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Inspi'o Code Emp Name Pay Period ‘2020001482 ‘Mariane Kaye Pamation Caseres | 16 Nov 2021 to 30 Nov2021 Basic Rate Cost Center Department | ‘Section 10.000.00 ‘O1A1030101 Shooee. | ‘Shooee Braz Bank Account No. SSS No. TIN. | Phillesith 1 1950002697012 (Security payload a ssseresss | 1 192529816057 [Earning Hours “Amount [Deduction 3 [Complex Pay ‘0.00 300.00 |Aavonce PH #35,00 [pase Pay ‘0.00 5.000.00| Prgected Goremmert Deducton | 4,047] Face Subs 0.00) 1.000.00]8S Empioyeo 292.50 /SSSMaternty Benelt fee 00) $6,000.00] Regular Day * Special Poicnyre __| 800) a INO RenuiorDav FB 15% | 200) i. rie | 100) 1121 "Tata Eaming | 6265638 Taxabie Eaning( Current) 7 a7 “Total Deduction i 5.17500 Taxable Eaming(VTD) 1 105.873.63 Net Pay | _S749136 Ment Payncentive(Curent) | 00.00 |yTOGrose | 2087861 9m Mnt PayoceniexYTD) 1 20,000.00 rower \ 0.00 Basie Rate |___10,90000 Inspir'o Company -Emp Code Basic Rate Cost Center 10,000.00 ‘O1A1030101 Bank AccountNo. | __$85 No. (9000038970128 (Security 3499676598 |earning Hours | comstexty Pay 200 [Basic Pay 00 1,378.31] Phatteath Empoyos 120,01 |Exeanded Mstemiy Leare| 000 3,900.06] SSS Employee [Sss.m1.Benott 00 2.499,00| Papin Empoyee 100.0] Teal Eaming 1 ‘827927 Taxable Eamng(Curronb T Tea ‘Total Deductions: I 6.37500 ‘Taxable Eaming(YTD) t 107,320.44 Net Pay 1 190827 13thMont Payincentive(Curert) | 500.0) \YTD-Gross 1 215,057 88 ‘13th Month Payfincentive(YTD) I 20,500.00 \vTD.wTax 1 000 [Basic Rate |____10,90000 Inspir'o [Emp Code Emp Name, Pay Period -zoac0otaa2 ‘Martane Kaye Pamatan Caseres | 01 Jan 2022 15 Jan 2022 Cost Center Department ‘Section ‘O1A1030101 ‘Shopee ‘Shope Braxt SSS No. rs Phutleath © 3499675598 1 112529316057 ours! “Amount [Deduction ‘Amount 9.00 500.00] SSS ML Benet Advance. 7342.50 9.90 —_0,00|Phatieath Empioyon 150.00 9.00 4.990.95| SSS Employes, 3120) 0.00) 3,000.00 | Pag: big Employee 190,00] 5 j | 8 T 1 1 1 8490.95 13th Month Payincentvei¥TD) 1 1 heap Rota, In. Basic Rate Inspir'o "2020001482 Cost Center ‘1A10301 1,000.00] Inspil'o Emp Name T Pay Period | __Mariane Kaye Pamatan Caseres | _01 Feb 2022 to 15 Feb 2022 | Basic Rate Cost Center Department Section 10,000.00 a 0141030101 { ‘Shopee_ _}—___Shopee Brazi______| Bank Account No. | __SSSNo. TAN. PhitHeatth 1D ongosse70128 (Seculty) —_s4sn67eso8 387184619000 112529316057 |___Bank Comperaton [Earning Hours | [Complexity Pay. 0.00. [Basi Pay 9.0. | Expanded Matemiy Leave 0.00| ____4.999.85] [SSSM. Benefi 0.00; "Toa Earing 7 ‘840.95 Taxable Earing(Gurerd T 300 “Total Deductone i 797500 Taxable Earieg(VTD) 1 0.00: ‘Nut Pay 1 52195 18hManh Paylncortve(Curen) | 500.00 YD Grose | 3546647 8 Monh Payncantve(YTO) 1 1500.00 owas i 0.00 [Basi Rate |___ 1000.00 InspII'o Company Emp Code_ Inspr Ref. Inc_ 2020001482 Basic Rate Cost Center 10,000.00 O1A1030101 Total Eaming i 843329 ‘Taxable Earing{ Current) T 00) Total Deductions 1 69333 ‘Taxable Eaming(YTD) 1 0.00) Net Pay i 1,490.96 13th Month Paylincensve{Current) 1 500.00} YTD-Gross. 1 46647 ‘13th Month Paylincentve(YTD) 1 2,000.00 | YTD-WTax 1 0.00 Basic Rate 1 10,000.00 Inspir'o lEmp Code Emp Name Pay Period __| 2020001482 _ Mariane Kaye Pamatien Casares 01 Mar 2022 to 1 Mar 2022. Department ‘Section }_____$hope@ | Shope Brad __t uM. Piteath 10 387154619000 112828016057 ‘Amount |Deduetion ‘Amount -500,00}SSS Mi. Benefit Advance 0 | 7342.50} 0,00 | Phillteaith Employee 150,00} 4,999.95 | SSS Employee 000) 88 SO 3.00000] Paciba Emsiovee 400.00] |Total Eaming I 8,499.95, Taxable Eaming(Current) t 0.00) Total Deductions | 7.87500 Taxable Earning TO} | 0.00) |Net Pay I $2495 13th Month Paylincentve(Current), I 500.00 YTD-Gross I (43,966 42 ‘13th Month Paylincentve(YTD) 1 2,500.00 | \YTD-Wiax I 000 Basie Rate |____19.90000

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