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Database management for a web based cab booking system with user
and driver query framework along with database for Delhi Metro.


I plan to make an interactive and intuitive cab booking, user and driver
query framework keeping in mind the distinctive needs of people and
in this way lessening the complete manual exertion included.
The system would provide information about various types of cabs like
auto, compact cars, sedans, xl cars, rental cars and Delhi Metro etc. I
also planned to extend the reach of the system by making an
application which will have a feature to display the real-time location
and ETA of the drivers to the user and vice versa. The app will also
feature a virtual assistant to assist the user with whatever issue they
are facing.
The important feature of the project would be implementing the
back-end of the system for people coming from different age groups,
different educational backgrounds and having different abilities. The
emphasis of the work would be on enhancing the user experience and
making the system accessible to everyone.

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