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Zec fuels Zanu PF

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2 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Local News
Zanu PF’s police training
raises eyebrows
Zec fuels Zanu PF factional wars
Zanu PF has launched a massive voter mobilisation BY KENNETH NYANGANI/EVANS MATHANDA “It is a continuation of the post-coup ing the delimitation document would
campaign within the police force through what is and post-2022 Zanu PF congress, our have been avoided if Zec had done
termed-ideology training targeting the rank and file of ZIMBABWE Electoral Commission’s view is that the delimitation report gen- transparent, widespread consultations.
the law enforcement agency. controversial preliminary delimitation erally and overall benefits Zanu PF as “If Zec had widely consulted key
Police officers are currently going under an inter- report has created serious divisions in a political party, but disadvantages one stakeholders in Zimbabwe as stated in
nal training dubbed civic education where Zanu PF Zanu PF as one faction believes that faction in the power matrix and config- section 37(A) of the Electoral Act, this
officials are educating the cops on the party's ideolo- there are manoeuvres to sideline its uration of the securocratic state.” error could have been avoided,” ZDI
gies, including pleading with them to vote for the rul- members, it has emerged. ZDI said the report also exposed the said.
ing party. The delimitation report tabled in Par- unresolved Zanu PF leadership ques- “The lack of quality consultation was
Police sources told The Standard that they used to liament on Friday has been criticised tion post-Mugabe. deliberate in order to simultaneously
have similar training under the late former President by some shadowy groupings linked to “The fact that seven out of nine com- push and advance a factional position
Robert Mugabe's rule towards elections. President Emmerson Mnangagwa and missioners most of whom are recent ap- in the Zanu PF elite power struggles
Documents seen by this publication show that po- parliamentarians, including the oppo- pointees of President Mnangagwa have and disadvantage the opposition.”
lice officers have been directed to attend the training sition and independent election watch- written distancing themselves from the The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition
this week. dogs. preliminary report leaves Zec divided (CiCZ) said the Zec report showed that
The training starts at 8am ending at 4:30pm at police Those critical of the Zec report say between its chair (Priscila Chigumba) Zimbabwe was not ready for elections.
district headquarters across the country. it is flawed and are accusing the com- and deputy chair (Rodney Kiwa) vis- a- CiCZ spokesperson Obert Masaraure
A high ranking police officer who spoke to The mission of gerrymandering by using vis the rest,” the think-tank said. said the state involvement in electoral
Standard on condition of anonymity said senior police the wrong formula to calculate the min- The commissioners have reportedly processes was a threat to a free and fair
officers from the Police Updating Centre were accom- imum and maximum threshold of vot- written to Mnangagwa expressing their election.
panying the Zanu PF officials for the training. ers to determine the redrawing of elec- opposition to the delimitation report. “Zimbabwe is not ready for elections
The “civic education” training has already been done toral boundaries ahead of the elections. “The divisions within Zec when un- because we cannot be discussing the de-
in Harare and Bulawayo police districts. A Zanu PF activist Tonderai Chi- derstood in the context of the court limitation report while Zec has totally
“We have received a radio (police internal commu- dawa and member of a faction linked challenge by Tonderai Chidawa, a re- made it difficult for the people of Zim-
nication) this morning (Friday) that every police officer to Mnangagwa claimed that state secu- nowned ally of Mnangagwa during babwe to access the voters’ roll,” Masa-
should attend what they call the civic education train- rity agents were after him after he chal- the Zanu PF factional fights that led to raure said during a civil society and
ing,” the police officer said. lenged the delimitation report. Mnangagwa’s ascendancy to power and political parties discussion and reflec-
“The training has been done in Harare and Bula- According to his lawyer Lovemore the fast rebuke by the Parliament ad- tions on the delimitation report hosted
wayo, with ruling party officials facilitating them. Madhuku, Chidawa was subjected to hoc committee headed by Pupurai Toga- by the Election Resource Centre (ERC).
“According to the internal communication, the po- torture after his capture by suspected repi [exposed the infighting],” ZDI said Political analyst Maxwell Saung-
lice officers will divide themselves into two groups state agents. “Togarepi’s constituency of Gutu weme said the furore over the report
at each station in every district so that one group at- The Zimbabwe Democracy Institute South in Masvingo was wiped out de- may be a ploy by the ruling party to de-
tends the training while the other conducts the polic- (ZDI), a leading local think-tank, in a spite having more registered voters, 186 lay or postpone this year's elections
ing work. The radio emphasised that everyone should report released yesterday titled: ZEC 453 compared to Gutu East 16 822 and "What is all happening is a question
attend." Delimitation Report - Electoral Rigma- Gutu North 15 359. of an unaccountable independent elec-
Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul role and Elite Discohesion? said the de- “It is, therefore, not surprising that tion body which is the Zec and some po-
Nyathi confirmed that the cops were undergoing the limitation exercise has exposed the al- the committee that he heads has dis- litical groups which are not hopeful to
training but professed ignorance of Zanu PFs involve- leged tussle for the control of the ruling missed the report. win an election,” Saungweme said.
ment. party between Mnangagwa and his dep- “One can argue that key Mnangagwa “The end game for Zanu PF is to delay
“I can confirm that the police are undergoing [civic uty Constantino Chiwenga. allies such as Togarepi were key vic- the election.”
education] training,” Nyathi said. ZDI said the fresh fights were a con- tims of the delimitation report in the Mnangagwa will be seeking a second
“But as to the allegations [that Zanu PF is facilitat- tinuation of the battle for the control grand power struggles in Zanu PF.” full term in office in this year’s elec-
ing], I am not aware.” of Zanu PF that started soon after the It added: “In conclusion, the Zec pre- tions.
This publication caught up with some officers who coup that toppled long-time ruler Rob- liminary delimitation report confirms Soon after the 2018 elections the
attended the training, who said they were being or- ert Mugabe in 2017. assertions that have been averred by the 80-year-old ruler revealed that there
dered to “know where your bread is buttered”. It said factional wars also played out ZDI since 2012 that the independence of were some Zanu PF MPs plotting to im-
“During the training, there were police officers from in the run-up to Zanu PF’s congress last Zec is compromised by its strong links peach him before he could finish his
the PUC and some party officials who told us gener- year when Mnangagwa retained his po- with the ruling party and the securo- term.
ally about the need for us to vote for Zanu PF,” the of- sition as party leader unchallenged. cratic state complex and incompetency This was after Mnangagwa perfo-
ficer said. “Fundamentally, the botched delim- to handle democratic, free and fair elec- med badly in some constitutencies that
“They were emphasising the need for us security of- itation speaks to infighting within the tion in Zimbabwe.” were won comfortably by Zanu PF can-
ficers to defend the vote. ruling party elites,” ZDI said. According to ZDI, the noise surround- didates.
“We were told that the ruling party, which forms the
government was thriving to improve our welfare and
we had to bear that in mind as we cast our votes this

Police crackdown on
Police officers are among the least paid government
workers in the country.
Last year, the police officers threatened a protest
vote in this year's election following growing discon-

CCC, leaders arrested

tent over poor earnings.
A report on the state of police that was presented in
Parliament in March last year revealed that morale was
very low in the police force due to poor conditions of
service, including low salaries.

BY STAFF REPORTER officer commanding Budiriro,” police

Weather report
spokesperson Paul Nyathi said.
itizens Coalition for Change “I am receiving numerous reports that (CCC) organising secretary people were beaten, we will release a full
Amos Chibaya and Budiriro leg- statement in due course.”
Zimbabwe weather forecast valid until the end of day islator Costa Machingauta were Police allegedly fired teargas at the
tomorrow. arrested in Harare yesterday gathering, and beat up several opposition
alongside 23 other party members while members before they were bundled into a
Forecast for today: attending an internal party meeting held police truck, Mahere added.
Mostly cloudy conditions and isolated thunder- at the legislators’ residence. Zimbabwean law requires political par-
storms are anticipated in the northern parts of the Anti-riot officers besieged Machingu- ties to notify authorities two weeks before
country — Matabeleland North, northern parts of Mid- ta’s house, stopped a private internal par- holding a political meeting.
lands, Harare Metropolitan, northern areas of Mani- ty meeting and barricaded the road lead- “Zanu PF must stop abusing the police
caland and all Mashonaland provinces. Warm by day ing to his residence. to stifle competition,” Mahere said.
and mild overnight. Masvingo, southern parts of Man- Machingauta, his wife, children and She alleged that over 60 CCC meetings
icaland and Matabeleland South provinces should be other party members were beaten before had been unconstitutionally banned since
windy, mild and cloudy with rain and drizzle in places. arrest. the formation of the party a year ago.
Bulawayo Metropolitan and Midlands provinces are By the time of going to print, there were Mahere said this happened in areas that
forecast to be mostly sunny and warm though mild no charges laid against the arrested per- include Gokwe Kabuyuni, Gutu, Chirum-
both morning and night. sons who were taken to Budiriro 2 Police hanzu, Murewa, Seke, Birchenough, Insi-
Temperatures for the main city centres (°c): Station and kept in cells. za, Matobo, Binga, Hwedza, UMP, Ngun-
Minimum Maximum Baton-wielding officers turned the zone du, Marondera, Chipinge, Kariba, Chiho-
Today Today into a no-go-area, with residents forced to CCC organising secretary Amos Chibaya ta and Mahusekwa.
Harare 16 27 use alternative routes home. President Emmerson Mnangagwa is
Bulawayo 17 30 CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere con- Kadzere, who was rendering legal assis- accused of using security forces such as
Gweru 15 28 firmed the incident. tance to the arrested CCC members, was the police and the military as well as dra-
Mutare 16 28 “Zanu PF knows they can never win a also arrested and was “badly” beaten. conian laws to close down the democrat-
Kwekwe 17 29 free and fair election in Zimbabwe,” Ma- She said the charges against Kadzere ic space.
Kadoma 16 30 here said. were unclear. CCC, whose leader Nelson Chamisa,
Masvingo 16 32 “This was a private, internal meeting. Police confirmed the arrests of mem- is expected to challenge Mnangagwa in
Chinhoyi 18 27 The Maintenance of Order and Peace Act bers of the Citizens Coalition for Change, this year’s elections has borne the brunt
Lupane 18 32 does not apply. Zimbabwe’s main opposition political par- of the clampdown while other opposition
Bindura 16 28 “That law only applies to public meet- ty, and said a detailed statement would be parties are allowed to organise their pro-
Marondera 14 26 ings in a public place. Zanu PF must stop released following investigations. grammes without interference from the
Gwanda 17 32 abusing the police to stifle competition.” “It was an unsanctioned gathering ac- police.
—MSD Mahere revealed that lawyer Kudzai cording to the local authority, who is the * Additional reporting by Reuters
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 3

Local News

Murewa CCC violence victims recount ordeal

BY VANESSA GONYE In separate interviews with Zeem TV, Morris Seremani said: “They broke my alarm over the rising cases of political vi-

an online television station, the victims phone, held me down while someone was olence as the country heads for the 2023
lderly Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) described the attack as brutal and unpro- stamping on my head.” elections.
members who were assaulted by suspect- voked. Seremani said he is being excluded Last week, the Zimbabwe Council of
ed Zanu PF activists for supporting the “We were harassed and we fled and from benefits in the area because of his Churches (ZCC) called on political parties
opposition were forced to spend the night slept in the mountains. It rained all night support for the opposition. to respect the sanctity of life ahead of the
in the mountains fearing for their lives, it and we had to endure the downpour,” “I do not get any inputs. I always have country's watershed elections amid fears
has emerged. Chikoti to wrestle for my own share. I am a vic- the plebiscite could turn violent.
The violence occurred in Chirowa Village, “By dawn we rushed home and had a tim because of my political affiliation,” ZCC said the church was concerned
Murewa North in Mashonaland East and was ex- bath before rushing to Murewa police sta- he said. with the inhumane treatment and se-
posed through social media. tion. “I encourage the youths not to be used rious injury caused to the elderly CCC
Morris Seremani (74), Susan Seremani (56), “It was a painful experience and if I for other people's political gains. members.
Beauty Chikoti (52), Chipo Mutizwa (37), Nyaradzai show you our scars you may realise the “I pray that CCC rises to the occasion “This recent incident, while seemingly
Chitauro (52), Sekuru Dongo (79) and Munyaradzi magnitude of the torture. and wins this year's elections." isolated, signals the deepening and inten-
Dongo (38) were left nursing injuries following the “What's most painful is the fact that we He said he was going to remain a sification of systemic political violence
assault. were beaten by children some the age of staunch CCC supporter and would never and intimidation as we approach the 2023
Police have arrested suspects in connection with our grandchildren.” desert his home because of politics. elections,” ZCC said in a statement.
the assault that has attracted widespread condem- She added: “We are yet to meet our chil- Zanu PF has distanced themselves from "We call for the convening of an urgent
nation. dren and grandchildren, but I know they the assault with Mashonaland East pro- all stakeholders national peace confer-
will not be happy to learn what we have vincial chairperson Daniel Garwe who ence where we take stock of the national
gone through. is also Housing minister saying he was peace infrastructure, and all political par-
“I encourage the youths to register to deeply pained by the reports. ties sign an election peace pact prepared
Chiwenga blocks NSSA vote and push for change so that things
will be better for us.”
Opposition parties, the clergy and hu-
man rights organisations have expressed
by the church working with Chapter 12
boss appointment

ACTING President Constantino Chiwenga has moved

in to stop the National Social Security Authority (Ns-
sa’s) rotational policy of filling the vacant post of gen-
eral manager by blocking the recent appointment of
Agnes Masiiwa.
NSSA general manager Arthur Manase was suspend-
ed in July 2022 and senior executives were supposed to
be appointed on rotational basis to fill the position in
an acting capacity.
According to reports, this was meant to pave the
way for a probe into the affairs of the statutory pension
NSSA director for occupational health Charles Shava
was the first to be appointed acting general manager
and he was supposed to pass the button to Masiiwa fol-
lowing his appointment by the Nssa board.
On December 29, Public Service, Labour and Social
Welfare minister Paul Mavima wrote to NSSA board
chairperson Percy Toriro recommending Masiiwa to re-
place Shava.
“I write to advise that it is time to rotate the acting
general manager at NSSA. Shava has served in that po-
sition for six months,” Mavima wrote.
“It’s therefore, prudent to find another senior execu-
tive to hold that position while the forensic audit is be-
ing implemented.
“Previously, Masiiwa had been recommended to-
gether with Shava. I therefore recommend her appoint-
ment at this time,” he said.
In a folow-up notice to stakeholders, Toriro indicat-
ed that Masiiwa would assume the position from Jan-
uary 1.
“I also wish Masiiwa well as she assumes the acting
general manager role for the coming period.”
“Her brief is to ensure smooth continuity of business
operations and provide leadership at various levels of
the organisation’s mandate execution at the same time
overseeing finalisation of the audit process already un-
derway. All stakeholders are advised accordingly.”
However, Chiwenga in a letter dated January 3, 2023
addressed to Mavima blocked Masiiwa’s appointment.
In the notice through deputy chief secretary for poli-
cy analysis, coordination and development planning in
the Office of the President, Willard Manungo, Chiwenga
argued that the appointment was a serious violation of
corporate governance rules.
“Pursuant to good corporate governance, the hon-
ourable acting president advises that nothing should
be done to remove the NSSA acting general manager
in the midst of the forensic audit processes currently
underway,” Manungo wrote.
But there is discontent over the move, according to
insiders at NSSA who suspected the hand of Manungo.
“While Manungo’s letter has also sparked debate
wherein individuals or parastatal executives cannot
surely be in an acting position for more than six months
and such as the case with Shava, Chiwenga’s explana-
tions or reasons might not hold water as there are prec-
edents at NSSA and wherein Manase’s prolonged stay
(after his initial secondment from the board) and Da-
vid Makwara’s six months-plus tenure were vigorously
challenged,” an insider said.
The insiders said there was no evidence that Chi-
wenga, who is quoted in the letter was even consult-
ed to veto Mavima’s proposal with the laws clear that
in the absence of a substantive chief executive any
other senior member can be appointed in an acting
“This is exactly the reason, and premise on which
Mavima’s recommendation — and Toriro’s subsequent
newspaper announcements — were made, but the
prudent moves were thwarted or torpedoed by forces
opposed to Manase’s return,” said the insider.
4 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Ex-deputy minister’s BRIEFS

theft case in new twist

Zimpost defrauded of $13m
A 35-year-old man from Highfield allegedly defraud-
ed Zimpost of almost $13 million between May and Au-
gust 2022.
This was revealed at the Harare magistrates court on
Thursday when Givemore Dzuta appeared before mag-
BY GARIKAI TUNHIRA during the deal and neither could he pin- said he only met him when he came to istrate Evelyn Mashavakure facing theft charges.

point which role exactly the ex-minister his place of residence in Kuwadzana, Ha- Dzuta, a former clerk at Greendale Post Office, was
he state’s case against for- played. rare, to recover the bags of fertiliser after granted $50 000 bail and told to return to court on Feb-
mer Agriculture deputy minis- He also said he never handed the mon- the deal had gone sour. ruary 17.
ter Douglas Karoro on Thurs- ey directly to Karoro when he bought the He said he initially entered into the The complainant is Zimpost represented by its audit
day seemed to crumble after the fertiliser. deal with Phiri with whom he had always manager Richard Chikuni.
prosecution's star witness exon- Prosecutor George Manokore asked been in touch. According to court documents, between May 2022
erated him. Chiodza to outline the role played by each Chiodza told the court that Phiri left and August 2022, Dzuta, acting in connivance with Ta-
Karoro is accused of stealing 700 bags person in the alleged deal. him in the hands of Dzimunya, who went tenda Ngara who is on remand, was entrusted to collect
of fertiliser from the Grain Marketing “I have never communicated with ac- with him on the trip to Mushumbi to col- vehicle and radio licence fees from clients.
Board (GMB) Mushumbi Pools depot un- cused 1 (Karoro) and I have never met lect the fertliser. It is alleged that Dzuta collected a total of $12 984
der the Presidential Inputs Scheme. him before," he responded. In his testimony, Chiodza said he used 053 from various customers, but converted the money
The farming inputs were supposed to "I do not know the role he played as I to envy Phiri after taking note of his en- to personal use. The offence was discovered when Zim-
benefit farmers in Karoro's Mbire con- never interacted with him." terprising business and hoped to follow post conducted an audit and nothing was recovered. —
stituency. Chiodza told the court that Karoro in his footsteps. NQOBIZWE THEBE
He then allegedly sold them in Harare. never demanded any money from him “I only discovered it today that I was
The former deputy minister is jointly and that not at any given time did he see dealing with conmen, especially when
charged with GMB Mushumbi Pools de- him talking to his accomplices over the they are denying things that happened,” Copper cable thieves jailed 10 years
pot manager Lovejoy Ngowe, Jeremy Phi- deal. he said.
ri, Mugove Chidamba and Dean Dzimun- He said he handed the money to Phiri, Karoro has denied involvement in the TWO Harare men who were part of a four-member gang
ya on a fraud charge. adding that he only came across Karoro's said deal, saying his arrest was instigat- were on Wednesday sentenced to 10 years in jail each
The five denied the charges when their name when it appeared on the dispatch ed by his political rivals who are eyeing for stealing Zesa copper cables.
trial opened last year before Harare re- voucher, which he used to collect the fer- his parliamentary seat in the forthcom- The gang includes a 16-year-old.
gional magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa. tiliser at GMB Mushumbi Pools Depot. ing general elections expected later this There was a separation of trial after Richard Dzinzi
Responding under cross-examination The witness also said he saw Ngowe at year. and Reward Sibanda pleaded guilty to the charge lead-
by Karoro's lawyer Admire Rubaya, the his workplace when he gave him the dis- His alleged accomplices are also deny- ing to their conviction and sentence.
state's star witness Widdorn Chiodza patch vouchers. ing involvement in the alleged deal. “The following accused persons were arrested for
said he never interacted with Karoro With regards to Chidamba, Chiodza possession of 25 cut pieces of 3 core armoured cable
in Westgate area; Sibanda (53) of 93 Engineering High-
fields, Richard Dzinzi (35) of Turnleaf Farm Westgate,
Amos Dzinzi (16) of Turnleaf Farm and Tafadzwa Phi-
ri (27) of 497 Nehanda Ext RRB 5409688 Marlborough,"
reads the state outline.
Phiri and Amos Dzinzi pleaded not guilty and were re-
manded in custody to Tuesday for routine remand.
The accused persons had no legal representation.
Last year, the government proposed stiffer penalties
for people who vandalise electricity infrastructure.

Man murders ex-wife for rejecting him

A Shurugwi man is suspected of having murdered
his ex-wife in cold blood after she refused to reconcile
with him.
Lubitsi Mubita (31) of Mutamba village under Chief
Nhema in Shurugwi, was found lying in a pool of blood
with stab wounds in her bedroom.
Midlands police provincial spokesperson Inspector
Emmanuel Mahoko said Mubita’s husband Rangarirai
The handing over of computers to Mukoko has been arrested in connection with her mur-
the Public Service and Social Welfare der.
ministry in Masvingo on Friday “Mubita had multiple stab wounds on her body and
a blood-stained chisel, which is believed to be the mur-
der weapon, was recovered from the suspect, her ex-

Potraz accelerates govt services digitilisation husband,” Mahoko said.

In an unrelated case, Mahoko confirmed a suspected
suicide case in Gweru where a man, identified as Paul
Sigauke (27) of Chikanga Village, under Chief Mutema
BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA all spheres of life, across all sectors of the econ- munity Information Centres (CICs)," he said. in Chipinge, was found dead hanging from a tree near
omy. "Our vision is to bring convenience to the Gweru River. —OBERT SIAMULANDU
The Postal and Telecommunication Regula- “Information and communication technol- people while decongesting government offices.
tory Authority (Potraz) has said it is accelerat- ogies (ICT) are at the centre of most of these “We would like to see people applying for
ing its national digitilisation programme to en- technological advancements and as a nation, passports, birth and death certificates and oth- Councillor’s daughter dies from snakebite
hance decentralisation of government func- it is paramount that we change our systems in er national documents from CICs.
tions through electronic means. line with the changing times. “We would like people to apply for liquor li- The daughter of a Zanu PF Rushinga councillor was
Potraz director-general Gift Machengete said “It is important that we keep up with the cences and register companies from CICs or bitten by a snake while in a classroom and later died in
this while handing over 160 computers to the transforming world. even from their mobile phones. the evening.
Public Service and Social Welfare ministry on “We should not be left behind lest we lag be- “For this to succeed, the whole of govern- The incident was confirmed by Rushinga legislator
Friday in Masvingo. hind economically and socially in the new world ment should be online and should have reliable Tendai Nyabani.
The computers were donated under the e- order." ICT systems to support this." "I can confirm the death in Rushinga where a Form
government programme. Potraz last year handed over computers and In 2022, Potraz connected 1117 schools to Six girl Melody Chiputura (17) was bitten by a snake
Machengete said the programme would be Internet connectivity to the Zimbabwe Repub- the Internet under the schools connectivity pro- yesterday afternoon after coming from sports," Nyab-
extended to all government ministries to en- lic Police (ZRP) as part of the e-government pro- gramme. ani said.
sure that members of the public could access gramme. In the same year, Potraz equipped 186 com- “The deceased is Zanu PF councillor in Rushinga Jo-
government services electronically and decon- Machengete said the telecommunications puter laboratories at various schools across the seph Chiputura's daughter.
gest cities. regulatory authority wanted to ensure that country with a minimum of 30 computers each. “We are still shocked as to where this snake came
"The world is changing at an astronomical members of the public had access to govern- Potraz also disbursed 4280 computers to from because students had used the classroom twice,”
and alarming pace," Machengete said. ment services through community informa- schools throughout the year. Nyabani said.
"Humanity is changing, technology is chang- tion centres. On Friday, ICT minister Jenfan Muswere com- “As Rushinga constituency, we are saddened by this
ing. "In the short- to long-term, we envision citi- missioned 14 school computer laboratories in unfortunate incident." —SIMBARASHE SITHOLE
“We are seeing technological changes across zens accessing government services from Com- Masvingo province.
The Standard January15 to 21 2023 5

Local News

Outrage as Zanu PF takes poll campaign to schools

BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA children must continue to have uninterrupted ac- have nothing to do with the education systems in- said.
cess to basic social services,” the UN said then. volving themselves with the day-to-day running “We instituted an investigation to establish why
SCHOOLS have become the latest hunting ground for votes Teacher unions pleaded with political parties of schools,” Majongwe said. he needs the names.
for Zanu PF after it emerged that ruling party fanatics are in- to desist from targeting education institutions in “We want to say to Zanu PF that this is uncalled “We have since gathered that (one) Mr Mugan-
vading learning institutions to force learners and teachers to their electioneering campaigns, saying education for. hu is being forced to submit such
attend their campaign meetings. will emerge as the biggest loser. “We have a report from Midlands, Masho- a list to the Zanu PF leader-
Schools opened for the first term on Monday, but Zanu PF Zimbabwe Teachers Association (Zimta) sec- naland East and other provinces of victim- ship in Gutu.
has reportedly hit the ground running; targeting them in an retary general Goodwill Taderera said some areas isation of teachers. “We urge all school
attempt to reach its target of having five million registered have become political minefields for teachers and “In some instances, Zanu PF officials heads to refuse to com-
voters when Zimbabwe goes for elections later this year. learners. are demanding lunch from school cof- ply with the illegal direc-
Addressing a press conference in Harare on Friday, Zanu “We call upon all state actors to protect the fers and using other school resources tive.
PF political commissar Mike Bimha said the party was gear- learners and teachers rather than making them which is uncalled for." “We are writing to
ing up for a robust voter mobilisation programme ahead of victims of their innuendos,” Taderera said. Amalgamated Rural Teachers PSC asking them to
this year's election. “Government should come clean on protecting Union of Zimbabwe (Artuz) secre- urgently intervene
"I would also like to urge our supporters that we are now teachers and learners and also to ensure that there tary general Robson Chere said their to protect the lives of
gearing up for the various campaigns in all the provinces and is no interference with the education system.” members were being victimised in ar- teachers."
l am happy that all our structures are ready to drive the cam- He added: “Learners have already been affect- eas such as Gutu.
paign strategy,” Bimha said. ed by Covid-19 and other natural disasters, hence He called on the Public Service Com-
Under the Virgin Voters for ED campaign targeting high learning should not be disrupted any further mission (PSC) to intervene.
school pupils, Zanu PF activists have allegedly ‘deployed’ through political machinations." "We received news that the dis-
some officers to monitor activities at schools, mostly those in Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Ptuz) trict schools inspector of
rural areas, instilling fear among learners and teachers. secretary general Raymond Majongwe said disrupt- Gutu has request- Christopher
Last week, ruling party officials stormed some schools in ing lessons for political expediency was unacceptable. ed a list of all Artuz Mutsvangwa
Masvingo and forced their way into staff meetings and de- “We have always known of individuals who members,” Chere
manding minutes of meetings that would have been held in
their absence.
This publication is in possession of videos and audios of
teachers and pupils in Masvingo who were forced to attend a
Zanu PF meeting, chanting slogans and singing party songs.
In one of the videos, a Zanu PF official tells pupils to be
"guided" that the ruling party was a revolutionary party with
public support including that of school children.
In the same video, a school head pleads with the Zanu
PF officials to be excused from chanting a slogan as it was
against the dictates of the constitution.
"May I be excused from chanting the slogan, chairperson?,”
the school head said.
“I am a civil servant. The law does not permit me to take a
political side. I must not publicly declare my preferred politi-
cal party.”
However, the Zanu PF official declined to entertain his
District schools inspectors have reportedly been directed
to report teachers who refuse to comply with the party’s di-
rectives, according to information gathered by The Standard.
Primary and Secondary Education ministry spokesperson
Taungana Ndoro said there was no law that barred Zanu PF
members from visiting schools hunting for votes.
"What you must understand is that Zanu PF is the ruling
party, meaning it has the majority support," Ndoro said.
"It is not just an ordinary political party. It is not like those
fly-by-night political parties.
“It is the party upon which the government of the day is
“It's their constitutional right to chant slogans wherever
they feel like.”
Ndoro claimed some opposition parties have also been
targeting schools for votes as seen by some learners singing
their slogans.
“If someone tries to stop a Zanu PF member from chant-
ing his or her party slogan, it is infringement of their right,”
Ndoro said.
“There is nothing amiss about Zanu PF chanting party slo-
gans in the presence of school pupils.
“We have seen several videos of children chanting slogans
of these fly-by-night political parties, but was it an issue?"
A video in which high school pupils, who are members of
the Virgin Voters for ED were mobilising supporters went vi-
ral on social media last week confirming fears that schools
have been turned into hunting grounds for votes.
School heads have complained that learning was being
disrupted by Zanu PF members as a result.
"We are under siege," reads one message from a WhatsApp
group of school heads seen by The Standard.
"We have a new master. Schools have been turned into po-
litical grounds. Zanu PF is now acting like it is the Primary and
Secondary Education ministry.”
Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa was not pick-
ing calls on Friday and yesterday to comment about the matter.
In 2018, Masvingo High Court Judge, Justice Joseph Mar-
tin Mafusire barred Zanu PF from abusing learners, teachers
and school property in pursuit of private political interests.
This followed an application by legislative watchdog Ver-
itas and the Association of Rural Teachers Unions of Zimba-
bwe (ARTUZ) challenging Zanu PF for forcing school author-
ities to provide transport and other services for its support-
ers to rallies as well as forcing schoolchildren to attend po-
litical rallies.
In some cases, children were asked by the party leadership
to provide labour in the form of carrying benches and chairs
from classes to places where rallies would be held.
In their application, they sought an order prohibiting the
use of school property for political purposes and the forced
attendance of schoolchildren at political rallies.
In his ruling, Mafusire barred Zanu PF from forcing school
children and teachers to attend rallies and wear party regalia,
causing the closure of schools for any of its rallies or activities
and holding rallies on school premises.
The United Nations welcomed the ruling saying it was in
line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which
states ‘that the best interests of the child must be the para-
mount consideration in every situation, and at all times.’
“The UN emphasises schools must be havens of safety and
6 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Local News

Mangudya: Zim’s de-dollarisation on course

The year 2022 was a period of ing foreign currency demand and currency environment and the
volatility starting with the Unit- an efficient foreign currency allo- uncertainty of losing value on do-
ed States dollar rate on the paral- cation mechanism; mestic currency-denominated in-
lel market flactuating significantly v. Clearing the foreign exchange vestments is perceived to be high.
and having a major impact on the backlog and thus creating a plat- Against this backdrop, the bank
pricing of goods and services and form for building reserves and en- has no plans to withdraw the gold
the purchasing power of the Zim- hancing confidence in the foreign coins until such a time when there
babwe dollar. exchange market; is a high preference by the public
This put a lot of salaried work- vi. Sustaining the safety and to hold domestic currency-denom-
ers out of pocket while consumers soundness of the banking system inated assets that can also be used
had to face continually increasing as well as an efficient payment as open market instruments for
prices. system. Banking sector depos- mopping liquidity.
This was addressed by the Re- its also continued to increase for VM: There is continuous
serve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), both local currency and foreign mention of RBZ quasi-fiscal
which had to close banking for a currency, indicating improved activities is this still the case
few days in order to arrest the sit- confidence in the banking sector. and why?
uation. vii. Improving foreign curren- JM: The mention of RBZ qua-
Things have since stabilised cy generation in the economy as si-fiscal activities relates to lega-
somewhat as the government shown by the increase in foreign cy debt that was contracted by the
reined in errant suppliers who currency receipts to around US$12 bank in the past on behalf of gov-
were in fact they key drivers of in- billion by end of 2022, the high- ernment, which the government
creasing US dollar rates while the est ever, from averages of around has taken over through the Fi-
RBZ upped interest rates to 200% US$6 billion witnessed during the RBZ governor John Mangudya nance Act No 7 of 2021.
to stem speculative borrowing. dollarisation era; Currently, the bank has not
The auction did meet demand for viii. Gained milestones on Fin- continue under the current fiscal towards the de-dollarisation pro- been conducting any quasi-fiscal
productive foreign exchange cap- tech innovation as shown by the and monetary stance, wherein the cess. activities and there are no plans
ital but the build up of a backlog increase in the number of Fintech government and the bank have In addition, the deliberate poli- to do so in the outlook period.
indicated inadequate supply in the products on the market. The Fin- committed to staying the course cy stance by government that, cer- VM: Lending to the produc-
formal banking system. tech regulatory sandbox has gone of a tight fiscal and monetary pol- tain transactions should be done tive sector is key. What has
We also saw the launch of gold a long way in promoting innova- icy stance and continued insist- exclusively in local currency will been the result of the various
coins and this certainly mopped up tion and avoiding major Fintech ence on value for money in gov- gradually assist in de-dollarising credit lines to that sector?
excess RTGS funds and offered an risks by ensuring that the new ernment procurement processes. the economy. JM: The bank has been support-
alternative asset class for the store Fintech products undergo some The moderate currency depreci- De-dollarisation is critically de- ing the productive sector through
of value. tests and checks before being in- ation being witnessed in the par- pendent on price stability which the Medium-term Bank Accom-
At the centre of all this is the troduced onto the market; allel market is mainly due to cur- leads to indifference between modation (MBA) facility over and
RBZ govenor John Mangud- ix. Achieving external sector rency preference or value preser- holding the local currency and the above its use of moral suasion to
ya (JM) who spoke to economist sustainability as evidenced by vation purposes, which responds US dollar. encourage banks to lend to the
Vince Musewe (VM) regarding sustained current account sur- to the increase and decrease of VM: Has the auction backlog productive sectors.
his views on the state of the econ- pluses and robust generation of money in the market. been cleared now and if not, A cumulative $10,7 billion has
omy and prospects for 2023. Below foreign currency receipts which As such the focus going forward what is your plan? been disbursed under the MBA
are excerpts from the interview. have assisted in supporting ex- will be on finding ways to sustain- JM: The bank has cleared the facility to date at a lower inter-
VM: John, 2022 was quite change rate stability; and ably preserve the value of the lo- auction system backlog and there est rate of 100% compared to the
a year. What were your main x. Created a strong platform for cal currency to reduce appetite for is no risk of creating another for- Bank policy rate of 200%.
achievements as a central robust economic growth of 7.2% holding the US dollar for store-of- eign currency backlog as the tight About 70% of bank lending is
bank? in 2021 and 4% in 2022, above the value purposes. monetary and financial condi- mainly to the productive sectors
JM: The year 2022 was a chal- sub-Saharan African average The current efforts by the bank tions have curtailed the demand of the economy.
lenging one, not only for Zimba- growth rate of 3.6%. to stabilise inflation are the pri- for foreign currency in the auc- The credit support to the pri-
bwe, but globally as most central VM: As a regulator what is mary focus of achieving this com- tion system, particularly for spec- vate sector together with the pos-
banks experienced renewed infla- the current status of the bank- plemented by value-preservative ulative purposes. itive contribution of the foreign
tionary pressures caused by the ing sector? instruments such as the gold coin Precisely, we have seen a signifi- currency auction system towards
Russia-Ukraine conflict. JM: The banking sector is safe and interest-bearing instruments. cant drop in auction bid amounts supporting industry has result-
This conflict caused some un- and sound and continues to sup- I can, therefore, confidently say from levels of around US$40 mil- ed in improved production across
expected increases in energy and port the productive sectors of the that the stability in the foreign ex- lion per week to current levels of the productive sectors.
food prices, leading to rising in- economy, in line with the National change market currently obtain- around US$15 million per week. Industry capacity utilisation,
flation across the globe. The crisis Development Strategy 1. The sec- ing is the new normal going for- The savings from the auction for example, improved to close to
saw many central banks across the tor is adequately capitalised with ward. It is durable. envelope will enable the bank to 60% in 2022 compared to 47% in
world increasing policy interest average capital adequacy and tier VM: The business sector and support the sustained liberalisa- 2020.
rates to contain rising inflation. 1 ratios of 35,45% and 23,97%, re- others have been crying for tion of the WBWS foreign curren- Total export receipts have also
Zimbabwe was not spared as spectively as at September 30, more exchange rate liberalisa- cy trading system through sales increased to a record high of
the rising oil and food prices fil- 2022. The sector is profitable and tion, what is your position on of foreign currency to authorised about US$6,5 billion by November
tered into our domestic inflation, asset quality has remained satis- the matter? dealers as well as the building of 2022 compared to US$5,1 billion
especially between April and July factory as reflected by a low aver- JM: The adoption of the WBWS foreign exchange reserves. same period in 2021.
2022. age non-performing loans (NPLs) foreign exchange market was a VM: The (International Mon- The support to the manufactur-
The Bank responded with sev- to total loans ratio of 1,41% as at bold step towards exchange rate etary Fund) IMF in their lat- ing sector has also seen domesti-
eral bold measures to contain the September 30, 2022. liberalisation. est report on Zimbabwe has cally produced goods significant-
rising inflation which had seemed VM: Inflation has certainly Further liberalisation meas- recommended the phasing out ly increasing and now account for
to go out of hand. come down, do you think this ures will be done in a gradual ap- of gold coins. What are your over 70% of domestic retail sales.
The country’s major achieve- will be sustainable? proach, which is more preferred views on that? VM: Access to capital for
ments in 2022 were as follows: JM: The bank anticipates con- to a big bang approach given JM: The IMF mission team to SMEs remains a challenge in
i. Reversing the upward infla- taining the month-on-month in- where we are coming from. Zimbabwe did not fully appreciate Zimbabwe. What should be
tionary trajectory in the month- flation below 3% for the next six As indicated in the bank’s Mon- the bank’s noble objective of in- done?
on-month inflation from a peak of months of 2022 and reducing it etary Policy Committee (MPC) troducing gold coins into the do- JM: The bank has been sup-
30.7% in June 2022 to 3.2% in Octo- further to historical month-on- press statement of December 2, mestic economy. porting initiatives to promote the
ber and to levels below 3% in No- month averages of less than 2% 22022, the bank will further liber- They view the issuance of gold SMEs that are strategically im-
vember and December 2022; thereafter. alise the foreign exchange market coins as tantamount to interven- portant in contributing towards
ii. Reducing the parallel mar- This trajectory will see annual during this first quarter of 2023. ing in the foreign exchange mar- the country’s GDP, exports, em-
ket exchange rate premium from inflation falling below 40% at the VM: You once mentioned a ket, thus depleting the foreign ex- ployment, and poverty reduction.
above 140% in May 2022 to current end of 2023 and to single-digit lev- 10-year de-dollarisation plan. change reserves. Given the importance of the
levels of below 20%, which is con- els by March 2024, thus giving us Is it working? The bank, however, views the MSMEs sector, the bank launched
sistent with the levels observed in a monetary policy or inflation tar- JM: The suggestion for a phased gold coins as an alternative prod- Financial Inclusion Strategy
most countries; get horizon of 12 months. de-dollarisation process of at least uct or asset to foreign currency in Number 2 whose focus is to pro-
iii. Successfully rolling out gold In this context, the bank is stay- five years was out of the realisa- the economy’s dual currency sys- mote financial access and use by
coins as retail open market oper- ing the course of the current tight tion that de-dollarisation is a pro- tem, hence a retail open market all economic players, including
ations instrument and an alter- monetary policy stance to ensure cess, not an event as guided by em- operations instrument for store the previously marginalised play-
native investment product for the that the obtaining disinflationary pirical evidence of countries that of value and for mopping excess ers that include the youth, wom-
store of value to the US dollar. The path is sustained. have gone through a de-dollarisa- liquidity. en, MSMEs and those in the rural
contribution of this instrument VM: The US dollar rate has tion process, such as Bolivia, Isra- The use of gold coins for mop- areas and agricultural sector.
to the current stability cannot be certainly been less volatile, es- el, Chile and Cuba, among others. ping excess liquidity is particular- The bank has been supporting
overemphasised; pecially in the second half of At the moment, we believe that ly important in the dual currency the productive sectors, inclusive
iv. Liberalising the exchange 2022. Is that the new normal the country has reached an opti- environment where the public has of primary agriculture, agro-pro-
rate through the successful im- going forward? mal mix of currencies in the mul- a choice of holding both the US cessing and small and medium
plementation of the willing-buy- JM: The past drivers of signif- ti-currency basket and this ar- dollar and local currency. enterprises, through the medium-
er willing-seller (WBWS) foreign icant exchange rate instability rangement is working well for the In such an environment, when term bank accommodation facil-
currency trading mechanism as have correctly been identified and country. the public prefers holding the US ity, which is accessed at conces-
a benchmark for the auction sys- were mainly to do with forward The focus going forward will dollar and have less appetite to sional interest rates. Since its in-
tem, which has continued to serve pricing behaviour by business, es- be to promote the use of local cur- hold domestic currency-denomi- troduction, a total of $10.7 billion
the country as an efficient allot- pecially by the suppliers of goods rency, necessary to foster export nated assets, the use of gold as a had been disbursed by November
ment platform in a dual curren- and services to government, mar- competitiveness and increase pro- liquidity-mopping instrument is 2022.
cy environment. The WBWS for- ket indiscipline and cost of mon- duction and productivity across more effective. Most of the disbursements
eign currency trading platform ey which was not consistent with the economy. Thus, the bank views the gold went into the agriculture sector
is working well as a price discov- the desired inflation path. Of late, we have witnessed in- coins as a necessary open mar- to finance both winter and sum-
ery system, with the auction con- In this context, the stability in creased demand for local curren- ket operations instrument if the mer cropping seasons.
tinuing to be a platform for gaug- the US dollar rate is expected to cy, which is critical for moving economy continues with a dual CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 7

Local News

Nurse recruitment bottlenecks handicap women

BY SILENCE MUGADZAWETA possible for a person not to make the right deci- everyone should be able to apply, those who the country as some people who are passion-

sion after completing secondary school, adding do not have internet should be allowed to hand ate about nursing have actually gone to study
he lay on the ground facing the sky, hoping for that the government cannot invest resources in post,” she said. outside the country and some have excelled to
a miracle to happen. someone who is likely to retire early. Human resources experts agree that there is the extent of occupying prominent positions in
Different hymns could be heard in her mind “The country cannot invest in somebody no relationship between age and performance hospitals in the diaspora.
and heart, as she tried to get answers on this who is already getting old. It doesn't work that when it comes to training and employment. “Age doesn't compromise performance. And
particular "curse." way. Nursing is free training done by the gov- Human resources consultant Memory Ngu- occupations that are driven by passion cannot
“Why do my dreams keep being shattered. An interi- ernment; you cannot take government money wi, however, said in some roles older people have an age limit on that. There is a need for the
or monologue was asking numerous questions, as she si- or public funds and fund somebody who retires can actually give value even after they are past age limit to be removed because the older you
lently shed tears, seeing a bleak future for her and her sib- quickly. What would be a person be doing from retirement age. are the more you are aware of what you really
lings who celebrated after she passed 'O’ Level Mathemat- 18 years until 35?." “There is no relation between job perfor- want. There is need for revision because a lot of
ics. Passing Mathematics is regarded as an achievement On online applications, she said the issue mance and age. Even for some roles even after Zimbabweans are leaving to study nursing out-
and a gate-pass to a better life. has been raised in Parliament and the govern- retirement people can continue to give value. side Zimbabwe, meaning the country is losing
Patricia Manji (33)* (not real name) has always wanted ment is looking into making changes for con- The reason why some people think they can get people who could have been employed locally
to be a nurse ever since her mum died due to the non- venience. an advantage out of the younger people is that and add value,” Zvada said.
availability of medical attention. “The issue of online applications is a legiti- they just want them to work more, if you invest In 2017, researchers, Magnus Carlsson and
“I have always wanted to help vulnerable people in un- mate complaint which was raised in Parliament in training in an older person, it means the re- Stefan Eriksson concluded: “The existence of
expected moments. Caregiving is a calling to me. My pas- and the ministry is looking into it,” she said. turn in terms of your training maybe received age discrimination in the labour market could
sion is driven by the fact that our health institutions are Women's Action Group executive director in a shorter period, that is normally why people have serious consequences for both society as
understaffed and this has led to unnecessary loss of lives. Edinah Masiyiwa said accepting online only ap- put age limit, it has nothing to do with job per- a whole and the individuals affected. Another
I want to inspire girls from my village,” said Manji. plications is a misnomer which needs redress- formance,” he said. consequence of discrimination could be lower
She was left to head the family at the age of 13, having ing. Another human capital and strategy consult- occupational mobility.”
dropped out of school more than four times because she “There is a discrepancy in the demand for ant, Emmanuel Zvada concurred with Nguwi *Not their real names
had to fend for her four siblings. online only application, there is inequality and adding that age gap creates a disadvantage for
Having sweated in menial jobs in the surrounding
farms just to afford a meal, she is grateful to their neigh-
bour, Advocate Martin Tsindi who “adopted” them.
It was not so long before the Good Samaritan suc-
cumbed to cancer, catapulting them back to square one.
After writing her 'O’ Levels twice, passing with flying
colours, her hope was to enrol at a nursing school. From
Chadereka village in Muzarabani, Mashonaland Central
Province, with no means to get information on the pro-
cesses, she had to beg a stranger who stayed 8km from
her village for the vacancies page after she saw him wav- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS BOARD
ing a newspaper. Incorporated in terms of the Public Accountants and Auditors Act [Chapter 27:12]
Manji could not believe her eyes, gleaning on an ad-
vert she so wanted. But her fortunes suddenly changed PUBLIC NOTICE NO 1/2023
after reading the call for application for registered gener-
al nurse training intake.
“Must be between the ages of 17 and 30 years on the The Public Accountants and Auditors Board is a body established under the Public Accountants and Auditors Act [Chapter 27:12], as an oversight and
date of commencement of training. Applications must be regulatory body for the accountancy profession in Zimbabwe. One of its major func ons is to maintain the register of prac oners.
submitted not later than 17 April 2022 using the MoHCC
Electronic Platform,” the advert read in part. Below is a list of firms that are registered with the Board, as of 12 January 2023, to offer auditing, accoun ng, taxa on services, as the case may be. The
“I feel like my dreams have been shattered because of registra on is valid through to 30 June 2023.
my age. I wish I was born in a better family, by now I could
have completed my nurse training. Poverty has denied
me access to my passion and dreams. My wish is for this
1. KPMG Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10001 34. Cardinal Chartered Accountants Z10062
to be revised,” Manji said, mumbling incoherent things 2. Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants Z10002 35. Ralph Bomment.Greenacre & Reynolds Z10064
and choking on her sobs with bloodshot and puffy eyes. 3. Deloi e & Touche Z10003 36. MNK Chartered Accountants Z10066
Concern has been raised over age discrimination with 4. BDO Zimbabwe Chartered Accountants Z10004 37. Fairvalue Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe Z10067
most women from disadvantaged backgrounds saying 5. AMG Global Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10005 38. Kreston Chartered Accountants Z10068
they are being left out yet they are passionate about the 6. Grant Thornton Zimbabwe Z10006 39. Cooper & Company Chartered Accountants Z10069
nursing profession. 7. Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10007 40. Marianhill Chartered Accountants Z10071
Statistics show that the female-to-male nurse ratio is al- 8. PKF Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10008 41. Beyond The Ledger Z10072
9. Crowe Chartered Accountants Z10009 42. Daniels & Richards Chartered Accountants Z10074
most 80% to 20%.
10. Global Village Z10012 43. TMC Chartered Accountants Z10075
Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) di- 11. Nolands Harare Chartered Accountants Z10013 44. Parker Russell Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10076
rector, Glanis Changachirere says age cut off on training 12. Sahara Chartered Certified Accountants Z10017 45. IPR Chartered Accountants Z10077
of any nature is discriminatory, especially to women. She 13. PricewaterhouseCoopers Z10020 46. Chiro Public Accountants and Auditors Z10079
said evidence has shown that women progress slowly 14. LCA & Company Chartered Accountants Z10021 47. Kabo Chartered Accountants Z10080
compared to men in as far as training and employment 15. KLMCA Z10022 48. KFN International Z10082
opportunities are concerned. 16. HLB Zimbabwe Chartered Accountants Z10023 49. Novellus Consulting Chartered Accountants Z10086
Changachirere said through her experience working 17. Ballim Chartered Accountants Z10024 50. KUDOS LAM Chartered Accountants Z10088
18. Trust Chikohora and Company Z10025 51. AS Chartered Accountants Z10089
with women from marginalised backgrounds and com-
19. Action Accounting Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10026 52. KRES Chartered Accountants Z10090
munities in IYWD’s empowerment programmes, she has 20. MGI Chartered Accountants Z10027 53. Masterway Consul ng Z10091
discovered that a lot of women actually think of training 21. AP Joffe Chartered Accountant Z10028 54. Integra Chartered Accountants Z10092
and employment opportunities way after turning 30 be- 22. Ga star Chartered Cer fied Accountants Z10030 55. Sahel Chartered Cer fied Accountants Z10093
cause of various circumstances. 23. Chapman Chartered Accountants Z10033 56. Enterprise Accoun ng Services Chartered Acc Z10094
“Policies that put age cuts are policies that draw from 24. Jack and Fieldsand International Z10037 57. De Reflexion Consul ng Z10095
the capitalist discriminatory practice. We work with wom- 25. Clive and Associates Z10040 58. Royal Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe Z10096
en from marginalised communities and when we do em- 26. Schmulian & Sibanda Chartered Accountants Z10044 59. Rockstone Chartered Accountants Z10097
powerment programmes, most of them come to realise
27. A A Omar & Company Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10045 60. Deridon Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe Z10098
28. Mwaturura & Company Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) Z10049 61. MO Chartered Accountants Z10099
they can go back to school and fulfil their dreams and 29. Pla num Accoun ng Services Z10052 62. GC Chartered Accountants & Auditors Z10100
be somebody else. Unfortunately, when they want to do 30. PNA Chartered Accountants Z10054 63. Belta Chartered Accountants Z10101
what they believe in, there is an age limit, creating double 31. Virgin Management Services Z10055 64. Invectus Interna onal Z10102
marginalisation,” she said. 32. Auditax Interna onal CA (Z) Z10057 65. FCM Consul ng Z10103
Added Changachirere: “Women usually go up the lad- 33. D Power (CA) Z Z10060 66. BCA Cer fied Forensic & Public Auditors Z10104
der at a later stage and the uptake of technology is min-
imal to rural people. Thus women suffer multiple forms B. FIRMS REGISTERED WITH THE BOARD TO OFFER ACCOUNTING SERVICES ONLY AS AT 12 JANUARY 2023
of discrimination when it comes to recruitment including NAME OF FIRM FIRM NO NAME OF FIRM FIRM NO
geographical, age, and digital. 1. Chiro Consultants T20006 6. AMG Global Advisory Services (Pvt) Ltd T20025
2. Gramfox Enterprises T20010 7. Crowe Advisory Services T20032
“Revising our laws and making sure that our laws are
3. July Twenty Eight (Pvt) Ltd T20014 8. Instinct Risk Advisory T20033
responsive to the needs of the population is imperative. 4. Stonehouse Consultants T20016 9. Pertonady Chartered Cer fied Accountants T20036
Application for training and opportunities should be cog- 5. Lesbri Accoun ng T20020 10. BCA Cer fied Accoun ng & Advisory Services T20037
nisant of different levels of access to technology, so that
people who are willing to apply are not denied access. A
Shamwari Yemwanasikana development manager Lisa NAME OF FIRM FIRM NO
1. Primergy Investments S10001
Bonongwe says in as much as age discrimination carries
disadvantages, it also avails opportunities and support
for young girls. All registered firms should display their CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION by PAAB at prominent places at their registered offices. Clients and potential
clients have the right to demand sight of the certificate of registra on from a registered firm.
“Putting an age limit to certain career opportunities
is the same as putting gender specifications because as VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION
women we are already at a disadvantage, there is already To protect the public interest, the Board provides a registra on verifica on facility for the informa on of members of the public. Entities inviting the
inequity because of where you come from and a lot of submission of tenders for accounting and/or auditing services, including schools, local authorities and NGOs are encouraged to use the facility.
other things, and to add age to the factor that's some- For further informa on kindly contact the PAAB secretariat at: No 72 Harare Drive, Mount Pleasant, HARARE Telephone: (0242) 301063; 301095 or
thing hindering a lot of women who are already disadvan- 08644106548 Email:
taged. We are living in an era where youth participation is
encouraged and during that age there is a lot of focus giv- PAAB does not regulate unregistered firms and members of the public are advised to use the services of registered firms.
en to this age group. We are seeing a lot of girls getting By Order of the Board
the support system for them to move forward," she said. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS BOARD (PAAB)
However, Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health 12 JANUARY 2023
and Child Care chairperson Ruth Labode said it was im-
8 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Local News

Health delivery system decay, religious

news in depth

“He had mastered all the toddler but he only had two gulps.
stages of sitting, crawling, walk- “He couldn’t swallow the third
ing and was able to communicate one and that was it. He died right
quickly. before my eyes.”
“As a mother, I could see a bright All her deliveries were done
future ahead for my boy only for with the assistance of church
fate to take a cruel course. midwives at home.
“It’s like you planted a flower Hove is, however, a dogmatic
and someone plucks it out. woman. She does not blame any-
“Losing a child is so dishearten- one for the death, as she believes
ing, but as religious people we are it was God’s will.
taught to believe that it is God’s She is, however, not in a club of
will.” her own as the Zimbabwe Statisti-
These were the words of Tendai cal Agency census report of 2022
Hove (not real name) from Garai indicated that death during the
village in Bikita, a staunch mem- first year constitutes the largest
ber of the Johanne Marange Ap- proportion of the total deaths.
ostolic Church. The level of mortality for this
Fate, it seems, has been particu- age group is measured by infant
larly cruel to her. mortality rate, which is the num-
Hove, at the tender age of 21, ber of children dying before they
lost her seventh born child in celebrate their first birthday out Critical shortage of medical equipment at most public hospitals is a cause for concern in Masvingo province
2022. of 1 000 born alive.
The cause of death is unknown The census also indicated that cases of child deaths are coming was there to help me,” she said. port challenges, you can only
since a post-mortem examination the infant mortality rate was from that sect. “There was only one nurse on board a commuter omnibus
was not done due to her religious higher in rural areas than in ur- “We have, however, come up duty. I would shout that the baby around 2am and get to Silveira
beliefs. ban areas. with an initiative that If they do is coming, but the nurse would tell Hospital at 8am,” she said.
Hove remembers vividly how In Masvingo Province, rural ar- not want to visit the hospital we me I was not due to deliver. “In my case, I had so much pain
her son died. eas recorded 63 deaths, but urban are going to have mobile patrols “I had postpartum hemorrhage that I started hallucinating be-
“He was only a year old,” she re- areas recorded 56 deaths per 1000 of health personnel visiting them (PPH), that is heavy bleeding after cause of failing to get to hospital
counted. live births. at their churches.” giving birth, around 4am. on time.
“One day he was playing with Bikita had the highest infant Around 43 million children be- “When the doctor did his “When I got to the hospital, I
other children and I realised that mortality rate of 67 deaths per 1 low the age of five could die be- rounds, he realised that I had been thought I was going to die and
he was not okay although his tem- 000 live births while Masvingo ur- tween 2021 and 2030 globally if due for a long time and the baby cried while wishing that my par-
perature appeared normal. ban had the lowest with 54 deaths government fails to urgently put had low heartbeat. ents were still alive so that they
“At first I thought he had caught per 1 000 live births. in place measures to child mor- “That’s when I was helped to de- could take care of my child if I
a cold since there was an outbreak Chiredzi recorded 67 deaths, tality, United Nations Children's liver my baby. died.
of flue in the neighbourhood. Chivi 65, Gutu 63, Masvingo 58, Fund (Unicef) has said. “I had blood transfusion and my “I felt the baby coming force-
“He was very young and could Mwenezi 64, Zaka 58 and Chiredzi Though in 2020 child and youth baby was put on oxygen, but she fully I didn’t even put any effort,
not explain what was wrong. Urban 57 deaths. mortality was on a downward died around 6am.” it was the most painful moment I
“I, however, remember that he Many villagers in Bikita believe trend compared to previous year She said she was pained by the ever had in my life.
came home touching his neck and religion has contributed to high IMR is still high in rural areas. loss and believes her baby would “I suddenly heard a baby cry
said ‘mama agaja’ (mom it’s pain- infant mortality rates in the dis- There are many reasons for be alive if she had received time- and knew that my baby was out. I
ful ). trict. this. ly assistance. had 18 stitches.
“I woke up the following morn- Maximilan Chigumira, also This includes negligence by Villagers in Bikita also revealed “The whole night other babies
ing ready to go to church to get a known as Headman Chirobho of health personnel as well as low that inadequate health facilities were crying and breastfeeding but
prayer so that he could be deliv- Chirobho village says most cases morale. were contributing to child deaths. mine wasn’t.
ered from this sickness. of child deaths are from members Renia Mupiyo had to bear the In some cases, villagers travel “In the morning the babies had
“Before I left my mother-in- of the apostolic sects. brunt of nurses and doctors’ up to 30km to access health facil- BCG injections, my baby didn’t
law asked to examine the baby’s “We urge people to vaccinate strike at Ndanga Hospital in 2018. ities. cry that’s when I told the nurse
mouth. I then realised that he had their children so that when child “On October 24, 2018, I experi- Some expecting mothers face that my baby is not feeding or cry-
mouth ulcers. killer diseases breakout your chil- enced labour pains in the after- complications on the way to ing like other babies.
“My mother-in-law made a dren will be immunised,” Chigu- noon and boarded a bus to hospi- health centres while others have “They took him and started
cooking oil and salt mixture and mira said. tal,” Mupiyo said. delivered before arriving at hos- feeding her with a pipe but the
brushed his mouth using a feath- “We have the apostolic church- “When I arrived, the nurses pitals. food was coming back through the
er. es whose religion does not believe were on strike. I got in the labor Silveira Mission for example of- nose, they tried to put her on oxy-
“We then cooked some porridge, in going to hospitals and most ward ready to deliver but nobody fers services to people from as far gen that’s when I was told to leave
as Gutu and Dewure. the room, my baby had already
Martha Zuva of Village 25 in died.”

Preliminary delimitation report numbers Chinyika, Bikita, believes she lost

her baby in 2014 due to failure to
access medical facilities on time.
Zuva said transport is a prob-
Sheila Musavengana of Wane-
pi village in Bikita, who lost her
child in 2016, says there is need
for awareness since some deaths

on Mashonaland East don’t add up lem and had spent six hours trav-
elling to Silveira Mission.
“Where we live there are trans-
were caused by lack of informa-
“I went to Mutikizizi Clin-

2007/8 delimitation exercise.
However, using a breakdown of the figures pro-
vided by Zec in the same report, the total number
of registered voters in the province tallies at 644
BY ZIMFACT 256 and not the 641 668 that is carried in the pre-
liminary delimitation report.
Zimbabwe’s social media is alive with a debate There is a difference of 2 588 voters.
on a preliminary delimitation report compiled by Commenting briefly on each constituency, the
the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) which total figure of registered voters in Marondera
is currently under review in parliament, with ar- East constituency given by the commission is 25
guments focusing mainly on the calculation of 117, but a calculation of the voters from the in-
voter numbers and accusations of suspected ma- dividual wards tabulated as 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 19, 20,
nipulation of data by Zec in some provinces. 21,22 and 23 of Marondera Rural District Council
One of the claims is that the number of regis- leaves the number at 22 529 voters.
tered voters in Mashonaland East Province from
the figures provided does not add up. Conclusion:
In this case, is this true or false? There might be an error in the calculations
Verdict: True made by Zec in their preliminary delimitation re-
The Zec figures in the preliminary report shows port as the figures of registered voters in Masho-
that Mashonaland East Province had 641,668 reg- naland East province are not adding up.
istered voters as of May 30, 2022. Zec says the preliminary delimitation report is
The commission says this figure is 17 038 voters subject to corrections and the commission will
more than the 2007/8 total for the province, which consider feedback before producing the final doc-
has 23 constituencies allocated to it during the last ument.
Maximilan Chigumira, also known as Headman Chirobho
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 9

Local News

beliefs fuel child deaths in Masvingo

ic to have a checkup, a lot of mothers were talk- mation about baby care and the benefits of breast-
ing about their babies kicking in the womb, as it feeding.”
was my first pregnancy, I didn’t know how a baby He said negligence by health personal is debat-
kicks,” Musavengana said. able but with the exodus of staff there is inade-
“I asked them how a baby kicks and they asked quate staff members.
if mine wasn’t kicking and I told them that I did “The issue of negligence by health personnel is
not even know how a baby kicks. still debatable. With this exodus of staff, you will
“I went back home but I started having a stom- realise that we are having inadequate staff mem-
ach ache. bers on the ground.
“When I went to the toilet, I then realised I was “The nurse-midwife ratio is not favourable such
bleeding and that really shook me. I then went to that there is delay in accessing some of these ser-
my aunt and told her. vices because of the ratios.
“I then started having labour pains so we walked “In some cases, it's one midwife attending 10
to hospital. women, so considering the time one will spend on
“It’s a mountainous area and we had to travel one woman before moving to the other woman, we
6km to Silveira Hospital. will actually have delays which actually bring in
“We could not reach Silveira Mission Hospital unfavourable results.”
as I had a delivered on the way. *This feature was written with support
“The baby was already dead and I believe she from the Voluntary Media Council under a
had died some time ago, because the environment project aimed at unravelling issues affecting
was smelly. minority groups. Tendai Hove
“The baby’s skin was peeling off. We continued
with our journey to the hospital where I had my
womb cleaned.”
Masvingo provincial medical director Amade-
us Shamhu says the state of health institutions
in Masvingo is good, but concurred that there is
need for more facilities, given distances between
“At the moment the state of our health facilities
in Masvingo is good we are only having a chal-
lenge in some areas like Bikita District where we
have new settlements along the conservancy area,
which consists of Devule 1, 2, Odzi and Gava and it
covers about 85km with one facility,” Shamu said.
“It means one will have to travel a distance of
20km and for pregnant women this delays one in
seeking medical health.
“To curb high infant mortality rate in rural ar-
eas, government is rolling out highly trained per-
sonnel on health institutions, supplying of oxygen
and oxytocin for the babies and mothers respec-
tively, construction of pregnant mothers' shelter
and grid power supply at every institution with
back up.
“We have the Marange apostolic sect which is
not adherent to our medical services.
“They are a closed community and we have en-
couraged our health workers in the grassroots to
accomodate those who are coming forth but prefer
not to be disclosed as this helps us in saving life.”
But over the years, however, Masvingo health
institutions, including Masvingo Provincial Hos-
pital — the biggest referral health centre in the
province serving 1,7 million people, have been in
the news for operating without basics.
These include oxygen and surgical blades. This
has often led to delays in ceasarian operations,
leading to avoidable deaths.
A human rights defender Munyaradzi Venge-
sayi said government should take action to halt
the high infant mortality rate in the rural areas.
“In terms of section 29 (1) Constitution of Zim-
babwe Amendment No 20, the State must take all
practical measures to ensure the provision of
basic, accessible and adequate health services
throughout Zimbabwe,” Vengesayi said.
“The state should endeavor to build more hos-
pitals and clinics in rural areas for easy access of
health services during pregnancy, delivery and af-
ter delivery.
“Government should also carry out programs
and awareness campaigns in a bid to teach wom-
en in rural areas about their rights, complications
encountered during pregnancy and the impor-
tance of being checked up at local clinics.”
Zimbabwe Confederation of Midwives president
Obert Nyatsuro urged government to strengthen
some of its policies like the use of family planning
methods and fund health care system as a meas-
ure to reduce infant mortality rate in rural areas.
“Government should also fund health care sys-
tem so that they will be in a position to avail medi-
cation for the treatment of pre-existing conditions
as these conditions will expose women to pre-ma-
turity delivery or intra and ultra-growth restric-
tion, those conditions that will affect the fetus
whilst in the uterus such that when they are born
they are not born in a compromised state,” Nyat-
suro said.
“We are advocating for drills; we’re having mid-
wives in the field to be kept sensetised on obstet-
ric emergencies on the pre-natal care on how best
we can prepare women for consumption so as to
reduce infant mortality rate.
“We encourage the utilisation of family plan-
ning services and treatment of pre-existing con-
ditions like Hypertension, Anemia, HIV and Aids
and we encourage the vaccination of new borns at
the appropriate times and the provision of infor-
10 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Comment & Opinion

Zim does not need

another disputed poll
he production of the preliminary wards and
constituencies delimitation report by the Zim-
babwe Electoral Commission (Zec) recently
marked the beginning of the election season and
indications are that this will not be an ordinary
Zec’s report, which is now before Parliament, has
generated a lot of controversy with accusations
that there was a lot of gerrymandering and breach-
es of the constitution during the delimitation exer-
cise mainly to benefit the ruling party.
A parliamentary ad-hoc committee led by Zanu
PF’s Pupurayi Togarepi on Friday tabled its find-
ings in the National Assembly where anomalies
were exposed. OPINION
Some of the concerns raised by the committee
were that there was insufficient information in the
description of wards; Zec used a highly complicat- Zec delimitation report: Electoral rigmarole and elite discohesion?
ed coordinate system, the report had unlabelled
wards, polling stations were not indicated on the BY ZDI (6) In dividing Zimbabwe into wards and by Veritas makes lots of sense.
maps and that Zec might have misinterpreted mini- constituencies, the Zimbabwe Electoral Com- Zec should have allowed constituencies to

mum and maximum thresholds for constituencies. he preliminary delimitation report done mission must, in respect of any area, give due vary up-to 10% above the average (30 404)
An activist believed to be aligned to one of the by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission consideration to: and 10% below (24 876) and make sure all
Zanu PF factions has already signalled his inten- (Zec) and the attendant politics have (a) its physical features; constituencies range from 24876 to 30404
highlighted three key issues peculiar to com- (b) the means of communication within registered voters.
tion to challenge the delimitation process in court petitive authoritarian regimes that need to be the area; This will give them a 19% variation.
claiming that it was flawed. identified and resolved ahead of 2023. (c) the geographical distribution of regis- If Zec had widely consulted key stakehold-
It has also emerged that seven Zec commission- First is the capture of the electoral system tered voters; ers in Zimbabwe as stated in section 37(A) of
ers refused to sign the report citing alleged devia- by the ruling elite to influence the electoral (d) any community of interest as between the Electoral Act, this error could have been
tion from constitutional provisions that must guide outcome through gerrymandering, calculat- registered voters; avoided.
ed to disorient the main opposition and ben- (e) in the case of any delimitation after the Zimbabwe has been described as an ‘elec-
the process. efit the ruling party. first delimitation, existing electoral bounda- toral authoritarian regime’ which holds reg-
Parliament will debate the report this week be- These include collapsing of constituencies ries; and ular and competitive multiparty elections
fore Zec is allowed to finalise it, but indications are with more registered voters to beef-up con- (f) its population; and to give effect to while the electoral process systematically vi-
that the outcome may not be accepted by those as- stituencies with less registered voters and these considerations, the Commission may olates the basic principles governing demo-
multiplying constituencies with Zanu PF ma- depart from the requirement that constituen- cratic elections.
piring for office in elections set for later this year.
jorities in Harare to list a few. cies and wards must have equal numbers of The lack of quality consultation was delib-
The controversy around the delimitation exer- This paper gives an analysis of the Zec pre- voters, but no constituency or ward of the lo- erate in order to simultaneously push and ad-
cise comes at a time when there are already con- liminary delimitation report to underline evi- cal authority concerned may have more than vance a factional position in the Zanu PF elite
cerns about the pre-election environment where dence of this. 20% more or fewer registered voters than the power struggles and disadvantage the oppo-
President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government is Second is the elite discohesion within Zanu other such constituencies or wards. sition.
PF, which is identified as a precursor for a pos- The law intended to balance two key prin- The report shows evidence of Zec’s gerry-
accused of making it difficult for his opponents –
sible authoritarian breakdown. ciples of democratic elections applicable mandering done to benefit Zanu PF.
especially the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) This is shown through a sudden discohe- when doing delimitation. This is clearer when one looks at the con-
– to campaign. sion within Zec and between Zec and key al- First being to ensure numerical equality of stituencies affected by the erroneous delimi-
Police have, since last year, been banning CCC lies of Mnangagwa affected by the prelimi- constituencies and wards in terms of regis- tation.
rallies and meetings after giving outrageous rea- nary delimitation. tered voters (section 161(3- 4)). Many constituencies delimited by Zec fall
Thirdly, Zec’s incompetence has been The second being to prevent gerrymander- outside the permissible limits.
sons. CCC activists are also routinely arrested for
shown by failure to follow constitutional pro- ing or creation of constituencies with physical Gerrymandering strategies identified so far
mobilising support for their party while Zanu PF visions, failure to follow simple arithmetic and geographic settings that make it difficult include: i) use of a wrong formula to calcu-
and opposition parties that are sympathetic to it calculations to determine constituency and for voters to participate in a uniform manner late minimum and maximum number of reg-
are allowed to campaign without any hindrances. ward delimitation and the lack of consulta- (section 161(6)). istered voters to determine size of each con-
There is also the spectre of political violence that tion of key stakeholders. Thus the criteria to balance these two prin- stituency; and
Fundamentally, the botched delimitation ciples deduced from this section is that the ii) inconsistent application of criteria used
has blighted the pre-election period and these are
report speaks to infighting within the ruling number of voters in each constituency or to determine the number of constituencies
all ingredients of a disputed election. party elites. ward can vary by up to 20% above or below per province.
Zimbabwe has a history of disputed elections It is a continuation of the post-coup and the average. Use of a wrong formula For example, Binga
that stretches to the early years of independence post-2022 Zanu PF congress – the unresolved This section 161(6) has been criticised for North constituency has a total voter popula-
and there is need to break that vicious cycle. Zanu PF leadership question post-Mugabe. lack of clarity and explicit design of the for- tion of 8 1 118, which could create three con-
Our view is that, the delimitation report mula to be used to calculate constituency stituencies with 27 039 voters, the registered
There is still time for Zec to come up with a delim-
generally and overall benefits Zanu PF as a and ward sizes. voters according to Zec are 31307 which is
itation report that does not violate the constitution political party but disadvantages one faction In attempt to calculate the constituency above the maximum of 30404.
and is fair to all the political parties. in the power matrix and configuration of the and ward sizes, Zec has erroneously come up A logical explanation is that Binga North
The authorities also need to do more to create a securocratic state. with constituencies that vary by up to 20% would have resulted in additional two con-
conducive environment for free and fair elections The measure of the extent of democracy in above and 20% below the average as explic- stituencies created in an opposition strong-
the electoral process is provided for in Article itly stated in the preliminary delimitation re- hold.
by ensuring that all political parties are equal be-
17 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elec- port page 11 which states that: “In order to Churu (33 001 voters), Harare South (32676)
fore the law and they should stamp out political vi- tions and Governance read together with determine the voter population thresholds and Harare East (33 103) are well above the
olence. the Declaration on the Principles Governing permissible in line with section 161(6) of the maximum (30 404).
Zimbabwe does not deserve another disputed Democratic Elections in Africa particularly ar- constitution, the total number of registered What this error does is to under represent
election. ticle 4(a,b,e) which stipulates that: voters at the national level was divided by the Harare population while over represent-
Democratic elections should be conduct- 210 constituencies resulting in a national av- ing others.

Quote of the week

ed: a) freely and fairly; erage of 27 640 voters per constituency. It can be argued that Zec sought to use this
b) under democratic constitutions and A 20% variance from the national average to avoid creation of additional constituen-
in compliance with supportive legal instru- was then determined resulting in a maximum cies in areas prone to be won by the opposi-
ments; registered voter threshold of 33 169 and a tion and the net outcome is the protection of
e) by impartial, all-inclusive competent ac- minimum threshold of 22 112 voters. Zanu PF majority in parliament.
countable electoral institutions staffed by Thus, any such constituency delimited was In conclusion the Zec preliminary delimita-
well-trained personnel and equipped with expected to fall within the minimum and tion report confirms assertion that have been
“The committee noted that in the spirit of promoting adequate logistics; maximum thresholds. averred by the Zimbabwe Democracy Insti-
and observing the principles of good governance The emphasis is placed on the need for Zec ”As argued by Veritas (2023), constituen- tute since 2012 that the independence of Zec
that encompass transparency, justice and fairness, to conduct its delimitation process in a man- cies that vary up to 20% above that average is compromised by its strong links with the
the report should have provided justifications for ner that is free, fair and in accordance with the (33169) and 20% below the average (22112) ruling party and the securocratic state com-
collapsing constituencies and wards,” chairperson constitution and by ‘well-trained personnel’. have a difference of up to 40%, which contra- plex and incompetent to handle democratic,
of the parliamentary ad hoc committee Pupurai In the constitution of Zimbabwe the de- venes section 161(6) of the constitution, and free and fair election in Zimbabwe.
Togarepi presenting their findings of the preliminary limitation process is stipulated in section 160 the Declaration on the Principles Governing *This is an extract from a paper by the
delimitation report in parliament on Friday. and 161. Democratic Elections in Africa particularly Ar- Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI) titled:
For this paper, particular attention is given ticle 4(b). Zec delimitation report: Electoral rigmarole
to section 161(6) which states that: To correct this error, the formula proposed and elite discohesion?
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 11

Letters to the Editor

Zim human rights situation deteriorated in 2022 ONLINE

T he human rights climate in Zimbabwe de-
teriorated in 2022 without the government
taking any meaningful steps to uphold
gramme estimates that between 30% and 38%
of the rural population is food insecure.
This is despite the minister of agriculture
rights and ensure justice for serious past abus- stating that Zimbabwe would attain food securi- The 2023 schools first term is now in
es primarily committed by state security forces. ty by 2022 through agricultural transformation. session and it has begun on a very
There has been little progress on investiga- Climate change — which has exacerbated tricky note. The term opens amid the
tions into abductions, torture, arbitrary ar- floods, cyclones, and droughts—the Covid-19 expectation of government deliver-
rests, and other abuses against opposition pol- pandemic, and the war in Ukraine have led to a ing on its promise of free education.
iticians and activists. food crisis in the country. climate change exac- Despite the high hopes, reality on
The government has yet to pass the Independ- erbating floods, cyclones, and droughts. the Cov- the ground says otherwise.
ent Complaints Commission Bill to establish an id-19 pandemic, as well as the ongoing war in Reports across our provincial
independent complaint mechanism — as pro- Ukraine have led to a food crisis in the country. boundaries indicate that student at-
vided by Zimbabwe’s constitution — to receive While the government has introduced sever- tendance was 71% for boarding stu-
and investigate public complaints against the al action plans to address the growing food in- dents in private schools and 60%
security services. security in the country, such as the National boarding students in government
Repression of civil society organizations and Nutrition Strategy and the National Policy on schools. In rural areas especially in
activists continued unabated in 2022. In No- Drought Management, there has been no effec- Masvingo there was low teacher
vember 2021 the government proposed a bill tive implementation of farming projects, alleg- and learner attendance because of
to amend the Private Voluntary Organisations edly due to corruption, poor policy implementa- the anticipated harsh weather con-
(PVO) Act to further restrict the operations of tion, and lack of coordination among the ruling ditions. In terms of preparedness,
nongovernmental organisations. and opposition political parties. schools are at zero because most
The government said the amendment is Many parts of Zimbabwe continue to face schools rely on BEAM funds which
aimed at curbing terrorism financing and mon- a water crisis, with some places in Harare go- were only disbursed for first term of
ey laundering to comply with the Financial Ac- ing without safe water for years, and residents 2022. Teacher preparedness is low
tion Taskforce recommendations. turning to potentially contaminated wells and due to incapacitation against a hy-
There are, however, concerns that its passage Tsitsi Dangarembga boreholes. perinflation environment.
would seriously threaten the right to freedom Human Rights Watch research shows that Teacher attendance also varied
of association in the country. Opposition party members — Cecilia neighbouring towns like Chitungwiza, Ruwa, between urban schools and rural
The Cyber and Data Protection Act of 2021 Chimbiri, Netsai Marova and an MP, Joanna Epworth, and Norton draw water from Hara- schools. In settings like Chitungwiza,
has further undermined the rights of Zimba- Mamombe — were in court 61 times between re’s water system, which is reportedly contam- attendance for both teachers and
bweans, including civil society groups and hu- January and May 2022, facing charges of faking inated with algae and toxic substances linked learners was high despite that learn-
man rights defenders. their own abduction. to incidents of water-borne diseases in those lo- ers were turned back home because
In February and March 2022, the authorities The authorities are prosecuting the three cations. of fees arrears which reduced pu-
slowed down the internet significantly with women for reporting that in May 2020 they were In 2022, according to media reports, water pils’ attendance. This also had an ef-
disruptions,during rallies and demonstrations abducted from police custody by suspected state supplies varied from erratic to non-existent in fect on the learning activity as most
by opposition parties and their supporters. security agents, assaulted and sexually abused, some parts of Harare, following a reduction teachers did not deliver lessons in
Section 73 of the Criminal Law (Codification then dumped in Bindura. in water production at Morton Jaffray Water the absence of the majority of stu-
and Reform) Amendment Act, 2006 (Criminal They were accused of taking part in a protest Treatment Waterworks. dents.
Law Code), which punishes consensual same- against the government during the Covid-19 The country’s second largest city, Bulawayo, The economic hardships and an-
sex conduct between men with up to one year lockdown. Failure to investigate these women’s has faced similar water shortages. ticipated harsh weather conditions
in prison, a fine or both, contributes to stigma reports of assault and sexual abuse violates the In March, Bulawayo authorities introduced have been major factors affecting ac-
and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexu- country’s obligation to ensure access to justice 20-hour day water rationing due to poor rain- cess to education in the first week of
al and transgender people. and effective remedies in cases of human rights fall. Access to safe water has also remained a 2023 term 1. The situation exposed
Authorities often arbitrarily arrested, har- violations under international and African re- challenge in rural areas with some areas being the lie in government’s promises of
assed, and prosecuted critics of the ruling par- gional human rights law. more affected than others due to a lack of relia- free education.
ty through lengthy detentions and trials. More than four years after the Motlanthe ble water sources, such as dams and boreholes. Most learners from vulnera-
Notable critic and author, Tsitsi Dangaremb- Commission of Inquiry’s into the 2018 post-elec- The government has taken some positive ble backgrounds depend on BEAM
ga and another protester, Julie Barnes, have tion violence, no steps have been taken to imple- steps to address the crisis, including setting funds. Government also claimed
faced a prolonged trial since their arrest in ment its recommendations. aside US$5.3 million for a critical Harare water to have rolled out free education
July 2020 during an anti-government protest This includes ensuring justice for the six treatment project. through provision of tuition grants.
on charges of public incitement to violence, people killed and 35 injured by government se- There are, however, delays in disbursing the But we can’t call that free education
breach of peace, and bigotry. curity forces. funds, exposing residents to further risks. because where there is free educa-
On September 29, the Harare magistrate The World Bank ranked Zimbabwe second The lingering water crisis has affected the tion learning for all without bracket-
court gave them a six-month suspended jail out of 177 countries for food price inflation be- rights of Zimbabweans under section 77 of the ed funding.
sentence and a fine for participating in a public tween April to July 2022, which has contributed 2013 constitution, which provides for the right Thence, at the beginning of term 1
gathering with the intent to incite violence and to deteriorating food security. to safe, clean, and potable water. in 2023 the government has been ex-
for breaking Covid-19 protocols. As of August 2022, the World Food Pro- Human Rights Watch posed for its failure to deliver free ed-
ucation and poor remuneration has
further made it hard for teachers in

The life and struggle of students at the University of Zimbabwe marginalised communities to attend
work or has also been a form of de-

ARTUZ Information Desk
ith an imploding economy and a con- One of the most defeating challenges that de- Previously, while accommodation was re-
tinuously closing democratic space in fine everyday student life at the University of served for first and final years, further prior-
Zimbabwe, students at state universi- Zimbabwe is lack of access to on-campus ac- ity was given to those who came from outside Voluntary Media
ties and the University of Zimbabwe in par- commodation. Harare.
ticular are faced with an array of challenges UZ has an average student population of This would minimise pressure on those who Council
that they have to confront in their everyday over 18 000, but can only accommodate about did not have homes in Harare or at least rela- of Zimbabwe
life. 6 100 students. tives who could accommodate them.
Admittedly, the nature and degree of chal- This leaves above two thirds of the students’ With the current random-selection-system, The Standard newspaper subscribes to
lenges faced by students differs across gender population as non-resident students. there is a high probability that the few who are a Code of Conduct that promotes truth-
and social groups (males, females, the haves, Generally, the university prioritises univer- allocated accommodation are those who or- ful, accurate, fair and balanced news re-
the have nots and students with disability.) sity on-campus accommodation to first and fi- dinarily reside in Harare (mostly so because porting. If we do not meet these stand-
However, this note serves to bring out some nal year students and students with special they have better access to online accommo- ards, register your complaints with the
of the common issues affecting students at the needs (those with disability and those enrolled dation application platforms than those from Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe
University of Zimbabwe. in programs like medicine). outside Harare), depriving those who come at No 34, Colenbrander Rd, Milton Park
The most besetting challenges that have While the prioritisation is rational, more from further to access accommodation Harare.
characterized everyday struggles at the Uni- than two thirds of students will have to figure Lack of accommodation puts transport pres- Telephone us at 04-778096 or 04-
versity of Zimbabwe include limited access to out how to travel between campus and wherev- sure on students. 778006
on-campus accommodation, transport prob- er they reside, putting pressure on their times Getting transport to and from campus is 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
lems, poorly developed online service system, to study and to attend to lectures efficiently. such a huge hustle that non-residence students Email: or info@
securing industrial attachment in a collapsing The downside of the current accommoda- face on a daily basis (except very few who are Whatsapp: 0772 125 658
economy and captured student representation. tion allocation system is that it is a random- picked up by their parents, spouses or part- Twitter: @vmcz
Arguably, students’ life and the challenges selection-system among the priority groups, ners). Website:
they face at the University of Zimbabwe are a which does not decipher the specific accom- Shumirai Maliseni (Zimbabwe Coalition Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
micro-commentary of the state of the econo- modation needs of the targeted groups of stu- for Debt and Development)
my and politics in the country. dents.

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12 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


They’re now poisoning our children

dress the problems in the health
sector rather than donate ambu-

letter to my people
Constantino Chiwenga
lances to African churches while
some health institutions in ru-
ral areas have no ambulances re-
sulting in patients being ferried
by scotch carts and wheelbarrows
BY DOCTOR STOP IT from their homes for treatment.
It is no wonder why 4 000 health

workers have deserted the coun-
y Dear People all supporters of the party think try for greener pastures where
It is election sea- that he was a worthy replacement requests for better working con-
son again and I in- for baba whose wisdom Ngwena ditions do not run the risk of im-
tend to put my feet can only dream of matching. This prisonment.
up and watch the is not surprising given his lack of Ngwena has surely turned the
circus act by Ngwena as he desper- probity which is why Baba, with country into a banana republic.
ately goes for another term in of- his telescopic foresight, had fired Now the people can see why
fice after being catapulted into the him. baba once said that there was no
post by guns and tanks. It is refreshing, however, to note one who could successfully suc-
This was after he betrayed Baba that not everyone wants to be asso- ceed him.
six years ago. ciated with these sham groupings. The land reform that was cham-
His latest act of desperation has Founder and senior pastor of pioned by baba in 2000 has been
been to recruit schoolchildren un- Celebration Ministries Interna- evidenced by the callous attack Repubric as they have put in place rendered chaotic since the advent
der the grouping Virgin Voters for tional Tom Deuschle did not mince on elderly Citizens Coalition for a law that will imprison health of the Second Reprubric.
ED. his words on what he thought Change supporters in Murehwa. workers for prolonged strikes for The programme was meant to
At first I thought it was someone about the formation of the group- The incident was exposed in a a period of six months. empower disempowered black
making a sick joke until his garru- ing known as Pastors4ED. video that has gone viral on social The provision, signed into law Zimbabweans to get land from the
lous spokesman Nick actually con- “We are seeing today pastors media. by Ngwena stipulates that health white farmers who owned vast
firmed it on Twitter with no sense being manipulated by the state to In the video, alleged Zanu PF workers can strike for up to three tracts of land.
of embarrassment whatsoever. support political ideologies that of- youth militia, with flog sticks are days because they are considered Under Ngwena the land reform
It is one thing to have vendors, ten speak and do things contrary seen questioning the elderly vil- an essential service. has turned into a frenzy of dis-
teachers, pastors, driving instruc- to the word of God. lagers why they were gathered to Unopenga!! order with blacks invading the
tors, miners, entrepreneurs and “This pastors for ED is an abom- support CCC at their old age be- The irony of this law on the farms of other black farm owners
even prostitutes for ED, but to take ination I dare to say it out loud. It fore severely flogging them. health sector is that it has been as shown by the clash last week
schoolchildren and call them vir- is ridiculous. Zanu has distanced itself from passed at a time when the health between police and 1000 Zanu PF
gin voters for ED not only smacks “You cannot be a pastor for ED,” this incident and as usual implied minister is none other than Con- youths who had invaded a farm
of desperation, but is also abhor- he said. Hear hear!!! that the opposition stage-managed stantino who flies to China for in Goromonzi owned by Maxwell
rent and a new low even for the However, the man of God must the beatings, an explanation that treatment abandoning the local Muziwi.
treacherous Ngwena. watch his back after those utter- has very few takers. health institutions he superin- It is indeed a dispensation of
Unopenga!!! ances because the Lacoste goons This is all too familiar given tends which have become death poverty and confusion. Then you
Frog marching schoolchildren might just find a reason to throw that even when those CCC female traps due to lack of basic medi- see people still supporting that
into politics for Ngwena’s selfish him into Chikurubi for six months party members, including Joana cines such as painkillers. military-owned party, which has
political ends is apparently part of without trial like they are doing Mamombe reported to the police Instead of addressing the crisis now been reduced to a shell after
the so-called new dispensation. with Job. that they had been abducted, they in the sector, particularly the poor Gushungo’s overthrow.
We all know that Ngwena is very Ngwena’s so-called new dispen- were the ones who were arrested!! working conditions health work-
unpopular given that although sation is driven by sadists, who Only in a country led by Ngwe- ers are operating under, they have Munopengaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
his party got two-thirds majori- will do anything to remain in pow- na can such madness reign su- decided instead to jail them if they Gushungo Chete Chete!
ty in parliament, he received just er. preme. doth protest too much. Chatunga Chete Chete!
over 50% in the presidential elec- The levels of desperation by The Second Repubric has shown New dispensation, my foot!! Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)
tion in 2018 which shows that not Ngwena and his party is further that it is far worse than the first Ngwena should adequately ad-

Why livestock keeping can

BY IAN SCOONES ties, except by a small consumption
elite, such products are essential for
AT the end of last year, together people’s nutrition, health and well-
with colleagues at IDS, I spent quite being.

be good for the environment

a bit of time making the case for a For many readers of this blog it
more balanced view on livestock may seem odd to have to make such
and the environment. a basic argument about the impor-
We tried to raise the debate dur- tance of livestock.
ing the two big COPs – first in No- But believe me if you read the
vember at COP27 on climate change comment columns of many news-
and then in December at COP15 on papers, listen to activists’ proclama-
biodiversity. tions about the evil of livestock pro-
We produced a series of reports, duction and hear how such views
briefings and videos to help share get wrapped up in policy-making
our (and many others’) research. and donor funding, then such ef-
Why is this necessary? Unfortu- forts – basic as they may seem – are
nately, livestock have been cast as urgently needed.
the villains, contributors to envi- A recent attempt at offering a
ronmental destruction and a major clear and simple statement about
driver of climate change. the importance of extensive live-
While some livestock systems are stock keeping and links to the cli-
obviously damaging, lumping all mate change debate and wider re-
systems into one argument makes source politics is a Primer we pro-
little sense. duced together with the Trans-
The result is a confused policy national Institute and the World
debate — including at the COPs Alliance for Mobile Indigenous Peo-
— that often points the finger of ples and Pastoralists (WAMIP).
blame in the wrong direction. During the COPs, we made the
This results in major injustices case that livestock can be good for
for those livestock keepers who are the environment. Regular fires are essential for ecosystem health in rangelands
guardians of nature and have limit- The effect of livestock on the cli-
ed climate impacts, as we argue in a mate and biodiversity depends on
new article in the IDS Bulletin. which livestock, where. tification, improve biodiversity and create fertile hotspots or mitigate ests, as some assume.
So through the PASTRES pro- Pastoral systems can show neu- address climate change through against fires. Plans for conservation must in-
gramme, which I co-lead, and in al- tral or positive carbon balances, es- ‘carbon offset’ schemes. Regular fires are essential for clude pastoralists and other land
liance with a range of different or- pecially for mobile systems that dis- Initiatives funded by internation- ecosystem health in rangelands. In users who have created valuable
ganisations, we’ve been trying to tribute manure/urine and incorpo- al donors such as the AFR100 and rangeland ecologies, fire is impor- landscapes through use by people
encourage a more sophisticated, rate it, adding to carbon cycling. the ‘Great Green Wall’ are deeply tant for conservation, but it must and their animals over many years.
nuanced debate. For the climate COPs in 2021 and problematic, yet have targeted over be limited and controlled, and this Pastoralists and other livestock
In places like Zimbabwe livestock 2022, we produced a report called one billion hectares of rangelands requires grazing. keepers are too often pitted against
production is integral to mixed “Are livestock always bad for the across the world. In meeting the challenge of in- conservationists.
farming systems and in the drier planet? Rethinking the protein Carefully managed grazing in ex- creasing wildfires, supporting pas- Pastoralism is not compatible
areas, extensive grazing is vital for transition and climate change de- tensive (especially in mobile) live- toral systems is likely to be much with a style of conservation that
people’s livelihoods. Meat and milk bate“. A short 2-min video explains stock systems is essential for biodi- more successful than just focusing encloses and excludes, but exten-
production is vital for income earn- the basic argument, and a series of versity conservation in many eco- on fire suppression and more fire- sive livestock-keeping can be cen-
ing for many – whether from cattle briefings outline some of the key systems across the world. fighters. tral to more people-centred conser-
or from goats and sheep. findings Mobile pastoral systems can cre- What is ‘natural’ and what is vation approaches.
And while animal-sourced foods Mass tree planting schemes are ate bio-corridors through tran- ‘wild’ is deeply contested. Range- – zimbabweland
are not consumed in huge quanti- proposed as a way to combat deser- shumance routes, disperse seeds, lands are not simply degraded for-
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 13

New perspectives

Good Governance: Zimbabwe’s 2023 resolution

BY PAISON TAZVIVINGA comes of those decisions. It simply means the post-inde-
This goes hand in glove with the pendence leadership has not deliv-
As the New Year begins, it is time understanding that when people ered to the masses’ expectations.
for reflection and looking forward. raise their voices, they are not call- High-level recommendations
It is time to say goodbye to the ing for the illegal removal of the sit- As the country enters into an-
things that did not go as planned ting government but they are call- other year of harmonised elec-
and to embrace new opportunities ing for better service delivery and tions, there could not be a better
that the year ahead may bring. accountability from the powers new year’s resolution than to wish
The new year offers a chance to that be. for better governance from whoev-
set goals and resolutions, not only The current governance system er wins the forthcoming elections.
at a personal level but at institu- seems to fall short of the above-nar- There are many ways in which
tional and country levels too. rated good governance principles. good governance can be promoted
At country level, it is a time to In earnest, the governance sys- and strengthened.
start afresh and make positive tem seems to be taking us back- One key way is through the use
changes in people’s lives. wards. of international assistance and
The year 2022 has not been kind One can easily pick a few point- support.
to Zimbabwe and her people. ers to the bleakness that now sur- This can take the form of finan-
Despite the ongoing work and, in rounds us. cial assistance, technical assis-
some instances, completion of in- First, the productive commercial tance, and capacity building to help
frastructure projects, the general farms are now a thing of the past as our country build the institutions
standard of life of the masses con- pfumvudza has taken over. and systems that are necessary for
tinues to deteriorate. Secondly, the successful large effective and responsible govern-
The percentage of Zimbabweans gold mines have been replaced ance.
living in extreme poverty below the by informal gold miners dotted Another way to promote good
international poverty datum line Pfumvudza has taken over from the productive commercial farms around the country leaving an eye- governance is through the use of
(PPP $1.90/person/day) increased sore of open pits. civic education and awareness-rais-
from 43% in 2021 to 49% in 2022. At its most basic, good govern- press, which can help to ensure that Thirdly, solar units, boreholes ing efforts.
According to the World Bank, ance refers to the effective and re- those in power are not able to abuse and septic tanks have replaced the This can help to build a culture
macroeconomic volatility, high de- sponsible management of a coun- their positions. electricity system, tap water and of accountability and responsibili-
pendence on low-productivity ag- try, organisation, or group. It also means that there are mech- sewer reticulation system, respec- ty among citizens, as well as a great-
riculture, the lack of creation of It encompasses a wide range of anisms in place for holding individ- tively. er understanding of the impor-
high-productivity jobs and inter- issues, including transparency, ac- uals accountable for their actions The masses have been treated to tance of good governance.
mittent shocks — such as droughts countability, rule of law and partic- such as through elections or other isolated cases of prosperous indi- In addition, civil society organ-
and the Covid-19 pandemic — have ipation. forms of accountability. vidual farmers and informal min- isations can play a critical role in
all contributed to increasing vul- When good governance is pre- The rule of law is also critical for ers. promoting good governance.
nerability in both urban and rural sent, there is a strong likelihood good governance. Whilst the stories are great, it These groups can act as a check
areas. that a country or organisation will This means that there are clear is an indictment on the economy on those in power, bringing issues
The World Bank went on to as- be well-managed, efficient, and able laws and regulations in place that that people are resorting to prima- to light and holding individuals ac-
certain that Zimbabwe’s economic to effectively address the needs and are consistently and fairly enforced. ry occupations like agriculture and countable for their actions.
development continues to be ham- concerns of its citizens or mem- This helps to ensure that every- small-scale mining because higher- They can also serve as a voice for
pered by price and exchange rate bers. one is treated equally under the law level activities are simply not via- those who may not otherwise have
instability, the misallocation of pro- One key aspect of good govern- and that there is predictability and ble. a say in the decision-making pro-
ductive resources, low investment, ance is transparency. fairness in the legal system. All professionals now find them- cess.
and limited structural transforma- This means that there is open- This also helps to attract invest- selves taking the agriculture or in- May the new year bring better
tion. ness and honesty in the decision- ment in key economic sectors. formal mining route because ply- governance to the country that the
High inflation, multiple ex- making process, and that informa- Capital does not favour markets ing their professional trades surely late Tanzanian president Julius
change rates, unsustainable debt tion is readily available to those where the legislative field and the leads to poverty. Mwalimu Nyerere once dubbed,
levels and the ineffective control of who need it. economic outlook are unstable and This is the unfortunate situation ‘the jewel of Africa’.
public spending have increased the This can be achieved through the cannot be predicted for the next 20 that we find ourselves in. *Paison Tazvivinga is a devel-
cost of production, reduced incen- use of freedom of information laws, years – let alone the next 12 months Our jewel is now a sad case of opment economist based in Pre-
tives for productivity-enhancing open meetings, and other measures as has been our case. each man for himself where lead- toria, South Africa
investment, and encouraged infor- that allow the public to have access Participation is another impor- ers appeal more to self-interest at These weekly articles are
mality. to information about how decisions tant aspect of good governance. the expense of the greater good of coordinated by Lovemore
The above factors point to poor are being made and how public re- This means that people have the the masses. Kadenge, an independent con-
governance at the three major gov- sources are being used. opportunity to have a say in the The fact that people started to sultant, managing consultant
ernance levels in our country. Accountability is another impor- decisions that affect their lives, benchmark the current economic of Zawale Consultants (Private)
Most of the challenges bedevil- tant aspect of good governance. whether through elections, public trajectory to Smith’s days is an in- Limited, past president of the
ling us could easily be solved by This means that those in posi- consultation, or other forms of par- dictment of the post-independent Zimbabwe Economics Society
choosing to do things the right way. tions of power are held accountable ticipation. leadership. and past president of the Char-
Mostly the political will to imple- for their actions and decisions. When people have a stake in the Whether the benchmark is right tered Governance & Accountan-
ment good governance is the miss- This can be achieved through the decision-making process, they are or wrong, is a story for another day cy Institute in Zimbabwe. Email-
ing link in our efforts to lead better use of checks and balances such as more likely to feel a sense of owner- but the fact that it is happening, and
lives. an independent judiciary and a free ship and responsibility for the out- speaks volumes. Mobile No. +263 772 382 852

Open letter to RBZ governor John Mangudya aged at the infant stage hence the poi-
sonous advice of Gura ’s team.
To you my brothers I say, hold on to
your gold coins! You worked too hard to
get to this point.
I would go on to advise continued and
My dear brother, coins. bwe of accelerating liberalisation any country to solve its economic woes. unlimited use of the gold coins, for as
As a passionate protagonist of the gold “Fund staff recommended accelerat- faster. It is clear that the real work of the or- long as it takes, not only to achieve infla-
coins, I stay astutely alert to everything ing the liberalisation of the foreign ex- All the other recommendations in the ganisation is to keep the developing tion reduction but to seize control of the
happening around them. change market, including through the statement have already been done as far world - Zimbabwe in particular subservi- exchange rate through special adapta-
Nevertheless, readers of this column removal of restrictions on the exchange back as the days of the previous governor ent to western hegemony and pressure tions coupled with a gradual phasing out
accosted me and dragged me from my rate at which banks, authorised dealers Gideon Gono but to no avail. to maintain the flow of cheap raw mate- of the Casino Royale.
resting place demanding a response to and businesses transact; addressing the This is well-known Keynesian textbook rials to the west as you grapple with eco- This is the solution needed to achieve
an International Monetary Fund (IMF) RBZ’s quasi-fiscal operations to mitigate theory, which has repeatedly failed in nomic solutions which do not work. Lat- stability. Everything else will fall into place
prescription for the country’s economic liquidity pressures; maintaining an ap- Zimbabwe and has previously made you er on they will blame you for the failure after this.
woes. propriately tight monetary policy stance see demons. of their prescriptions citing weak imple- As for the Casino Royale, its only func-
I want to thank and congratulate you to durably restore macroeconomic sta- The only problem needing urgent at- mentation on your part. tion has been to provide a platform for
and your boss the Finance minister Mthu- bility and ensure social stability; restor- tention by the RBZ is the volatile ex- The IMF team is fully aware that the the head-on collision between the US
li Ncube for defending the use of the gold ing the effectiveness of monetary policy, change rate which has for many years gold coins are the only solution to the sta- dollar and the local unit, a collision analo-
coins during the visit by the IMF team including through the use of appropri- been the target of speculators and agent bility of our currency which will spill over gous to one between a loaded 30-tonne
headed by one Dhaneshwar Gura which ate interest bearing instruments to mop provocateurs. to all other areas. This is our unique chal- truck and a Mushikashika taxi.
was under our hospitality from Decem- up liquidity and winding down the use of The real message hidden in the tail of lenge. After only a few months of use of the
ber 1 to December 15, 2022. gold coins: and maintaining a prudential the statement by Gura’s IMF team is that And they are not amused by the fact coins these are your own words: “In our
Gura, whose name in Shona means “ fiscal policy.” the country should abandon use of the that it is a home grown solution which books, the effect was very impactful.”
to break,” certainly wants to break your This rumbling prescription is a “copy gold coins. did not come from them. This is certainly something you never
resolve to heed the Turkish proverb: and paste” job no doubt given to many This is tantamount to free advice from The success of the gold coins as a fiscal thought you would see.
“No maer how far you have gone down unsuspecting client-states of the Breton- the devil in the company of false proph- and treasury tool will no doubt be repli- Stay on the gold coin course and you
the wrong road turn back ” which I pro- Woods institution. ets. cated all across Africa and will free the will see much greater things.
pounded to you in previous articles. The foreign exchange regime in Zim- Those who follow the work of the IMF continent from the yoke of these later- I can never part without whispering a
He wants you back on the wrong road. babwe is by a country mile more liberal- around the world (remember the ESAP I day imperial foot soldiers unleashed by saying in your ears: “Wisdom is judged by
In their prescription for our econom- ized than those in regional peers South and II programs which made the coun- the globalists. its children" – Jesus Christ. Luke 7:35
ic situation, they listed a host of things Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozam- try suffer and yet yielded no result?) will The use of African resources to li the Af- n Bart Star-James
which you are already doing and then ad- bique. know that the organisation has never rican economy is anathema to the west- WhatsApp feedback +263774447309
vised you to “conclude” the issue of gold There would be no benefit to Zimba- succeeded in helping any developing ern world and must therefore be discour-
14 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Murewa beatings: The absence of moral courage

Letter from America
ON March 3, 1991, a private citi- The advent of the cellphone, You-
zen, using his cell phone, videoed Tube and the email means that gov-
the beating of Rodney King, a black ernments have no privacy anymore.
man by 13 Los Angeles policemen. There is a difference between
Apart from its sickening ef- hearing about Zanu PF beatings
fect was the lack of moral cour- and seeing them on YouTube. This
age among the 13 policemen. None exposes the government to mor-
among them, even the sergeant, at- al hazards. Government spokes-
tempted to stop the beating. person Nick Mangwana may deny
The beating up of elderly people that the Murewa malefactors are af-
in Murewa by Zanu PF thugs was filiated to Zanu PF but an answer The elderly people in Murewa who were beaten up by suspected Zanu PF thugs
broadcast through YouTube vide- by citizens who saw a video of Au-
os all over the world. The beating gust Gutu Zanu PF youth march- Henrietta is free, two years after Wealth of Nations gives us an ex- the treasury officials do not take
of VaKarahwa, with seven-foot two- ing through the streets shirtless and the event and no court has yet final- planation. Zimbabwe businessmen, home the Zee dollar.
inch thick Mitambara was watched beating whoever crossed their path ised her infraction. including bandit businessmen, are Let the reader be the judge. Veri-
by more than 10 people. will keep his wisdom to himself. The case of two white sugar farm- faced with dealing in two curren- ly, I say moral courage has fled from
The female Philistine who led the The London Guardian (January 5) ers, Shane and Denise Warth brings cies, a fake Zee dollar printed by the hearts of our leaders.
trial by torture of VaKarahwa for- broadcasts the fact that opposition a different dimension to the issue John Mangudya in the basement of The problems at the Grain Mar-
got the sanctity of old age. None of member Job Sikhala has been re- of what Amanda, above, referred the Reserve Bank. keting Board and at the Cotton
the witnesses, as in Rodney King’s fused bail for the 15th time. to as displacements. Zanu PF activ- The other is the US dollar, which Board shows how public policy
story had the moral courage to chal- A sense of double standards can- ist Brother Emmanuel Chiguba was is as good as gold. since independence was intended
lenge the evil deed. not escape the reader’s sense of fair harvesting the sugar crop with per- Even the Makorokoza (independ- to create a bandit economy.
The Philistine self-videoed her play. mission from a judge. ent gold digger) would rather sell his David Muzorori’s book, Zimba-
activities, hoping for a medal. Judge Marehwanazvo Gofa wisely This story is on Voice of Ameri- product to Mustafa (an Asian king bwe’s Grain Marketing Board says
Apparently, according to Zimba- refused a televised trial because the ca (January 6). Zimbabwe wants US pin) who pays him in US dollars that its aim and practice was to get
bwean Amanda Hammar, this vi- government would be placed at a se- President Joe Biden to lift sanctions. rather than to the Zimbabwe Miner- the highest price for its farmers. If
olence is part of larger pattern of rious disadvantage. Gofa could have In any case, not all white people are als Board. It is also a law of nature the Board sold its product at a high-
“mass physical removals in both refused the request without giving a evil minded. There is plenty of vir- that monies accumulated in such er price on the world market, it
urban and rural areas, and broader reason. By arguing that Sikhala, a gin land open in the Triangle area. ways cannot be banked. would make a supplementary pay-
dislocating effects of structural vio- legislator, who has served 240 days Verily, I say to you, we are ruled by Why is this so difficult to under- ment to the farmers in January.
lence, formal and informal” fulfill- in a “stupid jailhouse” (black Eng- imbeciles who regard moral cour- stand, you sluggard? Professor David Blackie con-
ing the overall policy of maintain- lish) before a judge has pronounced age as a curse. New York’s Bloomberg News (Jan- curs in his 1980 report on the Cot-
ing political power. (p 79) him guilty of anything, exposes the In defense of bandit business- uary 9) reports that Zimbabwe’s ton Board. Blackie says that these
In the Philistine world virtue is learned judge to the accusation of men treasury officials are begging con- boards were the envy of the world.
a dirty word. Experience does not political bias. As we speak, three haulage trucks tractors whom they have paid with The brothers turned the boards
wizen today’s steps. What South Af- Worse the judge can be accused of belonging to Bernard Tafadzwa stupid Zee dollars not to part with around, creating a haven for ban-
rican leader Thabo Mbeki was say- lack of moral courage, a cruel sug- Mnangagwa (December 31) carry- them. Bloomberg adds (para 3) that dits whose aim is to scheme the dif-
ing in his “I am an African” speech gestion because moral courage lies ing raw lithium were intercepted at the Zee dollar has lost almost one ference between the offering price
is that the blood of these primitive at the heart of a judgeship. Beitbridge Border Post. At the time tenth of its value in one week. (government price) and the world
Murewa VaKarahwa runs in our On October 20, 2020, Henrietta of going to press, Brother Bernard But this must be the mother of price.
veins. To disrespect them is to re- Rushwaya was apprehended at Ha- remained a free man as it should be all jokes. I am reliably informed by  Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwe-
veal deep self-hatred. rare Airport with six kilograms of until a judge pronounces him guilty. a member of a parliamentary com- an patriot. He writes from the
Exposure gold on her way to Dubai. A reading of Adam Smith’s mittee that at the end of the moth, US.

Time to end Zimbabwe’s vicious cycle of political violence

Village Rhapsody and its importance to politics.
This is especially true of the
politics of rationality and psy-
chological recovery during elec-
Zimbabwe experiences the
worst political violence during
FORMER United States pres- was re-elected in the run-off elec- election periods.
ident Barrack Obama once tions on June 27, 2008. There is a need for a change
opined: “We know we can't stop This campaign of violence and that can help us think different-
every act of violence, every act repression resulted in thousands ly and there is no replacement
of evil in the world, but maybe of deaths. for opposing unfair practices
we could try to stop one act of Some political parties in Zim- like what occurred in Murehwa
evil, one act of violence.” babwe have developed patterns when it comes to social transfor-
Those wise words will find rel- or routines that have not served mation.
evance in today’s Zimbabwe for us well in our pursuit of sus- Individual and interpersonal
many reasons. tained growth or prosperity. activities alone do not result in
Beautiful as it is, Zimbabwe Although these habits have profound social transformation.
has a reputation for politically prevented us from reaching our Political and social change is
motivated violence, especially objectives, some people find it usually incremental. We seem
during the election season. difficult to break free from them. to take two steps ahead, one step
The deliberate use of pow- These harmful habits can be- back when it comes to dealing
er and force to achieve politi- come so habitual that people per- with political violence.
cal goals dates back to the days form them without thinking. Organisations and institutions
of early independence, which However, unhealthy habits are that make a significant differ-
were stained by the Gukurahun- destined to become barriers with Most people lost their homes during the 2002 political violence ence should exist.
di atrocities in Matabeleland and time, weighing us down and com- The first step in saving our
Midlands. pelling us to admit that they are “Chains of habit are too light verge of a 2008 situation if the country is to realize how much
In 2002, political violence not beneficial for us. to be felt until they are too heavy crisis is not addressed immedi- we have already lost through
claimed 16 lives according to a Political violence might work to be broken.” ately. politically motivated violence
report by a human rights um- to intimidate people to vote for Our politicians will not drive It is heart breaking to see el- traced from 2000 and how we lost
brella group. the ruling Zanu PF party, but the shift. Only an involved citi- derly men and women being it, and how we will continue to
In 2008, the government at that will not fix struggling Zim- zenry has the power to alter our abused and interrogated for at- lose lives unless fundamental po-
the national and local levels ac- babwe’s economy. political system. tending a political meeting and litical changes occur.
tively, methodically, and deliber- This quote from Warren Buf- The disturbing video that cir- being called sell-outs. *Evans Mathanda is a jour-
ately targeted the Movement for fett not only applies to the broad culated last week on social me- Our politics has extinguished nalist and development prac-
Democratic Change (MDC) ac- scope of society and culture, but dia platforms of elderly Citizens the spirit of Ubuntu. titioner who writes in his ca-
tivists and perceived opposition it applies to the needs of our in- Coalition for Change (CCC) sup- The inclusive nature of the pacity. For feedback email:
supporters in an effort to crush dividual selves. Buffett’s quote porters being attacked by sus- principle of Ubuntu holds those or call
the MDC and ensure that the late summed this up quite well by pected Zanu PF youths in Mure- who are embraced by it accounta- 0719770038 and Twitter @Ev-
former president Robert Mugabe saying: hwa shows that we are on the ble on moral and ethical grounds ansMathanda19
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 15


Popping the question
However, adding more pressure is not
going to produce the pop in the chil-
dren’s lives.
Does it really matter when they pop?
Let them pop when they are ready.
Popcorn will make many lousy school
careers worth sitting through. Chew on
that for a while – quietly.
 Tim Middleton is the executive
BY TIM MIDDLETON and purposeful. Do we allow our chil- they need the pressure that comes from director of the Association of Trust
dren to be the flavour that they (not we) the heat. Schools [ATS]. The views expressed
“POPCORN has made many lousy movies worth wish to be in their life? In a similar way, children often need in this article, however, are solely
sitting through.” So said Orville Redenbacher, One final question about popcorn is to have some degree of pressure in or- those of the author in his private ca-
the person accredited with making popcorn a relevant. What causes popcorn to pop? der for them to pop. pacity and do not necessarily repre-
popular snack. Popcorn needs heat to come alive, to They need deadlines, tests, exams, sent the views of the ATS.
Indeed, popcorn is popularly associated now spring into life, to pop. competition to put them under pres- email:
with cinemas, but also with television, fairs, The seeds do not sprout on their own; sure. website: www.atschisz
parties and sports events.
It seems to go with entertainment. It has been
pointed out, however, that some people will eat
popcorn at cinemas, not because they like it but
because they cannot stand hearing other people
eating it.
What do we know of popcorn? Popcorn is said
to be over 5000 years old while the first commer-
cial popcorn machine was invented in 1885.
In the 1800s, popcorn was often eaten as a ce-
real with milk and sugar.
Popcorn is a healthy GMO-free and gluten-
free snack.
Popcorn can reach up to three-feet in distance
when popping. Not exactly life-changing infor-
mation, but interesting perhaps.
By this stage, an astute reader may be asking
the question: What has all this to do with edu-
The more interesting or, more importantly,
relevant fact (than those above) might be that
popcorn teaches us a great deal about educa-
Let us just pause a moment and think of pop-
corn. What is required to produce the pop? An-
yone who has cooked popcorn, or watched it be-
ing made, will know that heat is required to trig-
ger the pop. Once again, we may say: So what?
We know that all those seed pieces are cooked
in the same pot, at the same heat, in the same
conditions, but they pop at different times.
They are not all cooked at the same time.
That moment of popping can come any time. So
In a similar way, children flourish and come
alive at different times in their lives. Not all
will pop while at school. Some will pop much
earlier than others.
Some children are early developers, but oth-
ers develop later. As children grow physically
at different rates, so too do others grow mental-
ly, emotionally, intellectually at different rates.
Indeed, some of us are taller than others, un-
derlining that some of us are more academic
than others.
The bottom line is this: contrary to most par-
ents’ thinking, not every child has to succeed
at school.
There are numerous famous examples of
this. Many sportsmen have come to the fore lat-
er in their careers.
Michael Hussey was first capped for Austral-
ia at the age of 30 and went on to play 79 Tests.
Norman Gifford made his One-Day Interna-
tional debut for England six days short of his
44th birthday.
In rugby, Andy Farrell first played for Eng-
land aged 31 while Caderyn Neville last year
made his debut for the Australian side four
months short of his 34th birthday.
In literature, Richard Adams had his classic
novel ‘Watership Down’ published when he was
52; Frank McCourt published his first book,
‘Angela’s Ashes’, aged 60 while the oldest debut
novelist is said to be Lorna Page who published
her book ‘A Dangerous Weakness’ at the ripe old
age of 93.
One study has found that the average age of
authors making their debut publications is 36.
In music, Mozart may have been a child prod-
igy, but there were plenty of other composers
who flourished when older.
What else can we learn from popcorn? Pop-
corn will pop to different heights (if we do not
put a lid on the pan).
In the same way, some children will ‘pop’
higher, will go further (if we do not put a lid
on them).
16 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

The world is entering a new age of
Energy Technology Perspectives 2023, the latest instalment
in one of the IEA’s flagship series, serves as the world’s first glob-
al guidebook for the clean technology industries of the future.
It provides a comprehensive analysis of global manufactur-
ing of clean energy technologies today – such as solar panels,

clean technology manufacturing

wind turbines, EV batteries, electrolysers for hydrogen and heat
pumps – and their supply chains around the world, as well as
mapping out how they are likely to evolve as the clean energy
transition advances in the years ahead.
The analysis shows the global market for key mass-manu-
factured clean energy technologies will be worth around USD
650 billion a year by 2030 – more than three times today’s level
ENERGY Technology Perspectives 2023 high- day and tomorrow millions of jobs, but also raising new risks, prompt- – if countries worldwide fully implement their announced en-
lights major market and employment opportu- The energy world is at the dawn of a new indus- ing countries across the globe to devise industrial ergy and climate pledges. The related clean energy manufac-
nities, as well as the emerging risks, for countries trial age – the age of clean energy technology man- strategies to secure their place in the new global en- turing jobs would more than double from 6 million today to
racing to lead the clean energy industries of to- ufacturing – that is creating major new markets and ergy economy, according to a major new IEA report. nearly 14 million by 2030 – and further rapid industrial and em-
ployment growth is expected in the following decades as tran-
sitions progress.
At the same time, the current supply chains of clean ener-
gy technologies present risks in the form of high geographic
concentrations of resource mining and processing as well as
technology manufacturing. For technologies like solar pan-
els, wind, EV batteries, electrolysers and heat pumps, the three
largest producer countries account for at least 70% of manu-
facturing capacity for each technology – with China dominant
in all of them. Meanwhile, a great deal of the mining for critical
minerals is concentrated in a small number of countries. For ex-
ample, the Democratic Republic of Congo produces over 70%
of the world’s cobalt, and just three countries – Australia, Chile
and China – account for more than 90% of global lithium pro-
The world is already seeing the risks of tight supply chains,
which have pushed up clean energy technology prices in re-
cent years, making countries’ clean energy transitions more dif-
ficult and costly. Increasing prices for cobalt, lithium and nickel
led to the first ever rise in EV battery prices, which jumped by
nearly 10% globally in 2022. The cost of wind turbines outside
China has also been rising after years of declines, and similar
trends can be seen in solar PV.
“The IEA highlighted almost two years ago that a new global
energy economy was emerging rapidly. Today, it has become a
central pillar of economic strategy and every country needs to
identify how it can benefit from the opportunities and navigate
the challenges. We’re talking about new clean energy technol-
ogy markets worth hundreds of billions of dollars as well as mil-
lions of new jobs,” said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. “The
encouraging news is the global project pipeline for clean en-
ergy technology manufacturing is large and growing. If every-
thing announced as of today gets built, the investment flowing
into manufacturing clean energy technologies would provide
two-thirds of what is needed in a pathway to net zero emis-
sions. The current momentum is moving us closer to meeting
our international energy and climate goals – and there is al-
most certainly more to come.”
“At the same time, the world would benefit from more di-
versified clean technology supply chains,” Dr Birol added. “As
we have seen with Europe’s reliance on Russian gas, when you
depend too much on one company, one country or one trade
route – you risk paying a heavy price if there is disruption. So,
I’m pleased to see many economies around the world compet-
ing today to be leaders in the new energy economy and drive
an expansion of clean technology manufacturing in the race
to net zero. It’s important, though, that this competition is fair
– and that there is a healthy degree of international collabora-
tion, since no country is an energy island and energy transitions
will be more costly and slow if countries do not work together.”
The report notes that major economies are acting to com-
bine their climate, energy security and industrial policies into
broader strategies for their economies. The Inflation Reduction
Act in the United States is a clear example of this, but there is
also the Fit for 55 package and REPowerEU plan in the Europe-
an Union, Japan’s Green Transformation programme, and the
Production Linked Incentive scheme in India that encourages
manufacturing of solar PV and batteries – and China is working
to meet and even exceed the goals of its latest Five-Year Plan.
Meanwhile, clean energy project developers and investors are watching closely for the policies that can give them a com-
petitive edge. Relatively short lead times of around 1-3 years on average to bring manufacturing facilities online mean that
the project pipeline can expand rapidly in an environment that
+263773277599 / +263773417271
is conducive to investment. Only 25% of the announced man-
+263783917708 / +263733264915 ufacturing projects globally for solar PV are under construction
or beginning construction imminently, according to the report.
The number is around 35% for EV batteries and less than 10%
for electrolysers. Government policies and market develop-
ments can have a significant effect on where the rest of these
projects end up.
Amid the regional ambitions for scaling up manufactur-
ing, ETP-2023 underscores the important role of international
trade in clean energy technology supply chains. It shows that
nearly 60% of solar PV modules produced worldwide are trad-
ed across borders. Trade is also important for EV batteries and
wind turbine components, despite their bulkiness, with China
the main net exporter today.
— International Energy Agency (IEA)
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 17


Our Christianity
man pagan worship of multiple gods. Jesus Christ should symbolise the
Anything they deemed important in sacrificial lamb for us Christians in
their lives was upgraded to a god, or the sense that he died for the atone-
the thing of importance was allocat- ment of our sins. In other words, he
ed a god of its own. is the Redeemer who saved us from

Let us remember that they gave the consequences of human sins.
themselves gods of many back- The Passover was instituted by God
grounds to honour the many things in remembrance to when He in-
they cherished; like the sun, the structed the people of Israel to sac-
moon, the planets etc. Let us also not rifice a lamb in every household on
forget that the days of the weeks and the night prior to their freedom from
months that we treat with affection Egyptian bondage, representing the
today were all named after some of freedom from the consequences of

with paganism
the pagan gods. the sins of their forefathers.
Thus, when Emperor Constantine Our Christianity now prefers to
was converted to Christianity, his first honour pagan-instituted festivals
act was to outlaw the Lumi-Solar cal- like Easter, in reference to a pagan
endar used for generations by follow- Roman goddess named Esther. The
ers of God, marrying some aspects same goes for the Christmas festives
of Christianity with pagan festivals which also has pagan origins. Can’t
and renaming the days and months we find scripture-related festives in
of His new Julian calendar in honour line with the Lord our God’s-given

thus God. They twist some verses of
the Bible to vehemently support this of some of the Roman pagan gods. In instructions? Some of these are in-
theory. 321AD, at the Council of Nicaca, he scribed in the Bible.
Jesus Christ himself emphasized decreed a law that made it illegal to Among many others is our viola-
on the oneness of God, the Father. In use the Biblical Lumi-Solar calendar. tions of the second commandment
BY PROSPER TINGINI Mark 12:29, he taught; “Hear, O Isra- This is the backbone of the calendar which reads (Exodus 20:4-6); “You
el: The Lord our God, the Lord is one”. we Christians also use today. shall not make for yourself a graven
CHRISTIANITY is being in fellowship of heaven and whatever you bind on He was aligning himself with the Al- As a consequence of the change image, or any likeness of anything
with Christ, as a follower of Christ. earth shall be bound in heaven, and mighty God who spoke as written in to the pagan calendar, a ‘war of the that is in heaven above, or that is in
The first thing in our religion whatever you loose on earth shall be the fifth book of Moses. In Deuteron- Sabbath’ has erupted amongst some the earth beneath, or that is in the
should be to know and understand loosed in heaven”. Then he strictly omy 6:4, Moses taught the people as of our Christian denominations as to water under the earth.
Jesus Christ. Who is he? He asked charged the disciples to tell no one spoken by the Lord; “Hear O Israel: The which of the days should be treat- You shall not bow to them or serve
that very question to his disciples. that he was the Christ. Lord our God is one Lord…” God also ed as being the Sabbath. If we go them…” Is it proper to make ‘graven’
In Mathew 16:13-20, it reads: Now Paganism is the hallowed belief spoke to his humble servant, Isaiah, back to our scriptures, we will find images of the cross or of Jesus Christ
when Jesus Christ came into the dis- in other revered objects or worship to teach the people of this fact. that God did not name the Sabbath nailed to the cross and then to bow
trict of Ceasare’a Phillipi, he asked his of personalities as gods besides the In Isaiah 43:10, He spoke to Isaiah; by the names of the days of any par- down to worship such items in hon-
disciples, “Who do men say that the Creator, the Almighty God. It also en- “You are my witness, my servant whom ticular calendar, but named the Sab- our of Christ?
Son of man is?” And they said, “Some compasses the worship of multiple I have chosen, that you may know and bath by the number of days worked We also have molten or graven
say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, gods, each of them denoting a par- believe me and understand that I am from the first work day. Some nations images of Mother Mary amongst
and others say Jeremiah or one of the ticular significance to the worship- He. Before me no god was formed, nor of our world have different work pat- our mindset, which we likewise
prophets.” He said to them, “But who per. shall there be any after me”. I pray that terns and different calendars. bow down to worship or carry such
do you say that I am?” Simon Peter re- In our Christianity we thus also my fellow Christians who subscribe The Sabbath day should be meas- around our necks. Are we not in total
plied, “You are the Christ, the son of the have a clique of worshippers who to the notion that Christ is also God ured by the days worked from day violation of the second command-
living God”. have exalted “the son of the liv- would take heed of these words. one and not by the seventh day of ment in perpetuation of some pagan
And Jesus answered him, “Bless- ing God” to be the ‘God of creation’. Then came Roman Emperor Con- any particular calendar week. Doing religions that practiced such a kind
ed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh I know this particular section of our stantine, who initiated the worship so would be a miscarriage to the spe- of idol worship?
and blood has not revealed this to you, Christianity will try to castigate me of Jesus Christ as God. He is the origi- cifics of our Bible. God worked for six  Prosper Tingini is the Scribe of
but my Father who is in heaven. And I for trying to downplay their view of nal author of the Doctrine of the Holy days straight and rested on the sev- the Children of God Missionary As-
tell you, you are Peter and on this rock, Christ, but the simple truth is that the Trinity which brought in the as 3-in-1 enth day. That should still be the for- sembly — God’s messengers. Con-
I will build my church, and the power Lord our God is one. Godhead, i.e. God the Father, God the mula for working out our Sabbath tact details: Mobile and whatsapp:
of death shall not prevail against it. I The most common theory is that Son, God the Holy Spirit. This doc- day, as a measure. Anything aside 0771 260 195. Email address: pt-
will give you the keys of the Kingdom because Christ was born of God, he is trine has its roots rooted in the Ro- from that is of our own creation.

How to walk in dominion

and how to build in space because
both environments are almost sim-
We can have dominion over these
three areas for the third area man
has dominated, but in his domain

MAN was given dominion over low some of the concepts that were he has destroyed and failed to take
three areas of life. He was giv- left by the Wright brothers because care of it.
en dominion over fish of the sea, what these two did was not just But I believe there is so much even
over the fowl of the air and over build this machine, but they tapped on the land we live in that we have
every living thing that moves on into the dominion God mentioned. not fully taped into.
the earth. And for men in our time to come A great man of God once said God
These were areas God deter-
BY HUMPHREY MTANDWA up with even new developments can give you wisdom to extract fuel
mined if man had dominion in from the ones left by the Wright even from sand.
them, he could live a fulfilled and inspiration by his observation of to seek out and dig deep to acquire brothers, they also have to have do- That is to show there is more even
blessed life. birds. them. Imagine what it took for the minion over the fowl of the air. in this domain that man has not yet
But looking at these areas nat- That allowed him and his broth- Wright brothers to build that ma- The sea also has so many secrets mastered. It’s time we unlock the
urally without seeking the mys- er to be recorded as the first men chine, even the years they worked it has not yet revealed to man. We mystery behind God's instruction to
tery behind them, one may not to build a motor-operated flying on it. can say men have not yet dominated have dominion over these amazing
find the essence and importance machine. For one to be asked to dominate the fish of the sea. areas. God bless you.
of having dominion over them. These men were able to fly be- something means there is some Men assume that when God said  Humphrey Mtandwa is an
Being in the 21st century, why cause they gained dominion over form of resistance. have dominion, it was limited to Apostolic teacher of the Word
would I need to have dominion the fowl of the air. When one rules These men were willing to sac- them having authority over wild an- of God and founder of Believ-
over the fish of the sea or even a domain, he has an understand- rifice so much for them to have do- imals. ers Voice of Triumph Ministries.
the fowl of the air and the creep- ing of his domain. minion over the fowl of the air. By But our dominion over the fish of He has authored many books, in-
ers upon the earth, one may ask. The Bible in Proverbs says: “It their sacrifice they unlocked secrets the sea is beyond just training fish cluding The Enoch Generation,
There is more to having do- is the glory of God to conceal a that allowed men to fly like the fowl to follow men’s commands. Truthfulness, Night Parables and
minion over the fish of the sea thing: but the honour of kings is to of the air. There are attributes about the Theophany. If you want to con-
than what men understand. search out a matter.” When you look at the airplane sea man has yet to master. If men nect with him or have any ques-
When you look at the Wright The best treasures are hidden and how it has advanced, you will can have dominion over the sea, it tions, get in touch on www.apos-
brothers, even at how Wilbur got and it takes those that are willing be surprised how engineers still fol- means he gains knowledge of space
18 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Be careful you may be on a

rance about God’s Word and your privi-
leges as a believer.
Ignorance can not be cured by prayer
or fasting or deliverance. Ignorance is

hunger strike instead of real fast!

cured by the knowledge of the truth
which is Christ.
One of the most popular scriptures
during this time of the year is Isaiah 43:18
“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old. Behold I will
do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth,
ally on a hunger strike when I thought I Shall you not know it? I will even make a

cellence, The Year Divine Power. Nothing
really wrong with that in my opinion al- was fasting. road in the wilderness and rivers in the de-
though I have a different view. The Bible makes it very clear that al- sert”.
It is important to note that things though He was rich yet for our sake, He Most of us ministers of the Gospel like
don’t change simply because dates have became poor so that you and I would to reinforce this scripture from our pul-
changed. In fact, God lives outside time become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Apos- pits and use it to form the basis of our
WITH DR DOUG MAMVURA and so is the spirit realm. tle John then tells us in his third epistle prayer and fasting in the new year. What
As a man thinks in his heart so is he that he prays that we may “prosper in all we don’t know is that this scripture pri-
LET me start by warning the reader that sponse to His message wasn’t what was (Proverbs 23:7). Your life goes the way you things and be in good health even as our marily refers to the death, burial and res-
this article is not for those with a nervous important to Him. The thing that drove think regardless of dates and time. What souls prosper. My prosperity, health, de- urrection of Christ. This is the new thing
disposition. Him was the acceptance of His Father, dominates your heart will stubbornly liverance and success, is a done deal. that Prophet Isaiah prophesied. It has al-
God is not impressed by our “hunger not the crowds. and resolutely dictate the pattern of your This means that I was fasting for the ready happened. What is new is for us to
strike-” type of fasting (Isaiah 58:3-5). This is a very good lesson to those of life hence the need to renew your mind. things that God had already made avail- understand this reality and tap into the
I am likely to lose many friends after us who minister the Word of God that the This renewal comes only through feed- able more than two thousand years ago. glorious benefits that Apostle Peter re-
this article. However, my objective is not goal is not to please the crowds but to ing on God’s Word not prayer or fasting All I needed to do was to appropriate fers to in his epistle in 2 Peter 1:3 which
to make friends at the expense of the please the Father. I would rather the lose important as both of them are. those things through faith. Apostle Pe- we have already highlighted above.
Gospel truth. It is very important that we the crowds but have the support of the We usually announce prayer and fast- ter also tells us that God has given us “All Personally, I believe my crossover hap-
don’t compromise the truth because we Father. ing days in our churches which can range things that pertain to life and godliness” pened only once when God moved me
want to please each other. Having explained my position, I would from ten to forty days beginning of the and this is “according to our knowledge from the kingdom of darkness into the
We should learn from Jesus who nev- like to now discuss a very controversial year. Some of us don’t fully understand of Him” (2 Peter1:3). kingdom of His dear Son Jesus Christ. I
er compromised to please the crowds. I subject. This has to do with “Crossovers, why we fast. I was a very good exam- Peter was saying everything we need don’t see how I can keep crossing over
recall an incident when He told a gath- prayer and fasting" by most of us believ- ple of that. I did it because it was part of comes through knowledge. This is be- every year. Where will I be crossing over
ering that “Most assuredly, I say to you, ers at the beginning of every year. the church tradition and I also felt it was cause Jesus has already given us every- from? I have already stated that as far
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man Please note that I am not against a way of pleasing God and showing Him thing we could ever need when we be- as God is concerned, He leaves outside
and drink His blood you have no life in you” prayer and fasting. In my Christian walk, how committed I was to Him. I couldn’t came born again. We don’t need to get time. Jesus announced the Year of the
(John 6:53). I have participated in many prayer and have been more lost. something new. We just need a revela- Lord’s favour more than two thousand
Most of His disciples when they heard fasting sessions at the beginning of the Unless our prayer and fasting is aimed tion of what we already have in Christ. years ago, and as far as I am concerned
this said, ‘This is hard saying who can un- past years. I still pray and fast, however, at opening our eyes of understanding My biggest problem was ignorance this is the year in which I continue to live
derstand this?” with a different understanding than be- (revelation knowledge) to see what we and unbelief. Most of us believers have under. While there is nothing wrong with
The Bible says “From that time many of fore. already have in Christ Jesus, we are on a this problem of ignorance. We have be- church themes because they help us fo-
His disciples went back and walked with I used to drive from Harare to a very hunger strike. True transformation comes come so used to tradition and religion cus on the objectives for that year, I only
Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, popular mountain in Mashonaland Cen- through the renewal of our minds by and this put the Word of God to no (Mark have one theme which is the Year of the
“Do you also want to go away?” (John 6:67). tral Province for prayer. I would spend the reading and meditating on God’s Word 7:13). It has become church tradition that Lord’s favour and I will continue to ob-
Jesus had just seen many of His would- whole weekend praying there. not the change of dates or having a we fast beginning of every year. Most of serve that theme until I go to be with my
be disciples leave Him. Yet, instead of try- During this time of the year most of church theme. us believe that this act will put us in right Father in heaven. I know such teaching is
ing to get them back or grieving over us believers, believe it is the time for tak- I remember I used fast so that God standing with God. God will be so happy as rare as hen’s teeth and so I wouldn’t be
His loss, He turned to His twelve disci- ing over and possessing our Promised would grant me favour, success, prosper- to see us fasting for forty days or whatev- surprised if I have ruffled feathers.
ples and offered them the opportuni- Land. Most of us Ministers of the Gospel ity and divine health during the year. Lit- er period.  Dr Doug Mamvura is a graduate
ty to leave too. What security! Most of come up with some themes for the year. tle did I know that the things I was fast- While there is nothing wrong with of Charis Bible School. Feedback: dr-
us would evaluate success by the size of The year of Supernatural Abundance, ing for had already been granted as part fasting, let me humbly advise you that no or
the crowds. But Jesus was different. Re- The Year of Fruitfulness, The Year of Ex- of the finished work of Christ. I was actu- amount of fasting will replace your igno- Twitter @dougmamvura

HAPPY New Year! Or is it? For Jews, Jan-

uary 1 can pose a conundrum: most of
us live by the modern secular calendar
January 1 “New Year” holiday, possess my great grandmother’s pass-
port to leave Nazi Germany later that year:
even though her name was Kamilla, her

and its meaning for Jews

in which January 1 is New Year’s Day. But name is listed as Sarah on her passport.) A
according to the Jewish calendar, Rosh decree also took effect on that day, clos-
Hashanah ushers in the New Year. Jewish ing all Jewish-owned businesses. The fol-
tensions around celebrating January 1 go lowing year, on January 1, 1940, Jews were
back for generations. forbidden from gathering for prayer, ei-
Here are five little-known facts about his brit milah (circumcision) in the Jewish ther in synagogues or in private homes, in
the January 1 “New Year” holiday, and its
meaning for Jews.
Recent invention
hebrewscriptures faith.
Dark Day in Jewish History
January 1 has seen harsh anti-Jewish
Nazi-controlled lands.
New Year’s Celebrations
Some New Year’s customs have surpris-
While many of us think of January 1 as decrees. On January 1, 1791, Russian rul- ing Jewish links. In the American south it’s
having been “New Year” forever, the hol- er Catherine the Great established the customary to eat black eyed peas on New
iday is relatively recent and has under-
WITH BEN LEON Pale of Settlement, an area in the western Year’s as a symbol of good luck. This ech-
gone many changes through the years. part of her empire which became the only oes Sephardi Jewish traditions of eating
For much of European history, New Year calendar: this Gregorian Calendar is still in normal rules of behavior and mores were district in Russia’s vast empire where Jews beans on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New
occurred in March, when Spring began to use today. Among its many innovations, suspended: a slave was chosen to be ele- were permitted to live. The terms of the Year, as a symbol of good fortune; some
make flowers and other fauna grew again. it restored January 1 as New Year’s Day in vated to a position of temporary king, and Pale of Settlement varied over the years: historians have speculated that the cus-
According to the Roman historian Livy, Christian lands. he ruled over a period of dissolution and its borders were adjusted and rules allow- tom was brought to the United States by
it was the Roman King Numa Pompil- Not all European countries made the wild parties. Homes were decorated with ing Jews exemptions to live in other parts Sephardi Jews.
ius (715-673 BCE) who first introduced a switch. Protestant and Eastern Orthodox greenery and lights, and gifts were given of Russia were introduced. Yet the Pale Each year millions of people around the
twelve-month calendar with January as its nations were slow to make the change. In to children. According to some accounts, of Settlement affected a huge portion of world watch the ball drop in Times Square
first month. (January was named after the Great Britain and the American Colonies, at the end of this festive period, the slave the world’s Jews. At its peak, it’s estimated in New York to mark the start of the New
Roman god Janus, which had two faces, New Year’s Day continued to be March 25. who’d been named as master of ceremo- that fully 40% of the world’s Jews (about Year. Few realize that this annual stunt was
making it appropriate for the start of the It was only in 1752, when an Act of Parlia- nies was then killed. This violence and pe- five million Jews) lived in the Pale of Set- the brainchild of a Jewish businessman in
new year, when the month could symbol- ment mandated January 1 as New Years, riod of moral lapses led Jews to avoid tak- tlement. This law lasted until the Russian the 1800s. Adolph S. Ochs was the child of
ically look into the past and forwards into that English speaking lands adopted Jan- ing part in the mid-December and Janu- Revolution of 1917, when Russian Jews Jewish immigrants from Germany; he en-
the future.) uary 1 as their New Year’s Day. ary 1 Roman holidays. were finally allowed to live outside the tered the newspaper business when he
Despite the fact that January was the Why January 1? Celebrating a Bris? Pale. was eleven years old working as an office
first month, the Roman New Year was The Romans had a unique numbering As Christianity spread and developed, Starting on January 1, 1798, all Hebrew boy for the Knoxville Chronicle. In 1896
March 15 for hundreds of years. system for the days of the month: the first Christian celebrations incorporated ear- language books began to be censored in he bought the New York Times and an-
This changed in 153 BCE when it was day of each month was called a “Kalend” lier holiday customs. The Christian Bible Russia. A decade later, on January 1, 1807, nounced an ambitious plan to make it a
switched to January 1. Years later, in 45 (we get our word calendar from this); the doesn’t specify the date of Jesus’ birth, and Russia’s Czar Alexander I introduced wide- high-quality newspaper. To increase pub-
BCE, a more comprehensive calendar was seventh day of each month was called it seems that in the early years of Christian- ranging new laws governing what Jews licity for the paper, Ochs started holding
adopted by the Roman priest-turned-rul- “Nones” ;and the 15th day of each month ity it was not celebrated in December, as it could do and how they could be educated a fireworks show in front of the offices on
er Julius Caesar. His “Julian” calendar kept was known as the “Ides”. Other days were is today. The first record of December 25 and earn their livings. The draconian new New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31.
January 1 as the New Year, but the holiday counted only by how close they were to being celebrated as a holiday commemo- law put restrictions on Jews’ ability to pur- In 1907 the city refused to grant him a
didn’t last in many of the Roman Empire’s these three significant days. rating Jesus’ birthday dates from a Roman chase property and restricted the trades permit for the fireworks show and Ochs
territories. With the fall of the Roman Em- The Talmud notes that Kalend days calendar in the year 336 CE; some of the to which Jews could belong. The law also instead commissioned an enormous ball
pire, European nations began to revert to were celebrated as festivals of idolatry in customs surrounding this holiday seem to forbade Jewish children from speaking covered with light bulbs to lower at mid-
their old New Year days. Some celebrated ancient Rome and cautioned Jews not to have been borrowed from the ancient Ro- Yiddish in schools. Jews were not allowed night. (It was customary at the time for
the New Year on March 25; other Europe- do business with Romans on those days in man festivals of Saturnalia and Kalends. to hold office and even were banned from merchant seamen to mark the hour by
an groups celebrated December 25 as the order to avoid taking any part in activities The day of January 1 - the old Roman working as rabbis and other community lowering an enormous ball that could be
New Year instead. that could be construed as idol worship Kalends holiday - became associated with officials if Yiddish was their sole language. seen far out at sea; Och’s ball was simply a
By the 1500s it became clear that the (Mishnah Avodah Zarah 1:1-5). a feast day called the Feast of the Circum- In Nazi Germany, January 1 saw more larger and more festive twist on this mar-
Julian calendar had serious shortcomings: In ancient times, the Kalends of January cision in some denominations (including harsh measures. On January 1, 1939, all itime tradition.) Och’s tradition has con-
leap years were miscalculated, and as a re- (January 1) in particular was a riotous af- Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, and Angli- Jews had to add the names Sarah (for tinued; the ball used today is now nearly
sult the Christian festivals were changing fair, capping a two-week period that be- can traditions). Count the days: January 1 women) and Israel (for men) to their 12,000 pounds and twelve feet in diame-
days, migrating through the calendar. In gan with the Romans’ mid-December Sat- is eight days after December 25, the day names. They also had to start carrying ter.
1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new urnalia festival. This was a period when that a Jewish baby boy would have had identity cards with them at all times. (I still
Five Star Car

Rental expands
to Victoria Falls

The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

ZSE suspends Lafarge trading of shares

BY MELODY CHIKONO trading in its shares by the Secu-

rities and Exchange Commission
he Zimbabwe Stock Ex- of Zimbabwe pursuant to the pro-
change (ZSE) has sus- visions of Section 64(a) (ii) of the
pended the trading of Securities and Exchange Act [Cap
shares of Lafarge Ce- 24:25].
ment Zimbabwe Limited In terms of Section 9 of the ZSE
(Lafarge) on a voluntary basis to Listings Requirements, the com-
allow it to deal with the challeng- pany should continue to discharge
es facing the business. its obligations to the sharehold-
This follows the execution of a ers and the Zimbabwe Stock Ex-
sale and purchase agreement be- change during the suspension.
tween Associated International ZSE said investors will not be
Cement Limited and Fossil Mines able to buy or sell Lafarge shares
(Private) Limited for a 76.45% during the suspension period.
shareholding in Lafarge. The purchase of Lafarge by
In a statement, ZSE said it had Fossil Mines has been frustrat-
requested Lafarge to provide a ed by sanctions imposed on Fos-
roadmap on how it aims to resolve sil Mines under the Zimbabwe De-
the challenges the business is fac- mocracy and Economic Recovery
ing. Act.
“The Zimbabwe Stock Ex- Last month, Fossil Agro, Fossil
change Limited (ZSE) hereby no- Contracting and the group’s chief
tifies the investing public of the executive officer Obey Chimuka
voluntary suspension from trad- were added to the United States’
ing in shares of Lafarge Cement sanctions list due to alleged links
Zimbabwe Limited (Lafarge) with with a previously sanctioned busi-
effect from 13 January 2023,” the ness tycoon, Kudakwashe Tag-
bourse said. wirei, and his company, Sakunda
“The suspension is for a period Holdings.
of three months to allow Lafarge Meanwhile, Lafarge on Friday
to attend to material develop- advised that it was changing its
ments within its operations post name.
the execution of a sale and pur- “The board of directors of
chase agreement between Associ- La“farge Cement Zimbabwe Lim- Lafarge has been asked to provide a roadmap on how it aims to resolve the challenges the business is facing
ated International Cement Limit- ited (the company) would like to
ed and Fossil Mines (Private) Lim- inform shareholders and valued pending finalisation of the regis- tion of the board of directors as “The public is advised that
ited for a 76.45% shareholding in stakeholders that following the tration of the trade name by the well as the necessary board com- these processes will have no mate-
Lafarge.” exit of Associated Internation- registrar of companies,” Lafarge mittees. rial effect on either the quality or
The bourse added that at La- al Cement Limited from the busi- said “In this latter regard, the an- availability of any of the compa-
farge's request, it sought and was ness, the company will now be “The company added that it was nouncement of the relevant ap- ny’s range of products as well as
granted permission to suspend trading as (t/a) Khayah Cement also reconstituting the composi- pointments will be made shortly. its overall operations.”

Caledonia to spend US$21,4m capex in 2023

BY MTHANDAZO NYONI ciencies resulting from the suc- Blanket will broadly maintain
cessful implementation of Cen- the production rate achieved in
THE Caledonia Mining Corpora- tral Shaft,” he said. 2022.
tion, which is traded on the Vic- “At the consolidated level, the “In 2014, Caledonia announced
toria Falls Stock Exchange, plans all-in sustaining cost per ounce is a plan to sink a new shaft (Cen-
to invest about US$21,4 million in also expected to benefit from the tral Shaft) to 1 200 metres from
capital projects this year. lower cost of electricity due to the the surface, all funded through
The mining company stated in recently installed solar plant. internal cash flow, with a long-
its 2023 guidance that capital ex- “The on-mine cost of the small term target of achieving an annu-
penditure at Blanket Mine, its oxides project at Bilboes reflects al production rate of 80 000 ounc-
flagship operation, will total ap- the low grade of the oxide mate- es,” he said.
proximately US$9,6 million for a rial." “I am delighted to announce to-
new tailings facility and an addi- Learmonth revealed that in day that we have now achieved
tional US$9,8 million for deep-lev- terms of grade, output volumes, this target, with 2022 annual pro-
el capital development to ensure or cost profile, the oxides project duction of 80 775 ounces — just
operations can be maintained in is not anticipated to be compara- over the top end of our guidance.
coming years. ble to the considerably larger sul- “This achievement is a huge
It is anticipated that over US$2 phide project at Bilboes. milestone for the company; it
million would be spent once more “Nevertheless, the oxides pro- has been a tremendous team ef-
in 2023 on the revision of the fea- ject is expected to contribute fort and I would like to thank all
sibility study for the bigger sul- to the group’s cash generation of our employees for their contin-
phide project at Bilboes. whilst at the same time allowing ued hard work.”
It is estimated that operating us to pre-strip to the deeper sul- Estimated production from the
cash flows and domestic borrow- phide material,” he said. minor oxides project at Bilboes,
ings will cover the cost of the Learmonth said the company where mining activity is antici-
group's projected capital expend- had acquired Bilboes, Motapa, pated to begin in February is also
iture. and Maligreen during the past included in the production pro-
Caledonia CEO Mark Lear- 18 months, resulting in the crea- jection. Caledonia CEO Mark Learmonth
month stated that excluding the tion of an appealing portfolio of In March, the business antic-
expenses of the Bilboes oxides assets. ipates removing gold from the cessed on-site using an existing oxide material, Learmonth said,
project, cost guidance at Blanket “Blanket will continue to serve heap leach process. heap leach facility that has been will be deducted as they are in-
and Caledonia was similar with as a solid foundation for this The Bilboes Oxides Project is in use for the majority of the past curred.
the costs they had traditionally growth as we look to progress our a small, two to three-year project 10 years. He added that these expens-
incurred. assets with our long-term goal of that involves removing overbur- The project needed about es would have been incurred be-
“We anticipate that the infla- becoming a multi-asset gold pro- den to a depth of about 40 meters US$540 000 in initial capital, cause the larger sulphide project
tionary pressures currently be- ducer,” he said. in order to expose the oxidised which was spent in 2022. would have eventually needed the
ing experienced by most mining Learmonth said production material. The operating expenses for re- removal of the overburden.
companies will be offset by effi- guidance for 2023 assumes that This material will then be pro- moving the overburden and the
20 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

BRIEFS Mangudya: Zim’s de-dollarisation on course

We’re doing something CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6
This facility has largely benefited the
and liquid fuels.
The impact on the banking sector was,
foreign currency reserves for the country
will be based on export promotion and

about load shedding, agriculture sector, especially summer

and winter cropping.
therefore, indirect through domestic
macro-financial linkages.
import substitution to ensure continued
external sustainability.

says Ramaphosa In addition, the bank continues to sup-

port MSMEs through concessionary in-
terest rates to sustain their production.
VM: What is the status of historical
RBZ debt assumption?
JM: Government has put in place nec-
The bank also plans to institute further
measures to liberalise the foreign curren-
cy market in order to eliminate arbitrage
JOHANNESBURG — South African presidential In addition, the Bank continues to ca- essary legal instruments to assume all and speculative opportunities in the mar-
spokesperson Vincent Magwenya says president Cyr- ter for the foreign currency needs of the the blocked funds and the legacy debt ket. The bank will seek to ensure an ef-
il Ramaphosa deeply regrets the current energy situa- MSMEs through the auction system for that was contracted by the bank on its be- ficient foreign exchange market system
tion, which has plunged the country into stage 6 load SMEs. half. that will promote seamless financing of
shedding. VM: The collateral registry has now VM: ZAMCO was a great success in critical imports.
Magwenya was updating the public on the presi- been operationalised, do you think it managing NPLs. Should it not contin- The bank will also continue to ensure
dent’s public programme and topical issues of public will have any impact? ue? a smooth and efficient payment system
and media interest. JM: The collateral registry system was JM: ZAMCO (Zimbabwe Asset Man- as well as promote financial deepening to
“The president acknowledges the frustration of successfully launched on November 18, agement Company) was set up as a spe- encourage savings through value preser-
households, parents and learners who have com- 2022. cial purpose vehicle (SPV), with the sole vation instruments in 2023. In addition,
menced the school calendar year facing power short- The operationalisation of the collateral mandate of taking over non-performing the bank will seek to continue promoting
ages. The devastation to small businesses and the ad- registry will enable members of the pub- loans in the banking sector. The SPV was financial innovation through FINTECH
verse impact to the economy remains severe for South lic to leverage on movable assets, which established to operate for a maximum of initiatives and accelerating research to-
Africa’s recovering economy,” Magwenya said during a were considered as “dead capital” to ac- ten years, from 2014 to 2024. Having ful- ward digital currencies, particularly the
hybrid media briefing on Thursday. cess funding from financial institutions. filled its mandate ahead of time, ZAM- adoption of a central bank digital curren-
Giving an update on the National Energy Plan, Mag- As such it will go a long way in enhanc- CO is in the process of winding down. As cy.
wenya said that president Ramaphosa convened a Na- ing access to finance especially by MS- such, the Bank has no appetite for creat- Lastly, the bank will seek to continue
tional Energy Crisis Committee comprising ministers MEs which have traditionally failed to ing another ZAMCO. We will do every- implementing measures and policies for
and various technical work stream leaders on 15 De- access loans from the banking sector due thing it takes to ensure that asset qual- sustaining the use of the domestic cur-
cember. to lack of acceptable collateral. ity remains sound. We are happy that rency; boost confidence in its use as part
While the president acknowledged some of the pro- VM: 2023 is an election year and the level of non-performing loans in the of the de-dollarisation process.
gress made in the executing elements of the National there is always the fear of increased banking sector has been below the in- VM: What is your parting message
Energy Plan, he further demanded more urgency and money supply. How do you intend to ternational benchmark of 5% for over 4 to Zimbabweans?
speed in the implementation of all priority areas and reign in the potential inflationary years and the objective is to sustain this JM: Price and financial system sta-
actions laid out in the plan. pressures which can emerge? trajectory. bility is the best contribution that the
—Business Tech JM: The bank does not anticipate any VM: On currency management, bank can offer to economic growth and
abrupt shocks to the money supply em- what are your plans going forward? the general well-being of the nation and
anating from unanticipated expenditure JM: The current focus of the Bank is hence at the center of the bank’s primary

Apple boss Tim Cook to unless something extraordinary hap-

to sustain the optimal mix of the curren-
cy basket which is at 60:40 for USD and
objectives. Sustaining the current price
stability will go a long way in the preser-

have pay cut by over

The bank and government will contin- ZWL and which is serving the country vation of wealth and increasing the coun-
ue with the current liquidity manage- very well. try’s happiness index. Against this back-
ment measures to ensure that the obtain- Going forward, the focus will be on en- drop, the bank will do whatever it takes to

40% this year ing inflation and exchange rate stability

are sustained through the election peri-
suring value preservation for the local
currency and promoting its use to in-
safeguard price and financial system sta-
bility using all the policy levers under its
od. crease its proportion in the dual curren- purview.
California — American multinational technolo- The year 2023 is a year of stability and cy basket. I also want to assure the public that eco-
gy company Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook will see growth of the national economy. VM: What are your priority areas nomic activity is robust and that the in-
his annual pay package slashed by more than 40% this VM: On the international develop- for 2023? flation outlook is positive. With the inter-
year. ment front, what has been the impact JM: The bank’s priority areas for 2023 ventions that we have undertaken so far,
The technology giant says Cook requested the cut of Russia Ukraine war on the bank- include sustaining the current price and we expect inflation to continue a down-
after criticism from shareholders. ing sector? exchange rate stability to foster economic ward path to below 40% by end of 2023.
Apple’s compensation committee awarded him a to- JM: The impact of the Russia-Ukraine growth. The Bank will seek to start build- The bank encourages the private sector
tal “target compensation” of $49m (£45,1m) for 2023. conflict was minimal on the domes- ing foreign currency reserves needed to to refrain from malpractices and specula-
Last year the iPhone maker’s shares fell sharply in the tic banking sector as a result of limited back up the local currency taking advan- tive behaviour and adhere to responsible
face of supply chain issues and a global economic slow- trade and capital flows and financial link- tage of Statutory Instrument (SI) 189 of pricing. The support of the policies of
down. ages between Zimbabwe and Russia. 2022 and the reduced demand for foreign government and the bank by the private
“The Compensation Committee balanced share- The conflict, however, contributed to currency on the auction, which has fall- sector is critical in achieving and sus-
holder feedback, Apple’s exceptional performance, and inflationary pressures during the first en from more than US$40 million per auc- taining the current stability in the econ-
a recommendation from Mr Cook to adjust his com- half of 2022 which negatively impacted tion in the past to the current amounts of omy.
pensation in light of the feedback received,” Apple said the import prices of raw materials, food less than US$15 million. The building of
in a filing with a US financial watchdog.
The move will see Cook’s annual basic salary un-
changed at $3m, as well as a bonus of up to $6m.
The biggest difference to his pay package is how he
will be awarded shares in the firm. —BBC
Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand
LONDON — Tesla has cut the price of some of
Cost of living: Argentina its most popular electric cars by thousands of
pounds in Europe and the US, in a bid to boost
sees prices almost customer demand.
The firm faces a difficult global economic out-
doubling last year look and increased competition from other car-
The price cuts are in the range of 10% to 13%
Buenos Aires — Argentina saw prices almost dou- in the UK, but run as high as 20% on some US
ble last year as the country's annual inflation rate hit its models.
highest level in more than 30 years. New UK buyers will save £5 500 on an entry-
Official figures show consumer prices jumped by level Model 3 and £7 000 on the cheapest Mod-
94,8% in the 12 months to the end of December. el Y.
It marks the South American country's fastest pace of However, more than 16 000 customers
inflation since 1991. bought those best-selling models last year, and
Last year Argentina's central bank raised its main rate some were angry that they had paid more.
of interest to 75% as it tries to rein in the soaring cost One posted on a Facebook group for Tesla
of living. owners: “I just picked up the car yesterday. What
On a monthly basis, Argentina's monthly inflation should I do? Go to Tesla and give back the car? I
rate stood at 5.1% in December. can't believe after a few hours from picking up
The monthly figure marks a small victory for the gov- the car I lost £5k.”
ernment of President Alberto Fernandez as the coun- Tesla had a similar response from customers in
try's official inflation rate remains below the peak of China, where it announced price cuts last week. Tesla has also reduced prices twice in China in the last six months
7.4% in July. At the weekend disgruntled owners dem-
Policy makers and politicians may also take some onstrated outside Tesla distribution centres in Paul Hollick, chair, Association of Fleet Profes- nese brands, all threaten its expansion.
comfort from the annual rate not hitting three figures Shanghai and other cities, calling for compen- sionals welcomed the price cuts, saying it would When demand for Tesla cars far exceeded sup-
for 2022. sation. make electric vehicles more affordable to his ply, it could maintain prices at what Elon Musk
Price rises in December were led by cost increasing in Tesla has reduced prices twice in China in the members. However the “disorderly marketing” himself described as “embarrassing levels”.
areas including restaurants, hotels, alcoholic drinks and last six months and they are now 13% to 24% be- was not good news, he said. But in a world where more electric car brands
tobacco, which were up by more than 7%. low September levels. “A move of this kind does unavoidably create will be competing for a diminishing pool of po-
Like most countries around the world, Argentina has To try to avoid similar objections in the US ill-feeling. The company would do well to intro- tential buyers, it can no longer afford to do so —
seen prices rise sharply as the cost of commodities in- and Europe, Tesla said customers who had or- duce some kind of redress," he said. if it wants to keep on growing.
cluding energy has gone up. dered, but not yet received, their vehicle would The electric carmaker has been growing rap- James Baggot, editor in chief of Car Dealer
Soaring prices have largely been attributed to a bout be charged the new lower price. idly in recent years, as it moves from being a Magazine, said the move would have a big im-
of central bank money-printing, as well as the war in Ginny Buckley, from the electric vehicle mar- niche premium brand to a mass market manu- pact on used Tesla prices, which he said had al-
Ukraine. ketplace,, said the price cuts facturer. ready fallen by more than a fifth last year.
In December the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were still controversial and bound to “send But there are challenges. The lowest priced new Tesla Model 3 in the UK
approved another $6bn (£4.9bn) of bailout money for shockwaves” through the industry, because Te- Slowing global growth and higher interest is now priced at £42 990. Model Y vehicles start
South America's second largest economy. —BBC sla was making a shift from a premium to a more rates, not to mention increasing competition at £44 990.
mainstream product. from more established carmakers and from Chi- —BBC
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 21


We are in deep trouble in

When the opposite happens and One would have thought that hon-
we take control of the function- ey would come out of our moth-
ing of our minds, bodies, emo- ers’ titties but alas it’s from these
tions and energies, things shift insects.
and there is light from the in- Flowers, a natural beauty that
side and this light opens new neu- is beautiful for itself, grow out of

our challenging workplace

ropathways that have never been dirty soil and thrive even. Why
activated. We feel like we have then do we refuse our bad, ma-
received a new lease of life. The nure situation in the Zimbabwe-
performer awakes and sees flow- an workplace and other places?
ers where they used to see thorns We should get excited about
and thistles only. the idea of digging deep into
Outside that awareness, the hu- this dirt and coming out with the
man resources are living at some best. When we come out alive and
the New York Times bestselling level of trauma and never see the thriving, the world will look at us

re-imagining book Positive Intelligence where

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a
flowers. It makes sense that out-
side awareness, we all live at a
as a collective success and celeb-

the workplace
measure of Mental Fitness, indi- certain level of trauma. We, therefore cannot afford to
cating how quickly you recover I am aware that it is difficult just speculate or maintain the
from negative to positive respons- to embrace this compelling re- business-as-usual attitude. Ours
WITH BHEKILIZWE BERNARD NDLOVU es to challenges. search finding, but the idea is to should be the business as unusual
This leads to happiness and provoke desire to decide to start attitude because we are going for
This column sets out to take its thing because in the workplace based on his research, this happi- the journey of awareness, happi- the jugular vein in the workplace
readers through a journey that it’s not important whether we ness increases performance lev- ness and performance. We cannot and taking no prisoners. Comfort
should put us in a position of un- are happy or not because what we els. Our task is to show how and afford to live and perform at that is not favourable for this kind of
derstanding the criticality of the want to achieve can be achieved this is where we get to under- level forever because this is tanta- attitude and execution.
human resource. without happiness. stand that we are psychosomat- mount to self-robbery. We have created subtle comfort
This is both for the leader and We risk being labelled softies, ic beings who have a lot happen- The workplace in Zimbabwe zones around ourselves because
the led. It is good for the leader to cry-babies and sissies if we want ing that we are not conscious of and the world over is robbing its comfort zones do not care that it
understand this for purposes of happiness and claim that it is im- and that determines our state of contemporary society and pos- is under difficult conditions. We
working with the human resource portant that we are happy for us mind, body and the quality of our terity by not tapping into the real can be in deep problems and have
in such a manner that they thrive to perform and give out our best. thoughts and decision. deal which is to indeed do those comfort zones.
and the best is gotten out of them. The courage is still there There is a state of mind that ambitious business plans and These comfort zones are zones
This is based on the premise though, to unpack this important promotes high levels of perfor- then invest in capacitating the that are not comfortable and if we
that one cannot use any resource life phenomenon and make it un- mance and without self-aware- human resource and making it knew it, we would work our way
to its fullest if they do not under- derstandable by all and sundry ness and hence self-direction, a happy to perform to its highest. out of them.
stand its potential. It is good for because we all do need to under- lot happens compulsively and we In most organisations we do our
the led because self-awareness is stand it. lose a lot in the process. plans and slave drive the human n Bhekilizwe Bernard Ndlo-
the basis for self-improvement. We are unhappy and underper- The worst is that we then per- resource, getting close to nothing vu’s training is in human re-
No one can be assisted by even forming, sadly, but because we form mediocre and not know that out of this important resource. sources training, development
another person to get directions are achieving ‘enough’ on the sur- we are doing badly and compul- The Zimbabwean workplace and transformation, behav-
if it is not known where they are. face, we do not feel the need to do sively, holding the illusion that presents some of the best chal- ioural change, applied drama,
When one knows where they anything more regarding doing we are successful and doing well. lenges for any trailblazing think- personal mastery and mental
are, they can be assisted in differ- better and even reaching the sub- There is the wellness side to er who wants to break free from fitness. He works for a Zim-
ent ways to get directions. Clear- lime. it, which is a subject for anoth- the tentacles of fate and the be- babwean company as head of
ly that is where we should start, We are content with average er day, but it’s important that we lief that when things are diffi- human capital, while also do-
where we are, what we are, and and sometimes even below aver- refer to it here. The body takes a cult, there is nothing we can do ing a PhD with Wits Univer-
who we are, so that we may begin age and mediocre because the hu- big knock from this compulsive about it. sity where he looks at vio-
to move forward. man resource and the functioning thinking scourge that results in Nature has great examples lent strikes in the South Afri-
I have tried at length to estab- of same is considered a given and biochemical activities in the body of the good, the beauty and the can workplace as a research-
lish, based on scientific research, so we do not do much to achieve and unwellness. sweet being hidden behind some- er. Ndlovu worked as a human
that there is a serious relation- the zenith. This further complicates sim- thing that looks ugly. resources manager for several
ship between happiness and per- Our commitment as people ple performance and can lead to Mineral resources are found blue-chip companies in Zimba-
formance in all areas of perfor- management and development the body not being able to per- in the belly of the earth under bwe and still takes keen inter-
mance. enthusiasts is to then show the form its duties and very impor- very dark conditions and honey, est in the affairs of people and
This has been a tall order and relationship between happiness tant destinies and assignments the sweetest and healthy liquid is performance management. He
mammoth task because happi- and performance scientifically. get aborted before they see the produced by one ugly insect that can be contacted on bhekili-
ness is considered a nice-to-have Shirzad Chamine, the author of light of day. stings human beings, the bee.

Laws for entrepreneurial branding

In our inaugural PEOPLE model we
talked about the legal compliance as a
critical cog of running a successful SME.
Here we narrow down to branding
laws as originated in the field of business
and marketing management (every phi-
losophy/discipline has its own laws). In- power from the inception. It is critical for SME might fail to raise that higher noise
deed theories must be turned into prac-
tice for real-life validation.
The existence of our entrepreneuri-
businessopinion a brand to break its own ground and cre-
ate dominance through being the first
to develop and lead the promise(s) in
in a certain category than what will hap-
pen when they are many other players
shouting for an equal attraction. Like the
al brands needs to be safeguarded by one way or another. That is why it is im- adage goes “There is power in numbers.”
some sort of prescriptions made for us portant to patent and have own Intel- These markets/customers we serve en-
and by us. Especially now we have seen with DR FARAI CHIGORA lectual Property Rights, Copy Rights and joy competition because they will have
that we are equally excellent in perfor- Trademarks. A brand should enjoy its a wide base to choose the best prod-
mance to share markets, shelf displays, cause they don’t pre-test) but at the of SMEs which has been on our main own space as a pace-setter/ inventor/ uct/services as represented by the best
partnerships, business discussions and same time expect best returns. agenda from the onset. We previously innovator in a particular area of provi- brand. Our SMEs should now realise that
exhibitions with the so called global big A reminder that the market is also talked about managing diversity and ex- sion/category. Also supporting the need there is power in fellowshipping rather
brands. It is a sign that we can even do ahead in evaluation of the product/ser- pansion of our businesses. Surely we dis- to strengthen uniqueness that is need- than being a silo in a certain category.
much better and dominate the world vice, pricing and brand promise(s). The covered that some promising enterprises ed from brand craftsmanship to its life- Lastly, we go back to brand founda-
likewise. same goes with matching your brand experienced a pre-mature death just be- long market expression. We all know tion through appreciating the law of a
Of course there are many, if not un- elements like packaging and projected cause they tried to grow too much than that when shopping for some products/ brand name. A brand needs to be rep-
countable laws of branding, that have brand personality with the expectations they could handle/manage (concept of services in any category there is always resented by a strong/unique name for it
been shared in various domains. Here we of the segment(s) being served. diseconomies to scale). one that standout to be the leader and to sail through into the long-run. That’s
apply a specific entrepreneurial check- As we all know that quality lies in the The same applies when we expand first choice. It is important to maintain what has made renowned brands like
list to focus and customise those brand- eyes of the beholder. We have different our brand(s) and use it on everything the same forever through continued up- Nike and Coca-Cola live longer on the
ing laws for entrepreneurial take-off and types of markets/customers with diverse that comes in our lines of operation/en- dates, innovation and new product/ser- global market. Even with likely imitations
longevity. In this edition we therefore needs for satisfaction ranging from the gagement. We dilute its power in the vice development. As represented by these brands have managed defend
discuss the laws of branding that relates lower to higher end of social classes. In sense that the brand becomes mean- a progressive/innovative brand and in their space and still dominate to be the
to our SME growth and success. this perspective various groups have dif- ingless on a broader market. A brand some cases even go on re-branding in leaders in their category. A brand name
To start with is the law of brand quality ferent views/opinions on what they call should have a concentrated focus and the same category. should not only have a meaning but not
where we move away from mere defini- quality in relation to an SME brand. It is direct its effort to sell with a positive im- In some editions we also announced easily copied like a biometric finger print
tions and explanations to live the prom- therefore imperative to know that qual- age and wide awareness in particular/ the law of brand fellowship. Which ex- (a story for another day). Today I rest my
ise. A real brand should talk quality in its ity is not about being expensive and hav- specific markets. I have seen most of our tends from the above that for a brand case as we lawfully support the existence
delivery, performance of the represented ing brand elegance but providing what SMEs milking from their successful brand to strengthen its existence/performance of our home-grown brands.
offerings and pricing. your segment see as satisfying for their by attaching it to everything that comes in a certain category it should embrace/
Now we know what our markets ex- particular need(s) (a proper market re- along their way from pharmaceuticals encourage fellowship. That is welcom- n Dr Farai Chigora is a business-
pect from us through this enterpris- search should lead in this achievement). to agriculture, retail, furniture and bank- ing other brands in its space/markets. man and academic. He is the head of
ing journey we have taken so far it is That is why those in the school of eco- ing. Yes it is good to ride on a success- Though it is important to be cautious business science at the Africa Univer-
high time to showcase real brand qual- nomics have appreciated two extremes ful brand and benefit from its equity but and know when to invite others as com- sity’s College of Business, Peace, Lead-
ity through business re-engineering pro- of every market that is for inferior and that will not last in the long-run. Through petition might overtake your brand vi- ership and Governance. His Doctoral
cesses. Where we introspect, test, adjust, for normal/superior goods. Here quality contraction and narrowed brand fo- sioning. In fact you should be well pre- Research focused on business admin-
match and evaluate. View yourself as cus- is defined differently in both ends. Thus cus visibility will grow to be intense and pared for fellowship. On the positive side istration (destination marketing and
tomer of the same products/service you know what your brand quality stands for memorable. if there is more competition (through ac- branding major, Ukzn, SA). He is into
are marketing and selling. What would in the markets you serve as an aspiring The same goes with the law of brand cepted brand fellowship) there will be agribusiness and consults for many
be the best price you will pay for against entrepreneur. category which equally relates to the more noise in that industry/category companies in Zimbabwe and Africa.
the anticipated satisfaction (brand quali- This is then followed by another spe- aforementioned. A successful brand which then leads to higher good publici- He writes in his personal capacity and
ty =brand value). cial entrepreneurial brand law of brand should create its own category. Rather ty and increased sales for those excellent can be contacted for feedback and
Many of the times our SMEs take contraction. The law is a very interesting than joining a bandwagon which weak- players in the fellowship. So fellowship business at,
short-cuts and give less in quality (be- in the sense that it re-defines the growth ens your competitiveness/bargaining can really benefit a brand as one single WhatsApp mobile: +263772886871.
22 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Five Star expands to Victoria Falls

BY STAFF REPORTER Marwizi said Five Star Car Rental, just like any

small and medium enterprise, is strategically po-
local car rental company Five Star sitioning itself so that it contributes to the eco-
Car Rental will in April launch a new nomic development of the country through em-
branch in Victoria Falls. ployment creation, gross domestic product (GDP),
The company founder and CEO Ta- poverty reduction and supporting the tourism in-
Part of the fleet at Five wanda Marwizi confirmed the develop- dustry.
Star Car Rental ments to Standardbusiness saying the opening of Over the years travel and tourism have contrib-
the new branch was part of their efforts to pro- uted immensely to the country’s GDP.
vide car rental services across the country. According to the National Tourism Satellite Ac-
count, tourism accounted for 4,25% of the GDP
with a value of US$1,03 billion in 2018.
In 2019 the sector accounted for 6,3% of GDP
with a value of US$1,23 billion. At the same time,
the data also shows that tourism accounted for
1,56% of national employment levels in 2018, with
around 100 000 jobs supported and created.
Marwizi said the opening of a Five Star Car
Rental branch in Victoria Falls was part of efforts
to support the recovery of the tourism sector after
the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We are happy to launch the Victoria Falls
branch and this is part of our efforts to reach out
to many Zimbabweans and support the country’s
tourism industry,” he said.
“We are part of the team that is rebuilding the
tourism sector after the negative impact caused
by the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The young award-winning businessman said
they have at their disposal top-of-the-range cars,
mini SUVs and light vehicles for all sorts of activ-
ities in the resort town.
“We know what it means to be a service provid-
er in towns like Victoria Falls and other tourist
spots such that we have the suitable vehicles for
all sorts of activities in Victoria Falls,” Marwizi
“We are happy that everything else is now in
Marwizi said the Harare branch, which is the
company’s headquarters, has been receiving over-
whelming support from clients in and outside the
“We are growing and I am happy that in Harare
our clients are happy,” he said.
“We want to continue with excellence.”
Last year Marwizi was named among young, in-
novative CEOs by the Zimbabwe CEO’s Network.
Five Star Car Rental is also working with local
artistes among other initiatives that include cor-
porate responsibility programmes.
“Late last year we joined other SMEs under the
banner The Brand that Cares where we donat-
ed groceries and other necessities to a children’s
home in Harare,” Marwizi.
“We hope to build from where we left under our
corporate social responsibility programmes.”

Five Star Car Rental CEO Tawanda Marwizi

JANUARY 15 TO 21 2023


SH24 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Sita pleads for Mbare Rugby Academy support


E rose from humble begin-
nings in Mbare to become one
of the finest rugby players in
the land, with some spellbinding per-
formances for the Zimbabwe rugby
sevens team before also representing
Germany with distinction towards the
latter stages of his career.
Ex-Zimbabwe international Mana-
sah Sita might have since hung up
his rugby boots, with his focus now
on running his successful fitness gym
in Heidelberg, Germany, but he re-
tains a very special connection with
his roots.
The 36-year-old, who was recently
in the country on holiday, made sure
to take some time off to check on his
old mentor Victor Pekani, the found-
er and head coach of Mbare Rugby
Academy, where his rugby journey
“Without this guy, I wouldn’t be
where I am today and I’m so grateful
and thankful that Victor Pekani took
me under his arms back then when I
really needed him,” Sita said in an in-
terview with The Sports Hub last week.
“He showed me how to play rug-
by, how to be a man. His methods
of coaching rugby made me who
I am today. So just going back and
chatting to the boys and seeing that
Mbare Academy is still there and Vic-
tor is still drilling these guys the same
way he used to do to us is just amaz- Mbare Rugby Academy coach Victor Pekani (second from left) with some of his products
Sita says he regards Pekani, who
now also doubles as head coach
of the Marondera-based Wise Owl
High School, as one of the top rugby
coaches in the country and pleaded
for local rugby stakeholders to give
him the recognition he deserves.
“Victor Pekani for me is just one of
the best coaches in Zimbabwe and
it’s a shame that people haven’t ac-
knowledged that but as a country we
need these kind of coaches. He is one
of my mentors, I’m so glad and hap-
py that he is one of those guys who
started the journey and just seeing
him and talking to him was one of the
best things. Unfortunately, I can only
help him in a way but if the Zimbabwe
rugby community can actually recog-
nise him as one of the best coaches in
the country, I believe so many people
will benefit from his skills and meth-
ods of coaching and from his passion
for rugby,” he said.
Growing up in Waterfalls, Sita con-
sidered himself a sprinter before Pe-
kani encouraged him to try rugby. Lit-
tle did he know that it would be a life-
changing experience.
Following a sublime season with
the then Mashonaland Country Dis-
tricts club (now Old Georgians RFC),
he scaled heights beyond measure
and became the best rugby player in
the country in 2008.
The utility back Sita went on to be-
come a key member of the Zimba- Manasah Sita celebrates after winning the World Rugby Challenger Series event with Germany two years ago
bwe Sevens rugby side as well as sev-
eral clubs in Germany, where he also the institution. “I have been doing my best here “I officially stopped playing rugby coaching rugby, although he has
featured for the European nation and He however appealed to local cor- in Germany to help these guys but I last year, I was at a point where rug- been providing some fitness pro-
won the World Rugby Challenger Se- porates and well-wishers to come on can’t do everything alone and I hope by and work were colliding and my grammes for the Zimbabwe Un-
ries two years ago. board and support the Mbare Rugby the Zimbabwe rugby stakeholders do coaches told me that it’s either you der-20 rugby side.
Sita is one of the several former and Academy project. something to help the players. It will are playing or not,” Sita revealed. “I really don’t see myself getting
current household names in Zimba- “Zimbabwe needs to start looking definitely change the image of Zim “I’m an entrepreneur now, I have into rugby coaching, my focus at the
bwean rugby who came through the at these so-called little clubs and help rugby and ultimately the country will this big gym that I own now here in moment is on my gym and definite-
ranks of Mbare Rugby Academy be- them because that’s where all the tal- benefit from this because there are Germany so doubling the two was ly making sure that this brand grows
fore going on to enjoy very success- ent is coming from. The coaching that so many players coming out of Mbare too much for me and I felt like I was and maybe one day when I come
ful careers. they are getting there I’m telling you Rugby Academy. My appeal to all not in a position to do both. I stopped back home I’ll be helping people
They include France-based Bar- is of the highest quality but the most the sponsors is please just try to give playing rugby last year and it’s now with the fitness training that I have
thes Under-20 Trophy-winning star- amazing thing is they do all this with- Mbare Rugby Academy a chance,” Sita all about business. The same men- been doing here. I don’t see myself
lets Tavonga Ablant and Panashe out any of the fancy equipment but said. tality I had in rugby I have just shift- as a rugby coach but more on the nu-
Zuze Pride Nyameni, Stephan Hun- still as a player when you come out After hanging up his boots last year ed into business and I’m so happy to trition and strength side and helping
duza who captained the Cheetahs of the academy you know that you due to pressing working commit- be where I am at the moment, I have people to lose weight here in Germa-
and South Africa-based loose forward can compete with anyone. I hope the ments, Manasah has immersed him- three guys that are working for me ny.
Njabulo Ncube just to mention a few. Zimbabwe rugby community in col- self in the world of business in Ger- now and the mission is big, to grow “The Junior Sables head coach
Sita, who has maintained a close laboration with the local corporate many. Manasahfitness to a big brand here Shaun de Souza asked me for a pro-
connection with several clubs that he world can come together and give While he is no longer involved in in Germany and probably back home gramme and I was willing to do that
featured for in Germany said he will back to the Mbare Rugby Academy, rugby, Sita says he has been using the when the time comes.” to help him because Zimbabwe is my
continue to look for ways to support especially the coaches. It will be one mentality he used as a rugby player Sita, who also earned a few caps nation and if I’m able to assist in any
Mbare Rugby Academy and the cur- of the best investments they can ever in his business venture as owner of a with the national XVs rugby side, way I’m always willing to give a help-
rent generation of young players at make. thriving fitness gym in Heidelberg. the Sables, ruled out venturing into ing hand,” Sita added.
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 SH25


Fans come to
Chiefs’ rescue

ULAWAYO Chiefs’ fans have taken it upon them-
selves to spruce up the club’s new stadium, Ama-
Zulu Sports Club as the team last year secured a
five-year lease from Bulawayo City Council.
Work at the facility, which has been lying idle for a
very long time following the demise of AmaZulu Foot-
ball Club, started last year and Bulawayo Chiefs’ women
club and the men’s developmental side have been us-
ing the facility.
The reigning Chibuku Super Cup champions had Members of the Bulawayo Chiefs supporters chapter at work at the facility during the week
halted the refurbishments at Amazulu Sports Club dur-
ing the Christmas and New Year holidays due to finan-
cial problems.
The financially troubled club last year failed to pay its
players for the better part of the second half of the sea-
son and they are due to lose a number of senior play-
ers this year with defender Elvis Moyo already in Dyna-
mos’ books.
Elvis and his twin brother Kevin had their contracts
with the Ninjas expire at the end of the year with the lat-
ter also reported to be on his way to the Glamour Boys.
Other senior players Kelvin Madzongwe, David Bi-
zabani, Malvin Mkolo, Arthur “Diego” Musiyiwa, Obri-
el Chirinda and Perfect Chikwende could be on their
way out with the club having told the players that if
there are any clubs that wish sign them, they should ap-
proach the Ninjas for transfers to be done procedurally.
Sources said the club has started paying players what
they owe in salaries that date back to September.
The spokesperson of the Bulawayo chapter of the
club supporters, Prosper Phiri and other fans joined
hands during the week and were part of a crew that is
working at the AmaZulu Sports Club for the Ninjas to
start their pre-season training at the facility under new
gaffer, Farai Tawachera, formerly with relegated Bula-
wayo Chiefs.
“As a chapter, we appreciate the efforts that the club
has done for our football in Bulawayo and it will be un-
fair to just criticize issues as is being done; maybe it’s
time we need to show action. As a chapter we are put-
ting together a financial plan to assist the club and en-
tice members to join the chapter and that money for
joining fees will be channelled towards activities of the
club,” Phiri said.
He said the persistent rains that have pounded the
city and sewage flowing onto the pitch had stalled pro-
gress at the facility.
“The sewage problem and the persistent rains made
it difficult for the grass to be maintained since the sew-
age was flowing non-stop for almost a month spilling
into the pitch. The chapter played a part in getting the
sewage problem stopped, but then rains came and the
grass kept growing,” Phiri said.
An inside source said a construction company and
another dealing in paints, who are eager to see through
the Bulawayo Chiefs’ project have come on board to
help the club.
“We have been given help by a local construction
company and a paint company who have strong de-
sires to see Bulawayo youths getting proper facilities to
train; people that believe in the Bulawayo Chiefs pro-
ject,” the source said.
A businessman in the City of Kings and Queens is also
said to be coming on board to ensure Bul- awayo
Chiefs get back to its feet.
At the time of acquiring the sta-
dium, when work started at the
facility, club executive secretary
Dumisani Mantula-Sibanda said:
“One major setback in sports de-
velopment in the country is the
unavailability of facilities and
this being a facility for us as a
club, we think we are in the right
direction. All we need to do is to
have enough resources to put in
place what we require that
is going to make our pro-
ject work. As a club,
we hope that Bula-
wayo Chiefs will one
day run a success-
ful academy and for
that project to be
successful we
need facilities.”
Bulawayo Chiefs supporters chapter
spokesperson Prosper Phiri
SH26 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Fans come
to Bulawayo
rescue Pg 25

The Soccer Whiz

know of one football club and that Rashford injury away from a goal starting to believe that maybe it’s

HE major leagues didn’t waste poor performances that beset them is Manchester United where all the drought. not destined for him again.
time in getting back to busi- before the World Cup break. former players believe that a career The margins are wafer thin but if He was successful with mega star
ness after the break this year The team seems jaded and lacks at the club entitles them to a per- Rashford had not stepped up when studded Barcelona in their Mes-
for the Qatar World Cup. sparkle while manager Jurgen manent voice in the way the club is it mattered this season, then Erik si prime, winning the Champions
With the exception of the best Klopp himself for the very first time run. ten Hag might already have been a League in 2009 and 2011.
run Bundesliga, who have taken since he arrived at Anfield, appears For goodness sake Rio, call it managerial casualty. However Pep has since failed
their traditional month-long winter frustrated, lacklustre and lost and quits. Paradoxically he now stands on to win the Champions League at
break, the other leagues decided as if he’d rather be elsewhere. You have had a long distin- the verge of being the next great both Bayern and Manchester City
that they couldn’t afford any further I believe that Klopp has been guished career at the club but for Manchester United manager. with arguably the greatest assem-
delays to the domestic season, and spared the winter glare only be- crying out loud, give the boss and As one Manchester club ascends bly of talent available to him during
rushed headlong back into action. cause over at Chelsea, Potter is in the players a chance without the to the summit, are we witnessing the spells he has been in charge of
I personally wish that there had an even bigger mess. constant interference and harass- another plummet downwards? these clubs.
been a universal decision to delay This is a man who after I applaud- ment yourself, the Nevilles and Roy A chastening comprehensive 2-0 If Pep fails in the Champions
the start of the resumption of the ed him for his understated but ef- Keane continuously exert on the defeat in the Carabao cup at the League as I expect him to do so
domestic leagues. fective early successful start to his club. hands of the lowest ranked EPL again this season and if addition-
It would just be proper and fit- Chelsea reign, now has the side in I am submitting this article be- club Southampton on Wednesday ally he fails to win a domestic tro-
ting to salute the World Cup win- total disarray. fore the big mouthwatering Man- is followed by a run of challenging phy, I have a hunch that Manches-
ners, soak and digest the magnif- Chelsea fans are scratching their chester match up and have a hunch matches up ahead with the Man- ter City are going to seriously weigh
icence of what has taken place in heads in disbelief as they watch the that Erik’s boys are going to give a chester derby followed by a tricky up their managerial options.
Qatar and furthermore, give the team that just a couple of seasons statement standout performance. Spurs assignment. This of course comes in the wake
players a chance to recuperate and ago were proud conquerors of Eu- If indeed they do get a positive It’s possible that by this time next of their signing of the most prolific
repair themselves both physically rope now looking disheveled, dis- result, Erik ten Hag will garner him- week, City could realistically be out striker to arrive on English shores in
and mentally. jointed and an utter disgrace.  self the requisite, required unhin- of the title race and staring down Erling Haaland.
The impression I have is that the Over at Manchester United, dered, untroubled management of the barrel of a trophy less season. While the Norwegian will ulti-
big European leagues viewed this there’s finally peace and calm as the football club until the end of I’m not saying it’s an absolute cer- mately break goal-scoring records
winter World Cup as an aberration, Erik ten Hag’s reign takes shape. the season. tainty that City will drop points in this season, it will be rendered
an abomination, an absurdity and He’s instilled order and discipline He may also be able to convince this period but one thing I assure meaningless if he does so in a sea-
something that they could’ve done and it’s amazing how these two in- the club to part with some cash for you is that Pep is under the kind of son without team success. 
without. gredients can positively impact a a desperately required striker. New job security pressure that he alone Till the next time folks I leave you
My view is somewhat differ- dressing room, a team’s morale and Dutch arrival Weghorst please note, in this universe of football manag- with this…..let’s consider the genu-
ent and I wish that all could have confidence. much like a dental ers has never had to face previous- ine possibility of Guardiola’s City re-
come on board and unanimously With CR7 consigned to the oil filling, is only ly. linquishing their EPL crown.
fully embraced the idea of a winter heap, only Maguire is nervously a temporary Guardiola was brought Throw in the mix,a further failure
World Cup. regularly look- ing over answer and in to win trophies in the Champions League.
It’s a pity because on close intro- his shoulder these cannot be and of course, Under such circumstances, I be-
spection, this has hands down been days. viewed as a aespecially the lieve that Pep Guardiola may be
the greatest World Cup ever. He long term Champions asked to leave a managerial posi-
I have always felt that a World Cup needn’t solution.) League. tion for the very first time in his ca-
in the middle of a season is the best worry Right now That par- reer.
opportunity at getting the majority though be- they are a ticular cup He will of course have no short-
of players in prime physical condi- cause Erik has proved age of suitors and may, like his old
tion for football’s biggest prize and ten Hag will, extremely elu- adversary Jose Mourinho, decide to
Qatar 2022 proved it. contrary to sive and perhaps explore Italy.
That second winter World Cup the unneces- even Guardiola is Mind you, he may decide against
may remarkably happen sooner sary commentary such a move as perhaps that may
rather than later. coming from trigger negative memories of his
Cristiano Ronaldo’s arrival in Sau- Rio Ferdi- time at Brescia as a player where he
di Arabia might help transform the nand, give was found guilty of doping.
desert nation into the new football- him reg- He subsequently years later after
ing oasis of the world. ular play- retiring, managed to clear his name
Should his presence succeed in ing time although isn’t it amazing how foot-
bolstering the image of the Saudi when ball’s greatest active manager has
League in attracting other stars and he de- conveniently had that chunk of his
ultimately securing them the vote serves life almost mysteriously disappear
for the World Cup in 2030, it will it. from any mention anywhere by the
grant him the ultimate camel sta- Per- media as if it never happened.
tus and freedom of the entire Mid- sonally Meanwhile Diego Maradona is
dle East! I only still being hounded and per-
While CR7 gets his new career off secuted in his grave! Pep, I re-
the ground at Al Nasr, it’s back to spect you and truly admire
business in the EPL. you, but I’m just saying…..
For Liverpool that means the con- Feedback: @thesoccerwhiz
tinuation of the run of pathetically

Football Fixtures French Ligue 1 v Salernitana (1900), AS Roma v Today: Castres Olympique v Ed- Women v Ireland Under 19s Wom-
Premier League Today: LOSC Lille v Troyes (1400), Fiorentina (2145) inburgh (1500) en (1000), England Under 19s
Today: Chelsea v Crystal Palace Stade de Reims v Nice (1600), An- Monday: Empoli v Sampdoria London Irish v Stormers (1500) Women v Zimbabwe Under 19s
(1600), Newcastle v Fulham (1600), gers v Clermont (1600), Montpel- (2145) EPCR Challenge Cup Women (1345), New Zealand Un-
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal lier v Nantes (1600), Toulouse v South African Premiership Today: Cardiff Rugby v Newcas- der 19s Women v Indonesia Under
(1830) Brest (1600), Monaco v Ajaccio Today: Swallows v TS Galaxy tle Falcons (1500) 19s Women (1345)
Wednesday: Crystal Palace v (1805), Rennes v Paris Saint-Ger- (1530), Maritzburg Utd v Royal AM International Cricket India tour of Sri Lanka 2023
Manchester United (2200) main (2145) (1730) ICC Women's U19 T20 World Today: Sri Lanka v India (3rd ODI,
Spanish LaLiga Italy Serie A Monday: Mamelodi Sundowns v Cup 2023 1000)
Today: Getafe v Espanyol (1500), Today: Sassuolo v SS Lazio SuperSport Utd (1800) Today: Pakistan Under 19s Wom- Ireland tour of Zimbabwe 2023
Almería v Atlético Madrid (1715) (1330), Udinese v Bologna (1600), Rugby Union Fixtures en v Rwanda Under 19s Wom- Today: Zimbabwe v Ireland (3rd
Monday: Cadiz v Elche (2200) Torino v Spezia (1600), Atalanta Heineken Champions Cup en (1000), West Indies Under 19s T20I, 1300)
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023
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28 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Gauff warns 'best yet to come' Investigation launched

into Bolt's 'missing
KINGSTON - A company which looks after Usain Bolt's
investments is under investigation after reports he
may have lost millions of dollars to fraud.
Jamaica's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has
placed the firm, Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL), in
"enhanced oversight" following the allegations.
The 36-year-old retired sprinter had investments
with SSL for over a decade.
Bolt's manager Nugent Walker told the Jamaica
Gleaner the eight-time Olympic champion had no-
ticed "discrepancies".
The Gleaner report alleged millions of dollars were
missing from the account.
The FSC said it was "aware of reports of allegations
of fraud" and that the oversight process would allow it
to see the movement of funds and securities into and
out of SSL.
"The FSC will simultaneously continue its investiga-
tions into matters related to SSL," it added.
SSL said its own internal investigations suggest a
former employee was behind the alleged fraud and
added it had "referred the matter to the relevant law
enforcement authorities".
Bolt retired from athletics in 2017 after winning 11
World Championship gold medals and eight Olympic
gold medals.
During the 2008 Beijing Olympics Bolt set new
world records for the 100m and 200m sprint.
His 100m time of 9.572 seconds remains the world
MELBOURNE - Rising teenage star Coco Gauff losing to Iga Swiatek at Roland Garros. 'You don't have that grown woman strength record. — BBC Sport
warned Saturday at the Australian Open that "As much as I would like to think this might yet. You'll know when you get it.'
her "best is yet to come" as she goes in search be the best I'll be, I don't believe it because I "I can't put a percent on it, but I know the
of a maiden Grand Slam crown. feel like most of the tennis players, at least on best is yet to come for me."
The 18-year-old American has the honour tour now, are peaking in their career around Gauff would become the youngest Austral-
of playing in Monday's opening match on 22 to 26," said Gauff. ian Open champion since a 16-year-old Mar-
the showpiece Rod Laver Arena against the Gauff first won hearts as a 15-year-old in tina Hingis in 1997 if she goes on to lift the
Czech Republic's world number 48 Katerina 2019 at Wimbledon when she arrived as a winner's Daphne Akhurst Cup, but she said
Siniakova. qualifier and reached the last 16, beating she almost feels like a veteran.
Seventh-ranked Gauff heads into the first five-time champion Venus Williams along the "I think I've been on tour for four years now.
Grand Slam of the year on a high after win- way. I don't know how I feel. I definitely feel more
ning her third WTA title at the Auckland Clas- "From 15 when I started to now, I realise experienced and like I belong," said Gauff,
sic earlier this month. physically I'm at a much different level than who won her first WTA Tour title in 2019.
She is riding at her highest career ranking I was at 15. I think I'm just continuing to get "I don't feel like the new kid, but I don't
after breaking into the top 10 last year and stronger," said Gauff. think I feel quite a vet. I feel like I'm in the
reaching a Grand Slam final for the first time, "There's a joke that my mum has. She is like, middle of the pack." —AFP

Kohli, Rohit out of India squad Loeb's six appeal makes Dakar history
for New Zealand T20s as Al-Attiyah heads for victory
NEW DELHI – Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma on February 9. RIYADH - French driver Sebastien Loeb won a category.
have been left out of India's T20 squad for ODI squad: Rohit Sharma (capt), Shubman record sixth successive stage in the Dakar Rally Australia's two-time motorbike champion
the home series against New Zealand as se- Gill, Ishan Kishan (wk), Virat Kohli, Shreyas on Saturday although barring a disaster Qatar's Toby Price holds a wafer thin advantage follow-
lectors ponder major long-term changes. Iyer, Suryakumar Yadav, KS Bharat (wk), Nasser Al-Attiyah looks set for a fifth title. ing closest rival Kevin Benavides's victory in Sat-
November's World Cup semi-final drub- Hardik Pandya , Washington Sundar, Shahbaz Loeb, a record nine-time world rally champi- urday's stage.
bing to England prompted soul-searching Ahmed, Shardul Thakur, Yuzvendra Chahal, on, won the 13th and penultimate stage, a 154 The 35-year-old KTM rider holds a lead of just
in India and talk among the cricket board of Kuldeep Yadav, Mohammed Shami, Moham- kilometres special from Shaybah to Al-Hofuf, to 12 seconds over the Argentinian.
easing out senior players. med Siraj, Umran Malik. break Finnish driver Ari Vatanen's mark of five Price maintained first spot despite a fall and a
Both men remain in the one-day squad T20 squad: Hardik Pandya (capt), Suryaku- consecutive victories in 1989. navigation error in the stage.
for the visit of the Black Caps. Kohli ham- mar Yadav, Ishan Kishan (wk), Ruturaj Gaik- The 48-year-old Prodrive star is in second spot "I made one little mistake around 130," he said.
mered 113 off 87 balls to drive a big win over wad, Shubman Gill, Deepak Hooda, Rahul Tri- overall – the same position as he filled last year – "We went too far right and I took a fall while
Sri Lanka in an ODI at Guwahati on Tuesday. pathi, Jitesh Sharma (wk), Washington Sund- 1 hour and 21 minutes behind Al-Attiyah. looking at the top of a dune.
Skipper Rohit made 83. ar, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Ar- "It's great, even though the record was not "At this stage here, you need to push to keep
Batsman KL Rahul and all-rounder Axar shdeep Singh, Umran Malik, Shivam Mavi, necessarily my goal," said Loeb. the lead.
Patel will sit out the ODI and T20 matches Prithvi Shaw, Mukesh Kumar. "I especially wanted to cement my second "I'm happy, I've put a 100 per cent in every
against New Zealand because of family com- Test squad against Australia: Rohit place. day."
mitments, the Board of Control for Cricket in Sharma (capt), KL Rahul, Shubman Gill, "The gap was small and I eased into my pace American Skyler Howes lies in third spot 1min
India said. Cheteshwar Pujara, Virat Kohli, Shreyas from the start of the dunes, so I wasn't going to 31secs adrift of 2016 and 2019 champion Price.
It did not give reasons however for the T20 Iyer, KS Bharat (wk), Ishan Kishan (wk), change everything. Benavides, who won the title in 2021, was
omissions of Kohli and regular all-format cap- Ravichandran Ashwin, Axar Patel, Kuldeep "I feel good on sand, I can set a strong pace, I'm awarded the stage win after having more than
tain Rohit. Yadav, Ravindra Jadeja, Mohammed Sha- confident, I can drive aggressively while watch- 23 minutes restored to him.
Hardik Pandya will continue to skipper the mi, Mohammed Shami Siraj, Umesh ing out for broken dunes. It's cool." This was the time he took to aid a stricken ri-
T20 side, having done so Yadav, Jaydev In contrast to Loeb setting the Saudi dunes val Matthias Walkner at the outset of the stage.
against Sri Lanka earli- Unadkat, ablaze, Al-Attiyah has settled for a safety first The late revision dashed the cup of victory
er this month. Suryakumar strategy having established a commanding lead from South African amateur and debutant Mi-
The three-match Yadav. — going into the final week of competi- chael Docherty, who had been hoisted to
ODI series against AFP tion. the top of the stage standings after Bena-
New Zealand begins The 52-year-old lost just 5min vides's younger brother Luciano was pe-
on Wednesday in Hy- 38sec to Loeb in Saturday's stage. nalised a minute for speeding.
derabad while the "What is really important to me is Howes's compatriot Mason Klein's
first of three winning the Dakar," said Al-Attiyah. rollercoaster race – mixing impressive
T20 matches "The race was great for us, we just performances with several tumbles –
takes place have to bring the title home now." came to a premature end.
at Ranchi on Al-Attiyah's Toyota teammate, Bra- The KTM rider was unable to start the
January 27. zilian Lucas Moraes fills out the podi- stage due to medical reasons according
India um. He holds a comfortable advantage to race organisers Amaury Sport Organi-
will then of over an hour from another sation (ASO).
go into Toyota driver South Af- Sunday's final stage is a 417km
a home rican Giniel de Villiers. run – including a 136km
Test se- The car crown may special – to Dammam
ries appear done and bringing to a close
against dusted but it is far two weeks of com-
Aus- from the case in bat conducted over 8
tralia the motorbike 000km. — Reuters 
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 29


We’re all feeling the pain cept Fifa demands?

Doesn’t it smack of double
standards that Zifa are pun-
ishing coaches yet on the oth-
er hand they are also breaking
the rules by distributing Fifa
equipment to their preferred
The Zimbabwe Soccer
Coaches Association is right
in fighting such injustice
against its members who have
been caught up in a situation
which is not of their own mak-
Why can’t interim Zifa boss
Gift Banda and his illegiti-
mate board in the meantime
allow those employed coaches
to continue with their duties
until such a time that Zimba-
bwe is allowed back into Caf
and Fifa?
The fact that clubs employed
those coaches means that they
have utmost faith in their abil-
ities and as such should be al-
lowed to have their day.
What is disturbing is that
big decisions are being made
by individuals from their
homes when the whole Zimba-
bwean football family is sup-
posed to sit down and make a
mark on such issues.
When last did the Zifa As-
sembly meet to discuss mat-
ters affecting Zimbabwean
football, apart from the day,
they met to throw Kamambo
under the bus?
Matters involving coaches,
referees and the way back to

Mapeza refused to comment on path it has taken? the Fifa family should be re-
their failure to take part in the Ironically, Zifa is on a purge solved by the Zifa Assembly
Caf Champions League saying to weed out coaches in the PSL and not the Zifa board or one
this was beyond his reach but who do not have a Caf A badge or two members of Zifa.
with MICHAEL KARIATI he too obviously feels betrayed when at the same time Zim- We are told that the Zifa Re-
by the status quo. babwe is barred from hosting structuring Committee has
The question is: How and such courses. finished the job it was tasked
what should Zimbabwe do to Where does Zifa expect to do and we wait to hear what

E might try to hide it not acting as usual because resolve the crisis that from the coaches to get that Caf A exactly they came up with.
but the truth is that of the Warriors’ absence from outset looks too difficult to re- badge when Caf coach in- We only hope that their rec-
everyone associat- the National Sports Stadium. solve? structors are not allowed by ommendations are not to im-
ed with football in Zimbabwe Football agent and player- Should Zimbabwe follow the Caf and Fifa to have their feet press those who appointed
is feeling the pinch of Zimba- manager George Deda says it Kenyan example and bring in Zimbabwe? them but to foster a good fu-
bwe’s isolation from interna- is becoming difficult to find back Felton Kamambo as de- If Zimbabwe is not in Caf or ture for Zimbabwean football.
tional football. foreign clubs for Zimbabwean manded by Fifa for Zimba- Fifa right now, why should the For your comments, views
Even those who do not follow players because of the situa- bwe’s return to the Fifa club country force itself to enforce and suggestions mkariati@
football have been affected be- tion back home. or that Zimbabwe should con- Caf or Fifa laws when they or WhatsApp on
cause those close to them are FC Platinum coach Norman tinue on the slow and unsure themselves are refusing to ac- 0773 266 779.

school of sport
of superiority over others but in Zimbabwe in a sport, but when traordinary contrast; in her sol-
fact, they are more about a test few players play that sport it is itary confinement she watched
MANY a parent has taken mas- cesses of a child in competition of our own ability and attitude. perhaps not such a big achieve- Andy Murray win his first Wim-
sive pride in their child’s sport- at one place needs to be taken in It is not so much the opposition ment as someone who is selected bledon title. Nine months after
ing achievement at junior school context. The child who did well we have to overcome; we have to in a sport that has thousands of her release last year she eventu-
where the child has thrived and in junior school may have done overcome our own doubts, fears, people playing. Indeed, one child ally met with Murray but it was
won trophies and awards galore. so because there were few chil- inadequacies. The real value of may play for his country which he who gained the most from the
Their names are up on Honours dren at the school while at the competition is to test ourselves is very weak in that sport inter- meeting for he shared how listen-
boards around the school Hall; senior school numerous children against ourselves. nationally while another more ing to her experience had “put is-
they are constantly up on the who also did well in their junior We must see any contest talented child may not be play- sues in his own life — like back
stage receiving recognition for schools are also in competition against others within the cor- ing that sport in a country where and knee pain - into context”.
their successes. This pride per- for places. We need firstly to see rect context in different areas. thousands more people are play- When it comes to definitions
haps encourages the parent to the contest for what it is and then We need to see contests in the ing. of a word, we may well present
send their child to a senior school see that contest in context. context of time. Our current We need to see contests in the a synonym for the word but also
which regularly wins match- A contest has variously been achievements may set us well context of the game. Our team an antonym, to put it in context,
es and has many players select- defined as “an event in which above others in the past (records may have won a match but it may in contrast. So our responsibility
ed for provincial and nation- people compete for supremacy in being broken) but these in turn well have been on account of the as coaches and parents is to en-
al teams. They proudly advise a sport or other activity, or in a will be below others in future. We other team having numerous in- sure we keep contest in context.
the senior school of their child’s quality”; it is “a struggle for supe- need to see contest in the context juries or absentees or illness- A win (or undefeated record) for
amazing talent and the senior riority or victory”; it is “a compe- of age and development appro- es; it may have been on account the coach does not necessarily
school does indeed welcome the tition to do better than other peo- priateness. Children develop at of lucky breaks or helpful deci- make him a great coach; he may
child into their fold. Once at sen- ple, especially one in which peo- different rates so a child in jun- sions. The conquest is not every- have been given quality players
ior school, however, the parents ple’s skill in a particular activity ior school may flourish because thing. or the opposition that year was
are distraught to discover the or sport is tested”. Those will all they have developed physically Furthermore, we need to see much weaker. Parents need to
child is not selected for the A or well explain the concept of con- sooner. Success at junior school sporting contests in the context understand that the child’s na-
even the B team but only the C test and of competition in school is no guarantee of success at sen- of life. A recent news item shared tional selection does not neces-
team – a real life situation. What sport. It is, in short, as the name ior school. how Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a sarily mean she will go on to fur-
went wrong? suggests, a test. But such defi- We also need to see contest in British citizen who had been in ther achievements. A contest
The simple fact is that every nitions are in fact limited. Yes, the context of place. We may be jail in Iran for six years, survived may lead to conquest but it must
contest needs context. The suc- competitive fixtures are a test thrilled that our child plays for the experience through an ex- be taken in context.
30 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023


Real Madrid still hungry for success – Ancelotti BRIEFS

Kenya suspends 16 players,
coaches for match-fixing
NAIROBI - Football Kenya Federation
(FKF) has suspended 14 players and two
coaches for match-fixing after receiving
a tip-off about cheating in the national
Among those suspended Friday were six
players from Zoo Kericho FC, which was
found guilty of match-fixing by Fifa's in-
tegrity unit in 2021 and expelled from the
Kenyan Premier League.
The federation said it had suspended
those accused, including one player from
reigning Kenyan premiership side Tusker,
until the matter was formally investigated.
"Football Kenya Federation (FKF) has
received confidential reports alleging the
involvement of various players and offi-
cials in match fixing activities," it said in
a statement.
"In an effort to protect the integrity of
the league... the federation has with imme-
diate effect provisionally suspended these
individuals pending the investigations of
the matter by the Fifa and FKF integrity
In February 2020, Fifa banned four Ken-
MADRID - Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelot- bia, and Ancelotti thinks his players will be League winners, with five of those trophies yan players – one for life – for taking place
ti said his team are still hungry for success equally motivated, despite their success. arriving from 2014 onwards. in an "international conspiracy" to fix
ahead of their Spanish Super Cup final show- "We are talking about players that start- "All titles are important for this club, titles league matches.
down against rivals Barcelona today. ed winning in 2013, have kept winning and give motivation, confidence, there's a lot at Five Kenyan referees were later suspend-
The Catalans failed to win a trophy last sea- have never filled their stomachs and they stake in this game," continued Ancelotti. ed over the same scandal.
son and are looking for their first since coach never will fill them," Ancelotti told reporters "We fight each day for this, to get to a final. Kenya only returned to international
Xavi arrived in November 2021, while Real Saturday. The team is motivated and comfortable too, football in November after being suspend-
Madrid won a Champions League and LaLi- "We are at a very demanding club that because we are used to playing under this ed by Fifa in February 2022 because of gov-
ga double. doesn't allow you to think your stomach is type of pressure, that's why we have a lot of ernment interference in the sport. — AFP
The sides meet in a Clasico at the King Fahd full." confidence." — AFP
International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Ara- Madrid are the record 14 time-Champions
Djokovic 'likes his chances' of
10th Australian Open crown
Arsenal primed for test of title mettle at Spurs MELBOURNE – Novak Djokovic declared on Saturday
that he "likes his chances" of winning a record-extend-
ing 10th Australian Open crown, despite lingering inju-
LONDON – Mikel Arteta (pictured) has urged Ar- performance. There was a lot of things to learn they will be in pole position to hold off the chal- ry worries.
senal to prove they have learned the lessons and take from it," Arteta said. lenge from City, who still have to play Arsenal After missing last year's tournament when he was de-
of last season's disastrous defeat at Tottenham "We are in a different place now and we have twice in the league. ported over his Covid vaccination stance, the Serbian
when the Premier League leaders visit their to show we can play the way we want." Tottenham are 11 points behind Arsenal, but star is back at Melbourne Park and in sizzling form.
north London rivals on Sunday. Unbeaten in their last 11 league games, the their plush new stadium has been a house of He ended the 2022 season by winning the ATP Finals
Although Arsenal powered to a 3-1 victory in Gunners find themselves with a golden oppor- horrors for the Gunners, who have lost all three and began the new year with his 92nd career title at the
the derby in October — making it three wins in tunity to win the title for the first time since games there since it opened in 2019. Adelaide International.
the last four meetings — it is the painful mem- Arsene Wenger's Invincibles reigned supreme "It's an emotional fixture, you feel the tension He tweaked a hamstring in Adelaide and is still get-
ory of their most recent trip to Tottenham that in 2004. and the atmosphere," Arteta said of the hostile ting treatment, but insisted he was ready for another
remains etched in the minds of Arteta's players. With champions Manchester City look- reception awaiting his team. two-week campaign to potentially win a record-equal-
With just three games remaining last season, ing more vulnerable than usual and Liverpool "It's one of the biggest games of our season. ling 22nd Grand Slam.
Arsenal would have been guaranteed to struggling to shake off a season-long funk, Ar- We have not won there yet and that's the chal- Seeded four, the 35-year-old faces Spain's Roberto
qualify for the Champions League if senal have seized the initiative in the title lenge." Carballes Baena in round one and said that despite the
they won at fellow top four contend- race with a remarkable 14 wins from their 17 Fifth-placed Tottenham, who haven't lost at injury niggle "I like my chances".
ers Tottenham in May. games. home to Arsenal since 2015, are desperate for a "I always like my chances. I train as hard as really any-
Instead, they crumbled to a woeful Arteta's side are five points win themselves as they chase a top-four finish. body out there," he added.
3-0 defeat, then lost the next match clear of second placed City, who Antonio Conte's side have the added threat "There's a lot of youngsters now that are very hungry,
at Newcastle to allow Tottenham to pip can expect a stern test from in- of Harry Kane looking for the goal that would that want to win. They want to take a scalp off you on
them to fourth place in a collapse form Manchester United on Sat- move him level with Jimmy Greaves' Tottenham the big stadium. I know that.
that sparked furious criticism of urday. record of 266. "But experience of being in these kind of particular
Arteta from frustrated fans. A City slip at Old Trafford With a north London derby record of 14 goals circumstances helps I think to have the right approach
It was a debacle that could would open the door for Ar- in 18 appearances against Arsenal, it would be and do things in a proper way.
have proved fatal to Arte- senal to increase their lead little surprise if Sunday's showdown proves a "Because I know when I'm healthy and playing my
ta's Arsenal project, but the over Pep Guardiola's men. milestone moment for Kane, who is also two best, on this court (Rod Laver Arena) I have chances re-
Spaniard has impressively made 'Emotional fixture' short of reaching 200 Premier League goals. ally against anybody." — AFP
amends with his astute leadership The next fortnight is shap- "We are talking about a world-class striker
during a campaign that has ex- ing up to be a defining period for Ar- and for sure he is going to beat every record.
ceeded all expectations.
Arteta believes the bitter taste
senal, with the Tottenham clash fol-
lowed by a January 22 visit from
He is doing something incredible," Conte said.
Well aware of the high stakes in the latest
FIFA launch investigation into
from last season's surrender at
Tottenham has played a signifi-
Manchester United, who are the
only team to beat the Gunners in
battle between these eternal rivals, Conte add-
ed: "We know very well the importance of this
Martinez after World Cup final
cant role in fuelling Arsenal's title the league this season. game. I remember last season a fantastic at- LONDON - FIFA have confirmed they are opening an in-
push. If Arteta's team can emerge with mosphere in this game and I expect the same vestigation into the Argentina football association in re-
"That was the result and the victories from those key fixtures, again." — AFP lation to the actions of their players and staff around the
World Cup final.
Argentina beat France on penalties after a dramatic

No Saudi Arabian offer for Messi

3-3 draw at Lusail Stadium in Qatar in December. Goal-
keeper Emiliano Martinez saved a penalty from Kings-
ley Coman in the shoot-out, while Aurelien Tchouameni
was also off-target after being distracted by the Aston
PARIS - Paris St-Germain forward Li- ise the deal that will keep him in Paris." it make no sense to ap- Villa stopper.
onel Messi has not been approached Messi helped Argentina win the proach him with that of- The tense game had a number of flashpoints both be-
by Al Hilal and would not consider a World Cup for the first time since 1986 fer, it hasn't existed." fore and after the penalties, with Martinez also attract-
move to Saudi Arabia, Spanish football in Qatar last month. Messi joined PSG ing criticism for his antics after the victory. Now, nearly a
expert Guillem Balague says. He said after the tournament that from Barcelona in 2021 month on from Argentina's victory, further punishment
Recent reports suggest the Argenti- he planned to keep on playing for his and has made 54 ap- could be on the way.
na international, 35, has been offered country, while Balague says he is also pearances for the "The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has opened pro-
£245m to move to the Middle East. determined to win more things in Eu- Ligue 1 side, ceedings against the Argentinian Football Association
Messi's contract expires in the sum- rope. scoring 24 due to potential breaches of articles 11 (Offensive be-
mer but, according to Balague, he is "Right now, his motivation is to stay goals. — haviour and violations of the principles of fair play) and
close to finalising a deal to remain at in Europe," Balague added. BBC Sport 12 (Misconduct of players and officials) of the FIFA Dis-
PSG. "He is favourite to win the Bal- ciplinary Code, as well as of Article 44 of the FIFA World
"There hasn't been an offer [from Al lon d'Or, he is still in the Champions Cup Qatar 2022™ Regulations in conjunction with the
Hilal]," says Balague. League, he has big targets after win- Media and Marketing Regulations for the FIFA World
"PSG and Messi are organising a ning the World Cup. Cup Qatar 2022™, during the Argentina v. France FIFA
meeting in the next few weeks to final- "Not only does World Cup™ final," a statement from FIFA reads. — Mirror
The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 31


Chevrons fail to set up series decider

BY DANIEL NHAKANISO ished with two wickets for 22

IMBABWE were left ru- Despite the loss of Marumani
ing their batting frailties in the opening over, Zimbabwe
once again as they blew got off to a solid start as they
a chance to seal a series victo- raced to 54 runs inside the first
ry against Ireland with a match six overs.
to spare after losing the second The loss of Innocent Kaia,
T20I by five wickets at Harare who was run out while on 25
Sports Club yesterday. runs off 14 deliveries and Wess-
After being bowled out for a ly Madhevere for just one run
modest 144 in their allotted 20 pegged the hosts back.
overs, Zimbabwe’s bowlers were Zimbabwe’s hopes of a big
unable to take wickets at regu- total were extinguished when
lar intervals as Ireland sealed a Sean Williams (19 off 15) and Er-
comfortable win despite a spir- vine were dismissed in quick
ited late fightback by the hosts, succession as the hosts slumped
who were cheered on by a big from 54 for one after five overs to
home crowd. 144 all out.
Yesterday’s result which In reply, Ireland rose on a bril-
leaves the two teams deadlocked liant half-century by opening
at one match apiece sets up a po- batter Ross Adair, who recent-
tentially explosive deciding en- ly switched to cricket after an-
counter at the same venue today. other sporting career in rugby
Zimbabwe will need to put on where he played for top Irish
a much better display with the side Ulster.
bat after yet another unconvinc- The 28-year-old all-rounder,
ing show yesterday ultimately brother of paceman Mark Adair,
cost them what would have been top-scored with 65 runs off 47
a morale-boosting victory. balls as Ireland finished on 150
Earlier, Chevrons captain for four in 19.4 to win with two
Craig Ervine had top-scored Ireland players celebrate the wicket of Sean Williams during the second T20I at Harare Sports Club yesterday. Picture balls to spare.
with 42 off 40 balls and it was Wonder Mashura After his match-winning dis-
the only notable contribution play in the first game, leg spin-
for the hosts after Ireland won Graham Hume, who was mak- the faith shown in him by the Offspinner Harry Tector, who ner Ryan Burl was yet again
the toss and elected to bowl first ing his first appearance in the selectors after finishing with had earlier set the tone by claim- Zimbabwe’s most successful
in overcast conditions. series after replacing Barry Mc- impressive bowling figures of ing the wicket of Tadiwanashe bowler after claiming two wick-
South Africa-born seamer Carthy in the Irish team repaid three for 17 in his four overs. Marumani in the first over fin- ets for 26 runs.

Central Region Soccer League gets massive sponsorship boost Katsande takes swipe at

THE ZIFA Central Region Soccer League

Zimbabwe football
Funeral Assurance because it sets the tone
for the things that we want to achieve as a
region from this season going forward.
help them enhance their brand."
Ruvimbo Funeral Assurance chief executive
Edward Gomba also explained why his organ-
has received a timely boost ahead of
the 2023 season after receiving a
US$25 000 sponsorship package
"We have some of the best teams
in the country and this must also
be evident with competition
isation settled to sponsor the Central Region.
"We settled for the Central Region Soccer
League for a reason. The region falls at the
from funeral services company on the field of play. And this heart of the country and it's a good launch-
Ruvimbo Funeral Assurance. competition can be en- pad for us to reach out to all the parts of the
The sponsorship is set to be hanced with such sponsor- country," Gomba said. FORMER Warriors captain Willard Katsande has
unveiled today during their ship. "We are a company that is looking at launched a scathing attack on local football au-
annual general meeting [AGM] "We are actually look- spreading our tentacles across the country thorities, whom he blames for killing the game
in Gweru. ing forward to having more and the Central Region Soccer League affords by failing to sufficiently support junior struc-
Last time out, the league op- partners coming on board us that stepping stone. tures.
erated without a sponsor, how- so that we have more match- "We greatly value sports development in The retired footballer said Zimbabwe’s football
ever, the US$25 000 windfall es and competition within the the country and we also want our name to be standards and the level of investment will remain
from Ruvimbo Funeral Assur- league this year. mentioned among the companies that con- behind South Africa if junior football is not tak-
ance looks set to turn around com- "I want to take this opportu- tribute towards developing football talent in en seriously.
petition levels. nity to thank Ruvimbo Funeral As- the country. Being of the few Zimbabwean players that are
Central Region acting vice chairman surance for partnering with us and "We are also looking ahead towards spon- thriving well after retirement, Katsande is wor-
Thomas Marambanyika said: "We are really I want to assure them that we are going to soring other sporting codes besides football." ried the country’s readily available talent is all
excited with this partnership with Ruvimbo give them value for their sponsorship and will but going to waste.
“We don’t take junior football seriously, but
we want results at national level. How can the

Rashford earns Man Utd derby triumph over Man City

Warriors [Zimbabwe] win the Africa Cup of Na-
tions (AFCON) trophy when there is no support
at grassroot level,” Katsande said during an inter-
view with a local radio station on Friday.
Manchester –  Marcus Rashford (pictured) However, Ten Hag's men have now lost just underlined Ten Hag's need for more forward “Development and success are built from the
scored the winner as Manchester United came once in 19 games since in a stunning turn- options. bottom. What is happening right now is killing
from behind to beat Manchester City 2-1 and around in the Dutch coach's first season in By contrast, City are blessed with an abun- so many careers. Someone has to stop being
go third in the Premier League in a thrilling fi- charge. dance of talent in the final third and Guardiola's greedy. Football helped us take care of our fami-
nale at Old Trafford on Saturday. The introduction of Casemiro has trans- ability to make game-changing substitutions lies, but right now, it’s the other way round.
Both United goals came in the final 12 min- formed United's midfield since the last Man- looked to have swung the game in their favour. Katsande was livid in his remarks, especially
utes as Erik ten Hag's side moved to chester derby and Ten Hag's decision to play Grealish had only been on the field three since Zimbabwe has been under FIFA suspension
within one point of their local rivals Fred alongside his Brazilian international team- minutes before netting the biggest goal of his since February 2022 over government interfer-
in the table after inflicting a damag- mate cut City's supply line to Erling Haaland. City career to date as he nodded in Kevin De ence in the countries’ football association [ZIFA].
ing blow to City's hopes of retain- United's turnaround is reflected in Rash- Bruyne's cross on the hour mark. Consequently, players in the Southern African
ing the title. ford's revival. The England international has But City have struggled this season to match nation has been deprived of showcasing their
Pep Guardiola's men looked to be now scored 16 times this season. the consistency that has won them four Premier talent at continental and regional level.
heading to victory when Jack Gre- Rashford threatens League titles in the past five years and were un- This includes the 2022 Africa Cup of Nations,
alish came off the bench to head Rashford's pace in behind was the biggest done by a hugely controversial equaliser. the Chan tournament that kicks off this Friday in
the visitors into the lead. threat posed by either side in the first half and Rashford was clearly offside as he raced to- Morocco, among other key tournaments.
But Bruno Fernandes' con- he should have done better after rounding wards Casemiro's pass, but crucially did not touch Clubs have also missed out on participating in
troversial equaliser turned the Ederson than allowing Kyle Walker to com- the ball and left it for Fernandes to sweep home. the coveted CAF Champions League and the CAF
game and four minutes lat- fortably clear off the line. The assistant referee initially flagged for off- Confederations Cup.
er Rashford netted for the ninth Another Rashford burst then took him side and City were livid at the decision to allow And with no solution in sight, FC Platinum and
consecutive match at Old Traf- beyond Rodri, but again the finish was the goal to stand. Bulawayo Chiefs, who won the tickets to com-
ford. lacking as Ederson hurried off his line to City were still rocking when they conceded pete in the two club competitions, will miss out.
City could now fall eight points smother. again as Alejandro Garnacho sprinted down the Moreso, players have also had restricted move-
off the top of the table should Arse- United's new loan signing Wout left and crossed for Rashford to prod home from ment, especially going beyond Zimbabwe. This
nal beat Tottenham in the north Lon- Weghorst was watching on from close range. season no player has managed to join the DStv
don derby on Sunday. the stands and Martial's There was still time for City to feel further ag- Premiership from the Castle Lager Premier Soc-
The victory for United was sweet re- lacklustre perfor- grieved at referee Stuart Attwell as Haaland saw a cer League.
venge after being destroyed 6-3 when mance before penalty appeal waved away. Only ten Zimbabwean players have retained
the sides met in October. being re- But the champions now have a huge job on their places in the DStv Premiership, with Kudak-
The scoreline even flattered Unit- placed at their hands if they are to maintain their domi- washe Mahachi likely to be the eleventh player if
ed at the Etihad thanks to two late half-time nance of English football in the Guardiola era. — his move back to the league materialises. — FAR-
goals from Anthony Martial. by Antony AFP Post
32 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023

Investigation launched into

Standard Bolt's 'missing millions'

A COMPANY which looks after Usain Bolt's in-
vestments is under investigation after reports
he may have lost millions of dollars to fraud.
Jamaica's Financial Services Commission
(FSC) has placed the firm, Stocks and Se-
curities Limited (SSL), in "enhanced over-
sight" following the allegations. Page 28

Fifa ban haunts

…Harare giants barred from Malawi pre-season tourney

BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE petition. "We cannot grant Bullets the license charges, including abuse of funds.
Dynamos are currently trying to because of the inclusion of Zimba- The Fifa suspension prohibits na-

HE Football Association of Ma- build a team that can compete for the bwe team Dynamos. The Fifa ban ap- tional teams and clubs from partici-
lawi (FAM) has barred Harare title after parting ways with coach plies to all national teams and local pating in international football com-
giants Dynamos from participat- Tonderai Ndiraya, who guided the clubs. It even applies to school teams," petitions.
ing in the four-team pre-season tour- club to a third-place finish last season. FAM competitions director Gomezga- Champions FC Platinum and
nament, which was scheduled to take Herbert Maruwa replaced Ndiraya ni Zakazaka told Malawian newspa- Chibuku Super Cup winners Bula-
place in March due to the country's as the new gaffer and has the respon- per The Nation. wayo Chiefs will not be taking part in
suspension from the Fifa football fam- sibility to lead the club to success af- "That is why Zimbabwe teams can- the Caf Champions League and the
ily. ter bringing in a number of new faces not participate in club competitions." Caf Confederation Cup respectively.
Nyasa Big Bullets had wanted the into the team. Zimbabwe was suspended from Fifa Indications show that efforts to en-
Glamour Boys, UD Songo from Mozam- It was expected that the pre-season for third-party influence in the run- sure Zimbabwe returns to internation-
bique and local rivals Mighty Mukuru trip to Malawi would help the team ning of football matters in the country. al football are going to intensify this
Wanderers for the event. prepare for the upcoming season. This was after the Sports and Rec- year following the completion of the
But FAM turned down Bullets’ re- But the country's status on the inter- reation Commission (SRC) suspended forensic audit and submission of the
quest to include the former Zimbabwe- national scene has come back to haunt the Zifa board led by Felton Kamam- Zifa Restructuring Committee report
an champions for the invitational com- Dembare bo in November 2021 over a litany of late last year.


January 15 to 21 2023 SINDY



S2 Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023


Minister defends Winky D

BY SINDISO DUBE lic to desist from fighting Winky D.
“All I am saying is let us not fight artistes (Winky

RTS, Youths and Sports deputy D), let us respect their art and respect their opin-
minister Tino Machakaire has ions so long as it’s within their constitutional
defended singer Winky D after rights,” Machakaire said.
an onslaught of attacks on social me- “President ED Mnangagwa is saying no to vio-
dia by Zanu PF affiliated groups and lence, yes to peace.
individuals. “We are advocating for political groups and the
After the release of his political- public in general to stop fighting Winky D, we do
ly charged and social commentary not fight with people, but relate with people, we are
album, Eureka, Winky D was ac- saying that our doors are always open for artistes
cused of “using” young artistes to or young people who have grievances. We are one
advance a regime change agenda. people.”
Holy Ten sensationally “regret- Winky D has not responded to any of the attacks.
ted” working with Winky D claim- However, he thanked all contributing artistes
ing their song Ibotso was now be- and fans for a warm reception of the album.
ing dragged into partisan politics. “The Eureka music ship has now reached its des-
Zanu PF director for Information tination,” he posted on social media.
and Publicity Tafadzwa Mugwa- “We will never take for granted diligent musical
di came out guns blazing accusing efforts by all the artistes who featured on the al-
Winky D of being sponsored by the bum, we indeed learnt a lot from each other's vibes.
American embassy to produce an al- “Heartfelt appreciation is due to the instrumen-
bum that speaks of social and eco- talists, producers and engineers of the album who
nomic decay. continued to offer a dependable work culture, their
A Zanu PF-affiliated attention and dedication were such a blessing.
group, led by Mike Chi- “And to you, the music community, whose
mombe went a step fur- hearts, minds and souls were the destina-
ther to hold a press con- tion; your response to the music continues to
ference calling for the ban show that you truly are a music community
of Winky D's music on radio of the highest order and pedigree.
stations and from all perfor- “I hope that Eureka Eureka touched your
mances claiming his music caus- hearts and souls on the purest spiritual,
es alarm and despondency emotional and physical heights and
within the 'peaceful' Zim- depths.”
babwean youths. Songs that have political and
In a statement, social undertones are Vafarisi,
Machakaire, who is also Ibotso and Kutonhodzwa kwa
Wedza South MP Chauruka.
urged political
groups and
the pub-

Vusa Blaqs finds new love? XYZ came as a surprise to me: Qounfuzed
BY SINDISO DUBE sampled the song XYZ when he performed live.
BY STYLE REPORTER and ExQ's video for Bhachura before Many would have thought the song was done
he went on to direct award-winning AFTER giving up on Winky D following years of already.
BARELY two years after a glamour- videos for Jah Prayzah, Takura and seeking for a collaboration, United Kingdom- “So, I just had to wait till around Novem-
ous and much publicised traditional many other artistes. based singer and songwriter Qounfuzed said he ber and that's when I was given the XYZ demo,”
wedding, videographer Vusa “Blaqs” Recently, he joined hands with Syd- was surprised when the Zimdancehall king final- Qounfuzed said.
Hlatshwayo seems to have moved on ney Taivashe for a short film titled ly agreed to collaborate with him on a song off “I was shocked as I already knew the song ex-
and found new love if images on so- Konflict, the yet-to-be-launched film his album Eureka Eureka. isted and was to be released soon as he was hint-
cial media are anything to go by. follows the story of Kundai, a young The duo worked together on a song dubbed ing at people and sampling it during live perfor-
Blaqs wedded his then sweetheart, girl who dreams of being a game XYZ, which has proved to be one of the fans' fa- mances.
Rux Rukobo in 2021. Their marriage ranger protecting wildlife. vourites. “I just couldn't believe the news because I al-
turned nasty five months later when She lives in a village that is adja- "XYZ is something I never expected; I was sur- ready knew it was a good song.
Blaqs was accused of domestic vio- cent to a game park and the commu- prised when I got the information that I was go- “I didn't have any idea of what I was going to
lence after allegedly assaulting his nity is in constant conflict with wild- ing to be collaborating with Winky D,” he said. write on the verses since I already had a slight-
wife. life. “I guess it's all about God’s timing and I think ly similar unreleased song concept called Now
The allegations against The film seeks to advocate for co- it's true what they say about patience. I remem- And Then, which I had also been sampling at my
Blaqs came after the image existence between humans and ber I once stopped my management team from shows and my social media pages although this
of his wife’s battered face wildlife to save life from con- asking for a Winky D collaboration to avoid em- particular song is quite different as it speaks of
was leaked on social me- flict. barrassing myself and my brand as I thought lost friendship and this one speaks of exes.
dia. Rukobo alleged that that was a no-go area. “I kind of felt stuck and felt like I had exhaust-
she was a victim of do- “Well for some years I have been working with ed my thoughts already on that particular theme
mestic violence. Layaan Souljah, the younger brother to Winky and topic.”
Images of Blaqs on so- D, and it was only last year when I did highlight The Shisha hit maker described working
cial media show the video to him that I was thinking of doing a project with Winky D as a learning experience.
director on holiday in Vic- with ‘Rasta’ as we call him. "Working with Winky D means se-
toria Falls, looking cosy with “So I sent my demos and they said they rious business and it's a different ex-
a white lady identified as would listen to them, but in my head I perience altogether,” Qounfuzed
Stephanie Schumann. was just thinking whatever hap- said.
Schumann is well- pens, happens. “He is a perfectionist and so am I
known for her con- “I did not want to pressure but sometimes it all comes to under-
tributions in the them as I knew both our standing each other and letting each
arts sector and schedules are always other express our art and creativity.
promotion of Af- busy so I respect- “Then for me it was a learning expe-
rican bands in ed that and gave it rience too as I have so much respect
the Diaspora. time, Layaan and for him.”
She has close- I would do other The previous year saw Qounfuzed
ly worked with projects as I wait- dropping club bangers such as
local group ed for a response Shisha, Kamunamato kemubhawa,
Mookomba, and feedback, but Mudhudhudhu and others.
which is one of the last response "The year 2022 was a good
the most tour- I got was that may- year for me as I had at least a
ing musical be the next demo was total of five club bangers rock-
groups in the going to come from ing parties and events then
country. their end instead and up to nine songs doing cir-
Blaqs got on I was cool with that culations across the globe
the limelight after idea too.” on radio, social media and
directing Am- Winky D has for the the streets,” he said.
mara Brown greater part of 2022
Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023 S3


Tuku’s protégé
Betera claims his
talent is spiritual
this is the only voice I use and I have

FRO-JAZZ artiste Bernard Buki- when singing.”
ra Betera says he is not perturbed Betera, who has been labelled a
by people who label him an Oliver Mtukudzi reincarnate, says the sig-
Mtukudzi copycat, saying his talent nificance the late legend holds in his
was spiritual. music career was very spiritual.
Betera, a protégé of the Pakare Paye Arts “When Baba was still alive, some
Centre has of late gained fame by singing would call me young Tuku not be-
covers of the late music legend although he cause I am his son by blood, but
has faced a lot of difficulties in trying to set because of the talent I possess,”
himself up as a musician. he said.
Some fans claim that singing like Tuku “Why I say my gift is more
shows lack of creativity, but Betera thinks spiritual is because it all start-
otherwise. ed in my dreams as I would see
“Most people are happy and are in support myself walking with the late
of my music, especially because I sound like Dr Tuku and this was before he
Dr Tuku which makes me happy,” Betera left us.
said. “I would always see myself
“However some are not happy, which is travelling with him and he
most expected in the arts industry where you would sit down and start to
are bound to get criticism.” teach me and this all happened
Through Diamond Studios, Betera has ris- in my dreams as I did not know
en in popularity as he is getting endorse- where he stayed nor had I met
ments from the local showbiz scene. him face-to-face.”
He will this year release his album titled Apart from blending the Katek-
Chidenha. we beat and acoustic, Betera also
“I chose the name Chidenha because it sim- dresses like the late legendary
ply means someone who has power, but peo- musician.
ple have underrated him for long and now is “Dressing carries on the type
showing what he really has,” Betera said. of music just like hip-hop and
“I will finally be showing that I can do more dancehall, before someone tells
than just cover songs. you which genre they are in you
“My music is going to be a little different should be able to tell because of
from Dr Tuku’s, but not the voice because the dressing,” he said.

Local music diva signs under new American record label Sinbad 90 sings of ghetto decay in Westside
BY KUDZAI CHITSATSO titled DJ Anthem as well as anoth-
er solo effort titled Chi Queen Che BY SINDISO DUBE ations that we encounter on a daily basis in
ZIMBABWEAN musician Tadiwanashe Dh- bling. our province and I am sure that other areas
liwayo, popularly known as Tinky, says Irosha Entertainment is owned RAPPER Sinbad 90, born Innocent Stambuli, in Zimbabwe are also encountering such and
she has what it takes to earn global fame, by California-based Pinkstone and has tackled the impoverishment, high unem- more issues,” he added.
thanks to her recent signing under United Iroko who is based in Nigeria. ployment rate and drug abuse in the ghettos Sinbad 90 is the founder of Dollasign Music
States-based record label Irosha Enter- Dhliwayo discovered her talent in a song titled Westside. Africa, he also has songs such as Boyz Remu-
tainment. when she was in high school The song which features Grizle is a follow kute, They Know and Chiguruguru.
Dhliwayo told Standard Stlye before she started writing up to his recent release Magheva Iyaya, which The rapper is currently working on an al-
that she was looking forward to her own music in 2021. features veteran Jnr Brown. bum dubbed Bhundu lifestyle which speaks
producing hits under the record “I realised that I had “Westside is all about real life issues and of his daily hustle between Zimbabwe and
label. a passion for music and depicting what the youths are facing in the Zambia where he works at the Chirundu bor-
“l have a contract with Irosha l knew that one day l ghetto,” he said. der post.
Entertainment, which l signed would be in the studio “We face a lot of straining issues “Bhundu also means jungle and it
in November last year and l will recording my own music,” on a daily basis; youths are unem- will portray the real life of Sinbad
be releasing new songs monthly she said. ployed and the few who are em- 90 as well as Innocent Stambuli.
this year,” she said. “So l started by praising ployed are getting peanuts; There are motivational tracks
“l am looking forward to God singing in the church close to nothing. that push the youths to work
producing many hits and do- choir and the school band. “Those who are unem- hard in any way,” he said.
ing a lot of collaborations with "As l grew older, I discov- ployed are getting into drugs “There are tracks that also
big artistes, both local and in- ered that I had a gift not only and criminal activities and talk of the hustles associ-
ternational.” for singing, but song writing as young ladies are being forced ated with gold panners
The youthful artiste said as well and in 2021 I started writ- into prostitution by poverty. where I come from in
someone who is versatile she ing my own music, but l was “We have many situations Kadoma.”
will not confine herself to one unable to finance my dream.” where young women have
genre. been forced into early marriages
“I want diversity when it and have been exposed to HIV and
comes to the genre since I AIDS and teen pregnancies.”
want people from different The rapper, who hails from
backgrounds to listen to my Kadoma, Mashonaland
music,” she said. West used West-
Dhliwayo said fans side to namedrop
should look forward to where he comes
her new projects where from.
she features Irosha “Westside
owners Prissy Pink- represents
stone and Iroko on my province
the song Mashonal-
and West, we
are talking
about situ-
S4 Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023

Chics’ Galaxy

My style of dressing is
unique: Pretty Sindy

NE of Zimbabwe's runway queens Sindiso Ndlovu, affectionately known as Pretty
Sindy has boasted of her unique dressing style which makes her stand out in a
Pretty Sindy has competed at many international pageants that include
Miss Multinational in India where she made it to the top nine, Miss In-
ter Global in Malaysia landing in the top five and Miss Tourism Glob-
al in China, where she was crowned queen. Her fourth and last pag-
eant was Miss Africa Golden 2021 in Lagos Nigeria, where she was
crowned queen.
The pageant queen has appeared in many red-carpet
events, runways, TV programmes and even in day-to-day
life she seems to be always looking on point. She attrib-
utes her looks to knowing what looks good on her.
“In selecting what to wear I choose what looks
exquisite on me and when choosing my design-
er, I look for one who normally makes clothes
that are my style type,” said Sindy.
“I already feel my style of dressing is unique,
so whatever I decide to wear will most likely stand out as I like
to look and feel extra at events especially red-carpets.”
Ndlovu advises ladies on how to get a perfect dress for the car-
pet as she shares her process which includes sending the design
one wants to the designer on time.
“To find a dress for the red carpet I first find out the theme or
color scheme for the event and after that I assign a designer to
do a dress for me and normally I send the design I want a week
earlier to avoid unnecessary inconveniences,” she said.
Apart from being a pageant queen, Ndlovu is an entrepreneur
and yoga fanatic. She owns a cosmetic line called Pretty by Sindy
and a car rental service.
She graduated with a double degree in Biochemistry and Statis-
tics from the University of Fort Hare in South Africa.
Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023 S5


Sky is the limit for Kadoma art prodigy


RTISTRY is one of the most un-
derrated talents in some Zim-
babwean communities, start-
ing from how people fail to see the
value of drawing or painting to how
they greatly discourage mostly chil-
dren from doing it.
As people are modernizing, many
youths are now focusing on what they
know best and prefer doing than what
the society thinks is best for them.
Twenty-four-year- old Terence
Manado, a full time professional vis-
ual pencil artist running under the
trademark StrongHold, is one such
person who is looking into fully ex-
ploiting his talent as a pencil artist,
even though drawing is mocked by
the ill-informed who are under the
mistaken impression that it is a waste
of time.
“I started drawing since the day l
knew how to use a pencil, then l pur-
sued art as a career in 2017.” Mana- Yolanda Ngwenya
do said.
“I feel it in my veins that this is my
thing. When l finished high school,
life was not that favourable to me. rally becomes valuable.
“Realising that l have the potential Carrying a message equals claim-
to maximize my art skills helped me ing relevance in an increasingly com-
breathe, art comes as a therapy ses- petitive and creative sphere.
sion that helped me acknowledge my see and anything that comes to my work both directly and online so as to An art student, therefore, must not
pathway in life.” mind,” he said. reach a wider audience. simply strive to improve drawing
Manado told Standard Style that he “I do landscapes, wildlife, human, “Both direct and online marketing technique and style, he must identify
has developed a name by sketching pets anything, you just name and l are the best as they help an artist to the types of messages that their prod-
human portraits and wildlife and he can do it for you. I am adept in creat- grow rapidly and be able to reach out ucts can carry because art for art’s
dreams of showcasing his artworks ing architectural 3D models.” to wider audiences,” he said. sake worked in centuries gone past.
in local and international galleries. Manado said he was striving hard When art carries a message and is Today’s life requires innovation
“I can sketch anything that l can to develop his skills to market his art- understood by an audience, it natu- and originality.

SVG plots fashion scene takeover King Kay storms into UK song-writing award finals
BY BRIDGET WADZANAI MAVHIMIRA the local. BY SINDISO DUBE Hands making the finals in 2005 and 2011
“There have been movements such as Sup- respectively.
WITH clothing brands such as Nike, Louis Vuit- port Local which are trying to create some sort JOURNALIST, author, musician and song- "I am thrilled to have made the finals, but
ton, Gucci and Adidas taking over the interna- of local sufficiency and so far it is very promis- writer Admire Kudita, affectionately known this competition thing is honestly some-
tional market, two brothers Nkosinathi and ing and people are taking it very well as the year as King Kay has reached the finals in the UK thing that I could have done years ago to
Ntandoyenkosi Phiri who are 24 and 19 years 2022 SVG had very good record sales ever song-writing contest. check myself against world standards. Now
old respectively, popularly known as ‘The Ray since we started,” he said. King Kay is in the finals after the submis- making the finals and getting the five-star
Studios Brothers’ have introduced a fast-grow- SVG started in 2017 as skits on YouTube chan- sion of his project Breakthrough in the RnB/ rating from Grammy-affiliated judges is just
ing fashion brand named SVG which stands for nel for the two brothers Nkosilathi and Ntandoy- Soul category in June, last year. perfect and huge and I hope to win top
SAVAGE. enkosi Phiri where they would call their follow- The UK Song-writing contest is one of honours.
Just like international artistes such as Jus- ers ‘the savage’. The brothers were then moti- the world's longest running and most well- “Another thing worth mentioning is that
tin Timberlake, Kendrick Lamar, Davido, Emtee vated to begin their own clothing line through known and successful international song- although I wrote and arranged it, the first
wear labels such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton dur- marketing other brands and in 2019 one of Zim- writing events. It was launched in London recording of it was co-produced with Just
ing live performances, SVG label has been prov- babwe’s fastest growing fashion brands was in 2002 in association with prestigious mu- Percy, a very talented musician and produc-
ing to be quite dominant among local artistes as birthed. sic bodies including The BRIT Trust, The BRIT er. He is like a nephew to me and one per-
they wear and endorse it during their live per- “When we started we encountered a lot of Studio, The BRIT School (Adele and Amy son able to read my musical vision and in-
formances. people whom we gave clothing items for free Winehouse are graduates), Music Aid Inter- terpret it so well. So music is a very collabo-
Local music stars Takura, Holy Ten and DJ Ma- as they would promise to market our brand for national, The GISC, Roland UK and top Brit- rative venture and we are going to be doing
deHerbelieve have in recent shows performed us and we were running on negative. This is still ish producers and industry professionals "to more projects together. My forte is compo-
clad in SGV gear especially the armoured vest. happening even now where we get more than discover and encourage new song writing sition and arrangement, in short my core
Nkosilathi Phiri said the fashion label is for the five people a day in our shop asking to wear our talent and promote the craft of song writ- gift is writing," he said.
powerful and dreamers. clothes for free because they want to market but ing". To date King Kay has written and pro-
“We have created a brand of dreamers, peo- as we have grown we stopped tolerating such. It has been supported by BBC Radio since duced four albums — Victory, The
ple who take pride in being different and are in “The mentality that getting exposure is every- the very beginning with radio plays of Emancipation Project, Soul
a relentless pursuit to attain greatness. thing has been pushing a lot of artists and busi- song entries across the UK, and many fi- Revival and The Black Love
“SAVAGE is not just a clothing line but a cul- nesses back and it’s good to avoid getting stuck nalists and winners have also been fea- Project Vol. 1.
ture of powerful people. We are trying to cre- in such situations unless it is really beneficial on tured on BBC TVTV. It has grown into an "I do inspirational mu-
ate a culture of dominant people because when both ends as I believe in value exchange as a international event with entries from sic, whether it's a song
someone is wearing something from SVG, one business principle,” said Nkosilathi. over 80 countries, with UKSC winners about love or mak-
should be able to tell that this person is bold The official brand ambassadors for SVG are and finalists appearing on major TV ing it, it’s got to have
enough to pursue their ambition. Takura, Holy Ten, Robert Mugabe Junior and DJ shows worldwide. a life-affirming qual-
“Being able to show power in this case does MadeHerbelieve, the brand endorsers are DJ King Kay has entered the com- ity. For example , one
not imply having money, it simply means show- Towers, KVG, Itai Daisy and Siphosethu Mtembo. petition before and had of my original songs
ing your inner greatness on the outside. We try As one of its 2023 resolutions, the brand is two of his songs, Stand 'Stand Up For Love' on
to represent who you are on the inside, for ex- looking forward to working with Nasty C a South Up for Love and which I featured Idols
ample our bullet-proof vest does not necessarily African rapper, Rema a Nigerian singer and rap- Strength- East And Southern
mean when someone literally shoots at you, you per and some Zimbabwean singers they say will en My 2008 Winner Eric Moyo
will be protected rather it means one is showing be unveiled as brand ambassadors. was written against the
how confident they are as confidence on its own “The future for SVG is dominance and the first backdrop of the Xen-
is bullet proof,” he said. stop for us is Africa because there is no African ophobic and ethnic
Phiri added that one of the biggest draw- GUCCI hence SVG is going to penetrate that violence in South
backs in the Zimbabwean fashion industry is its market,” said Nkosilathi. Africa and Ken-
dependency on imports. The Phiri brothers said this year, they are aim- ya. There is always
“The problem with the Zimbabwean fashion ing to make the clothing line accessible and something we
industry is that a lot of people are dependent on plan to open two new shops at Belgravia and can do about the
imports. You notice that the majority of what is Arundel Village. At the same time, SVG will be state of the world
happening in the local fashion grounds is com- releasing a new collection with variety as they as writers. Chas-
ing from outside and people would rather buy are looking into accessories such as head bands, ing fame is vacu-
a fake Gucci T-shirt than an original local brand wind breakers and jewellery. ous and vain,” he
which is a major setback in terms of promoting said.
S6 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023
denced by the following: Paul MacCartney of the Beatles

Is Holy Ten a coward? press conference in Harare on

A retired policeman had this to
say: “I regret it now. Honestly?” apa
ndopawatozorasika worse young
man. Your investment in emotion-
al intelligence is key to both per-
sonal and professional success. Be
fame) as part of his HICC concert.
Shingai made bold moves in the
headline track on the Eureka al-
bum, Dzimba Dzemabwe, Too Bold
and she does not regret it. The song
was the last on the high octane set

in the groove Wednesday before New Year’s Eve.,

EEG called on authorities to ban
the entire album from the national
reserved and keep your Emotional
Quotient high wangu, mukawanza
zvirehwa rehwa munodhirika semu-
and on social media. It immediate-
ly broke the internet as it provoked
the most conversation. It was also
with Fred Zindi broadcaster, Zimbabwe Broadcast-
ing Corporation.
godhi wemakorokoza.”
Yet another commentator Mud-
released with the album’s first mu-
sic video.
“We note with great concern the yapasi from Borrowdale Brooke In my opinion, Winky D has el-
WHY am I writing about events the project. lyrics in Winky D’s album. Musi- says: “ Winky D’s music is rubbish. evated his strong position in musi-
which took place almost a fortnight “Do not politicise a project that cians should sing songs that are It tries to divide the nation. Holy cal circles with the release of Eu-
ago? I’ve considered a mere honour to be progressive. Most of the contents Ten was stupid to have collaborated reka as is has renewed his musi-
It’s because I am still amazed at a part of. I regret being a part of it are meant to sour seeds of discon- with him.” cal legacy. Banning his music from
some of them. now, honestly!” Holy Ten said. tent and destruction. He is leading In the early 1980’s when I was ZBC in this day and age of social
New Year’s Eve at the Hara- This controversy of publicly re- the youth down the garden path,” heavily involved in music, we used media has little impact as it will go
re International Conference Cen- gretting working with Winky D said EEG Secretary-General Clif- to pay hundreds of dollars to prom- on other platforms such as Tik Tok,
tre (HICC) where the Ninja Presi- who has a higher profile than his ford Hlupeko. inent artistes to include us as their I-Tunes, Spotify, You Tube, Pandora
dent superstar Winky D launched makes me wonder if the Ninja Pres- “He should be clear if he has trad- supporting acts in front of their and of course Facebook which ZBC
his Eureka album and performed ident will give Holy Ten another op- ed his musical jacket for politics. If crowds. That worked and we had has no control of.
in front of over 5 000 fans was ex- portunity to collaborate with him. he is now into politics we need to no regrets because we knew that I asked Mr Jonathan Ban-
plosive. Pro-Zanu PF outfit, Economic know.” the opportunity gave us a chance to da, Winky D’s manager for
The highlights of the night came Empowerment Group (EEG) (spon- “Music should unite and in this also raise our profiles higher. his comment on Holy
when he performed familiar tunes sored by Mike Chimombe) has instance, its clear. The responsible This is how Rozalla Miller be- Ten’s regret statement,
such as XYZ and Ijipita where the claimed credit for Holy Ten’s state- authority which includes Nation- came a well-known artiste when and this is what he had
crowd in the audience sang along to ment of regret following his collab- al Censorship Board should check she performed as supporting act to say:
every word. He then went on to sing oration with Winky D. these songs before they go public.’’ for Michael Jackson. The Bhundu “We have never
songs from the new album. This comes as the ruling par- “It’s not the first time he has writ- Boys reached the height of their planned to be
So far, only four tracks from the ty has over the years been accused ten songs of this nature denigrating success when they acted as the politicians.
album have been released with of harassing musicians who pro- the country and I believe there is a supporting act for Madonna at We just sing
songs Dzimba Dzemabwe and Ibot- duced songs viewed as politically new law that speaks to this.’’ Wembley Stadium in London about what
so being the most popular. incorrect. Exiled Chimurenga star, “He infers the Tutsi and Hutu for three nights in front of is relevant
Winky D collaborated with vari- Thomas Mapfumo, falls in this cat- (conflict). He is trying to cause an- 250,000 people. From then on- and happen-
ous artistes who included Tocky Vy- egory. archy. He says he represents the wards, the Bhundu Boys be- ing in socie-
bes, Enzo Ishall. Killer T and Nutty Controversial businessman and ghetto youth yet he charges min- came their own crowd pull- ty, the hard-
O to make the Eureka album. President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s imum $20 for entry at his shows. ers as evidenced by their ships people
However, when he introduced a ally Chimombe, has demanded that Where do the ghetto youths get that Brixton Academy perfor- experience
new song from his Eureka album, Winky D’s music be banned in the money? And the timing of his al- mance where Mark Knop- and the diffi-
which was a collaboration with Zim country for allegedly criticising the bum going into elections – he wants fler of the Dire Straits and culties socie-
hip-hop artiste, deep voiced Holy government. Chimombe, who was regime change.” Hugh Masekela were their sup- ty faces. We have
Ten, titled Ibotso, the crowd seemed recently arrested for fraud before Mixed reactions were expressed porting acts in 1987. a personal rela-
to have known the lyrics before- being acquitted by the courts also by the public over this song Ibotso In my opinion, Holy Ten tionship with
hand as they sang along: denounced the new album. which Holy Ten now regrets to have should not have been intim- Holy Ten. He
“Vanotora zvevapfupi nekureba Holy Ten, born Mukudzei Chitsa- collaborated on with Winky D. idated by the EEG if he be- never expressed
Ini ndiri muimbi chete ma, cites the sensationalisation of A commentator known as Sir- lieved he was doing the right to us how he
Handina pfumo ndine bakatwa the song by commentators, journal- uru 97 (referring to Holy Ten) re- thing. Musicians are the voic- felt about do-
Saka musandikakata. Ibasa ists and activists which has fuelled marked: es of the voiceless. He should ing a collabora-
Ndodapekugara, Ndoda roof political undertones within some “Thanks for your music Mujaya. have no regrets. He was fortu- tion with Winky
Ndoda chekudya mumba mune sections. Your music is a medicine for the nate enough to be granted a D. Even after the
hupfu The song, Ibotso, has been viewed depressed, vane nzara. You give platform by one of Zimbabwe’s show, we departed
Pa ghetto tiri kuchema kunge rufu by some as depicting Zimbabwe as us hope as the youths. Your music biggest and greatest artistes. on a good note. To
Vamwe vari kukwata vari a long-decayed society in which the might be politicised, it's part of the He should have stayed strong our surprise, we saw
kuchemera muvhu residents naively hope things will game, it means you’re big and rele- instead of regretting it. That that the social me-
Vauya netsvimbo hanzi ndiani ari miraculously change for the better. vant to the society. Thanks for lead- collaboration with Winky D on dia was awash with
kuti bufu Zanu PF director for Information ing the youths. Hoyooo!!!! ” Ibotso is/was likely to increase his regrets about
Vatengesa tengesa vopuhwa mafu- and Publicity Tafadzwa Mugwadi Another comment from Tanaka his profile. If he thinks he is big collaborating with
fu immediately lurched onto the tweet reads: “So Winky D gives a collab- in his own right, he should try Winky D on the
Torwisana tega ma Hutu nema after Holy Ten’s regret, and wrote oration on his newest project and and fill up the HICC on his own song Ibotso, but he
Tutsi as if he was also in the recording he happens to be one of the greatest like Winky D did. This is where never reached out
Aiwa hauzombozvida futi.. studio: artistes in Zimbabwe, and then you some of our young musicians go to us about that.
In my opinion, this song seems to “Artistes are no fools. You can tweet that you regret it? Hectic!” astray. I think it was the
have raised Holy Ten to a higher lev- never abuse them to resurrect col- A lady, simply known as Let- Towards the end of the HICC circumstances
el as an artiste when he sang Vanon- lapsed irrelevant opposition agen- ty had this to say: “Haa mupfana concert, Winky D was even able that he found him-
yepa, Vano Zeza, Vano Spender etc. das. Holy Ten’s music has clarified wangu ka pafeya chaipo song iyi iri- to attract a well-known U.K. self in that led him
It has received massive airplay that. They were made to drop their kufaya zvakanyanya kunge Wi-Fi, — born Zimbabwean artiste, to make those cow-
on many radio stations including lyrics before Winky D brought his don’t even regret anything. It is a Shingai Shonhiwa (daugh- ardly statements.”
Zi-FM. own twisted version having signed good project that will take you plac- ter of Leoba Kureya.) And the beat
However, Holy Ten seems to have a contract with the US Embassy in es.” Shingai is an ex- goes on!
grown cold feet after the release of Zimbabwe which I am in possession However, opinions differ. This is member of the U.K. pop  Feedback:
this song as he took to social media of,” Mugwadi tweeted. what makes democracy work. Not group, the Noissettes who has pre- frezindi@
to express his regret at being part of Addressing a hastily arranged all comments were positive as evi- viously worked with Adele and;

Zimbili urges musicians to rediscover themselves

BY BURZIL DUBE be agents of negative change as identity and in the process with-
their music is usually judged by out confusing it with other fellow
UPCOMING musician, Augus- what they would have produced. musicians. Augustine Zimbili
tine Zimbili has appealed to mu- “It is a known fact within the “The same also applies to vide-
sicians to not only focus on enter- music fraternity that musicians os, as the script should be consist-
tainment through ‘dirty’ dancing are identified by the products ent with the message and not to
but seek to shape communities being churned out that are a to- waste viewers' precious moments
and societies at large. tal sum of artistic factors which where dancing styles are diamet-
In an interview with Standard also brings out a comprehensive rical opposite to the message.”
Style, Zimbili whose hit Mbuva description of who we are in this Zimbili, whose stage name is
Yangu has taken the country by type of industry,” he said. “The Philosopher”, encouraged
storm, urged artistes to ensure Zimbili, who is a serving sen- those within the arts industry
that messages in their music is ior police officer said being an to use their talents to market the
well-thought out in terms of mes- artiste was a calling just like any country to the entire world.
sage and other related issues. other profession even though “Let us strive to rest a frac-
“Musicians should be con- originality is the catchword to tion of humanity that is restless
scious of the fact that their stardom while also captalising through music, hence my intro-
works are very influential on ei- on uniqueness. duction Rest Human Music gen-
ther building or destroying the “I would like to urge upcom- re which seeks to restore lost hu-
nation. I personally think enter- ing musicians to fully rediscov- manity,” he said.
taining with dirty or suggestive er themselves and ride on their Some of the singles that Zim-
dancing is somehow uncalled for uniqueness to bring about a dif- bili has produced include Rufu
as it defeats the whole purpose,” ferent taste in music. Rwangu, Mbuva Yangu, Tazvida active pioneer video of the song who are all based in Kadoma.
he said in a recent interview. “My natural approach to poetic Ndakuda, Tsitsi We Rudo Rwan- Tsitsi We Rudo Rwangu featuring All his songs were directed
He went on to state that artistes music seems to have been well re- gu and Muroora Akanaka. his wife Tsitsi, Samantha Shoko, and produced by Mambo Hermas
must strive by all means not to ceived as I have created my own He recently released an inter- Barbara Masuku among others whose studio is based in Chegutu.
Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023 S7


Screen writers bemoan lack of recognition

BY BRIDGET WADZANAI MAVHIMIRA are bent on reshaping the African nar- we should be able to tell our stories free online hacks on how to do just about an-
rative and destroying the singular story without needing to sensationalize ything they are passionate about and most do

CREEN writers are crucial and are most of told on the continent’s behalf. everything. We are more than not bother to go further into formal training
the times the foundation of the project. Wabvuta added that as writers in our struggles and we enjoy life which Wabvuta highlights as a problem.
They develop a script from start to fin- Zimbabwe, they have managed to re- through the mess,” said Wab- “I think the biggest problem is training. We
ish by working with producers and directors to claim the African narrative, however vuta. have a shortage of formal training as a lot of
ensure that the story is told effectively. Howev- they are now tasked with the responsibil- With the coming in of us are running on talent, but formal training
er they are not getting recognition at prestig- ity of getting the newer generation to un- new media, peo- would enhance that.
ious national awards. derstand what African stories are all ple are ex- “There is a need for writer communities that
International awards such as the Oscars rec- about. posed to allow writers to share their work if the indus-
ognize screen writers, but in Zimbabwe annu- “We need to completely try is to succeed. We need good writers and we
al ceremonies such as the National Arts Merit destroy the singular story do have some, but we need a lot more than we
Awards which aim to recognise the work done told about Africa where have at the moment,” he said.
by individuals in promoting arts and culture, a our stories are about The world is witnessing the birth of new tel-
whole section of the entertainment sector has poverty, guns, war and evision and film with new stations being li-
been rendered invisible through lack of recog- a desire for all things censed as well as the new media that is tak-
nition for the writer. western, and that can ing up spaces which is an opportunity to cre-
Gideon Jeph Wabvuta (pictured) is one writ- be achieved through ate stories that speak to the people and go be-
er who has been vocal on the case of lack of the power of pen and yond stereotypes.
recognition for writers. paper as well as our
He has worked with Almasi since its first screens.
staged reading, A Raisin in the Sun, followed “As Africans we
by another staged reading of The Convert di- love, cry, laugh and
rected by Danai Gurira. He directed his first
staged reading which was Nongogo by Athol
Fugard, he developed and performed his one-
man show titled ‘Mbare Dreams with him’ at
the Ojai Playwrights Conference by Robert
“The silence on awards is a little annoying as
writers mostly form the foundation of a project
which is why a lot of theatre writers in Zimba-
bwe have resorted to directing their own work
as it is the only way to get recognition.
“National Award matters and writers in film,
television and theatre deserve a space there
as it is a whole active section in the sector,” he
In the pursuit of building a viable film and
theatre industry, most writers and directors

Odyssey promises
fireworks, hosts Koffi

KADOMA hub of entertainment Odyssey Lodge

is set to offer revellers value for their money
when they host Congolese rhumba music icon
Koffi Olomide in April this year.
The scheduled visit of the celebrated Self-
ie hit maker artiste at Odyssey follows another
show to remember by South African musician
Makhadzi alongside Zimbabwean Jah Prayzah Presentation & Plenary Session
in October last year.
The popular spot’s events manager Kudzai
Chipengo promised revellers in Kadoma and Share your expertise on one of the
surrounding areas fireworks, come April. following discussions
“We hosted Makhadzi and Jah Prayzah last
year in October, which was the beginning of
Ÿ Financing Ÿ Battery Storage,
summer and we want to close summer with Ÿ HydroPower, Ÿ Energy Efciency
Koffi Olomide in April with two other big head- Ÿ Wind, Ÿ Technologies in
line acts set to be announced soon. Ÿ Solar, R e n e w a b l e
“We love being diverse through change of Ÿ Hydrogen, Energy
genres so that everyone can find something to Ÿ Biogas, Ÿ Marketing Energy
enjoy about at Odyssey. Koffi is a legend in this Ÿ Emobility, Transmission as a
field, so definitely it will be a show to remem- Ÿ Geothermal way of increasing
ber,” said Chipengo. Ÿ Net Metering trade
She also said Kadoma musical festival set for
this year on October 14 where several interna- These should be curated to
tional artistes will perform is another activity comprehensively cover the sustainability
lined up for music lovers.
agenda. Presentations should be 15-20
“In terms of other international artistes that
we will host, this year’s Kadoma music festival minutes long.
will return on October 14 and will be headlined
by international artistes like it was last year with
Makhadzi and Jah Prayzah,” she added. Green Innovation Stage
The show comes two years after the rhum-
ba maestro collaborated with Zimbabwean star
Roki on the song Patati Patata featuring Tanza- Join us on the Green Innovation Stage and
nia’s Rayvanny. showcase your innovative green product,
Tickets for the April show have already begun 0773277599 / 0773417271 / 0772327981 / +263242773930-8
service or initiative that is helping us
selling at Oddysey lodge in Kadoma and several January 31, 2023 achieve a net zero future.
Eat 'n' Lick branches dotted around the country.
For those willing to purchase tickets earli-
er, the prices have been set as follows: Janu-
ary US$10 for general ticket while the VIP is go-
ing for US$20 while for February it is US$15 and
US$30 for general and VIP respectively.
As for March the tickets will be selling at
US$20 and US$40 respectively for general and
VIP slots.
S8 The Standard January 15 to 21 2023




AT DECEMBER , 20212021 FOR
31, 2021

Notes 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 Accumulated distributable Revaluation
ZWL $ ZWL $ ZWL $ ZWL $ fund reserve reserve Total
Non current assets 375 253 837 167 725 094 281 713 943 51 007 189 Balance as at January 01, 2020 87 832 576 5 156 538 292 794 93 281 908

Effects of IAS 29 5 449 332 ( 5 156 538) ( 292 794)

Current assets 4 335 523 839 2 162 650 224 4 335 523 839 1 343 261 008
Accounts Receivables 1 443 533 558 1 161 097 100 1 443 533 558 721 178 322 Surplus for the year 1 158 972 045 - - 1 158 972 045
Cash and cash equivalents 3 2 891 990 281 1 001 553 124 2 891 990 281 622 082 686
Monetary loss 55 360 370 - - 55 360 370
Total assets 4 710 777 676 2 330 375 318 4 617 237 782 1 394 268 197
Balance as at December 31, 2020 1 307 614 323 - - 1 307 614 323
Balance as at January 01, 2021 1 307 614 323 - - 1 307 614 323
Reserves 4 395 201 942 1 307 614 323 4 301 662 048 759 012 920
Surplus for the year 4 704 458 939 - - 4 704 458 939

Current liabilities 315 575 734 1 022 760 995 315 575 734 635 255 277
Monetary Loss ( 1 616 871 320) - - ( 1 616 871 320)
Accounts Payables 315 575 734 1 022 760 995 315 575 734 635 255 277
Balance as at December 31, 2021 4 395 201 942 - - 4 395 201 942
Total reserves and liabilities 4 710 777 676 2 330 375 318 4 617 237 782 1 394 268 197

,2022. Non-
distributable Revaluation
Albert Manenji, (ICSA, MBA, RPA)
Accumulated fund reserve reserve Total
Balance as at January 01, 2020 57 784 590 5 156 538 292 794 63 233 921

Surplus for the year 695 778 998 - - 695 778 998
Balance as at December 31, 2020 753 563 588 5 156 538 292 794 759 012 920
Dr Bernard Madzima
(CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Balance as at January 01, 2021 753 563 588 5 156 538 292 794 759 012 920

Surplus for the year 3 542 649 128 - - 3 542 649 128
Mrs Margret Mehlomakulu Balance as at December 31, 2021 4 296 212 716 5 156 538 292 794 4 301 662 048


OF ZIMBABWE 31, 2021


31, 2021.


31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20


31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20

ZWL$ ZWL$ Cash flow from operating activities 1 990 532 999 1 061 856 377 2 409 916 588 601 269 549
INCOME 7 940 031 356 4 668 188 559 6 279 710 726 2 302 762 008 Surplus for the year 4 704 458 939 1 158 972 045 3 542 649 128 695 778 998
AIDS levy 6 366 481 500 3 811 900 638 5 235 066 799 1 937 417 764
Adjusted for: ( 1 712 209 257) 71 711 965 ( 69 301 471) 10 352 435
Revenue grant 671 570 995 840 238 365 535 310 480 358 748 688
Non cashflow items ( 95 337 937) 16 351 595 ( 69 301 471) 10 352 435
Other income 901 978 861 16 049 556 509 333 447 6 595 557
Net monetary Loss ( 1 616 871 320) 55 360 370 - -

EXPENDITURE 3 235 572 417 3 509 216 514 2 737 061 598 1 606 983 009 Operating loss/profit before changes in
working capital 2 992 249 682 1 230 684 010 3 473 347 657 706 131 433
HIV/AIDS Programmes/Interventions 4 1 980 268 780 1 943 651 267 1 721 800 635 865 193 946
Working capital changes ( 1 001 716 683) ( 168 827 633) ( 1 063 431 069) ( 104 749 046)
Program Management and Coordination 160 403 819 81 259 749 134 497 342 38 092 860
Cash flow from investing activities ( 190 848 534) ( 129 663 138) ( 140 008 993) ( 39 178 770)
Administration expenses 295 387 280 1 141 914 435 257 144 196 550 962 211
Employment costs 799 512 538 342 391 063 623 619 425 152 733 992
Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 1 799 684 465 932 193 239 2 269 907 595 562 090 779

Surplus for the year 4 704 458 939 1 158 972 045 3 542 649 128 695 778 999 Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginnning of the year 1 001 553 124 96 586 970 622 082 686 59 991 907

Net Monetary (Loss)/gain ( 1 616 871 320) 55 360 369 - - Effects of changes in Inflation 90 752 692 ( 27 227 085) -
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
Total comprehensive income for the year 3 087 587 619 1 214 332 414 3 542 649 128 695 778 999 the year 2 891 990 281 1 001 553 124 2 891 990 281 622 082 686


The Standard January 15 to 21 2023 S9






The main business of the National AIDS Council of Zimbabwe Compensation to the board of directors and key management personnel
(NAC) as set out by the National AIDS Council Act [Chapter 15:14]
of 1999 is that of coordinating, stimulating, monitoring and mitigating Remuneration of executive management and key management staff of the Council
an expanded epidemic, taking into account the comparative comprise of an annual basic salary, Allowances, medical aid contribution and
other benefits.
advantages of the different actors.
The remuneration of Board of Directors and members of key management
during the year was as follows:

2.1 Statement of compliance INFLATION ADJUSTED HISTORICAL

The Council’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20
2021 have been prepared in accordance with the International ZWL$ ZWL$ ZWL$ ZWL$
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as issued by the International 5.1 Board of directors aggregate emoluments
Accounting Standard Board (IASB).
5.1.1 Board fees and allowances 770 379 1 139 003 968 262 707 455
Board chairman 98 299 163 737 123 548 101 700
The Council endeavored to comply with the Public Finance
Vice board chairman 116 660 149 347 146 626 92 762
Management Act [Chapter 22:19], an Act which ensures
Board members 555 420 825 919 698 088 512 993
transparency, accountability and sound management of revenue,
expenditure, asset and liabilities of the country’s public entities. 5.1.2 Other board expenses 3 940 865 5 521 512 7 347 849 3 429 510

Operations of the Council were also guided by the National AIDS 5.2 Key management personnel
Council Act [Chapter 15:14]. 5.2.1 Total employment Cost 51 099 689 23 428 942 39 581 737 14 552 138

2.2 Functional and presentation currency 5.2.2 Loan balances to directors 8 260 673 113 106 8 260 673 70 252

These financial statements are presented in Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWL)

currency. Most of the Council’s transactions are in this currency and
the same is used for financial reporting. Foreign currency transactions
are translated into the Zimbabwe Dollar using the Reserve Bank of
Zimbabwe (RBZ) exchange rate.
The adopted functional currency was declared hyperinflationary for
all financial years from 1 July 2019 by the Public Accountants and
Auditors Board.

2.3 Basis of Measurement

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost basis
and are restated in accordance with International Accounting
standards (IAS) 29 (Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
Economies). Accordingly, the financial statements have been restated
to take account of the changes in general purchasing power of the
Zimbabwe dollar and as a result are stated in terms of the measuring
unit current at 31 December 2021.

The restatement is based on conversion factors derived from the

Zimbabwe Consumer Price Index (CPI) compiled by the Central
Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.


31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-20

Cash at bank 1 011 912 583 896 924 806 1 011 912 583 557 096 153

Cash on hand 22 226 4 225 22 226 2 624

Funds on placement 1 880 055 472 104 624 093 1 880 055 472 64 983 909

2 891 990 281 1 001 553 124 2 891 990 281 622 082 686

4 HIV/AIDS PROGRAMMES/INTERVENTIONS 1 980 268 780 1 943 651 267 1 721 800 635 865 193 946

Prevention programmes 1 437 726 518 1 056 683 508 1 248 945 675 541 906 510

Treatment, care and support 381 884 027 826 511 308 326 041 552 293 362 997

Enabling environment 160 658 235 60 456 451 146 813 408 29 924 439


S10 Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023


Artistes in strengthening drug abuse awareness

speed up the Central Nervous Sys- his life. He is unable to take stock etry as the tools that can bring

edutainment mix tem (CNS). Common effects are

euphoria, increased self-confi-
dence, feeling of abundant ener-
of his problems and stop drinking
He tries, but never succeeds on a
awareness on the dangers and the
negatives of drug abuse.
In line with this, short films can
with Raymond Millagre Langa gy, increase in motor activity and long term basis. This dependence also be produced to bring attention
speech, and decreased appetite, on alcohol can be both physical to this issue of drug use and abuse
dryness of mouth and papillary di- and psychological. and how it impacts on the family
THE subject of addiction and crease the amount. lation. In physical dependence, the and the community.
drug abuse is something which is Dependence can be both psycho- Long-term effects include sleep body has so adopted itself to the This can be done in partnership
very topical. We are living in a so- logical and physical. With psycho- problems, mood swings, poor ap- presence of alcohol that withdraw- with different organisations that
ciety which is volatile and high- logical dependence the user is pre- petite, and sexual problems such al symptoms occur when use is seek to advocate for more aware-
ly drugged up with a number of occupied with the drug and experi- as impotence. Chronic users may stopped. Symptoms can vary from ness on issues that orient to drug
youth being the predominant vic- ences a constant craving for it. develop amphetamine psychosis nervousness, sleep disturbances abuse as multi-stakeholder in-
tims to the scourge of drug abuse. With physical dependence the with hallucinations and paranoid or disorientation and sometimes volved remains something of im-
Our streets in the context of user's body becomes fully depend- thoughts. Common stimulants in- to death. portance.
Zimbabwe are flooded by all sorts ent on the drug. As a result of clude cocaine and amphetamines. In psychological dependence, al- On a parting shot, addiction af-
of drugs like crystal meth or guka, this, the person can function nor- Hallucinogens are drugs which cohol becomes central to the per- fects the entire individual physi-
cocaine, Nyaope, cough mixture mally only if the drug is present alter emotions, perceptions and sons thoughts and emotions and cally, emotionally and psycholog-
and Njengu or Mutoriro which are in the body. If drug use is abrupt- mental processes. Their use gener- this is manifested in a chronic ically. Hence any intervention or
brands of homemade alcohol that ly stopped, withdrawal symptoms ally produces hallucinations. craving or compulsion to drink al- treatment should be aimed at all
have an effect on health. occur. These withdrawal symp- Common main effects are mood cohol. these areas. The immediate goal
As we begin the year, it is of toms vary, depending on the type, alterations, distorted sense of These are some of the chronic should be to help the user to ab-
importance that artistes become amount and duration of drug time, intense vision, melding of effects we see among different peo- stain while simultaneously im-
the voice that brings to light the abuse. two senses (e.g. hearing colours), ple within our community. proving his functioning in other
scourge of drug abuse which is Artistes also have to be aware of ideas which seem silly to normal The artiste thus has to be able areas.
killing the youth as the future of the different types of drugs that people, attention fluctuations. Self- interrogate the root cause of the The family may very often ex-
the nation. Among the artistes too, are abused by individuals with- destructive behaviour is common issues that surround the increase pect the addict to stop immediate-
drug abuse remains something in the society. They are classified among people who take hallucino- in the use and the abuse of drugs. ly. This may not always be possi-
which is rampant and has de- into different types and this can be gens. An issue of concern is of how ble. As already mentioned, sub-
stroyed the careers of many. of use in the process of interven- While looking at alcoholism, one unemployment, idleness coupled stance abuse also adversely affects
A drug is any chemical that al- tion so as to curb the use of drugs. needs to distinguish between a so- with depression are aggravators the whole family system. The aim
ters the physical or mental func- In as much an important aspect of cial drinker and an alcoholic and of drug abuse. Another challenge of intervention should also be the
tioning of an individual. When being an edutainer is to also show understand the difference between is with regard to the influence of recognition of family symptoms
drugs are used to cure illnesses, knowledge of how these different the two. movies and music videos where and effective resolution of these
prevent diseases or improve health drugs are classified and their spe- This is so because as artistes drugs are glorified and seen as symptoms.
condition it is known as drug use. cific effects which can also be of we perform at bars and weddings the in thing to do which leads to It is our mandate to fight against
When drugs are used without help in the fight against the preva- were people drink. But in essence youths and even young kids being the prevalence of drug abuse and
any medical basis, in an amount, lence of drug abuse. it is also importance that artistes addicted to drugs. the voice of the artists has to am-
frequency and manner which Narcotics are drugs which share and everyone is able to distinguish What has to be done is the ac- plify the message of advocating
damages the physical and mental the common property of having between the different types of tive involvement of artistes as crit- against drug abuse.
functioning of an individual, it is pain-relieving characteristics. drinkers. ical stakeholders in drug abuse ad-  Raymond Millagre Lan-
known as drug abuse. Their common effects are short- A social drinker is one who vocacy. The message of anti-drug ga is musician, poet, orator,
Drug abuse leads to the devel- lived state of euphoria, drowsi- drinks the way his social group abuse advocacy has to actually go independent researcher and
opment of tolerance and depend- ness, apathy, reduced heart rate permits. He never oversteps the viral and bee made an everyday founder of Indebo edutain-
ence. That is, in short, it leads to and blood pressure, constipation unwritten, unspoken boundaries; topic. ment Trust. You can follow on
addiction. Tolerance is the con- and impairment or mental pro- but he clearly understands these An important matter of note is Face book @Millagre Ray Lan-
dition whereby the user requires cesses. boundaries. Thus his ingestion of with regard for the need for the ga, on Twitter you can follow
more and more of the drug to Long-term effects include se- alcohol does not cause any prob- enforcement of drug suppression on #Millagre Langa, email. mil-
achieve the same effect. Small- vere constipation, moodiness, con- lems in his life. laws which can be of use in reduc- or inde-
er quantities of the drug which tracted pupils, lung problems, liv- An alcoholic is one who contin- ing the precedence of drug abuse.
were sufficient earlier are no long- er damage and pus formation. ues to drink, despite continuing In the light of this artistes have
er enough and the user has to in- Stimulants are drugs which problems in one or many areas of to use the power of music and po-

Potholes war: Insurers must join the fray

travelling & touring
THE rains are upon us in what
promises to be a productive
farming season as heavens have
opened up bringing some relief
to drought-prone areas.
Water shedding was now the or-
with Burzil Dube
der of the day in some urban cen-
tres as most supply dams desig- verbial fact. South African National Road
nated as reservoirs were either de- A lot has been reported in this Agency (Sanral).
commissioned or in dire need of column about the poor status of The amounts were discussed
rehabilitation. most roads, especially those lead- during the Regional Conference
Most local authorities were ing to tourist attraction places For Africa which was held in Cape
caught napping following flash and that is having a negative im- Town, South Africa.
floods that recently hit the coun- pact on the world of travelling and This particular conference held
try due to non-clearance and touring. in October last year was attended
cleaning of storm water drainage However, thanks to information by various leading road experts
systems. gleaned from the worldwide web, and decision-makers from across
Recent media reports indicate Yours Truly will this week seek to the entire African continent.
that flooding in the majority of analyse how some neighbouring A mobile app to report potholes
urban centres has been caused by countries are trying to curb the across South Africa was also
lack of servicing of flooding clear- potholes scourge and other relat- launched last year where Sanral
ance mechanisms. ed issues. was tasked to be the implement- Flooding in majority of urban centres has been caused by lack of service
Residents have “rightfully” According to last year media re- ing agency.
been accused of contributing to ports, there was an average of 25 Some of the country’s leading was found in Makata, which is the embarrassment to all and sundry.
systematic drainage clogging million potholes in neighbouring insurers partnered with local au- country’s largest industrial site. More countries would have
through illegal dumping of gar- South Africa compared to the pre- thorities on repairing potholes He added that the pothole was been added in this column for
bage and other obstructing mate- vious five years when the figure as they would be marked or high- so deep that one could see both comparison purposes, but are left
rials into storm water drains. was pegged at around 15 million lighted indicating which company heaven and earth on a single gaze! for another day.
However, routine maintenance potholes. (insurer) that would have fixed the However, such issues are not It is pleasing to note that reha-
of such workstations is of para- The continued spike has been pothole. peculiar to Malawi or Zimbabwe, bilitation of Bulawayo-Victoria
mount importance if lives and in- attributed to inadequate road Yours Truly is of the opinion but are even also prevalent in de- Falls Road is bound to start in ear-
frastructure among other things maintenance. that it is now high time for such a veloped countries. This calls for nest and this is a positive develop-
are to be saved. The authorities came up with feat to be copied by insurers and a concerted effort to curb this ment in terms of travelling and
The same also applies to the an average estimation figure of private companies in our beloved scourge. touring.
country’s road network system, R2000 and R3000 per square metre motherland. This would be part Yours Truly is once again ap- Together we can make Zimba-
which is in dire need of a com- that was needed to fix a single pot- of corporate social responsibility pealing to insurers, including fu- bwe a pothole-free nation.
plete overhaul due to pothole prev- hole. programmes or any other form of neral assurance companies to as- Till we meet again in the next
alence, with some of them prov- These jaw breaking figures assistance. sist by playing a pivotal role on column.
ing to be a hazard to the travelling were revealed by the South Afri- One Malawi-based scribe last rehabilitation of our major high-  Comments always welcome
public. can Roads Federation whose num- year remarked in jest that the ways. on:
And this is an undisputed pro- bers were tally with those from largest pothole in Blantyre city Potholes are an eyesore and an
Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023 S11


When age limit shutters girl child’s dream

BY SILENCE MUGADZAWETA eral nurse training intake. the uptake of technology is minimal to ru-

“Must be between the ages of 17 and ral people. Thus women suffer multiple
he lay on the ground facing the 30 years on the date of commencement forms of discrimination when it comes to
sky, hoping for a miracle to hap- of training. Applications must be submit- recruitment including geographical, age,
pen. ted not later than 17 April 2022 using the and digital.
Different hymns could be MoHCC Electronic Platform,” the advert “Revising our laws and making sure
heard in her mind and heart, as read in part. that our laws are responsive to the needs
she tried to get answers on this particular “I feel like my dreams have been shat- of the population is imperative. Applica-
"curse." tered because of my age. I wish I was born tion for training and opportunities should
“Why do my dreams keep being shat- in a better family, by now I could have be cognisant of different levels of access
tered? An interior monologue was asking completed my nurse training. Poverty to technology, so that people who are
numerous questions, as she silently shed has denied me access to my passion and willing to apply are not denied access. A
tears, seeing a bleak future for her and her dreams. My wish is for this to be revised,” hybrid form of application can be adopt-
siblings who celebrated after she passed Manji said, mumbling incoherent things ed.”
'O’ Level Mathematics. Passing Mathemat- and choking on her sobs with bloodshot Shamwari Yemwanasikana develop-
ics is regarded as an achievement and a and puffy eyes. ment manager Lisa Bonongwe says in as
gate-pass to a better life. Concern has been raised over age dis- much as age discrimination carries disad-
Patricia Manji (33) (not real name) has crimination with most women from dis- vantages, it also avails opportunities and Age discrimination takes a heavy toll more on women than men
always wanted to be a nurse ever since advantaged backgrounds saying they support for young girls.
her mum died due to the non-availability are being left out yet they are passionate “Putting an age limit to certain ca- the government is looking into making why people put age limit, it has nothing to
of medical attention. about the nursing profession. reer opportunities is the same as put- changes for convenience. do with job performance,” he said.
“I have always wanted to help vulnera- Statistics show that the female-to-male ting gender specifications because as “The issue of online applications is a le- Another human capital and strategy
ble people in unexpected moments. Car- nurse ratio is almost 80% to 20%. women we are already at a disadvan- gitimate complaint which was raised in consultant, Emmanuel Zvada concurred
egiving is a calling to me. My passion is Institute for Young Women Develop- tage, there is already inequity because Parliament and the ministry is looking into with Nguwi adding that age gap creates
driven by the fact that our health institu- ment (IYWD) director, Glanis Changachir- of where you come from and a lot of it,” she said. a disadvantage for the country as some
tions are understaffed and this has led to ere says age cut off on training of any na- other things, and to add age to the fac- Women's Action Group executive di- people who are passionate about nursing
unnecessary loss of lives. I want to inspire ture is discriminatory, especially to wom- tor that's something hindering a lot of rector Edinah Masiyiwa said accepting on- have actually gone to study outside the
girls from my village,” said Manji. en. She said evidence has shown that women who are already disadvantaged. line only applications is a misnomer which country and some have excelled to the
She was left to head the family at the women progress slowly compared to We are living in an era where youth par- needs redressing. extent of occupying prominent positions
age of 13, having dropped out of school men in as far as training and employment ticipation is encouraged and during that “There is a discrepancy in the demand in hospitals in the diaspora.
more than four times because she had to opportunities are concerned. age there is a lot of focus given to this for online only application, there is ine- “Age doesn't compromise perfor-
fend for her four siblings. Changachirere said through her experi- age group. We are seeing a lot of girls quality and everyone should be able to mance. And occupations that are driv-
Having sweated in menial jobs in the ence working with women from margin- getting the support system for them to apply, those who do not have internet en by passion cannot have an age limit
surrounding farms just to afford a meal, alised backgrounds and communities in move forward," she said. should be allowed to hand post,” she said. on that. There is a need for the age limit
she is grateful to their neighbour, Advo- IYWD’s empowerment programmes, she However, Parliamentary Portfolio Com- Human resources experts agree that to be removed because the older you are
cate Martin Tsindi who “adopted” them. has discovered that a lot of women actu- mittee on Health and Child Care chair- there is no relationship between age and the more you are aware of what you real-
It was not so long before the Good Sa- ally think of training and employment op- person Ruth Labode said it was impossi- performance when it comes to training ly want. There is need for revision because
maritan succumbed to cancer, catapult- portunities way after turning 30 because ble for a person not to make the right de- and employment. a lot of Zimbabweans are leaving to study
ing them back to square one. of various circumstances. cision after completing secondary school, Human resources consultant Memory nursing outside Zimbabwe, meaning the
After writing her 'O’ Levels twice, pass- “Policies that put age cuts are policies adding that the government cannot in- Nguwi, however, said in some roles older country is losing people who could have
ing with flying colours, her hope was to that draw from the capitalist discrimina- vest resources in someone who is likely to people can actually give value even after been employed locally and add value,”
enrol at a nursing school. From Chadereka tory practice. We work with women from retire early. they are past retirement age. Zvada said.
village in Muzarabani, Mashonaland Cen- marginalised communities and when we “The country cannot invest in some- “There is no relation between job per- In 2017, researchers, Magnus Carlsson
tral Province, with no means to get infor- do empowerment programmes, most of body who is already getting old. It doesn't formance and age. Even for some roles and Stefan Eriksson concluded: “The ex-
mation on the processes, she had to beg a them come to realise they can go back work that way. Nursing is free training even after retirement people can contin- istence of age discrimination in the labour
stranger who stayed 8km from her village to school and fulfil their dreams and be done by the government; you cannot take ue to give value. The reason why some market could have serious consequences
for the vacancies page after she saw him somebody else. Unfortunately, when they government money or public funds and people think they can get an advantage for both society as a whole and the indi-
waving a newspaper. want to do what they believe in, there is fund somebody who retires quickly. What out of the younger people is that they just viduals affected. Another consequence
Manji could not believe her eyes, glean- an age limit, creating double marginalisa- would be a person be doing from 18 years want them to work more, if you invest in of discrimination could be lower occupa-
ing on an advert she so wanted. But her tion,” she said. until 35?,” Labode said. training in an older person, it means the tional mobility.”
fortunes suddenly changed after reading Added Changachirere: “Women usu- On online applications, she said the is- return in terms of your training maybe re-
the call for application for registered gen- ally go up the ladder at a later stage and sue has been raised in Parliament and ceived in a shorter period, that is normally

Artificial intelligence: How technology is transforming PR

activities. what people are saying about the com- ing them build relationships with cus-

public relations Automation of these types of tasks

enables PR professionals to focus on
more strategic work such as identify-
pany or product being promoted. This
allows companies to respond quickly
and appropriately in a timely manner
tomers in new and innovative ways.
Overall, artificial intelligence has
had a growing impact on the public
with Lenox Lizwi Mhlanga ing key trends or positioning the com-
pany in a favourable light. It also allows
while engaging their audiences in real-
time conversations.
relations profession, allowing PR pro-
fessionals to save time on mundane
them to respond to customer inquiries AI technology is also transforming tasks and focus on higher-value activ-
IF you have not heard about ChatGPT, haviour. Significantly, AI enables them more quickly. the way companies measure their PR ities.
then you must be living under a rock. to automate mundane tasks that used Target messaging has always pre- campaigns. Using advanced data anal- Artificial intelligence is revolutionis-
The game-changing artificial intelli- to take up valuable time and resourc- sented challenges to professionals, giv- ysis techniques, businesses can now ing the world of PR and providing or-
gence (AI) technology has the potential es like research, outreach, and content en the overwhelming demographics identify what types of messages or ganisations with unprecedented op-
to be a disruptor of industries, includ- creation. one has to consider. AI allows PR prac- campaigns were most successful and portunities for leveraging data for cre-
ing the public relations (PR) profession. For example, AI can scan hundreds of titioners to identify trends that can how they drove positive changes in ating personalised campaigns that res-
It is not a surprise that technology giant articles or conversations on social me- guide messaging strategies. By quick- consumer behaviour. onate with targeted audiences. The
Microsoft is in talks to invest US$10 bil- dia channels within minutes and pro- ly recognising emerging trends before This helps companies better opti- technology also does this by providing
lion in OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT. vide insightful data that helps profes- they become widely known, they can mise their PR efforts by understand- automation for repetitive tasks, better
The question we ask is whether AI sionals assess how the public perceives craft their message in such a way that ing what messages are resonating with insights through advanced analytics, in-
tools such as ChatGPT are an asset or a their organisation or products. it reaches the right audience at just the their audiences. AI is generating re- creased precision in campaign planning
threat to the PR profession. We accept it With the emergence of AI-powered right time. This gives them an edge in ports based on previous PR activities and heightened customer engagement
is transforming the way PR profession- PR solutions, organisations have been capturing attention and increasing visi- for future planning. rates.
als create, distribute and measure pub- able to create smarter and more effec- bility among potential customers. In measuring the effectiveness of PR In order for public relations prac-
lic relations content, streamlining pro- tive ways of reaching their audienc- AI makes it possible to create target- campaigns, the technology can detect titioners to remain competitive and
cesses and opening up new opportu- es with an enhanced ability to identi- ed messages that address individual insights such as user sentiment and in- achieve long-term success in today’s
nities. fy and understand public sentiment customer needs at scales — instead of terest levels on different topics, which landscape, it is essential that they be-
It’s not as if we have not used AI tools about their brand or message. broadcasting a single messsage across helps track progress over time and de- come familiar with these powerful
before. The technology has been grow- According to experts, PR profes- all platforms, marketers can craft tai- termine whether certain campaigns tools. As more technologies continue to
ing in influence and impact in the areas sionals can now analyse millions of lored messages based on preferences need tweaking or re-tooling. This en- emerge and become integrated into PR
of media monitoring, analyses and re- data points about audiences’ prefer- identified by AI. This hyper-personalisa- sures that organisations are always practice, it is wise that professionals ride
porting. ences, enabling them to personalise tion increases engagement levels sig- reaching their desired goals and max- the AI revolution and not resist it.
What is artificial intelligence? IBM messages for specific target audienc- nificantly. imising ROI.  Lenox Mhlanga is a consult-
says that it is a technology that lev- es and engage with them on an indi- One of the most exciting areas where We can enhance PR automation plat- ant communications specialist and
erages computers and machines to vidual level. AI has impacted public relations is pre- forms which enable users to reach out thought leader with over 22 years of
mimic the problem-solving and deci- A consultant with a major communi- dictive analytics. Predictive analyt- to relevant contacts based on their in- experience in the field. He has worked
sion-making capabilities of the human cations firm says AI will equip organisa- ics use past data to determine future terests or preferences with AI technol- with The World Bank and blue chip
mind. Specific applications of AI in- tions with greater precision when craft- trends that can help organizations bet- ogy. By taking advantage of automat- companies, as well as civic institutions
clude expert systems, natural language ing messaging strategies and faster re- ter target their messages to different ed tools such as these, PR profession- in Zimbabwe and the region. Contact
processing (NLP), speech recognition sults when measuring performance - demographics or audiences. als can increase the efficiency of their him for counsel and training in pub-
and machine vision. ultimately giving practitioners more AI systems are also used to ana- workflows. lic relations and corporate communi-
By zeroing in on the application of opportunities for success. This includes lyse conversations from various sourc- The combination of automated cations strategy on mobile: +263 772
AI by PR professionals, it gives them the having the ability to automate collect- es, such as social media, websites and tools and data-driven insights helps PR 400 656 and email: lenoxmhlanga@
ability to gain unprecedented insights ing information from news sources and forums as well as even comment sec- teams stay one step ahead in consumer
into stakeholder sentiment and be- social media, freeing up time for other tions, in order to provide insights into sentiment and industry trends — help-
S12 Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023


Health licence fees deterrent to affordable health service

health talk
today in many of the public institutions. end. Many private practitioners have pected to pay US$1200 as licencing fees
Many health practitioners pleaded with been hounded out of business in our by the same Radiation Protection Au-
parliamentarians to amend the Health country because of unfair practices. thority of Zimbabwe.
Services Bill especially on the clauses Medical aid societies are pushing How can the prices of basic medi-
with Dr Johannes Marisa that prohibit health workers to go on many practitioners out of business by cal investigations go down when such
strike. merely failing to pay their dues. The amounts are required by officials who
With the Health Services Bill now an same Ministry of Health is the regula- are merely sitting in their offices? The
THE last 18 months saw more than 4000 icines. As long as the human resource is- act, I see it as another serious source of tor and licences are generated from the end result is high cost of medical care
health personnel leaving the coun- sue is not solved, the Health Service frustration and demotivation which has head office. It is now a perennial prob- and it will be a mountain to climb if we
try for greener pastures leaving many Commission should not boast that it is potential to fuel further worker migra- lem of non-payment but the same Med- are to archieve universal health cover-
health institutions understaffed thus doing something yet there is rampant tion. What is needed at this juncture is ical Aid Societies are given their operat- age.
further strangulating the health deliv- brain drain. a friendly piece of legislation that is at- ing licences despite their incessant fail- Does government know that these
ery system. Life continues to tighten for Zimbabwe is losing experienced tractive to even diasporans to return to ures. are the amounts being charged in our
many citizens as they cannot afford out- health personnel to countries such as Zimbabwe. How do we expect health service to countries? Medical practitioners have
of-pocket payments because of restrict- Scotland, England, Australia, New Zea- I believe the Health Ministry has an lower health service charges when the not seen peace in the medical industry
ed liquidity. land and this is where the regulator is obligation to protect its workers as the service providers are not paid for servic- as councils are on their doors with exor-
There are many issues which I think supposed to show its mettle. Occupy- mother ministry. The Ministry of Health es that they rendered? Does the Minis- bitant charges that are not warranted.
the ministry of Health and Child Care ing high offices and taking frequent and Child Care has pegged exorbitant ter of Health know that civil servants are One wonders who is behind all these
should consider in its endeavour to de- cups of coffee yet the public health sys- fees for new medical aid societies ap- struggling to get medical attention be- measures that are there to strangulate
liver health, if we are to archieve uni- tem is in shambles is embarrassing to plicants with application fees sitting at cause Premier Service Medical Aid Soci- the few remaining and patriotic health
versal health coverage. The viability of say the least. Is the President of Zim- US$500 while registration fees are now ety has not been honouring claims for a workers in the country. It is my hope
health delivery service depends on the babwe told there are very few nurses US$15000. This amount is a natural de- long time? that all such contentious issues be ad-
2007 World Health Organisation’s build- manning wards at central hospitals like terrent for local starters and is only there Radiographers and radiologists were dressed by the central government
ing blocks which include health work- Parirenyatwa or Sally Mugabe Hospital? to usurp all the energy from prospec- recently crying about the exorbitant li- through the Ministry of Health and
force, financing, medicines, govern- Is His Excellency briefed that there are tive participants. It is my plea that such censing fees from the Radiation Protec- Child Care.
ance, service delivery and information shortages of basic drugs and sundries at amounts are reviewed downwards. tion Authority of Zimbabwe. How on Central government should consid-
systems. many public health institutions? We have many players who appear in earth could regulation fees for Com- er the plight of its workers and all those
The public health delivery system is If such information is not relayed to the medical field and start to demand puted Tomography, Magnetic Reso- who are in the health sector. Censoring
facing insurmountable problems, ma- him, then there is both disinformation very big pieces of cakes which I think nance Imaging and X-rays be close to health regulatory bodies is one step to
jority of which are circulating around and misinformation. is not fair considering that health ser- US$4000? A general practitioner who correct the mess that is prevailing today.
the issues of human resources and med- Worker demotivation is very topical vice delivery should be affordable at the runs an X-ray and Ultrasound Scan is ex- No to corruption!

Are restrictive abortion laws good for

women’s reproductive health? (Part 2)
KAMURAI MUDZINGWA The women (pro-choice) perceived tor for backyard abortion. They cited re-
the law as contributing to serious re- ligious hypocrisy as a danger.
IN the first part of this two-part article, productive health hazards because by “There is a lot of hypocrisy in the
it was noted that the legislation gov- unintentionally encouraging illegal church. In our church people get ranks
erning abortion in Zimbabwe is pro- abortions, it exposed women to seri- such as elder, senior etc according to
life hence its restrictive nature. An esti- ous health consequences. They said your guild. If your unmarried daugh-
mated 60 000 to 70 000 illegal or back- backyard abortion procedures includ- ter is impregnated and the man re-
yard abortions are recorded every year ed dangerous concoctions and the in- sponsible denies paternity then your
in Zimbabwe. sertion of sharp objects into the womb. rank might be lowered because you
In order to have some understanding “My cousin died a painful death with are blamed for not instilling morals into
of what women think and feel about the her intestines protruding after she took your child. I know of parents who re- Women, both pro-choice and pro-life, believe that abortion should be regarded
restrictive abortion legislation in Zim- a concoction given to her by a herbal- sorted to backyard abortions for their seriously as part of women’s reproductive health
babwe and its impact on illegal abor- ist to terminate her pregnancy. No one daughters in order to keep their sta-
tions that jeopardise women’s health, I dared to take her to hospital after the tuses in church,” said one woman in a “Although the national gender policy pregnancy people mourn me not the
solicited responses from women aged procedure went wrong for fear of being group discussion. states that there should be no discrim- foetus. Why give something that I car-
between 19 and 45 years. Six categories arrested. If it was not for fear of the law, Some participants said they knew of ination against women in its pursuit of ry inside me more rights than me?” said
of factors that influenced respondents’ my cousin would simply have gone to pastors who had taken their pregnant gender equality at the workplace, the a woman from a human rights organi-
perception of the legislation emerged a medical doctor to have her pregnan- daughters or church members they situation on the ground is different. sation.
— morality factors; health factors; reli- cy safely terminated,” said one woman would have made pregnant for back- For instance, I can not go for a job in- The women perceived the law as the
gious factors; social factors; economic in an interview. yard abortions. terview carrying a visible pregnancy. impetus of what would eventually be-
factors and human rights factors. Some of the women argued that it is One respondent said: “If the law was If I do that my chances of getting em- come murder.
Morality only the woman who knows what she permissive, such people would take ployed are zero. I might decide to ter- “If the law allowed for on-demand
Pro-life respondents in a group dis- is carrying and how she feels in terms their daughters or secret lovers for minate the pregnancy and that auto- abortion, pregnancies would be ter-
cussion argued that it was the duty of of health. medically supervised abortion proce- matically means a backyard abortion of minated at say, two months when the
the law to preserve morals in a world “At our marketplace there is a wom- dures even if this was done in secret some sorts,” said a woman from a local foetus is just tissue and blood, but be-
where morality is low. an who bears strange children with and the women would face minimum industry. cause of its restrictive nature this does
“If the law is relaxed we would be skins that look as if they were scalded health risk.” In a group discussion, respondents not normally happen. Women go for
in moral wilderness with women, es- with hot water or hot oil and their eyes Social factors also brought up the issue of class. One backyard abortion and most people
pecially girls, getting pregnant all the evoke pity. People always stop to gape Some women interviewed felt that vendor’s sentiments summarises this: who perform backyard abortions say
time knowing that they can terminate at these children. When she fell preg- the law played a huge part in forcing “I, for instance cannot pay for a se- they can only terminate the pregnan-
the pregnancy any time. It is not a ques- nant for the third time her husband left young women into early marriages. cret, medically supervised abortion al- cy when it is six moths old and above
tion of the law being fair or unfair; it is her saying he knew she was going to One respondent’s sentiments sums though we know doctors and organi- so what they do is to induce stillbirth.
a question about what is morally right,” give birth to another “goblin”. She said up this view: “I was pregnant at 16 due sations that perform them. The doctors What is more of murder here, allow-
said one pro-life woman. Her senti- she also did not want a repeat of the to peer pressure. I wanted to continue charge $200 and above because of the ing someone to remove tissue or an
ments were echoed by all those who first two experiences and resultantly, with my education, but the pregnancy risk involved and poor women like my- already formed baby?” said a woman
were pro-life. They felt it was the busi- she went for backstreet abortion that became a hindrance. I was forced to get self cannot afford so we resort to back- who said she nearly died because of a
ness of the law to preserve morals and nearly claimed her life,” said one inter- married because of that. I had nowhere yard abortion which is dangerous.” backyard abortion procedure.
Zimbabwe’s restrictive legislation on viewee who was a vendor. Hence, the to go. If I was in a country like South The women said women in the up- The majority of women agreed that
the termination of pregnancies was su- women perceived the law as so harsh Africa where termination of pregnan- per class can afford such fees or they the issue of abortion should be under-
perb. that it did not even bother to take such cy is legal, I would have gone for abor- can simply travel to countries like South stood within the larger context of gen-
Health genuine issues into consideration. tion and continued with my education. Africa where abortion is legal and have der issues in patriarchal societies where
There was consensus among all Religion I did not do that because I was afraid their pregnancies terminated. They also the violation of women’s rights, includ-
women, both pro-choice and pro-life The majority of women argued that of being caught. That was the end of said women of the upper class who ing their reproductive rights, are en-
that abortion should be regarded seri- religion and the law contributed im- my schooling, look at what I am today; have no material problems hardly think forced through legislation. They said
ously as part of women’s reproductive mensely to backyard abortions. How- a mere nurse aid with three children of terminating pregnancies and such the abortion issue is patriarchal that is
health. It was agreed, even by those ever, the pro-life respondents quot- though I was very intelligent at school.” women are usually adamant that the why the law punishes the woman and
who were pro-life, that the law should ed the Bible with one citing the com- A student at a local university said: law is fair because they do not have the not the man responsible. One wom-
consider abortion when the pregnan- mandment “Thou shalt not kill”. They “I think the law is archaic, it does not same experiences as poor women. an said her friend and her husband de-
cy threatened the life of the wom- perceived the law as right claiming that take care of the needs of the modern “They team up with men to protect cided to terminate an unwanted preg-
an. However, the pro-choice propo- children were a gift from God. woman who has various soci-econom- such laws that are not good for poor nancy, but when the procedure went
nents argued that a woman’s reproduc- One woman said: “Even those that ic needs that may exclude children. At women. It is the poor women who have wrong and they were caught it was her
tive health should include her mental are raped should not kill the child in the a particular point for instance, I might to suffer unsafe abortions,” said anoth- friend (the woman) who went to jail.
and emotional preparedness to carry womb. All children are a gift from God. have pressing needs and children er vendor. One woman, a lawyer, summed it up:
the pregnancy to term. They said the The moment one conceives, one is al- might not be one of them. I must de- Human rights factors “International statutes on human rights
law did not take seriously the wom- ready carrying a human being. Killing cide whether to terminate the pregnan- Those who were pro-choice said the recognize the rights of women and not
an’s preparedness as part of reproduc- that foetus is murder. In fact the law cy or not. The law must facilitate that I law was a gross violation of women’s those of fetuses. There is no mention
tive health because if the woman is not should be made tighter to regard abor- do this safely and cheaply. rights. of the rights of feotuses even in our
mentally prepared, nothing would stop tion as murder.” Economic factors “The law does not consider the wom- constitution, but the rights of women.
her from terminating the pregnancy by On the other hand, the larger num- Some respondents said the law does an’s right to do what she wants with her The law should be amended so that it
any means thereby endangering her ber of the respondents said religion, not take into perspective what the pro- body. The body belongs to me not to protects the rights of women, not the
life. particularly Christianity was a push fac- fessional woman goes through. the unborn foetus. If I die carrying that rights of feotuses.”
Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023 S13

How to write an application for promotion

nowing how to write a clear, concise, to the facts presented on your resume. statement of intention. The statement of “I am writing to apply for a promo-
and convincing application for a promo- They allow you to tell your story your intention will clearly explain the intent tion from Assistant Manager to General
tion will greatly enhance your chances way and explain away any concerns your of your letter. Often times, statements of Manager of Sports X.”
of getting promoted to the next level of superiors might have about your qualifi- intention should state your interest in Your exact wording can and may
seniority in your company. cations or history. a promotion followed by a statement of vary, depending on the specifics of the
Writing an application for a promotion involves Most companies use standard appli- where you heard about the position. Con- position.
using the correct format and materials, opening cation forms for in-house promotions, so sider: Identify yourself and note you are
with an introduction in which you state your in- the cover letter is crucial to making your “Please accept this as my letter of ap- a current employee: The next step in
terest in a promotion, where you heard about the application stand out. plication for the position of general man- writing your letter of application for pro-
position, and a brief overview of your accom- Present your intention: Perhaps the ager of Sports X advertised on the Sports motion is to identify yourself.
plishments for the company, and an explanation first line in your letter should be your X website.” —wikihow
why you think you'd be the right person for this
Luckily, with a little bit of work and some
knowledge, you’ll be able to write the letter you
need to get the job.
Identifying your audience
Evaluate your qualifications: Before apply-
ing for a promotion, you need to be sure that you
qualify for the position. If you don't meet the min-
imum requirements, it is unlikely that a glowing
recommendation or otherwise impressive resume
will get you the job. Applying for a position with-
out meeting these requirements makes the appli-
cant look foolish and overly ambitious.
Identify the requirements of the new posi-
tion: Perhaps the most important thing you need
to do is go over the requirements and desired ex-
perience of the new position. At the same time,
you need to identify what qualities your potential
new supervisor is looking for in the ideal candi-
date. Knowing this will help you gear your letter
specifically toward the demands of the position.
If there is one, read the job listing of the po-
sition very carefully. Note every qualification de-
sired and experience required.
If you know someone in a similar position,
ask them exactly what the new position entails.
If you know someone who already works un-
der your potential new supervisor, ask them what
kind of attributes their boss likes as well as any
other information that might benefit you when
writing the application.
Confirm your current supervisor’s support:
Applying for a promotion is not a confidential pro-
cess and will involve discussion with and/or a rec-
ommendation from your current supervisor. It is
best to know their feelings about your move be-
fore you proceed blindly down the path. Speak to
them to explain why you want to make the move
and to earn their support.
Identify the decision-maker: Although you
might be applying for a promotion within an or-
ganization you work for or are familiar with, you
might not be familiar with the specific individu-
al, branch, or program within that organization.
Since you might be applying for a promotion to a
new division, you need to spend time investigat-
ing whoever will be reading your application for
promotion. Consider:
Read up on your new potential boss and find
out what they are like, what their education and
experience is, and what their employment re-
cord is like. Even if they don't make the hiring de-
cision, your research will give you a better idea
about who they are.
The new supervisor may not always deter-
mine the promotion. In this case, identify who
will be making the decision, how the process will
work, and key factors that will determine the de-
Approach your current or new potential su-
pervisor and let them know your interest. Ask
them about the position and tell them about your
qualifications. Be confident and energetic. Odds
are they are at least involved in the hiring process
for the position.
Writing your cover letter
Understand the purpose of your cover letter.
Your application for promotion is intended to se-
cure a promotion for yourself. Fundamentally,
your application for promotion should sell your-
self as a competent, successful, trustworthy, and
extremely capable person.
After reading your letter for promotion, your
boss should have no question in his or her mind
about your merits and your ability to succeed af-
ter being promoted.
Use a cover letter: Your cover letter is a chance
for you to show your personality and add “colour”
S14 Standard Style | January 15 to 21 2023

How to protect your land rights

rivate property and land rights are consid- to keep other people out as well as putting would-
ered essential to a free society and our way be intruders on notice that the land within is pri-
of life. If you own property, you have exclu- vate property.
sive rights to determine how it is used and If you live in a suburban community, make sure
who may use it. the type of fence you want to build is allowed before
However, if you don’t protect your land rights oth- you begin construction.
ers may be able to chip away at them over time. To You also may want to have a survey done to es-
protect and preserve your land, you must actively tablish the exact boundaries of your property as set
keep intruders out, maintain your legal boundaries, forth in your deed.
and stop any use of your land without your consent. Talk to any adjoining property owners before
Perimeter alarms and motion-detection systems can alert Keeping intruders out you construct a fence or a wall. Many state laws and
you to intruders on your property so you can take action Build walls and fences: A wall or fence along the local ordinances require neighbors to share the re-
border of your property is one of the simplest ways sponsibilities of maintaining a fence between prop-
If your property sits next to a road or other
property, you also should check state laws and ordi-
nances to determine what set-off is required.
Post signs: Although warning signs won't keep
anyone off your property in and of themselves,
they can serve as a deterrent and put people on no-
tice as to the consequences if they trespass on your
Security company signs or window stickers can
serve as a deterrent even if you don't have an alarm
system installed. Theft often is a crime of opportu-
nity and these notices send the message that your
property is not an easy target.
You also can get signs that say “Beware of Dog”
or similar at most home improvement stores. Oth-
er gadgets can be used to simulate the presence of a
guard dog or security guard on the premises.
Install an alarm system: Even if you live on
the property, you can’t personally monitor it all the
time. Perimeter alarms and motion-detection sys-
tems can alert you to intruders on your property so
you can take action. Many alarm systems also auto-
matically contact authorities.
Get terms and estimates from several alarm
companies before you choose which one you want
to buy.
Read the contract carefully and make sure you
understand what is covered and what isn’t. Pay par-
ticular attention to early-termination clauses, so
you know what you'll have to pay if you decide to
cancel your service for some reason.
You might also consider exterior lights with
motion sensors, which can help defend your prop-
erty from intruders as well as provide well-lit path-
ways if you’re walking the property at night.
Review and update your security regularly. As
soon as new security technology is released, there
will be intruders who figure out how to get around
it. Stay ahead of the curve by updating your system
when you learn of potential vulnerabilities.
Run tests to check for weaknesses, such as at-
tempting to enter the property with all security in
place. If you have an alarm system, let your alarm
company know ahead of time that you're conduct-
ing a test so they don't send a false alarm to the po-
Police precincts often do home inspections as a
service to local residents. A law enforcement officer
will walk your property with you and identify weak
points in your security.
If you have a fence, check it regularly for holes
or other damage. You also should check any locks
on gates or doors and make sure they function prop-
Keep up to date on state law: Each state has its
own laws regarding the use of force to protect your
home or private property. Typically these laws re-
quire an evaluation of all the circumstances of the
situation to determine whether the amount of force
used was reasonable.
State law is particularly important if you've
hired a security guard to patrol a large parcel of
land. Use of force may differ depending on wheth-
er there is a home or the property is undeveloped.
Each state has laws that fall under the legal the-
ory known as the “castle doctrine” (following the
adage that a man’s home is his castle), which per-
mits use of deadly force to defend your home and
However, castle doctrine laws typically don’t ap-
ply to undeveloped land, or to a significant expanse
of property far removed from your home.
In most cases, you must be able to prove the
force used was immediately necessary to stop or
prevent illegal actions. Deadly force typically is
only justified if immediately necessary to protect a
life – not to protect property alone. —wikihow
The Standard

Eye Southern Eye on Sunday | January 15 to 21 2023 S15

Council boss in
Man killed in

government investigation
Bots prison fight into reports of maladminis-
tration at the Victoria Falls

trouble over graft

A ZIMBABWEAN prisoner was killed by his Motswa- municipality has implicated
na cellmate after a brawl ensued between the two town clerk Ronnie Dube in
in the dead of night on Sunday at a prison in Maun, alleged acts of corruption involving the il-
Botswana. legal sale of housing stands in the resort
The Zimbabwean has since been identified as town, it has emerged.
Michael Phuti (31) whose known address in Bot- A team set up by Local Government min-
swana is Magapatona Ward in Tutume Village, ister July Moyo to conduct the probe pre-
which is about 50km from the Zimbabwe border. sented its findings to the council last week.
Botswana Prison Service (BPS) spokesperson Moyo set up the probe team after mayor forming them that they had a 15-year lease,
Senior Superintendent Oagile Kojane said the two Somvelo Dlamini and a residents associa- which was being processed by council when
inmates fought at around 2300 hours and Phuti tion accused Dube of corruption. in fact no allocation and resolution had been
was rushed to hospital where he succumbed due Dlamini and Dube accuse each other of passed by council,” the report reads.
to injuries. corruption. “The town clerk must be held culpable
"The incident resulted in one inmate being seri- Dube was once arrested more than two and accountable for allocating the Chino-
ously injured and (he) was immediately rushed to years ago on corruption allegations, but timba Brewery to Jackelberry Investments
the Letsholathebe Memorial Hospital, where he, was acquitted by the courts. without a council resolution and authority.
unfortunately, succumbed to the injuries," he add- Dlamini is currently on bail pending tri- “The town clerk must pay the loan in full
ed. al following his arrest last October. as the council was prejudiced of US$20 075
The suspect has been identified as Osego Mo- Moyo told Sunday Southern Eye that pre- 00.
setlhane (36) of Kgaphamadi Wadi in Gantsi.. liminary findings raised serious allega- “The town clerk must be held culpable
– News24 tions of corruption against the town clerk. and accountable for failing to have policies
“There are serious allegations that are in place and for following his own practic-
being investigated against the town clerk es in the allocations of council properties,

Man impregnates after residents raised complaints over

a number of issues. Residents are not
which is not guided by any document from

teenager, helps her abort amused,” Moyo said.

“A team led by the deputy minister
In 2021, Dube, a former chief executive of-
ficer of the Tsholotsho Rural District Coun-
of Local Government and Public Works cil, was suspended a month after the local
A 25-year-old Victoria Falls man has been arrested (Marrian Chombo) went to (Victoria Falls) authority renewed his contract by another
after he allegedly impregnated a teenage girl and present an investigation report. five years after receiving praise on his work-
helped her to abort. “The accused should get an opportunity manship.
This is yet another case of sexual abuse of mi- to respond and if found guilty action will Under Dube, Victoria Falls was granted
nor girls with such cases on the rise in the country. be taken to return the town to normalcy.” city status in December 2020 to become the
Given Nsingo of Mkhosana was reportedly in a An investigation report dated December first city in Matabeleland North and the sec-
love affair with the girl aged 17. 20, 2022 and signed by Moyo and addressed ond after Bulawayo in the whole southern
The girl recently discovered that she was preg- to the mayor reads as follows: region.
nant and Nsingo allegedly gave her an abortion “As you are aware, I deployed an investi- Dube is not new to the Victoria Falls Mu-
pill. gation team to look into allegations raised Ronnie Dube nicipality having served as the town’s first
It is alleged that the girl was assisted by her against your town clerk, Ronnie Dube. chamber secretary between 2002 and 2005.
mother to bury the three-month foetus. “You lodged a complaint together with He joined the local authority on Decem-
Nsingo and the girl are jointly charged with un- the Victoria Falls Combined Residents As- poor corporate governance in your coun- ber 1, 2016 replacing Christopher Dube, the
lawful termination of pregnancy. sociation accusing the town clerk of ille- cil.” current Bulawayo town clerk.
Victoria Falls magistrate Godswill Mavenge on gally allocating stands. According to the report, Moyo said the Dube, who also served as the Gwanda mu-
Wednesday remanded them out of custody to “Accordingly, the investigation team un- town clerk must be held accountable. nicipality chamber secretary, left Tsholot-
February 20. earthed several issues related to the un- “The town clerk must be held accountable sho under a cloud following reports of cor-
The girl was referred to hospital for medical at- procedural allocation of stands as well as and culpable for writing to Jackelberry in- ruption levelled against him.
tention after the abortion. — CITE

Push for return of Zapu

According to a Zapu inventory, seized party
Vendors attack council police properties include farms and hotels, among
them Magnet House, which now houses the
BULAWAYO City Council chamber secretary Central Intelligence Organisation offices in

properties intensifies
Sikhangele Zhou says the local authority has been Bulawayo, Castle Arms in Bulawayo, Green
forced to upgrade municipal security uniforms to Haven — a huge entertainment facility along
include helmets. the Victoria Falls-Bulawayo Highway, and
According to Zhou, the decision was made af- several residential properties.
ter one of the municipal security guards had to be The veterans had contributed $50 each
taken to a neurosurgeon for treatment after a fight from their demobilisation payouts after in-
with vendors. BY NIZBERT MOYO cesses leading to the election of a substan- dependence to purchase properties through
Helmets will be added to the security uniform tive committee. their investment vehicle, Nitram Invest-
to prevent such injuries, Zhou said during a re- ZAPU and Zipra veterans are set to meet on “'The aim of the meeting is to choose a ments Private Limited.
cent consultative meeting with political parties on January 28 to elect a substantive committee substantive Zipra properties committee,” The late president Robert Mugabe frus-
cleaning and maintaining order in Bulawayo. to spearhead engagement with government Moyo said. trated any engagements towards the return
“In our last operation, our security guards were and other processes towards the return of “All those who trained under Zipra are in- of the properties.
beaten up, so we have citizens who don’t respect their seized properties. vited to attend.” Mugabe spearheaded the seizure of Zapu
the law,” Zhou said. The meeting has been set for McDonald Zapu and Zipra ex-combatants last year properties at the start of the deadly mili-
“They threw stones at them and while my uni- Hall in Makokoba, according to Zipra inter- agreed to work together to push for the re- tary campaign in Matabeleland and Mid-
form does not include a helmet for security guards, im steering committee chairperson Volta turn of their properties seized by the Zanu lands known as Gukurahundi, which left
I have since introduced the helmet because last Moyo. PF government soon after independence. over 20 000 supporters of the Joshua Nkomo
time I took one of the guards to a neurosurgeon The meeting is allegedly being coordinat- Government seized the properties un- led opposition party dead and thousands dis-
because they were hit in the head.” ed by outspoken war veteran Tshinga Dube. der the Unlawful Organisations Act (Caveat placed.
She stated that consultation with political par- A meeting involving Zapu and Zipra ex- Number 15 of 82) in the 1980s alleging that it President Emmerson Mnangagwa has
ties was critical because the illegal vendors were combatants was held in Entumbane suburb had discovered arms caches on farms owned opened lines of engagement, but the process
members of various political formations. in Bulawayo in November where the steer- by Zapu and Zipra, precipitating Gukura- has been moving at a snail's pace with critics
-CITE ing committee was set up to co-ordinate pro- hundi massacres. doubting his sincerity.
Southern Eye on Sunday | January 15 to 21 2023 S16


Zimbabwe looks to public to provide

By Lungelo Ndhlovu

As lingering droughts hit south-

ern Africa's hydropower dams,
Zimbabwe faces growing elec-
tricity shortages, but connecting

solar power amid energy crisis

individuals and businesses that
have installed private solar pan-
els to the national grid could help
fill some of the gap.
Farmer Kalani Ndlovu, for in-
stance, wants to expand his 13
kilowatt (KW) solar mini-grid —
used to pump well water to fill a
farm reservoir — and sell the ex-
cess power to the state. nation's economy reeling.
But Ndlovu, who has a farm in Zimbabwe has in recent years
Umguza, in Matabeleland North sought to boost take-up of renew-
Province, worries about the cost able energy through measures
of the device he needs to connect such as removing import duties
his mini-grid to the Zimbabwe on solar-energy-related products,
Electricity Transmission and requiring all new construction to
Distribution Company (ZETDC), include solar systems, and intro-
the state-owned distributor. ducing net metering.
The grid-tied inverter would Biti, the politician, has been
cost him at least US$2 000, a sig- lobbying the government to re-
nificant outlay on top of the about move all import taxes on equip-
US$5 000 the commercial farmer ment or components used for re-
spent on his solar power system newable energy, including the
back in 2019. 15% value-added tax (VAT) rate.
“Money to invest in solar equip- But Abe Cambridge, chief ex-
ment is lacking,” he said in a tele- ecutive of Sun Exchange, a South
phone interview from his 840-hec- African renewables start-up that
tare (2,000-acre) Mjayeli Farm, works in the region, said regula-
where he grows maize and where tion was also a barrier to raising
he also rears cattle. the nation's solar capacity.
“But I want to tap into the net There are challenges and costs
metering project and supply the Load-shedding has driven a lot of people to install solar systems to power their homes as back-up when there is no electricity associated with connecting to
grid,” he added. different municipal and network
Zimbabwe's net metering sys- operators, Cambridge said.
tem, launched in 2020, allows peo- cess power they generate via net Under the country's net meter- national grid. He said solar system owners
ple who produce private renewa- metering. ing regulations, first laid out in "Load-shedding (power cuts) should be rewarded for providing
ble energy to transfer their excess However, Sosten Ziuku, direc- 2018, domestic users were to re- has driven a lot of people ... to in- "much-needed support to the grid
generation to the national grid in tor of renewable energy in the ceive an electricity credit of 0.9 stall solar systems to power their at times of constraint", whether
return for electricity credits they Ministry of Energy and Power kilowatt-hour (kWh) for each homes as back-up systems to use this was through electricity cred-
can use when they do not have Development, acknowledged the kWh of power they exported to when there is no electricity, but its or money instead.
sufficient renewable supply. high equipment costs for net me- the national grid. not to supply the grid because Potentially, the right incen-
The southern African coun- tering users, especially individu- But the regulations were updat- of costly inverters and solar me- tives could pull in even smaller
try is suffering a prolonged pow- als rather than IPPs that tend to ed last year, and the value of the ters," Ncube said. solar panel owners to help Zim-
er shortage, especially after its operate on a larger scale. credit was reduced to 0.8 kWh. Zimbabwe last month launched babwe's ailing grid, experts say.
main Kariba hydropower plant "So we are looking at a situa- Some solar sector players have a $30 million renewable energy In the southern city of Bula-
last month cut electricity genera- tion where we can do bulk pro- criticised both slow progress in fund as part of a United Nations wayo, Buhle Siwela, whose hus-
tion due to low water levels. curement of those meters to re- expanding net metering and how Sustainable Development Goals band has a business selling solar
Today the plant is generating duce cost," he said, referring to the system functions. (SDG) initiative. The government equipment, said their family had
only about a third of its installed solar smart meters that measure Taona Jakachira, chief techni- said it would provide support to bought a system to power their
capacity of 2,0000 megawatts the flow of energy in both direc- cal officer at Distributed Power regular small and medium-sized home through blackouts.
(MW). tions. Africa, a renewable energy firm, firms for renewable projects. "On a monthly basis I only
As climate change-fuelled But some analysts and lawmak- said net metering was "not ful- Ziuku said the money was ear- use $15 worth of (grid) electrici-
droughts lead to water shortag- ers have questioned whether the ly functional" due to issues with marked for loans for "private sec- ty for my home because I have a
es at Kariba, the country's age- net metering system — with 117 the billing technology that deter- tor players ... (to) come into re- solar back-up system. You won't
ing coal plants also are frequently active users and a total power ca- mines how many power units sup- newable energy" and would sup- tell the difference when there is
breaking down. pacity of 4.9MW at present - can pliers should receive. port government efforts to in- blackout at my house," she said.
Blackouts of up to 20 hours a be relied upon or scaled up suffi- Still, the system "will go a long crease national power supply. Siwela said she was think-
day are now common. ciently to genuinely address the way in complementing the gov- In a separate development, Zim- ing about upgrading the system,
In response, the government worsening energy crisis. ernment's effort to provide power babwe last month announced in- bought in 2016 at a total cost of
has announced a variety of meas- "You can put as many meters as to its people", he added. But high centives to support US$1 billion about $1,600, to become a net me-
ures to boost power supplies - you want but if the power is not costs remain a major stumbling worth of privately-owned solar tering user and supply excess en-
from harnessing more electricity there it's a waste of time," Tend- block. energy projects by IPPs, covering ergy to the grid.
from independent power produc- ai Biti, a politician and former Fi- Mihlayifani Ncube, a techni- 27 projects with a cumulative ca- "I'm considering adding two
ers (IPPs) to importing more en- nance minister, said in an inter- cian at the firm Solar Village Re- pacity of about 1,000 MW. more batteries and some solar
ergy from neighbouring nations. view. newable Energy Solutions, said Zimbabwe has a target of gen- panels to one day feed into the
The country has said it also "The primary challenge is gen- it was pricey for individuals to erating 1,100MW of clean energy power grid system. Solar energy
wants more individuals like Ndlo- eration and Zimbabwe needs to even install solar grid systems, let by 2025, and 2,100 MW by 2030, but has shown to be a dependable re-
vu, as well as companies, IPPs, create urgently 2,000MW of fresh alone afford the additional equip- this has been hindered by a lack newable energy source for me".
and even schools, to sell the ex- power," he added. ment required to connect to the of investment by IPPs with the — Thomson Reuters Foundation

Council says outsiders causing chaos on streets

BY PATRICIA SIBANDA legal vendors who were allocated “Vending stalls are lying idle in city is filthy. Last week, the council had
vending bays by Zanu PF officials suburban areas, people move from “ I am even afraid to say l run the planned a Murambatsvina type
A Bulawayo City Council top offi- along 5th Avenue in July this year, wherever they live to come to sell city because this is not the city l crackdown against illegal vendors,
cial has claimed that illegal ven- blocking the road. in town,” Dube said. grew up knowing. but the exercise was suspended at
dors crowding the city’s streets, At the launch of the shadowy “The city is congested with ille- “Therefore this is the reason the last minute after police said
blocking pavements and other group Vendors 4ED recently, its gal vendors selling their products why we have been engaging all they were not ready.
roads are not originally from the chairperson Samora Chisvo vowed on shop corridors, which is now af- these groups so that they may as- Bulawayo chamber secretary,
city. that they will confront the local au- fecting shop owners who are pay- sist us because we cannot sin- Sikhangele Zhou said police ad-
Town clerk Christopher Dube thority for allegedly victimising ing rent.” gle handedly deal with the fight vised council to wait for the out-
said the city has a total of about 10 Zanu PF members occupying 5th He said illegal vendors should go against illegal bus terminals , ille- come of a security meeting that
000 vacant vending stalls in resi- Avenue. to the municipal offices to get reg- gal vending.” was to be held at the office of the
dential areas, but informal traders The council has also been hav- istered to become legal. Dube said vending stands in the Provincial and Devolution Affairs
were not interested. ing challenges in trying to remove “The illegal vendors roaming CBD are only meant for registered minister Judith Ncube.
According to Dube, the ‘out- informal traders illegally operat- around our streets are not from people who dwell in ward 1. Operation Murambatsvina, also
siders’ preferred to play cat and ing from street pavements. here because Bulawayo people re- “The vending issue is supposed officially known as Operation Re-
mouse with municipal police in Last week, council held a consul- spect their city which is why from to be ward-based because it is store Order, was a large-scale Zim-
the central business district (CBD) tative meeting with different polit- long back it was rated the most meant to decongest the CBD,” he babwean government campaign
in confrontations that have some- ical parties and other stakeholders clean in the whole country,” Dube said. in 2005 to forcibly clear slum areas
times turned violent. on the matter and it was revealed said. “People should sell from wherev- across the country.
The local authority has been in- that 10 000 vending bays in residen- “Now I am confused as to what er they live to reduce congestion in
volved in running battles with il- tial areas are vacant. has gotten into people because the town.”

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