Transcription Chess

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We were losing the battle. Our king was old and weak and could hardly move.

Of the three soldiers who had been appointed to protect him, two had been
killed while on duty, and I was left alone. Fortunately for us our queen was a
young and active woman. Tall, dark, and very beautiful, she looked splendid out
there in the battlefield. With her knights at her side, she had fought with great
courage and already killed two enemy officers herself. I got a shock when I saw
a humble enemy soldier threatening her.He came up very close, but her brave
knights sacrified their lives to save her. Alone now, she, too, lost her life.
Great number of enemy officers and soldiers soon destroyed the castle.
Completely defeated, the king and I tried to run away together, but it was too
late. As the king moved up behind me, I heard the words, “Check mate”.
Another game of chess had come to an end.


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