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WHEREAS, on _____________, at ____________ in the morning,

______________members convened at the ____________, this City, during which a quorum
was present;

WHEREAS, recent observations have been made and found that there are colorum
taxis plying within the _____________ and operating as public transport constituting flagrant
violation of existing transportation laws;

WHEREAS, to curb the operation of colorum vehicles within _______________

premises, for the convenience and to protect the affected riding public, upon the approval of
the Board, the following resolution was resolved and unanimously approved:

RESOLVED, that as per minutes of meeting of the ________________________ to

prohibit colorum vehicles to operate and to prevent other illegal activities relative to public
transportation utilities, all illegal/colorum taxis are not allowed to ply over the
_______________premises, unless and until a proper franchise, duly and approved Certificate
of Public Convenience or public necessity and convenience has been secured;

RESOLVED FURTHER, in the interim, failure to secure an approved Certificate of

Public Convenience or public necessity and convenience, illegal /colorum vehicles are strictly
prohibited from operating as public transport and refrain from exposing its presence within
the _________________ vicinity;

RESOLVED FINALLY, that an enforcement unit shall implement existing

transportation laws, policies, rules and regulations and shall apprehend violators;

NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority given to _________________, the Board

prohibits, as it hereby prohibits, the operation of illegal/colorum vehicles within the premises
of ______________.

APPROVED on ____________________ at _____________________.



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