Personality Coping Style and Constitutional Neuroimmunology

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Personality, Coping Style, and Constitutional


Andrey A. Zozulya, Marina V. Gabaeva, Oleg Yu. Sokolov, Ida D. Surkina &
Natalia V. Kost

To cite this article: Andrey A. Zozulya, Marina V. Gabaeva, Oleg Yu. Sokolov, Ida D. Surkina &
Natalia V. Kost (2008) Personality, Coping Style, and Constitutional Neuroimmunology, Journal of
Immunotoxicology, 5:2, 221-225, DOI: 10.1080/15476910802131444

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Journal of Immunotoxicology, 5:221–225,
Copyright c Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 1547-691X print / 1547-6901 online
DOI: 10.1080/15476910802131444


Personality, Coping Style, and Constitutional


Andrey A. Zozulya, Marina V. Gabaeva, Oleg Yu. Sokolov, Ida D. Surkina,

and Natalia V. Kost
National Center for Mental Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia

human personality. In this connection, Hippocrates marked out

Risk of developing certain diseases correlates with human per- four types of temperament: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic,
sonality. Cardiologists have defined Type “A” personalities as and sanguine. Half a millennium later, Galenos picked out the
coronary-prone. Associated psychological peculiarities are easily melancholicus as being prone to cancer. Later, people with be-
angered, competitive, impatient and hard-driving. Psychologically-
opposite people who are prone to suppress emotions and avoid con-
havior patterns such as denial, suppression of emotions (anger
flicts (Type “C”), have a high risk of infectious diseases and certain primarily), avoidance of conflicts, social desirability, harmoniz-
forms of cancer. The development of contemporary biology and ing behavior, high rationality were shown to have a high risk
medicine determined an important role of the neuroendocrine and of infectious diseases, certain forms of cancer and they were
immune systems in these correlations. The peculiarity of human termed type “C” (Baltrusch et al., 1991). In contrast, a Type “A”
personality, as much as of animal behavioral patterns, is strongly
expressed under stress conditions. The strategies of stress coping
personality has been defined by cardiologists as coronary-prone.
display a normal distribution in the human and wild animal popula- Psychologically, people of this type are hostile, easily angered,
tions, with truly passive and active coping styles located at the outer- competitive, impatient and hard driving (Friedman et al., 1975;
most regions of the curve. However, there are a number of strategies Irvine et al., 1982). The correlation between the people person-
to breed experimental animals with extreme coping styles; animals ality and their susceptibility to certain disorders has been sup-
selected for a passive coping style to acute stress show marked ac-
tivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and low
ported by contemporary data on constitutional neurochemistry,
stimulation of the sympathetic-adrenal system; both are associated neuroendocrinology, and neuroimmunology.
with immunosuppression. An opposite reaction of the neuroen- The development of contemporary biology and medicine al-
docrine system has been shown in animals with an active coping lowed the characterization of the molecular mechanisms in-
style to stress; this was associated with the signs of immunostimula- volved in the regulation of susceptibility of people with dif-
tion. Similarly, people with passive coping style (type “C”) might be
at higher risk of infectious diseases and cancer, while people with
ferent personality types to a number of diseases and determined
active coping style (type “A”) might be predisposed to coronary, an important role of the neuroendocrine and immune systems in
allergic, and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, pain, decreased this relationship. Specific biological feature of type “A” people
productivity, and anxiety, all common in patients with different is the high sympathetic system activity caused, in part, by the
diseases, are additional stressful entities. Thus, an adequate coping elevated sensitivity of β-adrenoreceptors (Catipovič-Veselica
with a disease is an important approach to improve life quality and
disease prognosis. Therefore, psychological and psychopharma-
et al., 1997; Le Melledo et al., 2001) and increased blood cate-
cotherapeutic interventions that enhance effective coping should cholamine levels (Friedman et al., 1975). High urine testosterone
have beneficial effects in patients with immune-mediated diseases. is also typical for type “A” people (Zumoff et al., 1984).
The specificity of human personality, as well as animal behav-
Keywords Personality, coping style, neuroendocrine system, im- ioral patterns, is strongly expressed under the stress conditions.
mune system There are plenty of behavioral and psychological methods to
evaluate the stress coping strategy, i.e., coping style, in human
PERSONALITY AND COPING STYLES and animals. These styles are distinguished as flight/fight, re-
It is well known from the time of Hippocrates that the risk pressive/defensive, submissive/aggressive, anger-in/anger-out,
of development of certain diseases correlates with the type of blunting/monitoring, negative/positive, etc. (Jamner at al., 1988;
De Boer et al., 1990; Zozulya et al., 1996; Devoino et al., 2003;
Received 10 December 2007; accepted 4 February 2008.
Address correspondence to Dr. Natalia V. Kost, National Center Veenema et al., 2004). In general, coping styles might be grouped
for Mental Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, into “passive” and “active” patterns. The strategies of stress cop-
Russia; e-mail: ing display normal distribution in the overall human and wild


The reaction of the HPA-axis and SAS to acute experimental stress in animals selected to “active” (A) and “passive” (P) coping
styles by different behavioral patterns
Behavioral model ACTH Corticosterone Norepinephrine
Locomotion (open field), Seredenin et al. (1983, 2003) A<P A<P ND
Avoidance (shuttle-box), Steimer and Driscoll (2003) De Boer et al. (1990) A < P, ND A<PA<P ND, A > P
Aggression (attack latency), Veenema et al., 2004 Sgoifo et al. (1996) A < P, ND A < P, ND ND, A > P
Anxiety (social defeat), Frank et al. (2006) ND A<P ND
A < P – the level of corresponding hormone in animals with “active” coping style was lower as compared to “passive” ones, and vice-versa.
ND - not determined.

animal populations, with truly “passive” and “active” coping humoral immunity. Chronic stressors were associated with sup-
styles located at the outermost regions of the curve. In order to pression of both cellular and humoral immune responses. One
study the biological pattern of the phenomenon, researchers usu- might forecast that stress perception depends on the human per-
ally select animals with extreme coping styles by their behavior sonality, stress coping style, which, as has been shown above,
under the different stress conditions. might determine the neuroendocrine stress reaction.
Neuroendocrine immunomodulation is achieved through
Coping Styles and Neuroimmunoendocrinology both autonomic innervation of immune system organs and hor-
monal receptors on immune cells (Sternberg, 2006). For ex-
Using a number of behavioral models, it has been shown
ample, dendritic cells, which are the key regulators of in-
that coping style determines, to a large degree, the reaction of
nate and adaptive immunity, bear receptors to biogenic amines
the neuroendocrine system to stress. For instance, animals se-
(i.e., α1A, β1, β2-adrenoreceptors (Maestroni, 2005), 5-HT-
lected for the “passive” coping style (in the “open field,” “shuttle-
receptors (Idzko et al., 2004)), steroids (i.e., glucocorticoid re-
box” or some zoo social models) show marked activation of the
ceptors) (Bellinghausen et al., 2001; Freeman et al., 2005), and to
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and low stimulation
regulatory peptides (i.e. δ-, µ-, κ-opioid receptors) (Eshe et al.,
of the sympathetic adrenal system (SAS) in response to acute
1999; Kirst et al., 2002). Therefore, the balance between the
stress (Table 1). This has been demonstrated by analyzing the
levels of different stress-realizing hormones should be impor-
levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), corticosterone
tant for the degree and even direction of the immunomodulative
and norepinephrine in the blood of animals under the stress con-
stress reaction.
ditions. It should be noted that under the rest conditions, basal
levels of corticosterone in “passive” animals might be lower Animal Studies
as compared to the levels in “active” animals. However, acute It would be important now to analyze the associations be-
stress induces more pronounced rise of the hormone level, which tween the neuroendocrine reaction to stress in human and an-
is accompanied by rapid exhaustion of HPA in “passive” animals imals with “passive” and “active” stress coping style and the
(De Boer et al., 1990; Seredenin, 2003; Steimer and Driscoll, stress-reaction of the immune system. We have shown that un-
2003; Veenema et al., 2004; Frank et al., 2006). An opposite der the stress conditions Wistar rats with “passive” strategy in
reaction of the HPA and SAS systems has been demonstrated “AutoTrack System” have low proliferative responses of blood
in animals with the “active” coping style. They show relatively lymphocytes to the mitogen Conconavalin A as compared to
low release of ACTH and corticosterone, but with high levels of “active” ones. It should be mentioned that treatment with a syn-
catecholamines in the blood following acute stressful stimulus thetic analog of the opioid peptide Leu-enkephalin (dalargin)
(Table 1; De Boer et al., 1990; Sgoifo et al., 1996). normalized this stress reaction, meaning that lymphocyte pro-
The stress reaction of the immune system has being stud- liferation was heightened in “passive” animals and decreased
ied since the past century. In many experimental models it was in “active” rats (Zozulya et al., 1996). This fact provides addi-
shown that, as a rule, acute stress induced some signs of im- tional support for a homeostatic role of regulatory peptides un-
mune stimulation, while chronic stress induced immunosup- der stress conditions. Similarly, low-active in “open field” Lewis
pression (Korneva and Shkhinek, 1989; Shurin et al., 1994). A rats have lower mitogen-induced interleukin (IL)-10 and inter-
meta-analytic study of 30-year inquiry permitted Segerstrom and feron (IFN)-γ production by splenocytes (Sajti et al., 2004).
Miller (2004) to pick out different stages of the human immune It is well known that Balb/c mice display “passive” behavior
system changes under the psychological stress. Acute stressors in “open field” and have lower humoral and higher cellular
(lasting minutes) were associated with potentially adaptive up- immune responses than the “active” in “open field” C57Bl/6
regulation of natural immunity and down-regulation of adaptive mice (Seredenin, 2003). Also, the exploratory behavior of (CBA
immune responses. Brief psychological stressors (such as an × C57Bl/6)F1 mice in “open field” correlates with a delayed-
exam) tended to suppress cellular immunity while preserving type hypersensitivity, proliferative activity of immune cells, and

expression of the IL-1β‚ type I IL-1 receptor, and erythropoietin Chen, 2006) and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
receptor genes in brain cells (Markova et al., 2000, 2004). (Pawlak et al, 1999). A high basal level of β2 -receptors expres-
Aggression is another behavioral pattern to select the strat- sion was detected in lymphocytes; a reduction of this param-
egy of stress coping in animals. It has been shown that low- eter was more pronounced in above-mentioned patients under
aggressive (“passive” strategy) wild house mice have faster the psychoemotional stress as compared to healthy volunteers.
thymus involution under defeat stress (Veenema et al., 2004). Moreover, the immunomodulating effect of adrenalin in patients
Moreover, acute stress induces immune stimulation in “aggres- with rheumatoid arthritis differed from that in healthy people.
sive” and immunosuppression in “submissive” C57Bl/6J mice This was shown during the analyses of levels of NK cell activ-
(Devoino et al., 2003). ity, T-lymphocyte subpopulations, and pro-/anti-inflammatory
cytokine production in these populations (Kittner et al., 2002).
Human Studies
An interconnection of personality, coping style and immune CONCLUSIONS
status has been also demonstrated in human. The “passive” cop- Thus, the reactivity of the nervous system to stress deter-
ing style is associated with decreased monocyte numbers, el- mines, to certain degree, a stress reaction of other systems such
evated eosinophile counts (Jamner et al., 1988), and a stress- as the cardiovascular and the immune system (Figure 1). This
induced decrease in T-helper lymphocytes (Sakami et al., 2004). reaction is mediated by the neuroendocrine system, partly by
The type of character accentuation relates to humoral immunity the ratio of HPA axis and SAS activity. As a result, people with
(Zabrodskii and Timofeev, 1997; Abramov et al., 2001). The a “passive” coping style (type “C”) might be under a higher
personality tested by MMPI is connected to NK activity and the risk of infectious diseases and cancer, while people with an “ac-
ratio of T-lymphocyte subpopulations (Biondi et al., 1994). High tive” coping style (type “A”) might be predisposed to coronary,
introversion, together with high neuroticism, which is typical for allergic and autoimmune diseases.
a melancholic temperament (Eysenck, 1967) and for “passive” Furthermore, symptoms such as pain, decreased productiv-
coping style, is associated with low IFN„ production by blood ity, and anxiety, which are common in patients with differ-
lymphocytes (Surkina et al., 2001). ent diseases, comprise additional stressful entities. Thus, ad-
equate and efficient coping with the disease is an important
approach to improve the life quality of patients and the dis-
Personality, Coping Style and Immune-Mediated Diseases
ease prognosis. For instance, the global health-related quality
Thus, the “passive” acute stress coping style exhibits marked
of life positively correlates with an “active” coping style in pa-
activation of HPA axis and low stimulation of SAS, both associ-
tients with different types of cancer (Zhou et al., 2005). Psy-
ated with signs of immunosuppression. This type of personality
chological and psycho-pharmacotherapeutic interventions that
in people is a risk factor for infectious diseases and some forms
enhance an effective coping have shown beneficial effects in can-
of cancer (Jamner et al., 1988; Baltrusch et al., 1991; Sakami
cer patients (Reiche et al., 2005). Moreover, one could suggest
et al., 2004). An opposite reaction of the HPA and SAS systems
that the stress of environment pollution would induce different
to stress has been demonstrated in animals with an “active” stress
immune-mediated disease development in persons with different
coping style. It was associated with up-regulated function of the
immune system, as well. Depletion of SAS on a background of
Since the coping style is the result of the interplay between
low cortisol under chronic stress might however induce hyper
an innate predisposition and environmental and social factors,
activation of the immune system in people with “active” coping
style. This can raise the risk of inflammatory and autoimmune
Passive Active
diseases, including arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, al-
lergy, asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc. (Wilder, 2002; Marques-
total population
Deak et al., 2005).
Infections and Cardiovascular,
In fact, particular features of temperament and behavior have cancers allergic, and
been found in children with allergy and asthma in a pre-morbid autoimmune
period (Kim et al., 1980; Lilljeqvist et al., 2002; Stevenson diseases

et al., 2003). High liability was shown to be typical for adults

with atopic dermatitis (Scheich et al., 1993). One study, per-
formed with a large sampling (n = 11,540), has shown that high
extra-version is a risk factor for asthma in women (Huovinen et
al., 2001). A reduced activity of the HPA axis in patients pre- The reactivity of the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems
disposed to allergic diseases was confirmed by low basal and
stress-induced blood cortisol levels (Buske-Kirschbaum et al., FIG. 1. Personality, coping style and predisposition to immune-mediated dis-
2003) and saliva (Ball et al., 2006). A peculiarity of the SAS eases. HPA = hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; SAS = sympathetic-adrenal
function has been shown in children with asthma (Miller and system.

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