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Chapter 1



A livelihood is a means of making a living. It encompasses people’s

capabilities, assets, income and activities required to secure the necessities of life. A

livelihood is sustainable when it enables people to cope with and recover from shocks

and stresses (such as natural disasters and economic or social upheavals) and enhance

their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the natural

environment or resource base (IFRC).

We know that many Filipino people are fond eating street foods. Specially the

students, after their class they drop by in street food places to eat. Siomai is one of the

people’s demands when it comes in street foods that is why it can be a good source of


Siomai is one of the common and famous foods in the Philippines, according

to “The History Behind 7 of Our Favorite Binondo Eats.” siomai or shu mai are bite-

sized dumplings that originated in ancient times, when rural farmers would visit

teahouses in the afternoon after a hard day’s work. Tea has been a standard drink in

the Chinese empire ever since it was allegedly discovered by Emperor Shen Nung.

The story goes that some camellia leaves accidentally fell into a pot of water he was

boiling. Once teahouse owners discovered that eating something with the tea aided

digestion, they started adding various snacks or dim sum to the menu. Siomai fillings

initially varied according to the seasons: garlic chives were used in the spring, mutton

and pumpkin in the summer, crab meat during autumn, and mixed seafood in the

winter. Cantonese siomai is the most well-known variant, with its standard filling

comprised of ground pork, one small whole or chopped shrimp, Chinese black

mushrooms, green onions, and ginger. The center is usually garnished with an orange

dot formed out of crab roe. The local siomai we now enjoy combines ground pork and

chopped carrots, with sliced jicama sometimes added as an extender. It is usually

seasoned with soy sauce.

A bit of pork fat is also sometimes added to the mixture to keep the dumplings

moist while they steam. And although the siomai as a member of the dim sum family

might have been intended as a light afternoon snack, it’s now enjoyed by Filipinos

everywhere as a cheap, tasty entrée alongside a mound of hot, fluffy rice, (Serna

Estrella, 2018).

One big advantage of eating food from street stalls is that it's cheap, so anyone

can afford it. But also, it has a big disadvantage because we can possibly acquire

disease from it. The following are the health risk of eating street foods, (Posted by –

The story of Anthony, 2016). Acquiring contagious disease; can contract worms;

develop allergies; we are at risk of developing cancer; and suffer from food-borne


World Health Organization estimates that 600 million people worldwide suffer

from consumption of contaminated food, of which 420,000 die. This includes

approximately 125,000 children in the under-5 years’ age-group (WHO, 2015). Five-

year data (2011-2016) from the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has

shown that food-borne outbreaks along with acute diarrheal diseases account for

almost half of all reported outbreaks under the Integrated Disease Surveillance

Program (IDSP), (NCDC, 2017).

The most common bacteria responsible for food-borne diseases

include Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter, which can cause serious

complications, including death. Most of the symptoms are gastrointestinal, such as

diarrhea and vomiting, but other symptoms like fever can also occur. Vibrio

cholerae causes cholera, which spreads through contaminated water or food. The

major symptom is acute watery diarrhea, often termed as “rice water stool” because of

its resemblance to rice water. This leads to severe dehydration and death if not treated


There are several parasites that are spread through contaminated food and

water. These include Echinococcus spp., Ascaris, Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba

histolytica, and Giardia. Most of these infections cause gastric problems, (JANUARY


Pork siomai, is one of many Pinoy’s favorite food, apparently it is bad for a

person’s health (Dr. Willie Ong). According to a Facebook post by, Dr. Willie Ong, a

cardiologist and health columnist, pork siomai is not actually a healthy food due to

some ingredients used in making it. He said that although you may still eat pork

siomai from time to time, it is not advisable to eat it every day. Ong said that pork

siomai contains 30% of pork fat, which is used to make it soft and tasty, while the rest

of it is made up of ground pork and extenders.

The Doctor then added that four pieces of siomai already contains 400 calories

and that if fried it will raise its calorie content to 600. He said that eating two pieces of

pork siomai would be equivalent to eating a cup of rice and that pork siomai combined

with rice is not as a healthy meal.

Ong also mentioned that eating pork fat, like that lechon or pork siomai, has

been associated with cases of heart attacks, high cholesterol in the body, and cancer.

Doctor Ong then tipped everyone that a healthier alternative to pork siomai would be

to eat fish or chicken without skin and to eat more vegetables and fruits in their meals.

Since, everyone knows that there are lots of possible diseases that we can get

in pork siomai, therefore, the researchers have decided to develop siomai into

nutritious food that the main ingredients are Moringa. The reason why the researcher

selected Moringa as a raw material as substitute for meat.

Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for

thousands of years. It is very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant

compounds. So far, scientists have only investigated a fraction of the many reputed

health benefits. (Atli arnaso,2018)

Here are 6 health benefits of Moringa oleifera that are supported by scientific

research, (Atli Arnarson, 2018). Moringa leaves are an excellent source of many

vitamins and minerals.

 Protein

 Vitamin B6

 Vitamin C

 Iron

 Riboflavin (B2)

 Vitamin A (from beta-carotene)

 Magnesium

Moringa oleifera is a multi-purpose herbal plant used as human food and an

alternative for medicinal purposes worldwide. It has been identified by researchers as

a plant with numerous health benefits including nutritional and medicinal advantages.

Moringa oleifera contains essential amino acids, carotenoids in leaves, and

components with nutraceutical properties, supporting the idea of using this plant as a

nutritional supplement or constituent in food preparation. Some nutritional evaluation

has been carried out in leaves and stem. An important factor that accounts for the

medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera is its very wide range of vital antioxidants,

antibiotics and nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Almost all parts from

Moringa can be used as a source for nutrition with other useful values. This mini

review elaborates on details its health benefits, (Ibrahim MD,2014).

Nutritional Factor and Health Benefits – Moringa leaves also contain

essential amino acids that can boost the immune system. This is extremely important

while undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy. Drugs used during chemo can

wreak havoc on the immune system, and the body needs a way to combat this side

effect in order to fight back. There are many ways to incorporate moringa into your

daily diet. Its leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked or crushed, and they can be stored as

dried powder for several months without loss of nutritional value. It tastes great in

fruit smoothness. We can try combining passion fruit, moringa and honey for a tasty,

nutritious snack. We can use the dried powder in a curry recipe and serve it over rice.

It is also commonly used as a replacement for spinach in almost any recipe, (Whitmer,


Food selection and preparation - food choice refers to how people decide on

what to buy and eat. A complex set of factors that vary from person to person and

depend on culture, heritage and upbringing all influence food choice. We may look at

the price if we need to stick to a budget or look allergy. But choice can also be

influenced by other factors. (EUFIC, 2019) Wash your hands before and after you

handle food or utensils, especially raw meat, poultry, fish or eggs. Wash all fruits and

vegetables before eating. Separate raw, cooked and ready to eat foods. Keep raw meat,

poultry, fish, or eggs away from other foods to prevent cross-contamination.

Conceptual Framework

Nowadays, there are lots of people who are fond of eating pork siomai, that is

not healthy reasons why the researchers would like to modify it to become healthier

and to make a livelihood for people.

According to Maslow theory, human beings are motivated by unsatisfied

needs, and that certain lower needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be

satisfied. According to Maslow, there are general types of needs (physiological, safety,

love, and esteem) that must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. According

to his hierarchy of needs, the most basic human needs are physiological needs, that is,

the need for food, shelter, clothing (SMC Leod, 2020).

According to Ellyn satter (2007) individual experiencing food insecurities

function at this level. They are driven by hunger and anxiety about getting enough to

eat. The need to satisfy hunger promotes selecting food items previously experienced

as being filling and sustaining food items previously experienced as being filling and

sustaining food items that are relatively high in energy density. Although many of

those foods provide nutrients, nutritional value is not a priority guiding food selection.

A person functioning at this level is free enough from the treat of hunger to be able to

consider the subjective issue of acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.” The

definition of acceptable food items is highly subjective and relate to nutritional quality

as well as social norms about food selection and manner of food acceptability via

identification of personally identified core food items: the preferred and most

important food items and beverages the individuals consumed 2-3 times per week to 2-

3 times as “common,” “regular.” or “ordinary” food items and feel they must be

consumed regularly, alone ingredients.

Related Literature

Moringa is one of the world's most useful trees and in the Philippines almost

all parts of the plant are used for food and traditional medicine. Various research and

development efforts are currently focused on food fortification to utilize the nutritional

value of moringa and its medicinal potentials. For the past ten years, the moringa

industry in the Philippines has grown significantly as research and development efforts

have focused on this crop. Moringa leaves and seed oil are the major raw materials

used in the food and nutrition industry, in cosmetics and herbal medicine. The leaf

powder is mainly used for food fortification as ingredient of bread, noodles, juices,

milk and tea, while the leaf powder capsule is mostly used as food supplement and

herbal medicine. Moringa oil is predominantly used in cosmetics and personal health

care products such as shampoo, soap, perfumes and skin care. Newer moringa-based

products are being developed by more than 20 food and cosmetic industries in the

Philippines”. Despite the growing moringa industry there is a shortage of good quality

fresh and dry moringa raw materials. The supply of moringa powder is inadequate and

unstable and can be attributed to a scarcity of seed and planting materials. There is no

stable and commercial moringa oil industry due to limited seed supply. The moringa

industry in the Philippines is slowly being developed with the assistance of the

government and private sectors. The next step is to develop a national program for the

industry. There are gaps that need to be addressed. Establishing good agricultural

practices and stringent regulations to guarantee the quality and stability of moringa

products is top priority. Addressing the great demand for planting materials is another

major challenge. The opportunities of moringa-based products seem bright and key

players are aiming to penetrate the international market, (Palada, M.C. 2017).

Siomai is a traditional Chinese dumpling that is serve in dim sum (Cantonese

term for snack) and usually called as pork dumpling.

In China, siomai has many varieties, such as the Huhhot version (considered as

the oldest version of siomai consists of chopped or minced mutton, welsh onion,

ginger, and sometimes other common flavorings), the Cantonese version (a pork with

black mushroom) and the version from the Jiangnan region (with soy sauce/rice

wine/sugar-marinated pork pieces in glutinous rice). And now there are many other

variations in other countries.

In Indonesia, siomai is usually made from various fish, most commonly wahoo

(scombrid fish) or horse mackerel (large fish)

Japanese version of siomai have pork as the main ingredient and neither

shrimp nor beef is used in the dough. Compared to the Chinese siomai which is only

chopped, the meat in Japanese siomai is completely minced.

Philippines has its own version of siomai. It is often ground pork, beef, shrimp,

among others, combined with extenders like green peas, carrots and the like which is

then wrapped in wonton wrappers. It is either steamed or fried resulting in a crispy

exterior. It is normally dipped in soy sauce and squeezed calamondin or calamansi,

and for some, with an oily, spicy garlic mix (France 2018).

Related Study

Visperas, Quirimit, and Aquino (2019) conducted a study on Siomai out of

Bamboo Shoot. Based on their research eating in street food led us to different

infections that’s why they conducted a study about preparing siomai. with bamboo

shoot and banana blossoms as main ingredients.

Another related study is Gisulga (2018) on “Malunggay, Proboitic, Iced

Cream, Production Phillipines.” The study aimed to produce probiotic malunggay ice further aimed to determine and asses the effects or probiotic malunggay on

the sensory quality of product. The findings of the study revealed that sensory

evaluation showed that only malunggay was significantly affected by the acceptability

of the aforementioned sensory evaluation. When Malunggay was subjected to sensory

evaluation, high levels of malunggay elicit low acceptability on its color, taste, flavor,

and texture. In terms of power of hydrogen and total amount values thus, increased

levels of probiotics in product. Further studies may be conducted to confirm the

storage stability of the probiotic microorganism over an extended period of frozen


The previous study of Visperas, Quirimit, and Aquino (2019) are also about

making a healthier siomai but their main ingredients is bamboo shoot.

In the study of Gisulga (2018), are also about the moringa and its benefits

Gisulga used a moringa to make a healthy ice cream.

Paradigm of the Study


Moringa leaves Transition/modification Healthy siomai from

to moringa moringa

Figure 1

The paradigm of the study presented the process of the research. The one of the

most famous street foods in the Philippines, the siomai improved to become healthier

by using moringa leaves as a main ingredient.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher will propose a product which is the Moringa Siomai to provide

healthy to use alternative food.

1. How acceptable is the moringa siomai in the Barangay of Banaoang West.

a) Texture;

b) Appearance;

c) Color;

d) Taste; and

e) Smell?

2. Based on the respondent’s feedback on the identification areas, what

modification were done to improve the product.?

a) Texture;

b) Appearance;

c) Color;

d) Taste; and

e) Smell?

Research Hypothesis

The prepared moringa siomai is not acceptable to the consumers in terms of


Significance of the Study

The importance of the study is for the following group of people:

SIOMAI VENDORS. This study will offer Moringa Siomai vendors another variety

of siomai that they can sell.

HEALTH CONSCIOUS PEOPLE. This is good for the people who can acquire a

good and healthy habits.

HOUSEWIFE. It can help the housewife to start a small business by making a

Moringa Siomai even in their houses.

RESEARCHER. The researchers will benefit from this study to lead producer of

Moringa Siomai.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. Future researcher will benefit from this study as a basis

for future research on Moringa Siomai.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The feasibility study focused on preparing a healthy siomai using moringa as a

main ingredient. The purpose of this is to have another flavor of siomai. This research

study involved respondents who live in Barangay Banaoang West, Mangldan area

only to test the appearance, smell, taste, color, and texture of the prepared moringa


The study used only the leaf part of moringa as a main ingredient of healthy

moringa siomai.

Definition of terms

The following terms are defined as they are operationally used in this study:

Appearance - what the things look like or seem to be rather than what they are

Color - a specific combination of hue, saturation, and lightness or brightness

Moringa Siomai - a dumpling wrapped in siomai wrapper that has ingredients of

moringa leaf.

Siomai - a traditional steamed Chinese pork dumpling served in dim sum

Smell -perceive or detect the odor or scent of (something)

Taste - the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with


Texture - the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance



This chapter shows the procedures and ingredients on how to make a healthy

siomai out of Moringa oliefera leaf, and the equipment’s were utilized while the study

was conduct.

Methods of Study and Techniques of Data-Gathering

The study used the descriptive development study to determine the acceptance

of the Healthy Moringa Siomai to its respondents. The development method is

appropriate in this study as is committed to showing the process of developing a new

product and how it can be made commercially available.

Sources of Data

The researchers made of several sources of materials which provide valuable

information for the study.

The primary sources of data were obtained from the results of the survey

questionnaire and observation.

The secondary sources of data were collated from library such as the

undergraduate’s manuscript.

The tertiary sources of data were collated from the internet.

Respondents of the study

There will be fifty (50) respondents from the residence of Brgy. Banaoang

West Mangaldan who are Siomai consumers to determine the acceptability of

Moringa siomai in the market. The researchers used Quota convenience sampling to

identify the actual respondents of the study

Preparation of the Research Instrument

The questionnaire used in the study was patterned after the study of Visperas,

Quirimit, and Aquino (2019), who did a feasibility study on siomai out of bamboo

shoot. The questionnaire is appropriate because of the similarities of parameters

contained in both studies.

Procedure of the Study

A. The following are the ingredients and materials needed:

 Steamer

 Chopping board

 Spoon

 Knife

 Mixing tray

 Measuring cup

Ingredients in making moringa siomai Cost

 3 pcs. Eggs P 18.00

 1 kg flour P 28.00
 Siomai wrapper P 33.00
 Ground Black pepper (1 pinch) P 1.00
 Salt - 1 teaspoon P 2.00
 1 magic sarap (seasoning) P 3.00
 1 glove of garlic P 5.00
 1 peace of union P 3.00

Moringga Siomai Procedure:

1. Wash the moringa leaf and chop it using the chopping board and knife.

2. Get a bowl, and put one cup flour, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper,

salt, 1 glove of garlic, one medium size of union then mix together and add magic

sarap (commercial seasoning).

3. Wrap the mixed ingredients using the siomai wrapper.

4. Using a steamer, steam the wrapped siomai for 20-30 minutes.

5. Wait it until the time reached

B. Administration of the research instrument/s

The researchers prepared fifty (50) sample pieces of the moringa

siomai for testing. The researchers set up a survey in Brgy Banaoang West

Mangaldan Pangasinan starting at 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on a Wednesday on

January 15, 2019. The researchers asked the people about the acceptability of

moringa siomai after explaining the purpose of the activity. Arter that, they

were asked to answer the survey questionnaire and follow up questions as

needed. This was done repeatedly until a total of fifty (50) respondents have

filled up the questionnaire.

Methods of Data Analysis and Interpretation

After administering the survey questionnaire to fifty (50) respondents, the

researchers processed the results through tabulation, calculation of the results, analysis

and interpretation. Through the use of Relative Frequency Scale and Weighted Mean

Average (WMA).

The formula to be used for relative frequency is as follow:

Rf=f/n× 100

WHERE: f – Frequency

n – Total number of respondents

The formula for WMA is:

WMA= fx/n

WHERE: f – Frequency

x – Rating score

n – total number of respondents

The researcher incorporated a 3 – point Likert scale in the in the prepared

questionnaire to determine acceptability. The scale and its interpretation are presented


Highly acceptable Moderately acceptable Not acceptable

Rubric assessment of the product

Very acceptable Not acceptable
Criteria acceptable
(VA) (NA)
Rating scale 3.00- 2.34 2.33-1.67 1.66- 1.00
The food has a firm The food sample has The food sample
texture, refined not a firm texture, were undetermined,
dry. unrefined but not dry very dry and
The sample has an The food has a The food sample
eye appealing white medium white color. has a black color
color, well cooked Well cooked, overcooked, uneven
with desirable size, desirable size, size stuffing and
stuffing and stuffing and injudicious to eat.
tempting to eat. tempting to eat.
The color is very The color is The color is not
COLOR pleasing to the eye. perfectly suited for appropriate.
the product.
The food contains The food sample The food sample
good seasoning and contains good not seasoned the
flavor it has a seasoning and flavor flavoring does not
pleasant and mouth that entices you to represent the taste
TASTE feel sensation after eat. of the product taste
tasting a toothsome is good.
and savory taste
that enticed you to
SMELL It has a delightful It has a pleasing and The food sample
and appetizing odor savory odor. It has a has a foul odor,

like the commercial pleasing and savory smoky nauseous
creates positive and unpleasant.

Chapter 3

This chapter discuss and represent the methods that the researchers used by

conducting their data analysis indicated as their guide questionnaire that they have

enter to their respondents in Barangay Banaoang West Mangaldan, Pangasinan.

In this study the researchers choose Barangay Banaoang West, Mangaldan as

respondents of their product the siomai out of moringa leaf. The participants have a

total of fifty (50) residents from barangay Banaoang West they are cooperative to read

and answer our questionnaire.


TEXTURE 37 12 0 2.76 Very acceptable

APPEARANCE 39 10 0 2.78 Very acceptable

COLOR 30 13 7 2.46 Very acceptable

TASTE 31 13 6 2.5 Very acceptable

SMELL 32 11 7 2.5 Very acceptable


WEIGHTED 169 59 20 2.6 Very acceptable



2.34-3.00 - Highly Acceptable

1.67-2.33 - Moderately Acceptable

1.00-1.66 - Not Acceptable

January 15, 2020. The researcher conducted a survey to the 50 respondents.

They give a survey questionnaire to the respondents from Barangay Banaoang West to

know the qualification and acceptability of the moringa siomai in their Barangay. The

respondents tasted the moringa siomai and they are satisfied with it. That is why; they

give a highly acceptable score in all categories. The highest average score at the

siomai is its texture with the average of 2.78, followed by its appearance with an

average of 2.76, color of the siomai with 2.5, taste 2.5 and the last one is the smell

with 2.46 average score.


According to the results of the survey the researchers were conducted in

Banaoag West the texture of moringa siomai got a score of 2.78 it means the texture is

very acceptable.


Majority of the respondents rated the appearance of moringa siomai as very

acceptable according to the respondents the appearance of the moringa siomai is more

glamourous than an ordinary siomai.


The respondents liked the color of moringa siomai because of the greenness of

it according to the respondents it is look like healthier than the other street food. That

is why the respondents rated the color of moringa siomai as very acceptable.


The respondents rated the moringa siomai as highly acceptable but according

to them it is look like imperfect. Maybe because it has no meat. That is why the

researchers decided to add tofu in the moringa siomai to make it tastier.


The smell of moringa siomai got a score of 2.46 in the weighted mean and it is

the lowest in all of its description.

Chapter 4


This chapter includes the summary, conclusion and recommendation base on the

data analysis and survey questionnaire that is tallied.


This study aimed to determine the utilization of the moringa leaf in making

healthy siomai. It attempted to determine the level of acceptability of the formulations

of moringa siomai in term of appearance, taste, smell and texture. The respondents of

this study were from the residence of Barangay Banaoang West, Mangaldan. It was

conducted during the first semester of school year 2019-2020.

The data gathering instrument used was a survey questionnaire that divided

into four categories: appearance, smell, taste and texture. The survey questionnaire

was rated by 3Points which 1 is the lowest point it means not acceptable, 2 is

moderately acceptable and 3 is the highest points it means the product is highly



The all 50 respondents from Barangay Banaoang West give a highly acceptable for

the moringa siomai. The texture, appearance, color, taste, and smell are approved by

the respondents and they scaled it as a highly acceptable and all respondent would like

to buy moringa siomai if it will be sold in the market.


Based on the findings and conclusion in the study, the researchers highly

recommend the following.

1. Moringa siomai is a healthy snack for the children.

2. Moringa siomai can enhanced in terms of appearance, taste, smell and texture.

3. Endorse it to Non-Government Organization (NGO) or Local Government

(LGU) as a substitute for Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP)

4. People should learn the process of making healthy moringa siomai.















9. https://www.eufic-org/en/healthy-living/article/the-determinants-of-food-




January 7, 2020
Mr. Rommel Visperas
Banaoang, Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Dear sir,

Good day!

We are students of Metro-Dagupan Colleges Taking up Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in T.L.E We currently doing a study titled “Healthy Product from

Moringa. For Brgy. Banaoag West Mangaldan” as a requirement for our subject

Research 101P. We would like your approval to conduct a study in Brgy. Banaoang

West Mangaldan.

We are hoping for your kind response.

Sincerely yours,

Leogenio C. Martinez Jr.

Sammy R. Penullar

Harris A. Dela Cruz

Noted: Approved:

Ms. Lowella Ocomen Mr. Rommel Visperas

Research Adviser Banaoag, Bgry.Captain


Metro-Dagupan Colleges
Serafica St.Poblacion, Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Dear Respondents,

We are students of Metro-Dagupan Colleges taking up Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in T.L.E. We currently doing a study titled “Healthy product from

Moringa” as a requirement for our subject Research 101P

We would like to ask for your time to answer this questionnaire. We will

appreciate your honest responses in our proposal and the acceptability of moringa


Sincerely yours,
Leogenio C. Martinez Jr.
Sammy R. Penullar
Harris A. Dela Cruz

Product Evaluation


Please check the appropriate box that best describes your answer for each item using

the rating scale:

3-highly acceptable/kasiya-siya

2-moderately acceptable/hindi gaanong kasiya-siya

1-not acceptable/hindi kasiya-siya

Moringa Siomai

Description 3 2 1

Texture/ pagkakari

Apperance/ hitsura

Color/ kulay








Weighted Mean Description Rating


2.78 Highly Acceptable


2.76 Highly Acceptable


2.5 Highly Acceptable


2.5 Highly Acceptable


2.46 Highly Acceptable



2.34-3.00 - Highly Acceptable

1.67-2.33 - Moderately Acceptable

1.00-1.66 - Not Acceptable



Name : Leogenio C. Martinez Jr.

Date of Birth : December 2, 1997

Place of Birth : Mapandan, Pangasinan

Home Address : Mapandan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Fathers Name : Leogenio C. Martinez Sr.

Mothers Name : Josie C. Martinez


Tetiary : Metro-Dagupan Colleges

Serafica St. Mangaldan Pangasinan

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

Secondary : Mapandan National High School

S.Y. 2013-2014

Primary : Mapandan Elementary Central School

S.Y. 2009-2010



Name : Sammy R. Penullar

Date of Birth : August 9, 1997

Place of Birth : San Totomas Pangasinan

Home Address : Banaoang, Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Fathers Name : Manuel M. Penullar

Mothers Name : Susan R. Penullar


Tetiary : Metro-Dagupan Colleges

Serafica St. Mangaldan Pangasinan

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

Secondary : San Jacinto National Highschool

S.Y. 2013-2014

Primary : San Vicente Elementary School

S.Y. 2009-2010



Name : Harris A. Dela Cruz

Date of Birth : October 6, 1993

Place of Birth : Landas, Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Home Address : Landas, Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Married

Fathers Name : Florante C. Dela Cruz

Mothers Name : Zenaida A. Dela Cruz


Tetiary : Metro-Dagupan Colleges

Serafica St. Mangaldan Pangasinan

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

Secondary : Mangaldan National High School


Primary : Bari Elementary School

S.Y. 2007-2008


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