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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello everyone!
My name is …………
Today I want to tell you a story from West Sumatra, the title is Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach lived a widow and her son named Malin
His dad died when he was just a baby, so Malin and his mom must live harder than before.
One day, when Malin went to the beach, he heard a voice who need the help.
“Hello, is there someone on the beach? Please help me!!”
Malin who heard that immediately run to that voice, and guess what he found? He found a
merchant ship that got robbed by a pirate.
Malin immediately fight off the pirate and win of course.
The merchant was very thankful to Malin. To thank him, the merchant asked Malin to join
the sail with him.
And Malin who heard that was very happy, but he must ask a permission first to his mom.
“Mom, can I go to sail with the merchant?” said Malin.
“No Malin, you can not go. If you go, who gonna be with me? I’m scared if I’m being alone.”
said his mom.
“But mom, don’t you understand I must have bright future.” said Malin.
“Okay sweetie, I understand. But remember, if you become a successful man don’t ever
forget your own mom, okay.” said his mom.
“Okay mom I will.” said Malin.
After he had a permission from his mom, he joined the sail and a few years later he become
a successful man and have a beautiful wife too.
One day, Malin and his beautiful wife visit his old village. Of course, his mom knew about
that so she ran off to meet Malin at the beach.
“Malin, is that you, my son?” I miss you.” said his mom.
“Who are you? I don’t even recognize you. Go away!! Shu … shu…” said Malin.
“But Malin, I’m your own mom. Don’t you remember the promises? If you become a
successful man, don’t ever forget your own mom.” said his mom.
“Sweetie, is that your mom? You said that your mom died when you just a baby.” said his
beautiful wife.
“That’s true my love. Go away you little grandma, go away!!” said Malin.
“Malin, you really hurt my feeling. You said a terrible thing to me. I will curse you into a
stone!!!” said his mom.
When his mom said that, suddenly a cloud and a storm came up from nowhere, and
BOOM!!! Malin suddenly become a rock.

That is the end of the story

The message that we can learn from this story is always respect your parents
Thank you so much for your attention
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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