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Estela Uribe

When to start giving schoolchildren homework?

According to my personal experience, after watching six siblings and three

grandchildren, I have come to the conclusion that any age before third grade is good for kids to

start getting homework, as long as the task is suitable and appealing to their level of


From kindergarden, kids can start getting used to doing something at home that connects

with their life at school. For instance, spotting every day an interesting object or bug to take to

the classroom is a type of homework they will not forget to do. Explaining to them the use and

care of the chosen item is an excelent excuse for some additional learning with their parents.

Kids that were not introduced to homework that early have to be initiated later with the

same spirit. During the first and second elementary school years, activities with stickers and a

little coloring focusing on one or two specific pieces of learning will help make a habit of doing

school work at home without frustration or an excessive burden.

In my experience, children that have not been guided to keep some focus on school

learning during the afternoons by doing relevant activities at home during these early years, after

the second grade will find it frustrating and overwhelming to be expected to do schoolwork

during the time they have grown used to consider “non-school time”. Homeworks have to be

more demanding and extensive now, so it will take longer for parents to accompany their kids in

the afternoons to do their school homework and will be more difficult to get them used to doing


Estela Uribe

In sum, the early years, especially before third grade, are the best ones to start giving

children schoolwork, for if it is engaging and not excessive, they will get used to doing an

activity connected to school learning in the afternoons and will actually keep enjoying doing it

for the years to come.

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