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CRITERIA Outstanding Accomplished Developing Beginning

Show a full Show a good Show a good Do not seem to
understanding understanding of the understanding of understand the
CONTENT of the topic topic since the parts of the topic topic very well
since the student provides since the student and the message
student ideas which are provides ideas is difficult to
provides details developed well, with which are determine.
and relevant some details and outlined.
examples for examples.
the task.
Manage to use Use some complex Use few complex Use basic
complex grammatical structures grammatical grammatical
grammatical that are appropriate in structures that are structures for the
LANGUAGE structures without supporting the topic, appropriate in topic, use limited
VOCABULARY) errors, also use also use some supporting the topic, vocabulary words
great majority of vocabulary words that also use few that are according
vocabulary words are according to the vocabulary words to the topic. Errors
that are according topic. Errors that are according to usually interfere
to the topic. Errors occasionally interfere the topic. Errors with
don’t interfere with with communication. frequently interfere communication.
communication. with communication.

Student is Student seems pretty The student is Student does

completely prepared but might somewhat prepared, not seem at all
PREPAREDNESS prepared and has have needed a couple but it is clear that prepared to
obviously more rehearsals. rehearsal was present.
rehearsed. lacking.

Speak clearly and Speak clearly and Speak clearly and Often mumble or
distinctly all the distinctly all the time, distinctly most of the cannot be
FLUENCY time, and the but the student time. The student understood or the
student mispronounces few mispronounces no student
mispronounces no words. more than one word. mispronounces
words. more than one

Phonetically Generally correct and Several errors in Excessive errors

correct. comprehensible. pronunciation which which make
PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation and Only occasional errors interfere somewhat communication
intonation sound with communication. very difficult.

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