase $$ 8 Next Sprint
2) Customers can take a quiz to
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Tools can right
the decide toolswhich is right
to care for my
for Imy tree tree.I
As a Bonsai tree owner, want toso
learn 2) Customers
history of Bonsaicaninchoose
Japan from a $$ 13 Next Sprint
Bonsai Trees Bonsai History can shape
about and style it properly.
the Bonsai selection of premium toolsBonsai
As a plant owner, history
I want to and gettraditions
expert 2)
1) Can purchase
Access booklet
to live chat support $$ 13 Next Sprint
Plant Care so that I can better appreciate
Expert help & advice As
helpa and advice
customer, Iquickly
want toso thatmy
I know
that my
2) Japanese
Longer phone design
support hours $ 8 Next Sprint
Initiatives during checkout
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Shipping what to do
tree will be ifshipped
my plant gets sick.
securely so that it $ 5 Next Sprint
2) Signature required when a
arrives in good condition.
Epic User Story Title As a potential customer,StoryI want to find out
Plant Care Low-maintenance
which plants
As a plant are easiest
owner, I want to
to care
so that I
Plant Care options
Plant care tips can purchase low-maintenance options.
instructions easily so that I can keep my
Initiatives select fromlonger.
a variety of different Bonsai
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Selection plant alive
As a Bonsai
trees so that tree
I canowner, I want
pick the totype
exact learnI how
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Techniques to shape and style my tree so
As a plant owner, I want to remember that I can
Plant Care control its growth.
Watering reminders to
As a customer, I want a hassle-free way or
water my plants so that I don't under- to
Plant Care
Return policy overwater that I can be sure I have
return my order
the right plant for me.
Acceptance Criteria Value e (Story
"advanced" Points)
each order $$$ 8 Current Sprint Name Current Sprint
2) Ability to search for plants with
species to sign up for monthly
Option $$$ 8 Current Sprint Start date March 1
2) with seasonal care tipssize,
2) Options
Can signtoupsort
forby species,
intermediate $$$ 13 Current Sprint End date March 19
and care requirements Point
texts orcourse
emails $$$ 21 Current Sprint 60
2) Can sign up for advanced
homepageto add reminder stickers
Option $$ 5 Current Sprint
for use with calendars to each order Value
2) All orders ship with return labels $$ 5 Current Sprint 16
and instructions
Next Sprint
March 22
April 9

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