BSDMA School Disaster Management

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School Disaster Management Plan

Name of School : _______________________ Address : ___________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________


: __________________________


1. Introduction
1.1. Summary 1.2. Objective of DMP 1.3. Importance of SDMP

2. Details about the School

2.1. Location of School and area from which children come 2.2. Present facilities in School 2.3. Number of students in each School 2.4. Classes and Teacher in charge 2.5. School Administration Committee

3. Hazard and Risk Identification

3.1. Various Disaster and expected seasonal occurrence 3.2. Hazard Identification 3.3. Different Disasters and their reason of occurrence 3.4. Possible Damages and their Effect

4. Preparedness and Mitigation

4.1. School Disaster management committee 4.2. Formation of various teams 4.2.1. School First Aid Team 4.2.2. School Search and Rescue Team 4.2.3. Coordination and Information Team

4.2.4. Shelter and food team 4.3. Training schedule for teachers and students 4.4. Transport and communication Facility 4.5. Emergency Evacuation Plan and Safe Location 4.6. Mock Drill schedule 4.7. Resource Inventory List 4.8. Awareness programme schedule

4.9. Modification in present resources/ facilities

5. Response Plan
5.1. SOPs 5.2. What to do during Disaster 5.3. Roles and responsibility of each team during disaster

6. Emergency Contact list

6.1. School administration 6.2. Fire Brigade 6.3. Ambulance 6.4. Hospital 6.5. Local Doctor 6.6. Blood bank 6.7. Police station 6.8. Civil Defence 6.9. Home guard 6.10. 6.11. 6.12. 6.13. 6.14. 6.15. 6.16. 6.17. City Emergency Number District Emergency Number Contact list of teaching and non teaching staff Ration shop Local hotel Pharmacy Red Cross Society NGO



7. Annexure
7.1. School Map 7.2. Each Floor Map 7.3. Map showing exits / Evacuation routes 7.4. School Hazard Map 7.5. Local hazard map 7.6. Local Facility Map

1.1. Summary Write about your School, disasters, various disaster programme done so far and need for such an initiative.

1.2. Importance of SDMP


2.1. Location and sector of School
School Name Full address District: Block: Municipality: Ward No: Thana Contact number: Email id: North : South : East : West :


Students attending the School are from which ward, area, sector, etc information Principals name Communication address

Contact Number Office: Mob:


Number of students Number of teaching staff Number of non teaching staff

2.2. Available Present facilities/ resource

No. 1 Available facilities/ resource Number Number of rooms in School (class room+ any other) Labs Number of Building (if more than one) Number of main entry/ exit Number of Staircases Number of entry/ exit for each building Number of floors in each building School Library facility Computer Room Hostel facility Drinking Water facility Remark

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Toilet School Bus School playground Electricity Facility Emergency Lighting facility Fans Canteen Kitchen Room First Aid Box Fire Extinguisher

2.3. Standards Information

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Standard 1st Std 2nd Std 3rd Std 4th Std 5th Std 6th Std 7th Std 8th Std 9th Std 10th Std 11th Std 12th Std Male Female Handicap Students Male Female

2.4. Teacher In-charge of the Standards

No. 1 2 3 Standard 1st Std 2nd Std 3rd Std Teacher In-charge Communication

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4th Std 5th Std 6th Std 7th Std 8th Std 9th Std 10th Std 11th Std 12th Std

2.5. School Administration Committee

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Post Chairperson ViceChairperson Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Communication details Office/Residential Mobile


3.1. Various Disaster and Expected seasonal occurrence No Probable Disaster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fire Earthquake Floods Cyclone Lightening Stampede Accident Animal bite Suicide Seasonal Calender for the probability of occurrence
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

10 Epidemic 11 Food Poisoning 12 Others

3.2. Hazard Identification Maps- School Hazard Map and Surrounding area hazard map (as annexure)

3.2.1 Identification of potential Structural Hazard existing in School area

Structural safety of School building to be assessed in regards to its safety from hazards like fire, earthquakes, floods and fire.

3.2.2 Identification of potential non structural Hazard a) Table showing past diasters in which School has being affected b) Checklist of probable hazards in and around School area (list as annexure)

3.3. Various Disasters and their reason of occurrence

Following disasters can affect your School and what are the reasons for it (once the hazards are identifies this exercise can be done) No. Disaster Type Probable Reasons 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fire Earthquake Floods Cyclone Landslide Stampede Accident Animal bite

9 10 11 12

Suicide Epidemic Food Poisoning Others

3.4. Possible Damages and their effect No. Disaster Type 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fire Earthquake Floods Cyclone Landslide Stampede Accident Animal bite Suicide Epidemic Food Poisoning Others Possible damages Possible ways to Mitigate the hazard

4. School Safety Plan

4.1. School Disaster Management Committee (SDMC)
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Post in Committee Chairperson Vice Chairperson Treasurer Member Member 2 Member Suggested Principal Vice principal Accounts Admin dept Admin dept Information and coordination group First Aid Team Search and Rescue Team Transport team Shelter food 4 Teacher and Contact Details Official/ Residential

7 8 9 10 11

2 Member 2 Member 2 Member 2 Member Member



4 students

13 14

Member Member



16 17 18

2 Member 2 Member 2 Member

Ward officer Education department bit officer Parent teacher association president Police Service Fire Brigade Civil Defence

19 20

2 Member 2 Member

NGO local Doctor and Nurse

4.2. Formation of various teams 4.2.1. School First Aid Team (4 teacher+4 student) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Standard/department Telephone Num

4.2.2. School search and Rescue Team (School security + teacher+ student) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Standard/department Telephone Num

4.2.3. Coordination and Information Team No. Name Telephoner Num

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.2.4. Shelter and food

School Information Officer Sub ------ -----Liaison Officer Sub ------ -----Sub ------ -----Computer centre Computer centre School Telephone operator 2 students

Identify local hotel and food stores that will provide food and necessary items if the School holds back student a) School food and shelter committee No. Name Telephone number

b) Available resources organisation No. 1 2 3 4 Name Local restaurant Local food store Water supply Tents facility Quantity


4.3. Training Schedule for teachers and students No. 1 2 3 4 Training Programme Date required First Aid Search and Rescue Disaster Response Management Number Remark

4.4. Transportation and Communication facility a) Available transport facility No. Type of Number Route Vehicle and number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Capacity Drivers Name Telephone num

b) Available Communication facility No. Instrument 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Telephone Internet Wireless Megaphone Fax Alarm system Loud speaker Location Telephone Num

4.5. Emergency Evacuation Plan and Safe Location a) Map- floor map and evacuation route b) Identify safe location

No. Location

Capacity for students

Distance from School 60 mts

Communication Remark detail Can take shelter during Fire, earthquake

For 500 Example: students Open ground

2 3 4 5

4.6. Mock Drill Schedule Students should be aware/or trained on do and dont of disasters. Also to study efficiency of the response system mock drills should be conducted. The format for mock drill report is given below Subject Mock Drill Fire incident for Frequency and time Month and date Remark All classes, ABC extinguisher usage and rescue from high rise building Drop, cover and exercise in School. hold

Seismic activity Month and date felt what would be response among student

4.7. Resource Inventory List No. Instrument list 1 2 3 4 5 Torch and emergency lights First aid box Fire extinguisher (Type) Number Location Condition Remark

4.8. Awareness Programme Schedule In any programme organised by School make sure that there is a component on disaster management and personal safety included. 4.9. Modification in Present Resources/ Facilities Present facilities like unsafe structure, etc in the School which can possibly lead to loss of life and injury to student. Immediate mitigation measures can be suggested and implemented through this plan. Example:
Probability of Disaster Earthquake Existing problems To take shelter during disaster tall baches and table are required Classes 5 to 7 have kachha structure, which can fall any time. School building has only one narrow stairs Mid meal Kitchen is near classroom area. There can be fire accident since gas and cooking material are kept there. On second floor classrooms have only a single door; in case of fire accidents evacuation can be difficult. Wiring in the School is old and there are chances of short circuit. Fire fighting equipments are not available in School Ceilings of some classes leak during monsoon. 7,8.9 standard classroom windows are broken/or need of repair Immediate actions to be taken Immediate taller tables are required. Have earthquake resistant struct in classroom 5 to 7. Till then children shift to other classes. Construct another staircase in School Kitchen area should not be near classroom and people working should be trained in gas and fire safety. All classrooms should have more than one door. Install in new wiring. Fire fighting equipments be installed in School Repair and construct the ceiling to prevent the leakage. Repair windows.



5.1. What to do during Disaster What will you if there is an incident in your School Prepare list of do and donts for each disaster Who are the authorities/agencies you will contact How to handle the situation Plan should answer all these questions in a descriptive form.

5.2. Roles and responsibility of each team during disaster

Coordination and Information Group

Training Required A thorough orientation on different types of hazards Have all the important numbers of government offices. Prepare reporting formats for reporting and communication during disaster Familiarity with the Internet and disaster information websites. Before the disaster Monitoring and taking regular updates from TV/ Radio/Internet on the potential hazard that School can face, e.g. weather updates in case of floods, landslide, cyclones etc. Inform the School authorities of any impending hazardous situation Maintain contact disaster management authorities and communicate any directions to the School authorities. Mark all entry and exits that is prominent to all students Post warning signs / flags of appropriate colour for different warning level at prominent and designated places in the School. Disseminate the information to all the classrooms and teachers Coordinate with the other teams and inform them about the latest weather / warning situation During disaster Cross check the warning received from various sources Warning the School in case of an emergency by either ringing a bell/siren or on the public address system or through a messenger, whatever is available in the School Reporting to the School disaster management committee about the disaster in the School building

Reporting to the government emergency response departments (Fire, RDMC, Police etc.) In case of the School being used as a shelter, inform the shelter staff about the latest updates and weather reports.

After disaster Continue monitoring the various information sources Keep reporting on the situation of the disaster to all concerned teams and coordinate with them Disseminate safety tips in coordination with the Awareness Generation Team Work with the Incident Management Team from the district administration in preparing updates and disseminating information.

Evacuation Team
Training Required Training in evacuation procedures through local fire services

Before a disaster
Check the exits Identify the open areas where the School can assemble after evacuation in an emergency Make sure there are no hazards present for evacuating to the designated area Make sure that necessary supplies are accessible Assist the Planning Committee in developing options in the event evacuation is required during inclement weather Be prepared for special equipment needs for mobility-impaired students. Any special response procedure for special needs students must be tested during drills Conduct regular drills in coordination with the other teams and practice the different evacuation procedures used in different hazards. These different procedures have to be disseminated to the entire School and separate drills to be conducted for them

During disaster
Evacuate in an orderly fashion as practiced in the drills

After disaster
Ensure that emergency assembly area is accessible and safe Determine if any additional assistance is required for evacuation. Take roll call and report group status to Administrator (Emergency Operations Centre).

Search and Rescue Team Training Required

Training through local Civil Defense / Fire Services in basic search and rescue techniques

Prior to disaster
Make sure needed supplies are on site Make sure team members stay current with their training Any special response technique for special needs students must be tested during drills

Disaster response
Start rescue and search operations in case of another disaster According to pre-established pattern, check (visually, vocally, physically) every room in the building. Report location of injured to First Aid Team. Report location of other problems to SDMC. Look for obvious structural problems/significant structural damage as sweep is made through the building(s) Report any damage to the Administrator (EOC).

First Aid Team

Training Required Training through local Civil Defense / Fire Services / St. John Brigade / Red Cross / Health Department in basic first aid techniques and CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) Before a disaster Make sure that first aid supplies are up to date and always complete Ensure training for all new members and refresher training for existing members (every year) Be aware of special medical requirements of students / employees and ensure that some stock medication (maybe 1-2 days medicines) are kept in the School and regularly updated Participate in regular drills After disaster Administer first aid and record all cases and treatments. Determine need for further medical assistance. Coordinate requests for assistance through the Administrator. Assign First Aid Team members to accompany Search and Rescue Teams during their search operations.

Food and Shelter Group

Before a disaster Maintain list of students, teaching and non teaching staff in School. If School works in two shifts have a list of students in both shift. Keep record of how much material will be required for 3 times food for at least 72 hrs. Have prior communication with agencies to supply water and food for children if stuck in case of a disaster.

Maintain contact list of nearest ration shops, hotel, restaurants that agree to provide food for children during a disaster. Tie with NGO/organization that provides food at discount amount.
After Disaster Contact organization that the School has tie up with and inform them about current situation Make list of student staying and their requirement of food type. Make sure that appropriate food and water facility are available for students. Contact disaster management authority for supplies if people use Schools as shelter.

Emergency Contact list

5.3. School administration

No Name Telephone number

5.4. Fire Brigade

No. Location Contact person Distance Telephone num Address

5.5. Hospital
No. Location Distance School from Telephone num Address

5.6. Local Doctor

No. Location Distance School from Telephone num Address

5.7. Blood bank



Distance School

from Telephone num


5.8. Police station

No. Location Distance School from Telephone num Address

5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 5.12. 5.13.

Civil Defence Home guard City Emergency Number District Emergency Number Contact list of teaching and non teaching staff

6.1 School Map

6.2 Each Floor Map

6.3 Map showing exits / Evacuation routes

6.4 School Hazard Map

6.5 Local Hazard Map

6.6 Hazard Checklist School ground hazards assessment:

Hazard Suspended ceilings Heating and air conditioning units. Missing or Malfunctioning Exit doors Exit doors improperly marked. Exit doors not opening to the outside. Unsecured fire extinguishers or fire extinguishers that is not properly charged and tagged. Inadequate ventilation systems in chemical storage areas (labs, vocational classrooms, custodial closets, etc.). Malfunctioning alarm system. Hazardous materials located in areas that do not have warning signs. Unsecured appliances (e.g., water heaters, etc.). Unsecured filing cabinets or cabinets with inadequate drawer latches. Pendant light fixtures. Unanchored table lamps Narrow and single staircase Unsecured sliding or roofing materials Inadequate ventilation Areas where flammable liquids are stored Chemistry labs have bottles used for storing chemicals that are not secured or protected against shattering. Other fire hazards In playgrounds if there are equipments in need of repair Traffic pattern during School day


Trees or shrubs that present a fire hazard or wind hazard or provide areas for an intruder to hide. Electric wires. Kitchen area in School Fences in need of repair. Insufficient lighting for activities in all areas of the campus. Other:

Classroom Hazard Assessment Hazards

Free-standing cabinets, bookcases, and wall shelves. Heavy objects on high shelves. Unsecured wall-mounted objects Hanging plants above or near seating areas Incompatible chemicals stored in close proximity (e.g., window cleaner and ammonia). Paper or other combustibles stored near heat source. No safety glasses or shields in science/chemistry labs. Others


Potential Hazards along evacuation routes Hazards

Hallways and/or doors containing glass panels that are not broken or tampered with. Lockers, bookshelves, or other storage units along hallways.


+ Hallways may be cluttered with debris from ceilings, fallen light fixtures, broken glass, and toppled storage units. Dark corridors with no lights Lighting that is dependent on electricity rather than sunlight Elevators + Elevators are vulnerable to damage from fires, earthquakes, and other hazards. Signs should be posted near elevators prohibiting their use during emergencies. Gas, sewer, or power lines near the outdoor assembly area. Other Other Other

Potential Hazard in Surrounding areas and Communities Hazards

Facilities containing toxic, chemically reactive, and/or radioactive materials. Include both manufacturers and users (e.g., gas stations, storage facilities, pesticide manufacturers/distributors, chemical and dye factory, handlooms, etc) High-voltage power lines Transportation routes of vehicles carrying hazardous materials (e.g., School is near railway track or near highway). Multi-story buildings vulnerable to damage or collapse Water towers, tanks, and treatment centers. Gas storage facilities Natural gas plants. Laboratory and Agricultural Facilities.


Fireworks Factories/Storage Facilities Trees Covered walkways Open nallahs or drains near School Areas under which large gas main runs Others

Local Resource Map

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