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Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

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Evaluation of acid mine drainage (AMD) from tailings and their

valorization by copper recovery
A. Ruiz-Sánchez a, b, *, Julio C. Juárez Tapia a, G.T. Lapidus c
Área Académica de Ciencias de la Tierra y Materiales, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo C.P 42184, Mexico
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Boca del Río, México, Carretera Veracruz-Cordoba Km 12, C.P 94290 Boca del Río, Ver, Mexico
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos e Hidráulica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, San
Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Colonia Leyes de Reforma 1a sección Alcaldía de Iztapalapa, Ciudad de México 09310 Mexico


Keywords: Recent investigations have found that the mining industry generates approximately 10 billion tons of tailings per
Mine tailings year, tending towards doubling this amount by 2035. For this reason, a systematic method is needed to study acid
Acid mine drainage mine drainage (AMD) potential, as well as determining the dissolution of potentially toxic elements (PTEs).
Copper recovery
Furthermore, the possible recovery of base or precious metals could transform the tailings into value-added
Solvent extraction
materials. In the present investigation, the potential for the generation of acid mine drainage in a sample of
mine tailings was evaluated, as well as an analysis of the dissolution of PTEs through a sequential extraction of
appropriate chemical solutions with increasing strength of reactivity to identify base or precious metals that can
be recovered through a metallurgical process consisting of leaching, solvent extraction and electrolysis, operating
at moderate pressure and temperature. The results of this research showed that these tailings contain approxi­
mately 3.7% of pyrite occluded in silicates and therefore are not a high risk for generating acid drainage and
PTEs dissolution. On the other hand, a process for obtaining metallic copper was proposed, which resulted in a
leaching liquor with 1226 ppm using 0.21 M H2SO4 and a pulp density of 300 g/L. Solvent extraction in a single
stage allowed the leach liquor to be concentrated at 9200 mg Cu/L, recovering the majority of the copper in
metallic form by electrolysis.

1. Introduction AMD due to the oxidation of sulfide-type minerals present in this type of
waste. The oxidation of sulfides is promoted at the deposit site mainly by
Mining is one of the main activities that has contributed to the microbial activity (Thiobacillus ferrooxidans), moisture and oxygen
economic development of Mexico. However, this activity is responsible (Nwaila et al., 2021a; b).
for the generation of waste, such as mine water, rock waste and mine The acid generated (H+) in the oxidation of sulfide-type minerals can
tailings. Rock residues correspond to the amount of soil removed in the give rise to the dissolution of other mineralogical phases that contain
deposits prior to the exploitation of the minerals of interest, as well as PTEs, such as Cr, Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Fe, Al, Se, Te, Mo and Hg, which
those solid residues obtained after concentrating the minerals of value affect the abiotic environment (water and soil, mainly aquifers) and the
by physical and chemical methods (Nwaila et al., 2021a; b). On the other health of living organisms (human beings and animals) that inhabit the
hand, mine tailings correspond to those solid residues resulting from the limits of the deposit of this kind waste. Fortunately, the generated acid
processing of minerals once the values of commercial interest such as can be neutralized naturally by the silicates, hydroxides and carbonates
Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au have been recovered by metallurgical means. (known as acid buffers) present in the mine tailings (Remon et al., 2005;
According to Araya et al. (2020, 2021) worldwide, the mining industry Hernández-Mendiola et al., 2016; Gómez-Bernal et al., 2017; Salas-
generates around 10 billion tons of tailings per year, with the tendency Luévano et al., 2017; Flores de la Torre et al., 2018; Armienta et al.,
for this amount to double by the year 2035. 2016).
The main problem associated with mine tailings is the generation of In Mexico, the mine tailings originated in the 450 years of mining

* Corresponding author at: Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Boca del Río, México, Carretera Veracruz-Cordoba Km 12, C.P 94290 Boca
del Río, Ver, Mexico
E-mail address: (A. Ruiz-Sánchez).
Received 31 July 2022; Received in revised form 2 December 2022; Accepted 10 December 2022
Available online 21 December 2022
0892-6875/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

activity carried out in over 50% of its territory; these are the product of For the above mentioned, reactions (11) and (12) show the stoichi­
mainly amalgamation and cyanidation processes, used for gold and sil­ ometry for AP and NP process considering that CaCO3 and FeS2 are the
ver recovery. This has led to the accumulation of millions of tons of main species to consume and generate acid, respectively.
tailings deposited in open-air tailings dams. In some cases, the mine
CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl →CaCl2 + H2 O + CO2 (11)
tailings located in northern Mexico have abundant vegetation on their
surface, which could indicate high chemical stability and no risk to the
4FeS2 + 8CaCO3 + 15O2 + 6H2 O →4Fe(OH)3 (s) + 8SO2−4 + 8Ca2+ + 8CO2
environment; however, several studies have found high metal concen­
trations (Ramos-Arroyo and Siebe-Grabach,2006; Gómez-Bernal et al., (12)
2017). According to SEMARNAT (2003), a NP/AP ratio less than 1.2 in­
As mentioned above, the generation of acid occurs by the oxidation dicates that the mine tailings have a high potential to generate acid
of sulfides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, covellite, chalcopyrite, enargite, etc.); drainage, which leads to PTEs dissolution. Therefore, to prevent such
however, the abundant presence of pyrite is the reason this mineral dissolution, it is necessary to add a neutralizing agent such as CaCO3, Ca
phase is generally considered in the representation of chemical reactions (OH)2, CaO, Al (OH)3, Na2CO3 or NaOH to the mine tailings (Park et al.,
of this process. Accordingly, reaction (1) corresponds to the oxidation of 2019). On the other hand, a ratio of NP/AP > 1.2 indicates the abun­
pyrite due to oxygen and moisture, while reaction (2) suggests the im­ dance of attenuators, so these tailings do not have the potential to
mediate oxidation of the ferrous ion by oxygen itself. If the pH estab­ generate acid drainage and there is a very low risk of PTEs dissolution.
lished at the deposition site is greater than 2, then a fraction of the ferric Regarding the chemical analysis to quantify the metal content,
ion produced in reaction (2) precipitates, giving rise to the generation of sequential extractions or selective sequential extraction procedures have
3 mol of H+ (reaction (3)). Therefore, the overall process (reaction (4)) been used to study elements speciation in soils, sediments, and mine
of pyrite oxidation generates 4 mol of H+. waste (Tessier et al., 1979; Dold and Fontboté, 2002, 2001; Sondag,
7 1981; Dold, 2003; Hall et al.,1996). The method consists of placing the
FeS2 + O2 + H2 O→Fe2+ + 2SO4 2− + 2H+ (1) solid material in contact with a series of appropriate chemical solutions
of increasing aggressiveness (reactivity strength, Table 2) that represent
1 1 the possible environmental conditions at the deposition site and aims to
Fe2+ + O2 + H+ →Fe3+ + H2 O (2)
4 2 simulate the release (dissolution) of the elements such as EPTs. The
contact between the solid and the chemical solutions can be carried out
Fe3+ + 3H2 O→Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3H+ (3) sequentially or non-sequentially (parallel). The first technique starts
with a fixed amount of solid in stage 1, and the undissolved solid be­
FeS2 +
15 7
O2 + H2 O→Fe(OH)3 (s) + 2SO4 2− + 4H+ (4) comes part of the next stage. On the other hand, in parallel mode, a fixed
4 2 amount of solid material is contacted in each of the chemical solutions
A comparison with the global processes for the oxidation of pyrite, regardless of the order of the stages; assuming that each chemical so­
arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite shows that the oxidation of pyrite gen­ lution corresponding to a given stage dissolves the elements of the
erates a greater number of moles of acid (reactions (5) and (6)). previous stages.
Furthermore, under conditions of elevated acidity (pH < 2), the ferric Due to the health risks associated with PTEs dissolution, it is very
ion obtained in reaction (2), could act as an oxidizing agent, enhancing important that a detailed assessment of the acid drainage potential and
the additional production of 16 mol of H+ (reaction (7)) in the oxidation particle size of mine tailings should be carried out to establish an
of pyrite. environmental remediation strategy, which beyond the scope of this
FeAsS + O2 + 4H2 O→Fe(OH)3 (s) + SO4 2− + H2 AsO4 − + 3H+ (5) The study of the dissolution of elements by sequential extraction,
especially base metals (Pb, Cu and Zn) and precious metals (Au and Ag)
17 5 could approximate the chemical conditions necessary to establish a
CuFeS2 + O2 + H2 O→Cu2+ + Fe(OH)3 (s) + 2SO4 2− + 2H+ (6) metallurgical process for their recovery, giving added value to this type
4 2
of waste to be used as raw material in the mining industry (Nwaila et al.,
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2 O→15Fe2+ + 2SO4 2− + 16H+ (7) 2021a). On the other hand, knowledge of the silicon content opens the
opportunity to use mine tailings as additives in the production of mor­
The acid generated in the oxidation of sulfides can be neutralized at
tars for the construction industry (Kuranchie et al., 2015).
the deposit site by attenuators contained in the mine tailings, for
Based on the previous paragraph, this work presents the character­
example carbonates (reaction (8)) and silicates (reactions (9) and (10)).
ization of a representative sample of mine tailings from the state of
CaCO3 (s) + H+ →Ca2+ + HCO3 − (8) Zacatecas, in order to determine its granulometry and potential as an
acid drainage generator. In addition, a dissolution analysis of Cu, Fe, Pb,
CaAl2 Si2 O8(s) + 2H+ + H2 O→Ca2+ + Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 (s) (9) Ca and Zn through sequential extractions, as well as a metallurgical
process of leaching-solvent extraction-electrolysis to obtain metallic
CaSiO3(s) + 2H+ + H2 O→Ca2+ + H4 SiO4 (10) copper at room temperature and pressure in Mexico City (20 ◦ C and 79
Acid production via sulfide oxidation is known as the acid potential
(AP), while the amount of acid that can be neutralized by attenuators is 2. Material and methods
denominated the neutralization potential (NP). In other words, NP
determination involves a neutralization reaction with acid (typically 2.1. Characterization of mine tailings
hydrochloric acid), while the quantification of AP requires total sulfur
(in the form of sulfide ion) and sulfur in the form of sulfate, to obtain the The tailings sample was collected in the state of Zacatecas, using a
net sulfur responsible for the generation of acid. According to Eq.1, one manual cone and quartering technique, to obtain a representative
gram of sulfur present in one kilogram of mine tailings correspond to sample of approximately 12 kg. The entire sample was separated by
3.125 g of CaCO3 to neutralize the generated acid. particle size using sieves and approximately 0.2 g of the fractions were
( )
AP = %S2− − %Ssulfate *3.125 (Eq. 1) digested with aqua regia (75% HCl and 25% HNO3). The liquors ob­
tained were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS, Varian

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

SpectrAA220fs) or Microwave Plasma Coupled Atomic Emission Spec­ carbon dioxide as a result of the reaction of calcium carbonate and hy­
trometry (MP-AES, Agilent 4210). These chemical analysis techniques drochloric acid) as null, low, moderate or strong. Afterwards, 2 g of
(AAS and MP-AES) were also used to quantify the metal concentrations sample were placed in a 250 mL flask with 90 mL of deionized water and
in the leaching liquors, as well as in the aqueous phases of the solvent a constant stirring (magnetic stirrer) of 400 rpm. In the flask, the vol­
extraction and in the electrolysis solution, respectively. umes of 1 N HCl were added at the times indicated in Table 1. After 22 h,
magnetic stirring was stopped, and the pH of the liquor was measured. If
2.1.1. Analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) the pH of the liquor is greater than 2.5, adjust the pH to a value of 2.
For the analysis by XRF approximately 100 g of the tailings sample However, if the pH is less than 2, repeat the test. Magnetic stirring was
were carefully ground in an agate mortar to a particle size of less than maintained for two additional hours, ending the test with the titration of
38 µm (400 mesh). The sample was analyzed on the portable Olympus excess HCl with 0.1 N NaOH.
Delta XRF Analyzer using the Geochem mode. The NP value (g CaCO3/kg) was determined from the stoichiometry
corresponding to reaction (11), which indicates a proportion of 1.37 g of
2.1.2. Analysis by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) CaCO3 per gram of HCl consumed when neutralizing one kilogram of
For the analysis by XRD approximately 5 g of the tailings sample mine tailings. On the other hand, the AP (g CaCO3/kg) was determined
from the XRF analysis was packed tightly into an acrylic sample holder. from the approximation of the total pyrite content (section 2.1.5) and
The analysis was carried out in a D8 Advance diffractometer in the range the stoichiometry of reaction (12), which indicates a ratio of 1.67 g
of 4◦ -90◦ for the angle 2θ, at a speed of 8◦ /min. The identification of the CaCO3 per gram of FeS2 for each kilogram of mine tailings.
mineralogical phases was achieved using the Diffrac Eva 5.0 software.
2.1.7. Sequential extractions
2.1.3. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) The sequential extractions in this research were carried out accord­
For the analysis by SEM approximately 5 g of the tailings from the ing to the methodology of Parviainen (2009), adapting this series of
XRF analysis were mounted on a cylindrical specimen of low-density chemical solutions to an initial calculation base for 20 g of tailings
epoxy resin. The specimen was polished with silicon carbide sand­ (Table 2), adding a sixth stage that consists of digestion of the solid
paper with different grain sizes (200, 800 and 1200) until a mirror-like residues from step 5 using aqua regia. In each of the stages, careful
finish was obtained; this was then coated with graphite to increase its filtration was carried out to avoid the loss of undissolved solid residues.
conductive properties. The analysis was carried out in an XL30 Phillips The liquors from each sequential extraction stage were analyzed by AAS
electron microscope coupled to a microanalysis system with Energy or MP-AES to determine the concentrations of Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, As and Ca,
Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The analysis conditions were 20 kV, while the solid residues recovered in each of the filtrations were dried in
SS50 and WD 10 mm. an oven at 60 ◦ C for 24 h. It is important to mention that in each stage of
the sequential extraction approximately 1 g of dry solid residue was
2.1.4. Determination of pH and electrical conductivity taken to be analyzed by XRD and SEM.
The pH and electrical conductivity were measured as follows: in a
500 mL beaker, 30 g of mine tailings were added with enough deionized 2.2. Hydrometallurgical process for copper recovery
water to obtain a pulp density of 100 g/L. The slurry was maintained in
suspension for 10 min with a marine propeller at 400 rpm. The slurry In the hydrometallurgical process for the recovery of metallic cop­
was carefully filtered, and the filtrate was collected to measure the pH per, the following reagents were used: hydrogen peroxide (34% w/v, J.T
and electrical conductivity using a previously calibrated Orion® Star Baker), purified ethylene glycol (17.88 M, J.T Baker), sulfuric acid (98%
A215 Benchtop pH/conductivity meter. purity, J.T Baker), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dihy­
drate (99.9% purity, J.T Baker), oxalic acid dihydrate (99.5% purity, J.T
2.1.5. Determination of iron in the form of pyrite Baker), Millipore deionized water prepared on a Milli-Q system (with a
Sulfide in coals, sediments, minerals, and soils can be determined by conductivity of 18 MΩ.cm a 25 ◦ C) and a 10% by volume Acorga M5774
digestions with nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, or aqua regia (Petersen, (5-Nonyl-2-hydroxy-benzaldoxime, CYTEC) extraction solvent solution
1969; Edwards, 1982). In this investigation, the estimation of the pyrite prepared with kerosene.
content in mine tailings was carried out in the following three tech­
niques: (i) 0.2 g of the tailings sample from XRF were digested in aqua 2.2.1. Copper leaching
regia (25% HNO3-75%HCl). An additional 0.2 g of the same sample was The leaching tests were carried out in a cylindrical stainless-steel
digested with only concentrated HCl. The liquors from these digestions reactor with a capacity of 0.3 L and 4 vertical baffles. The reactor was
were analyzed by AAS. The difference between the iron concentration coupled to a temperature control system composed of a recirculating
readings was considered pyritic iron. (ii) 0.2 g of the sample was bath (Haake DC10) with cooling water, a stainless-steel coil, and a
digested using hydrochloric acid to remove all iron excepted the pyrite mechanical stirring system coupled with a Rushton turbine-type stirrer
and organic sulfur. One more sample of 0.2 g was digested in nitric acid rotating at a speed of 400 rpm. Each of the leaching tests was performed
to dissolve all iron forms including pyrite and sulfur dissolved in chlo­ at 20 ◦ C and 79 kPa (temperature and atmospheric pressure in Mexico
ride acid. The difference between the iron concentration readings City) for a period of six hours, using 200 mL of each of the leaching
determined by AAS in the digestion liquors was considered pyrite as solutions shown in Table 3 and the mass of mine tailings necessary to
described in the norm NMX-B-021-1982, and (iii) by semi-quantitative obtain an initial pulp density of 100 g/L. During the leaching progress,
analysis based on the reference intensity indices (RIR) tabulated using aliquots of 5 mL were drawn at 30-minute intervals; these aliquots were
the Diffrac Eva 5.0 software. As a comparative test, the same procedure
was carried out using a mineral concentrate with approximately 33%
Table 1
iron in the form of pyrite.
Addition of HCl for the determination of NP.
Degree of effervescence Volume of 1 N HCl (mL)
2.1.6. Acid potential (AP) and neutralization potential (NP)
The AP and NP tests were performed using the modified acid-base 0h 2h
balance test (PM-ABA) suggested by Lawrence and Wang (1997), Null 1 1
which is described in NOM-141-SEMARNAT-2003. For this, 1.5 g of Low 2 1
sample and 4 drops of HCl at 25% v/v were placed in contact on a watch Moderate 2 2
Strong 3 2
glass, observing and recording the degree of effervescence (release of

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Table 2
Summary of the six-step sequential extraction.
2.2.3. Copper extraction
For the extraction stage, different O/A ratios were employed,
Name Procedure PDM Reference
maintaining a constant total volume of O (mL) + A (mL) equal to 15 mL
Stage1. “Water 20 g of sample into Water-soluble Dold (2003) and a pH = 2 value for phase A. Copper in aqueous phase A was
soluble” 1000 mL deionized fraction, secondary determined by AAS or MP-AES and the percentage of copper enrichment
H2O shake for 1 h at sulfates, e.g.,
RT gypsum
was determined from the ratio of the residual and initial concentrations
Stage 2. “AEC” Residue 1 + 500 mL Adsorbed and Hall et al. for the aqueous phase.
(0.25 M CH3COONa exchangeable ions, (1996)
+ 0.26 M carbonates 2.2.4. Copper stripping
CH3COOH) shake
Once the O/A ratio that allows the greatest extraction of copper
for 6 h at
Stage 3. Residue 2 + 400 mL Amorphous Fe (III) Dold (2003) (point 2.2.3) was determined, the corresponding stripping was con­
‘‘Fe(oxy) of 0.2 M precipitates, e.g., ducted by contacting the copper in the form R2Cu (org) with a solution
hydroxides’’ (NH4)2C2O4 shake schw, fer, jt, go, of sulfuric acid (2H+ in reaction (14), which in this case corresponds to
for 1 h in the dark, MnO2 the aqueous phase A) to strip copper.
at RT
Stage 4.‘‘Fe Residue 3 + 400 mL Residual Fe(III) Dold (2003) R2 CuOrg + 2H + 2+
aq ↔ Cu(aq) + 2RHOrg
oxides’’ of 0.2 M precipitates (e.g., go,
(NH4)2C2O4 in jt) and primary Fe The percentage of copper stripped from the organic phase was
water bath at 80 and (II) oxides (mgt,
shake for 2 h hem)
determined from a balance between the initial total copper content in
Stage 5. Residue 4 + 15 g of Primary and Hall et al. the organic phase and the copper concentration in the aqueous phase.
‘‘Sulfides’’ KClO3 and 300 mL supergene sulfides (1996) and
of 12 M HCl, 200 mL and organics Dold (2003)
2.3. Copper electrowinning
of 4 M HNO3, water
bath at 90 ◦ C for 20
min Copper electrowinning was carried out using the copper-rich
Stage 6. 0.1 g + 25 mL of Sillicates, residual In this aqueous solution obtained from copper stripping stage. An electrolysis
‘‘Digestion’’ HCl + 75 mL of solid investigation cell was installed consisting of a power source, a graphite anode and a
HNO3 at boiling
point and stirring
stainless-steel cathode with an area of 21.12 cm2. 200 mL of the solution
with magnetic stir were placed in a cylindrical container with a capacity of 250 mL. The
bar two electrodes were connected to the power source (Triple Output
PDM: preferential dissolved minerals, RT: room temperature, schw: schwer­
programmable DC power supply), through which a current of 0.3 A was
mannite, fer:ferrihydrite, jt: jarosite, go: goethite, mgt: magnetite and hem: applied for a period of 6 h. During this time, 1 mL samples of the solution
hematite. were taken every 15 min, which were diluted with deionized water
before quantifying the remaining copper in the aqueous solution.

Table 3 3. Results and discussion

Leaching solutions for the dissolution of copper in mine tailings.
Leach solution Label 3.1. Characterization of mine tailings: Granulometry and metal content
0.007 M H2 SO4 LS1
0.007 M H2 SO4 , 1 M H2 O2 y 0.2 M EDTA* LS2 Fig. 1a shows the distribution of the percent retained (100*mass
0.007 M H2 SO4 y1MH2 O2 LS3 retained in each sieve/total mass) corresponding to the 12 kg of mine
* ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. tailings used to carry out this investigation. As can be observed, 18.2% of
the tailings have a particle size of less than 50 µm, while 17.2%, 19.2%
and 17.4% correspond to sizes of +50 µm, +75 µm and +94 µm,
filtered, and 1 mL of the filtered solution was diluted in a 1:10 volu­
respectively. Consequently, 28% of the tailings contain particles with a
metric ratio with deionized water prior to quantifying the Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn,
size in the range of 150 µm − 425 µm. Based on the percent retained
As and Ca concentrations. The remaining filtrate was reincorporated
(Fig. 1a), the average sizes P50 = less than 90 µm and P80 = less than170
into the reactor. After six hours, the resulting leach liquor was filtered
µm (Fig. 1b) corresponding to the cumulative percentage passing of 50%
and the solid residue was analyzed by XRF, XRD and SEM as described in
and 80% of the tailings, respectively, were estimated. The granulometry
points 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, respectively.
(Fig. 1a and b) suggests the following: firstly, it is confirmed that these
To improve the leaching stage of the metallurgical process, addi­
tailings are a human health threat since 18% are fine particles (particle
tional leaching tests were carried out at 0.007 M H2SO4 with pulp
size < 50 µm), which can be easily carried by the wind and enter the
densities equal to 200 and 300 g/L. In addition, one more leaching
respiratory system. Secondly, 50% of the tailing had an average size of
experiment was performed with 0.21 M H2SO4 and 300 g/L.
less than 90 µm, which is favorable for a leaching process without the
The percentage of dissolved metal in the sequential extractions and
need to reduce the particle size through grinding.
leaching tests was determined from the ratio of the content (in mg) of
Fig. 1c and 1d show the content of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ca, As and Fe in the
each in the liquor and the initial amount (in mg) present in the mine
mine tailings. These results demonstrate a wide variation between metal
tailings sample.
content and particle size, thus confirming the heterogeneity of mine
tailings. On the other hand, it is important to mention that the con­
2.2.2. Copper purification by solvent extraction
centrations of Cu (>5000 mg/kg), Pb (>1000 mg/kg), Zn(>6000 mg/
The leaching liquor obtained in section 2.2.1 (aqueous phase A)
kg), As (>1000 mg/kg), Fe(>11000 mg/kg) and Ca (>5000 mg/kg)
containing Cu+
2 (aq), was contacted with an organic solution (Phase O)
exceed the limits established in NOM-141-SEMARNAT-1993, which
composed of 10% volume of Acorga 5774 extractant and 90% kerosene
suggests that these residues represent a health risk. However, it is very
(RH, reaction (13)) to enrich copper, through the reversible reaction
important to emphasize that the actual dissolution value of the PTEs will
shown below.
depend on the generation of acid at the deposition site as a consequence
Cu2+ +
(aq) + 2RHOrg ↔ R2 CuOrg + 2H aq (13) of the oxidation of the sulfide promoted by oxygen, moisture, and

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Fig. 1. (a) Percent retained, (b) cumulative percent passing, and (c, d) metallic composition corresponding to the particle size test in the mine tailings sample.

Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the total content of Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, As The heterogeneity in the metallic composition of the mine tailings
and Ca in the sample of mine tailings. As can be seen, approximately (Fig. 1c and Fig. 1d) can also be observed in Table 4, where the
20% of the total concentration for each metal is found in the coarse analytical composition is shown for a random tailing sample. Due to the
particles (177–425 µm). Therefore, about 80% of the metal content is heterogeneity in the metallic composition for mine tailings, an average
distributed in particles smaller than 177 µm; so this information opens metallic composition (%wtj ) was estimated for the sample using the
the possibility of taking advantage of this mining residue from a hy­ equation (2), where n corresponds to each of the 7 particle sizes, %wj is
drometallurgical process for the recovery of metals, since it does not the percent retained for the fixed particle size n (Fig. 1a) present in the
require reduction of particle size and therefore the economic costs mineral concentrate, and %wtj represents the metallic composition for
associated with grinding are avoided. each particle size (Fig. 1c and 1d). The results of this estimation show
that the average metal content for Cu, Pb and Zn can be approximated to
the analytical concentration with an underestimation (with respect to
the chemical analysis by AAS) of approximately 1.33%, 2.7% and
13.2%, respectively.

Table 4
Metal content in mine tailings for a random sample quantified by AAS and XRF.
Metallic content, mg/kg

Element AAS XRF Average from equation (2)

Cu 6000 6332 5920

Fe 210,000 198,500 153,500
Pb 1470 1350 1430
Ca 75,900 83,000 71,200
Zn 8960 7415 7770
As 1520 1425 1450
Cd 74.5 – 71.8
Si – 36,200 –
Al – 4600 –
Mn 1325
Fig. 2. Distribution of the total content of Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, As and Ca in different
– –
P – 1000 –
particle sizes for the mine tailings sample.

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

%wj Table 5
%wtj = .%wtj (Eq. 2) Pyrite content in mine tailings, determined by chemical methods.
Sample Iron content (%)
One more way to estimate the average metallic composition was an
HNO3 HCl Pyritic iron Pyrite content (%)
XRF analysis (Table 4). This analysis is non-destructive and is done
quickly. According to the concentrations in Table 4 by means of XRF, an Mine tailings 10.8 9.2 1.6 3.2
Reference (33% FeS2) 23.3 8.9 14.4 29.6
overestimation of the order of 6% is obtained for Cu and an underesti­
Aqua regia HCl Pyritic iron Pyrite content (%)
mation of 8% and 17% for Pb and Zn, respectively. Mine tailings 11.2 9.4 1.8 3.7
The diffractogram (Figure S1 of the supplementary material) corre­ Reference (33% FeS2) 24.4 9.2 15.2 32.5
sponding to a semi-quantitative analysis of the mine tailings sample
shows the presence of 22% ferriian hibschite (PDF-01-072-8446), 40%
andradite (PDF-01-089-7563), 12.5% microcline (PDF-01-071-0955), corresponding to stage 5 in Table 2, are necessary for pyrite dissolution
7.6% quartz (PDF-00-046-1045), 5% calcite (PDF-01-083-1762), 8.4% as shown in Fig. 4.
maghemite (PDF-00-039-1346) and 4.5% pyrite (PDF-00-042-1340) as The pH value = 7.26 shown in Table 6 is in accordance with the low
the principal mineral phases, which provide the abundant amount of Fe, alkalinity present (NP = 14.75 kg CaCO3/ton) while the low conduc­
Al, Mn, Ca and Si shown in Table 4. No phases were found minerals that tivity (463 µS/cm) suggests an almost zero total concentration of soluble
can be attributed to the content of Cu, Pb, Zn, As and Cd, probably salts, therefore, according to the NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000 standard,
because these mineral phases are below XRD detection limit. On the the mine tailings sample is classified as neutral and without saline
other hand, the two SEM micrographs (Fig. 3) confirm firstly the het­ effects.
erogeneity in particle size and secondly; the abundance of iron (red
color) and silicon (green color) from silicates (ferriian hibschite, 3.1.1. Sequential extractions
andradite, microcline) and quartz. Fig. 5 shows the percentages of total metal dissolved in each of the
The lack of sulfur (blue color) in the mapping of Fig. 3 confirms the stages corresponding to the sequential extractions. In stage 1, the
low content of pyrite determined by chemical methods (3.2% and 3.7% dissolution percentages for Cu, Fe, Pb, Ca and Zn were less than 0.05%.
according to Table 5) or 4.5% estimated by semiquantitative analysis The liquor of this solution had a concentration of approximately 500
(Fig. 1 of the supplementary material). mg/L of Ca. This solution was contacted with a barium chloride solution.
The pyrite content in the mine tailings sample was approximately The lack of a barium sulfate precipitate indicates that dissolved calcium
similar in the three estimation methods; however, in the case of the is present in the form of calcium carbonate (Figure S1 of the supple­
chemical methods there is a difference of 0.5%, probably due to the fact mentary material) as reported by Salas (2014) and not in the form of
that aqua regia is chemically more aggressive and therefore, dissolves a calcium sulfate, as indicated in Table 2. In stage 2, 18% copper, 2.5%
greater amount of iron as seen in Table 5 for the reference sample. Based lead, 12.5% calcium and 8% zinc were dissolved. The addition of barium
on these results, the presence of at least 3% pyrite (equivalent to 30 g chloride showed no formation of barium sulfate, indicating that copper,
CaCO3/kg of tailings) in mine tailings is confirmed, but it is not possible lead, calcium, and zinc dissolved corresponds to phases in the form of
to establish which of the three methods is appropriate due to the dif­ carbonates. For example, dissolved calcium, which is still present in the
ference of the results could be due to the heterogeneity in the metal form of CaCO3 (Figure S2 of the Supplementary Material).
content of the mine tailings sample. In stage 3, only 7% of the total copper and 0.1% of zinc were dis­
The EDS analysis for the two micrographs in Fig. 4 show that pyrite solved, while in stage 4, where the same solution as in stage 3 was used
(Spectrum 16) is occluded in the abundant phases of silicates and quartz at a higher temperature, 48% of copper was dissolved, 5 % iron, 12%
(Spectrum 15), so that despite the fact that the NP/AP = 0.24 ratio lead and 12% zinc, respectively. In stage 5, 25% Cu, 50% Fe, 65% Pb,
(Table 6) suggests the generation of acid drainage and as a consequence, 15% Ca and 18% Zn were probably dissolved as sulfides. Finally, in stage
a high risk of PTE dissolution. However, the almost negligible amount of 6, which corresponds to digestion in aqua regia at its boiling point, the
free pyrite implies that its oxidation will occur slowly because silicates remaining 45% Fe, 19% Pb, 72% Ca and 61% Zn were dissolved.
are acid attenuators and because of the difficulty for oxygen to diffuse The experimental conditions of stage 6 are chemically more
through them. Furthermore, the sequential extractions (see section aggressive than those of stage 5, for which reason the two micrographs
3.1.1) confirmed that more aggressive chemical conditions, in Fig. 6 corresponding to the residues of stage 5 show a hollow space in
the silicate (spectrum 6) due to dissolution of the initially occluded

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs corresponding to the mapping for the location of iron (red), silicon (green) and sulfur (blue). Zoom in on the file to better see the blue dots
in the image. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Fig. 4. SEM micrographs corresponding to the pyrite contained in the mine tailings sample. Zoom in on the file to better see the blue dots in the image. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(spectrum 9 in Fig. 6, and Figure S5 of the supplementary material).

Table 6
Therefore, the metals leached in stage 6 can be attributed to the disso­
Some physical and chemical parameters for the mine tailings sample.
lution of the mineralogical phases present, as well as the silicates (fer­
Parameter Value riian hibschite, andradite, and microcline).
pH 7.26 ± 0.02 The results of the sequential extractions showed that mine tailings
Electric conductivity (µS/cm) 463 ± 1.8 can be used as raw material for the recovery of metals, such as copper,
NP (g CaCO3/kg) 14.75 ± 0.68*
lead and zinc. However, the dissolution of lead and zinc requires
AP (g CaCO3/kg)* 61.5
NP/AP ratio 0.24 aggressive chemical solutions such as those used in stages 5 and 6, which
makes it difficult to recover them through a hydrometallurgical process
*Estimate considering 3.7% FeS2 obtained by chemical method.
since it will involve the dissolution of almost all metals and would most
likely complicate purification of any of them. In contrast, the dissolution
of approximately 80% of the total copper requires moderate chemical
conditions, for which a hydrometallurgical process was proposed to
recover it.
It is important to mention that despite performing a sulfur mapping
in the SEM characterization, no mineralogical phases were found in the
form of sulfide for copper, lead and zinc. This can be explained if Cu, Pb
and Zn are actually in the form of oxides, carbonates, sulfates, and hy­
droxides, but occluded in the abundant of silicates and quartz, so it is
reasonable that their dissolution requires first attacking the matrix of
silicates and quartz, to facilitate the access of the leaching medium. The
aforementioned is confirmed by the dissolution (Fig. 5) of approxi­
mately 60%, 60% and 20% of zinc, lead and copper, using the chemical
solutions corresponding to steps 5 and 6, respectively. This agrees with
the two SEM micrographs in Fig. 7 corresponding to residues from stage
4 where the joint presence of Cu, Si, Mg, Fe and O is observed, as well as
the presence of lead sulfate. Other evidence in this regard can be seen in
Figure S8 of the supplementary material.
Fig. 5. Percentage of dissolved metals in the sequential extractions of Based on the previous paragraph, an estimate of the distribution of
mine tailings. total copper was made (Table 7) considering the mineralogical phases
mentioned in Table 2, suggesting that copper is in the form of carbon­
pyrite that was not identified by diffractograms or mapping (Figure S3 ates, oxides, and sulfides (despite not identify a copper sulfide), which
and S4 of the supplementary material); while the residues of stage 6 contribute 27, 53 and 20% of the total copper, respectively. Therefore,
show the dissolution of most of the silicates, leaving mostly silica the composition of the mine tailings was estimated to be approximately

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs corresponding to stages 5 and 6 of the sequential extractions.

Fig. 7. SEM micrographs corresponding to stage 4 of the sequential extractions.

2.5% carbonates, 6% oxides and hydroxides, 20% in the form of sulfides, (Table S1 of the complementary material). In other words, the metal
70.5% silicates, and 1% quartz. content was similar when performing a digestion analysis for a random
To end this section, it is very important to mention that despite the sample of mine tailings, with that obtained by adding the concentrations
heterogeneity in the metal content in the mine tailings, a consistent mass of each of the stages of the extraction sequence. The difference in the
balance (except iron) was obtained in the sequential extractions mass balance for the case of iron is due to the fact that the sequential

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Table 7
Distribution of the mineralogical phases of copper in the mine tailings sample.
Mineral phase Composition Total copper

Carbonates 2.5 27
Hydroxides/oxides 6 53
Sulfides 20 20
silicates 70.5 0
Quartz 1 0

extraction in stage 6 still contains abundant iron in the form of silicates,

unlike the direct digestion of 0.2 g of mine tailings where only quartz

3.2. Copper leaching

Based on the mineralogical distribution of the copper phases

Fig. 9. Copper leaching using different pulp densities at 0.007 M H2SO4.
(Table 7), three aqueous leaching solutions with moderate reactive
strength were proposed. The results in Fig. 8 show that the LS3 leach
solution achieved approximately 60% of the copper in 200 min, after consumption of sulfuric acid as shown in Fig. 9, where in 360 min an
which time the leach essentially stops, probably due to the rapid increase of 30 to 70% in the percentage of leached copper is observed
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide as a consequence of the Fenton and when the concentration of sulfuric acid increases from 0.007 M to 0.21
Fenton-type reactions established between hydrogen peroxide and dis­ M H2SO4.
solved copper and iron (Ruiz-Sánchez and Lapidus, 2017; Ruiz-Sánchez Based on the results shown in Fig. 10, the pulp density of 300 g/L and
and Lapidus, 2022). In contrast, the LS2 solution yields 80% copper the concentration of H2SO4 0.21 M were selected, which results in a
leaching in 360 min, given that EDTA forms complexes with dissolved leach liquor with the concentration and percentage of leached copper
copper and iron, impeding hydrogen peroxide decomposition (Ruiz- that it shows in Table 8. According to Table 8, in the leaching process a
Sánchez and Lapidus, 2018; Ruiz-Sánchez et al., 2020). The additional small percentage of Fe, Pb and Ca are dissolved, which agrees with the
20% of copper was not leached, probably because the mineralogical diffractogram shown in Figure S6 of the supplementary material where
phases of the rest of the copper are in occlusion in the silicates and the initial sample as the solid residues of the leaching show the same
quartz as mentioned in point 3.1. On the other hand, the LS1 leach so­ mineralogical phases of Figure S1 of the supplementary material.
lution shows that it is possible to recover approximately 76% copper in Furthermore, pyrite practically does not dissolve in 0.21 M H2SO4, as
360 min. shown by the abundance of blue dots corresponding to sulfur mapping in
The copper leaching results suggest that the most appropriate Figure S7 of the supplementary material.
leaching solution in this case is LS1, mainly driven by the lower cost of In the leaching stage, it is not recommended to use a concentration
the sulfuric acid solution compared to hydrogen peroxide-sulfuric acid higher than 0.21 M H2SO4 because it increases the concentration of ions
(LS3 solution) and hydrogen peroxide solutions-sulfuric acid-EDTA other than copper and, consequently, can make the solution difficult to
(LS2); even with LS2, copper purification would be difficult due the purify.
elevated chemical stability of Cu(II)-EDTA complexes.
Subsequently, the effect of pulp density on copper dissolution was 3.3. Solvent extraction and electrolysis of copper
evaluated in the LS1 solution. The results (Fig. 9) show that the increase
in pulp density of 100, 200 and 300 g/L, the percentage of leached Fig. 11 shows the copper concentration in the aqueous phase in
copper decreases from 76 to 55 and 33%, respectively. contact with different O/A ratios. As can be observed, the increase in the
Unlike the rapid growth in percentage of copper leached for 100 g/L, O/A ratio facilitates the extraction of copper from the aqueous phase (A)
the increase in pulp density at 200 and 300 g/L shows a marginal in­ to the organic phase (O); therefore, for extraction purposes, an O/A ratio
crease after 60 min for leached copper. This behavior is due to the rapid in the range of 0.2–1 is sufficient; under these conditions, 96% of the

Fig. 8. Copper and iron leaching using different chemical solutions and pulp Fig. 10. Percentage of dissolved metal at 300 g/L pulp density and different
density equal to 100 g/L. concentrations of sulfuric acid.

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

Table 8
Dissolved metal percentages and metal concentrations in the leach liquor.
Element Cu Fe Pb Ca Zn As

Leached (%) 68 1.3 1.8 0.35 31 23

Concentration (mg/L) 1226 450 90 600 580 120

Fig. 13. Copper concentration in the electrolyte phase (2 M H2SO4) for

different O/A ratios.

Fig. 11. Copper concentration in the aqueous phase during copper enrichment 90
using different O/A ratios. Initial pH in the extraction was 2.
Leached copper (%)
copper was extracted into the organic phase. The organic phase obtained 70
from an O/A ratio = 0.2 was considered for the next stage: stripping. 60
This organic phase was put in contact with a solution of sulfuric acid
(aqueous phase) at different concentrations, maintaining an O/A ratio =
1. The results (Fig. 12) showed that a concentration of 2 M sulfuric acid 40
produced an aqueous electrolyte containing 3750 mg/L of copper. 30
Additional experiments were carried out to determine the best O/A
20 0.007M H2SO4
stripping ratio with 2 M sulfuric acid (electrolyte phase). The results
(Fig. 13) show that an increase in the organic phase ratio for the copper 10 0.21M H2SO4
stripping copper with 2 M sulfuric achieved a solution rich in copper 0
with approximately 9200 mg/L of Cu and Pb, Zn, Fe, Ca, As concen­ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
trations below 3 mg/L, which confirms that the Acorga 5774 extractant Time (Minutes)
is selective for copper.
Finally, Fig. 14 shows the copper concentration profiles in the elec­ Fig. 14. Copper concentration profiles in the 2 M electrolyte. Current density
trolysis cell; 60% of the copper was recovered in metallic form in 6 h of equal to 142 A/m2 for 6 h.
operation, with an average current efficiency of 86%.
Based on the results of this research, it is shown that mine tailings this, it was confirmed that the sequential extractions are important to
can be considered a value-added raw material to establish a metallur­ identify what reactivity strength the chemical solution must meet to
gical process that allows recovery of a metal of interest. In addition to achieve this purpose.

4. Conclusions

• The characterization of mine tailings by SEM, as well as the deter­

mination of NP, AP and sequential extraction, was essential to
determine the generation potential of acid drainage and facilitate the
identification of the metal to be recovered by hydrometallurgical
• Although the NP/AP = 0.24 ratio indicates a potential for generating
acid drainage, the occlusion of 3.7% pyrite in silicates suggests a low
risk of PTE dissolution.
• The sequential extraction permitted identification of the metal phase
contained in the mine tailings and the possibility of its recovery with
a hydrometallurgical process using chemically moderate conditions.
• The Acorga 5774 extractant was selective for dissolved copper from
the pregnant leaching solution, achieving an increase from 1220 to
9200 mg/L in one stage, with small traces of Pb, Zn, Fe, Ca and As.
• This study may be applied to other mine tailings in order to evaluate
Fig. 12. Copper concentration in the aqueous electrolyte phase with different their potential for metal recovery (base metals or precious metals).
concentrations of sulfuric acid in a ratio of O/A = 1.

A. Ruiz-Sánchez et al. Minerals Engineering 191 (2023) 107979

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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Drainage. Vancouver, Canada.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Norma Mexicana NMX-B-021-1982. Determinación de las formas de azufre en el carbón.
the work reported in this paper. Dirección General de Normas. Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento Industrial.
Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-141-SEMARNAT-2003, que establece el procedimiento
para caracterizar los jales, así como las especificaciones y criterios para la
Data availability caracterización y preparación del sitio, proyecto, construcción, operación y
postoperación de presas de jales.
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), 2000, Norma oficial
Data will be made available on request. Mexicana NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000 que establece las especificaciones de
fertilidad, salinidad y clasificación de suelos, estudio, muestreo y análisis.
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