2021 - Quality Indexes and Performance in Mechanized Harvestingof Sugarcane at A Burnt Cane and Green Cane

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Quality Indexes and Performance in Mechanized Harvesting

of Sugarcane at a Burnt Cane and Green Cane
Marcelo J. da Silva1 • Lucas de O. Neves1 • Murilo H. F. Correa1 •

Carlos H. W. de Souza1

Received: 19 June 2020 / Accepted: 19 January 2021

Ó Society for Sugar Research & Promotion 2021

Abstract Today, mechanized harvesting is a reality in Keywords Agricultural machinery  Sugarcane harvester 
almost all commercial sugarcane fields in Brazil. In the last Quality indexes
20 years, government policies and public–private initia-
tives have given appropriate support to adopting green cane
fields, associated with less environmental impact, soil Introduction
conservation, and human health protection. Even though,
some production regions remain with burning straw prac- Currently, sugarcane fields are cropped on approximately
tice before of mechanical harvest. In order to better com- 10 million hectares in Brazil, which resulted in 750 million
prehend why pre-harvest burning still being applied at tonnes in 2019, which represents 40% of global production.
mechanized harvest of sugarcane in Brazil? The objective The sugarcane fields are mainly concentrated in the
was performing an analysis of performance and quality of Brazilian Center-South region. According to the National
mechanized harvesting of sugarcane, considering areas Supply Company, 325 million tonnes were harvested in
with a burnt cane and green cane. For this, two similar São Paulo state, where it is observed a greater intensity in
commercial fields were selected for performing a com- sugarcane fields. In the same Center-South region, Paraná
parison. In the two harvest areas (burnt cane and green state also had a contribution (35 million tonnes). These
cane), quality indexes and performance measured were: millable stalk productions are harvested using three meth-
cutting height, damage in cut culms, visible losses, and ods: manual, semi-mechanized, and mechanized. Today,
effective field capacity. At comparison, better quality more than 90% of Brazilian sugarcane crops are harvested
indexes were achieved at harvest in the green cane (shorter applying the mechanized method (data are from Conab
cutting height: 5.5 versus 6.5 cm; less damage index in cut 2019).
culms: 0.37 versus 0.45; lower visible losses: 3.0 versus Mechanized harvesting in sugarcane areas is carried out
6.24 t ha-1). These results were associated with a lower under a burnt cane and green cane. The conventional pre-
average forward speed of the machine at harvest in green harvest burning is mainly applied to ease visualization of
cane (1.88 m s-1 against 1.32 m s-1). On the other hand, sugarcane rows by the harvester operator; also, the burning
the greater effective field capacity developed by the har- straw decrease the processing demand (* 10
vester in the burnt cane (1.02 versus 0.71 ha h-1) helped to to * 18 t ha-1 of straw, according to Leal et al. (2013) by
understand one reason that sustains the resistance on ban- the harvester mechanisms (Ma et al. 2014); in addition, the
ning of pre-harvest burning before of mechanical harvest- practice facilitate dry cleaning of millable stalks in a sugar
ing in sugarcane fields. mill (Bernhardt et al. 2000) and helps on phytosanitary
control (Ma et al. 2014). On the other hand, the method
eliminates available straw of fields, emits particulate
& Marcelo J. da Silva material on the atmosphere resulting at the negative effect
marcelo_js07@hotmail.com; marcelo.jose@ufpr.br
on air quality in urban centers (Arbex et al. 2007), causes
University of Paraná - UFPR, Dr. João Maximiano St, 426, negative impacts in life associated on sugarcane fields
Jandaia do Sul, PR 86900000, Brazil

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(benefic insects, small animals, plants, Gheler-Costa et al. happened in Brazilian sugarcane fields for the mechanized
2013) and produces juice exudation from stalks that can harvesting model: the pre-harvest burning practice towards
induce a loss of 5 to 130 L ha-1 of ethanol (Ripoli and full operation in a green cane field. Despite the pointed
Ripoli 2015). advantages for mechanized harvesting without burning
Since the early 2000s, a social appeal to adopt the (less environmental impact, soil conservation, and human
mechanized harvesting in green cane fields have been health protection), a significant portion in Brazil remains
encouraged in Brazil. The reasons are fundamentally in using the pre-harvest burning in sugarcane fields (approx-
social and environmental benefits (Ma et al. 2014; Chagas imately 106 ha, according to Conab 2019). Thus, the
et al. 2016; Lemos et al. 2019). The harvest of green cane objective was performing an analysis of performance and
has advantages, such as the provision of covering straw on quality of mechanized harvesting of sugarcane, considering
the soil surface; increments of soil organic matter (Galdos areas with a burnt cane and green cane.
et al. 2009; Pinheiro et al. 2010); increase in soil moisture
retention (Pinheiro et al. 2010; Castioni et al. 2019); pro-
tection against soil erosion from rainfall-runoff (Valim Material and Methods
et al. 2016); nutrient recycling from the straw (Menandro
et al. 2017); preservation of soil microfauna (Segnini et al. The Sugarcane Harvesting
2013); protection of animal and vegetation life associated
with the sugarcane microenvironment (Gheler-Costa et al. The research was a result of a collaborative partnership
2013). Furthermore, the crop residues availability (on the with an agro-industrial cooperative for sugarcane products
soil surface or in sugar mill) opens up an alternative to (COOPERVAL), placed in the Center-South region of
produce electricity (at the cogeneration process, Menandro Brazil (23°360 °1100 S and 51°380 3600 W, Jandaia do Sul,
et al., 2017) or ethanol from the second-generation (Alves Parana State, Brazil). The local climate is classified as a
et al. 2015). Even so, the mechanical harvest of green cane humid subtropical mesothermal (Cfa type at Koppen clas-
encounters resistance under a common occurrence of sug- sification). Average temperatures, along with the
arcane lodging, a problem for machine operators, that spring/summer, usually are above 22 °C. The monthly
needs to visualize the base of sugarcane rows. Also, the rainfall can achieve up to 160 mm to the period. Between
green cane harvesting requires more dry cleaning (straw autumn and winter (April to September), when is typically
wastes) at stages of field and milling (dos Santos et al. covered in the main phase of sugarcane harvesting, the
2019). local average temperatures are 14 to 17 °C. Historically,
In general, management using fire in sugarcane fields in the monthly rainfall is below 60 mm to this more driest
Brazil has been reduced over the last * 20 years, as a season. The condition is generally used as a favor to per-
result, achieved from government policies (São Paulo State form the sugarcane harvesting.
Law n8 11.241/2002 and Brazilian forestry code: Law The experiment was performed at a second ratoon cane
n°12.651/2012), besides public–private initiatives, such as cycle. The comparison was applied in two common situa-
an agri-environmental protocol signed by sugar-ethanol tions: a burnt cane and a green cane field. For this, an
segment in 2007. The laws established deadlines, proce- experiment area (12.4 ha) was select for analysis of
dures, rules, and prohibitions for burning practice. The next mechanized harvest quality after burning of straw; in the
year (2021), management in mechanizable areas with a same region, another experiment area (9.5 ha) was chosen
slope of less than 12% should completely stop burning for a mechanized harvest of a green cane field (Fig. 1).
practice in sugarcane fields. These areas were just a snip from larger sugarcane fields
Despite the proximity of the deadline for banning the (21.1 and 62 ha, respectively). In addition, both fields had a
pre-harvest burning in flatter areas, some producing regions similar condition (crop variety: CTC 9003, slope: less than
in Paraná state remain using fire to eliminate the sugarcane 15%; and cane yield: 114 to 137 t ha-1). Also, to perform
straw before the harvest. This transition resistance on the analysis about performance and quality of mechanized
mechanical harvest models justifies a study about the harvesting of sugarcane, it was not carried external inter-
quality and performance of harvester machines on burnt ventions in the harvesting procedures. This methodology
cane and green cane. Better indexes for quality and per- was applied in order to achieve a more reliable evaluation,
formance of mechanized sugarcane harvesting can con- showing the common conditions that happens on harvest-
tribute to the millable stalks delivered for processing in the ing of these commercial fields.
mill, field integrity for the next cycles (sugarcane is a semi- At mechanized harvest was applied a John Deere
perennial crop), and field capacity of harvester machines. machine, model CH670. The diesel engine (model 6090T
The present research searched for arguments to better PowerTech) specifications were listed as 280 kW, 9 L,
understand the difficulty in transition that has been common rail direct fuel injection, air admission through a

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Fig. 1 Location of study areas

turbocharger with air-to-air aftercooling. The harvester the: base cutter, butt-lifter roller, topper, primary extractor,
working width was one row per step, under interrow and secondary extractor.
spacing of 1.5 m (the most common in sugar cane fields).
This harvester was equipped with automatic control of base Quality Indexes for Mechanical Harvesting
cutter height. However, the worked machine did not have
an assembly for an automated steering system (autopilot). At experimental areas (burnt cane and green cane), twenty-
Figure 2 highlights the applied sugarcane harvester with four sample points were randomly used to observe an
principal components. At the machine, the base cutter was average of cutting height performed by the harvester kni-
responsible for cutting height. In this system, the knive’s ves. At the sampling point, fifteen cut culms along one row
impact in the base of plants usually causes a damage level were measured to represent the cutting height average (at
for subsequent cycles of ratoon cane. Also associated with the inside interval of approximately 0.85 m). A
sugarcane harvester work, the visible losses could occur in retractable measuring tape was used to measure the cutting

Fig. 2 Principal components of

sugarcane harvester. Adapted
from the John Deere website

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heights. The measurements were taken perpendicularly

from the ground up to the cut stem top of culms. When the
cut was made on the soil surface, the heights were con-
sidered equal to zero. It was calculated one cutting height
average for each twenty-four specific sampling point.
At the same twenty-four sampling points where cutting
height was evaluated, the damages caused by the harvester
knives were also observed. Each damage index sample was
composed by a visual classification of fifteen sequential cut
culms along one row (at the inside interval of approxi-
mately 0.85 m). This classification was inspired in research
presented by Mello and Harris (2003). The principles
consist of: no damage, partial damage, and extreme dam- Fig. 4 Classification of visible losses from a mechanized harvest of
sugarcane. a. Entire stalk. b. Stalk sett. c. Stump. d. Stalk piece. e.
age (Fig. 3). The three stages were associated with a score Stalk top (leaves and tip not included). Source: Magalhães et al.
that ranged from 0.00 to 1.00. The damage index was (2008)
calculated using the average among the scores given for
that fifteen cut culms observed per sampling point. The forward speed measurements were performed along
Around the assessed points of cutting height and damage 50 m. At each tested area, twelve points were taken using a
evaluation, visible losses caused by the harvester process random selection. The effective field capacity (Ca, ha h-1,
were also measured. For this, a measuring frame with 10 (Eq. 1) was evaluated considering the harvester working
m2 was installed to assess the visible losses at each sam- width (w, m) and the forward speed (s, km h-1). The
pling point. The frame covered two cane rows (3.0 m, measurements did not consider time losses (maneuvers,
crosswise) along with a linear interval (3.33 m, length- rest intervals, stop for diesel supply). These stops affect
wise). At sampling points, the visible losses inside of the both treatments, similarly:
frame were accounted as: entire stalks, stalk setts, stumps ðsÞðwÞ
with height higher than 5 cm (Toledo et al. 2013), stalk Ca ¼ ð1Þ
pieces, and stalk tops (when the topper of harvester cuts the
millable stalk), Fig. 4. Method for Construction of Quality Control Charts

Effective Field Capacity The evaluated parameters (cutting height, visible losses,
and damage index in cut culms and effective field capacity)
Mechanized harvest performance was raised by effective were analyzed using descriptive statistics and quality
field capacity (hectares per hour), considering the two control charts. The control chart represents a method
studied cases: a burnt cane and green cane. No external commonly applied for improving quality control on oper-
intervention was carried out to modify the harvester speed. ational processes. On control chart, the method was
Thus, the proposal was performing the measures under the determined and it is called control limits: an upper control
original condition of effective field capacity in these fields. limit (UCL, Eq. 2), a lower control limit (LCL, Eq. 3), and

Fig. 3 Visual classification of

damage index in cut culms of
sugarcane. Adapted from Mello
and Harris (2003)

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a central limit (CL, Eq. 4) which expressed the average 5 cm (Fig. 5). However, the standard deviation of cutting
data. On expression, the factor for the control limit (A3) height showed higher values to the harvest in the green
was established according to the number of samples, field (1.96 cm), than the harvest in the burnt field
according to Montgomery (2009). (1.55 cm); thus, a greater difficulty was observed on con-
UCL ¼ x þ A3  S ð2Þ trolling of cutting height target. The higher variation
observed in the cutting height on mechanized harvesting
LCL ¼ x  A3  S ð3Þ without burning was associated with low visibility caused
CL ¼ x ð4Þ by the straw and green leaves.
Both control charts for cutting height of sugarcane

where x—average; A3 —factor for control limit; S—stan- harvesting (green cane and burnt cane) showed values that
dard deviation. exceed upper and lower limits of quality control (approx-
imately 50% of sample points). These revealed some dif-
ficulty in achieving a better precision on cutting height at
Results and Discussion mechanized harvest of sugarcane. The results were similar
with others studies about quality control (Toledo et al.
Cutting Height in the Sugarcane Harvesting 2013; Voltarelli et al. 2015); even so, when it is applied,
the automatic control system of cutting height associated in
Millable stalks quality, harvest losses infield, and the the base cutter of the machine (Salvi et al. 2007; Voltarelli
number of cycles of ratoon cane (duration of sugarcane et al. 2018).
crop) are related to cutting height of sugarcane culms. At the analysis of mechanized harvest of sugarcane
Ideally, the cutting height could achieve 5 cm (Toledo considering burnt cane and green cane fields, the highest
et al. 2013). It is considered as a loss to the sugar mill when values for cutting height could have occurred because of
the cutting height achieves a value above of this recom- problems with irregularities in the soil surface, caused by
mendation. The cutting height can also affect the duration previous mechanical operations (planting, tillage, and
of sugarcane crop. In general, regrowth from basal buds is antecedent harvesting). The forward speed of the sugarcane
more vigorous when compared to the tillers sprouted lat- harvester is also a relevant factor in cutting height. Better
erally. Even though, a cutting height above 5 cm con- result achieved for cutting height in green cane field (av-
tributes to increasing the number of tillers, taking erage of 5.5 cm) was associated with lower speed applied
advantage of residual nutrients from ratoon stubs (Silva on harvest (1.32 m s-1), when compared to the cutting
et al. 2008). In contrast, mineral impurities mixed inside of height in the burnt cane (average cutting height of 6.5 cm,
millable stalks and plucking ratoon canes by the knives under 1.88 m s-1). Higher average harvester speed in burnt
could increase when cutting occurs below of this recom- cane (measured using 24 samples at 12.4 ha) can be
mendation (Salvi et al. 2007). associated with a faster actuation of the automatic control
Here, the average cutting height in the burnt cane was system of cutting height; the characteristic could influence
6.53 cm, almost 18% greater than the average cutting on precision and accuracy of cutting height.
height in the green cane (5.54 cm). However, the both
harvesting presented values above the recommendation of

Fig. 5 Cutting height of sugarcane culms. a Green cane. b Burnt cane

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Damage in Cut Culms of Sugarcane trampling the ratoon cane rows. These factors could con-
tribute to damages in ratoon cane.
The mechanized harvest of sugarcane causes incidental In this case, agricultural traffic control can be an
damage in the ratoon buds. These natural damages are essential tool to reduce damages caused by machinery
caused by knives impact in the inertial cutting of stalks trampling in the sugarcane field. Among the main ideas,
from the ratoon cane. The injuries in ratoon cane at the traffic control can decrease some negative aspects of
harvest phase can cause negative influences in sprouting, as mechanization, such as soil compaction (Braunbeck and
well, increase exposure to pests, such as sugarcane borer Magalhães 2014). Automatic steering system (autopilot)
(Diatraea saccharalis) and beetles (Migdolus fryanus). In and the steering wheel by lightbar already have been used
damage index analysis, how much near of zero, it is con- as solutions to decrease damages in ratoon cane fields,
sidered a better result (less injuries in ratoon cane). Here, considering the machinery traffic control (Braunack et al.
the damage index (Fig. 6) was lower in the harvest of green 2006; Sousa et al. 2017). These technology use signals
cane (average of 0.37), when compared to the harvest in the from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) to assist in
burnt cane (average of 0.45). However, both evaluated the precision and accuracy of steering wheels at line tracks.
harvest systems presented values outside of control limits Tractors and articulated haulouts with geometry adjustment
(upper and low). But, standard deviation was 60% more in track width, it could also be applied as an useful tool to
down to the system without the burning of straw, showing a protect against damages in ratoon cane.
better quality control. In addition, at mechanized harvest
without burning, a significant amount of samples (25%) Visible Losses Caused by Mechanized Harvesting
stayed at the bottom of the lower control limit, a favorable of Sugarcane
condition to preserve the duration of ratoon cane field’s.
In general, average values to the damage index for Naturally, every mechanical harvesting causes a certain
harvest in green cane (0.37) and burnt cane (0.45) were level of loss. At harvesting of sugarcane, the losses reduce
classified as partial damage in cut culms of ratoon cane. At the amount of millable stalks delivered to the mill, con-
harvest in the burnt field, the higher average for damages sequently generating an impact in crop yield. The losses
index was associated with proportional cutting height. are classified as visible (entire stalk, sett, piece, stump, and
When the knives impact point is higher than the recom- stalk pieces cut together with tops) and invisible (chips,
mended cutting height (5 cm, Toledo et al. 2013), a sawdust, and juice). In general, losses are associated with
moment in relation to the base can cause more damages in the harvester systems, such as the primary and secondary
ratoon cane (laceration at the top and mobilization at the extractors (separation of straw from raw material), base
bottom of stumps). Intense traffic of agricultural machinery cutter, topper, and choppers. Also, natural factors (wind
in the field (harvesters, tractors, and articulated haulouts) is incidence or nutritional deficit) and plant weight could lead
also pointed as another factor to the damages in ratoon cane to sugarcane lodging. The sugarcane lodging and stems
at mechanized harvest. Difficulty in observing the sugar- interlacing can interfere on the harvester operator view,
cane rows, combined with machinery traffic (up to 73% of especially in observing the sugarcane rows, where it is
the total area, Souza et al. 2014), increase risks of applied the harvester base cutter.

Fig. 6 Damage index in cut culms of sugarcane. a Green cane. b Burnt cane

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The first three samples showed visible losses above the Effective Field Capacity
upper control limit for both studied models of harvesting.
The behavior was associated with the beginning of mech- Effective field capacity at mechanized harvesting was
anized harvesting, characterized by the adaptation of attributed to the fixed working width (1.5 m) and forward
machine operator in the working area, maneuver require- speed of the machine. On burnt cane, the field capacity
ment on shorter lines, and forward speed calibration per- (average of 1.02 ha h-1, Fig. 8b) was higher than that
formed by the harvester operator. Even though, achieved in green cane (average of 0.71 ha h-1, Fig. 8a).
mechanized harvesting in green cane brought lower visible The result was a direct reflection of the harvester forward
losses (average of 3.0 t ha-1) than the mechanized har- speed. The mechanized harvesting was 42.2% bigger in the
vesting in burnt cane (average visible losses 6.2 t ha-1). burnt field (1.88 m s-1 against 1.32 m s-1), corroborating
However, Neves et al. (2004) presented different results: with Braunbeck et al. (1999) that reported an increase in
the research pointed higher losses in mechanized harvest- 40% in field capacity for mechanized harvest in burnt cane.
ing in green cane; the authors explained that losses were On the other hand, a lower standard deviation was
associated with greater vegetable mass processing. Here, observed to the mechanized harvesting in the green cane
the result can be supported by the forward speed in har- field (5.6% versus 17%). In addition, forward speed in
vesting. The burnt field was harvested faster speed (1.88 burnt field surpassed the recommended band for mecha-
versus 1.32 m s-1). nized harvesting (1.1 to 1.5 m s-1, according to Ramos
In general, the average values for visible losses (at green et al. 2016); higher speeds could cause negative impacts to
cane: 2.18%; and, at burnt cane: 5.45%) showed smaller the millable stalks delivered in the mill (mineral residues,
levels when compared to the others similar studies that straw wastes and visible losses), as well as could produce
achieved losses of 6.11% (Noronha et al. 2011), 5.68% damages for next ratoon cane cycles. Notwithstanding,
(Neves et al. 2004), 8.1% (Manhães et al. 2018), 13.6% mechanized harvesting can be practiced using up to
(Xavier et al. 2020), and an average of 6.3% under three 2.5 m s-1 (Ripoli and Ripoli 2015), under favorable con-
different harvester speeds (Manhães et al. 2014). Besides, ditions, such as low yield below * 70 t ha-1, e.g., erect
the control chart showed that approximately 30% of sample plants and flat areas.
points achieved losses below 2 t ha-1 for mechanized Here, the highest forward speed with proportional
harvesting in green cane field (Fig. 7), a positive result for effective field capacity evidenced one of the reasons for
millable stalks delivered to the mill. However, the samples persistence of pre-harvest burning in sugarcane fields. A
through the area revealed that visible losses could surpass higher effective field capacity can lead a more significant
the upper control limit at some points. The achievement quantity of millable stalks in the mill; also, this result can
also agreed with research performed by Silva et al. (2008): influence in aspects, such as the machines (number of
the mechanized harvesting of sugarcane requires precision harvesters, articulated haulouts, tractors, and trucks) and
and accuracy. For this, statistical quality control can help to the harvest time (approximately nine months in majority of
achieve better results in the performed machine working. sugarcane mills).

Fig. 7 Visible losses from mechanized harvest in sugarcane. a Green cane. b Burnt cane

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Fig. 8 Effective field capacity for sugarcane harvesting. a Green cane. b Burnt cane

Conclusion Arbex, M.A., L.C. Martins, R.C. Oliveira, L.A.A. Pereira, F.F. Arbex,
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