Daniel Ruiz, Business II Midterm (Optional)

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Universidad Del Valle

Business English II
Prof. Jorge Herrera
Name: Daniel Felipe Ruiz Zúñiga Code: 1724275

Angel investors provide capital for start-ups bringing their innovations to the marketplace.
Recently, with the huge growth in opportunities brought about by the internet, more and
more small investors are providing 'angel' financing for these small, nimble companies.
Angel investors typically invest between $5,000 to $40,000 in a start-up in its infancy.
Sometimes, 'angels' are so convinced by an idea that they provide funds for a business
that hasn't even been founded! Without these risk-takers, innovative and revolutionary
advances in technology may not come to pass. The price is high, and start-ups often fail,
but just one 'winner' can return twenty times the initial investment. In other words, an
angel investing in fifteen companies needs just one success to make the investment
strategy worthwhile. Of course, angels hope for a much better return. Because these
investors at the beginning of the company there are many terms used in angel investing
that reflect this early stage development. Here are some of the most important:
 seed a company - the first 'seed' of money to help 'grow' the company
 get in on the ground level - lowest level entry point
 self-funded - a company that provides its own financing without asking for outside
 garage startup - the classic technology started - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
started Apple in a garage - it's become a modern day 'American dream' of many -
especially in San Francisco)
Angel investing is sometimes confused with venture investments. Angel investors fund at
the initial entry level while venture capitalists usually wait until a young company has
proven that their idea and has brought their product or technology to market. These
companies then need larger investments to quickly grow and capture market share.

1. In the text given above look for five derived word and complete the chart below.
Word Affix Grammatical Function Spanish Equivalent
1. early ly Adjetive Temprano/a
2. investment ment Noun Inversion
3. Recently ly Adverb Recientemente
4. quickly ly Adverb Rapidamente
5. development ment Noun Desarrollo
2. What do these words refer to? The line is in parenthesis. (1.0)

Referent Refers to
1. Their (1) Se refiere a las innovaciones del mercado de las empresas
2. Its (4) Se refiere a la infancia de una nueva empresa
3. They (5) Se refiere a los fondos proporcionados a empresas que aun no se
han fundado
4. Its (15) Se refiere al financiamiento propio de una empresa
5. Their (22) Se refiere a la idea de emprendimiento de una empresa joven.

3. Complete the table below with connectors from the text. Write the function and
meaning (1.0)

Connector Function Meaning

1. And additive Y
2. Because Cause Porque
3. but Contrast Pero
4. while Time Cuando, Mientras
5. For Time Durante

4. Put the adjectives in parenthesis in order (1.0)

 She drank hot / black / Italian (Italian / black / hot) coffee.

 He saw an / old / French / writing (French / writing / old / an) desk.
 I visited a / spooky / ancient / German (ancient / a / spooky / German) castle.
 He has a / beautiful / old / silver (silver / old / beautiful / a) ring.
 We ate some / round / green / English (green / English / round / some) apple

5. Complete the sentences with the superlative or comparative adjective in parenthesis


That is most expensive (expensive) picture in the shop

He was driving faster (fast) than usual

I worked harder (hard) than John

It probably takes longer (long) than an hour

This is worst (bad) thing that could ever happen to me.

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