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, . . Bt vg: 7 c PRALINY tana Hi ving ceo LANGUNGE Pt bi hich or that. Use e them, —- ADVAN pearance it extra a ee 4 Thore are te! ceks of my life siting on an uncomfortable agg, { three Ww just spen sc of France, Lam in no fit state that to do anything eq, = o suits me fine. For Ihave cycled some 1,500 klometas and write, which Wy includs some extremely hilly routes, and frankly the thoygy 1 figure which in se again WHEN fs not one that! can face for 3 good fey, mounting 3 Oye Fy Lundertbok alone forimost of the way, was 4 are va Having sit ve te eoay Help the pet a cause which I support whenever Fc, shi a ee ee route, Which hastily removed from last months ais |d! magazine. My intention Which was to try and follow the ost | he ee take, but after three days in which I pushed my body | es that it had never experienced before, at | rapidly abandoned this plan and returned to flatter ground. On the flat WHIGH | was able to keep to about 120 kilometres a day, WHIEh is respectable. | did have to rest my weary limbs at the weekends, though, which enabled me to recharge my batteries, by which | mean my bodily ones, not the ones'that inside my bike lights. 1m pleased to say that after three tortuous weeks Whleht!l ended up in Marsels, but what pleased me all the more is that | managed to raise over £2,000 for | Help the Aged. | arived in France armed only vith, Complete each sentence with a suitable word. 1) Midway through the second half City which... scored their fourth goal, at ..M##4 Point United gayi up completely. ‘There is one person to bahven....1 ‘owe more than I can say was the kind of accident for . wala Whoerkex. leaves last should turn off the lights. Mary was late ‘esterday, which. 6.00, Gilad... w Vdon't know who... ~~ told you that, but they were wrong, The fst time I say you was ..93 he, youanswered thedoor Mrs Brown was the first owner AM noe... dog won three prizes in he shove, wha nobody was really to blame ‘was unusual for her a ‘a8an hour before the plane was due, thick fog: 10 Te just spoken to Sally, sends you her love. 4 impulsado por 3 CamScanner 7 LAUSES. GRAMMAR 15 RELATIVE CLAUSES AND NON-FINITE C q " ie first 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to thi sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. 1 Cosaited for him until 6,80 and then gave up. which. UL waited for hin until 6.30. Bt wihieh We sugested a lot of things, which were all re Fverything Ether)... saggested)..rae Wgnyone can understand this application form, they are cleverer than Lam. Anyone Who. cam.uedlerst sind date... Perera ue { wont tell you this again, you naughty boy time This..dhe,.. hast. Avene, thd) The whole summer was sunny and warm, for a change made sol FEM on tell you, you naught ‘The whole summer was sunny and warm, 316 ttle hon nice c 6 I don't really approve of his proposal. what Idont ally approve of .JudMneit. he... ‘The police never caught the culprit committed .- proposing ‘The police never caught .ANE...pexsoa. the crime, 8 have read all of her books but one. that ‘There is only ne... her. books. have not read. 9 Tcan't remember the last heavy rain. when I can't remember ..Wdhen. 10 Do you get on who Do you get on with .Ahe:..pets00....AdhNO.. impulsado por (9 CamScanner ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE nn 4 Make one sentence tt Crfects..ho..vtm, e-sentences giver, Beginning 28 hovin ha, yom the - . ‘any ges. Omit RY unnecessary relative pronouns, y other necessary change’ ante was one that stops al every station aight a train 1 Ute yeannay at the veal ey le iad given her a : dyind her, Her fat — anol same the She drove ota 1 CeatOl. ASAE AS... pee te stp bento. 0.roent street wasa busing The street 28 Crowded With shopper TY be he end of not noticed the building bel : a ea th nich sux, crowdet.oasth..shompers, ; oxo 0 buildvg.dhed...7Om..\ned...02h..nah669...beloe ed in next door, They have the 4. Sorse people have just moved in next door They bs aA Me surMaMe as sone t moved out. ‘ther pouple. Those ther people have i The people who have just moved in next door Kae. -tHe Ome...cumgene Ad The. PARK nt dyad srt AHEAD... nth decided to go in. ‘This turned out tobea 5 Tnotiged that the door was op anise Noticing the. slooe..uke.optn,.|.decidéd. da. 92.4n.,.tahidh tut, o Everyone eypeets the Popular Party candidate, Flora Benstead. to win the ection She has announced that she will cut income tax by 10% ifelected. Flora Benstead. the..Rap ku. .Peiy..canch dkeite,..gthao...ethyere Ihs...dechio0, hoo. admaueced, -#hakishe sual. 7 Iiistened to George patiently until he started insult hima few home truths. He didn't like it, Ustened to George patiently until he started insulting me, @4..c2hwh. pant dole m..afers heme. btsaths he diana slike. 8 Pauline asked mea que Pauline asked me.Qh.. reply. ig me. At that point, 0ld on. [had no reply to it. Aktion. whe2..Gahuths all fread. ut 2: Herbed oxt ofthe tom, He was shouting a the topo hive TH ‘ypical shouting AA ep. of he....wabre cad of th Some people wanted travel schol then everyone h the By DoE Kp Uh h.,.L22. lyacol, 10 . larships, The end of the week was the des had applied olson 0. impulsado por 8 camScanner GRAMMAR 15 RELATIVE CLAUSES AND NON-FINITE CLAUSES is 5 ce your corections tthe e1ior in each sentence. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns in 4 1 To take mny apy Nvands. HWalkes! to the very end of the high diving board 7 thing, ray hife ix 2 Twasn't sure wHat to dddress the letter to, so put "fhe Manager aiewho do. address. 3 Most of the guests turned up two b -arly, that took us by surprise. +.whith.4colkk .2.. — 4 Whoever that he spoke to last was probably the person who murdered hit poke: The bool. 1 bought for his birthday is one where T enjoyed very much mys t4l.OPe Babich siren © There's a chance that I may be late, in that case ll phone you. {n.d hich, .COd€.n00s dmires her, She's the kind of person whose everyone looks up to. PASOn..LYHYOME nn ang who the identity Everyone 8, Noone knows who she is She bs the only member of the remained a secret. WMO ol Denb bY oon 6 Correct any errors in punctuation in these sentences. 1 Many people think that Saturn is the biggest planet which is wrong, is the biggest planet, whieh, 2 That the man, [used to live next door to 2A KAN. A. ee 3 Tcouldetrememibeewhich house hal to deliver the cn to pert bv2baidh earn 4 The coat she wore to the party,svas similar tone I have at home. 5 Lynn is the only person in my circle of friends who is married. nn detneinds....2hr2.0. nto the middle of the circle, 6 Whoever catches the ball must con impulsado por (8 CamScanner

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