Battle Royale

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Battle Royale

round 31

 Last person standing or first person to sit in the Throne of Ascension with the Crown of
Enoblement on and having successfully read the Scroll of Empowerment.
 No powerful magical items.
o Lyrie: Ring Invis; Spell in tunic;Wand of enervation.
o Marhault: wand of CMW; Scroll of freedom of movement; scroll of spell res.
o Buckthorn: Pixie dust
o Grumnor: Wand of evervation.
 Unconsciousness means knocked out of the comp.
 If attempting to stealth or invisible, your token is removed from the map and you must
tell the DM via whatsapp where you want to move.
 The PCs get to choose spells just before seeing the map.
 For the purpose of this battle, spells and abilities that target allies only target the
individual casting/using them.

The players will be randomly assigned one of four spots to spawn- in the north east and
west corners of the castle courtyard and the two square rooms inside the castle. All their light
sources are switched off.

The Castle doors and gates are unlocked but closed. There is a faintly glowing dome of
magical energy over the Castle and it’s island; any PC that flies or jumps over the lava is
bathed in heat and noxious gasses. This includes anyone flying 60 feet over the fort. 2d10 fire
damage a round and DC15 fort save every round or 1d3 CON damage and sickened for 1d4
rounds- two fails and nauseated.
The walls are 15’ high, the lower towers are 20’, the two middle towers are 30’ and the
upper run is 40’ high. The ceilings inside are 20’ except above the throne area which is 35’.
No plane travelling spells will work. Teleporting off the island fails.

Teleport Stones
The four circular towers inside the keep have teleport stones. When touched they will
teleport someone to the top of the same tower, outside, as a move action. PCs in a tower turret
have 50% cover from attacks from below them and 20% cover from attacks on the same level
if they attack: if they only hide they have 100% from below and 50% from the same level; if
they lie down they have 100% from below and same level, and the standard prone rules from
above. When touching a teleport stone on the 4 keep turrets, a PC will feel that they can
teleport back inside or to another of the turrets: forwards or back along the wall, or to the
turret in the same position on the opposite side of the wall. DC10 Wisdom check to go to the
one desired, fail and randomly go to one of the possibilities.
The two turrets next to the Castle gate allow teleport to the line of stones on top of the
Keep. These stones allow teleportation to any of the 4 stones inside the Keep, and to the island
outside the keep. A failed Wisdom check to use these stones automatically sends the PC to the
island. Access to this level in any other way is prevented by a magical field projected by the
orange flames. The field allows spells and physical objects to pass out but not in- PCs in this
area have totally immunity to ranged attacks and spells and can attack PCs outside the field
with no restrictions. There is also a stash of potions up here: One of Fire Immunity and one
Invisibility and one CSW.
There is a permanent field of reverse gravity in the middle of the courtyard (red circle). It is
30’ high, on level with the middle turrets. A PC caught in the field is floating at ~30’, and takes
a -5 to ranged attacks and reflex saves. Any ranged attack or throwing something will move
the PC 5’ in the opposite direction. It can be turned off with Dispel Magic and a DC20 caster
level check, for one round for every number the DC is beaten by.

The Crown of Empowerment. When worn, the Crown poisons the wearer DC20 FORT save
or blinded for 1d4 rounds. If passed, the crown allows the wearer to fire a ray of radiant light
from a large diamond in the centre of the crown as a ranged touch attack for 5d10 holy
damage until the end of the fight or they lose the crown. Either way a blinding flash of light
fills the room and streams out the door and windows. Everyone on the island sees this if they
have vision.

The Scroll of Ennoblement. When reading the Scroll (std action), the PC finds it is a poem
that describes the lofty goal of benevolence in power. While reading, a DC 15 INT check is
needed to absorb the true meaning of the poem. Failure means the PC is confused for 1d4
rounds. Success gives the reader a +2 to AC, skill checks and saving throws until the end of the
fight or someone else reads the Scroll. When reading it, the person’s voice gets louder and
louder until the last stanza is almost deafening: “… and Thus shall a Lord be True to the Ideals
of Leadership!”. Everyone on the island hears this if they can hear.

The Throne of Ascension. Anyone sitting in the Throne wearing the Crown and having read
the Scroll can make a DC25 WIS save as they feel the power of all three flowing and melding
through their mind. Failure means the PC is thrown from the Throne and must make a DC20
reflex save to avoid going in the lava (5d6 fire damage per round, ¼ move to get out). On a
success, the Throne starts glowing with holy light and the PC ascends up through the roof and
watches the Castle turn to gently glowing white marble wrapped in ivy with gracefully towers,
and the lava turn to a babbling brook feeding a crystal clear moat surrounded by ancient
woods. All other PCs look up at the ascending PC in awe as the vision fades and they wake up.

Starting Exposition:

You are all asleep in your Villa in Magnimar. A troubling dream disturbs your slumber: you
seem to feel a great grief and desire for healing emanating from a place beyond the
boundaries of your own dreams. Overlaying these emotions is a wild, incoherent bloodlust.
Your dream selves feel the rush of movement and you see in the distance a point of red light. It
rushes towards you at impossible speed and suddenly you are descending over a nightmare
landscape of lava poisonous gasses. Just before you impact the ground like meteors you
glimpse a huge fort of black stone rising from an island in the lava, surrounded by a high wall
with many towers. You also glimpse the forms of your comrades falling from the sky nearby.
There is a momentary darkness and you find yourselves standing on solid ground. Looking
down, you find yourselves arrayed for battle. If this is still a dream, it feels very real…. A voice
in your minds, redolent with the same bloodlust you felt before, hisses a message; “The game
continues until only one is standing, or one masters the Castle. Escape is impossible. When the
game is up, you will return to your corporeal forms unharmed. Entertain me!”

Script to send via Whatsapp


Marhault: You are 15x25” foot room of stone with a 10 foot ceiling. There is a closed
wooden door in front of you and a short passage to your left which ends in a round room 15”
wide. The round room has a design and a glowing stone set into the floor. Red pulsating
tendrils of a flesh-like substance are draped over the floor and walls, reminiscent of internal

Grumnor: You are 15x25” room of stone with a 10 foot ceiling. There is an open doorway
in front of you- the door lies on the floor just beyond it. Through the doorway is a large room
in which you see two plinths with glowing stones set in the tops and a huge orange crystalline
structure; to the left a couple of steps lead up to a raised platform. A short passage to your
right ends in a round room 15” wide, which has a design and a glowing stone set into the floor.
Red pulsating tendrils of a flesh-like substance are draped over the floor and walls,
reminiscent of internal organs.

Lyrie: You find yourself in the corner of a large shadowy courtyard, just below a 15” high
wall. You see towers, the tops of which glow with an orange light. To your right a keep looms.
A very bright yellowy-orange glow is visible over the tops of the walls, and swirling smoke
rises all around, ringing the fort in orange-glowing towers of black smoke.

Buckthorn: You find yourself next to Nyss in the corner of a large shadowy courtyard, just
below a 15” high wall. You see towers, the tops of which glow with an orange light. To your
left a keep looms. A very bright yellowy-orange glow is visible over the tops of the walls, and
swirling smoke rises all around, ringing the fort in orange-glowing towers of black smoke.

Touching the teleport stones:

In the Keep:
You feel that by concentrating you could shift your position to a similar stone that is higher
than your current position
On a Turret:
You feel that you could shift position to similar stones in turrets in either direction around
the wall or directly across to the other wall
Next to the Gate:
You feel that you could shift position to similar stones in turrets in either direction around
the wall or one at the very top of the keep

Looking at the Crown:

The crown is of heavy gold embedded with diamonds and rubies. You read “Crown of
Empowerment” written on the edge.
Wearing the Crown:
You place the Crown on your head and you feel a rush of dizziness and the crown bursts
into radiance. Make a FORT save.
As the dizziness passes you feel the power of the Crown throb on your head. You are now
able to fire a ray of radiant light from a large diamond in the centre of the crown as a ranged
touch attack for 5d10 holy damage.

Looking at the Scroll:

You see a scroll that appears fixed to the desk. It’s titled “The Lay of Ennoblement”. It seems
to be a poem describing the attributes that should be aspired to by a benevolent ruler.
Reading the Scroll:
As you read the poem aloud, your words involuntarily grow in timbre and volume until the
last stanza is almost deafening. Make an INT check.
The words soak into your consciousness and you feel a rush of understanding. You now
have +2 to AC, skill checks and saving throws; they stack with everything.

Looking at the Throne:

You see written on the back of the Throne the words “The Throne of Ascension”

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