Heat Transfer Worksheet

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Substance c / Jkg-1K-1 Substance c / Jkg-1K-1
Aluminium 900 Lead 130
Brass 380 Mercury 140
Copper 400 Methylated spirit 2 400
Glass 670 Sea-water 3 900
Ice 2 100 Steel 450
Iron 460 Water 4 200
Zinc 380

Specific heat capacity

1. (a) How much energy is lost when 50 g of iron cools from 45°C to 15°C?
(b) Find the specific heat capacity of gold if 108 J of energy raise the temperature of
9.0 g from 0°C to 100°C.
(c) Find the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1000 kg of sea-
water through 40K.
2. A piece of lead of mass 500 g and at air temperature falls from a height of 25 m.
(a) What is its initial gravitational potential energy?
(b) What is its kinetic energy on reaching the ground (assume g=10 ms-2)?
(c) Assuming that all of the energy becomes transferred to internal energy in the lead
when it hits the ground, calculate the rise in temperature of the lead.
(d) State the energy transfers that have occurred from the moment the lead strikes
the ground until it has cooled to air temperature again.
3. A waterfall is 100 m high and the difference in temperature between the water at the
top and at the bottom is 0.24 K.
Calculate a value for the specific heat capacity of water, explaining the steps in your
calculation. Assume g = 10 ms-2.
4. Explain why, when the brakes of a moving car are applied for any appreciable length of
time, they get hot.
5. A car of mass 1000 kg travelling at 72 km.h-1 is brought to rest by applying the brakes.
Assuming that the kinetic energy of the car is transferred to the internal energy of four
steel brake drums of equal mass, find the rise in temperature of the drums if their total
mass is 20 kg, and the work done is equal on all four drums.
6. Some hot water is added to three times its mass of water at 10°C and the resulting
temperature was 20°C.
What is the temperature of the hot water?
7. A bath contains 100 kg of water at 60°C. Hot and cold taps are then turned on to deliver
20 kg per minute each at temperatures of 70°C and 10°C respectively.
How long will it be before the temperature in the bath has dropped to 45°C? Assume
complete mixing of the water and ignore heat losses.
8. The temperature of a brass cylinder of mass 100 g was raised to 100°C and transferred
to a thin aluminium can of nagligable heat capacity containing 150 g of paraffin at 11°C.
If the final steady temperature after stirring was 20°C, calculate the specific heat
capacity of paraffin. Neglect heat losses.
9. A piece of copper of mass 40 g at 200°C is placed in a copper calorimeter of mass 60 g
containing 50 g of water at 10°C. Ignoring heat losses, what will the final steady
temperature be after stirring?
10. Explain why the bit of an electric drill becomes hot during use.
11. In an experiment a cardboard tube closed at both ends and containing a quantity of
lead shot was inverted a number of times. The following readings were taken:
Length of tube = 1.10 m
Mass of lead shot = 50 g
Initial temperature of lead shot = 15°C
Final temperature of lead shot = 22°C
Room temperature = 16°C
Number of tube inversions = 120
Calculate the specific heat capacity of the lead shot.
State, giving a reason for each answer:
(i)Which of the experimental readings did not affect the experiment?
(ii)Whether you would expect the experimental results to be too high or too low?
Assume g = 10 ms-2.

11. 189 Jkg-1K-1 (i) room temperature (ii) too high

10. KE of drill bit transferred to heat by work done by friction
8. 2250 Jkg-1K-1 9. 22°C
5. 22.2 K 6. 50°C 7. 450 s
3. 4.1 x 103 Jkg-1K-1 4. KE transferred to heat by work done by friction
2. (a) 123 J (b) 123 J (c) 1.89 K (d) KE – EPE – Heat(lead) – Heat(room)
1. (a) 690 J (b) 120 Jkg-1K-1 (c) 1.56 x 108 J
Answers: Specific heat capacity
Heat Transfer

Substance c / Jkg-1K-1 l / Jkg-1

Ice 2 100 336 000
Lead 140 270 000
Water 4 200 2 260 000

Specific latent heat

12. Calculate the quantity of heat required to melt 4.0 kg of ice and raise the temperature
of the water formed to 50°C.
13. Why are pieces of ice at 0°C, added to a drink at room temperature, more effective in
cooling the drink than an equal mass of water at 0°C?
14. (a) Define (i) specific heat capacity and (ii) specific heat of vaporization.
(b) Calculate the heat required to convert 2.0 kg of ice at -12°C to steam at 100°C.
15. Define the specific latent heat of ice.
16. A refrigerator can convert 400 g of water at 20°C to ice at -10°C in three hours.
Calculate the average rate of heat extraction from the water in joules per second.
17. What do you understand by the specific heat of fusion?
18. (a) Calculate the quantity of heat required to melt completely 200 g of lead initially at
27°C given that the melting point of lead is 327°C.
If heat is supplied at a rate of 30 W, calculate:
(b) the time taken to bring the lead to its melting point
(c) the additional time required to melt the lead completely.
19. 160 g of molten silver at its melting point, 960°C, is allowed to solidify at the same
temperature and gives out 16 800 J of heat.
(a) Calculate the specific latent heat of silver?
(b) If the mean specific heat capacity is 230 Jkg-1K-1. how much additional heat does it
give out on cooling to -40°C?
20. The temperature of naphthalene contained in a test-tube is recorded every 30 seconds
as it cools from 95°C to 50°C. Sketch the graph you would expect to obtain, plotting
temperature against time, and explain its shape, given that the melting point of
naphthalene is 78°C.
21. (a) Define the specific latent heat of steam.
(b) Use the kinetic theory of matter to explain how a liquid absorbs energy when it
boils at constant temperature and turns into vapour.
22. An electric kettle contains 1.5 litres of water at 20°C.
(a) the heat required to bring it to the boil,
(b) the additional heat required to boil half of the water away, assuming that all of the
heat from the element goes into the water.
(c) If the heating element is rated at 1000 W, how long does it take the kettle to come
to the boil?
23. A copper can together with a stirrer of total heat capacity 60 JK-1 contains 200 g of
water at 10°C. Dry steam at 100°C is passed in while the water is stirred and until the
whole reaches a temperature of 30°C. Calculate the mass of steam condensed.
24. After a period of hard frost with temperatures several degrees below zero, snow may
fall and it is noticed that the air temperature rises to 0°C. Suggest an explanation in
terms of the latent heat of ice.
25. Explain why vegetables can be stored in a shed protected from damage by frost
having tubs of water placed in the shed.
26. (a) What is meant by the specific latent heat of fusion?
(b) Give a simple explanation, by referring to internal molecular energy, of the changes
that occur in a substance when it is supplied with heat at constant temperature and
goes from solid to liquid state.
27. 0.50 kg of naphthalene, contained in an aluminium can of mass 0.40 kg, is melted in a
water bath and raiser to a temperature of 100°C.
Calculate the total heat given out when the can and its contents are allowed to cool to
room temperature, 20°C.
Neglect losses by evaporation during the heating process and give your answer to the
nearest kilojoule.
Naphthalene: melting point = 80°C
specific heat capacity for both liquid & solid = 2100 Jkg-1K-1
specific latent heat of fusion = 170 000 Jkg-1

Aluminium: specific heat capacity = 900 Jkg-1K-1

28. Describe briefly with two reasons, two ways (other than direct heating) by which a
quantity of liquid may be made to evaporate more quickly.
29. With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe a simple laboratory experiment in which
evaporation is shown to produce cooling.
Explain the cooling effect in terms of kinetic theory of matter.
30. A metal can which is efficiently lagged with expended polystyrene contains a mixture
if water and crushed ice at 0°C. It is weighed an immediately afterwards the mixture is
stirred while dry steam at 100°C is passed in. When all of the ice has just melted, the
steam supply is stopped and a second weighing reveals a gain in mass of 15 g.
Calculate the mass of ice originally present.
Answers: Specific latent heat
12. 2.2 x 106 J 13. More energy transferred from water to ice: to melt, then increase temperature
14. (a)See Notes (b) 6.08 MJ 15. See Notes 16. 16.3 W 17. See Notes
18. (a) 62 400 J (b) 280 s (c) 1800 s 19.(a) 105 kJ kg-1 (b) 36.8 kJ
20. See Notes 21. (a) See Notes
21. (b) Heat increases mean molecular KE, more molecules have KE > energy to escape (Maxwell-Boltzmann) and
pull away from the intermolecular forces holding them close to their neighbouring molecules.
22. (a) 504 000 J (b) 1 695 000 J (c) 504 s 23. 7.05 g
24. Air temp rises due to transfer of latent heat of water released through fusion to air
25. Water has a high specific heat capacity so releases heat to shed as shed cools. If water starts to freeze further
energy released through latent heat of ice to maintain shed temp.
26. (a) See Notes (b) Energy supplied used to break inter-molecular bonds.
27. 198 kJ 28. (i) lower pressure (ii) flow of air
29. Two thermometers, one wrapped in wet cotton wool, measure mass and temperature at intervals.
30. 0.120 kg
31. (a) heat transferred from cooling copper to N2 supplies latent heat for evaporation
(b) heat transferred from water to warming copper supplied by heat capacity and latent heat of fusion of water/ice
(c) 15.8 g
32. See Notes 33. (a) See Notes (b) Heat inside transferred to outside fridge.
34. (a) See internet (b) Making snowballs (but NOT Ice skating)
same principle.
(b) Describe and explain another experiment of phenomenon which depends on the
Hint: search on-line for “regelation”
(a) Why does the wire gradually pass through the ice, but leave it as solid as before?
34. A weight is supported by a loop of copper wire which passes over a block of ice.
cooling simultaneously?
one piece of equipment to perform the apparently contradictory tasks of heating and
(b) Refrigerators can also provide background heating for a flat. How is it possible for
system of a domestic refrigerator.
33. (a) With the aid of a clearly labelled diagram, describe the operation of the cooling
cooling by evaporation.
32. State what is meant by the kinetic theory of matter, and employ the theory to explain
300 Jkg-1K-1.
(c) Calculate the mass of ice formed, taking the specific heat capcity of copper to be
(b) Explain why this occurs.
water at 0°C and it is observed that a sheath of ice forms round the copper.
When the boiling has ceased, the copper is transferred to a larger vessel containing
(a) Explain the short period of vigorous boiling.
nitrogen boils vigorously for a short time.
vacuum-walled vessel containing liquid nitrogen at its boiling point, -196°C. The
31. A copper cylinder of mass 90 g, supported by a length of thread is lowered into a

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