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The TeAcher, Community, School Culture, & OrgAnizAtionAl

Lesson 2: Philosophical Perspectives of Education

Learning Task

Note: Please don’t forget to cite your source. PRACTICE INTELLECTUAL HONESTY!

Name of Description Source


Philosophy Romantics believed in the natural

1 goodness of humans which is hindered by
the urban life of civilization.
Romanticism was a philosophical
movement during the Age of
Romanticism Enlightenment which emphasizes Schools of Educational
emotional self-awareness as a necessary. Philosophy, Chapter 9:
Pre-condition to improving society and What are the philosophical
bettering the human condition. Romantics foundations of American
believed that knowledge is gained Education.
through intuition rather than deduction.
This is a student-centered philosophy that
focuses on differentiation - meeting the
students learning readiness needs.

Philosophy Humanism is a philosophical and ethical

2 stance that emphasizes the value of Michael Pirson is a
human beings, individually and lecturer at Harvard
collectively. It rejects supernatural Extension School and a
Humanism explanations for the world in favor of research fellow at the
rational analysis. It is considered by many Hauser Center for
to be a scientific approach to life, insists Nonprofit Organizations,
that we and our experience create the Harvard University.
Philosophy Constructivism is an educational theory
3 that recognizes how learners construct
new understandings and knowledge while
integrating what they already know. This
includes prior knowledge gained before Office of Curriculum,
Constructivism starting school. It is associated with a Assessment and Teaching
variety of philosophical positions, most Transformation
notably epistemology, but also ontology, 2020,United Nations1
politics, and ethics.  The theory's origins
are also linked to Jean Piaget's theory of
cognitive development.
Juliet L. ProfE
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The TeAcher, Community, School Culture, & OrgAnizAtionAl

Choose 3 Philosophies and explain what kind of learning environment it provides or offers to the learners.

Name of Description of Learning Environment


1 - encourage students to come up with their own questions (inquiry)
Constructivism - allow multiple interpretations and expressions of learning (multiple intelligence)
- encourage group work and the use of peers as resources (collaborative learning)

2 Romanticism - educational romantics believe that the academic achievement of children is determined
mainly by the opportunities they receive
- it is a student-based learning
3 - The student is respected as an individual and is responsible for making decisions about
Humanism his learning.
- Humanistic lessons are not rigidly prescribed, but flow according to the needs and
inquiries of the student.

Answer the following open-ended questions using your insights from the lesson and from your independ

1. Ask/search for DepEd’s Vision and Mission. Identify which philosophy(ies) of education.

From the philosophies in Education that I have reviewed, DepEd’s Vision and Mission enters the
category of Progressivism, Social reconstructionism, and Existentialism because it is student-centered
philosophies that focuses on the needs of students, teachers are able to assist and teach students within the
classroom ensuring a higher level of student success. It gives emphasis on the individuality of students and
helping them to realize their potential. A student-centered classroom may be less rigid or structured, less
concerned about past teaching practices and drilling academics, and more focused on training students for
success in an ever-changing world. Students and teachers typically decide together what should be learned,
as well as how this can best be achieved.

2. What do you think is the role of Philosophy in establishing a learning environment?

The discipline of philosophy makes an indispensible contribution to the achievement of goals that
should be fundamental to any institution of learning: it establish a good learning environment to the
students that instil their critical thinking habits; improve their reading, writing, and public speaking
skills; transmitting cultural heritages to them; and stimulating them to engage fundamental questions
about reality, knowledge, and value.

The TeAcher, Community, School Culture, & OrgAnizAtionAl

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