Genocidio en Guatemala

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Santiago greenawalt
Alex Leal
Sergio Vega
happened ?
The genocide in Guatemala occurred
during the country's 36 year civil
war, which took place between 1960
and 1996. The war was fought
between the Guatemalan
government, which was primarily
made up of members of the
country's Ladino population, and
rebel groups, many of which were
Mayan descendants.
Where ?

Guatemala, in the

region "petrolera del

Triángulo Ixil"
Reasons why

the eradication of the minority groups, this

case being the mayan population situated
in the North of the country, in order to get
the natural resources "petroleum" from
the grounds they lived upon.
How many people were killed ?

It is estimated that around

200,000 people, primarily
Mayan, were killed during the
fun fact
The Guetemaltecan people, don´t recognize
this event labeled as a genocide, due to the
fact that they consider a genocide to be the
full eradication of a certain population.

They also argue that the only ones affected

were the ones that lived in that area and
nowhere else

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