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FOR INTERVAL USE ONLY - 00 NOT DISTRIBUTE :-BASED ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL TO ACHIEVE FERTILIZER EMISSIONS Corn Wheat Canola__| Potatoes (East) (West) (West) | (East) 26% 13% 15% 22% 3% 22% 24% 30% Scenario C (BMPs 37% 26% 28% 34% ‘See Annex for details + The strategies and the: vary across the country a factors (soil type, soil humidity, climate), crop, effort required to achieve the 30% reduction objective will smissions reductionppotential is impacted by biophysical and climate change impacts. + Overall it will be more challenging i jada to reduce both direct and indirect fertilizer induced NoO emissions, di as drier conditions, particularly in the semi-ari moisture is a critical factor impacting N emis: + Fertilizer application rate reduction witho fe for cor grown in Ontario and Quebec given the high fer if BMP’s to reduce N losses. The same cannot be said about wheat and ¢ here reducing application rates is likely to reduce yields given the uch closer to the N removed (i.e. what is needed by the plants). + Two fundamental challenges will need to be addressed, in alr producers to changing practices (perceived risks of yield reduct con = Bample of Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs: sol N testing, better crop rotations, u fertilizer placement, timing of application, precision agriculture, use of cover crops, zone tillage, use of slow release fertilizers, ete. Many studies have shown that NeO emissions will increase in the future due to increased decomposit eritrifcation under higher temperature, given the same crops and management, To: Miller, sh ; Léger, Andréanne 1AGR.GC.CA> W - Meeting note for FPT Ministerial meeting - environment je considered approved | Where does it go next?? Subject: RE: FOR REVIEW, ing note for FPT Ministerial meating - environment Hello! Revised version attached toaddress Matt's comments, Rebekah Ce: Miller, Rebekah ; Nortis, Kevi Subject: RE: FOR REVIEW - Meeting note for FPT Ministerial environment Passing on Matt’s comments = verall looks good with two comments: -think it would be useful for key messages to acknowledge t change (but Government looking to increase ambition and f -we should note expected criticism from Alberta regarding Michelle From: Léger, Andréanne Sent: October-26-21 8:59 AM To: Morrow, Michelle Ce: Miller, Rebekah ; Nortis, Kevin

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