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Lecture Discussion on Calorimetry Principles of Calorimetry

Lecture on Energy Energy Vs. Heat

Energy: Capacity to do work

Heat: Form of energy

 Transferred from a body at a high

temperature to one at a lower temperature
when they are brought in contact with each
 Thermochemistry - Study of heat flow that
accompanies chemical reactions

Heat Flow
In any discussion of heat flow, we need to
distinguish the system from the surroundings.
Energy Transformation and Conservation
System: Part of the universe on which attention is
- LAW OF CONVERSION states that
focused e.g. Reactants and products after a
“Energy can neither be created or
chemical reaction.
destroyed. It can only be transformed
Surroundings: Rest of the universe e.g. Materials in
from one form to another. “
close contact with the system are considered.
- During transformation a small amount
of energy is transformed into unwanted
A system and its surroundings
forms called wasted energy. (such as
heat and sound)
- Sankey Diagram

Calculate the Efficiency

-Percentage of energy input that is being

transformed into useful energy.

Efficiency = Amount of useful energy input / total

energy input (JOULES)
Magnitude of Heat Flow, q Following the First Law of Thermodynamics, which
states that: Energy cannot be created, nor
 The amount of heat is represented by the destroyed, hence the Net Energy Change should be
symbol q Zero. q system = -q surroundings, or
 q is positive when heat flows from the
surroundings to the system (endothermic
process) such as in Figure 1.
 q is negative when heat flows from the
system to the surroundings (exothermic
process) such as in Figure 2.
 q is usually expressed in the unit Joules and  If the reaction is exothermic (qreaction < 0)
- qcalorimeter must be positive
Calorimetry Equation - Converse if the reaction is endothermic

 Basic calorimetric measurement equation

- To calculate amount of heat absorbed in
a reaction
- Must know the heat capacity and
temperature change

A Coffee-Cup Calorimeter
Specific Heat

Different substances have different specific heats.

Water in liquid form has a very high specific heat
which is 4.18 J/g°C

Measuring Heat Flow

Calorimeter - device used to measure the heat flow - Polystyrene is a good insulator
of a reaction - Heat evolved from reaction is absorbed by
the water Heat capacity of the coffee-cup
 Walls are insulated to block exchange of calorimeter is that of water
heat with the surrounding air - For a reaction performed in a coffee-cup
calorimeter. (Do not forget the negative
Heat flow for the system is: sign because the water is the surroundings.)

 Equal in magnitude
 Opposite in sign to that of the calorimeter
- In a general Chemistry Laboratory, a coffee-
cup calorimeter is commonly used to
determine various heat of reactions as well
as specific heats of unknown metals by
measuring the change in the surroundings

Bomb Calorimeter

- A bomb calorimeter is a type of constant-

volume calorimeter used in measuring the
heat of combustion of a particular reaction.
- Versatile
o Used for reactions involving
 High temperature
 Gases
- Bomb - Heavy-walled metal vessel that is
usually surrounded by water
- Apparatus is closed
o Initial temperature is measured
o Final temperature is taken to be the
highest value read

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