Form 3 Mathematics Cala

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Mathematics Cala


SCHOOL: Budiriro 1 Secondary

Syllabus topic: matrices

CALA TYPE: pen and paper


-Problem solving

-Critical thinking


Two teachers at Budiriro high want to store information of their weekly budget. As a mathematics
student you are required to present the information provided by the teacher in a rectangular pattern.


The Cala has two parts .You are therefore required to attempt both parts


Teacher A records that he needs 21loaves;9kg mealie meal and 36eggs in a week

Teacher B records that he needs 15 loaves ;6kg mealie meal and 21 eggs in a week

Pupils are required to

- Store the given budgets in matrix form [2]

- State the order of the matrix created [1]
- Define the term order of a matrix [2]

Due to inflation the teachers are forced to cut down on expenditure, hence they agree to cut their
expenditure by

- Write down the new matrix created [2]

- State the number of bread; mealie meal and eggs each teacher will now required in their
budget. [3]


The teachers decide to drop eggs from their budgets citing rising inflation but they still require mealie
meal and bread
- Formulate a matrix involving bread and mealie meal only, with bread in the first row and mealie
meal in the second row
- State a special name given to the matrix formed. [1]
- calculate the determinant of the matrix [2]
- find the inverse of the matrix [3]

Teacher B decides to reduce further the number of loaves of bread in their budget such that the
matrix that will be created henceforth will become singular.

- Define a singular matrix [2]

- How many loaves of bread will teacher B require to make the matrix singular.[2]

How You will be assessed

- Formulate matrices
- State the order of a matrix
- Scalar multiplication
- Calculating the determinant of a two by two matrix
- Calculating the inverse of a 2 by 2 matrix
- Define a singular matrix

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