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02-Jan- Gupta n Fn 4b & 6 Fuel oil system in ME-C engine.? How fuel pressure rise to
18 senthil about 1000bar?
Accumulation pressure test?
Air compressor all parameters..?
Easing gear for safety valve? Purpose?
Why to conduct sea trial?
Bunker line pressure test?
Lube oil test report... And cross question... Why value reduces?
Hazards on refer systems?
LNG tank level measurement..?
02-Jan- Ext. Anaja Fn 3 1. flammability diagram. 2. Static Stability diagram.
18 3. Cow. 4. Ig system. 5.composition of IG. 6.Double hull
protection. 7. Capacity of slop tanks. 8 . Discharge criteria for
tanker( slop tank). 9. Regulation for foam( deck firefighteing )
on tanker. 10 . discharge criteria for garbage. 11.annex vi -
incinerator (should not burn).
Fn 6 1.Stuffing box overhaul.
2.Centrifugal pump overhaul.
3.Tappet clearance.
4.Welding defects.
02-Jan- Ext. Gupta and Fn 6 Chisel blunt and repair
18 senthil kumar Why Easing gear in boiler safety vv
MAC bumping clearance
Why air lock occur in centrifugal pump
Liner calibration
Purifier vibration and reason
Decider by senthil kumar
AE con rod ovality
02-Jan- External- Fn 3 Wts ur understanding abt marpol annex 6, how u r complying
18 Gupta with annex 6?
Internal- Ballast water management why it come into force? What r the
senthil methods of managing ballast water?
Hypermist fire extinguishing system, suppose fresh water tank
got holed n whole water got drained low level alarm not
working but as this system is requirement of ums what is safe
guards against this failure he wanted to ask actually how d
system will be operable even in this situation, suppose there is
sea water p/p connection.
What is g what is m what is gm, what if ship's gm is large.
What is Shear strake, panting stringer, solid floor.
Fn 4b, 6 All units exhaust gas temperature increasing, reasons.
Fresh water generator high salinity alarm coming, reasons.
How lub oil consumption of auxiliary engine can increase?
How lub oil degradation can occur in auxiliary engine.
Cylinder head stud is found loose how u will tight it. He wants
to hear d use of stud setter.
Compressor bumping clearance how to take he want to hear
with out opening head how would u take clearance.
Refer system safeties.
Modification in smc-c engine what is last c in mc-c engine I said

compact, how it is achieved? N tell other modifications also, if u

tell tie rods now going inside transverse girder in bed plate n
diameter reduced n length also but now they r two in no in mc-
c engine so how it's assisting in 10%weight reduction.
Lo cooler in auxiliary engine maintenance n checks.
04-Jan- Int. kamat Fn 3 1 - ISM details
18 Certificates, issued by ,validity
Why interim certificate
Why to issue interim cert why not directly DOC and SMC.
Definitions - NC, majorNC, obj evidence, observed situation
2- shear strake , purpose , what speciality ,
3- panting provisions , collision bulkhead
4 - annex 1 detailed .
Regulations, discharge criteria for tankers regrading cargo
residues( i am container guy)
5- noxious liquids definition , VOC definition ,
6- EEDI EEOI kept asking till i said i dnt knw (asked by
7- annex 6 other regulations - incineration, nox limits , nox tech
code , whats there on ur ship’s nox tech code . Sox .. methods ..
8- angle of loll, diagram , stiff ,tender , correction .
Fn 4 1 - oil cooled stern tube diagram and explain oil flow for
cooling and lubr frm header tank.
2- turbocharger - axial , radial types. All
Clearances . Why K distance .
Labyrinth seals diagram ( couldn’t explain correctly)
3- differance bewteen main engine and AE bottom end bearing
. Diff in both lubrication.
4- main engine troubleshooting exhaust temp and all and
actions to be taken.
Also ME engines troubleshooting - hydraulic oil leak off ,
accumulator pressures etc.
5- compressor volumetric efficiency - wants numerical formula
and how to calculate on board( didnt knw formula)
6-boiler safety valve . Differance between improved and
normal. Diagrams. Clearances .
7- block diagram of ME engine (as i hv done ME
Fn 6 1-indicator diagram
Draw card
Piston rings leaking , fuel injector leaking- show on diagram
Why all this diagrams .
2- double volute casing why?
Explain Pump characteristic curve (internal)
3- compound gauges . Why .
4- troubles in refrigerant plant and actions reasons (till i said i
dnt knw)
5 - equalising line , reason , what will happen if not provided .

6- defrosting
8- rocker arm lubrication diagram.
04-Jan- External- Fn 3 1) What do you know about ISPS code.
18 Gupta Why It came when it came. What are the security level. How
Int - Senthil will you know what security level to measure at which port.
Suppose at security level 2 some consignment is coming to
your ship whether you will accept that consignment if yes what
will you check make confirm.
2) what checks you do when OWS is running.
3) fixed co2 system operation safety and its maintenance and
what are the certificates and when these certificates are issue.
4) what is GM. What is GM value of a loaded container ship and
what will you do if GM is very less. Draw statical stability curve
and explain.
5) what is garboard strake. Margine plate sheer strake . what is
speciality of sheer strake in container ship.
6) difference between stringer and stiffener . draw and show
where is longitudinal and transverse are fitted in a tank .
04-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 3 Nox details & nox tech , reduction tech , documents & entries in
18 nox tech file.
Propeller removal
Co2 maintenance
Deck foam system
Garboard strake
Web frame & advantages
Stringer plate
Solas requirements
Co2 requirements
Fn 4 Vit & super vit
Alpha lubrication detail
Centrifugal p/p why required priming & ig blower working on
which principal. How it is getting compressed. What design
makes it to pump the gas.
Fn 6 Cyl head stud broken during running action & how to rectify
Broken stud.
One unit of dg exh temp high.
Water in lub oil reasons
Lub oil test onboard
Vicosity index , tbn
03-Jan- ? Fn 3 1. Co2 Certificates
18 2. How Free Surface Effect avoided in tankers
3.UMS Criteria for Ships
4. Strengthening arrangement for Main Engine
Fn 6 1.Purifier overflow reasons
2.What do you check in AE Piston
3.What is stallite
4.Accumalation pressure test
5.Causes for failure of AE Cylinder head?
06-Jan- Ext- Fn 3 1. ISM certificate
18 Deshpande 2. Difference between Audit and Survey.
3. IOPP certificate

Int- Vikrant 4. Sludge tank capacity

Rai. 5. Wet and dry type deck seal
6. DB tank pr. Test
7. Welding 1g 2g 3g and 4g
8. Poker gauge.
9. OWS discharge in special area if no change over valve, and
bilges are over flowing.
10. Poker gauge.
11. L/B lowering speed , centrifugal brake.
12. NLS define word to word as per Marpol Annex 2.
13. Y u need PSC ( ask by int. He want to hear that PSC is just
maintaining standard of the ship.)
06-Jan- rao n pakrasi Fn 3 &4 1:type of ship n built year( his basic intention to chk whthr u hv
18 bw trtmnt plant or not coz new ships having dis one)
2.type of engines done
3.auxillaries particular(here ask him auxiliary means only gen
or all other mc per solas all mc r auxiliary )
4.ism - meaning; puropse; total clauses; wht r d operational -
functional- optional smc n interim smc gvn n y
interim smc gvn
5.tonnage convention full- wht is gt nt grt nrt n basic puropse
of dis convention
6.port state flag state start from whn dis term come into
use(plz read first para of its history..) significance in all way. Structure stability n comfort
8.co2 system manifold mounting;if one bottle removed thn will
IT work? Wid reason...
9.angle of loll n correction
10.nox emission - 2 factor n y nt in boiler
11.anyone method to reduce dat n mcc differ..(20 min on dis only).every point in detail n
specify in mc n mcc.
Y dis made
Y crshd wt low n how achieved
Y chain drive compact..thn he only said 17 min over last q on
mc mcc
Tie rod arrangement n drawn y 2 tie rod gvn( told him as per j
lars man bw person copenhegan..ans is to raise natural
frequency - after tellin he gv me huge smile)he satisfied
13.wht is Natural freq
Can v change IT n how
14. Vit explain
Super vit explain
Differ in both
15. Shell tube heat exchange R I said.copper tube
thn he askd anywhere can u use? I said no thn q is y...temp
limititation...satisfied development..vta n vtg..explain ..y cme
Advnts...while ansering I said scav eff so drag me on dat n
explain...type of scavnging...does IT matter to rao
told pakrasi sahaab to ask only on boiler.:::::
17.type of boiler
Mine was alborg d type so askd whts d type...coz of tube

18.boiler water test..y n how often u carry out on board..I said
daily...he said daily???? S ..thn y.
Y shore advice u take...dat drew marinewala
Wht hpn if dossage wrong
Pitting corrosion Places whr?
Caustic embritlemnt whr n y?
Explain alkalinity ..both
How testing done n controlling method
19.odme principle n discharge criteria
20.tonnage unit
06-Jan- Pakrassi and Fn 3 Which convention India has signed recently.
18 Nair Mlc,purpose, certificates, dmlc, explain PartA nd part B, wht is
d min limit for age, rest hour.
CO2- regulation, wht is d expansion ratio for co2, wht is d pt of
sublimation, wht is purpose of time delay and how much. How
we will ensure that 85% discharged in 2 min.
Chemical tanker - certificate, wht is P&A manual, category of
chemical substance, wht is X, Y,Z, criteria for that. IBC code,.
Purpose of bulbous bow and diagram.
Fn 5 Motor ip protection
Plc and PCB
Modern motors and old motor differents and protection
High voltage system all
Certificate needed.
Fn 6 Aux engine fuel pump fitting and what will u check after
fitting.he want to ask about timing adjustment.
Vit individual unit adjustment
Vit pmax adjustment
Boiler spatter cause and fault find out and remedy
Purifier frequently desludging. Causes.Liner checks
And liner crack find out from ecr
How to reach port.if found crack.
4th engineer told aux engine 1 unit exhaust temp high pmax
hingh fuel rack high
Second unit pmax hight exhaust low. Find out reasons
Lots of cross questions
fwd aft side liner weardown for individual unit and for all unit
06-Jan- bhattacharya Fn 6 1.puncture valve working with diagram..explain it.
18 and sinha hydraulic ram steering gear explain the function of relief
valve and what is its setting? what is the test pressure of
hydralic piping
3.refer compressor short cycling , reasons,
4.roof top burner , advantages
06-Jan- Vikrant rai Fn 4 1) what is npsh and why it is important for a centrifugal
18 and rkd pump? Characteristic curves of both centrifugal pump and axial
flow pump.. Uses of axial flow pump and advantages and
disadvantages of both pumps..
2) three fuel injectors working and fuel system of electronic
3) eedi and eeoi full..

4) refer l.o properties. According to rkd, most important

property is pour point.
5) oil separator in refer diagram and working..
6) in boiler safety valve, what is compression nut and what is
there to prevent tampering? Diagram of it.
7) why superheater safety valve pressure setting is lesser than
boiler safety valve??
06-Jan- Bhattacharya Fn 6 1. How u will check t8ness of tie rod in port.
18 2. After cleaning condenser, efficiency not increasing also.
3. Meat room slnd vv wire burn, no spare onbd. How to tackle
till next port .
4. Piston ring radial clearance original 22 mm. At what
clearance it should discard
5. How to join 12mm and 16 mm steel plate .
06-Jan- Gupta Fn 3 1.Why hopper tanks in bulk carrier, why GM of bulk carrier is
18 more
2.What is lifting pr of safety vv in co2 room..what purpose.
What is pr inside co2 bottle..if pr inside bottle is 56 bar then
how safety vv can lift at 180bar.
3.steering gear motor elec safety.why not overload trip.
4.emergency preparedness.role as 2e.who finds out faults if
drill not properly carried out.
Fn 4b 1. Which typ of engine u frgt
2. Purpose of cc door...relif pr and primary sec xplosion.
3.types of corrosion in liner nd piston ring with values lik vd:
na ratio.
4.hw f.o. Burner of boiler cutting in and out takes air
admiited during dis period and when.wat happens if steam
cons increases.
Fn 5 1. Alternator overhauling.wat checks.
2.full pb acid battery.gassing nd evaporation dif.all values of
charging disc.why water loss hw...means of topping up.
Fn 6 1.fitted bolts.
2.annealing nd diff bw annealing nd normalising.
3.induction hardening.
4.overhauling procedure of screw pp..where used. How pr is
build up.
06-Jan- kamat Fn 3 1. About PV Valve ( cross question: What will happen if the
18 surrounding temp. will drop. I said it will take air from
atmosphere. He said but the inside there may be explosion due
to this.)
2. Emergency generator survey.
3. OWS survey.
4. What all preperation you will do as a 2nd engg. before
reaching bunkering port.( want to listen about SOPEP)
5. Why in tankers we use DWT and other types of vessel GT.
06-Jan- pakrasi Fn 3 1) draw static stability curve and mention everything..
18 2) sheer strake, gunwale, how it is attached, docking bracket..
3) solas amendments july 2014..
4) squat effect, factors it depends and it happens in shallow
water is ok.. But why it happens in narrow waters?? What is

block coefficient..
5) co2 bottle full specifications..
6) dcp portable fire extinguisher full ..
06-Jan- pakrasi Fn 3 Isps code, date of implementation, certificates issued, how to
18 conduct a renewal survey fr ISSC certificate, what all thngs will
b checked, equipments under isps, ssp explaination, sso duties,
one imp thng surveyor will check( wants to hear CSR)
EEdi in detail, calculation for attained n required jus formula,
who sets d value, what is EEOI, IEEC, methods under EEDi,
seemp explaination nd methods under to review Seemp.
Green house gases? Which all gases are green house gases?
How much co2 gas contributes to green house effect? Measure
to reduce co2 gases?
Anchor chain nd connection, anchor nd chain
calculations(basically wants to knw criteria n calculations for
selecting anchor wt n chain lenght), units used fr chain(wants
to hear 1 shackle= 27.5 mts=15 fathoms=90 feet), cable link nd
kenter link dimensions nd material, how kenter shackle pin is
protected from corrosion
Draw crossecrion view of stern frame as seen from front, not
side view( wants to see framing n arrangements), how stern
frame is connected to hull nd methods of stiffening provided
CO2 flooding system, co2 calculations, why 85% discharge wid
in 2 mins only, why delay is provided, where time delay unit
was located,
: discharge criteria for untreated sewage frm holding tank, y
speed is 4 knots, anythng else apart frm dese two(12 nm n 4
knots) if so tell n explain y it is?
06-Jan- kamat Fn 3 1. What is p&a manual , discharge criteria of category X cargo
18 and pre washing
2. Suction lift , capacity of emg fire pump ; is there relief v/v on
fire main
3 stiffeners, frames and deep frames
4. What is intact stability booklet
5.enclosed space entry procedure.
06-Jan- Gupta Fn 3 construction of lng tanks
18 bad effects of lng once in atmosphere
lng constituents
alcohol testing on board
threshold values of alcohol limit
alcohol detection equipment nd how it works
uses of bulkhead
types of bulk head
what is corrugated bulkhead
Fn 4 cross section of gear pump nd flow direction
what s compression ratio
boundary lubrication
hydrostatic lubrication
In boiler if load increases what will be the changes in
combustion system
Fn 6 if no water in boiler gauge glass ten wat will b ur action
beding of a new propeler in dry dock

tempering and on what equipment v do tempering on board


1. Parametric rolling
2. 2/E responsibilities in drydock
3. Squat effect
4. CO2 bottle test pressure...bursting disc material..
5. Auto tensioning mechanism on mooring
06-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 5 1. Relation between poles and speed of induction motor.
18 A. f=np/120
2. In a sq cage motor how many poles are there in the rotor?
A. Same number of poles will be created in the rotor as that of
3. What is the speed of fire pump? What is the delivery
A. 1800 rpm and 9 bar
4. How do you make it 3 bar with less speed?
A. By using variable frequency drive, we will reduce the
frequency and speed decreases.
5. Have you seen that on board?
A. No.
6. How does emg generator start?
A. A relay present between the bus ties of msb and esb is
energised as long as msb has power. Loss of power will cause
this relay to activate the starting mechanism of emg generator.
7. Types of starters.
A. DOL, star delta, auto transformer and soft starter
8. Most commonly used starters?
A. For motors less than 5kW — DOL, for above 5 kW, I said I
have seen both star delta and auto transformers.
9. How does a soft starter work?
A. By the help of thyristors.
10. What is high voltage and what are its advantages?
A. From 1000 V is regarded HV. More voltage means less
current can be sent. Less cross section of conductors. Less
current means less insulation and smaller protective devices.
High voltage and less current means, the size of the machines
will be small for the same powe output. Overall, by using HV we
can reduce material a lot.
11. What about the size of the generator in HV?
A. Will be bigger.
12. Is bigger generator economical?
A. When compared to the saving made in other eqpt, having a
bigger generator will be compensated.
13. How many voltages are there on board?
A. 450V, 220V, 110V and 24 V.
14. Where do you use 110 V?
15. Tell about energy audit.
A. Did not answer properly. Only said the power consumption
of all machines is charted and ways to reduce wastage are
16. How is ship earthed?

A. Through hull and to sea.

17. Should ship be earthed during dry docking? Have you done
a dry dock?
A. I have never done a dry dock.
06-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 3 plan lines.
18 Freezing port.
Solas req. For steering gear
Fn 4b Types of bearing
Thin shill bearing.
Why it used.
Me spicification.
Sulzer & b&w specification.
Fn 5 types of stater
Safeties in steering gear.
Synchronouscope ckt diagram.
Wiring diagram of lambs connected for parallel.
Earth fault.
Types of wiring on board
Fn 6 top overhaul for gen.
stuffing box overhaul.
me bearing breakdown, how come to know, wat all things to
1.Alternator specifications
2.Ingress protection of Alternator.
3.Steering Gear Electrical safety.
4.What is the latest technology to have energy efficient motors
5.what is excitation voltage of Alternator?
6.Undervoltage trip and its setting limit for alternator and its
7.Speed Control of Induction Motors.Is it possible to reduce the
speed of fire pump motor or fwg ejector pump motor?
8.Alternator standard equation and derive frequency from the
formula for your Generator.
06-Jan- kamat Fn 3 Solas chapters,cargo hold is breached what actions u will take
18 as 2 nd engineer,difference between annual survey and
intermediate survey in ippo survey,angle of effort in
rudder,how to hydrostatic pressure for co2 bottle.
Fn 5 Alternator specs,how earthing is done during shore
connection,batteries and it's supplies during black out and
specs of all batteries on board,all symbols in electrical
circuits,reverse power trip.
06-Jan- Int. Sendhil Fn 6 Main bearing survey for your engine - Sulzer
18 Ext.Venugopal AE LO cooler pressure test
How to plug/replace a leaky tube
How will you fabricate a plug
Boiler very high chlorine content, your actions
Double hull spacing of chemical tankers ?
Double hull spacing in bulk carriers
Composition of stainless steel
Fixed co2 system

How to repair clad steel

coated chemical tanks if in case of corrosion
Fn 6 Chain tightening
Stuffing box overhaul
Main engine specification,
Ultra long stroke advantages. ME type fuel injection
working,what all advantages over conventional fuel
pump,engine documents with respect to Marpol,rpm and
propeller dia relationship, boiler water tests including types of
corrosion and preventive chemicals etc .constructional
Difference between refer and main air compressor, refer and
air conditioning compressor.air compressor piston
leaking,show in pv graph?crank shaft deflection after taking
how will analysis?
Fn 6 Piston complete and last ship measurements and if values go
beyond what will happen
Lub oil management as 2nd engineer
Shell and tube heat exchanger tube plugging?
06-Jan- Ext Gupta, Mr. ? Annex 6.
18 Pakrasi Ods voc mgmt docs
Int. Kamat sir Full In detail
Foam extinguisher in detail
Hydrostatic test of bottle
Checks on ows
Angle of loll
How bulbous bow conn to ship. What speed of ship is the bow
not effective In knots
Trestle n box type bedplate
Ism . Dpa role.
Mlc explain titles
What is cba
Who decides wages
Isps. If u have perceive a threat how will you react
Oxter plate. Stellar plate
Chemical tanker crossection
Fn 4b Performance of ME without indicator or electronic means
@Ows check
@One ae unit temp going Down
Boiler blowback
@Refer hazard?
Gusset plate
Caustic embrittlement
Turbocharge axial and radial
Fn 5 3 point starter
how batter is maintainenance free
black out test
msb safeties
star delta starter
soft starter

types of lights used on ship

how they work.
Fn 6 xhd brg survey
accumulation pressure test
purifier desludging
Welding procedure n precautions
Refer oil charging
How to pr test db tanks
Case hardening
Treatment on crank pin
06-Jan- Ext - Gupta Fn 3 ISM Code
18 ISPS Code
Fire prevention(not fighting) arrangements on Tanker deck
Free Surface Effect
Fore peak tank strength members
Fn 4 ME Piston pressure test
A/E one unit Exhaust Low
Various Lub Oils onboard
MC Engine new developments
Fn 6 DB tank pressure test
Boiler accumulation test
Boiler water tests
06-Jan- Vishwanathan Fn 4B Type of engine and specifications
18 Overlap period
Gear pump diagram n working
Turbocharger lubrication
and diagram
How do you calculate power in ME.
06-Jan- gupta and ? Crankcase entry procedure
18 Int. vikrant rai Testing of Bunker line
How do you know that Sc air cooler is dirty
Exhaust temperature of all units suddenly going up. Reasons
Lubrication of Generator
Exhaust temperature of one unit going down. Reasons
List of all the lubricants used onboard
What are hard d
eposits on boiler
In AE the lub oil press dropping. Reasons.
06-Jan- Int. vikraant Fn 3 Stability of container vessel,
18 rai Lifeboat certificates and inspection test, wants to hear about
Ext. a k gupta the static and dynamic load tests, mlc 2006, marpol annex 1
inspection checks, parametric roll
Fn 4b Piston checks b4 putting back in aux engine, low lo pressure in
generator causes, scavenge space inspection, broken piston
ring checking, refrigerant properties
Fn 6 Enclosed space entry checks, bunker line pressure test,
accumulation test for boilers, db tank pressure test, me air
cooler defects
06-Jan- Ext. Fn 3 Which fixed fire fighting system onboard explain
18 vishwanathan Explain releasing procedure of co2
Int. kamath International shore coupling use, location, what all is there

Launching procedure of lifeboat

Sealing test of cargo hatch cover
Cargo hold fire detection system
06-Jan- Gupta and Int Fn 4b What is c in MCC? Difference in the two. Some cq on how size
18 kamat reduced ?
How will u know just by looking at compressor that its
performance is detoriated? Monthly performance test and daily
running hours did not accept. Wanted more
Purifier desludge exact process? How pilot valve moves and
Fn 5 Maintenance in alternator ? How much air gap? How u clean air
gap if smeared with oil? Will hand reach all the way if u use
cloth to wipe?
Motor is contaminated with salt water?
Emergency batteries ordering?
Emergency generator tests and maintenance?
Fn 6 Engine cylinder head stud loose how u ll tighten? Stud setter.
Draw stud setter.
Bottom end bearing clearance of generator
How chain gets elongated during running? Does wear of
sprocket cause chain to elongate?
Scavenge inspection how u know by looking if piston ring
Two generators sharing same load but one gen exhaust temp
70 degrees above the other reasons.
06-Jan- Gupta Fn 3 Mlc titles
18 How is the seafarers min wage decided.
How we comply on the ships..lot of cross questions
Co2 system certificates with the period and who issues etc
Flare and it's advantages
Fn 4b How will you overhaul a spare of instrument to
check the clearance. What clearance in the grooves.
How will you know is air compressor performance has
Refrigeration compressor performance deteriorated
One unit on aux engine low exh temp..reasons.
06-Jan- Int kamat Fn 4 How do u calculate MEP
18 Ext gupta gauges on refer system
Aux engine piston checks before assembly
Egb soot accumulation reasons
(He wants to hear cyl oil burning)
Hard deposits on boiler and
In cyl cooling spaces
Compound gauge on suction
Fn 4b Reason for not to using plate type heat exchanger onboard
Why thrust bearing is given for aux engine?
Why con rod shape is I beam type?
How refer compressor started in unloaded condition?
Timing diagram for 2 stroke air starting valve

Fn 5 Explain reactive power and its significance

Testing procedure for emergency generator
How electricity generated onboard
Battery maintenance.
Purifier controller working. EPC 400
06-Jan- Kamat and Fn 4B 1. Miller's cycle
18 Gupta 2. Two stage turbocharging
3. Uptake fire reasons
4. Actions when sparks coming from funnel
5. How you ll come to know that Compressor is running
efficiently ?
6. Exhaust valve checks when in Operation
7. Knocking in exh valve , reasons.
8. How'll you see exhaust valve is rotating ?
9. CCAI and ignition lag
10. 4 STK timing diagram and change in angle when fuel timing
06-Jan- Ext. gupta Fn 3 What do you understand by risk assessment.
18 -He wants to hear abt hazards, severity, chances of occuring
and how to avoid
Isps how is implemented onboard
-Tell him abt ssp, sso, ssas, security level
Flare, sheer strake, solid floor
Certificates for co2 system
Fn 4b In mc- c engine what does c stand fo
r?? Said compact
He wants to know what are the changes done for this engine
that it's made compact
How will u know piston ring broken
Properties of refrigeration compressor lub oil
How will you know compressor is working efficiently
What all data do you require for me performance n how often
you take it. Also asked me how do you know that your engine
is performing efficiently and with what do u compare your
results with
One engine unit exhaust temp low on 4stroke engine
Fn 6 How do you do engine cooling water test and what do you test
the water for??
How do u take 4 stroke bottom end bearing clearance
How do you take butt clearance in two stroke
How do you tighten a loose cylinder head stud
He said that there is a special tool for that n he wanted the
word in the manual for that tool.
06-Jan- Ext. aneja Fn 3 safety convension, pollution convention, liability convention.
18 bwm, nuclearship, solas chapter 6,7,14,. safety and pollution
codes. loadlin marking. cross curve of stability with angle of
loll, definition of non conformity, major nc. ballast water
management. new ammendments.
Fn 4 engine spec, sfoc sloc, piston running hot,,maneouring diagram.
reverse osmosis
06-Jan- Gupta and Fn 6 1. On lpg tanker u do lots of pressure testing of valves....whats
18 Kamath is the medium for testing to get certificates

2. How do you do bunker line pressure testing onboard.

3. What are tests you perform on cooling water....why ph and
chloride....what will cloride do and why we maintain nitrite
reserve and how ph is maintained.
4.cylinder head stud is loose how will u tight it
5. How will you take bottom end bearing clearance of a/e
06-Jan- Int. MR. Fn 6 Propeller removal
18 KAMAT Centrifugal pump overhaul
EXT. MR. Safety when taking out piston
GUPTA Material of piston rings and liner, conn rod, crankshaft
Air in ref indications and how to collect
Purifier overflow reasons
06-Jan- Ext.viswanath Fn 6 1. How u will check motor and pump alignment for horizontally
18 an rao mounted pump 2. Chain tightening procedure and how much
chain can be loose. 3 . Freshwater generator vacuum test how
u will carry out. 4. Aux engine bottom end bearing clearance
06-Jan- External Gupta ? 1. Purifier overflow reasons.and working of pilot vv of purifier.
18 Int. Vikrant rai 2. Main engine main brg survey.tool for removing bottom
shell.draw and explain.
How to take butt clearance for piston and where u will take.
4. Boiler water tests.everything about it.
5 . Ndt.all methods.
06-Jan- vishwanathan ? Bulk carrier hazard
18 Tupes of cargo
Angle of lol
Free surface effect
Internation shore coupling
Life boat lowering procedure
Cargo hold smoke detection system
Fn 6 Shaft alignmnt
Comp 1 st rlf walv lifting
Ae botom bearing clearnce
Bearing check
Connecting rod check
Stern tube arrngment
Chain tightning procedure
06-Jan- External Gupta ? Crankcase inspection, how to inspect wiping out of bearing
18 Int. vikrant rai Hw discoloration occur
Piston pressure test
Cylinder head stud loose
Diagram of stud setter
AE overhaul
Refer air ingress
Compound gauge
And lot of cross question
Butt clearance where to take
AE Lub oil cooler leaking
Detection rectification
06-Jan- Aneja Fn 3 Types of resistance
18 Eedi & seemp significance in

CO2 operation & calculation

Nox reduction methods
Solas chapter 9_ ism
Intact stability criteria
Fn 4 Engine specs
Development in engines
Alpha lubrication
Types of corrosion in boiler and water tests
Reefer safeties
Reffer oil properties
Types of welding
Air compressor bumping clearance role
06-Jan- Gupta,Kamath Fn 3 1.risk assessment
18 2. Implementation of iss onbaord
3.levels of security and difference between level 1 and level 2
4.shear strake. Difference between shear strake and other type
of strake.
5.Free surface effect.
6.angle of loll. to bring ship back to upright position from angle of loll.
8.bilge keel.
9. Breast hooks.
06-Jan- Ext : Fn 3 What is the purpose of international shore coupling? Where is
18 vishwanath it kept onboard? Draw a sketch? How will u connect ISC? What
are the things kept along with it? (Nut bolts, gaskets,
What is fire plan n where can u find it?
Definition for enclosed space(exact definition)? Enclosed space
entry procedure in detail? What gases are found in an enclosed
space? What concentration is allowed for man entry?
what is TPC ? What are the factors affecting TPC?
Free surface effect? It's consequence? Explain inclining expt in
detail? What do you make out from inclining expt?
Explain the working of priming device of emcy fire pump? How
will u check if the priming device is functioning properly?
How will you pressure test a double bottom tank?
06-Jan- Ext : Fn 4b Draw a piston ring groove n piston ring . Explain how piston
18 vishwanath ring is sealing against liner surface. In what directions the
pressure is acting? Piston ring material?
What is a compact engine? How same power is produced by a
compact engine? Formula for power calculation?
Function of piston rod gland in ME?
sketch a gear pump n explain its working. Explain how oil is
getting transferred from suction to discharge side. What is
backlash n why it is provided? What type bearings are used in
gear pump?
purpose of intercooler in air compressor (he wants to hear the
word work done is reduced)
What is tappet clearance? What's the values for suction n
exhaust side? Why exhaust value is higher? What will happen if

less clearance n more clearance?

what is the purpose of u tube in the scrubber overboard line?
Fn 6 How will u align horizontally mounted pump n motor. Draw
sketch n explain?
Boiler soot blow procedure(starting from draining the return
Engine cooling water test? What's the ppm of nitrites to
IG fan water washing procedure
Liner calibration procedure
Maintenance of piston rod gland of ME
Vegetable room temp goes below zero. Reasons n remedial
AE tappet clearance procedure
Fn 5 Types of bulk carrier.
what is special of Panamax
when did ballast water managmnt come.
what any why is this ballast water managemnt important.
How ballast water is treated.
Polar code?
what lattitude n longitide it starts.
what convention are affected by polar code.
Bulbous bow n Y is it required.
Rake stem?
Draw bulbous bow details in fig.
Sulzer fuel pump timing.?How to check.
How is camshaft driven?
what is babit metal where is it used.?
Material of rotor in turbocharger.
Air bottle inspection.Areas to note.
how to coat a sea water pipe line.
High voltage safety.
Iron loss in transformer.
types of transformer.
how to clean a motor immersed in sea water.
wat lamp u will use for drying motor U.V or infra red.
06-Jan- Gupta ? Which type of ships
18 Which company
What do you understand by risk assessment
What do you know about stcw 2010
Which type of fixed fire fighting in engine room?? Lot of cross
What is flare advantage and disadvantage
What is free surface effect??

What all you check in liner?

What you check in exhaust valve during running?
What is furnace blow back??

How ac is generated??
What is the maintenance done on alternator?
What are safeties in alternator?

What is the difference between resistor and insulator??

Piston overhaul
Compressor performance reduced.. Reasons?
What are the tests done on jacket water?
Tank entry procedure?
06-Jan- Int.l vikrant ? Rta fuel pump timing
18 rai Ext. Thick shell thin shell. .....
pakarasi Piston ring material and properties
Boiler costic embrittlement
Why to carry out boiler feed water treatment

Fitted bolts
Gauging of ship side plate
Rudder dry dock
Checks for new liner fitting
Shrunk fit and slide fit...
How to remove broken stud
How stud extractor works
How centrifugal pump wear ring is fitted in pump casing
Is there any o-ring for wear ring

Avr and cross questions

Avr solas regulation
Insulation resistance cross questions
Types of induction motor.....squirrel cage where used
I RMS ....current RMS significance
How clampmeter works
Difference between lead acid and nikal cadmium batteries
06-Jan- Int. vangadea Fn 3 1 margin line
18 Ows separator 15 ppm how it's sensing,light types
Sewage equipment how many lines normally connected,black
water how many
Fn 4b 1 hydrofore p/p frequently cut in cut off ,why,what is the
Purifier overflowing,waterline oil is coming
3 centrifugal p/p why volute casing,if suppose volute casing
not there,what equipment will be there
Boiler water test procedure.what and all u will do and values
5,Saftey valve lifting ,at wat pressure
Fn 6 Crancase inspection,wt and all check
Me bearing inspection
Fwg vaccum less,why
Hyper must detector testing procedures in details
06-Jan- Kamat sir and Fn 4b 1. Type of engine, draw power card and draw card.
18 Vikrant rai How to take generator fuel pump timing .
By advancing injection timing what happens to Sfoc,pmax , exh
C/q why we can't adv timing more. Gave me two fuel
densities and asked me to tell what will happen to pmax , exh

temp if u bunkered different fuel density .

How cargo compressor works
Principle of labyrinth in cargo compressor gas ship
Asked me whether stuffing box provided on cargo gas
compressor ,and its material.
What will happen to the gas which is leaked through the
labyrinth where it goes.
Cargo pump while discharging how will u make sure as engg
pump not losing suction.
Generator engine bottom end bearing clearance.needs the
value and where it is taken.
If u are not getting bottom end clearance what will u do.
Liner wear rate of your engine.
Where does maximum wear takes place.
06-Jan- Int.vikrant rai Fn 3 mlc
18 deadweight dispalcement
fress surface effect .sms onboard tanker safeties on deck... f4
boiler blowback
cyl head defect
lel uel
refer safeties
air cooler manometer high reading reasons and effects
Fn 5 avr
alternator working
battery check
alternator maintenance
Fn 6 cyl head stud loose
refer air indication
air compressor running hours high
06-Jan- Ext: Pakrassi Fn 6 hull shell plating cracked above water line.actions,repair
18 Sir, Int: procedure,consequences
Vikrant Rai reefer compressor shaft seal renewal.Draw diagram of shaft
seal also
crankshaft deflection -starting from safeties to procedure to
tabulation of results and interpretation of deflection curve.
aux engine rocker arm lubrication diagram
aux boiler/egb safety valve settings
dry dock preparations/safeties/checks before flooding
Tailshaft survey
boiler tube repairs
types of weldings/electric arc/MIG/TIG/gas welding- details
with types of electrodes and how to do these weldings(the
position of hand,filler,electrode holder)
soldering and brazing(exact procedure with details/types of
fillers /material of filler used in soldering)
06-Jan- Mr. Iqbal & Fn 3 1. Type of lifeboat Onb
18 Mr.Wankede oard your last vessel, lifeboat drill, launching, Solas Pack
2. Fire Fighting Arrangements onboards, their specification, try
out, maintenance
( deck foam, hypermist, co2 system)
3. GHG explain
4. Goal based shipping.

5. Cross Curve of Stability.

6. Damage stability criteria for your last vessel.
Fn 4 1. RT flex engine, discuss problems faced onboard and cross
question for them.
2. MAN B&W MC discuss, MIP procedure, draw cards. cross
3. Type of FWG generator Onboard, maintenance,
troubleshooting, explain. cross questions.
4. Type of boiler Onboard, explain how fuel control takes place,
troubleshooting during sailing and actions taken in regard to
06-Jan- Gupta sir and Fn 6 HFO service tank entry procedure
18 Vikrant Rai Hot work planning at hot work station
Compressor bumping clearance and method to measure it
Safety valve floating
LO analysis and sampling point for main engine
Welding defects
How will you change over FO auto filter?
G/E bottom end bearing clearance
06-Jan- pakrasi Fn 3 1. Type of ship, slop disch criteria of oil tanker.
18 Int. wankhede 2. Crude oil washing requirements and safety, intervals of
crude oil washing.
3. Slop tank capacity requirements for oil tankers
4. New amendments in ism recently which yr amended and
name few from 2010 amendments.
5. Risk assesment in detail
6. In which chapter of solas isps comes. No of parts and
elements in it
7. What is BDN and contents in it..
06-Jan- Mr gupta and Fn 6 Bunker line pressure testing.
18 mr kamath (Regarding the medium used for pressure testing and why not
using other medium)
Precations while removing ME piston from liner.
Floating of safety valve.
Crank shaft web deflection explanation.
06-Jan- Kamat sir and Fn 3 1.Neutral point
18 kar sir 2.solas x1-2
4.fuel characteristics..he wants iso8217
5.w/t bulkhead remote closing time.
6.balanced rudder
Fn 4 & 6 1.Vit.y used.?
2.hydraulic testing of piston.
Full operation from taking out till inverting and testing.all tools
3.equalising line in refer system
4.why paring disc given in purifier.y at top and bottom
5.boiler water testing
Fn 5 1.AlternatoR working controller
4.use of capacitor in fan

06-Jan- ext gupta int Fn 3 wot do u men by risk ll u cary it out..cyl head
18 kamat lifting risk involved..
furnace blowback..wot do u understnd by it
define freeboard..draught..displacement m tpc
how is main engine bed plate strenthened
wot is to implement isps on ship
wot fire fighting on deck for your
ship..tanker..foam..working..wot is d capacity of foam
is foam prevented from deterioration
Fn 4 air in refer comp..indication
main air compresor difrnet frm oder
main engine unit ll you prepare for it..
thrust block..function
what is detuner..where it is located.
06-Jan- Kamath Fn 3 TPC
18 Factors affecting TPC
Hydrostatic Release Unit working
How is the Life raft released- In detail .
Container ship fire fighting ( What special means are provided
for fighting fire on the 6th tier?)
Isolating Valve , what is the purpose of isolating valve. ?
06-Jan- Kamath Fn 4b What was the type of engine in your last ship?
18 What type of turbocharger?
Exhaust cylinder to manifold , how is it connected? What is
there inside the bellows?
Have you gone inside the Exhaust Manifold?
Is it that small?
The compressor of the Turbocharger, axial or radial?
The impeller of the Turbocharger, axial or radial?
Emergency Fire pump testing in Ballast condition. ? How?
What is happening in the Centrifugal pump?
Why centri
fugal pump can’t handle air and why the compressor of the
turbocharger can handle air (as both are working on the
same principle)?
How is the camshaft driven on your engine?
For a 2 stroke Main Engine what is the ratio between
crankshaft and the camshaft?
Fn 5 Emergency Generator testing on board ship?
How is the MSB connected ?
What is a tie breaker?
Maintenance on Lead Acid Batteries?
What is the voltage of the Battery for starting the Emergency
What is the type of motor that starts the Emergency Generator?
What is the rating of the Alternator onboard your ship?
What is power factor?
Where is the losses happening ?
When you put on the Tie breaker how does the Emergency
generator starts and how does it come on load ?
What will happen if there is a blackout and the engine room
crane was in operation?

Fn 6 There is a hole in the pipe after the overboard valve , how do

you arrest it ?, your actions?
How do you take clearance for a bearing on Auxiliary Engine,? (
don't remember if he asked main bearing or connecting rod
Compressor valve how do you overhaul? Where all will you lap
the valve?
What is the name of the plate where you lap ?
06-Jan- Int:vickranth Fn 4b & 6 Diff between mc and mcc engine , what mean by power to
18 rai Ext weight ratio for mcc engine, how engine size reduced, chain
:rawath arrangement in engine,what mean my 2 order moment
compensator , what is mean by order,about stuffing box , how
many lamellar rings in each segment and material , how to
measure chain wear bet where and how many chain links,
refer system gauge what type and what all things there , what
indication in case air ingress in system how to remove it , how
u will ensure that no air in the system, how measure air
compressor pumping clearance and how much size lead ball u
will put for measurement and where pumping clearance value
will be more first stage or second stage, how to measure AE
bottom end bearing clearance during measuring what will be
the piston position, purifier rpm and what type of belt , how
many belt , how to measure rpm , what is gear ratio to reach
that speed and why we required that much speed, bilge pump
gauge showing zero suction gauge what it indicate and what is
ur action .how to measure but clearance in stuffing box and
what is the value .
06-Jan- Ext. Deepak Fn 3 Solas was made Dude to whch shipping accident
18 rout all chapters in Solas whch have more than two parts
Marpol annex 6
What is odp and green house gas
Load line where is it placed and why
Fn 4 Engine power n explain what does mcc mean
Difference in rt flex and mcc
Difference in crankcase of rt flex n mcc
Why do we have a stuffing box
What r the types of exhausting systems
What r types of scavenging systems
Fn 6 Pms and condition monitoring
How many balls r there in a ball bearing
How often ship need to go to dry dock and why
Different types of paints
06-Jan- Ext. Deepak Fn 3 1. How many metacentric height (GM) are there in ship?
18 raut 2. Stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium.
3. Angle of loll in detail.
4. Rise of floor. Purpose of it.
5. Flare. Purpose of it.
6. Reason behind chapter 12.
7.types of bulbous bow.
8. Dry docking procedure.
9. Ch. 12 (hold ,ballast tanks,dry spaces water ingress alarms )

06-Jan- Ext. Deepak Fn 4 1)Foundation bolt loose what are effect

18 raut 2)Turbocharger breakdown what action to be taken
4)crankshaft deflection.
5) Major job done in main engine explain
6)Exhaust valve overhaul, material and how it is rolled
Fn 5 1)power generation in board
2)safety for incoming generator.
3)Explain requirement for synchronization of generator each
4)MSB safety, explain reverse power trip, y no reverse current
5)Hydraulic system making
noise how to reduce it.
06-Jan- Visvanath Fn 3 safeties in cargo tank of chemical tanker. How to pressure test
18 pressure sensor. Framo safeties. Pump room requirements
in oil tanker.

inclining experiment, why do, how to do, what values you get,
wt. Of masses used, length of pendulum, what is the unit of
lifeboat lowering procedure. Both free fall and side. What is
the use of tricing pendant, where it is attached, how you
remove it after embarkation, same questions for gribs.
fire pump requirements, priming unit, checks, checks done by
Where is the weight of co2 as in how much in total KG of co2
is there in co2 system is written?
How HRU works. He wants to know exactly what is the
mechanism. Size of rope, type or material of rope, what is
weak link?
06-Jan- Ext deepak Fn 6 Have u Dry dockin? Nope.. So many years u ve sailed n still not
18 raut done?
Int donno Checks b4 dry docking in detalis
Interval between DD
Tailshaft inspection
Wat spares reqd
Rudder drop how to Rudder Testin.
Propeller drop. Tools read.
Location of tools
Hulls painting.
Pms n cms difference been both. In cms of pumps Wat
parameters will u check.
06-Jan- Int. Ab dutta Fn 4b Engine specification
18 ME concept in detail hp pump,tacho,booster pump...
How wil u calculate bhp
bilge pump discharge line what r all safety
Titanium plates disadvantage
Refer system explain tev function equalising line concept
unloader works
What s superheat n sub cooling
Single acting pump pressure n time diagram

06-Jan- ? Fn 3 Free surface effect and how to avoid ?

18 Solid floors , Construction of double bottom , strengthening
members in double bottom , water plane area
How to implement ISM in engine room , bunker safety check
list , IOPP equipments in ER , weekly entries in ORB , detainable
deficiency in ER .
Fn 4b Boiler blow back , hazards in reefer room , cyl oil properties ,
MCR , NCR Derated engines , engine rating , under what
condition one can refuse taking bunker from barge , boiler
safety valve setting , what is electronic injection
06-Jan- Int. Ab dutta Fn 3 How to pressure test db tanks
18 What are freeing ports
How is inclining expt conducted
What is the use of inclining expt

To determine GM n exact position of G and M for loading

What fire fighting eqpt is used during bunkering
Action to be taken in scavenge fire and indications of scavenge
Fn 4 Camshaft chain drive weights on idler wheels for what
Compressor after cooler why is it needed

Preparation during ship arrives in piracy area in port.

Security level 2 preparation of ship

What is solid floor. Complete Details and crossquestion.

What is free surface effect . Crossquestion. How to minimise it.

Major deficiency in engine room where ship can be detained.

Main engine different types of power.

Main engine performance taking in details.

Boiler prepration for survery

Various Hazards in refer compressors room

During bunkering if no place in empty tank. Will you take

bunker in tank having oil.
How to do the compatibility test of oil in ship ?
06-Jan- Kamat Fn 3 & Fn 4 Recent Shipping Casualties?
18 Refer container loaded under deck, how to ensure cooling is
Additional Generator placed on deck for refer containers, what
preparations to be made?
Load Line Convention?

Fire on deck stack of containers, what u ll do ?

How many Certificate does the ship carry ?
Fn 4B Boiler mountings ?
Boiler water side cleaning ?
MAC pressure ratio, if 2nd stage is 25 bar how much ll b 1st
stage ?
How Camshaft is fitted on Engine ?
Main engine Specifications for your ship ?
06-Jan- Ext mr. Gupta Fn 4B How will you prepare for m/e unit overhaul wants to hear all
18 spares tools and measurements
Hazards of refer system.
Checks on liner
Checks on piston
Boiler blowback
06-Jan- Int: Mr. Kamat Fn 4B Ships and engines worked on
18 Ext: Mr. Turbocharger lubrication system
Vishwanath What safety feature provided for T/C lubrication tank
Pressure testing of piston
Reefer compressor unloading system
Engine room crane power failure ... what will happen to
suspended load ... He wants to know about the brake
Stuffing box overhaul types of rings in stuffing box and their
material ... no. Of pieces of rings
Fn 6 V-belt wear ... how will u come to know
Difference in discharge side of reciprocating and screw pump
No. Of screws in screw pump and significance of timing screw
Centrifugal pump overhaul - how will u decide the pump has to
be overhauled
Auxiliary engine bottom end bearing clearance
06-Jan- raut Fn 3 1.why solas came to force .?
18 2.why marpol came to Force?
3.define code and totally how many are there?
4.define convention and totally how many there?
5.what is ism and Explain?
6.risk assessment explain
7.when new junior joins what guide line u give
8.flare purpose.
06-Jan- Int: kamat Fn 3 1. Propeller slip, real and apprant slip
18 2. Free surface effect--- how to. reduce by operational and
design wise
3. Lifeboat launching
4. Liferaft --HRU how works
5. Definition of TPC and explain
6. International shore coupling and where we Keep it
06-Jan- Int: kamat Fn 3 1 - ISM details Certificates, i
18 What's sludge tank capacity
06-Jan- Ext:kapoor sir Fn 6 What type of ships you have done
18 What engine sailed on
Have you done drydock, i said yes
What joblist will you prepare as second engineer for dd, why
does ship go to dd. What is docking plan. How do you decide

where the keel blocks are to be laid.

What is tail end shaft survey, when is it carried out, what are
the requirements for old ships
Checks on tail end shaft
What jobs carried out on mainengine, what type of bearing you
hadfor cross head:i said thin shell, he asked whatvis thin shell
bearing, how will you remove thin shell bearing.
Fn 4 1.Methods to reduce sox and nox.what is Humid air motor
2. Properties of cylinder oil. Value of low tbn cylinder oil for
main engine.
3. What is the function of tie rod. What vhecks you carry out, in
checks he wants to listen about Pinching screws. How many are
there how to tighten them. What is the tightening pressure of
tierod. How do you tighten the tierods, here the ans is to raise
the pressure in two steps and then tell him the sequence
3)how many types of chokes are there. What checks you carry
out on chokes. What is the tightening pressure. For which type
of chokes will tightening pressure more.
4)boiler working pressure. Type of safety valve for boiler.
Difference between them. What is the importance of lip
clearance, for which valve is lip clearance more
Fn 3 What have you studied
1.When did bwm came into force
What are the cert and documents under bwm. What are the last
dates for bwm
Which equipment has to be on ship for ship to have intl bwm
cert. What are bw treatment methods
2. marpol annex 6,how many ch, regs. Latest ammendment to
annxex6. Formula for eedi
What is eeoi. How do you ensure eeoi is maintained or
4.tell me about fss code
Fn 5 Synchroscope function. Working. How to synchronize if not
Avr function working
What is high voltage
08-Jan- Int: Fn 3 Types of ships done after class 4
18 vishwanathan What is Bleve ?
What is provided on ship to prevent Bleve?
Type of fixed fire fighting system in engine room ?
What is expansion ratio of fixed foam ?
What is enhanced survey and enhanced security?
Fn 4 Type of main engine ? Specification?
What is 7 S 60 MCC 8.3. Then what is 8.3 ? I said mark and
version. What does that mean ?
What is the difference between chocks of main engine and
auxiliary engine. Why resilient chocks not used in main engine
and why not cast iron chocks for auxiliary engine.
Why centrifugal pump is not self priming?
I said because of density of air is less. He's not satisfied.
How submerged pumps are cooled in lpg tankers ? Flow of lpg

through pump.
Lpg spill on deck what will you do ?
I said water spray pump not satisfied
Air compressor performance drop how will you know ? How
will you know bumping clearance is increased and how will it
increase. ?
What type of compressor? If bumping clearance increases for
which stage it will increase ?
Cargo tank material in lpg.
Fn 5 Draw single cycle of voltage. Draw current in phase with that
voltage. Draw how power will vary?
How will you do continuity check of breaker contacts? Why will
you do ?
Two generators running in parallel 1 gen taking 250kw other
taking 350 kw is it Okay? If not okay what adjustment you will
do ?
Fn 6 Draw main engine piston ring groove before and after decarb.
Generator lube oil cooler leaking how will you identify ?
Ovbd pipe after valve leaking how will you plug the leak ?
What is the difference in checks between piston ring and
stuffing box rings. He wants to hear that clearance decreases in
case of stuffing box rings.
09-Jan- ANEJA Fn 3 Mepc new resolution wrt Annex 1
18 Annealing
Ows day discharge criteria in special and non special areas
Annex 2 discharge criteria
What’s semi balanced rudder and explain
Stp plant type ,maintenance and most importantly tests and
Some questions on chemical tankers
Too many cross questions
Rest will post when I can recollect
Fn 4b Engine model and type
What’s suction vv purpose in man B&W fuel pump
Purifier why conical disc ,how separation take place ....showed
him vector diagram and flow
Questions on Framo
Question on centrifugal pp what will happen if wear ring
clearance increase
Fn 5 Synchroscope shown diagram and asked to explain
How much is the air signal pr in controllers and explain IP
Iccp explain
Fn 6 Hole in ac line in ecr ac how to rectify
Centrifugal pp sleeve got grooved , no spare onboard , tell the
method of repair
Pump coupling alignment
10-Jan- Visvanath Fn 3 Cargo tank safety
18 Double bottom tank advantage
Types of bulkhead
Difference between accident and incident
co2 discharge regulation

Why 85℅ in 2 min

Difference between con rod of 2 stroke and 4 stroke.
enclosed space entry procedure and check to be made and gas
15-Jan- ANEJA ? 1 )have u worked as a third engineer
18 2) what all machineries you where looking after
3) if compressor not developing pressure above say apoint
what could be the reason
4) boiler water test and values
5) what is the role of expansion tank in boiler
6) why vaccum condenser
7) how thrust taken care in generators
15-Jan- Ext. Mishra Fn 3 1 Foam system, why hig expansion in deck, testing,
18 arrangements.......etc
2 solas chapter 11
3 marpol latest ammendment
1 deaerator function and cooling water line diagram
2 purifier throughput, gravity dic y and cx questions
3 valves in engine room
15-Jan- Int. Kamath FN 4B 1 Galvanic corrosion
18 2 use of superlong stroke
3 mep how to calculate
4 if the size of propeller Dia increased what will happen
15-Jan- Int: Rai FN 4B 1. Types of wear in Cyl liner - reasons , countermeasures.
18 Ext: Mishra 2. Fuel oil line of main Engine - tank to tank , and how
circulation through engine
3. Reversing principle of engines ...
Purpose of Easing gear.
15-Jan- Kamath Sir Fn 6 1: what do mean by M10 andM12 Bolt
18 Which spanner :wrench: will used on M10 andM 12
2: liner calibration
How would you ensure that ur micrometer is in straight line
Why don’t u calibrate ur micrometer in control room if u taking
template out side the engine room
3 :main engine man and B n w fitted with hyd bolt on the cyl
head . If one of the nut leaking. What will u do.
4: AHU fan belt broken what will happen
He helped me alot in this question
5:what do called hyd connector
16-Jan- Ext. mishra FN 4B Type of main engine done
18 Int. kamath Advantages of two stroke over 4 stroke
Reversing mechanism of ur engine. What will u do pneumatic
cylinder for reversing stuck?
Type of boiler worked on.
Safety valve setting what pressure. At what pressure u will set
other one? Why two safety valves on boiler? If two safety valve
on boiler Why only one safety valve on air bottle?
Refer plant oil separator draw and explain?
Types of flow? Which one has better cooling?

16-Jan- Ext : Mishra Fn 3 Solas certificates

18 sir Marpol amendments
Winch how does it work
16-Jan- Int. kamat sir Fn 6 Me engine exhaust valve position sensor working ( purely
18 based on type of engine you have worked
Compressor taking too much time to fill bottle reasons
Main engine cylinder head overhaul procedure

Asked What type of ship you worked on and

Written result
Hatch cover seal test
IMO f.o sulphur limits ..present and from 2020
Cargo crane safeties
How is hook secured
16-Jan- Int:Mr.kamat ? 1.since. My experiences were in LNG ships questions and
18 answers related to LNG ships.
1.type of cargo
2. Physical properties of cargo
3. Fire fighting system..I said water spray and DCP.
4. Regulations on fire fighting system
5.Type of nozzle.
6.safties on cargo tanks.
7.saftiee on deck.
8.what is ESD
9.Locations of ESD
10. How cargo tank pressure is maintained
11.latedt amendments in marpol
17-Jan- Visvanathan, Fn 3 Igg regulation,
18 DGS Mast riser safeties,
Cargo tank safeties,
Inclined experiment,
Solas chapter 11.1 and 11.2
Fn 6 Framo hyd pressure not coming up reasons,
Why igg blower washing provided,
Pump shaft alignment,
Tappet clearance,
How chain elongation, happened and what is the maximum
value. Some more questions…
17-Jan- Mr. Fn 3 1.Types of ship sailed on?
18 Vishwanathan 2.What will you do after bunker? he wanted to hear abt entries
of bunker.
3.Details wht will u write and were to be written. (orb part 1).
How many columns in oil record book.
All codes for fuel oil. Lube oil.
4.Igg. Requirements according to solas.
5.How to test heat detector procedure . He wanted to hear
inform bridge first.
6.Statutory certificates on board.
Fn.4b & 6 1. Type of main engine.
2. Type of aux. Engine.
3. What is mcr and ncr.
4. wen do we use mcr. (i told him abt 15% margin in me for

antifouling of hull. Dont knw whther he accepted or not)

5. How will u come to know tht heat exchanger is 2pass or 3
pass just by looking from outside. (cdnt ans tht)
6. Annealing. Purpose. Wer carried onboard (it is for copper
washer whc we heat)
7. Aux engine piston ring calibration. Told him abt butt radial
and axial clearance.
8. Wht is synthetic oil.
9. on refeer wht kind of gauge on discharge side. I told him
compound gauge. But he din accept. Asked wht is compound
17-Jan- Mr khar Fn 3 1.Co2 flooding system manual release procedure and cross
18 Mr. Senthil questions about time delay. Pilot bottle and parts
Kumar 2.mepc no... Abt ODMS
3. Smoke and heat detectors regulations
4. water tight doors closing regulation
5. sewage discharge criteria at sea, Port and special area
Fn 4 1.piston design latest
2. Cpr ring
3. cyl liner details
4. centrifugal p/p wear ring, wear increased effect on ampere
5. ME Engine what all parameters decide fuel quality to be
Fn 6 1. Centrifugal pump shaft fabrication inboard. And key Groove
2. 3 meter sq plate cut by hacksaw.. Cut one inch strip
3. alignment of motor
4. pipe schedule
5. purpose of bottom pairing disc
18-Jan- Ext- Aneja Fn 3 1. Slop tank criteria?Odme discharge criteria?
18 INT - Vikrant 2. CO2 leak alarm , how you find the bottle? During weekly
Rai check how to find out bottle contains CO2 or not?
3. Latest amendment in annex 5 ?
4. Garbage categories?
5. Draw curves of static stability and explain and few cross
questions .
6. Pollution conventions?
7. What is high expansion foam and what type foam
concentrate you had onboard and foam calculation ?
Fn 4B 1. BDN data?
2. Piston running hot reason?
3. Draw starting air line diagram of your engine?
4. Draw water ring primer and explain ?
5. How to cut off fuel for one unit ?
Fn 6 1. Checks clearance carried out in main sea water p/p during
2. How to start OWS ?
18-Jan- Vishwanathan Fn 4 1. What type of ship sailed on. Which ME and AE?
18 2. What is difference between MC and MCC. How much weight
and length reduced in MCC
3. Operation of valve rotator
4. Sketch gear pump and show direction of liquid flow

5. Why centrifugal pump is not self priming

6. What do you mean by draw card? What all you can analyse
from draw card? How it will look if injector is leaking?
18-Jan- Vishwanathan Fn 3 Adv and disadv of double hull tankers
18 Diff in dedicated ballast tank and segregated ballast tank
Mast riser how to fight the fire?
Lifeboat launching procedure
CO2 room ventilation requirements
18-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 3 1. Why we use ig in crude oil tanker.
18 2. What is threshold limit
4. Why do you not putting ig in bunker tanks
5. Capacity of each bunker tank in your ship
6. You have done bunkering just second engr where
you will record the bunkering and what details you will put
7. What is Annex 6 of marpol convention
8. What is EEDI and EEOI , what is the difference and as second
engr how will you decrease EEDI and EEOI for a ship
9. What is NOx and how to reduce NOx
10. How humid air reduce NOx and at what temp NOx is
formed. Is NOx created during combustion or after combustion
11. You go to dd and completed your dd. Now vessel is allowed
to float in dd by superidentent, Just prior to fill up of water in
dd, what you have to do and checks you will do as second engr.
12. What is regulation regarding rest/work hour as per mlc. As
you are third engineer right now, If you completed your work
hour per any of 24hrs and now your generator got damage and
CE want to call you for repair.. what you will do.
18-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 4b 1. How will you test boiler low water level
18 2. What is your propellusion engine type. 6s70mcc has 70.
What is 70.
3. Draw liner for ur last ship engine and show where will be
max wear and why
4. Is wear depend on piston speed
5. How you take liner wear reading, what is max allowable liner
6. Significance of P-S and F-A reading
7. Draw the piston crown of your last ship and How will you
check piston wear and where will be max wear and why
8. You have bunker of sg 0.92. Now you changed bunker of SG
0.95, keeping all other thing same. Even temp before fo pump
also same, how it will affact pmax power sfoc and exhaust temp
9. Draw power card and draw card and how will you calculate
18-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 5 1. Draw star connection and delta comnection. Where you will
18 find such connections on ship. Basic design of Star delta starter
drawing and where you will find this starter and sw main pimp
have which starter
2. Emergency geny and esb solas regulation
3. During blackout , only emer geny running and feeding to esb.
Is it possible to run ME and why not
4. Is there any connection from esb to sg motor and its
regulation. Your ship is in port, ME is stopped den you will you

require sg motor to supply electrical. Why cant we stop the

5. What is plc (he want what is plc not expansion) and where
you can use, what is its advantage
6. What is DIAC and where it is used and what is its advantage
7. How will you test diode in place and when i told him that
multimeter put in diode mode and check, he ask what actually
mutlimeter measure and do its task.
8. How will you order cables for your ship, what is hydrogen
18-Jan- Visvanathan Fn 6 1. You have refrigeration system onboard, how will you charge
18 oil in system, if there is no cycle pump, then how will you
charge oil
2. How to check fuel pump timing for bosch pump in Man bw
aux engine, one shim is equal to how many crank angle
3. How to check bottom end bearing clearance in Aux engine. If
you dont have feeler gauge den how, if lead ball is not there den
how , if lead wire is not there den how, if dont have plastic
feeler gauge den how.
4. What is conrod ovaily . How to check conrod ovality, why
conrod get oval
5. Boiler water level to remote monitor. Plus minus connection
of dp cell where. What is condensing pot, if not there , what will
affact n how
6. Boiler water test chloride content min in your company. I
told him 20, so if from 10 to 80 chloride come but in very
gradual like in 2 months . Why and how
7. Aux engine running with all unit exh temp 70 c higher than it
should be . What are reason
8. What is safematic steering gear system, regulation and how
it detect the leak with only one LO tank and 4 ram system
9. What is valve positioner
10. Draw 3port,2 position, pilot operated , spring return DCV.
In my drawing, it is asked , when spring is in action, which will
be postion of spool and what is port here and position here.
11. Draw iccp system for your last ship
18-Jan- Misra and Fn 3 1) difference between crude oil tanker and product?
18 kamat 2)co2 maintenance in detail? Pressure test?
3) type of steering on ur ship? What all alarms? Auto
changeover how works ?Test? How to try out emcy steering?
4) kamat sir asked ism?
5)new amendments in annex 6? Abt EEDI
21-Jan- External : Fn 3 4 important conventions for engineers
18 Aneja Solas chapters
Int : Vikrant Cross section of product tanker
Rai Angle of loll
EEBD Regulations
EEDI definition and formula
Deck foam system type, foam expansion ratio definition n value
Qty of foam concentrate needed to be carried onboard
Stiff ship and tender ship

Period of roll formula

Angle of loll and how will u correct
Fn 4 ME turning on air but not starting on fuel reasons
What is BOD n how to calculate
Light spring diagram and changes in it if exhaust valve choked
FWG type and how vacuum is produced. Reasons for salinity
increasing nd Reasons for production drop
Ejector arrangement and construction
ME starting air injection timing
Boiler make, type and how circulation of water is achieved
Boiler firing on full load at 12 bar pressure. One tube is leaking,
actions to take.
How leaking tube rectified.
Material of boiler tubes and material of boiler tube plugs
ME graph for Power vs SFOC

Scavenge fire and reasons.
TC Surging and reasons
Intermediate shaft Bearing high temperature alarm-Causes and
25-Jan- Biswas Fn 3 1. What cert does class give
18 2. Difference between ro and class
3. Interim SMC, why
4. SSO and PFSO
5. Deck foam maintenance long term, mechanism of
proportioner valve
6. Long term maintenance on life boat davit winches.
7. Deck foam constituents and working principle.
29-Jan- Aneja Fn 3 1. SOLAS CHAPTER 12
29-Jan- Mr. Fn 4 1. Draw chain drive mechanism for Man Engine.
18 VISHVANATH 2. Wat is d speed of camshaft with respect to crankshaft.
3. Purpose of after cooler.
4. Why we use plate type heat exchanger. Flow in that. Material
of plates.

29-Jan- Mishra & Fn 3 Co2 safeties

18 senthil Co2 system time delay...Draw n explain functioning
Solas chap 11 in detail...
Solas chap 12 additional safeties for bulk carrier
Draw section bet cargo holds...Means how cargo holds r
Grt, nrt, dwt
Fn 4 Speed limiter in main engine
Boiler rotary cup burner drawing
Fn 5 Ex i with drawing
In ecr switchboard panel how you make out it's star
connected....Draw wire diagram...How 220 v supply given in
Types of starters...
Msb safeties
Fn 6 Ae lo cooler leaking...How to find out..How would u do
hydraulic test....Lo cooler expansion arrangements with
ME not starting on fuel reasons
Main bearing removal.. Hydraulic jack drawing
29-Jan- Int. vikrant rai Fn 3 1.BLEVE
18 2.Lpg spillage on decks, ur actions
3.lpg cargo tank safeties.
4.How will you discharge lpg cargo, if cargo p/p fails, will u check priming in emgy fire p/p if the ship is fully
loaded. fighting medium on deck.
7.co2 maintenance. u r maintaining co2room below 55 degree
Fn 4 1.sequence of events after reefer plant cut off.
Refrigerant leakage testing.
Fn 5 1.scr
3.types of starter.
4. Where you can find these starter on board of which p/p.
5. Checks before taking shore electrical connections.
6. IR of motor.
7.motor came from shore, what all checks, out test.
9.what is Exi a and Exi b
Fn 6 1. Stuffing box, diagrams n explain.
2. Maintenance differences between me piston ring and
lamellar ring.
3.lpg cargo compressor, maintenance and clearance. testing of cooler
5.what all checks, while preparing cyl head for ae after Decarb, Decarb cross questions piston ring groove n ring checks n clearance.
8.checks after grounding
29-Jan- vishwanathan Fn 3 what are pump room safeties?
18 what checks will you carried out for load line survey?

what fire fighting arrangement is provided in mast riser?

what is venting arrangements for double bottom fuel tank.?
Fn 4B & 5 which main engine and generator you have worked? model no.
what is difference between aux. engine and main engine
how will you calculate liner wear?how much is normal wear
what kind of pump was used for steering gear? Why there are
odd no. of pistons in swash plate?
what are all checks you will carry out after a rough sea voyage?
why refrigerant an ac compressor is fed back to crankcase?
can we get 100% sealing by using piston rings?
draw chain link
Fn 6 what is Ex(i) Ex(d)?
draw brushless alternator? Explain?cross questions about
rotor and stator.
what are types of starters?
what is difference in autotransformer and soft starter?
how will you detect earth fault.? how is the earth fault indicator
meter constructed?
30-Jan- Vishwanathan Fn 3 Hazards in bulk carrier
18 Fire detection and fire fighting in cargo holds
Tpc and what it depends on
Safeties in co2 room.
Annex 6 marpol
Name statutory certificates
30-Jan- Int.Mr. Fn 3 What is the latest amendment regarding container ships (based
18 Senthilkumar on my experience on container ships)
What is GM and how is GM calculated
Describe the inclining experiment and what is achieved from it,
including formula
Operation and maintenance of 145L foam extinguisher with
What is Annex 6 of MARPOL and what are the latest
amendments regarding Annex 6
How is the energy efficiency implemented and monitored
onboard ships
What is angle of loll, explain using diagrams
Fn 4b & 6 Drawing and operation of pressure jet burner and particulary
the nozzle arrangement
What are the different types of burners, explain steam assisted
pressure jet burner
How is reversing achieved in RT-Flex engine (again experience
RT-Flex control in detail, how exactly is engine control
achieved using this system
Advantages of plate type heat exchanger over shell and tube
type exchanger
Compressor operating for a longer time than usual, what are
your actions
Procedure for manual operation of boiler
Function and working of unloader in refrigeration system

How many types of unloaders are there and explain the lub oil
operated type
Meat room temperature insufficient, what checks to carry out
Purpose of crankshaft deflection and what do you
understand/interpret from the readings
Checks to perform on the deflection dial indicator before using
Fn 4b & 6 Specifications and details of boiler on last ship and where was
it located
Boiler safeties
Significance of flame sensor and outcome of faulty flame sensor
If boiler explosion has occurred and boiler completely
destroyed, what are the consequences and what are your
30-Jan- Ext: Mishra Fn 4b & 6 Heat exchanger construction with graph based on in/out temp
18 Int Senthil Jerk type fuel pump construction
AHU how it works.. how to maintain accomodation temp
Air comp. efficiency goin down reason
Boiler Jet burner construction
Purifier overflow reason
ME not starting on air
Main bearing removal
30-Jan- Vishwanathan Fn 3 Bleeve.
18 Load line survry. Engine room what all will be checked?
Ur last ship life boat. And its launching procedure
Fn 4 & 6 Why ae conn rod having I section?
Ae bottom end brg clearances without opening?
Why aftercooler in compressor?
L.O DROP test procedure and details u find in it?
Centrifugal pump al curves
Er crane how will you secure before sailing?
Sea water valve bonnet wing broken n no spare onboard. What
will u do?
Tev external side icing? Reason?
Ae cam profile.
Fn 5 Working and construction of brushless alternator
IR of motor
Safeties of alternator
Safeties of steering motor
Single phasing. How will u know
Difference between shirt circuit and ovr current trip?
Motor safeties
31-Jan- Ext. John Fn 3 & 5 1. Low voltage startng
18 2. Armature reaction
3. Soft startng
4. Avr
3. Safeties in nav lights
Fn 3 1. Smc functional requuremnts
He wnts specifically functional requirements
2, Smc
3. Certificate of compliance
4. Who gves permission for port state to carry out inspection

5 wat will happen after they find that ship has no sms onboard.
6 static stability requirements b
7 floodable length
31-Jan- Int- Senthil Fn 3 1.GM tender ship/stiff and cross as
18 Kumar 2. What all things ull find in MLC
3. How will u do risk assessment onboard
4.Fire fighting equipments in ER
Fn 4 1.How power developed is compared in ME
2.One reefer room temp goes high.
3.what all parameters u check in air compressor
4.purifier bowl closing how ?
Fn 5 1. Working of a synchronous motor out test
3. Difference between pressure transducer and pressure
transmitter is current is constant in generator .
5. What is a pyrometer
Fn 6 1. Chisel blunt how will you rectify . And do u prepare other
machining tools ...
2. Reasons for AE Performance drop
3. Cyl .L.O properties
4 . NDT , Ultrasonic test
5. Accumulation pressure test on boiler
31-Jan- Int - Vikrant Fn 3 Load line draw and explain
18 rai Camber, bilge strake
Annex 5 garbage definition and discharge criteria
CO2 sys draw and explain
Container fire fighting methods
Steering gear safeties
Fn 4 Type of engine - ME explain reversing how it is done
How to check purifier performance, air compressor
Aux Engine performance.. parameters to check..
Boiler water test and values
Fn 5 How to check continuity on a single long line?
Why HV motor doesn't have starter? Why not star connection
not used for running?
Stopped induction motor is not starting again.. reason
When alternator running in parallel current drawing is
different. What is the reason?
Fn 6 Major overhaul done - Piston change
Why piston ring breaks?
Stuffing box draw and explain
What is the difference in stuffing box butt clearance?
Bunkering procedure
Procedure for welding two 10m long 5mm thick plate
How will u train your cadet for bringing chemical?
01-Feb- Visvanath Fn 3 1. Type of ship which u have sailed?
18 2. Difference between single skin and double skin bulk carrier
with drawing
3. Explain solas chapter 11

4. Different timely maintenance on CO2 flooding system

5. Db tank r there in single Hulk or not?
Fn 4b 1. Type of engine...
Explain centrifugal pump significance of pump characteristics
and explain fuel oil transfer pump ..which type of pump it
is...what type of sludge pump ...what type of other fuel oil pump
... positive displacement pumps working
Gear pump and types of gears
2. Type of b&w engine and specifications
3. Your ship cylinder lubrication system explain full with faults.
4. What type of air conditioning plant you have on board.
cooling system of ur ship
5. How air is circulated in accomodation
Now a days new plant coming with each cabin exhaust system.
Do u know that
6 . Material of liner and piston
7. Type of boiler burner u have on ur ship..draw and explain
Fn 5 1. Draw Avr and explain ...and comparator explain. I
2. How it regulate voltage
3. Draw battery charging circuit
4. What will u check during round in electrical motor panel and
motor..except amps, vibration and temp.
Fn 6 1. Accommodation room is not cooling what r the reason ...gas
is okay?
2. Main engine not starting on fuel ..reasons?
3. Type of boiler burner
4. What action u will take if u find gen voltage is fluctuating.and
how will u Rectify
02-Feb- Ext: Mr. Fn 3 1. What s full form of the functions applied
18 Kapoor 2. What is convention and code. Name it.
Int: Mr. 3. Explain full stcw
Kamath 4. What are different types of resitance. 5. Formula for
Residuary resistance
Fn 4 1. What is IHP BHP SHP TP DP?
2. Explain in detail how ihp is calculated?
3. Name of the instrument used to obtain performance of the
engine, how it is taken, formula and maintenance carried on it.
4. Draw 2 stroke timing diagram with exact angles.
5. After decarb what all paper work done and what all readings
clearances one will update?
6. Types of OMD Explain? Under which code it is coming under
and it's regulation.
7. What are other Safeties of crankcase
Fn 5 1. High Voltage exp
2. How it's earthed various types of earthing
3. Advantages n disadvantages of HV
4. What safeties should be taken before maintenance on HV
5. What s the permit given, who issues it, duration of permit
6. What is emergency source of supply.. and it's regulation for
cargo n passenger ships
7. Insulation class n what class is used in various places on-

8. Ingress protection explain
9. Exi Exd Exe etc explain
Fn 6 1. Dry dock jobs what are all checks
2. Propeller drop
3. Pintle clearance
4. What checks done on anchor cable
5. What maintenance done on echo sounder speed log during
dry dock.
6. Explain how centrifugal pumps overhauled clearances
trueness etc
03-Feb- Aneja Fn 3 Which type of ship sailed
18 Foam expansion ratio
Foam coverage
How proportionater workin
Draw foam system
Wt type of fire extinguisher onboard
Wt type deck seal u hav
Deck seal draw
Draw air vent
sounding air pipe relation
Mlc . How u Kno u r following
For below 18 yrs mlc same
New marpol regulation
Fn 4 & 6 Which engine on ur ship
Which other engine u hav worked on
Y engine not running in fuel
What is fuel oil header
Fuel oil line header function
boiler gauge glass removal n repair
Where is refrigeration l.p cut out
Ref getting trip on h.p
Fn 5 Induction motor working
What is Slip
How much is the slip
05-Feb- Ext- Fn 3 Adv and dis-adv of double hull tankers?
18 Vishwanath Piping expansion arrangements on deck if hull flexing?
Int- Vikrant What is mast riser and purpose?
Rai Mast riser fire fighting arrangement n how to fight fire..line
diagram of co2?
Ig pipeline diagram on deck?
Oxygen-acetylene bottle fittings and safeties?
Fn 4 & 6 Cam shaft and crankshaft chain drive arrangements ..why
counter weights on guide wheels?
What is second order moment compensator? Why fitted and its
Cam shaft speed with respect to c/s in 2S n 4S?
Centrifugal pump characteristics..draw and explain all ?
What is total head n how you calculate?
What will be suction and discharge head in ballast and loaded
condition?why pump drawing more amps in ballst condition?
How will you test priming device in fully loaded condition?

What type of priming device fitted?

How to calculate indicated power and many cross
questions..where will you start for calculating area with
What is power and work done?
Boiler generating tubes expansion arrangements?
Boiler bottom mountings and checks?
Exhaust cam profile of 4S engine?
Timing diagram of 4S?
Exhaust gas smell on deck..why and from where?
ME jcw inlet temp how much?
Temprature fluctuating from 68 to 75..why and how you will
correct..How will you adjust Integral function?
What is P, I and D in PID controller and their units?
Checks on engine room after rough weather? I guess he expects
crankshaft deflection on this questiont..
Fn 5 Draw and explain working of single phase motor ,, why no
rotating magnetic field..difference between single phase and 3
phase motor?
Emergency shore supply arrangements?
What is Exi(a) and Exi(b)..what is double fault and single fault?
Solenoid working..when energise and de-energise?
What is thermistor and thermostat..where fitted and how it
09-Feb- Ext Fn 3 1.Hazards on bulk carrier w.r.t carrying cargo during voyage as
18 Vishwanathan compared to other type of ships
Int kamath (Cargo shifting and water ingress due to large openings)
2. Additional safety measures on bulk carrier
(Solas ch-12 )
3. Freefall lifeboat launching procedure
How many designated persons(3)
How many gas bottles in lifeboat.
4. Complaint procedure onboard as mentioned in mlc.
5. action as 2nd engineer when u observe smoke coming out of
cargo hold vent
Fn 4 1. What is pretensioning
Where is it done onboard?
2.Tdc lift of fuel pump (Fuel pump lead)
3.why refg gas lead back to
c/case first
4.causes of axial vibrations in m/e and arrangements to
5.New bunker received with change in fuel oil density.
What changes will u make in operation?
Fn 5 1.Alternator safeties
2.types of starters and working
3.steering motor protections
4. shore supply pre checks n requirements
Fn 6 1. Cast iron bonnet cracked
Repair procedure? Difference in welding cast iron and other
(Cast iron is preheated.

Then welded
Then allowed to cool slowly)
2. material of crane hook and properties. (Wrought iron)
3. 4s engine one unit blowpast.
How to find which unit?
Can draw card be taken in 4s engine?
14-Feb- Internal Fn 4b 1)Why RT FLEX Intelligent engine,
18 Kamat I told lots of stuff but Gupta sir wanted fuel quantity is
External Gupta controlled automatically then he was satisfied
2)AE 1 unit temp going up, 1 unit temp going down...Reasons
3) scale formation on boiler
4) Relation between stages of air compressor
5) 1 refer room temperature rising.
Fn 4b 1) Specific volume off co2, critical temperature of co2
2) AE all temp going up
3) Vent not closing properly as a second engineer what u will
do about it?
14-Feb- Gupta Fn 4 4s timing diagram and explain how overlap period is long or
18 short for the turbocharged and naturally aspirated engine
Why thrust in 4s crankshaft and arrangement with drawing to
Main purpose of easing gear
What condition satisfies the performance efficiency of main air
How to calculate staring air valve overlap b/w any 2 units on
Fuel oil flowmeter showing high consumption for a full day.
About iccp and why not to use at port.
4s engine main bearing and gudgeon pin clearance.
Fn 6 Condition monitoring system explain
Checks in audit survey and annual survey for vessel
Machinery survey and interval.
Purifier draw high current at start, why.
Planned maintenence scheduling interval for 4s engines.
14-Feb- External Fn 4b How to overhaul compressor
18 Mr.Raut Antipolishing ring function
Breaking in reason
Liner cooling how
14-Feb- Ext . Gupta Fn 3 Co2 room regulation
18 Int : kammath Marpol annex 1
Er discharge criteria
Safeties in gas tanker
Sheer strake
Garboard strake
Solid floor and transverse framing.
Fn 4 OWS operational checks.
MC and MCC difference
Boiler furnace blowback
Main engine performance
Fn 6 Welding defects. How to find out porosity
Bunker line pressure testing

Different types of NDT.

Refrigeration safeties.
How to order sea water pipe.
14-Feb- Aneja Fn 4b 1) easing gear funtion in boiler safety valve. (Wanted if high pr
18 tube is cracked thn to release pressure.)
2) Priming ring
3) BoD
4)Reverse osmosis. How FW is made.
5)why engine rating is always given at 85%mcr and not at
7) sfoc , cyl. Oil specific consumption .
14-Feb- Gupta & kamat Fn 4 & 6 1. Auxiliary engine lub oil prs. Dropping gradually.. Reasons
18 2. Hw me engine is different frm mc or mcc
3. How to pr. test double bottom tank.
4. Refrigeration plant hazards
5.purifier over flow reasons.
15-Feb- Aneja Fn 4b What engine u had worked
18 6S70MEC
How FO pressure is raised to 1000 Bar
How Servo oil pressure is maintained constant
What is crank angle in 6 cylinder engine.
Sea water temp of 25 deg and engine warming up at 80 deg will
engine expand or not.
What arrangement is made for expansion. Draw arrangement.
OROS Piston Design and advantages and draw piston.
Thin shell and thick shell bearings. Materials and composition.
Boiler sliding feet arrangement.
Advantages of high pressure auxiliary boiler.
15-Feb- Aneja & Fn 3 TYPE of ship dn
18 KAMANT Types of chemical cargos
15-Feb- Gupta Fn 6 1.hw u order sw pipe?
18 2.why u need accumulation pressure test of boiler?
3.Hw u select hfo purifier gravity disc?if correct size not
available den wht u do?which size disc u choose?den wht
overall effect if u choose small diameter disc?
4.hw u test DB water ballast tk?
5.air in refrgrn system ....symptoms...if air is lighter dan
refrigrnt den why bubble present in sight glass?
Fn 4 What type of turbocharger on last ship. How’s the lubrication of
tc bearings carried.
What all checks you do on tc during starting of engine
ME performance parameters. What you’ll infer after taking
performance. (Compare sfoc)
Air compressor all safeties. Why aftercooler is necessary?
Bursting Disc?

Fn 6 ME cylinder head stud is lose. How you’ll tighten ?

One refer room is not cooling down. Reasons?
Bunker line pressure test
Welding defects? How you’ll check porosity ? What r NDT
techniques used in engine room
(I told him visual inspection dye pentrant test, ultrasonic
thickness measurement, but he wanted to hear more)
Working of radiography ndt? MPI?
How’s propellor fitted to shaft, what is the stress in
interference fit?
Air in refrigerant, how will you detect?
15-Feb- Int Kamat Fn 6 1) Crankcase inspection
18 Ext Mishra 2) how to detect a leaky stuffing box
3) LO purifier overflowing reasons
4) maine engine vibrating...reasons
5) Air starting valve overhaul
Fn 6 1) cylinder head pressure testing
2) 2s piston pressure testing
3) exhaust valve seat W type diag and material
15-Feb- Mr.Raut Fn 4B 1. Nomenclature of boiler and turbine
18 2. Various pressure and temperature in steam system
3.value of gland steam pressure
4.warming thru procedure
5.hiw to confirm that turbine is warmed enough and warming
thru pressure and temperature
6.soot blow arrangement and sequence
7. Feed controller explain
Fn 6 1. How to prepare boiler for survey to enter into steam drum
3. How to prepare ship for dry dock
4. In case of superheater steam leak .. line of action.
5.indication for small amount of tube leak and big amount of
6. How to find condenser leak and indication and condenser
tube material and condenser casing material
7.where do V store sterntube seal to secure boiler for any repair.
15-Feb- Aneja Fn 6 1. Fluctuation in jacket cooling pressue . Overhauling of
18 cylinder head ?
2. Fall in level in expansion system to run compressor with bursting disc damaged ?
advantages of aftercooler / intercooler
4 . main reason for 1st stage valve lifting if fouled intercooler .
5. draw absolute pressure temperature cycle .. showing what is
cop and superheat vapour . short cycling of compressor .boiling
point of r 404 a and odp
16-Feb- Int. Kamat ? 1. Diff between floor and girder
18 2. Ballas water mgmt
3. Nox tech file how to main tain
4. Mlc certificates
5. Rise up tanks
6. Co2 maintenance periodic

16-Feb- Int Kamat Fn 6 Propeller drop

18 Ext Deshpande Why friction pad in purifier
Secondary refrigerant
Variable geometry turbine
Engine not starting on fuel
Boiler back fire
Huk law
Corrosion type
How to measure gear backlash
How liner lubricated in 4 stroke
16-Feb- Mr. Fn 3 Annex 1 discharge criterion?
18 Deshpande/ Annex 1 discharge criterion inside special area ?
Mr. Gupta What checks you'll do while running ows ?
Strengthening below main engine?
Who will carry out inspection of lifeboat? Who will authorize
the certain 3rd party ? Why only them? Anyone can read
manual and learn maintenance but why only makers
representatives to service lifeboat?
Fn 4 How to check performance of main engine? In depth.
I explained method using turbocharger rpm and scavenge
temperature. He asked why this method is being used now why
not indicator cam type method is not used. ? In this method
using turbocharger rpm how do you apply correction for
different rpm?
What is sfoc and units ?
What checks you'll do if you find sfoc increasing ?
What is boiler blowback ?
What is accumulation pressure test and why is it carried out ?
Air compressor safeties and why bursting disc is provided.
Bursting disc is given to protect what ?
How will bursting disk release pressure at what value ? He
wants to hear sight glass also in safeties and that you can check
water flow.
Fn 6 Refer one room temp now coming down reasons ?
Boiler easing gear function?
One of the cylinder head studs of main engine came loose.
What is your action ?
How to use stud setter ? After removing stud how will you
remove stud setter?
How to use hydraulic jack? Safety precautions and operational
Why to turn back one turn ?
How will you weld plates of 8mm thickness and 16mm
thickness. How much chamfer you'll put. What is the angle of
chamfer. What is the relation between plate thickness and
chamfer angle.
16-Feb- Despande Fn 4B 4 stroke timing dig
18 How labryinth seal is arranged in tc, dig
Jacket cooling water treatment and value.
Liquid coagulant added to boiler water
In draw card and power card what is there on x and y axis.
How to prepare boiler for survey

Checkes in safety valve and at what pressure to set and how to

set sitting pressure.
Arrangements to prevent oil flow to the pump in cascade tank
and how can oil enter the system. Dig
How is bottom end bearing lubricated in me
Fn 5 Difference between construction of dc and ac generator
Why 3phase use onboard instead of single phase generally.
What is phase difference.
If two generators running in parallel and there is difference
between their phase angle how to find out if no indicator
What will happen to overall ships electrical system if single
phasing in one motor occurs
What is synchronous motor. Its working.
Brushless alternator.
Short circuit and open circuit.dig
Ward leonard system for speed control with dig.
Fn 6 Volumetric efficiency in compressor & What is suction and
discharge valve loss.
Reasons for flame failure in boiler
Caustic embrittlement
Dry type deck seal dig
Refer compressor unloader dig
Icing on suction line reasons.
Why main air compressor directly coupled and refer
compressors not.
How to calculate npsh and if npsh available is less than npsh
required then how to improve.
16-Feb- Aneja Fn3 suppose thr is flooding in engine room and ce asks u to reduce
18 flooding...ur actions.. (he wanted to hear line up bilge suctiion
with main main fire pp)
garboard strake
duct keel( its uses ..max distance...and extents from whr to
is thr any interlock in Co2 cabinet ( he wanted delay timer and
why is it given)
Draw iccp
02-Jan- Gupta Fn 6 Write all main engine bearing clerances
18 How to check tie rod tensioning sequence of tightening and
hydraulic pressure
Maintenance done on ig system
O2 alarm setting and what happens when high o2 content said
venting to atmosphere.
Low pressure and high pressure alarm of ig main line. Why low
pressure alarm .What happen if low pressure alarm come.
Maintenance done in auxillary engine
Main bearing hydraulic nut pressure.
Fn 4B 1. Difference between MC and MCC engine.
2. Reefer plant. One room temperature going down. What all
checks will you carry out.
3. HFO purifier desludging procedure. Draw pilot valve.
4. Boiler furnace blowback.

5. Centrifugal pump air lock.

Internal: Explain what is SFOC and its purpose.
02-Jan- External kar, Fn 3 Margin line and it’s significance
18 internal Ows light scattering and light obscuration method difference n
Kamath which is preferred
Marpol Ann 4 sewage discharge criteria n test of sewage water
wat r value n test procedure.
Fn 4 Annealing n it’s use
Y co2 is not use in refeer n wat is the fun of equalising line
Surging line and cross questions
ME engine fuel control how is it done
Non return vv in jerk type pump y given
Fn 6 Centrifugal pump overhaul wat all checks
Pipe fabrication
Purifier vibrations reason
Boiler water test n explain any one
Fwg not developing vacuum at starting
How will u check for leak
02-Jan- External: Fn 4B` 1 reason for high all unit ext high
18 yadav 2 how can reduce NOx formation
3 reason for red in bearing clearance in AE big end brg
4 how will come to know stuffing box seal ring clearance
Action to take
5 main bearing clearance
Fn 3 1 bulk carrier code in detail
2 ism code in detail
3 what r all entries to make after bunkering
4 annex 6 in detail
Fn 5 1 variable delivery pump
2 valve actuator
3 valve positioner
4 asked about some hydraulic valve which I don't remember…
02-Jan- Aneja ? 1. Marpol Annex 4 full.
18 2. Isps full. In case ship is having level 2 and you receive a
parcel what will you check.
3. Angle of loll. How to correct. Diff btwn loll n list.
4. Co2 in detail. All certificate, test.
5. Double bottom transverse and longitudinal framing in detail.
6. Ship Aft construction with diagram.
7. Difference between cruiser stern and transom stern.
8. Hydraulic jack oring gone, no spare, Wat u will do.
9. Ae cylinder head scale formation reason. Nitrite test in detail
10. Me exhaust valve hammering sound. Reason.
11. Boiler Cross gauge glass blow down.
12. Bumping clearance not satisfied with lead ball system.
13. Plate type heat exchanger pressure testing.
14. Composition of stellite.
15. Ae crankshaft which metallurgical test you will perform and

02-Jan- External: Fn 4b 1.Starting air diagram with turning gear interlock

18 Deshpandey 2. Non reverse locking gear
Internal : 3. How do you decide which motor to use for pumps
Kamat 4. Why we close exhaust valve early ( VEC)
5. Why nowadays we don't use oxygen scavengers in boilers
6. Why we have a pressure chamber or something like that in
the reciprocating pump outlet.
02-Jan- External Anaja Fn 6 1.Stuffing box overhaul.
18 2.Centrifugal pump overhaul.
3.Tappet clearance.
4.Welding defects.
Fn 3 1. flammability diagram.
2. Static Stability diagram.
3. Cow.
4. Ig system.
5.composition of IG.
6.Double hull protection.
7. Capacity of slop tanks.
8 . Discharge criteria for tanker( slop tank).
9. Regulation for foam( deck firefighteing ) on tanker.
10 . discharge criteria for garbage.
11.annex vi - incinerator (should not burn).
06-Jan- Gupta Fn 3 CO2 system,no of bottles,calulation, machinery space hw is
18 calculated, 100% area wht all includes in calculation.
Before releasing co2 If one crew is missing ...wht wil b action..
wil u release co2 ? Bulk carrier safeties,water ingress alarm
..any additional system for detection of water in cargo hold,
Ism ..explain in detail.. non confermity n CAR...
Fn 6 & 4 Fwg evaporator cleaning tube type
Stern tube ..air gaurd..draw n explain
Ae bottom end bearing clearnce
Fuel pump timing
Liner wear...draw n show whr max wear tks plce n why
Cylinder lub system onboard explain hw it wrks... pressure n
timing ..load dependent or rpm..why accumlater is der
Refer system oil charging ..without pump..
Rt flex engine ...explain wht all is der..fuel rail servo rail crank
29-Jan- Visvanath ? Type of ship sailed on
18 Bulk carrier
Solas chapter 12 explain
Marpol annex 6
Steering gear safety
Main engine interlocks
Emergency steering procedure
How cross head of sulzer is lubricated. Why only 3 bar press in
MAN eng for cross head.
Refer charging
Why compressor is needed
Wat is propeller drop
How to measure
Bilge valve seat damage

How to repair
Main air compressor not developing presa
31-Jan- External: Fn 4B & 6 How ME attached to the ship structure, what all means?
18 Viswanathan Steering gear pump? Explain
If tappet are incorrect? What happens
Fuel oil density difference? What changes u make and how?
ME Exhaust valve while closing what prevents from banging?
Exhaust temperature of individual unit abnormal?
Lube oil sample to taken and where position?
Engine room crane securing during bad weather?
Spot blowing operations? Checks?
What happens before n after soot blowing?
Shell and tube heat exchanger? Identify from outside whether
2or 3 pass?
Where and why we use multiple pass in engine room?
Air compressor why 2 stages are used?
Intercooler and aftercooler?
Gear pump operations?
17-Feb- Ext Mishra Int Fn 3 Types of ship type of fixed firefighting
18 rai Co2 maintainence all
Solas chapt 11 in detail he wants to hear the latest
Marpol Ann 6 in detail here also he wants latest amendments
Meta centric height and how to calculate initial GM
Fn 4b Type of boiler type of burner
Working of rotary cup burner and pressure jet burner
Dearreator fun and dia
Location of dearrator
Types of gear pump
17-Feb- Internal - ? 1. Ism code
18 Kamat 2. Free surface effect
External- Raut 3. Forepeak arrangements
4. Oil record book entry
5.co2 and hypermist system
19-Feb- Int - Gupta 1. How to weld two plates of different thickness 8 mm and 16
18 mm
2. What all checks done in bottom end of 4S
3. How will you come to know air in refer system
4. What is Nitriding, Why done
5. How to pressure test double bottom tank
19-Feb- Aneja ? Co2certificates
18 Security levels
Wat to do regarding security levels.whom to consult for it.
Wat all firefighting equipements in engineroom.
Forecastle constructiom details.
Fn 4b Engine rating on my ship.
Mcr ncr.
How to calculate power.
Why differential pressure switch provided in refer.wat purpose
and how it works.
Safeties in refer compresor.

Oil seperator function

Why provided.
Ac unloader all stages work.
Cervice corrosion.
Cold corrosion. u know the wch metal to weld at temp and
welding to use.i said depends on carbon content of material.
Why fire extinguisher is called portable.i said person should
able to carry it.and i told its in will u overhaul ae
Wat is bumping clearance in air compressor.what will hapen if
clearance increases and how increases.wat is u decide
to put lead to find out bumping clearance.he means to say how
big should be the lead ball.
19-Feb- Gupta Fn 3 1.Risk assesment
18 2. Marpol annex 6 records to be maintained(ods record bk etc)
3. Free surface effect how to reduce
4. Garboard strake, solid floor
5. Lifeboat regulation
Fn 4b 1. Power of main engine
2. Refer room temp high
3. Boiler hard scale
4. Rest dont remember
19-Feb- deshpande Fn 3 1. Rudder pressure testing , why 2,45m , rudder hollow or solid
18 ,what happen if solid
2 solas chapter 2 ship os made on basis of 8 principle what are
3 type of fixed fire extinguishing system onboard , calculation
for foam quantity for ,creteria for classification of foam , what is
foam concetration mean , missing ratio, i told abt low foam
calculation bt he wanted high foam so explained tht so read
4 function of ism, how its implemented,
5 fire plan what it contain,what class A bulkhead, what the
temperature on exposed side i think it 720 i told,
6 rudder drop what happen if it exceed , wr the load will come
with diag
Fn 4B 1 Timing diagram of 4s complete explanation in detail
2Cetane number what happen what to adjust how to adjust
3 what vit do
4 fqs hows its adjusting what happened wr it happen
5 type of steering gear on board , what is single failure creteria ,
100 percent redumdamcy and 50 percemt redundency,
6 how is intermediate shaft bearing lubricated from wr oil goes
7 whats the fuction of axial damper why its fitted in forward
why not in after
20-Feb- Ext: Raut Fn 4B What type of ships sailed on and what engines?
18 Int: Kamath 1.What is difference between MC and MC-C ? What
improvements in design to make MC-C engines more compact a
and efficient?
2.What is SFOC? When will it change?
3.Difference between Shop Trial and Sea Trial.

4.Auxiliary Engine Lube Oil Analysis report shows Critical.

What parameters you will look for in the report and actions to
be taken.
5.Compressor Safeties. Where exactly is bursting disc fitted on
the water side of after-cooler?
6.High Catfines in Fuel Oil. What actions you will take as 2E?
7.What is derating of engine? When it is done and how it is
19-Feb- Vishwanathan ? do u fight fire on containers?
18 2.whats TPC??factors that affect TPC??
3.propeller slip??
4.working of emergency fire pump priming unit?? do u find or determine the no. Of CO2 bottles required
for ur ship??
19-Feb- dgs Kanjur Fn 3 What all checklists are there onboard Ship relating to Ism.
18 marg What all work permits are tyere
Marpol annex 6 what all documents you carry explain ODs file
and nox file in detail
Co2 calculation, certificates associated with it and why you
prefer co2
What is breast hook, shear strake and it's importance
What is GM why we should have a +ve gm
Fn 4b Back fire in boiler why it's happening explain In detail
Type of engine sailed what's mean by mc-c, how the engine is
made compact
Air compressor parameters and the relation of pressure ratio
between all stages
M/e all unit temp going high reasons
Properties of reefer compressor oil,why the suction of
compressor made from crank case
Fn 6 Purifier overflow reasons
M/e liner calibration in detail, why we take readings in two
directions for calibration
What all NDT test on board,explain ultrasonic test in detail
A/E Conrod and bearing inspection in detail
20-Feb- Mr raut Fn 3 Solas,Marpol
18 Min GM required for ship to sail.
Shore people on board how u ensure ISM is complied.
What is L/B ratio for vlcc
Fn 4B Mc and mc-c difference
Draw mc-c piston
Fuel injection pressure
20-Feb- DGS Fn 3 Main difference between crude oil tanker n product tanker
18 Ig system in product tanker
Adv n disadvantages of double hull tanker
Inclining experiment
Safeties in cargo
Fixed fire fighting system for pump room. Name of foam
Fn 6 How to test Copt alarms
Centrifugal pump performance
Gantry crane securing arrangements before sailing

Ig blower washing
L.o pressure of Ae dropping rapidly in 48 hours. Reason
20-Feb- Int :vikrank rai Fn 3 1.Acetaline nd o2 bottle safety
18 Ext:vishwanat 2.feeling port
han 3.container fire fighting
4.annex 6 certificates
5.Co2 room safeties
20-Feb- Gupta Fn 3 Intact stability, MLC certificate, CO2 calculation
18 New ammendments in solas nd marpol
how n where will take propeller drop
Deck seal diagram, rapson slide, Oxter plate
safety on gas tanker
construction of gas tanker
Fn 5 Emergency battery ckt, Emergency generator onload test
how to improve Motor insulation
Soft starter, steering gear protection
How to take DG on load when syncroscope out of action
Alarms on Cargo comressor of gas carrier
Fn 6 Light spring diagram nd use, Pump overhaul and what to check
how to check AE performance and what to checks
ME one unit power is not developing- reason nd how will come
to knw just from ECR
how to take thrust pad clearence
Hyd jack is leaking- how will open now
what is oil controller in Ref
Oil in evp- how to remove
Oil charging of AC
20-Feb- Ext- Fn 3 Which vessels u sailed on?
18 Deshpande Constructional requirements of lpg carrier
Int-Kamat Difference b/w girder and floors
Where do we use it?
Bitter end...draw...
Transom space...draw...purpose
Coffin plate..draw..purpose
What is GA plan..
What happens when ship is laid on block...answered ship will
sit on block by aft..n then by forward
Cross qn...won't there be banging of fwd shell on the block??
Why do we have audit and survey both??
Harmonization of survey..
Fn 4b Purpose of gravity disc
How it affects interface line
Why do we have nomogram
How do we use nomogram
Which type of engine??
Fuel pump type
Working of fuel pump
How distributor works
How pilot air valve operates draw digram
Bolier guage glass safeties
Ref compressor suction line frosting..cross qns

What is npsh...he drawn a digram n told to calculate npsh of

Fn 5 Explain AVR with drawing
Zener diode working
What is r.m.s. value
Why do we require r.m.s. value
Air cct. Breaker safeties
Short cct. and open cct. Faults
P+l controller
Fn 6 Boiler water tests
Why we need water test
Where do you put liquid coagulant and purpose of that
Composite piston for what purpose
Me Piston pressure testing
20-Feb- External Fn 3 Solas chapter 3
18 Mishra CO2 system.
Container fire fighting system.
Latest ammendments in marpol.
Fn 5 Electrical round what u will check in running motor and
standby contrle room .
Two gen running gen amp increase.wht u will
do.why amp increase.
Type of starter.
Draw thyristor control.
Battery checks.
20-Feb- Fn 3 1.type of ship
18 Internal: 2. Portable and semi portable fire extinguishers regulations
Vikrant Rai 3. Test and checks done on portable extinguishers as per
4. Life jackets regulations
5.what is BLU code.
6.explain solas chapter II and cross questions
7.HRU working detector and testing
Fn 5 1. Induction motor principles
2. Faraday's law, Fleming law
3. Difference between induction motor and synchronous motor
4. Slip and cross questions
5. Motor maintenance
6. AVR and diag
7. ESB and msb connection
8. IR test
9. If one generator voltage is high . Action?
21-Feb- Mishra and rai Fn 4b 1. ME engine lubrication system draw and explain. Various
18 faults n troubleshooting
2. Centri. P/p efficiency curve explain
3. How fuel injection controlled in ME engine
4. How exhaust valve controlled n ME engine
5. ME complete nomenclature. What is mark no. And version
no. How they are decided.S:B ratio
6. What all faults occurred in ME engine and trouble shooting

06-Mar- ? Fn 3 Min gm required

18 Permanent ballast
Angle of loll
Free surface effect
Solas chapter 12
Ism code
Why required permanent ballasr
06-Mar- External: Mr. Fn 3 Fire-fighting arrangement for mast riser with diagram. How is
18 Vishwanathan fire extinguished?
Criteria for overboard discharge connection of Annex 1 and
Annex 2 cargoes. Why?
Discharge criteria for Annex 1 cargoes
Type of fixed fire fighting equipment for machinery spaces.
What is the requirement for discharge of CO2 in terms of
quantity and time. What arrangement is provided for meeting
this requirement?
What preparation required in E/R for load line survey?
Fn 4b What type of M/E & A/E?
What is mean piston speed? What is the expression for
calculating mps? What is the significance of mps?
What is MCR & NCR? How much margin is provided for NCR?
Why? Can you run engine at MCR?
Draw and explain working of gear pump.
What type of cargo pumping system onboard? (Framo). What
type of pump for power pack? How many pistons? Odd or
even? Why?
06-Mar- Kamat Fn 3 1.Construction of chemical tanker and product tanker
18 2.annex7
3.solas chapter 11 fighting system for both product and chemical tanker
Fn 4b 1. Boiler feed water system then controller diagram.
2. Types of pumps in engine room and what type is gear pump
3.gearpump diagram
4.lube oil purifier report has some floating contamination how
to make sure purifier running k during normal rounds what
checks to make.
Fn 6 1.bunker procedure start to end. Cross questions if two tanks
have half oil then how to order bunker.
Cross question how to do compatibility test. Cross questions on
bunker specs
2.omd alarm in engine room what will you do?
07-Mar- Vishvananthan Fn 4 1.chain link cross section diagram
18 there any tie rod in generator.
3.boiler turn down ratio.
4.centrifugal pump all curves.
5.framo system hyd oil heating arrangements for cold climate.
07-Mar- Ext: Mishra Fn 5 Types of starters ,where what type used ...advantages n
18 disadvantages of each ,y not use soft starter everywhere
Shore connection checks
Engine all electrical equipments checks
Generator not developing voltage checks

Avr explain
Working of synchronous motor ...where used
Shaft generator principle
Each question having too many cross questions...He’ll not let u
complete your answer
Fn 6 Major work done on generator
Fuel pump timing on AE
Liner checks
All decarb checks and intervals of checks
Main engine type and what is mep
Main engine not running on fuel
Refer plant all parameters
Refer compressor unloader
Boiler flame failure reasons
08-Mar- Ext. Mishra sir Fn 3 Type of ship
18 & kamat sir solas chapt 9 n 11( why name: additional safety measurs given
to chapter, what was previous measurs )
transom stern construction diagram
What is sulpher Cap
what is time delay mechanism(construction)in Co2 system
hypermist why and where in e/r
defination of ammendment,Convention, regulation
solas chpt 12 criterias
How to maintain bulk carrier stability(expected hopper tk
explanation )
E/r flooding actions
how to test emg bilge suction
what is Manoverboard marker
draw bulk carrier loadline class mark on ship side
what hazards to enter man into the half grain filled cargo hold
If O2 content showing 23% then can we enter answer is no bcz
something wrong with meter or any pipe line burst
What n Why BWM n Criteria
11-Mar- Viswanathan Fn 3, 4b & what type of ship sailed- product tanker
18 6 >What all safety fitting on cargo tanks-pv valve functioning
>How e/r will prepare for LL survey
>What is csr ,who makes it, where it is kept
>Co2 regulation, discharge criteria
>What arrangement is there in design to ensure 85% discharge
in 2 minutes
>What measure u take to prevent fire in bunkering operation
>What is mcr & ncr why these two given lots of c/q
>what type of montings for M/e & A/e lots of c/q
>How will u know chain wear
>M/e t/c ohaul what is k value which make and model and c/q
>Why refer gas comes to crankase why not directly to cyl
>What to do in case bearing is loose on the shaft
>Why centrifugal p/p is not self priming and c/ q
>What arrangents for hyd oil heating in framo system
>Draw split pin

12-Mar- Vishwanathan Fn 3 1. Fixed CO2 fire fighting for er

18 2. CSR in detail
3. GZ curve explain salient points.
4. What is the fire fighting arrangement provided for fire in
container on deck at 4 high.
5. Enclosed space entry. How will you calibrate the gas
detector for oxygen and hydrocarbon.
Fn 4b 1.Draw and explain fuel injection system from fuel injector to
cross questions on me engine hps system.
2.What are the test carried out on blr safety valve.Boiler
accumulation pr test why?
3.Diff between p-alkalinity and m-alkalinity and relation
between them.
4 Log mean temp difference and how to evaluate performance
of heat exchanger from it.
5. How to check performance of centrifugal pump without
opening anything.
6. Diff between type of resilient mountings in ae and me
7. Thrust bearing in AE, how is thrust occur in AE
Fn 5 1.Low insulation alarm, how it works and trouble shooting
2 Motor insulation test
3.Thermistor and thermostat
4.Kva, kw and kvar explain. How generator power is rated
5 Steering gear motor safeties
Fn 6 Pipe fabrication. He drew a pipe section and asked how to
fabricate it as it is corroded.
Shaft worn out at bearing seat, how to build
Lube oil spot test
13/05/ Vishwanathan Fn 3 Gm
18 Minm value of gm
-Angle of lol and condtion of ship at angle of lol
What will happen if ship heel further from angle of lol?
-What is your instructions if two contractors came onboard for
repair work?
-What is wave making of ship?how it effected the ship?
-what are the factors of ship resistance?
Fn 4b & 6 What all types of vibration in me?how it is created?
-Values of vibration in ME
-checks on purifier during watch
-when u will mixed 2 bunker together?what ratio?Bunker
compatibility test?
-Fuel pump lead
-why nitrogen used in ME hydraulic accumulator?
-What all places fuel oil leaked in AE crankcase?
-How alternator is supported ?how many bearings?
-Drw arrangement of thrust bearing in AE?
-How many balls in ball bearing?
Fn 5 How electricity generated onboard ship?
Where residual magnetism stored?
-Types of maintenance on ship?

-How will you do condition monitoring of ballast pump?

-synchronous motor working?
-what will happen if motor design for delta run on star?
18-Mar- Ext: Dipak raut Fn 5 1. How is electricity generated on board
18 2. how do u decide the capacity of generators
3. how exciter is getting supply
4. where is avr located
5. how many stages of non essential loads on ur ship
6. what are they
Fn 3 1. Stable ship n unstable ship, cross q
2. angle of lol cross q.
3. garboard strake , keelson etc
4. bulbous bow and uses. Wht speed it is effective. Why naval
ships dont have it
5. resistance of ship. Froudes experiments
6. what is camber ( not satisfied.. Wants exact definition. Not on
Fn 4b 1. Type and power of main engine
2. bore to stroke ratio . number of cylinders and power output
3. how do u decide the power required for a particular ship
4. what is piston speed. How much was it on ur ship n cross q
5. do u want fuel economy or environmental protection. What
does the designer keep in mind when designing. ( he wants to
hear abt factors that affect the nox emissions lik piston speed
pmax )
6. did u study about steam turbines. Its included in ur syllabus.
Fn 6 1. What type of boiler
2. how to blow down a boiler n cross q
3. types of chokes for boiler foundation n how is boiler
4. condition monitoring. How u do. What u check n cross q
5. how to check ballast pump condotion by opening
6. size of ballast pump and wear ring clearance and corss q .
19-Mar- Aneja sir, Fn 4b Ships done
18 Kamat Type 1 2 2 ships
Engine specs
Piston running hot reasons and indications
Sfoc sloc
Boiler model
Easing gear use ( in went of tube leakage lift safety valve )
Fwg working principle (guy lusac law)
19-Mar- Aneja Fn 3 1.bulk carrier safety measures
18 2.draw n explain loadline
3.what is freshwater allowance
4.who you ensure co2 discharge 85%
5.why co2 bottle test for 250 bar
6.what certificate require isps
7. How stability achieved in large opening in container ship
8. Latest solas requirements on container ships
Fn 6 value n how ll you test
2.mainbearing clearance
3.values of bearing clearances

19-Mar- Vishwanathan Fn 3 1. What is the purpose of the Tonnage Convention and purpose
18 of calculating tonnage
2. How is a Convention introduced and criteria for entry into
3. When did SOLAS enter into force
4. How many chapters in SOLAS and what is Ch.10
5. What is SOLAS Chapter 13 with explanation
6. What is MARPOL Annex 6 and what are the contents
7. Explain BWM and the requirements of the exchange and
performance standards
8. BWM performance standards application requirements
9. What is reserve buoyancy
10. What is centre of floatation
11. Explain angle of loll
12. Explain cross curves of stability
13. What is the specific volume and critical temperature of CO2
14. What is the meaning of critical temperature and what is its
15. What is tare weight of CO2 bottle
19-Mar- External - Fn 4b 2s timing diagram
18 Aneja Light spring diagram
Internal - Crank shaft deflection showing more check
Kamat Sfoc sloc of ur engine
Boiler type
Boiler water test Value
L o seawater coming causes indication
Air compressor not making pressure reasons
20-Mar- Aneja Fn 6 1.piston running hot
18 2.stern tube seal diagram
3.boiler water test and values
4.maintenance on SW pump
5.compressor not delivering enough pressure
6.stuffing box diagram
7.boiler cross section view
8.starting air line diagram, function of automatic valve anf
diagram to measure wear ring clearance in cf pp
Fn 3 1.bulk carrier safety
3.epirb sart, mrcc.. Rcc
4.stability curve, damage stability.
5.fss code
6.solas chapter 14 to detemine co2 require for ship.
8.fixed fire fighting system on ship
9.solas chapter 2.
10.requirement for emg generator
21-Mar- Internal Kama Fn 4b 1. Which type of ships? How prepare Copt plant for
18 discharging?
2. Explain boiler burner? Steam jet type
3 .ME engine Lubricator system? How it works? Explain with
line diagram?

4. Why slide type fuel valve used?

5. FIVA valve working & purpose?
6. How pressure accumulator work? How much pressure it
7. How vacuum created in Fwg? Explain with line diagram
21-Mar- Yadav sir Fn 6 1) safematic steering working and how isolation takes place
18 2) multistage centrifugal pump vs single stage..biggest problem
in multistage centrifugal pump as compared to single stage
3) boiler water level dp cell its pressure
us measured
4) oil charging of refeer compressor..if cycle pump not there
5) framo system power pack starting interlocks..why 2 feed
pumps running..if pump main pump pressure increased effect
on tank oil level
21-Mar- Aneja Sir Fn 3 1. Write down 5covention for safety and 5covention for
18 pollution.
2. What is FWA and draw curve between draught and TPC.
3. Draw Load Lines and explain.
4. Explain free surface effect and how it effect stability of ship.
5. Draw cross section of container ship. Explain construction of
torsional box and its use.
6. Difference between Audit and Survey.
7. Explain ISPS and certificate issued under it.
8. What is ISM code and its element.
9. Definition of Major Non-conformity and what action to take
if this happens onboard.
10. How to measure rudder drop.
22-Mar- Pakrasi ? 1.Difference between thin shell and thick shell brg...he asked
18 aur aur aur... So prepare atleast 10 points.
2. Babbit material.. And composition
3. material of piston ring. Liner.
4. composition of spheroidal cast iron
5. material of t/ch rotor
6. boiler safety valve - high lift draw and explain function of
22-Mar- Pakrasi Fn 3 ISM implementation.
18 When enforced. Why enforced
What is the purpose.
How will u implement.
2.disadvantages and advantages ofco2.
3.csr conventions
5.BDN. contents
6.MOU s
7.flag state and port state duties
23-Mar- Aneja Fn 3 & 5 Co2 actuation and control, places.Master vv, time delay
18 requirements.
Balanced rudder
E/r bilges discharge special area, outside special area
Other 1-2 question not remember .
Controller area pressure value and why such value only?

Current flow between cu and fe in an electrolyte.

Synchroscope explain what happens at 12 o clock pointer , wht
happens if freq matches and phase seq doesn't match and vise
Explain shaft gen why need freq converter ?
4-Apr- Mishra sir, Fn 3 Solas chapter 12...Tell all regulations... In detail
18 Vikrant rai sir Chapter 11-1,
Co2 system line dia, safeties in system
Fire line.. Fun of isolation valve,
Co2 system bursting disc... Draw co2 cyl show position of
bursting disc,
Co2 system time delay dia... Electrical sys
Winch safeties...
Annex 6 amendments
4-Apr- Mishra n Fn 4b ME engine fuel oil system, fiva valve working
18 vikrant rai .AC capacity control
.boiler water test,why phosphate test
. Seawater cloride content in ppm
.plate type heat exchanger digm and performance graph,
parallel flow contra flow ..many cross qest as usual.
4-Apr- Mishra sir and Fn 3 1.Co2 checks weekly,monthly,Yearly
18 Vikrant Rai sir 2.Gross tonnage ,Displacement,and Net tonnage
3.Cargo tank safeties on oil tanker
4.Pv valve and pv breaker settings, why different on different
5.Solas chapter 11 explain each regulation
Fn 4b & 6 1. Stay tubes and plain tubes in boiler.
2. Auxiliary boiler tube leaking actions to take.
3. Exhaust valve actuator draw and explain.
4.How to overhaul screw pump and checks to be done, how you
take clearance.
5. Crankcase oil contamination reasons
6. Draw and explain working of steam trap?
7. Draw and explain alpha lubricator system.
8. Types of corrosion in boiler?
9. What is caustic embrittlement and why it takes place?
4-Apr- Aneja Fn 3 In marpol annex 1 dicharge criteria ur bile tank full 80% can u
18 dicharge in mediterrean sea
-stcw2010 meaning ,why it come in force applied to whom.
-What is gm wt is g wt is m how its comes if cargo added up on
deck wt will happen to gm .
-what is corrugated bulkhead draw advantages disadvantages
-wt are the arrangements to fight a fire in engine rooms
-how hypermist systems works water comes from where .
Fn 5 wt is direct online starter wt happens in this ,what is star delta
starter ,how voltage reduces draw star delta starter .
-how induction motor works tell stepvise as normal ans he not
-as second engineer gow u will order for life boat battery .
-wt is lenzs law
-wt is pressure transducer ,wt is pressure transmitte

4-Apr- Internal - Fn 4b Power calculations. How to get power if no indicator available?

18 Kamath Boiler blowback how it's happening
External - sfoc calc. How sfoc is increased?
Gupta LO report shows poor parameters. What could be poor in what
Hazards in refrigeration system
AE 1 unit exhaust temp low reasons
Fn 5 Blackout test
MSB safeties. Earth fault detection working.
How to have safe alternator?
Alternator safeties. Reverse power Trip actuation conditions
Pressure transmitter and transducer difference and application
Type of battery for emergency supply. Diff between alkaline
and lead acid battery.
6-Apr- Ext Gupta int ? Diff b.w MC and MCC
18 wankhade Diff power rating of engine
Power calculation
AE lube oil pr dropping ? Reasons ?
Refer plant lubricant properties?
Fwg High salinity reasons ?
9-Apr- Despande Fn 3 Stellar, oxter, coffin plates?
18 Garboard strake
Wat is BOD in sewage?
Garbage disch criteria
Ballast watr management? Wat is ballast watr mngmnt plan..
approved by whom?
Wat is NC? How vl surveyor come to kno dat it is NC.. surveyor
cn b non mariner..
Deck seal.. purpose..
Few more questions cnt remember..
Fn 4b Type of engine..wat is mc in mcc engine..
Reversing diagram..
Wats inside t/g intrlock
Boilr accumulation test..y n wen done
Variable exh closing advantages
Puncture vv
Hunting gear
Diag 4m w/h to s/g room
Double volute casing pp
Fn 5 Units of household electricity
Safties of overhead crane n s/g motor
Induction motor n synchronous motor
Ward Leonard method
Brushles excitation
Two generators in parallel y sharing diff load
Fn 6 Refer inlet line icing
Ext equalizer
Lifeboat while hoisting power loss n handbrake is lifted..wat vl
prevent lifeboat 4m falling? Centrifugal brake.. material of
brake lining

P n t alkanility
Interpretation 4 t alk = 2 * p alk
Oil in cascade to remove n wat construction part
provided to avoid oil coming.
Light spring chockd scavg ports.
How to find compressor volumetric efficiency
16-Apr- Aneja.. kamat. Fn 4 & 6 Engine rating mcr ncr...
18 Propeller curve
Why mcr 75℅...
Manoeuvring dia
Sfoc vs mcr curve
Fwg type n dia for educting brine
Sulzer rta reversing
Exhaust gas manifold inspection
Hydraulic jack dia..
Turbocharger lube oil contamination reasons
Centrifugal pump hq curve
Why centrifugal pump start with discharge valve shut
16-Apr- Internal - Fn 4b 1. Started with engine type , SFOC , SLOC , values ,formula . On
18 Kamath ME engine how SLOC adjusted
External - 2- low sulpher fuel oil disadvantages
Gupta 3- bunker standards which we are using . properties and all
values .
4- which fuel pump will seize - working with high sulpher fuel
oil or low sulpher ..
5- purifier bowl operation diagram .
6- constructional diff between clarifier and purifier
6- ME engine manoeuvering
7- why high pressure boiler is water tube and low pressure
smoke tube (i said havnt worked with high pressure - he - but u
should knw , told him faster evaporation , more production,
faster steam generation and raising)
8- safety valve testing , easing gear , setting , working , differant
types . He was asking some specific emergency where we will
use easing gear..
9- cyl oil details

10- npsh , mathematical formula , NPSHa NPSH r , curve.

11- recently overhauled air compressor final pressure is steady
at 18 bar instead of 30 . Reasons
12- plate type heat exchanger leak test . Diagram of plate and
flow and tell tail hole . He cross marked for this ans .. i couldnt
draw it correctly .
13- crosshead bearing clearances . End up with all bearing
clearances ..
14- auto back wash filter working.. asked me to draw diagram .
18-Apr- Int. kammat Fn 3 Ships sailed. (Gas )
18 Flash point of propane.
Fire fighting arrangement on deck
Gas detection system . From where all samples taken.
Construction of tank.
Solas ch 11-1 all regulations ..
Solas cha 11-2. , SSAs. Dos, security levels,
Fixed dcp system. Draw and explain.
Regulations for fixed dcp.
Annex 6 marpol. Latest NOx and sox levels.
18-Apr- External Fn 4b 1. Type of tankers sailed
18 Mishra 2. Tanker codes IBC IMDG IGC ETC.
Internal 3. Safety of tanks. And asked about IG. O2 Percentage. Y below
Kamath 8 % y not more
4. Deck seal types. Draw n explain.
5. Boiler cold start procedure
6. Main engine bearing Clarence's. For bigger engines does the
clearences increases.
7. Jacket cooling water diagram. Too much cross question
about dareater.
8. Cavitation. What if pH in boiler is more than 7 is it good or
bad. What happens if too high
9. Tie rod material properties. He wants to listen elasticity
10. Corrosion in boiler
11. Sterlite material y used where. And it's composition. And
also nimonic steel composition
18-Apr- Vishwanathan Fn 3 1. BLEEVE
18 2. machinery companents coming under international load line
3. Fixed fire fighting on Deck in lng carrier
4. Dry powder fixed installation complete working
5. If lng spill on Deck, actions to take
Fn 4b 1. Engine detail: 5G70ME C9 .2 T2 : full meaning n cross
2. Fuel system in me engine start from injector n go back and
3. High pressure hydraulic system working how it is helping in
fuel injection and gas injection
4. Gas injector working; window valve working and drawing
Fn 6 1. Hydrophore working and explanation..cross questioning
2. How will you secure engine room crane before sailing.
3. Swash plate pump working , where used.. odd or even and
4. Aux engine bearing clearances . How you will take

5. How came of auxiliary engine are fitted what is the

difference in fuel pump Cam and exhaust valve cam
19-Apr- pakrasi Fn 4b 1.thick and thin shell bearing difference
18 2.white metal composition
3.piston ring properties
4.tie rod use? how you know its loose?consequences of loose
tie rod
5.use of flash layer in thinshell bearing
6.thrust bearing draw and explain
7.types of bedplate..bed plate construction
19-Apr- Mr.mishra and Fn 6 1. As my experiences r from steam question questions r based
18 Mr.kamat in steam
2. Maintenance done in your ship in boiler and turbine and it's
3. What is TIG and MIG
4. What is case gardening and induction hardening
5. What are destructive and non destructive testings and
6. Welding defects and explain.
7. How superheater steam temperature is achieved in boiler..
19-Apr- Ext- Mishra, Fn 3 Co2 system. All maintenance and cross questions.
18 Int-kamath How ultrasonic gauge for level measurement works
Preparation for PSC.
Solas Ch-11
Stresses in container ships
GZ curve draw and explain
Fn 4 Emergency Generator on auto indication light not working
(bulb if ok)
Draw 4 stroke piston. Cooling arrangement in piston
How will you prepare for boiler survey
Refrigerator properties(harmful property for human)
Enclosed space entry. What concentration you will check for
CO, H2S. how much concentration is safe. What is the harmful
effect of CO & H2S
20-Apr- Internal Fn 4b Fwg not developing vacuum reason?
18 Kamath ext. Draw brine ejector
Mishra Boiler water test and values
Ph content more wat corrective actions?
Power calculation with n without indicator diagram
Types of OMD
Actions taken if OMD alarm
20-Apr- Vishwanathan Fn 4 1) asked me wat main engine I sailed on. I did electronic
18 engine. Asked y is it called intelligent engine.
2) how parameter controlled in electronic engine
3) aux engine type. Diff bet fuel cam n inlet n exahust cam.
4) fwg how suction is created.
Fn 6 1) how to calculate centrifugal p/p efficiency
2) aft bilge well full....suction gauge showing 0. Reason n y.
3) stern tube leaking out at sea. How to minimize the leak.
4) air in refer system. Reason n remedy.

20-Apr- Guptaji and Fn 6 What’s Nitriding why done where all done onboard ?
18 Vikrant rai Bunker line pressure testing
How to order seawater pipe and freshwater pipe
Air in reefer system ,indications and how to confirm
What instruction will you give your JE during rounds as what
to look in air cooler ,why scavenge air temp shouldn’t be high
Why don’t we throttle air cooler inlet
20-Apr- Int kamath ext Fn 3 1. Types of fire extinguishing system onboard?
18 mishra 2. Diff between sprinkler and hypermist system?
3.ism and all chapters in it?
4. Maintenance of portable extinguishers? And differences of all
portable extinguishers ?
5. All frictions acting on the ship?
6. Lifeboat hru system?
He asked me draw and show the hook diagram and explain
how it release?
Fn 4 & 6 1. Rotocap draw and explain completely?
2. Me fuel oil diagram draw and explain completely explain and
he is asking 2 suction lines from ser tk for me will be there in
me system? Why?
3. What are checks u do in ae exh valve spindle before boxing
4. Ship grounded what are the immediate action you take?
5. Function of lubricating oil?
6. What are the properties vary by adding additives in lo?
7. Before doing cyl liner calibration what are checks u do? And
cross q is how u calibrate your micrometer ?
8. Ref compressor continuously running not cutting in or
cutting off?
Fn 5 1. Types of starter? What are causes star delta starter remains
in star only? What action u take?
2. Motor not starting?
3.generator frequency fluctuating continuously?
21-Apr- Gupta n ? 1.induction motor working principle?
18 Vikrant rai 2.switch board earth fault what provisions
3.alternator safeties to order emergency battery
5.reverse power trip
6 pressure transmitter n pressure transducer
Fn 3 1 non conformity major n minor?
2 mlc 2006 objectives
3 solid floor/stringer plate/
4.stcw 2010/mlc 2006 working hour criteria
23-Apr- Vishwanathan Fn 4 Crosshead lubrication
18 Alpha lubricator
Surging in turbicharger
What happens when we press emergency stop
Fn 3 Garboard strake
Skew propeller
Steering gear safety
Annex 5 garbage everything

Enclose space criteria

Flare , rise of floor
23-Apr- Vishwanathan Fn 3 Mlc 2006 ,
18 Free surface effect detail
Advantage & disadva of double bottom tank
Freeing port ,
Ism certification,
Uel & lel limits
24-Apr- Internal- Fn 3 Bilge keel,
18 Kamat sir... bulbous bow,
Inclining experiment,
Lifeboat lowering.. Brake working..Deadman handle... Limit
switch..where ..working..
Type of ship.. Lng... Fire fighting.. Dcp system..
Co2 system working.. Maintenance...
Enclosed space entry.. Procedure.. Checks... Calibration of
Fn 4b & 6 LO cooler leakage... How to rectify... Pressure testing...
After taking over old ship.. What all checks... A/E not running
long time... No history... Commissioning.. Procedure.. Checks...
PMS routine... Major overhauling done on board...
A/E..... MAC overhauling.. As per running hours... All...
Turbocharger overhauling..
M/E interlocks... T/G it works...
Fuel pump cut off procedure...
UMS routine checks...
24-Apr- Ext mishra Fn 6 1.Types of tanker sailed
18 internal 2.type of me
wankhede much impurities in ME LO as per lab report how to lab says Chk LO purifier...hw to make sure
purifier working satisfactory
3.asked about ME to ovehaul ME exhaust valve
4.A/E LO consumption high after decard(after decarb till 500
r/hrs LO consumption is normal )wht r d possible causes.n hw
to rectify.
5.MAC running continually....causes
6.FWG production reduced...reason
7.In FW central cooling system air is coming from FW pump
purging cock...reason
25-Apr- ext-mishraji Fn 4 & 6 type of different engines u worked ?
18 int-kamat sir -difference b/w both which is good?
-draw alfa lubrication system and explain how it works ?
-draw boiler feed water systems .
-how incineratotr works ,safetys on incinerator how it starts in
automation sequence, wt temp was high alarms alarm , ur pilot
burner not working wt can can be reason said elctrode distance
increase he its ok pump not building pressure he said its ok I
said small filter in that pilot burner chocked he said its also ok
don't know wt he was expecting?
-ur junior told lub oil is contaminated how u will rectify it?how
u will find out its sea water or fresh water?

-explain how FWG works, how vaccum created if not creating

wt can be reasons ?if fresh water production is more wt can be
reasons ?
26-Apr- Ext mishra Fn 3 What is a fire plan where is it located
18 internal What is BLEVE where it happens
wankhede What is the advantage of co2 as fire extinguisher
What is an isolation valve where is it located in fire line and
what is its use
Emergency fire p/p regulations and how to test the same
Different class of fire and galley fire comes under which class,
what's the extinguishing medium used for galley
Draw load line mark with all dimensions and explain
Fn 4 What is fretting corrosion explain
Draw tie rod arrangement in mc-c engine
Boiler water treatment why it is done and chemical added to
reduce hardness
What is accumulation test in boiler
Different type of bed plates
29-Apr- Ext- SKM Fn 3 1. Differentiate between type1,2,3 type chemical carrier
18 Int- Rao 2. Extra certificate carried on chemical tanker
3.parametric rolling and effect of large flare
4. How are bulkheads position determined(probabilistic and
5. Why manholes on deck are longitudnal in direction not
Fn 4b 1. 0.1% proof stress
2. NOx formation and why 2 stroke has lesser NOx formation
than 4stroke
3. Suction loss and delivery loss in aircompressor
4. Air line explosion causes and preventive measures
5. 18 tierod engine,how many units are there, how to identify
one tie rod is broken?
6. Critical speed
7. Monograde lub oil and multigrade lub oil difference, how will
you identify from label
Fn 6 1. 2stroke engine upon diesel change over to HFO, power
increases or decreases,rpm effect
2. Taking out piston as 2eng what one precaution you will take
3. Bottom end bearing(thin shell) taken out for survey, from
top it looks fine, how do we determine white metal is correctly
bonded ?
4. A.C. compressor lub oil one more function except lubrication
2-May- Internal - Fn 3 1.Which type of deck seal you had?
18 Kamat Draw it, what maintenance is carried out on it
External - 2.Safeties of cargo tanks
Mishra 3.Safeties of CO2 room. What maintenance is carried out on
CO2 flooding system. When a line is blown through with
compressed air how we will know that all CO2 nozzles are
4. Latest amendments in MARPOL.
5. Solas Chapter XI explain

Fn 4b Draw JCW line. Show different temperatures

What is Aurus piston
How much is main engine bearing clearance (approx)
Main engine is vibraring.Reasons. What maintenance is carried
out on vibration dampers
How to test main engine fuel injector. What is difference
between slide type fuel injector and other fuel injectors
Fn 5 1.What routine is carried out on alternator
2. 2 generators running in parallel but one is having less load.
Why? (He want mechanical side problems)
3. Types of starter. What is soft starter
4. What are different types of batteries? What battery is used
on lifeboat? Why?
5. How will you order lifeboat battery? What specifications will
you give?(He wants to hear capacity in A-Hr)
Fn 6 Boiler flame failure alarm? What will you do? (Mentioning
manual preparing is must even if your boiler is in Auto)
Air compressor crankcase is pressurised. Reasons.
What precautions will you take before & during economiser
cleaning. How economiser is cleaned? At how much pressure
water is used? What is dry washing of economiser?
What type of boiler you had in your ship? Types of water tube
How to clean soot collected on boiler tubes
How will you carry out soot blow. Is there any interlock for
soot blowing? What chemicals are used nowadays for
3-May- Gupta Fn 3 1. New marpol ammendments
18 2. Collision bkhd. Diff between collision n watertight bkhd
3. Fire pump n emergency fire pump.( Location n capacity n
other requirements for emergency fire pump)
4.emergency bilge suc.
5. describe marpol annex 6 in detail.
Fn 4 1. ME T/C safeties
2. Reversing of ME in detail
3.Vit. where does VIT signal come from
4. Difference between c/c lub oil n CYL oil .
5.T/c surging. Reasons . And surgeline graph
Fn 5 1.synchroscope n working in detail
2. Alternator maintenance.what all safety precautions to be
followed to connect shore power. Where exactly to connect. What
will you do if your system is rated 440v n shore power is 380v
and is there anything required to do for protecting ships
equipment while using 380v.
4.Gen not developing voltage upon starting . Reasons for the
same and will be your action.
5. Iccp working
3-May- Gupta Fn 6 1. Ballast tank entry procedure
18 2.bunkering procedure
3. Ballast tank welding procedure in detail

4.Me piston overhaul. What all checks will you carry out. And
what is the approx reading of the clearances.
Fn 4b Construction of Me fuel pp.y suction puncture vv r given?
Tev working,y external equilizing line is given?
Different safety of winged type safety vv.
Difference between 2s,4s connecting rod when cut in middle n
seeing the cross sectional view
Purifier separation principle and how different forces act on
Boiler water tests.
What fuel quality is expected?
Fn 5 Construction difference between synchronous n induction
Where synchronous motors are used onboard and y?
ICCP in detail
Galvanic reaction
What is diode and thyrister?
Reverse power relay
Msb safeties
Fn 6 Centrifugal pp overhaul
Fwg vacuum not building up.waht reasons?
What is range of pneumatic output of controller?n y?
Hydraulic Jack working?
What u understand with"light phase mixing with heavy phase"
in purifier?
4-May- Internal: Kamat Fn 4b & 6 1. Type of ship sailed LPG
18 External: 2. Explain reliquification plant
Mishra 3. What provisions to monitor tank condition
4. difference between ME-B &ME-C
5. ME fuel oil system
6. ME engine reversing
7. Auxiliary boiler firing
8. Lo report showing contamination due to purifier what all
things u checked in purifier
9. Air compressor valve overhauling
10. Various places from where refer gas can leak
11. Back up ring in hydraulic jack
12. Fuction of accumulator in hydraulic system & charging
5-May- Vikrant Rai Fn 3 1. Fixed fire fighting system
18 2. ISM objectives
3. Marpol annex 5 and 6
4. Lifeboat and emergency fire p/p regulation
5. Load line
6. Collision and water tight bulkhead
7. Cross curves of stability
8. Angle of loll
7-May- Internal - Fn 3 1)what is non confirmity acc to ur SMS? How do u report.? How
18 kamath sir do u close it. Example.? N whay is major nc? Examples.
Ext- Mishra sir 2)what is gm? How do u find its value ? What is stiff ship and
tender ship
3)construction n arrangement of forepeak tank, draw, what

are solod floors and what are breast hooks?

4) fire fightimg system on board? What is hypermist? How does
it work? Where does the water come from ? And how is the min
level maintained in the tank
Fn 4b & 6 1) what will u check while taking engine performance? What
2)main engine exh temp increasing. What are reasons.?
3)liner caliberation? How will u do it. How will u caliberate
micrometer. ?
4)Safeties on air compressor ? (Wants bursting disc n low lube
oil pr trip)
5)refer system air ingress . how will u identify?
5)welding defects? Whats porosity n how it occurs?
6) what is NDT what types did u have on board. What is
ultrasonic test
7) how scale is formed in boiler. ? He wants the process that
Fn 5 1) how does induction motor work?
2) what is power factor? How can u find out on board?
3) what are the safeties for alternator? what is reverse power
trip? How it works? What are the normal scenarios where
motoring of an alternator can happen on board. ?
4) what is star delta starter. Why is it used? Prove how current
is reduced ?
7-May- Vishvanathan Fn 3 1.Cert in Solas chp 11
18 2.Arrangement provided in deck prevent tank vapours to flow
in other tk
3.inclining expt.
4.tpc explain.
Fn 4b 1.diff bet mc and mcc
2.expansion arrangements in tube type he
3.why brake in purifier
4.engine holding down arrangements
5.chain link to draw
8-May- Vishwanath Fn 4 1. Vit and super vit
18 2. Contra flow parallel flow
3. Thin shell bearing
4. Single redundancy for steering gear
5. hydraulic pump used in crane
6. MC and MCC engine difference
7. Nitriding
8-May- Pakrasi Fn 4 & 6 How thrust from propeller transferred to ship
18 What is babbit material.
Propeller drop
Pintle clearance
Types of thread
What type of thread in propeller
Checks after scavenge fire
Fuel pump lead n how to measure it
Checks on stp

8-May- Mr. Pakrassi Fn 4b Types of engines on previous ships? What improvement MCC
18 has got over MC?
-Properties of CLO other than TBN? Difference between TBN
and TAN? What will u do if new supplier is giving you 100 TBN
oil or if this is received on board? How you will use it? During
scavenge inspection how will you find that TBN is higher than
-What is the procedure to deal if stern tube aft seal is leaking?
How seals chrome liners are assembled? How to replace seals?
What is the material of seal? What is nitrile rubber?
-What all checks you do on exhaust v/v and seat of M/E when
they are dismantled and kept separate? How templates are
used and all clearances? How to check whether M/E exhaust
v/v is rotating or not?
-Boiler air fuel ratio control?
Fn 6 Copt all alarm and trips?
-Economiser safety v/v setting procedure? Is there any class
-EGB is found bulged near exhaust from boiler, what reason
and action? What temporary repair u can do to run the boiler?
Is there any class guideline?
Rudder drop how many methods and how to take? What
trammel gauge looks like? How it is used?
While drydocking your ship bilge keel got damaged? How it
will be repaired?
9-May- Vishwanathan Fn 3 1.which ship selled (bulk carrier) ....coming under which
18 chapter of solas...
explain solas chapter 12 in detail..
2.what is freeing port..what is function..
3 draw international shore connection coupling...where it
issituated..when used.. fighting system on u ll know which cargo hold
have fire..what actions u ll to operate co2..
5.co2 calculation for ER & hold...why dividing by 0.56...
6.certificates under ISM..
10- Kamath and Fn 3 Marsec level 1,2,3 difference
May-18 gupta Hypermist working principle
Bulkheads whats the use
Tpc ,is it higher in sw or fw. Draught will increase or decrease
in fresh water
Fn 4b Sfoc increasing why?
Main engine exh temp increasing.
Refer system one room temperature not coming down
Safties on air compressor
10- Pakrasi Fn 3 Ism purpose, year of implementation ,size of ship which ism
May-18 complies with,latest ammentments of ism?
-what is cas?what checks are done by cas on ship?
-afs convention in detail?year of establishment?what chemical
is harmful in paint of hull
-exact definition of major NC
-how to do co2 bottle test ,time period? what medium used to
generate the pressure?

-regulations of co2
-expansion ratio of co2
Fn 4b indicated diagram of engine with vit and vithout vit
-light spring diagram and timing diagram
-bedding of bearing
-tie rod to draw,how to check the looseness
-tightening sequence of ur engine
-types of thread
-type of thread on your propeller
-what is a double stage t/c working and construction?material
of turbocharger rotor
-material of bottom end bolts,draw and show the fillets
Function 5
Types of induction motor,construction,avr,sw ingress in
pump,commutator working and construction,ir test
Fn 6 Have you done dry dock then tell me what is a paint system?
-mill scale,how is it formed
-propeller drop how to measure(important to say that the
guard to be removed before taking out the plug)
-how to straighten the pump shaft without heating?
11- Pakrasi Fn 6 1 msb survey
May-18 2 teve
3 motor enclosure
4 how to measure di electric strength
5 what is high voltage test nd how it is on transformer
6 check on winch motor
Fn 4b 1 tail shaft survey, check on propeller, chek on rudder, chek on
rudder carrier bearing, how to dismantle tail shaft bearing
poker gauge working nd how to fit
2 cop overhaul
3 accumulation pr? Nd satisfied by accumulation pr test,
gagging tool diagram
Fn 5 1 liner removal
Nd how to put back
2 sea chest vv overhall
3 rt flex engine working.. Because i nvr seen electronic engine
4 stuffing box overhaul
5 pistion pr test
6 liner calibration
7 tc overhaul
Fn 3 Ism elements
Balast water management
Name of chapter in annex 6 m
Ammendment on element no1 of ism
Risk assessment nd all the elements of risk assessment
11- Vikrant rai Fn 3 Angle of loll , tender ship , stiff ship
May-18 Jadhav Intact stability criteria , cross curves
Hydraulic power pack safeties interlocks , purging how to do
and when .
Bunkering enteries in orb
Rest hours , Mlc

Fn 4 Power card , draw card , problems

Fuel injector leaky
T/c surging
Scavenge fire
Air cooler what u see during rounds . Air temp low -
consequences and what action
Generator bottom end bearing clearance
Fn 6 Variable discharge pump
Fn 5 PID
How u test the diode in alternator
Motor not starting
Circuit Dia of star delta full he want
12- Pakrasi Fn 3 1. ISM, SMS
May-18 2. Solas Chapter 11
3. What is CSR?
4. Advantages and disadvantages of CO2 as fixed firefighting
5. Draw Chemical tanker cross-section
6.New Ammendments in Marpol
Fn 5 1.Alternator Safeties
2.Electric Motor maintenance
3.What is Single phasing
4.MSB Inspection
13- Kamath and Fn 4b & 6 1. MCR AND NCR DIFFERENCE


15- Vishwanathan Fn 3 What type ship u sailed.
May-18 Wat r all the certificates and other things carried apart from
other ship.
Difference between ibc nd bch
For load line survey wat u do as a 2nd engineer for E/R
How fuel oil storage db tanks vents fitted,
Wat s vent arrangements, diagram explain
Where it will be fitted, how it will be fitted
Fn 4 & 6 How much compression ratio for m/e
Wat s the minimum pr need to start m/e
Wat s centrifugal pump efficiency
Wat happen if air compressor after cooler fouled.
Wat s log mean temp of cooler
How much u can push while fitting propeller
How will u check em'cy fire pump priming s working or not
Suppose u r getting fuel oil but it's density is high , u don't have
that gravity disc.
Wen I answered this question he asked who told this answer to
u?, Then he told this s y I don't reveal the answers
Hydrophore pump cut in cut off quickly why?
Fn 5 Steering gear motor safeties
Wat s kVA kw kvar
Which one high
Why it s high
16- internal - Fn 3 1. co2 system safeties ( answered relief valve , bursting disc
May-18 kamat ,not happy )
,co2 why stored in liquid condition
2. double hulled ships disadvantage
3. convention for the safety of the ship
4. what is mepc
5. sewage discharge criteria - special emphasis on bod (
explained went deeper and deeper)
6. fal convention ( cldnt only tell crux )
Fn 4 1. scavenging ,why called scavenging ,types of scavenging ( was
looking for specific words )
2. why steam trap used in the system ( again same old why this
why that )
draw diagram of steam trap ( full disaster )
3. why expansion tank at high level why not near pump ( could
never convince him )
4. uec engine nomenclature ( only perfect answer )
5 boiler safety valve increased lift ( what use why wingless
never was convinced )
wiring effect in a boiler safety valve

Fn 5 1. cyclo converter
2 . ward leonard system
3 . ionisation type smoke detector diagram with circuit
4. brushless excitation
5 . shaft generator
Fn 6 1. ac back pressure valve ( did not accept the prevents back
flow into veg room answer )
2. causes of fluctuations in ae rpm wanted 7 point ( could give
only 5 )
3. asked about mechanical over speed trip on ae
4. wanted to ask abt speed fluctuations went into droop ( he
himself gave wrong answer that droop dsnt define parrallel
5. what is the use of a pairing disc on a purifier ( gave him
answer acts as centripetal pump ,he made faces ) a fwg he produce vaccum at the start ,then why he need to
keep running the pump ,where does air come in ( eureka never
struck me )
16- Vishwanathan Fn 3 1. What is observation, NC n major NC, how ll u close mnc
May-18 2. Annex 4 discharge criteria n sewage treatment plant, why u
doing treatment
3. DB tank strengthening arrangement
4. Angle of lol
Fn 4 1. Me all unit temperature raising
2. Fuel oil consumption increasing
3. Refrigerant properties
4. Boiler water hard salt formation reason
5. What are all the parameters in Mac
Fn 5 1. Types of starters, star delta
2. Earth fault
3. Single phasing, what u ll check
4. What is hv n use
5. Alternator temperature high reason
6. Alternator safety
Fn 6 1. Nitriding n which engine components used for tis process
2. Fwg salinity high reason
3. Air in refrigeration system
4. Db tank pressure test
17- internal - Fn 3 Ism advantages and disadvantages
May-18 kamat Imo conventions regarding safety
Co2 maintenance time one bottle taken out hose still intact, if
any bottle leaks the gas will come through the hose or not?
P&a manual for chemical tanker
Fn 4b & 6 What type of rudder on your ship?
Mc and mcc all possible difference
Boiler combustion chamber attachment with shell
Fretting corrosion and how oxidising takes place in detail
Main engine a frame and bed plates cracks formation in detail
Fitted bolts and how we remove if got stuck and where they
are used?
What is shaping machine?
If centrifugal pump wear ring clearance more what will u do if
no spare available?

Fn 3 What is piezoelectric effect? Where we are using in ship?

Why hv 3.3 and 6.6 kva like order? What is the significance of
this ratio?
Power factor in detail?
Induction motor in ship where we are using and what is pull up
10-Jun- Banerjee and Fn 4b Reciprocating p/p major defect
18 rao Liner calibration
Mouth ring clearance and one important func. How it maintain
that func.(want to know how clearance can prevent water from
Single failure criteria
M/E shows initial high pick up speed then reduces .causes
19-Jun- Pakrassi Fn 5 1. Dc motor working principle with cross question regarding
18 commutator
2.battery charging circuit
3.hv and hv cable diagram showing various layers
4.torque speed characteristics of induction motor and
5.ballast pump not starting. What could the problem
Fn 6 liner to fit..what all checks to be carried out.
How will u know that the new liner u have is authentic..which
document supports it
2.condition of class
3.rudder pintle clearance
4.heat treatment of materials..what happens to grain structure.
5.cold corrosion and hot corrosion.
19-Jun- Int:Vikrant Rai Fn 3 1. Ism all chapters in full detail...Applicable to which
18 Ext: Pakrassi ship,What’s the objective, Background,Certificates and validity,
Review of Implementation
2. Flammability diagram with all lines
3. Harmonized survey requirements
4. Difference between statutory and class certificates
5.Role of classification society
6. Condition of class and certificate of class
7. Oil tanker certificates and documents
Fn 6 1. ME bottom end bearing survey procedure
2. Difference in Case hardening and nitriding
3. How to repair bent shaft
4. Soldering and brazing..filler materials and what flux , gas for
5. Metal locking ..alloy material
6. Shaft alignment of pump
7. All types of non-destructive testing
19-Jun- Vishvanath sir Fn 4b Explain fuel oil system of ME engine..
18 Kamath sir.. How purifier rotate? What is drive...? Why belt drive.?
How the bolts are place on the flang in engine room when pipes
are vertical?
Collision chock?
Campander working (LNG ship reliq plant)
Nitrogen generator working?

19-Jun- Vishwanathan Fn 3 Explain. Panting and pounding arrangement

18 and kamath sir Lifeboat lowering procedure
D.B tank vent diagram
Fixed firefighting system for cargo hold explain
Fn 4b Type of ship
Chain drive diagram and tightening
Compressors p-v diagram and all process show clearance in
Refer plant cut off explain how it cuts in whole process
How will you know what is the head of centrifugal pump
Fn 6 Annealing hardening quenching
Liner wear gauge ,values
A/e bottom end bearing clearance how to take n value
Performance of main engine cards power calculations
20-Jun- Vishwanath sir Fn 3 Chemical tanker cargo tank safety
18 Difference between IBC n bch code
Deck fire fighting medium on tankers
Lifeboat launching procedure stepwise.
20-Jun- Kamath Fn 3 1. Write the requiremnets of rest hours and Difference between
18 MLC 2006 & STCW in rest hours
2. Life boat 'davit 'safeties. Gravity of free fall. (Limit switch or
proxity switch, pawl and rachet arrangement, open circuit after
the handle to lift lifeboat in place)
3. ISM elements which are useful in E/R.( elemnt = emergency
prepadness. Maintenence onboard ship of machineries, job
responsibilities and you can state many other)
5. VDR and SVDR difference
6. BNWAS full form n uses
7. How to test navigation light. How many lights in navigation
light. From where is the emergency supply. (Check text book dt
20-Jun- Kamath Fn 4b 1. Miller cycle whr used (suction valve kept open nox
18 reduction)
2.type of engine done. Type of T/C then the big one t/c L.O
spray cannot be seen during manoeuvring. Wht actions as 2nd
and how problem countered. (He accepted some points like
check lo pressure, check pressure gauge, check the turbine
drain after tht i ws bluffmaster)
3. Procedure of hydraulic nuts tightening and opening with
respect to hydraulic jack. Safely doing it.wht stampings on
hydraulic jack( explain the entire procedure in simple
words,stampings are max lift of the moving piston)
4. safeties in T/C ( alarms , reserve tank). Was there, a water
cooled turbocharger. What if the t/c turbine casing got cracked.
5. wht is Piston top land and why. (Explain the oros piston type,
to reduce the thermal stresses in piston rings and to keep kiner
life more this is related to liner lubrication)
6. Which all forged equipments and parts in engine onboard
how forging is done and what is casted. Crankshaft spanners
tongs hammer head.

7. Labyrinth seals. Function, diag, removal procedure.

8. Mep. Wht exactly. Hw shown in indicator diag. (Refer deven
9. Relative humidity define.
10. How cloverleafing is avoided design aspects in engines. (
high tbn oil, high topland on piston and combustion takes place
in cyl head.
11. Wht is the material for turbine rotor and turbine casing. (
alloyed cast steel for turbine rotor, plz check for casing)
20-Jun- Kamath Fn 6 1. K value of tc. What is L and M value how does all thos values
18 affect. (refer manual)
2. Air starting valve leakage how to check.( pipe hot. Paint
burnt. Check with indicator diagram)
3. Xhd bearing clearances. (Refer manual)
4. Exh temp of 1 gen going high , keeping load constant for all
three gens. Every possible reason. (Turbine wheel clogged,
nozzle chocked, expansion joint misalinged, silencer on funnel
deck with high carbon, governor rod stuck in position which
delivers more fuel which he said it will take more load then. :p
clearance between turbine wheel and casing high. Air cooler
chocked. T/c filter dirty. This are the reasons which i gave. I
dont know which one he accepted)
21-Jun- Ext. S. Fn 3 1. What the latest fire fighting equipment for deck fires
18 Vishwanath 2. Bulbous bow
3. Incline experiment full
4. MLC
5. During Bunker what precaution you will take.
6. Load line survey of engine room
21-Jun- Aneja ? Admiralty coefficient
18 Tpc vs draught
Incling experiment
Tank safeties
IMO explain full
Load line diagram
Timing dia of 2 stroke
Air starting diagram
At what degree air starting valve open
Two stage turbocharger
Material of propellor
Reverse osmosis
Crosshead bearing clearence
Piston running hot
21-Jun- Aneja Fn 3 1. What is stiff ship and tender ship?
18 2. Composition of IG. Why we cannot use Main engine and Aux
engine exhaust as IG? How much excess air is used in Main
engine, Auxillary Engine and Boiler?
3. Draw cross stability curve
4. What is chapter 7, 13 of SOLAS
5. Write down any 3 convention related to safety and any 3
conventions related to pollution
6. Certificates and documents required to carry onboard w.r.t.

MARPOL annex 1 (he is expecting to include in your ans - COW

Fn 4b 1. Valve timing diagram of 2 stroke engine. Show where
starting air is injected and stopped.
2. Write down parameters of your last ship main engine - SFOC,
SLOC, peak pr, compression pr
3. Types of boiler. Type of your last boiler. What is use of
downcomer in boiler?
21-Jun- Aneja Fn 4b What is ur engine SFOC & SLOC.
18 sketch starting air system dia. & cross question.
What is boiler tube material
what is fun of gravity disc
Why we r doing boiler accumulation of press testing.
What is Peak pressure & compression pressure of ur ME.
21-Jun- Ext: Aneja Fn 3 1. What are the conventions exist in shipping related to Safety.
18 (I answered SOLAS and loadline, and he told there are many
and he make it cross)
2. What is the name of chap 10 of Solas
3. What is the name of chap 14 of solas
4. Draw the static stabilty curve and what is the min value of
GM for tanker
5. Let there is a ship which is initially at capsized and then it
bring to upright position. Draw the static stabilty curve for this
6. What is angle of Lol. There is a ship which is incline by some
angle. How will you know that this is because of angle of lol or
angle of list. How will you make the ship upright once ship is
heel at angle of lol
7. What is condition of assignment and when (time) you will
assign the freeboard. Draw the loadline diagram including
21-Jun- Ext: Aneja Fn 5 1.draw brushless alternation and explain basic working
18 2. Draw soft starter (i said, i dont know how to draw) thus told
me to draw star delta. Which connection make first and why.
3. What is thyristor and what is thermistor.
4. What is intrensic safe
5. This CFL is lighted right now, is it vrms or vmax. What is
form factor and what is its equation on paper.
6. What is induction motor, how will you change the speed,
what is the relation formula for pole freq and speed. Where you
will use speed control of induction motor
21-Jun- Ext: Aneja Fn 4b & 6 1. What is the complete specs of your main engine. What is the
18 special feature of your engine (6S70MC)
2. What are the value of all bearing clearence in main engine
you mentioned (All means All)
3. Draw valve timing diagram of main engine you mentioned.
Inside show the timing of opening and closing of starting air
4. IG have high o2 content, what you will do. How much excess
o2 and air is present in your main engine
5. What is the importance of gland steam in copt
6. Air compressor cannot press up air bottle beyond 20 bars.

Reason. If you have installed new valve, still other reasons for
not copping up compressor.
22-Jun- Aneja Fn 3 Ism complete
18 Certificates related to ism there auditing period.
Tell any 5 conventions.
Marpol annex 6. sox nox ods seemp eedi eeoi what are they,
formula for eedi.
Sheer strake where it is its thickness wrt to other platting.
Ships resistances, formula of frictional resistance.
22-Jun- Int- kapoor Fn 4 Rt flex full details with all parameters
18 Sox nox all methods
Safety valve types n differences
Power n sfoc measurement full xplanation
Fn 6 Piston ring all clearances measurement n values
Docking plan
Dry dock, surveys, wats inspected n how?
Propeller drop why n how to measure ?
Rudder drop Pintle clearance jumping clearance why n how to
measure wat wll b the values ?
Tail shaft survey ?
Engine room. Crane type n safeties?
25-Jun- vishwanathan Fn 4b & 6 Draw chain drive
18 Draw card draw..why taken..
Pum lead and cam taken..
Air cooler fouled how will u come to know
Heater diagram with s.w inlet outlet and F.W inlet outlet
How u calculate maximum combustion pressure
Leking piston rings draw power diagram
Iccp which anode used and y ..y not cobalt or other element..
Wat do u mean by sacrificial anode
Tappet taken at wat will u know that piston is at
TDC..apart from flywheel marking
How will you make flange from a sheet..proper
procedure..draw a plan view of flange..
refractory of boiler..wat damages..
25-Jun- Vishwanathan ? 1) chain drive checks, what to do if elongated. Limits
18 2) Bilge pump not taking suction. Reasons. How will you know
3) Butt clearance measurement and value
4) Boiler soot blow procedure
5) checks after Scavenge Fire
25-Jun- Aneja Fn 3 New amendments in propeller design to enhance efficiency .
18 -explain marine air lubrication
-why 2 steering motors are run during manuevering.
-ship has slowed down due to OMD alarm. After stopping
engine you open crankcase but there is no visible hot stop what
will be your action as a 2/E.
-you have joined a ship as 2/E enter co2 co2
has leaked during last 2/E contract how will you come to know
which bottles have leaked.
-explain working of radioactive isotope gun.
-Actions as a 2/E before entering drydock.
-why crankshaft deflection and dB tank soundings are taken.

25-Jun- Viswanathan Fn 3 As per mlc tell rest hour and working hour criteria ,if ur rest
18 hour not completed at the end of wk alarm comes u will go or
not this 7 days start from wich day sun or mon like this...
-co2 systems explain if one man inside er wt will u do if
unable to find him.
-wt is eedi,eeoi.
-today company told that tomorrow ship going to dry dock
water will be flood by tomorrow as a second er wt action u will
-if one of the ram cylinder in steering gear system cracked ur
action ?
Fn 4 wt is ridge in liner?
-ur engine liner max wear rate limit, maximum corrosion occur
which part
-wt is catfines composition of it
-u received bunker of higher density 0.9890 before was say
0.9590 wt changes will occur in ur ME in pcom,pamx,fuel
consumption and exhaust temp.
Fn 5 can u parallel two transformer
-wt is power transformer and distribution transformer.
-wt is corona
-wt is mcb and mccb explain
-hfc wt it is
26-Jun- Vikrant rai Fn 6 1.Dp cell transmitter working & principal (he specifically said i
18 dont want that nozzle frapper type which u studied sitting
outside tell me of ur ship )
2.ME engine how swash plate angle is decided & mechanism.
3.VTR in turbocharger explain why with diagram how nozzle
angle changes.
4.Type of valve positioner in boiler feed water level controller
& working.
5.plate type cooler plate crack wat u vil do
6. Wat is mlc . centrifugal pump discharge valve shut wat factor
affects head ( tried everything said hf, hv , p/p clearances,
suction lift, liquid specific gravity impeller condition etc etc
gave me not satisfied look )
7. Draw 3port 2 postion pilot operated spring return valve.
8. Lpg cargo tank level gauge type & working
26-Jun- Vishwanathan Fn 6 Draw valve positioner
18 Draw 3 pole, 2 spring dc cell
What standards r lube oil test based on..
Fn 5 Hrc fuse... Where it is used
Which circuit
Diff betw power transformer and distribution transformer
Can two transformer be run in parallel
Mcb and mccb
Fn 3 Propeller effeciency..
Latest ammendment regarding tht
U r in wet basin..
Tomm.. Dd.. Wht Wil u do
Boiler water high level alarm.. Hw ul test

Fn 4 Cyl liner wear max where.. Draw n show...

Early ignition.. Wht effect on power and exh temp
Catfines material and importance
26-Jun- Internal - Fn 6 Type of ship-LNG..
18 kamat Types as per IGC code..
External - Kar Type of engine - electric propulsion.. TFDE..Gas engine
Engines- Wartsila12v50, Working..parameters.. Combustion
process... Gas injection valve.. Fuel injector design..
ESD activation..type and working..
Purifier overflow reasons and action..
Fwg not developing vacuum.. Reasons and action..
Hydraulic jack working and use.. Step by step procedure...
26-Jun- vishwanathan Fn 3 Mast riser fire fighting
18 Db tank vent arrangement
Co2 qty given where?? Ans- Fire plan
Flammability range
Wat is enclosed space..wat ol gases measured.. calibration of
multi gas meter
Fo tank inspection
Fn 4b Mcr Ncr explain..wat ws ur ship mcr ncr
Type of engie sailed
Wat is compression ratio..n wat was ur engine's comp ratio
How bolts are fitted in flanges..from top or from bottom..ans-
from bottom
Starting air angle..wen is strt air given..
Wat type turbine is used in Copt
26-Jun- vishwanathan Fn 6 1.butt clearance
18 2.air bubbles found in exapnsion tank
3.bilge pump not taking suction
26-Jun- Kar and Kamat Fn 3 1. what do you understand by two point control system in Co2
18 sir, system.
2. sewage discharge criteria,
what is mean by sewage defination.
3.what happens when ship is moving from sea water to fresh
water.ans increase in draught - whay?
4. bunkering procedures in detail.
5. pv valve and pv breaker function, set pressure.if pv valve
provided then why pv breaker.?
Fn 6 1. if centrifugal pp wear ring clearance increases will pp draw
more or less current? why?
2. main engine fuel injectors overhauling and various test
carried out on it.
3.hydraulic jack lift, how much? where will you get value of
max lift provided by hydraulic jack. (stamped on it.. plz check
4.types of compress valve? how much is valve lift, how you
will adjust valve lift(by lift washer)
5.ECR AC tube leaking, ur not allowed To so hot work, what will
you do?
26-Jun- Internal Fn 4&6 1. Mcc nd mc diff
18 kamath, Ext - 2 2. Why containers always mcc purpose and advantages
guys 3. Equilizing line in refer system some have some not y reasons

nd plenty cross questions

4. Purifier seperation criterias nd y conical
5. Clarifier nd purier diff nd how u convert
6. In man b&w how u know that exhaust valve rotating nd
materials of exh valve nd purpose of rotation
7. Types of fuel pump in man nd sulzer diff nd y delivery v/v in
fuel p/p
8. Exh temp of 1 unit raised during sailing what action nd
checks in full ahead without stilopping. And then if u cant
control what action u take
9. Oros piston adv nd diff between conventional one draw nd
10. Diff between 4 stroke nd 2 stroke conn rod
11. Valve overhauling nd diff sdnr nd normal how lid attached
with spindle
12. Blr water test plenty cross questions
13. Blr feed water line draw nd explain
26-Jun- Kar and Kamat Fn 3 1.co2 system requires 2 independent means of release. What
18 do u mean by it protocol named few green house gasses. What r they.
He wanted all 6 names.
3.What is definition of sewage and discharge criteria.
4.a ship with trim enters fresh water from sea water. What all
changes take place.
5.definition of trim , list , draft , tpc, mct1 ows oil detection monitor light scattering and light
obscuration methods are used. Which one is better compare
pros and cons of both.
26-Jun- Kar and Kamat Fn 4 1.What is primary and secondary disturbing force. How to
18 tackle them. What effects if not kept in check.
2.difference between main engine and auxiliary 4s engine
connecting rod , mid cross section , explain why such different
designs are selected. He wanted to know about diff forces and
strength criteria.
3.explain vapour absorption and vapour compression cycle
with diagrams and relevant system line diagram. Many cross
questions in this.
4.What is power card. Draw the diagram. How is it taken. What
is out of phase and in phase diag? What data u get from power
5.How purification takes place. Where in the purifier does
actually separation takes place. Why conical discs are used.
Why holes are given in discs? Show in diagram how sludge gets
26-Jun- Kar and Kamat ? 1. Reasons for increase of 1 unit exh temp
18 2. Reasons for increase of all units exh temp.
3. Explain vapour compression cycle with diag showing the
complete circuit with compressor , lp hp trips etc
4. What is the state of refrigerant after compressor discharge ,
after condenser , before tev, inside the evaporator , after

5. Why is a compressor used in reefer system why not a pump.

There are pumps which can develop same kind of pressure.
27-Jun- Int: Kamath Fn 3 What s ur last ship port of registry
18 Wat s meant by port of registry
If u buy a ship WR will u register, I told India, y India, wat s the
condition of registration
Wat s freeboard
Load line disc( plimsoll round)
Dram load line diagram, dimensions,
Sheer, camber, gunwale, tumble home, sheer strake, wat s the
thickness, y more thickness,
Wat s enclosed space , how will u enter, minimum
requirements to enter, how will u measure,
Wat r all the firefighting extinguishers n ur ship, portable, semi
portable, fixed, capacity of portable nd semi, WR semi portable
kept, annex4 discharge creteria, will u discharge n u.s waters,
wat s the capacity of holding tank, any other tank other than
holding tank?
Fn 6 Main liner calibration, how will you do, wat will u do if no
template, WR will be the maximum wear , y maximum wear,
Generator fuel pump timing , how will u set, how will u ensure
u r correct, there is no marking n flywheel, how will u check
Ur 3rd saying boiler flame goes out frequently wat r all the
possible causes, wat s air positioner, how it s adjusting flap,
How atomising happen, types of nozzle
How refrigeration capacity control happen
During deballasting , water not going , wat r all the possible
27-Jun- Mr. Fn 3 TPC, SW or FW which will have more tpc,
18 Vishwanathan Free surface effect, how u reduce it on a working ship,
Free fall life boat launching, how many safety belts in it,
Co2 room regulations,
Fn 6 Annealing, where u do onboard and why,
How u find out that ur economiser performance is good,
AE over speed trip try out,
AE fuel pump maintenance,
Purifier gravity disc small what will happen? Big what will
4-Jul-18 ? Fn 4b Diff bw rt flex and conventional engines
What u acheive from rt flex engines
Feed for WECS : crankangle sensors
Case of any one prob happened in rtflex and how was it sorted.
Advancement in turbochargers
2-Jul-18 Vishwanathan Fn 3 load line survey
co2 how 85 percent
diagram of co2 nozzle in engine room
nc observation
purpose of incl exp of new ship...u have gm of inclining how to
find KG to find M
TPC.....tpc vs draft graph of triangular barge
CSR complete details with all forms

Fn 4 Exhaust valve profile of 4s

why reefer has suction from c/c
Fn 5 inductance impedance
earth fault
waveform of KW resistive circuit
steering gear safeties
Fn 6 bilge line not taking suction
how ovality increase for conrod
2-Jul-18 Kamat Fn 4b & 6 *Diff btwn MC, MCC & ME engines
*Puncture v/v diagram
*crankcase inspection
*heat treatment process
*Accumulator pressure in details by nitrogen
*Purifier overflow reasons
*Exhaust v/v overhauling
*M/E liner calibration
"Boiler water treatment
*Ballast pump not taking suction reason
*Hydraulic jack overhauling
6-Jul-18 Vishwanathan Fn 3 1. What all checks u ll do before entering dry dock
2. Anti healing system
3. Annex 6 and how ll u reduce nox and as 2nd what u ll suggest
to reduce nox
4. Eedi n eeoi n unit for eedi
Fn 4 1. In early injection what will happen to peak pressure n power
n exhaust temperature
2. Advantage of low sac fuel injector
3. How ll u calibrate piston crown
4. What is the function of band in piston skirt
Fn 6 1. How ll u calibrate dp cell
2. How ll u try out boiler water low level alarm
3. Boiler water chloride level increased n maximum value
4. How variable delivery pump
Developing pressure
5. What is safematic steering gear
6. Ae connecting rod ovality n what ll happen if maximum
7. Fuel pump timing check
8-Jul-18 ? Fn 3 What are the critical equipment’s ? What are the spares kept
Co2 maintenance
Angle of lol
Keel, margin plate , panting stringer
Difference between security level 1 and 2?
How security level selected?
Fn 4b How power is calculated? Difference ways of calculating
Fwg working principal
Salinity high in fresh water reason
Boiler blow back
Fn 6 Why centrifugal pump can’t handle air ?
What you will do to chisel sharpness is gone ? What is that

process is called ?
Lub oil level is reducing in the engine reasons
8-Jul-18 Internal ? How sfoc is increased ?
What you will do incase of angle of lol?
Power balancing in 4s
Reefer system with all temp and pressure
Why compressor is provided in reefer and why not pump ?
Centrifugal pump working principle
What happens during heat treatment to metal
Piston removal in aux engine
How aux engine performance taken?
If peak pressures are equal and one unit exhaust temp is high
then what does that mean ? Engine is balanced or not ?
11-Jul- vishwanathan Fn 3 1) which fixed firefighting system you had? explain?
18 2)cargo tank safeties?
4) how to prepare engine room for load line survey?
Fn 4b 1)which engine you had? I had ME. So he asked explain
working of fuel pump.
2)explain working of gear pump? performance dropped.
3)Types of genertor engines worked on?why no tie rods in
generator engines?
4)Centrifugal performance dropped. What can be the reasons.
5) difference between mineral and synthetic lube oil.
Fn 6 1)you started ows from aft bilge Wells and level not going
down. Reasons?
2)cylinder head of main engine fuel seating is cracked. Actions?
3)how you carry out lube oil drop test analysis?what all you get
from it?
1)how will you overhaul bilge valve in place?
2) you observed oil in sight glass of Cascade tank. Actions. Stop
boiler, Told upper blow down from funnel in hot well. Then
fucked up saying bottom blow down of boiler instead of scum
blow down and he cancles it all.
13-Jul- Kamanth Fn 4b Me engine how fuel pump operated
18 Hydraulic line for exhaust vv and fuel pump
Compressor type and maker
Compressor safeties
Why bursting disc is provided
Boiler type maker working pressure
Boiler is firing and there is no water in gauge glass what you
will do
How power is transmitted to propeller
How tail end shaft is supported
Type of propeller
How propeller is fitted to tail end shaft
Fn 3 Name 4 code and 4 c
Ism code .. it’s all telgu alto on
Stew all content
What’s is total friction

13-Jul- Pakrasi and Fn 4b Man BW 6s70Mec - full form

18 kamath - fiva , elfi and Elva full description and explanation
-hydraulic lube oil line diagram for mec
- how fuel enters fiva ( through a spring nrv at 10 bar)
- stern tube , arrangement , how lubrication occurs ( just said
air tank and explained around it)
- boiler accumulation test explain and what does it depend on (
i gave general description and said lift , said no , I said dia of
seat , he said no - the answer i think is Coefficient of lift ( given
in reed))
- full ME engine starting air diagram and explanation.
13-Jul- Pakrasi and Fn 6 piston ring radial clearance how to take ( started by telling
18 kamath liner dia minus ...he said a std. way of taking is there dont know
what he wanted)
- decarb report what all you will write ( said all general things )
dont know how much he accepted
- why drydock done ( i said requirement , hull inspection )
he said what specific job done by ship staff in drydock (
overboard valve partially accepted , I said boilers valves , I
think it is cooler cleaning which he wanted)
- How to take con rod ovality - ( )
13-Jul- Pakrasi and Fn 3 what 2 conventions last came into force ( Bwm
18 kamath and mlc) wants dates .
- MLC requirements ( - told him but wants what specific
criteria decides changing from D1 compliant ship to D2)
- asked what is D1 and D2
- MLC all titles , certification , and who gives DLMC 1 and DMLC
2( D 1by member and D2 by owner which is endorsed by
recognised .)
- STCW ,mandatory part( code A is mandatory )
- are mandatory requirements same for chief and 2nd and what
other criteria ( ans. yes and other criteria is requirements for
sailing in 3000kw and more )
- why requirements for both same ??
16-Jul- Mr. Fn 3 1. Type of vessel. Container fire fighting.
18 Vishwanathan 2. How to measure rudder drop during sailing.
3. ISM - observation & N.C ( definition & example )
4. Inclining experiment ( only the derivation)
5. CO2 calculation & on which certificate its available???
Fn 4b 1. RTA gear arrangement
2. For 9 RTA 96 engine as per manual, values of compression
ratio , compression pressure.
3. Centrifugal pump characteristic curve
4. LMTD definition , formula & curve
5. Type of T/C on A/E, uncooled T/C advantage
Fn 5 1. Alternator winding type & why?
2. How to check diode & continuity.
3.What are all the markings on a multimeter & what else can be
tested. How to use multi meter.
4. Diff b/w thermistor & thermostat.
Fn 6 1. How to check emcy fire pump priming Unit.
2. Main s/w line got uneven hole. How to rectify it.

3. Fuel injector pocket got crack. What's ur action

4. How to check performance of a centrifugal pump.
16-Jul- Gupta Fn 3 1.Annex vi docs
18 2 isps & security levels.
How security level changed & why it is called heightened risk?
3. Margin plate, breast cook, solid floor
Fn 4b & 6 1. Power calculation ? Power card? Show power stroke in
2. Reefer room temp rising ? Reason? Sensing bulb ? Function?
Superheat ? How?
3. Reefer air in system? How? Possibilities? I said shaft seal
broken, asked how breaks?
4. Bunker line pr testing ? How? Y not air ?
5. Ae temp all units temp rising?
6. Ae lo pressure drop reasons & actions?
Fn 5 1. Msb safeties
2. Alternator maintenance? How to use spray pump ?
3. Power factor? How u measure pf onboard
17-Jul- Gupta Fn 3 Checks in portable extinguisher... Details...y it's called portable,
18 what criteria
Where are Oil record book guidelines mentioned
Forepeak tank drawing
River to Sea effect on TPC
Fn 4b & 6 Double bottom pressure test
What's nitriding
Air in refrigerant plant.... Exclusive for air detection
Exhaust temp one unit declining
Draw indicator diagram
Liner crack detection
27-Jul- Deshpande sir Fn 4b & 6 What exactly happens in FQS
18 Deareator function, why expansion tank at so much height
Function of pinching screw
Safety valve high lift draw n show
Stresses on bed plate
Why back pressure valve in veg room
Tubrochager k valve..why it is taken
Solas how many chapters
Heat detector drawing
Life boat latest amendments
Functional requirements of ism
Explain Continues survey of machinary.
Zener diode, thyristor
H.v. precaution
Insulated neutral , Earth neutral difference
Motor not starting..wat all u will check
Shore supply freq.and ship freq. Not matching .. how to take
shore supply.
25-Jul- Gupta Fn 3 What are special area of annex1
18 Discharge criteria in special and other areas

Stern frame,coffine plate

Annex 2 liquid cargo defination
Annex 6 which thing have to monitor after 2019
Fn 4 How much lube oil film thikness
Scuffing,how it happens what to do avoid it
How to take main bearing clearence
Liner wear limit,what to do to avoid
When u ll change cyl lo rate
While starting gen lo or is normal but after15 min goes down
what are the reasons
Fn 6 How to remove moister from ref
Why frosting on evaporator
Why cylinder head stub breaks
What care to take while removing turbocharger blower side
What u take care while fitting hydraulic jack when removing
25-Jul- David sir Fn 3 Ism detail doc smc who issue .inter doc and inter smc
18 Tpc define . Corrugated bulkhead collisions bulkhead . Stearn
Inclining experiment .. what is reserve boyancy .
Tanker safety for lng ship
Deck fixed fire system dcp explain and cross questions .
Marpol annex 1 with criteria special area discharge
Annex 5 definition of garbage special area . WhT all can be
discharged anf what not
Port facility. How you land garbage procedure
26-Jul- Shekhar Fn 3 Types of enclosed lifeboats,
18 Foam content,
How foam produced,
How to calculate tanks internal volume,
which one is better co2 or foam.
How many subdivision lifeboat have,
Quick closing v/v , how operate and how to reset,
Effect on foam when come in contact with hot surface such as
exhaust manifold.
27-Jul- External: Fn 3 Deck seal function purpose,types ?
18 pakhrasi sir; IG consist of ?
Internal: PV valve, PV breaker ,mast riser working , location and setting?
vikrant Rai Boiler survey?
How many chapters?
# 5 titles, 16 chapters, 2 part(A & B)A mandatory B guide
Fn 4b Ex valve 2s working
Checks on ex valve
What is the result of low/high atomisation ?
And low/high penetration?
Lost motion
How to do it manually if system fails
#he wanted exact location on engine and pressure where this is
to be done.

Fn 6 Removal of piston in 2s
O/H of screw pump
Purifier troubleshooting regarding vertical shaft vibration
,height adjustment,
Boiler burner and safety valve maintenance
Fn 5 High voltage advantage
Working of smoke detector s ionisation type
Steering control follow up/ non follow up
Alternator working
Residual magnetism#flashing#
30-Jul- Internal- Fn 3 1) Ig safeties, blower capacity n trips
18 Vishwanathan 2) How to fight fire on mast riser
External- Dutta 3) Where it is mention abt CO2 bottles required how much for
your ship
4) vent diagram arrangement for fuel oil db tank
Fn 5 1) Safeties of alternator
2) what all things to see if taking shore supply
3) difference between thermistor & thermostat
4) transistor
31-Jul- External: Kar Fn 3 1.Know a days on OWS system OCM are preferring light
18 Sir; scattering method, Why?
Internal: 2. Annex 1 discharge criteria for non-special areas, difference
kamath Sir from special area and is it necessary to have automatic starting
on ship then? Yes or No?
3. TLV and different types of TLVs
4. Kyoto protocol and different gases includes in it
5. As per MEPC, what all test to be carried out on sewage.
6. Balanced Rudder
31-Jul- External: Kar Fn 4b 1. Oros piston, why the groove is provided.
18 Sir; 2. What is CPR ring, special features, how does it work,
Internal: temperature difference and how second piston ring does get
kamath Sir affected. Why double s lap is provided.
3. Apart from vapor compression cycle, what other cycle is
used for refrigeration, Why external equalizing line in TEV is
provided. How does it function. Some of the TEV is not
provided with equalizing line, why?
4. Where does the separation in purifier takes place, why disc
are shaped conicals, what is settling distance
5. Draw turbocharger surge line, explain the procedure for
plotting the line.
31-Jul- External: Kar Fn 5 1. What are thyristors, difference between thyristors n diode
18 Sir; 2. Shaft generator
Internal: 3. ICCP system, voltage applied, how much current, what needs
kamath Sir to be kept contact, where are all the anodes situated.
4. The value of pneumatic signal used in control system, why is
this value chosen and not others.
31-Jul- kamath ? 1. Miller cycle
18 2. Unloading in refer compressor
3. Dielectric strength
4. Reverse power setting for diesel and turbine engine..what

engine characteristics make them different.

5. How to order a cable
1-Aug- ? Fn 3 Hopper tank
18 types of keel
CSR(Explain form 1 and 2)
fire isolation valve
detection of fire in cargo hold
how is accomodation attached to ships hull?
Fn 4b Draw card
generator exhaust cam profile
centrifugal pump characteristc curve
6-Aug- External Fn 3 Ism objective
18 Pakrasi sir Mlc dmlc part 1 and Part 2
Internal. LCG LCB detail
Kamat saab.. Permissible length flodable length dia + explain.
Co2 room fire co2 bottle specification ..
Wetted surface area x Question
Fn 4b Vit super vit dia when fuel is injected in vit why how x que
Thin thick bearing
flash layer detail
Iron cabide diagram detail+ eutoid point..accumulation pr test
how ? Why ? What specific reason to do it ??
Fn 6 Battery charging diagram explain
Electronic govener dia explain
AVR solas requirement ..
Nikel cadmium battery discharge and charge state voltage , and
all in detail
Fn 5 Psychometric chart dia explain
Mechanical seal how to repair If no spare ..
Rudder balanced and unbalanced
Spade rudder
Pintle clearance specific X questions..that's all I
remember..guys he wants all basic concepts to be perfect
7-Aug- pakrasi sir Fn 4B & 3 isps code and its elements
18 What is security level 3 exact defination and what if ur ship is
at security level 2 and port is at 1
What will u do in that case which security level will u follow
What is the provision of this in isps code ?
Who issues ships safety plan ?
And abt security duties
CSR and cross questions
How is sheer strake attached to upper deck ?
Boiler evaporation rate ?
Safety valve types and details ?
How will u check D/4 practically whether valve is lifting to
D/4?lot of cross questions ?
What is lattern ring ?
Types of lubrication and starting from pump the lub system of
Defination of enclosed space
Crankshaft deflection and cross questions

How will u ensure that the readings taken are correct ?

Main bearing removal
Turbocharger type and cross questions
7-Aug- pakrasi sir Fn 4B & 3 What is BDN
18 Told hm abt every detail mentioned bt wanted to hear
Risk assessment and lot of cross questions
Conventions and protocol
Why air gap maintained between rotor and stator
Types of starters and why trickle charging done
Regulation of batteries
And which all loads it supplies
What is power factor and why it is ideally less than 1
What was the power factor on ur ship ?
Cylinder liner wear types and what is clover leafing
And liner calibration methods
Types of bed plates
7-Aug- pakrasi sir Fn 4B & 3 What does crankshaft deflection shows
18 Spoke abt enclosed space permit
(Dnt forgt to mention designated person and space to be
ventilated before filling the enclosed space permit ) cross
Types of starters
Types of indicator cards and how will u tAke light spring
diagram and what will u come kno from it
Turbocharger out of operation
Refer cycle and cross questions
Draw deflection curve
Mechanical seal how to repair if u have no spare
Vit and super vit and cross questions
Electronic injection
8-Aug- Pakrasi sir Fn 3 ISM in detail ( Implementation part) Lot of cross questions
18 -FSS code and Cross questions
-Navigation light types , Safety significance and technical
names for All
-Flammability diagram in detail Limits and specific values.
- SOLAS 2 content and Emergency Towing Arrangement
-Intrinsically safe circuit and lot of cross questions .
-EEDI AND EEOI calculations
-Nox Technical File : detail
- Condition of assignment factors
- Condition of class .
Fn 6 AVR Solas regulations
-In High voltage ships neutral Hull earthing procedures .
- Dry dock shore supply Lot of cross question about junction
box safeties and Requirement.
- Star delta circuit diagram , Starting current in Star and line
current in Delta Relationship .
If motor keeps Running in Star . Effects and How . I(Ph) I(L)
- Trickle charging and cross questions

- Hysteresis Loop Control

-Commutator details. how it is fixed
8-Aug- Pakrasi sir Fn 4b & 5 crank shaft Deflection graph and significance in detail .
18 - interference fit and its Tolerance calculator.
- MCC and MC bearing and tie rod differences
- Tie Rod fitting In MCC twin tie rod arrangements and Fixing
In Bedplate procedure .
- Heat treatment Various processes and Cross questions .
Recrystallising temp .
- high lift Boiler safety valve , Lid clearance checks , overhaul !
Why D/4 , accumulation test procedure . Why Requirement
says 10 % accumulation pr .
What is the 15 min and 7 mins significance .
- PID - how proportional integral and derivative control system
work independently as well as in a combined way .
- Generator Rocker arm lubrication in detail : cross questions
- Reverse carnot cycle . Critical pressure and critical
temperatures significance . Isentropic compression /
expansion process
-How strength of Chain blocks are regained if failed load test .
Chain block Testing procedures after repair
- Materials of various components of Exhaust valves Assembly
- Purifier thrust overcoming arrangements in vertical shaft .
-ACCI number significance
- Serrated surface in con rod importance and tests . Cross
questions on DPT .
20-Aug- Deshpande Fn 3 rapson slide
18 why skew is given in propeller
audit details. who can do audit?
latest amendment
transom space function and how to do entry
propeller curve
BWM D1 D2, certificate in BWM and document with for how
long BWM record to be kept
Fn 4B & 6 double evaporation boiler
punture valve diagram
NPSH calculation
secondary refrigerant
phospate reserve purpose in jcw
testing of nitride in jcw
rpm fluctuation in A/E effect and causes
20-Aug- Deshpande Fn 6 1. Turbo-charger turbine side water washing procedure ..why
18 reduce load on engine?
2. Priming and foaming in boiler
3. What is secondary refrigerant ..where and why used onboard
4. Ogee ring in boiler
5. Stay tube in boiler
6. Why resin chocks used instead of mechanical chocks in
7. Action to take if crankshaft deflection readings abnormal
8. Oxidation in boiler

22-Aug- Mr. Rawuth Fn 4b & 6 As a 2nd engr how ll u prepare for a drydock
18 Asked about plans
Jobs in ER during dock
Tailshaft , rudder inspections and tools used
Stern tube inspection seal change procedures
Anchor chains inspection
Will the whole chain taken out?
Turbocharger bearing replacement hours ,
Roller bearing n bush bearing general differences , load
carrying capacity etc.
Tie rod safeties ( hydraulic Jack n work safeties during
Intelligent engine general discussion, key features of electronic
engines .
22-Aug- Deshpande Fn 3 1. Solas chapter 13,14
18 2. Fss and FTP code
3. Free surface effect , how to correct
4. Functionality of ISM
5. Permeability and how to calculate it
6. What is duct keel…
23-Aug- Gupta Fn 3 1. fire detection system regulation for UMS class ship.
18 2. What is the function of bulkhead
3. What are the security level mention in isps code? There is a
parcel came for you from jetty when vessel is at security level
4. The is TPC? If vessel floats from SW to River water, will you
TPC increase or decrease?
5. What is NC, what is major NC? What you will do incase of
major NC?
Fn 4b 1. What is the spec of your last ship engine? Which type of main
engine you have serve on till now? ( I answered MC and MCC)
now he asked , difference between MC and MCC?
2. Exhaust temp of all unit of your main engine is high, reason
and how to correct?
3. How to do de-sludge purifier manually?
4. What are the hazard associate with marine refrigerent
5. What is boiler blowback. How will you avoid it.
23-Aug- Gupta Fn 6 Forging
18 Ultrasonic testing in detail
Liner wear down check
Dis pr of ref high reasons ?
Checks on crank pin and crank pin bearing
23-Aug- Gupta Fn 3 Sewage discharge criteria . How you know it’s not polluting sea
18 Breast hook , margin plate
Solid floor
Annex 6 documents
Co2 cylinder quantity calculation
Fn 4b Sea trail and shop trial
Sfoc increase reason
Air compressor safeties and bursting disc working and reason
why it is provided
Refrigerant properties

23-Aug- kamath & Kar Fn 3 1- sewage tests with correct limits.

18 Ph- 7-7.5
Chlorine - .5
Bod -less than 50.
2- bod in details.
3- machinery space bilge discharge criteria. If non special area
allows non automatic c/o valve than do we have two way of
working of ows.
4- new ig requirements and type of vessels.
5 - safeties on steam turbine side of copt and then on pump
side. Wants to hear low vacuum, low gland steam, high
condenser temp, axial movement and on pump side high casing
temp .
6-purpose of copt governor and method of starting copt.
Fn 3 1- why sci ship exploded.
2-o2 meter callibration.
3-limits of various gases in enclosed space entry.
4- why we don't measure co2 I stead of co
5- tlv cross questions.
23-Aug- Kar sir Fn 3 1 . What is corrugated bulkhead ? Why is it used on ships? How
18 it is connected to tank top....drawing
2. Hatch cover leak test procedures
3. How to do load test of cranes. ?
4. Explain duct keel.... position...from where it starts and to enter ?
5. Co2 firefighting system can be operated from how many
locations ?
6. What is breast hook ?....location...draw
7. What is propeller rake.
8. Explain water ingress alarm for cargo holds
9. Light scattered type oil monitoring system.
24-Aug- Saini ? Type of engine
18 Xhead lubrication..diff between sulzr n oil goes to
Power calculation..aftr dat he askd how u get bhp..i told
indicated power * mech. Efficiency
Purifier overflow reasons
How to select gravity disc
How piston is lubticated in ae..draw n xplain..
24-Aug- Kar sir ? Explain torsion box
18 Solid floors
Stauary certificates
GOT 3 up to here

Internal kamath asked few questions

Free surface effect
Container have corrugeted bulkhead y
Enclosed space entry showing oxygen level 23 percent u will go
or not ? Ans is NO
Fn 4b Stuffing box purpose
And diagram
Fuel pump timing to adjust how
Where marking
How to check fuel pump lead
Connecting rod ovality
How to check
Bearing pin ovality
Position of stuffing box with diagram
What is the purpose of stuffing box rings smaller one out of 3
pieces ( stuffing box have 3 pieces connected with garter spring
2 r big one is smaller in siZe ) whats purpose ?
Wash out
Ans is it does not allow blow past of gases and carbon deposits
to go in crank case .
27-Aug- Gupta Fn 6 1. NDT in detail, Types, Ultrasonic in detail, What we
18 check..How we check?
Where checked onboard?
2.Forging Expalin, Where we do, How we do, Why we do
3.Liner calibration, How we do, Why we take at 4 positions ie. P
S A and F
4.DB tank pressure testing
5.Air ingress in refer...
30-Aug- External imei Fn 5 Why only left with fx5
18 faculty, Dol starter draw explain few cross questions(he want circuit
Internal kamat diagram)
sir What all type of starting methods
How to parallel generator
How you synchronise / what other method how you match
phase angle
Megger how it work value of megger of LV and HV
Resistance how you check and difference between megger and
What all you can. Check with multimeter with all values (max
He draw 6 phase draw delta out of it
31-Aug- Gupta Fn 3 Ism objectivesfunctional requirements,
18 sms in detail, ffa in ums class vessel,
dB tank pressure testing,
free surface effect- factors affecting stability,
how to rectify , isps code,
security levels and difference in 2 and 3 and 1 ,
Fn 4b purifier weak link, Conrod I shape why, turbocharger
construction, difference between timing diagram of naturally
aspirated and turbocharged 4 stroke engine,

boiler vibration during firing reasons,

me engg fiva functioning,
Otto cycle,
diesel cycle
Fn 6 scavenge air temp high what corrective action as 2 nd ,
air in reefer how to confirm,
Mcc and mc engine difference,
man bnw engine development right from the first engine to the
31-Aug- kapoor Fn 4b 1 types of cards n draw all, what's check do on card
18 instruments before taking the card.
2 power calculation?
3 sfoc calculation?
4.vit, super vit, advantage n fqs in details?
5 cylinder oil property n tbn values in seca area n eca area?
6 stuffing box in full details function , overhauling n clearance?
4-Sep- Gupta Fn 3 1. Risk assessment full
18 Cross question: if a guy does work aloft?how u assign job?name
of strap used ?
2.Mlc full
Cross quest : CBA ?who decides wages?
3.lifeboat maintenance as engineer?
Cross question: difference between tanker lifeboat & other
4.solid floor
5.panting stringers,sheer strake ?
Cross question: what is the difference between sheer strake &
other strake ?( said 20% stronger ) why 20% stronger ?
Fn 4b & 6 1.Accumulation pressure test ?
Cross question: why done ?
2.liner gauging ?
Cross question: how many points to take?
3.Refrigeration air ingress ?
( he expects indication from compound gauge)
4.Ndt ?
Cross ultrasonic type where used?
5.all units temperature goes high ?
6.Forging ?
Cross question: which parts in engine done?
7.furnace blowback
4-Sep- Ext : Yadav Fn 3 1. Ism in detail as 2nd engg how will u implement ISM ON
18 ,internal : BOARD
Vikrant rai 2. Mlc all titles explain
3.eedi and eedi stages explain ,operation , technology
wat are thy explain
4.emergency inpection of boiler at 12 bar how wil u proceed port
5.loll and list
6. Types of floor
7.few definitions freeing port gunwale..

8.co2 in detail maintenance

9.Orb entries all he wants couldn’t tell him
10. Purging and gas freeing with flammability diagram and
types of FLAMMABLE GASES IN Cargoes on tankers.
11. Decider by Vikrant rai....couldn’t answer so he did not give
me 3....external gave both ...
12.purging to find leaks in cargo pumps procedure did tell
Him not satisfied he wants diagram no clue was a bouncer
13.tanker double hull draw
4-Sep- Ext : Yadav Fn 5 1. Vfd
18 ,internal : 2. Igbt ,mosfet diagram
Vikrant rai 3. Avr working
4. Flashing up procedure of alternator
5. Diode checking
6.regenerative breaking
7.crane safeties ER
8.electrical safeties on marflex since product tanker i sailed on .
9.hrc types guesss
10.single phasing
11. Motor protections
12.asynchronous and synchronous motors
13.graphs for induction motor delta starter draw and explain with control circuit
15.reverse power trip and preferential trip
4-Sep- Ext : Yadav Fn 6 1.wat is safematic steering draw and explain logics involved
18 ,internal : and how it came into picture.
Vikrant rai 2. 5/2 directional control valve
3.diff between conventional DP TRANSMITTER AND SMART DP
4. Winch working
5.swash plate pump draw and explain working
6.liner calibration
7.valve positioner how it works - explained SIPART HE WAS
8.two element and two xxxx control system FORGOT THE
4-Sep- Gupta Fn 3 1. Risk assessment full
18 Cross question: if a guy does work aloft?how u assign job?name
of strap used ?
2.Mlc full
Cross quest : CBA ?who decides wages?
3.lifeboat maintenance as engineer?
Cross question: difference between tanker lifeboat & other
4.solid floor
5.panting stringers,sheer strake ?
Cross question: what is the difference between sheer strake &
other strake ?( said 20% stronger ) why 20% stronger ?
Fn 4&6 1.Accumulation pressure test ?
Cross question: why done ?
2.liner gauging ?
Cross question: how many points to take?

3.Refrigeration air ingress ?

( he expects indication from compound gauge)
4.Ndt ?
Cross ultrasonic type where used?
5.all units temperature goes high ?
6.Forging ?
Cross question: which parts in engine done?
7.furnace blowback
5-Sep- Pakrasi Fn 6 1.Type pf ship which I have sailed
18 2.Starting procedure of powerpack
4.Changing of seals of framo
5.Liner caliberation n wear limit
6.Bottom end bearing n wear limit
7.clearance reduced what is the reason
8.overhauling of Bosch type fuel pump
And checks on it.
9.exhaust temp of all unit increasing what could be the reason.
10.exahust temperature of any particular unit is shooting up
causes to find any particular unit is getting blow past in aux
5-Sep- Pakrasi Fn 4b 1.Variable displacement pump draw n explain
18 2.function of piston skirt and diagram
3.connecting rod oblique shape why
4.turbocharger matching and surging
5.stuffing box material clearance and function n all
6.crosshead lubrication
7.swell n shrink
8.boiler water treatment n few more
9.two gen running parallel one is having 600 kw n other with
400 why this difference n explain
5-Sep- Pakrasi Fn 5 1.mosfet and transistor draw n explain function
18 2.Avr delta
4.induction motor
5.advantages of HV
6.different kind of fuses
7.alternator safeties to check diode
9.zener diode
Fn 3 1.Ism n how to implement as second engineer
2.Mlc titles
3.Anchor is unable to lift even full hydraulic pressure is
available how will u take the anchor up.
4.Purpose of bulbous bow.
5.marpol annex 6 n engine design to reduce nox
6.polar code

5-Sep- Pakrasi Fn 3 Marpol anex 1, discharge criteria,

18 colreg,mlc,angle of loll,coefficient of block,
coefficient of water, different types of coefficient ,why it is
Fn 5 Navigation light signalling system draw and explain,
avr working ,alternator working, types starter,draw and
explain soft starter system,
commutator draw and explain,ionisation type smoke detector
draw and explain,
radioactive material used into this how it is activated and types
of radioactive substances used in it, avr rating
Fn 6 Metal locking,liner calibration,
thrust block arrangement,
detail repair of cargo deepwell pump
7-Sep- Internal: Fn 5 Ship type and engine.
18 kamath sir What all jobs you have done onboard.
External: Ae con rod ovality, how to check, what all checks on con rod,
kapoor sir crank pin bearing, crank pin ovality, how to rectify, process
Then main bearing clearances, how will you take, where is
main bearing clearance taken, where is crank pin clearance
Stern tube, how many bearings, how is it lubricated.
How do you fit propeller.
Fn 3 Torsion box, twist lock, spreader, lashing arrangement. How is
container lifted.
MARPOL Annex 4and 5 name, discharge criteria, garbage all
categories,and their discharge criteria, New ammendments.
How many chapters in Annex 6, what is in chapter 4, what are
new ammendments, eedi eeoi, What are the changes regarding
4 conventions and 4 codes.
Accumulation of pressure, why is it happening.
7-Sep- Internal: Fn 4b Electronic engine, ELFI ELVA FIVA, all differences. What are all
18 kamath sir the pressures.
External: What all parts have been removed in electronic engine.
kapoor sir How many chains in Mc engine. How is it different from
electronic engine. How many chains in mcc engine, how are
they lubricated, how do you knw it is loose, how to tighten,
how is damage against vibration provided.
Maneuvering of electronic engine, how is started.
Fn 6 High voltage, advantages, safeties.
High voltage megger.
Insulation class, temperatures, what we use in er.
Enclosures, what is it, where, why.
Ip rating.
Many questions mostly basics, I can't recall.
Odmcs working.
7-Sep- Kamath sir Fn 3 Carrying Grain in bulk carrier, what is most important
18 precaution you take, while discharging. Intact stability criteria
for grain.
Corrugated bulkhead. why provided, significance. Where on

New ammendments to ism.

What is the special feature of mlc, that no other convention has.
Fn 4b Exh valve grinding.
Mean piston speed and stroke length significance.
Mep and stroke of your engine,
How to calculate power without any peak pressure gauge.
Fn 6 IR testing, where to do, motor or control room.
Control room you are getting 10mega ohm is the insulation
Ip rating how many, how to determine what is the protection
Fn 5 Catfines how to remove them.
Exh valve drop test.
Chloride content marginally increases, reasons
Or if it suddenly diminishes, reasons.
11-Sep- External:Mr Fn 3 Explain all the things on your cdc ship stamp.
18 Mahindra Paul Where can you find the proof that your ship is registered to
Internal: Kamat mumbai port how can you prove it to the authorities?
Sir What is nrt and what is grt ?
What is the use of the call sign and what is the use of an official
number . Where is it in the regulations that a ship requires an
identification number?
What is plate floor ? Draw and explain each parts of a plate
What is a sheerstrake and location . What is a gunwale and
location. What is camber what is tumble home . What is sheer .
What is the stability requirement of a grain carrier .
Draw a stability curve and explain. How can you find the initial
GM of your ship from the stability curves ?
What is the discharge criteria for sewage ? Explain the meaning
of commutated and disinfected ? How can you discharge
sewage within 3 nmiles from nearest land?
11-Sep- External:Mr Fn 4b What is the location of thrust pads and where are they
18 Mahindra Paul provided ? How is the thrust transfered to the hull ? What is a
Internal: Kamat thrust bearing ?
Sir What type of a turbo charger RTA (your engine ) has . Explain
all the components of a turbocharger . What is surging ? What
are the causes of surging ? Explain the process of surging ?
Explain your air compressors volumetric efficiency . What is it
how does it affect the air compressors working ?
How would you overhaul an Piston ? What clearances are to be
checked ? What inspection is done when you separate the
pistion crown from the skirt?
Fn 6 What is a megger ? Whats the difference between a megger and
multimeter? Can you measure insulation without a megger ?
What is a synchroscope ? What other methods are there to
check phase difference? Whats is the working principle in a
synchroscope ?
What is considered as a high voltage ? What safeties are
provides for high voltage systems ?
Explain the safeties provided in the Main Switch Board.

Fn 5 How would you check the working of the sliding bowl

mechanism in a purifier. Explain 2 things you would check to
ensure its operation.How is the sliding bowl operated during
the operation of the purifier?
Explain crankcase inspections . What would you do if you find
traces of metal particles in the lube oil ?
During inspection of the main bearing you find black marks on
the bearing metal what is you conclusion ?
What would be the indications of a biological activity in the
lube oil? What actions can be taken to counter this ?
12-Sep- External : Fn 3 Purpose of Torsion box with sketch
18 Mahindra Pal -Transverse section of container ship
Internal : -Stresses on ship ( hogging, sagging, tensile, compressive)
Kamath -State objective of Ism in detail.
-Discharge criteria for sewage.
-Special area for annex 1,4,5,6
-Latest amendments in Annex 6
Fn 4b Types of crankshaft. Explain construction of each type with
sketch and material used
- Iron-carbon phase diagram.
- Drop test of exhaust valve
- Draw tandom piston and state adv. and disadvantage of using
- Draw and explain propeller curve.
12-Sep- External : Fn 6 Difference between home supply and ship supply
18 Mahindra Pal - How will you measure voltage in 3 pin of your household
Internal : socket with multimeter and what value you will get on
Kamath multimeter.
- what is LV and HV, Is 2000V d.c is high voltage ?
- There is no marking (u1,v1...u2,v2... ) on six terminal of an old
induction motor. how you will identify the two end of coils and
connect it in delta. Explain through sketch.
- Explain 3 phase neutral insulated and earthed system and
there advantages.
- Types of fault on circuit.
-Difference between closed circuit and short circuit with help
of numerical example.
Fn 5 How to check trueness of bend pump shaft.
- If shaft is bent and you have to use same shaft how you will
use it.
- Where to put shims in air compressor and its purpose. Draw
and explain
-Belt driven purifier clutch mechanism. Draw how clutch shoe
is arranged in the same.
- Type and purpose of accumulator in reciprocating pump.
explain in full detail.
19-Sep- Pakrassi Sir Fn 4b What kind of ship you have sailed on
18 # all oil tanker
Engine type
# MCC and RTA
1. Lost motion in RTA?
Why it's required?

How servomotor works?

2.development in RTA
3. mc vs MCC
4. Man vs sulzer
4.bearings in Main engine and lubrication
5.Cylinder lubrication in MAN and Sulzer
6.fatigue ,creep and fretting in main engine
7.crank shaft type and materials
Fn 6 1.why ship required class?
2. do you know anything about antifouling convention?
# sir I already cleared function 3,
I'm remaining with function 4b and 6
Then he checked some sheet and then came bouncer
What is on board practice to comply antifouling convention?
3. how as 2nd engg you prepare for main bearing survey and
credit it?
4.propeller curve..# surveyor said don't draw only explain
what chief engineer will understand from curve
5.action when excessive vibration in aft of the ship plate welding cracked how to rectify?
7.what are standerds for surface preparation?
27-Sep- ? Fn 3 Write 5 conventions in safety and pollution and 2 for liability
18 Recent amendments in container as per SOLAS
Difference bn audit and survey
Additional safety measures for high speed craft explain
Fn 4b & 6 Main bearing survey
Foundation bolts broken what to do?
Boiler fuel size for secondary flame(no fuel size it vapourises)
Tierod tightening procedure? How will you know tie rods are
Main engine all bearing clearances
Maneouvering dia wrt starting air line
Automatic start valve in detail with dia
Rotary cup burner troubles
Propeller material
Condtion and size of fuel droplets for burner (he wants fuel
vapourises on burner tip)
Fn 5 Types of starters
Normal electric fan single motor
Relation between Vrms and Vmax
Softstarter explain with dia
3-Oct- Aneja sir Fn 4 1 Bore cooling lenth of liner, why bore cooling needed, how
18 done.
2 light spring diagrams
Choked scavenge port show.
3 compressor valve plate why plate type , material
4 reason for plate breaking
5 how to prevent steam line corrosion
Fn 6 Boiler hydraulic test full
2 rudder clearnces at dry dock how to take
3 bedding of bearing cranckpin
4 how to weld copper pipe by brazing

3-Oct- Aneja sir Fn 3 Cross curve

18 Angle of loll
Documents in anex1
Difference of IOPP in tanker & other ship
Codes under solas chapter 7
Fn 5 Power factor
How to control speed in Induction motor
3-Oct- Aneja ? Container fire fighting equipments and latest regulations.
18 - Density of co2 how will you calculate weight.
- Mlc 5 titles and certificates issued
- How many sprinkler heads in one section
- Emergency fire pump discharge requirements
- 5 safety convention except solas and 2 pollution convention
except marpol
- Ballast water convention
- What is TEU
- In solas what regulations are there specifically for containers.
5-Oct- Ext Mr. Pal and Fn 3 1)He showed me cdc and ask what is flag state of your ship and
18 Int Kamat Sir port of registry ??
2)What is Grt nrt GT and NT ??
3)If fire in engine room how will you escape..???
How many routes through u can escape ???
4)what is function of bilge it is attached to ship ???
5)what is angle of loll ?? How ship is heel to one side ???
Fn 4b 1) what is purpose of rotating exhaust valve in Sulzer RD
2) ask something unknown questions regarding RD RND AND
RTA engines...???
Fn 5 1) Motor overhaul
2) what is difference between IR test for Megger and
Multimeter ???
3) what is difference between synchronous and asynchronous
4) Reverse power trip ??? It's setting ??? And how it
works???how will you check ???
5)where do you find synchronous motor in ship...???
Fn 6 1) Gear pump overhaul??? Why clearance are provided???what
clearances you will check??? What is backlash of gear ???
2)what are the sealing arrangement for shaft...???
3) Types of Lubrication system ??? And what are the factors
affecting it ??
4) how in Sulzer RTA exhaust valve functions...???how it is
rotates???why rotation is given...???
5) how will u take crankshaft deflection ??


8-Oct- Pakrashi Fn 3 Ism requirement
18 Isps equipment
Freeboard assignment.
Hull bottom strengthen .
Hull damage during sailing action.co2 requirement and safety..
type of foam, advantages, chemicalfoam formula...
Ecnomiser Safety valve settings
Fn 4 Type of lubrication,
Thick shell and thin shell bearing.brielling,
Fn 5 Skew in induction motor rotor,how stator rotating magnetic
field created ,star delta starting,soft starting,trickle charging,
Fn 6 Condition of class
Surface preparation ,blasting requirement,types of welding,
9-Oct- ? Fn 4 & 6 Starting air diagram
18 Crankshaft deflection when taken , interval and special
Deflection readings are way out of limits . Reasons
How to check if tie bolts are tight
How to know if boiler safety valve is sufficient or of the right
design for the said boiler .
Boiler water test.
What is hardness
What is the unit of hardness measurement.
Purifier speed . How such speed is obtained.
Boiler turn down ratio .
Metal locking.
This is all I remember .
He was asking pretty basic stuff
11-Oct- Surveyor: Fn 3 Solas ch 14 and polar code
18 Aneja sir, Solas ch 13 what is it , under which are conventions audit of
Internal: member state is carried out or what are the checks carried out
Kamath sir under Solas ch 13
TPC curve, load line , fresh water allowance and distance
between summer load line and tropical line
Free surface effect methods of reducing

Marpol annexure l engine room discharge criteria, what are the

certificates carried for your ship under annexure 1
Emergency generator special requirements, transitional
source, lifeboat falls maintenance, QPC what is effective power,
thrust power. Various efficiencies related to propeller and
Ro ro ship constructional safeties, stability GM, fire
requirements for RORO ship, what is tare weight on CO2 bottle
Fn 4b draw starting air line diagram why automatic shut off valve is
Starting air valve timing diagram
Boiler excess air how much
Overhaul hours for fuel injector and crankshaft deflection,
What is valve overlap in 4 stroke engine for which type it is
high i.e. turbocharger or naturally aspirated and why
Fn 5 Induction motor characteristics draw and explain also speed
controls for same, soft starter, high voltage advantages,
Lead acid battery full charge and discharge specific gravity
CCA, diode test
Fn 6 One piston of main engine is running hot causes and action
Purifier over flow reasons
Air compressor not building up pressure
All turbochargers are damaged also auxiliary blowers are
damaged then how will you take ship to safe position
On open weather frequent corrosion of hydraulic unions and
pipe on hydraulic crane ...actions to protect and prevent
Hydraulic jack lift how much it is there
16-Oct- Internal: Fn 3 1.ISM full expalin
18 Kamath 2.STCW explain
3.Draw Bulk carrier cross section.
4.Duct keel
5. What all check you will do in Duct keel?
6. How are the pipes entering the Duct keel.?
7.Container fire fighting
8. What are the latest developments for container fire fighting.?
9. Torsion box. Why it is provided.?
16-Oct- Internal: Fn 4b 1. What engine?
18 Kamath 2. Have u done decarb? What all u will do in decarb?
3. Draw piston with crown and the oil flow arrangement!
4. Centrifugal pump working principle.
5. Drew a impeller and asked me how it is rotating!
6. Purifier overflowing reasons.
7. How the reduction of speed will lead to overflow?
8. How will u find the speed has reduced!?
16-Oct- Internal: Fn 6 1.Crankcase inspection
18 Kamath 2. Tie rod arrangement draw.
3. What all checks in centrifugal pump during overhaul?
4. How is the piston connected to the crosshead assembly?
Draw the arrangement
5. Mechanical seal and gland packing difference.
6. Mechanical seal how it is working.?
7. How will you test the air compressor relief valve?

8. NDT test on connecting rod bolt. What all you will do in it?
Which cloth u use it to clean? If u are cleaning with cleaner
spray and the next spray die penetrant, when will u spray, will
u give time for it? He wants to know exactly what is
happening.!? The third spary is developer, what is happening
8. MPI test?
16-Oct- ? Fn 6 surveyor dont know very nice and calm guy gives time to
18 answer
which question failed you last time
4stroke timing
exhaust valve maintenance
Decarb main engine in brief
exhaust unit temp rising why
cylinder Lube oil test shore result analysis and properties
17-Oct- Surveyor: Fn 4b & 6 Decarb report wat all things there in report
18 kamat wat all things u will check in piston during decarb.
Main bearing survey ..what all things will be checked.. how to
remove the main bearing..
What is tri metal bearing
How u will know when to replace the bearing.
Wat is sox and produced..
Tell 6 methods to reduce nox. And method to reduce sox
Crankcase inspection
C/shaft Web slip wat u will do, if slip is more..wat u will do..n if
slip is small wat u will do..during survey if surveyor finds web
is slip wat will happen..
Fiva , elfi , elva valves difference which engine. Which engine
fiva valve and which engine elfi elva valves
Rt-flex common rail explain
What are advantages of electronic engines..what all parts are
not there in electronic engines compared to conventional
Sulfur limits , present and future
Safety valve types..difference between high lift safety valve and
improved high lift safety valve
Ref.gas leak to will check, which all places, wat all
methods for gas detention
Rudder Hunting and Hunting gear
22-Oct- Surveyor : Fn 3 1. What is MLC 2016? In what area, MLC helps STCW in the
18 Pakrasi field of maritime? How many articles are there in MLC and
name few of them? What is DMLC? Who gives to whom both
DMLC? What information written over DMLC?
2. Lifeboat launching procedure? How will you test on lifeboat?
3. What is ISM review? Who will do mgmt review to whom?
Who will do master review to whom? What all things and
documents master reviews? When master should do review?
Under which topic, mgmt review come under and under which
topic, master review come under?
4. What is fire control plan? What are the contents in fire
control plan?

5. What kind of rudder is in you last ship? Make the diagram on

paper? Where is the pintle? How will you test the rudder?
22-Oct- Aneja Fn 3 afety convention
18 Pollution related convention
Dcp chem composition
Afff chem composition
Angle of loll and angle of list(how will you recognize)
Midship section of tanker
Ballast water management
Internal kamath
Provision crane safeties
Fire in galley, ur action
22-Oct- External Aneja ? Boiler water test parameters
18 and internal Boiler survey
Kamat sir Cross head bearing survey
Main engine all bearing clearances value
Hydraulic jack pressure for cylinder head
Hydraulic jack construction and leaking actions
Loosening and tightening procedure
22-Oct- Internal Kamat ? 1. Types of specific certificates for chemical tanker .
18 Sir Types of chemical tanker
External sir Category of NLS with examples
Aneja Discharge criteria for NLS
After discharging cargo , how much qty will left in pipe as per
regulation .
Mlc brief and certificates
Co2 specific volume as per solas .
Tinder and stiff ship .
In Ism master review and company review explain and some
cross questions like company at what interval will do and some
brief points .
23-Oct- External:Moha Fn 4b Type of engine which sailed
18 n singh paul Explain nomenclature
Wat is difference between mc and mcc
How power to weight ratio achieved
Vit and super vit how its work in detail
Volumetric efficiency ,??how its affects in mac
Pulse and constant pressure and advantages did advantages
Nox reduction with respect to turbocharger method
Fn 5 Difference between thyristor and transistor
Breaker maintenance
Battery maintenance
Paralleling condition justify
Difference between phage angels and phase sequence
When will u check phase sequence
Fn 6 Superheated steam what is superheated steam
Purifier gravity disc selection
How will you increase boiler efficiency
Why air vessel on the delivery side of the piston pump
Difference between me and auxiliary fuel pump
Explain purpose of delivery valve

23-Oct- Internal Decider What is target pressure

18 kamath questions Smpep
Insulation resistance
Proximity switch principle
M12,m30 spanner size
Water cooled turbocharger if casing broken wats ur action
I said blank tc and run or by metal locking we can repair and
pressure test and run or by supply compressed air for cool the
casing and run
He asked me in detail abt compressed air method I couldn't
explain he told me 2 reappear fun 6
23-Oct- Mr Aneja Fn 4 1. Starting air line, starting air timing on 2 stroke valve timing
18 diagram.
2. Schematic diagram of boiler, then from diagram asked what
are downcomers, arangement of boiker stays.
3. what is reverse osmosis pressure and material of membare.
4. Axial flow pumps amd where in eingine room.
5. Stem turbine gland cooling steam, purpose of vacuum
6. Ig alarms and trips
7. Clearences in various main engine bearings. Thrust bearing
too. How thrust is transferred in thrust bearing principle.
8. What is condition monitoring.
Fn 6 1. Stuffing box overhaul.
2. Connecting rod ovality how to measure, valuve.
3. Liner calibration and wear pattern.
4. Boiler water treatment and values
5. Purifier gravity disc purpose and selection.
External 1. Inlet and outlet temperature of turbocharger. What if the
decider temperature difference reduces causes and consequences.
2. Purifier bowl leaking what all action you will take
23-Oct- External : Saini Fn 4 X head lubrication, telescopic pipe design.
18 Gear pump overhaul.
Scavenge fire.
M/e emergency stop working.
During round you find ME turbocharger gear pump is not
splashing oil, action as 2nd engineer.
24-Oct- Ext Pal sir Fn 3 Reserve buoyancy
18 Int Kamat Sir Conditions for freeboard assignment
Marpol annex 6 pollutants
Sheer strake
Oil tanker,bulk ,container who got high GM ???
Torsion box
Torsion moment
Lifeboat engine weekly testing and fuel consumption
Non portable DCP co2 cartridge weight??
Eedi,seemp,eeoi full form??seemp process??
Welding rod requisition ??
As a 2/E what things to check while ordering welding rod..???
Enclosed space entry ,
Duration of enclosed space permit?

Explosi meter - gasses to be checked ,

Threshold limit of H2S ....
24-Oct- Mohan pal ? First question he asked y u r failing
18 singh, What was the last oral question ?
Imei faculty What precautions to be taken in enclosed space entry?
What is to be check if o2 is 22-25 % will u go ? Ans is NO
At 21% u will go otherwise not .
Duration of enclosed space permit ?
Solid floors draw
Air holes their purpose ?
Drain holes its purpose ?
Why man hole is provided in solid floors ?
He was very helpful
Co2 calculation how what is casing who decides including
casing or excluding casing how much co2 used for e/r space
what is 0.56meter cubic
What is 45.4 in formula
Pass in safety then went to kamath
What is NC
AND NC ( remeber boss exact defination as given in ISM )
What is CSR
24-Oct- Mohan pal Fn 4b What is air fuel ratio in boiler
18 singh, What will happen if more air is going inside or less air is going
Imei faculty In ic engines more air is required in boiler psychometric ratio y
Types of crankshaft how it will be
What is volumetric efficiency?
How to find out ? What is the use formula ? Cross questions ?
23-Oct- Surveyor : Fn 6 1. Me decarb.
18 Mohan pa 2. AE liner calibration
3. What s the diff between liner calibration of both
4. Turbocharger overhaul
5. Labyrinth seal nozzle ring fouled why
Can we run with choked nozzle bearing lubrication and bearing arrangement
8.air comp 1 st stage delivery valve leaks what happens at this
9. Bursting disc function
10. Aftercooler leaking effects surging
12. Tbn value of ae lube oil and main engine lube oil
13. Liner honing purpose
14. Ultra low sulphur fuel . What tbn cyl oil to b used for this
15.cyl oil of main engine tbn value
16. Cyl.oil properties
17.heat exchanger expansion arrangement

18. Volumetric efficiency in air comp

19.fwg working
20. Fwg air ejector function and where air come when the
system is continuously operating.
21. Condenser of fwg fouled what are the reasons and what
will happen at this point in Feb
23-Oct- KAMANTH SIR ALL 1. Dye penetrant test on con rod bolt
18 2. Proper procedure when. All u 'll clean how much time u 'll
wait after each applying penetrant .
3. How developer is showing what process is happening when
developer is applied
4. Mpi test procedure
5. Difference between mpi and dp test .
24- Mr. Fn 4b 0. How vit is connected to fuel pump
Oct- Deshpande &6 0. boiler gauge glass construction n safety
18 0. Boiler tubes gauging
0. Function of Oil separator in reefer system
0. Phosphate reserve purpose
0. DG starting arrangement and interlocks
0. Why aircon compressor taking suction from crankcase
0. Purpose of diffuser and volute casing in centrifugal pump
0. Characteristic curve of centrifugal pump
0. ME turning on air but not running on fuel..troubleshooting?
0. What arrangement is used for a motor at 1800 rpm
driving a Purifier running at 8000 rpm..?
0. How speed of purifier is increased gradually?
0. What is volumetric efficiency of reciprocating air
Fn 5 0. What is reactive power?why not in DC system?
0. What are safeties on ER crane?
0. Soft starter?
0. How SCR is working and is purpose?
0. 2 dgs running in parallel..if 1 dg loses
excitation..wat r d consequences?
0. MSB safeties
0. MSB maintenance
0. Diff between lead acid battery and alkaline battery?
0. How to find Earth fault?
0. Single phasing of motor
24- Ext - Saini Fn 3 Type of ships sailed.
Oct- Int - Sekar Firefighting system deck n engine room. Testing of foam n
18 interval. How does it work?
Where foam
tank located?
IGG safeties.
Lifeboat regulations.
Why lifeboat has ropes on its side alround.
Types of starting. How many hours can we run ?
ISM objectives n detail. PV valve n mast riser.

Fn 4 Type of engine.
Xhead lubrication with line diagram, how
lubricated after telescopic pipe.
n, Types
24- External: Fn 3 Regulations for steering gear, what all alarms,
Types of turbocharging difference, advantages,
Oct- saini Internal: explain auto isolation.
disadvantages between them.
18 shekhar -Construction chain locker.
Make of turbocharger in your ship.
-Liferaft regulations
What is K value , how to reduce/decrease the value.?
-LOA why required to know
-ISM CODE explain what u know
-ISPS CODE Explain
Fn 4 Alpha lubricator lots of cross questions. When lub oil is
exactly injected. How to decide quantity required
-AC compressor air in system. How you'll know. Steps to
remove air
-Crankshaft types, construction.....cross questions
-ME Interlocks
-ME reversing in ur ship engine. Draw and show how it
works, types of cam profiles used in ME
Fn 5 MSB safeties, lots of cross questions
-how to carry out Alternator maintenance in a safe
manner.(Wants to hear permit made , lock out done,
insulation gloves worn)
-How to carry out Emgy gen on load test at sea without
black out or hindering any propulsion and navigation
-Have you done reverse power trip test. How it was done
Fn 6 ME Unit decarb. Piston just removed and secured what all
-Why do we now have PMS (power management system)
you'll check and lots of cross questions, all clearance
for DGs. Before was not thr why required now.
you'll check and how.
-Globe valve in Bilge needs to be overhauled. Deep
grooves and scratches observed on valve seat, how you'll
-FWG not making water, state all reasons why,
-DG LO cooler tube leaking how you'll know, how to find
24- External: Fn 3 1.CSR
which tube leaking
Oct- Deshpand e 2.Coffin plate
18 Sir Internal: 3.Oxter plate
Chief 4.Types of rudder
Surveyor 5.Lightening hole
6.Condition of assignment
8.How rudder is supported.
9.Material of pintle
10.Rudder solid or hollow?
11.Condition of class
Fn 4b 1.what is surging of t/c. Reasons
2. reversing diagram with turning gear

intelock 3.Thrust block location and

4. Boiler blow down
precaution 5.hunting
6.why double volute casing
7. Cavitation.
Fn 6 1. Fuel injector test
2. Nitride in jacket cooling
3.sparking from funnel. Reasons and action
4. How you will come to know if tie rod is loose
5. How vit rack connected to fuel pump??
24- External Fn 3 list all certificates carried
Oct- :Saini sir internal: on board diff between flag
18 chief surveyor and class surveys
garbage and sewage definition and disharge
criteria stcw manila ammendments
length overall and
significance explain
tpc with formulae
Fn 4b 1.xhd lubrication in details
how lubrication of xhd brg and
guides done xhd bearing diag
lower half
how lubrication of main bearing and con rod bearing done
Main engine emergency stop working , how the signal comes
from ecr and bridge
working of
puncture valve
boiler safties
gauge glass
safties alarms
and trips in
boiler starting
air line safties
Difference bet cyl.lo and c/c lo
25- External : Fn 6 1.Dry Dock Preparations, What is Docking plan? Where ship
Oct- Kapoor Sir sits on the blocks?
18 2.Tail shaft
3.Propeller Drop : How poker gauge
is fixed? 4.Crank pin Ovality..How u
chk and rectify? 5.Main brg
Dismantling and Survey 6.Bearing
25- Ext: kapoor Fn 4b Type of ship sailed ?

Oct- sir 1.Bosch pump explain? Cross question,- effective stroke?

18 Plunger stroke?
2.what is hunting? Hunting gear mechanism? Cross question-
what type of pump used?
3. Type of boiler in ur ship? Safety v/v types? Difference
between high lift and improved high lift?
4.Exhaust valve working? Cross question- how much is the lub
oil pressure ? Sealing air?
5.explain vit? Cross question - when and how ? FQS?
6. Sewage system types ? Cross question? Explain chemical
sewage treatment plant?
7.Sfoc calculation?
26- External Fn 6 1. Why gen having two inlet and exhaust valve. But 2 stroke
Oct- 18 deshpande y engine only one valve.
sir Internal 2. Why hunting gear in stearing called hunting gear
chief 3. In fwg why ejector running continuosly. 4 what is gusset
surveyor stay, stay tubes
5. Main engine exhaust valve rotating how you know.
6. What is double evaporation boile.
26- Aneja Fn 5 1. Brushless alternator
Oct- 18 Internal : Mr. 2. AVR
Sekhar 3. Starter for large power motor , soft starter ,
(thyristor characteristics curve)
4. Speed control of induction motor, pole changing type,
5. Battery changing circuit, battery room safeties, specific
gravity of electrolyte in a lead acid battery, howo order a
Fn 6 1. Type of engine & specifications
2. Reversing mechanism in RTA, servo motor diagram, lost
3. Exhaust valve O'hauling ( started from isolation of engine..)
4. Boiler survey, inspection, safety valve setting,
accumulation pressure test.
29- Despande Fn 3 Fire control plan,contents,location,who issues it,How
Oct- 18 are the extingushers labelled in it.
what is the defenition of non combustiable
material? what is thermal insulated
bulkhead,what are its types? what is sulve
i didnt understand the question but i think it is Salvage
convention. What is Unclows and what does it state?
Stern tube diagram,measuring of wear down
2- ? Fn 3 What is difference between chemical tanker n production
Nov- tanker, Why product carrier can't carry chemicals in bulk,
18 categories of chemical n structural difference from product
I told I have not sailed on chemical tanker only product
carrier Marpol annex 4 discharge criteria within and
beyond 3 nautical miles without approved STP n diagram
other then biological STP Freeborad marking with deckline

Chapter 14 Solas detail

High expansion foam working wid diagram
Fn 4 What is UTS hw you know the material UTS what is yeild
point Hw does main engine thrust transfer to propeller n
den to hull What is actual swept volume in compressor
Auxillary boiler water expansion allowance
Two centrifugal pump running in parallel hw flow increases
2- ? Fn 6 What is Thermistor . Explain avr working.
Nov- Emergency generator load test
18 Starter box of fire pump.
Battery room
Gases found in battery room Regulation for battery
How emergency gen com on load. what os aynchronis
speed. Types of motor used on board.
Working of motor. How motor rotates.
Fn 3 Shoe plate. Steller plate. Gunwale.
How steeler and gunwale joined. Ism full
Isps full.
Emergency generator aolas rwgulatiom Emergency firepump
solaa rwgulation. Marpol anex vi
5- EXT - Mr Fn 4b 1.) IF u Retard injection wat happens to PMAX,Power,Exhaust
Nov- 18 Yadav Temp nd Fuel injection
2.) Wat is FQS
3.) If u recieve high density Fuel,wat changes vl u make to
maintain PMAX
4.) Piston Skirt use?
5.) AUX engine decarb,cyl head removed,Bottom end bearing
removed,wat is the procedure to remove Piston?
6.)Scraper ring explain,?draw left cut nd right cut?
7.)After decarb of AE lube oil consumptio has increased
reason? 8.) Air compressor C/C pressurised,reasons?
5- ? Fn 4b 1) what is mean effective pressure
Nov- 18 2) FQS
3) Overhauling of fuel pump
4) Ridge in liner
5) effect on pmax and exhaust if advance in fuel timing
6) reason for increasing clearance in bottom end bearing
5-Nov- External Fn 3 IMDG code
18 S.Srikant Static stability
ISPS different levels
SUA convention
Annex6 tier 3 engine specification
Fn 4b Engine type
Liner crack symptoms and causes
Stern tube seals leaking while at sea actions
Finding power from indicator diagrams how you get power in
Exhaust valve knocking reason
6- External: Fn 4b Power calculation in detail with units, Ae not taking load
Nov- 18 donno reasons,

Internal: ME running in overload condition, how do you come to know.

kamath sir Accumulation pressure test.
Type of boiler(just asking details). Safety valve setting /lift
for each type.
Fn 6 Fresh water generator not creating vacuum Bilge line not
taking suction.
Purifier overhaul complete.
Ae seawater line damaged temp and permanent repairs.
6- ? Fn 3 SMS sections
Nov- 18 Doc and smc is issued to who Cable lifters
Coffin plate
Relationship between thrust power and effective power Ism
Emergency generator comes under which chapter
In solas, PV valve and PV breaker pressure and values
13-Nov- External : Fn 3 1. ISPS and types of security level.
18 Gupta Will you accept any consignment when Security level 2 is
Internal : Ch. implemented.
Surveyor 2. Annex 6 latest amendments, what all documents come under
annex 6. What is EEOI and SEEMP. Why there is need of these
and purpose of both.
Who issue EEOI, NoX technical file is issued by ? What all data's
are recorded under these documents
3.What is GM? angle of loll, what will happen to GM if weight is
added on deck of container vessel.
4. Different types of flooring arrangement, Draw DB tank
transverse x section.
Fn 4b 1. Reasons for ME sump level going down slowly while engine
is running.
2. What is Boiler furnace blow back and its reason.
3. AUX Engine one unit temperature start decreasing while
normal running operation, what are the reasons.
4. What all parameters are recorded during ME performance.
How you will check the data recorded by you is correct?.
(Pmax, Pcom)
13-Nov- External Fn 3 Ism
18 pakrasi Isps n levels cross questions
Risk assessment
Static n dynamic stability
Fire detection system on ship
Main engine structure on ship
Annexe 6
Fn 5 Alternator safeties with cross questions for all safeties
Battery maintenance
Pressure transmitter n transducer
Overload trip testing procedure
Fn 6 How to carry out centrifugal pump survey Nd datas
How to overhaul stuffing box in place
Boiler vibrating during firing, reason and checks

Shaft deflection diagram and at what angle tangent is drawn in

13-Nov- Gupta Fn 3 1. Type of ships done
18 2. Difference in piping between lpg and lng ships
3. Igf
4. Vent mast fire how you fight. What are the gases in vent
mast. Lpg vapour is not right as per surveyor.
5. Construction and material of flange on lpg piping and
function and material of bonding cables.
6. Condition of assignment when will it change
Fn 4&6 1. Difference between rt flex and me engine
2. Liner material and manufacturing
3. Air cooler of main engine leak; what are the first signs and
other signs
4. White metal and gun metal composition
5. Volumetric efficiency of main air compressor
6. Main engine power and efficiency calculations and how u get
the values required
7. K value of turbocharger
8. Why double volute casing given
Fn 5 1. Battery charging circuit and how changeober happens from
full charge to trickle charge.
2. Safeties on msb, air and vaccum breaker diagram and what is
the use of dashpot
3. How reverse power trip is tested and what happens when
reverse power trip doesn't activate. Preferntial trip diagram
and procedure to change the timing
4. Auto transformer power and control circuit diagram and
how will u varry the voltage
5. Electrical cables on lpg ships.
13-Nov- pakrasi Fn 3 What is transom space. What do u inspect from there?
18 Dry type deck seal
What is rapson slide
Functional req of ism, importance of audit n surveys
What is turning angle
Fn 4 & 6 Reversing diagram
Stuff box diagram- why rings are in 3 pieces and not single
Proof stress
Draw mech overspeed trip
Why liner is thinner at bottom
Piston ring material
Cast iron composition
Air comp volumetric efficiency
Fn 5 Draw avr
Working of scr
Plc block diagram
How to test emg dg at sea
How to test nav lights
Soft starter working
Preferential trip necessity nd how to change settings

19-Nov- Deshpande sir Fn 6 1. Crankshaft deflection

18 Why taken ?
Action to be taken if any abnormalities
2. crosshead bearing
Difference in lubrication system in MAN and Sulzer
Which is more advantageous and why
Why Sulzer opted for Hydrostatic lubrication in X'head
3. Top bracing
Type and working
4. Purifier manual de sludge operation
Pairing disc
And some cross questions about de sludge operation
5.why external equilizing line given in some refer system
Cross Q about refrigerant state in system
Fn 3 Key of sms.
IMO structure , mepc.
Certificate under ism , who issue , what is procedure.
Interim doc , smc when , why , and receiving procedure.
Orb part 1 entries with coading.
Lpg tank constriction and cross question.
20-Nov- Surveyor-karr Fn 3 1. CO2 two point release system?
18 How will you carry out manual discharge of CO2? Time delay
criteria? Mechanical time delay mechanism?
2. Angle of Repose? Grain stability content?
3. Ballast water management? D1 & D2 standards? Type of
exchange method?What is CFU and MPN?
4. Nairobi Convention
5. Kyoto protocol 6 gases? ODP & GWP? What is meant by
deliberate and non-deliberate emissions
6. Sewage discharge criteria? What is maximum discharge rate
allowed with formula?
Fn 5 1. Rotary exciter and plenty cross question such as location of
various components such as transformer, SCR bridge?
2. Shaft Generator? Synchronous Compensator?
3. Proximity switch working principle and uses?
4. Why 3-15 psi used for pneumatic control signalling?
5. Resistance thermometer(thermistor)? Characteristic graph
for exhaust gas pyrosensor?
20-Nov- Surveyor-karr Fn 3 1. Annex 1 discharge criteria
18 2. Difference between special area and other area criteria
3. Balanced Rudder
4. Angle of floatation
5. What changes if ship moves from SW to FW
6. Shell expansion plan
7. Lifeboat Battery Regulations
8. Safety Survey and certificates

9. Lifeboat certificates
10. ORB
Fn 5 1.Pneumatic valve controller
3. Copper and iron immersed in electrolyte...what will be the
direction of flow of electron
21-Nov- Paul Fn 4b Whhich is your last ship? What type of engine?
18 What is the diameter of bore and stroke length?
What are all the reasons for piston ring damage?Various
movement of piston rings?
How and from where will you reset ME after overspeed trip?
As a second engineer how will you prepare ME bottom end
bearing for survey? Complete procedure of opening and boxing
back in order.
How will you charge LO and gas in a refer compressor? Some
cross questions
After renewal of Stern tube seal in dry dock,how will you check
for leakages?cross questions
How will you adjust bumping clearance in air compressor?
Bumping clearance value for air compressor?
22-Nov- External: Paul Fn 3 Difference between gas Carrier and LNG carriers mostly was
18 asking about design features
What is boil off in LNG.
Regulation for Annex 1 Discharge criteria
What do you mean by enroute
What is solas regulation 13.Describe in detail
Why is air holes In solid plates I told him it is for air passage as
given in Reeds. But he didn’t accept the answer and was saying
if lightning holes are their present then why are this air holes
Fn 5 Reason for airgap in Rotor and stator. What happens if this
airgap decreases
Reasons for slip rings
How do you give power supply to crains.
How are the main switchboard and emergency switchboard
Battery maintenance specific gravity of batteries
26-Nov- Mitra and rao Fn 4 1. Miller cycle
18 2. How subcooling done on refrigeration
3. In Stearing gear hydraulic telemotor
What is syncro
4. Why we dont use balanced rudder nowdays.
5. Spark coming out from funnel in night what could be cause.
05-Dec- vikranth rai.. Fn 3 1) ISM
18 2) Dpa
3) Annex 6, EEDI, NOx reduction
4) Safety of Copt
5) how bunker entry in orb
Fn 5 1) Salinometer
2) PLC
3) Star delta starter
4) Diffn betn induction & synchronous motor

5) boiler high level alarm

6) steering motor difference with normal motor
7) FD fan motor load vary when
06-Dec- vikranth rai.. Fn 3 explain mlc, explain ism, doc and smc, cross sectional diagram
18 container, torsion box, fixed fire fighting system, co2 room
co2 bottle regulation, cargo hold no 3 fire how u know,
cargo hold fire releasing procedure, in co2 room which sensor
how to launch life raft, ship sinking how it will release
Fn 4b Which type engine and explanation, how exhaust valve
working, why top of exhaust valve spring s provided, total how
many springs,
why each spring having 2 springs, fuel pump working explain
with diagram, explain super VIT, flammable range diagram and
draw full structure of main engine from exhaust valve to bed
plate, explain stuffing box, explain stuffing box rings and
clearance with diagram,
why sealing ring s provided, ur last what type reversing and
types of lubrication, explain hydrodynamic and hydrostatic,
fuel pump lead....
Fn 6 Types of welding, diff between metal arc and arc welding,
generator decarb from isolation need to explain,
how to check ovality of connecting rod with diagram, if ovality
increase what will happen,
need to change after burning how u will change in cam
manually, main engine wt type of cylinder lubrication,
how will u change main bearing include taking clearance...
06-Dec- vikranth rai.. Fn 6 Life boat lowering procedures
18 Bulk carrier front portion diagram...
Life boat davit safeties...
What is static balancing...
Turbocharger blower side parts...
How will you take thrust pad clearance....
Turbocharger overhauling....
What all measurements you will take in pump....
How will you test,if only one cell is not working...
Venkatesh Mum Mmd: Electrolyte compositions...
Lithium cadmium battery electrolyte?
At what percentage it will act...
Load line survey,what all surveyor will check....
Reverse power trip?
Uses of rope guard....
How will you know that foam proportion is correct?
What is written in iopp certificate?
What is critical speed
Engine type...
Why 2 springs are used in dg valves....
for bilge and fire pump,what all things will be there inside

electrical panel..
How will you check fuel pump timing if there is no Mark in
What is doping?
10-Dec- Internal - Fn 3 What is imo. What r members n comittee of imo
18 vikrant rai What is marpol.
What is IMDG and its content?
What is Ism? What r certificate under ism?how to get DOC N
SMC? If DOC is withdrawn then what about SMC?
what is frouds laws?
What is sheer? Rise of floor? Difference in aft n fwd rise of floor
What is block coefficient n its significant?
Type of fixed fire fighting systen on ur ship?
Foam calculation?
How to do CO2 flooding in ER
Fn 4 What type of ship u sailed on
As i did mc n mcc the he askd
What is bore to stroke ratio in MC and MCC on ur ship.
How to calculte power onboard
How vl get mean effective pr ?
What is knocking of exhaust vv?
Fn 5 What is reverse power relay?how it works?
What is dashpot?
What is reason for earth fault?
Why in starting of generator take more power then cm down?
Fn 6 How to overhaul stuffing box
What r d function of different rings n sealing in dat?
What is ur action if there is water in one of unit in ME?
How to test stern tube leakge after fitting seal?
11-Dec- Ext saini Fn 4b & 6 Engine type, stroke bore
18 Power calculation by power card
LO charging in domestic refrigeration
Static balancing
Method of reversing
Flame, case hardening and normalising
Aux engine s.w. leakage at bend, what actions , temporary and
permanent methods
Jigs and fixtures
Pressure test of ME piston
Engine knocking
Purifier and gravity disc cross questions..
11-Dec- Ext saini Fn 3 Containers, collision bulkhead, watertight bulk head and their
18 deferences, marpol annexes.
Fn 4 type of engines : rta ... Aked differences between rta, rnd, and rt
flex, reversing if rta, crank case deflection, starting air line
safeties and their locations,
Fn 5 IGBT, avr, brush less alternator, types of starters, wanted to
know more about soft starter,
Fn 6 main engine decarb, inspections on piston before and after,
clearances and their methods to find them, turbo charger
clearance and how to take them. How to calibrate omd to zero
setting ?

17-Dec- Kamat Fn 4b Advantages of super long stroke

18 VIT complete how does it senses load , turbocharger types ,
Fn 6 how to repair dmages vv seat of bilge vv, how to test heat
exchanger for leakage, A E decarb. Liner removal
Fn 5 msb safety , VDR, ICCP, depth measurement , alternator
Fn 3 Material of piston rod and different carbon percentages in
different steel , speed setting air , properties of different steel
material , types of crankshaft
Preferential trips
17-Dec- Kamat Fn 4b 1. Main bearing and bottom end bearing lubrication in main
18 engine.
2. Turbocharger surging and it's reasons.
3.types of boiler corrosion. Explain caustic embrittlement.
4.Main starting air line safeties.Location of bursting disc and
flame trap.Action to be taken if bursting disc bursts.
5. AHU coil icing reasons.
Fn 6 1.Centrifugal pump overhaul
2.Bilge pump valve seat damaged.How to repair?
3.A/E L. O cooler leakage. How to find out?
4.Main engine piston taken out. What all checks to be carried
5.Overhead crane to test limit switches?
17-Dec- Vishwanathan Fn 4b All about it flex and how it is different from older sulzer
18 Mcr and ncr..why is mcr given if ncr is economical running.
When do we use the mcr rated engine
Governors and types and which used in aux engines
Air compressor lubrication and x questions
Expansion arrangement in shell and tube heat exchanger
19-Dec- vishwanathan Fn 5 1. After cleaning suction filter of turbocharger of ME the
18 sir manometer shows zero reading.
2. Why we tight con rod bolt with torque spanner and not
normal spanner even when after tightening the match marks
are matching with normal spanner
3. Bilge pump showing zero pressure
4. Centrifugal pump performance check
5. After heavy weather checks
6. Pipe fabrication using jigs and fixtures
19-Dec- External Fn 3 1.which type of ships you sailed on.
18 Mr.Kishore Sir 2.Draw cross section of LPG tank.
Internal 3.safeties on cargo air compressor room and motor room.
Mr.Kamat Sir 4.safeties on cargo deep well pump.
5. function of cargo heater.
6.purpose of chiller plant in IG system.
7.At what temperature IG is put into hold space.
8.N2 generator working
20-Dec- Kamat Fn 3 Marpol definition, annex 6,
18 ODP, TIER 3 values, Isps level 2 n level 3 n related actions
Emergency Fire pump solas requirements
Emergency gen solas req
Ism certificates and general clause
BULK CARRIER chapter 12

Oxter plate, permeability, coffin plate, TPC

, angle of repose
Fn 4 Power calculation in KW
how you will find out MEP
liner crack
Exhaust valve knocking n wat happens
Water leak in 1 unit how u will run the engine
Purifier not picking up rpm
Fn 5 KW increases speed drops in alternator wat s the reason
Salient pole
Induction motor n synchronous motor
Open circuit fault n short circuit fault
Earth fault reasons
Avr diagram n voltage dip for ac n emergency generator
Alternator safeties
Fn 6 Screw pump overhaul procedure
How will you take bottom end bearing clearance n cross
Where load acts on it n position n where clearance to take
Purifier fictional pads no spare wat u do
20-Dec- Kamat & Fn 5 Avr setting for auxiliary generator n emergency generator.
18 Kishore Reverse voltage trip n set point
Single phasing n effects
Kw load n kvar load effects
Static excitation
20-Dec- External: S Fn 4b 1) Piston ring breaking in the cylinder causes ? forces acting on
18 rajendra the piston ring?
2) The auxiliary engine rotates on air but does not start
reasons ?
3) Volumetric Efficiency of the compressor ? What is its
significance ? What is bumping clearance?
4) Scavenge Efficiency of the main engine ?
5 ) How will you calculate the power in an engine ? How to
derive the P-avg using the planimeter ? What is the unit of the
constant provided for this calculation ?
6) What is a fusible plug where is it used ? What is the purpose
of providing this plug ? What materials are used ? What is the
melting temperature for such plugs ?
7) Exhaust valve knocking ?
8) What interlocks are present on a starting air system ? Which
interlock can be bypassed when using local control ?
21-Dec- kamat Fn 4b What is air fuel ratio in boiler
18 What will happen if more air is going inside or less air is going
In ic engines more air is required in boiler psychometric ratio y
Types of crankshaft how it will be
What is volumetric efficiency?
How to find out ? What is the use formula ? Cross questions ?

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