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毕业设计题目:Design and implementation of small

automatic driving intelligent car system

班 级 计算机科学与技术(全英文留学生)19(1) 姓 名 K.AZAMAT

Design and implementation of small automatic driving

intelligent car system
开题报告(包括以下 5 点内容,(艺术类、外语类除外)不少于 3000 字)


1 Analysis of the significance and feasibility of the selected topic

2 The basic content of the research and the main problems to be solved

3 The overall research idea and expected research results

4 The research work plan

5 References


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Design and implementation of small automatic driving intelligent car system


1 Analysis of the significance and feasibility of the selected topic

Nowadays artificial intelligence is one of the best solutions to world’s toughest problems.
In our time probably everybody heard at least once about self-driving cars. By statistics, there are millions of
road accidents and most of the car of the accidents are tired drivers. As you all know driving on a long road is
not an easy task and it is existing. Especially truck drivers get tired while bringing urgent goods. Now we have
a solution for the problem with Artificial intelligence, it is self driving cars. For now, maybe a lot of people
may not believe the capabilities of self-driving cars, especially in big cities and crowded areas there can any
situation where for now only human brain is able to decide the right decision. But as we all know Tesla’s self-
driving cars also do as astonishing performances by avoiding incredible accidents and deciding astonishing

Machine learning research seeks to develop computer systems that automatically improve their performance
through experience[1]


2 The basic content of the research and the main problems to be

2.1 Research Content

In today's world, many certificates are being copied, and many of these instances go
undiscovered.[3] Online transactions involving traditional commerce, manufacturing, retail,
public utilities, financial services, business tax, customs, government administrative offices,
educational institutions, scientific research facilities, insurance, medical care, and other online
operating systems can all use digital certificates to authenticate identities and secure data.[4] The
application array in the Internet protocol suite offers facilities for application programs to
effectively communicate with other application programs online. However, the application of
blockchain technology keeps the distribution and processing of electronic documents secure. [5]
2.2 The main problem to be solved

Academic certificates are highly valued since they represent the skilled workforce of the
holders. The skills, abilities, knowledge, and aptitudes attained via education are referred to as
human capital. Educational qualifications are very important in employment settings since they
serve as a guarantee of the holders' abilities, dependability, and dedication as well as their
knowledge, experience, and other skills. According to some studies, Baum discovered a link
between higher levels of educational achievement and more favorable work prospects and
financial security. Moore makes the argument that certificates granted by universities with legal
authority to do so are taken to be legitimate academic certificates. Because they are so valuable,
people frequently fabricate false certificates to conceal their academic credentials.[6]

Grolleau claims that there are currently 300 illegal institutions operating in the US and that
there are 2 million fake degree certificates in use.[7] According to Cohen and Winch, there are
roughly 270 bogus institutions in the United Kingdom, which is second in the world only to the
United States.[8] Moreover, according to Healy, up to 35% of Australian job applicants lied about
their academic background just to get hired. [9] According to the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners, false certifications are presented by 41% of applicants each year. In addition,
according to the Wall Street Journal, 34% of applicants' credential/certification information
contains inconsistencies and false representations of their experience and education. Similarly, a
poll found that most applicants lie at least somewhat about their school background and work
experience.[6] Employers lose roughly $600 billion annually due to academic certificate fraud.[9]

With the growth of the academic world, digital certificates are increasingly widely utilized.
Nowadays, there are numerous online academic systems or learning platforms that provide a
wide range of classes, both paid and free. The use of digital certificates will make it simpler for
students to access certificates without having to physically store them and run the risk of paper
loss and damage. While there are many benefits to digital certificates, these benefits cannot be
separated from the risks and difficulties that must be overcome.[10] Blockchain is a technology
that has demonstrated potential for assisting in the resolution of issues including data accuracy,
transaction security, and others. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that is transparent and
distributed to all nodes, ensuring that the data's veracity cannot be disputed. This method can
increase security and lower the possibility of corrupt data. To lessen the risk of digital certificate
forgery, blockchain is the best option, and safe digital certificate data will be made more secure
and transparent for everyone with a ledger containing digital certificate data dispersed across all
In this light, the presence of blockchain is anticipated to be used in the field of education by
utilizing its benefits, specifically its decentralized and cryptographic systems, to use blockchain
technology to eradicate fraudulent identities. Blockchain is more likely to be a set of applications
that run on top of an existing Internet protocol stack, adding additional layers to the Internet to
support cryptocurrency-based financial transactions. [5]

3 The overall research idea and expected research results

3.1 Overall research idea

A person's level of expertise is frequently indicated by the number or types of certificates

they have. There are many kinds of certifications, including those for specialized skills, foreign
languages, awards, and several other credentials. To receive a certificate, a person must complete
several exams/requirements in their field of study, participate in a particular program, or be
awarded for their copious contribution to an entity or institution. An institution may start a class
and award a certificate to students or participants as proof of completion. If the institution that
granted the certificate is well-known, the certificate will typically be accepted in the workplace.
The field of education has been impacted by technological advancements. These days, it is rather
normal to find numerous websites that provide accredited online academic courses that are well-
recognized in the working world.[12]

Online-issued digital certificates are kept on the server of the organization that issued them
or on the website of the company offering the online course. Users will feel more secure if the
online certificate provider provides a secure backup that can be accessed whenever necessary,
even though users can download and print the certificate. The likelihood of certificate fraud
should be considered as well. If there is extremely little or no chance of a certificate being
falsified, it will be more respected and valued. The credibility of the organization that issued the
certificate will be damaged by certificate forgery. [13]
Blockchain technology enables users to securely store data because the information is
permanent and cannot be removed. Unless there are rules built into the system that can accept
blockchain updates under specific circumstances, it is practically impossible to change data in the
blockchain. The custodian of ownership of securities such as digital certificates will be a good fit
for this strategy. Because computers will be employed in this study as both blockchain nodes and
miners, it will require a significant amount of funding. Since the research will implement proof of
work consensus, it will also demand a significant amount of CPU resources. To store the
blockchain as a database per the Ethereum standard, computer devices' storage capabilities will
also be required. According to the number of blocks, the needed capacity will keep increasing.

3.2 Expected research results

This blockchain-based network for verifying academic certifications is used to securely

distribute the issuance, management, and verification of academic certificates. The result and
implementation of this proposed system will be shown in this section.

3.2.1 Main components of the proposed system

The system will be designed in a way where only authenticated users will have the ability to
issue or verify certificates. MongoDB is used to complete this procedure, the process consists of
the Sign-up, Sign-In, and Logout steps. By entering the proper login information, users of all
kinds, including students and certificate authorities, can log in. After successful authentication,
certificate authorities can now create a certificate on the blockchain network using metamask and
the generated certificate can be shared by the issuer with students and as well employers for
verification on the network.

Figure 3-1 Structure of the proposed system

3.3 Literature Review

This section covers some fundamental ideas and theories from prior research on the
blockchain and its various real-world applications in the realm of education, more particularly in
the areas of digital certificates.
3.3.1 Overview of Blockchain

As a decentralized peer-to-peer network, a blockchain can be viewed as a public ledger

where data such as transactions, contracts, or anything else in its digital form is recorded in
blocks and shared by several users. All blocks are cryptographically hashed to one another before
being added to the chain at the end. Consensus algorithms and cryptography work together to
ensure the blockchain is secure and reliable. Additionally, blockchain is renowned for being

immutable, which makes it perfect for companies that require a high level of dependability and
truthfulness because data that has been stored in a blockchain cannot be changed or erased.[15]
Blockchain technology has the following major features, blocks, consensus algorithms,
immutability, decentralized environment, traceability, smart contract, and currency

3.3.2 Summary survey of what others did

Since Bitcoin's breakthrough, blockchains have gained widespread acceptance, and

developers are continuously exploring new ways to use them to improve existing systems. The
latter has already been employed in a variety of industries, including banking, health, and
government. There have been several intriguing project ideas for education, as well as some
systems that have already been created. Blockcerts

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created an open-source blockchain project to

give developers a platform to create their decentralized applications that would later confirm
certifications for academic records and credentials. The blockcert mobile application would then
be available for download, enabling users like students and employers to access the blockcert
platform for verification needs. Since the platform uses the bitcoin blockchain as a source of
trust, the data is immutable.[16]
The Open Badges framework and blockchain technology are both utilized by the Blockcerts
project to create a global, decentralized notary with the following claimed features:
1. Tamper evidence,
2. Issuer and recipient ownership,
3. Flexible form factor,
4. Online and offline sharing with verification and
5. Independent verification.

Blockcerts is therefore described as an open standard for developing, distributing,

examining, and verifying blockchain-based certificates. Basically, by keeping a hash digest of the
certificate within a blockchain transaction, the issuer can autonomously build a structured

Blockcerts certificate, sign it, and confirm its integrity. Then, the issuer can email, publish on
social media, or otherwise transmit to the recipient a copy of the signed Blockcerts certificate.
Using an open platform called Blockcerts Universal Verifier, which does a blockchain-based
integrity check, anyone with access to the certificate can confirm its authenticity. [17]
In the diagram below, the entire lifecycle of a Blockcerts-based certificate is graphically
depicted. The issuing institution will ask the student to provide a public blockchain address once
the student has satisfactorily completed their education. The learner first creates a private/public
key pair for the blockchain being used for this, after which she or he computes their public
address as the result of a one-way function applied to their public key. The issuing organization
creates a Blockcerts-compliant certificate template concurrently (or earlier). The learner is then
given a fresh certificate that is distributed along with a blockchain transaction to their public
address that permits certificate verification.[17]

7 EduCTX

The EduCTX project is another intriguing idea that has been put out. It is a blockchain-based
platform for higher education credits with the goal of processing, controlling, and managing
academic credits in a distributed peer-to-peer network, where the peers are universities, students,
and potential employers. Each student should anticipate receiving a "credit" wallet from the
school where they are registered. After finishing the modules, they are registered for, the student
can then collect credits; that is, whenever they pass a module, the institution will transfer the
credits it was worth to their wallet. The network is open to any recognized institution.

This project addresses a problem that many students have whenever they require an official
transcript; they frequently have to wait a long time to acquire one, and even then, the transcript
may need to be double-checked by a potential employer or another academic institution.[15] Open Badges

A network of partners committed to creating a new way to recognize learning wherever it

occurred—in formal education settings as well as online—have developed a group of
specifications and open technical standards known as "Open Badges" that were developed by the
Mozilla Foundation with funding from the MacArthur Foundation.
In response to the growing trend of talents and/or achievements being documented and
represented online through badges, The Mozilla Foundation announced its intention to create the
technological standard known as Open Badges in 2011. The Open Badges project outlines an
open specification and application program interface that give any organization the fundamental

components needed to distribute badges in a standardized, interoperable way. Additionally, Open
Badges enables the merging of several badges. This makes it possible to create a comprehensive
profile of a person's identity, accomplishments, interests, and talents, effectively generating a
digital passport of the necessary qualifications. Finding a job or selecting the ideal candidate for a
job is made simpler by compiling all this information into a single badge. As soon as this project
got going, it sparked interest all around the world, and a global community quickly emerged.[17]

An Open Badge is an image file with associated metadata. These details outline the badge's
scope, including the reasons why it was given out, who gave it out, who received it, etc. The
metadata also includes details on how to validate a certain badge's authenticity and the
requirements to earn it. Data encoded in an Open Badge is gathered into a JavaScript Object
Notation - Linked Data (JSON-LD) context file, under the Open Badges specification. The
following are the essential steps in issuing an Open Badges-compliant digital badge:
1. Profile,
2. BadgeClass and
3. Assertion.
These three elements are combined to create the digital badge, a graphic view of the link
between each section is shown below[17]:


Figure 3-3 Open Badges Issuing Paradigm
Ddd UniCert

The Merkle tree hash method is used by the digital certification system UniCert to hold
hashed certificates. It does this by utilizing transaction structure metadata. The metadata field is
used with a scaled-down version of the blockchain system for each transaction. A list of
transactions that have been saved in the certificates' metadata field is contained in each block.
Additionally, certificates are SHA-256 hashed, followed by the formation of a Merkle hash tree.

Figure 3-4 Certificate Issue and Validation Process of UniCert

The UniCert system functions as follows, as illustrated in the figure above:

1. The issuer gathers data for the certification procedure.
2. The transaction's metadata contains hashed certificates that were created using the
Merkle tree hash method.
3. Transactions join the validation process by pushing into UniCert.
4. After the UniCert transaction validation process is finished, recipients receive the
certificate's hash as the certificate identity number.
5. To view issued certificates, recipients use the certificate identifying number.
6. The UniCert system is used to validate certificates.
7. The certificate identity number is needed to retrieve the original certificate. To query
the transaction in UniCert, the validation process requires the transaction identifier
from the original certificate.
The UniCert App allows users to interact with the system, as indicated in the figure below.
For web serving, issuing certificate batches, and creating UniCoin transactions, the UniCert API
connects to PostgreSQL and the UniCoin system. UniCert App offers all of the processes for
issuing, retrieving, and verifying certificates.[18]

Figure 3-5 UniCert Architecture Others

According to studies conducted by Charles W. Jennings and Frank A. Tycksen, Jr., digital
certificates function as transportation containers for both text-based and binary-based
components. The digital certificates described in these findings can be used for many different
things, including the fact of ownership, gift certificates, upgrading purchases, and other situations
where the source and content integrity verification is required. Based on the findings of a study
conducted by Ade Chandra Nugraha (2020), blockchain technology can be utilized to manage
digital documents, such as academic transcripts and degrees, which can be modeled as digital
documents to improve access to documents globally. [5]

Based on research experiments performed under the title "Smart Contract for Digital
Certificates" by Cheng, Lee, Chi, and Chen (2018). as a Blockchain Technology-based settlement
for fake certifications. They may be verified and can lessen the development of forgeries by
supplying digital certificates, ensuring that there are no more phony certificates. Utilizing a QR
code and a request string code on a paper certificate is an additional fix.[19] The results of a
study titled "A systematic literature analysis of blockchain cyber security" conducted by Paul J.
Taylor Tooska, Dargahi Ali, Dehghan Tanha Reza, M. Parizi Kim-Kwang, and Raymond Choo. It
covers the academic research on the use of blockchain technology for cybersecurity and provides
a comprehensive analysis of the most widely used blockchain security applications.
demonstrating the suitability of the Internet of Things (IoT) for novel blockchain applications,
including network and machine visualization, public key cryptography, website applications,
certification systems, and practical storing of individual identification data (PII).[5]

4 The research work plan

5 References
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