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Prof. S. Chiatti Formal description of consonants.

Differences between vowels and consonants

Vowels (12) Consonants (22+2(w,j) + 1(x))

• In phonetics, a segment whose articulation involves no • In phonetics, a segment whose articulation involves a
significant obstruction of the airstream. The air, once out of significant obstruction to the airflow in the vocal tract. The air,
the glottis, is allowed to pass freely through the resonators. once out of the glottis, is obstructed by the resonators.
• Voiced • Voiced or voiceless
• Nucleus of a syllable. • Margin of a syllable
• Acoustically more sonorous than consonants • Generally less sonorous than vowels.
• Defined according to the height and backness of the tongue. • Defined according to manner and place of articulation.
• All vowels are oral, the nasal cavity is blocked. • Some consonants oral others are nasal.
• Described according to: 1. Part of the tongue raised the • Described according to: 1. Source of airstream; 2. Airstream
highest; 2. Height of the tongue; 3. Lip rounding; 4. Opening bet. direction; 3. Voicing; 4. Manner of articulation; 5. Place of
the jaws; 5. Tenseness; 6. Position of the soft palate; and 7. articulation; 6. Breath effort; 7. Noise component; and 8.
Voicing. Position of the soft palate.
General description of English consonants
1. Source of airstream: pulmonic MANNER: PLOSIVES
·All English consonants are Pulmonic, the airstream emerges
from the lungs.
2. Airstream direction: egresive, forced outwards.
3.Voicing: voiced/voiceless

4.Manner of articulation (state of the air passage) Bilabial: p b Alveolar: t d Velar: k g


PLOSIVES or stops: Air is blocked and then released making

a kind of explosion MANNER: FRICATIVES
FRICATIVES or sibilants: there’s a narrowing in the
articulators producing friction
AFRICATES mix of plosives and fricatives: 

NASALS: in its production the air escapes through the nose

 Post-alveolar

Labiodental: f v Alveolar: s z
LIQUIDS: a partial but firm closure is made at some point and dental
in the mouth, the airstream being allowed to escape on one
or both sides of the contact
GLIDES semivowels: a narrowing is made in the mouth but it
is not quite sufficient to cause friction. Glides are frictionless
and continuant: vowel like; they function phonologically as
consonants, they appear in the edge of sillables 

5. Place of articulation Bilabial: m Alveolar: n Velar: 

BILABIAL: articulated with both lips
LABIODENTAL: lower lip articulates with upper teeth
DENTAL: tip of the tongue art. with the upper teeth PLACE OF
ALVEOLAR: tip or blade art. with alveolar ridge upper teeth
POST/PALATO-ALVEOLAR: tip and blade art. with alveolar
ridge and, at the same time, front of the tongue is raised lower lip
towards hard palate
PALATAL: front of the tongue art. with hard palate BILABIAL
VELAR: the back of the tongue art. with soft palate LABIODENTAL
GLOTTAL: an obstruction or a narrowing causing friction
but no vibration, bet the vocal folds
of tongue upper
6. Degree of breath and muscular effort involved alveolar
in the articulation: lenis (voiced) / fortis (voiceless) ridge tip of
LIQUIDS: a partial but fact
7. Noise component:
obstruents: plosives, fricatives, africates - there is
noise component in its articulation. POST-ALVEOLAR
sonorants: nasals, liquids, glides - there isn’t PALATO-ALVEOLAR
noise component.

8. Soft palate: lowered (nasal) / raised (oral)

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