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Meeting 1

IELTS prep class

(Don’t forget to record screen)
Get to know
each other
Briefly about me…
Your turn..
- Please tell me about yourself shortly
- Your motivation in taking IELTS class
- Your target score
- Which skill do you think you excel at?
- Which skill do you think you need to focus on the most?
2 idioms a day
Idiom is an expression that has a non literal meaning.

idioms meaning Sample sentence

Practice makes perfect To continuously improve by I’ve been told by my IELTS

practising. tutor that practice makes
perfect. So, I believe there’s no
other way than practice as
often as I can.

Driving me up the wall Something that annoys you. Waiting for my IELTS result is
really driving me up the wall.
Know the
International English Language Testing
System (IELTS)
The structure of the test

01 Reading 03 Speaking

02 Writing
The basics of the test!
Each test has different
- Timing
- Question types
- Directions
- Grading systems
- 40 minutes (30 minutes working on the tests + 10 Minutes to
transfer the answers to the answer sheet (but not for
computer based test))
- 40 questions in total (4 sections)
- 6 question types
Section 1
- Daily conversation between two people (It can be
about travel arrangements, reservation,
purchasing things, etc)
Section 2
- One person talking about everyday social context
(Introducing new place, or facility in that place,
new attraction, about a career)
Section 3
- 2 until 3 people talking about academic things.
For instance, two students talking to their
academic advisor, or professor, and probably
talking about a
Section 4
- One person explaining one specific academic
topic (Scientific research, architecture, biology,
et cetera).
- You will hear the recording only once
- Different accents but it’s very clear
- Each section has different direction so be aware!
- 10 minutes transfer time
- Each section has different direction so be aware! Always!
What are they testing?
- Main ideas
- Detailed information
- Opinions
- Attitudes
- Purpose
- The development of ideas
Any question thus far?
- 60 minutes
- 40 questions in total (3 Passages)
- 11 question types
each question.
Type of questions
1. Multiple choice
1. Yes / No / Not Given
2. True/ False / Not Given
2. Match Headings
3. Sentence completion
3. Match Information
4. Summary completion
4. Match Features
5. Match sentence endings
5. Diagram labelling
6. Short answer
The grading..
Is pretty much the same with listening.
Any question thus far?
- Around 11-15 minutes
- ID check and greetings
- Part 1 = Small talk to specific casual topic
- Part 2 = 2 minutes talk
- Part 3 = discussion 4 to 5 minutes
Before the test:
The institution will inform you 24 hours prior to the
test regarding your candidate number, test location,
and time. Make sure to be in the location 1 hour
before the test.
During the test:
- ID check and greetings
Part 1: Small talk ( 4 - 5 minutes)
The examiner will
ask “how are you?”
“what are you
doing now?” like
Job or school, etc

The the topic will

change specifically
to these kinds of

Source: E2 IELTS
Part 2:the 2 minute talk
The examiner will hand you a paper and a pencil and A TASK
CARD consist of several prompts with a specific topic.

You will have

1 minute to think about
the answer
Part 2:the 2 minute talk
There are 4 main topics in this part 2:

1. People > A friend

2. Places > Libraries
3. Objects > A gift
4. Events > A wedding
Part 2:the 2 minute talk
Part 3: Deep Discussion
Dialogue with the examiner about one topic
You might have to:
- Define
- Explain
- Argue
- Classify
- compare/ contrast
- Describe
In Part 3, there’s no incorrect or incorrect answers.
You’re being graded on your language use/skilks.
- You speak with little or no hesitation
- Few ummms, or aahhs,
- You speak the words and the rules effortlessly
- Moderate pace (not too fast and not too slow)
- Your words, your ideas flow naturally and logically from
one idea to the next.
Vocabulary range

You have a broad repertoire of words. You have a large amount

of lexical resources that you can use in explaining things
Vocabulary precission

You use the correct words to explain things. If you want to use
sophisticated words, make sure that you use it correctly.
Grammatical Range.
You use the variety of sentence type: like simple sentence,
compound, complex, etc.
Grammatical accuracy
Remember to use verb tenses correctly!
Preposition, and everything about grammar correctly!
You utter the words correctly and clearly. All individual 44
sounds as well as combined sounds like consonant cluster.
Speaking test scoring
Any question thus far?
- Spend no more than 20 minutes
- Over 150 words
- Take up 33 % of the writing test score
The types:
- Line graph/graphs
- Bar chart/charts
- table/tables
- Pie chart/charts
- diagram/process
- Map
- Or combination of two types
Remember to not overlook the instruction:
For example when it says:
Summarise the information
*notes: this is an information transfer task. No opinions or
new ideas/speculations needed. Analyze the data within the
given questions and present it in writing using academic
The official says, this test is testing you in:

“...ability to identify the most important and relevant

information and trend… and to give a well-organised
overview.. Using language accurately in an academic style.”
Select and report the main features!
- What is the big and important information
- And which information that you can ignore or mention
- Choose important data with a correct number
Make comparison where relevant

- You may want to compare different time period

presenting the growth of selling on one particular
product (our first nature would be this)
- But, you just need to practice to analyse the data and
pick information that is relevant!
Analysis and Planning

- Before you write your answer, make sure you read the
question carefully and analyse the picture presented the
question. So you know what is happening. Pay attention
to the time period (if relevant)
- Decide what structure that we want to use.
Any question thus far?
Task 2
- 40 minutes to finish
- Over 250 words (300 hundreds, because more words, take
more time)
- 66 % of total writing scores.
Task 2
A formal essay/ DISCURSIVE ESSAY=
- Includes variety of topics (education, environment, economy,
- Examining a particular idea related to the topic (gas
emission, pollution, global warming, etc)
- Approach the topic from different angles/perspectives (some
people think this, other people think that…)
Task 2
A formal essay/DISCURSIVE ESSAY. What you must do:
- Take a position or point a view (agree/ disagree)
- Balance your personal opinions and different opinions
- Take real life examples or experiences
Task 2
So basically, this test requires you to:

“ present a clear, relevant, well-organised argument, giving

evidence or examples to support ideas and use language
accurately.” IELTS official

Source: E2 IELTS
There are 4 ways in grading your writing test
- Task achievement
- Coherence and cohesion
- Lexical resources
- Grammatical range and accuracy.
important parts of scoring:
- How well you answer the question/s
- How strong your position is
- How well you internally structure and link within your
paragraphs and overall essay
- How wide your vocabulary range is and how precise it
- How flexible and accurate your grammar use
- The punctuation use
- How good your spelling is.
Time management

Manage your time wisely! Because you only have 60 minutes

to finish both writing tasks (20 for task 1 and 40 for task 2) but
sometime it depends on your own time management. Because
you need to re-read your writings at the end!
Any question thus far?
Writing template
Is it necessary?
IELTS is all about mastering how to paraphrase. So
get used to synonyms as many as possibles and
practice, practice, practice!

Remember. Practice makes perfect.

Any question thus far?
Let’s do a speaking
practice test.
See you tomorrow!

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