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What health problems can be caused by emotional stress?

Created by
Sita Dhital
Student Id: 0789913

Foundation of Fitness and Wellness

Prof: Elizabeth Bell
10 December, 2022
Table of Contents

Page no.

1. Executive summary ……………………………………………………….. 2

2. Relationship between Physical Activity and Stress ....……………... 3

3. Stress in the United States ……………………………………………… 3

4. HEALTHY PEOPLE (HP) 2030 ……...……………………………. 4

4.1 HP 2030 goals ………………………………………......................... 4

4.2 How does managing emotional stress help achieve HP 2030 goals? …. 5

5. Health problems caused by emotional stress ……………………... 6

5.1 Preventing and Managing Stress ……………….................................... 6

6. Conclusion ……………………………................................................ 6

7. References ……………………………………………………………………. 7
1. Executive Summary

Psychological stress refers to the tension and worry caused by daily problems and

circumstances and our responses to them. This situation comes about normally when the body

or mind is rising to a challenge or facing some difficulties. The purpose of this paper is to

critically examine how mental health/emotional stress are related to physical activity and


According to a stress survey conducted recently, the Covid-19 pandemic and the current

Russia-Ukraine situation have profoundly affected the majority of Americans. The majority

of participants reported high-stress levels due to job loss, and rising prices of everyday items,

such as groceries, gas and electric bills; while others cited family issues, world news,

housing, political situations, and personal relationships with friends and family members.

Emotional stress can lead to a variety of short-term and long-term health problems. Short-

term stresses are part of everyday life and they usually don't last very long. If it keeps

interrupting your ability to do everyday activities, in the long run, it leads to various health

problems such as; depression, heart attacks, obesity, high blood pressure, and sexual

dysfunction. Physical activities have long been known to benefit individuals suffering from

mental health disorders. It releases chemicals in your brain that boost your self-esteem, help

you concentrate, sleep well, and make you feel better.

2. Relationship between Physical Activity and Stress

There are both mental and physical benefits to exercising. It is believed that physical activity

helps maintain mental fitness, reduces stress, and improves alertness and concentration.

Stress affects more than just the brain. The rest of the body can feel its negative impacts

because the brain's nerve systems are connected to different body functions. So, it doesn't

seem unreasonable to assume your mind will feel better if your body feels better. Exercising

releases a hormone chemical in your brain called endorphins. This chemical helps improve

your mood, reduces stress and also acts as a natural pain killer. Research has confirmed that

regularly taking part in physical activities reduces overall stress level, stabilize mood and

improve self-esteem. As little as five minutes of daily aerobic exercises can help reduce the

anxiety level.

3. Stress in the United States

Every year, the American Psychological Association (APA) conducts surveys across the

country to determine the stress level of American citizens. A major part of the survey focuses

on the sources and intensity of stress, as well as how residents cope with stressors physically

and mentally. The 2007 stress survey was the first of its kind conducted by The Harris Poll on

behalf of APA. This survey concluded that a wide range of external factors affects stress

levels, including economic downturns, racism, and political unrest. A recent stress survey of

2021 confirmed that most American citizens are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and

Russia- Ukraine war. Most Americans report high levels of stress due to loss of employment,

and rising prices of everyday items such as groceries, gas, and energy costs. The main causes

of stress for 35% of American adults are financial situation, according to a recent study.

Workplace stress, family, news about war and economic crisis, unemployment, rising price of
houses, increase in mortgage interest rates, political situations, and personal relationships

were other factors.


'Healthy People 2030' is an initiative designed to improve the health and well-being of all

Americans. In each decade, it develops a ten-year plan to prevent disease and improve quality

of life. It believes that it is a shared responsibility between public, private, and not-for-profit

agencies, states, tribal governments, and communities to promote and achieve health and

well-being nationwide. To measure progress toward its goals, the health and informatics

department provides data at the state and county levels. Healthy People 2030 (HP 2030) aim

is to make the nation healthier by preventing and reducing disease burden and improving

citizens' quality of life. This initiative consists of a total of 358 objectives which are separated

through 42 subgroups. Major health problems are identified before establishing measurable

objectives, and to accomplish them, diverse participants and stakeholders are invited to work


4.1 HP 2030 goals

Here, we will discuss some of HP 2030 goals and how managing stress help achieve them. Below

are some of the goals I have chosen for instance;

i. Improve mental health

A recent survey estimated that about half of Americans will suffer from a mental disorder at

some point during their lifetime. Healthy People 2030 focus on the prevention, screening,

assessment, and treatment of mental disorders and behavioural conditions. Stress and mental

health are interrelated. Continued stress can lead to health issues such as depression, anxiety

or burnout. Good stress management improves the quality of life and mental health.
ii. Reduce misuse of alcohol and drugs

Nearly everyone experiences stress from time to time. Addiction is known to be more

vulnerable to people with stress. There are many ways to cope with stress but some people

may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with it. People with long-term stress, are likely to misuse

alcohol and drugs to cope with it. According to the national survey on Drug Use and Health

(NSDUH); 19.7 million American adults battled substance misuse disorder in 2017. Thus

managing stress helps people prevent the misuse of drug and alcohol and help build a

healthier society and a nation.

iii. Improve health, fitness and quality of life through regular physical activity.

One of the HP 2030 goals is to improve health and quality of life through physical activities.

Physical activities are known as proven remedies for improving both mental and physical

health. Continuous stress over a long period leads to various health problems which can be

managed through regular exercises and physical activities. Regular exercise can provide

stress relief for the body and helps improve mood, lower anxiety levels, and increase


4.1 How does managing emotional stress help achieve HP 2030 goals?

‘Healthy People 2030’ aims to make sure that people live healthily throughout their lives. A

major purpose of this organisation is to enhance the health and well being of all the citizens of the

country. It is well known that emotional stress affects one’s health and overall wellbeing. The

great vision of HP 2030 is to spread awareness and create a society where everyone can achieve

their full potential for health and well-being throughout their lifespan. One must give equal
importance to mental health as to physical health. Unmanaged stress leads to various physical and

mental health problems. Improving quality of life equally depends on managing stress and

psychological health.

5. Health problems caused by emotional stress

If emotional stress is left unmanaged for a long time, it leads to various health problems.

Below are some of the major problems caused by emotional stress:

 Heart attacks, high blood pressure, unusual heart beats, and strokes.

 Obesity and food intake disorders

 Menstrual problems

 Sexual dysfunction, infertility ,early ejaculation, and decreased sexual desire

 Mental health issues such as panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and sadness.

5.1 Preventing and Managing Stress

The first step in stress management is identifying the sources of stress. The major strategies

used to prevent and manage stress are; altering situations and avoiding unnecessary stress, not

stressing over something that is out of one's control, having enough rest and sleep, practising

yoga/meditation and following a healthy lifestyle.

6. Conclusion

In a nutshell, we all feel stressed over something at some point in life. However, if it affects

our ability to do things and stays for long, it can lead to various health problems. Managing

stress levels is very crucial to stay happy. The good thing is we can avoid or manage stress.

Regular physical activities and exercise improves the overall health (physical and mental) and

well-being of a person.
7. References

Lazarus, R., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. New York: Springer.


Hellhammer, D., & Hellhammer, J. (2008). Stress: The Brain-Body Connection. Switzeland:

Karger Publishers.

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