2006 - An Assessment of After Harvest Sucrose Losses From Sugarcane Field To Factory

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~r ~ - ' ~ 1 8 ( 4 ) (2006) : 233-238

An A s s e s s m e n t of After Harvest S u c r o s e Losses from

S u g a r c a n e Field to F a c t o r y
J. E. L A R R A H O N D O , * C. O. BRICElX!O, M. R O J A S and M. P A L M A

Cenicana, Colombia


Sucrose losses between harvesting and milling begin soon after cutting, increasing with the time the cane
remains in the field or in the mill yards. The deterioration rate depends upon the environmental conditions,
the cane variety and the management of the harvesting system. In addition, it has been established that leaves
and trash also contribute to increase sucrose losses. Sucrose losses in chopped and whole-stalk cane were
studied, using burned and nonburned cane of the commercial var. MZC 74-275. The sucrose lost in burned
and nonbumed whole stalks of all varieties while in the field ranged from 0.01-0.023% units of sucrose % cane
per hour. Statistical analyses showed that for 1% of trash in clean cane, there is an average sucrose loss of 2.0
kg/t of cane. Results of research conducted in Colombia indicated that mechanical harvesting ofnonburned
cane increased the trash in cane delivered to the factory, resulting in lower sugar yields. A commercial study
of sugar losses from field to the sugar factory showed under Columbian condition, that 1.2 units of sucrose
lost were observed for an average delay time of 40 hours after burning- cutting and milling, this loss tend to
increase if more trash or extraneous matter were incorporated with the harvesting of cane. The establishment
of reliable methodologies based on HPLC, NIR and microbiology analysis for estimating sugar losses and
trash in colmnercial cane provided useful information for investment decisions to increase overall sugar yield
in some sugar mills.
Keywords : Sagar lossess, burning, trash, sugar yield

INTRODUCTION performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses made it

possible to establish levels of sucrose losses (sucrose % cane),
The Colombian sugar industry is investigating in ranging from 2.0-6.0% at 48 h after burning and cutting whole
evaluating the effect of sucrose losses attributed to burning cane (manual harvesting). In India, the loss in CCS were
practices and the time the cane is left in the field or mill yards reported to be 0.35, 1.0 and 1.32 unit per day for early, mid and
prior to milling. Significant differences occur in the losses of late-milling seasons, respectively (Solomon et al., 2006).
s u g a r w h e n d i f f e r e n t h a r v e s t i n g s y s t e m s are u s e d It is also generally accepted that the levels of extraneous
simultaneously by different producers or sugar mills. An matter can be attributed to the harvesting system, the loading
immediate effect of the cane harvest, especially in mechanical of the cut cane and the variety: With regard to the impact of
harvesting, is the incorporation o f a large amount of trash and extraneous matter on the sugar production, trials carried out
greater exposure to microbial attack by bacteria such as with the sugarcane variety showed increases in 0.80 units in
Leuconostoc, which reduce factory yield as has been reported the fiber % cane, 0.02 units in the non sucroses joint to an
by different authors in Australia, the USA (Louisiana), South average sucrose decrease in 0.20 units for each 1% of dirt
Africa (Egan and Rehbein, 1963; irvine and Legendre, 1973; incorporated in the clean cane (Larrahondo, 1999, 2001).
Wood, 1973) and India (Solomon et al., 1997, 2004, 2006).
Similarly, recent studies in Columbia (Larrahondo etal., 1999; CENICAI~A then conducted a study to establish a series
Osorio et al., 1997), using periodic samples ofjuices and high o f mathematical equations based on sucrose losses for
different varieties and levels o f trash in order to provide
*Author for Correspondence : J.E. Larrahondo guidelines that would reduce the sucrose losses in the period
e-mail :j elan'ah@cenicana.org between cutting and milling.
234 _N~Z

MATERIALS AND METHODS time until processing were recorded for each harvesting system
as well as the weight losses of stalk samples.
Sucrose losses after burning and cutting of cane Sucrose losses attributable to time after harvest
left piled in the field in a commercial trial conducted under Colombian
Given that the variability in the weight, length and sucrose conditions
content of the stalks, samples had been an obstacle for the Changes in the post-harvest sucrose concentration of
precise determination of sucrose losses after harvest, a strategy variety CC 85-92 (plant crop) were evaluated over a 40-hour
of "nondestructive" sampling of the stalks was designed, period in 15 plots. The variety was manually harvested (whole
based on taking small amounts of juice periodically, extracted stalks) at 12 and 13 months, with burning. Precipitation during
using a sharp pointed instrument, from three different parts of harvesting was moderate, averaging 11.6 mm. The amount of
stalks previously marked before the harvest and piled for 120 h extraneous matter incorporated to the cane during harvesting
after the burning-cutting under commercial conditions in the was recorded. Samples of commercial cane (stalks) were taken
field. The samples of juices extracted from five stalks (approx. before harvesting, after burning, when weighed on the scale,
6 ml) were analyzed via HPLC, using a minimum of three and during milling. Samples of shredded cane and juice were
replications during the trial period. The samplings and also taken and analyzed in the lab by DAC and HPLC to
evaluations of sucrose were done before and after the burning determine the percentages of sucrose, purity, fiber, reducing
and every 24 h thereafter, based on the time ofthe cut. Similarly, sugars, organic acids, dextrans, ethanol, levels o f
the stalk samples were weighed to observe the weight losses. mesoaerobics, lactic bacteria, and yeast.
In these first trials (four) of piling the cane in the field, uniform
lots (22.7 ha) of commercial cane were selected ofvar. MZC 74-
275 with ages ranging from 12-13 months. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Other stalk samples (20/day) of var. MZC 74-275 were Sucrose losses after burning and cutting
analyzed every 24 h after harvesting by direct analysis of cane
(DAC) in order to determine the variations in nonsucrose % The methodology of nondestructive sampling of stalks
cane, purity and fiber % cane. for monitoring and diagnosing sucrose losses in burned cane,
cut and stored in the field, made it possible to establish a
The rate of deterioration and determination of sucrose
range of 0.2-6.4% sucrose (sucrose % cane) lost in the first 48
lost per hour in the field for unburned whole stalks of different
h after cutting, and 3.5-9.0% in 72 h, equivalent to an average
varieties were also evaluated in var. V 71-51, CC 85-92, CC 87-
reduction in sucrose % cane of 0.5 and 1.0 unit, respectively
434, CC 84-75, CC 91- 1999, CC 85-68 and PR 61-632. The sampling
(Fig. 1). In addition, the average percentages of sucrose losses,
and evaluations were done using the same method described
above for var. MZC 74-275.
Effects of the trash and commercial determination
of sucrose losses in different varieties and cutting
systems ~12
Based on the commercial information of several varieties
(MZC 74-275, CC 85-92, PR 61-632 and V 71-51) supplied by
I 8
different mills, a multiple linear correlation analysis of the pol 6
% cane or recoverable sugar was estimated in function of the
trash level and time until processing in order to establish a 2
mathematical equation that would estimate the impact of these
two factors on sucrose losses under various harvesting
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
conditions. Similarly, a commercial-scale trial was conducted
Time (h)
using var. CC 85-92 (age 13.2 months) to compare the harvesting
systems: mechanical cutting/burning, mechanically harvested/ Fig.1. Sugar losses after burning, using nondestructive method and
green cane, manually harvested/clean green cane, manually HPLC.
harvested/semiclean green cane, manually harvested/burned.
based on the time the cane remained in the field, were adjusted
For this purpose, about 200 t of cane for each harvesting system
statistically according to the following equation:
were delivered to the factory; and during the milling, samples
of prepared cane were taken and analyzed in the lab to % sucrose losses = 1 0 0 - 100 e-0.001t
determine the levels of sucrose and estimated recoverable where X = number o f h after cutting
sugar (ERS % cane). During the trial, the values of trash and R2=0.98
After harvest sucrose losses from sugarcane field to factory 235

In addition, it was found that the sucrose losses attributed at the moment the cane entered the mills, in function of the
to burning as a harvesting practice corresponded to an average levels of trash and times between cutting and milling,
of 3.0% in a range of 0-6%, determined by the nondestructive established that for each percentage point of trash, the pol %
method and HPLC. cane decreased from 0.15-0.23 units (%), which corresponded
to reductions in sucrose (pol % cane) of about 1.0% and 1.5%,
Based on a mathematical analysis of the first order kinetic
respectively (Table 3). Similarly, it was possible to determine
data based on DAC, an increase in nonsucrose of 0.3~).4
that although the time between the actual cutting and milling
units per day was observed, with a purity drop of 2.0 and 3.0
is an important factor, it has less impact on the sucrose losses
units, respectively (Table 1). Furthermore, this study showed
related to the trash content. For each hour the cane remains in
an increase of 0.20-0.50 units of fiber % cane per day after
the field or in transportation equipment, sucrose losses (pol
cutting and piling cane in the field for a period of 100 hours.
% cane) ranging from 0.06-0.15% can be observed, which
Table 1. Percentages of nonsucrose % cane, purity (%) and validated the results obtained and reported previously for
fiber (%) cane, after cutting and before milling; var. MZC different laboratory trials with var. MZC 74-275 (Table 3).
Table 3. Commercial validation of the reductions in pol %
Time (h) cane in different varieties, per unit of trash and time the cane
Parameter 0 24 48 remained in the field
Nonsucrose % cane 1.4 1.7 - 1.8 2.0 - 2.2
Mill Reduction pol (%) Loss pol (%)/h
Purity (%) 92 90 - 89 88 - 87 / 1% trash
Fiber % cane 15.0 15.2 - 15.5 15.4 - 16.0 A 0.23 0.02
The sucrose lost in the field ranged from 0.08% (0.01 B 0.14-0.19 0.01-0.02
units of sucrose lost) to 0.14% (0.023 units of sucrose % cane C 0.15 0.01
lost) per hour for all varieties tested in this study. The lowest Lab. Trials 0.20 0.012-.014
sucrose loss was observed in vat. CC 84-75 and CC 91-1999,
which exhibited greater resistance to cane deterioration than
The commercial trial of sucrose losses (pol % cane)
commercial variety MZC 74-275 (Table 2).
between the cutting-milling for the mechanical (burned/
Table 2. Sucrose losses in the field after cutting different nonbumed) and manual (burned/clean and semiclean green
varieties in Colombia sugar industry; average temperature: cane) cutting systems established that the greatest losses or
25-30~ reductions (pol % cane) corresponded to mechanical cutting
(range of 18-23%), which had the highest levels of trash and
Variety Sucrose Loss (% / h)
the least retention time (Table 4), which suggested that the
MZC 74-275 0.023 greatest impact in the losses or decreases in factory yields
V 71-51 0.016 can be attributed, to a great extent, to the presence of trash
PR 61-632 0.013 incorporated during the process of harvesting the cane. On
CC 85-68 0.013 the other hand, the multiple linear correlation analyses among
CC 87-434 0.012 the expected yields (ERS % cane) for each harvesting system,
CC 85-92 0.014 the percentages of trash, and the times between the cutting
and milling established that for each unit (%) of trash, the
CC 91-1999 0.011
yield was reduced by 0.26 units (%). Similarly, under the
CC 84-75 0.011
conditions of the commercial trial, it was determined that var.
Effects o f the t r a s h a n d c o m m e r c i a l d e t e r m i n a t i o n CC 85-92 decreased its yield by 0.024 units for each hour the
cane remained in the field or in the transportation equipment,
o f s u c r o s e losses in d i f f e r e n t c u t t i n g s y s t e m s
according to the following equation:
In the lab-scale evaluations conducted at CENICAlqA, it
ERS % cane = 13.3 - 0.26 (% trash) - 0.024 (time in field)
was observed that when trash was added to the samples of
clean cane, 1% of plant residue resulted in a decrease of 0.14 R 2= 0.99
units (%) pol, equivalent to a 1% reduction with respect to the
Based on the above results and the commercial
pol % cane present in clean cane. A slightly higher reduction
information on different varieties (samples, analyses) supplied
(0.20 units) for each 1% of mineral matter was observed during
by various mills, mathematical equations were established
evaluations with cane harvested mechanically.
(Table 5) for estimating the impact of trash and time between
A multiple regression analysis for the commercial data of cutting-milling on the ERS at the factory (Larrahondo and
pol % cane from different varieties, determined in the factory Bricefio, 2001) with satisfactory accuracy (close to 95%).

Table 4. Sucrose losses (pol % cane), trash content and times account the percentages o f sucrose, the levels o f fiber %
between cutting and milling in different cutting systems cane, and the increases in nonsucrose from the time the cane
is harvested to its arrival at the mill (Table 6). Based on these
Var. CC 85-92 observations, it was concluded that in general, sucrose levels
Cutting System Trash Time (h) Loss of in the field (before burning and/or cutting) through packaging
(%) between Sucrose (sucrose in the form o f crystals) decreased by 2.9 units, o f
Cutting- (pol % which 1.2 units c o r r e s p o n d to p r o c e s s e s o f harvesting,
Milling cane) transportation, and delivery to mill and, on the other hand, 1.7
Mechanical/Burned 12.7 17 23.2 units can be attributed to sucrose losses inherent to milling
Mechanical/Nonburned 12.8 6.3 18.4 processes (preparation, milling, and manufacturing).
Manual/Nonburned 2.4 39.0 10.0
The overall balance o f sucrose, expressed as sucrose
Manual/Burned 0.24 33.0 6.4 equivalents lost during the transformation o f sucrose from
Table 5. Mathematical equations for estimating the impact of the field to the sugar mill, can be observed in Table 7 and
trash and time between cutting-milling on the ERS at the Figure 2. These data, derived from the analyses o f cane juices,
factory Table 7. Average loss of main sucrose equivalents during the
Mill Equation I transformation of sucrose from the field to the factory
A 12.9 - 0.18 (% trash) - 0.01 (time in field, h) Parameters Moles sucrose/lO0 ml juice (x 10 "5)
B 13.3 - 0.19 (% t r a s h ) - 0.02 (time in field, h) Harvest Burned Weigh- Milled
C 12.0 - 0.21 (% trash) - 0.01 (time in field, h) (green) cane bridge cane
Lab trials 14.2- 0.23 (% t r a s h ) - 0.02 (time in field, h) Sucrose 5.85 5.8 5.55 5.38
Reducing sugars 0.003 0.14 0.13
l ER (%) = ERS % in plant - F, (% trash) - Fh (time in field, h)
Organic acids I 0.003 0.020 0.030
Where F, = reduction of ERS %/1% trash)
Fh = Loss ofERS %/h Ethanol 0.16 0.20 0.20
Dextrans z 0.050 0.060 0.10
S u c r o s e losses a t t r i b u t a b l e to t i m e after h a r v e s t in Total sucrose 5.85 6.01 5.97 5.84
a c o m m e r c i a l trial c o n d u c t e d in C o l o m b i a . equivalents
Cane was monitored in the field (before burning) up to its
'Based on an average molecular weight of 85.
arrival at the sugar mill (first milling). Observations indicated
2Based on a loss of sucrose equivalents of 1.2% of the initial sucrose
that sucrose % cane decreased, on average, 1.2 units under
per increase in 80 lrffL dextrans.
the commercial conditions o f the sugar mill (Table 6). An
increase (0.6 units) was also observed in nonsucrose levels, explain the reductions in sucrose (1.2 units in sucrose % cane,
associated with a decrease in purity o f the cane from before which is equivalent to a reduction o f 0.47 x 10.2 moles sucrose/
burning (in the field) to its arrival at the mill. Under the 100 ml juice). These sucrose losses are mainly reflected in the
conditions o f this particular Columbian sugar mill, an average transformation o f this compound to reducing sugars, which
recoverable sugar (yield) o f 11.7% was estimated taking into are converted, in turn, to other substances such as ethanol,
dextrans, and organic acids (Table 7, Fig. 2).
Table 6. Levels of sucrose % cane, purity, and recovered
sugar (% cane) of cane from the field up to its arrival at the
sugar mill using randomized samplings Cane in field Burning-Weighbridge Mill (final)
Parameter Sampling site Sucrose(So) ~[ S~ ]----~ $2 ]
Harvest Burned Weigh- Milled (5.85/ r[ (5.38)
(green) cane bridge cane
Sucrose%cane 1 4 . 6 i 1.1 13.9 .4- 1.2 13.6+ 1.2 13.4+0.8
Fiber%cane 16.6• 16.7+ 1.2 17+ 1.2 17.0+ 1.3
Purity(%) 91.2• 90.9• 89+4.4 87• + Gj+ F~ Organic acids ]
Nonsucrose(%) 1.4• 1.6:t:0.2 1.6• 2.0• Fructose (Fo) (o.lo) {0.03)
Recovered sugar 13.2• 1.8 12.6 + 1.5 12.1 -4- 1.5 11.7• 1.0 . Polysaccharides J
(%)' Alcohol (ono)
IEquation used by Central Castilla Sugarcane Plantation and Mill in which (0.20) Alcohol ]
% recovered sugar = S - 0.471 N - 0.0435 F, where N = % nonsucrose, Fig. 2. Sucrose transformation process
F = fiber % cane, and S = sucrose % cane.
After harvcst sucrose losses from sugarcane field to factory 237

On the other hand, these conversions or transformations

of sucrose into other metabolites were closely linked to a
gradual increase in meso-aerobe, lactic acid bacteria, and yeast
counts (Figure 3). A gradual increase in levels of yeasts, meso-
aerobes, and lactic acid bacteria was also observed in the
juices after burning and cutting. The increase in meso-aerobes

Fig. 5. Differences between cane burned and cut and cane burned
and left standing (March 2004)

Fig. 3. Meso-aerobes, lactic bacteria, and yeast counts.

Fig. 6. Differences in the quality of juices of cane burned and cut

and cane burned and left standing


9 The non-destructive sampling method, HPLC and NIR

techniques have, among their advantages, the guarantee
of being able to monitor better and with good precision
Fig. 4. Levels of dextrans observed in cane juices after cutting or the sucrose losses between the cutting-milling, using a
harvest reduced number of samples.
9 The analysis of commercial information made it possible
in mill cane juice was particularly significant and could explain to establish that for each unit (%) of trash, the recoverable
the increase in dextrans (Fig. 4) with increasing permanence in sugar is generally reduced from 0.18-0.23 units.
the field or delays between harvesting and transportation.
9 In a commercial evaluation of sucrose losses for different
The differences between cane burned and then cut cutting systems, it was found that the greatest losses or
immediately and cane burned and left standing in the field reductions in the pol % cane corresponded to mechanical
should be highlighted. The results of the present study cutting, which had the highest trash levels.
indicated that there was an average reduction of 0.5 units in
9 The mathematical equations developed integrate the loss
sucrose % cane when cane was burned and left standing in
of recoverable sugar based on trash content and milling
the field as c o m p a r e d with cane burned and then cut
delay. This model will be useful in designing programs to
immediately (Fig. 5). This decrease was associated with the
improve sucrose recovery for commercial varieties under
increases in reducing sugars, organic acids (succinic, lactic,
different harvesting practices.
and acetic), and ethanol in cane juices from cane burned and
left standing in the field (Fig. 6). These observations 9 The sucrose losses due to the time after harvesting, under
emphasized how important it is to quickly harvest the burned commercial conditions, might be explained throught the
cane, avoiding its long permanence in the field. transformations in metabolites such as organic acids,

dextrans, ethanol and the levels o f microorganisms on losses in processes previous to mill operations: Experiences in
the sugarcane juices. the Columbian Sugar Industries. XXIX Congreso ISSCT Brisbane,
Australia, Proceedings, Vol. 1 - p. 343.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Larrahondo, J.E. (2005). Determination of extraneous matter and

its relationship to different harvesting systems in the colombian
sugar agro-industry. Cenicafia, Cali, Colombia. 50 p.
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support o f the development o f several activities related to the
sugarcane. Proc. South African Sugar Technologist's Association,
determination of sucrose losses during harvesting,
Durban, South Africa. pp. 52-57.
transportation and storage o f the cane before its milling.
Osorio, L.F., Canabillas, M.L., Montoya, P., Larrahondo, J.E.,
and Castellar, N. (1997). Evaluaci6n de p6rdidas de sacarosa
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Received August 30, 2006; Revised and Accepted October, 12, 2006

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