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Student ID: 2921295
(Master Program of Business



Chapter 1 Introduction

The age has come to a decision when it continue it modernity to maximize the utilization of
technology. The mixture between reality and digital realm leaded by Meta has followed us to
questions how we live the technology, how we operates, and makes daily life more perfect.

1.1 Background
In the recent year’s virtual reality and reality modelling has been growing significantly, in terms
of technology and also investment, but still its lack of socialization in the market, far beyond
niche market of gamer and cross over older-conventional generation. Although the technology
is still in a limited niche society, sooner or later, in the sake of modernity it should be used and
transform the initial civilization (Figure 1). It is also an important global issue, The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG), precisely in SDG’s 9 talks about the acceleration and efficiency
of the infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation.

Figure 1: Development of Virtual Technology (Google Picture search: ’3D Modelling’)

1.2 Research Question

In order to breakdown the situation and plan for this transformation, questions must be offer:

1. What is the problem with adapting the virtual reality technologies, is it really helping?
2. How far this current situation can be maximized due for the adaptation of the currently
invented technology, is it necessary?
3. How far it will goes, what is the future of the technology utilization? 4. What is
the most realistic action to catalyse significantly for the transformation?
Chapter II Business Issue Exploration

Following the questions offered, there are several step and methods to provide clear answer, it
consist of frameworks, issue ecosystem analysis in business environment and problem
situation, so further we can state the problem identification:

1.1 Framework

The research will involve market analysis (Google Analytics, present), 5 forces porter’s
analysis (Porter, 1979), breakdown with business model canvas (BMC, Osterwalder, 2005),
empathy map (Gray, Present), and technology adoption model (TAM, Davis, 1989). 5 Forces
Porters can provide the clear mapping of the constraint and opportunity, BMC can organize the
stakeholders to catalyse the technology adaptations and development, and the empathy map
with the TAM will provide how the market will engage in the transformation.

1.2 Business Environment

The development of the virtual reality technology this past year has rather in a good condition,
the covid-19 has force us to engage intimately with technology, webinars, gig worker are the
concrete factual condition in the field. In fact study predict that the market prospect of this lane
is good (graph 1).

Graph 1: Metaverse Market Size

It is forecasted that in 2024 the market size can go further as 800 Bn US$. The external forces,
weather is really supporting, growing the business will be a favourable task, for society,
efficiency, and modernity. First it can be seen from the study (graph 2).

Graph 2: Exponential growth in digital consumer

In the 2020 to 2021, Indonesia have faced a significant growth in digital consumer, it can grow
up to 10.2 % in the past two years. Globally, infestation on the technology can be a huge
industry, revenue is an internal factor for growth (Graph 3)

Graph 3: Global 3D Modelling, 3D Visualization, and 3D Data Capture Market Revenue

It can go as far as 281.1 Mn US$, Asia Pacific still in the second to less develop after South
America, it is an opportunity for growth and better efficiency. The scope and limitation of the
study in Indonesia and existing global ecosystem. (BMC Mapping in the Appendix)
1.3 Problem Situation

To define the problems 5 forces porter analysis can break down the situation, and also the
stakeholders that influence significantly to the situation. (Graph 4)

Graph 4: Digital Industry Five Forces Porter Situation Breakdown (personal visualisation)

From the graph we can define that the important stakeholder from the supplier sides is, the 3D
designer, artist, corporate, freelancers, gig worker. While the substitute of the digital
technology is the conventional one that are decided by the user and regulator itself, in
presence of governments and workers, while the buyer is majorly of the society, the
civilization itself, and to second is the regulator as government and big companies, the third
is the seller as retails, as actor of the market that will follow, furthermore new entrants thread
can be anything, it can lead to the expansion of the niche society market and upgrade of the
society or otherwise.

1.4 Problem Identification

Summarizing the BMC mapping analysis and five forces breakdown, three classification of
stake holders are made, comprise of: large market society as the demand pull; sellers, worker,
3D talents that deliver the virtual reality technology/tools to be the majority’s daily
activity/usage as the infrastructure; and giant companies with and governments that have an
authority or willingness to allocate money for the industry ecosystem development or ‘funder’.
From the three classification we can define that the interest factor of each stakeholder will be
summarize in a single word of ‘productivity’. In terms of the society, civilization demand
productivity of all kind of activity, the problem is, if is that the technology can really make
things easier and faster? In terms of ‘infrastructure’, the problem is, do we have enough
resource? Talents and technology, does it spread evenly? In term of ‘funder’, is it profitable?
Chapter III Methodology

Following the conceptual framework, the most fit methodology to support the outcome of this
research is using the design thinking process method. This chapter will provide explanation
about the conducted methodology and their supplemental tools to perform the research.

III.1 Research Design: Methodology of Design Thinking

Design thinking is a process which includes cognitive, strategic, and practical procedure
to process a design. Design Thinking elaborates ideas, innovation. and perceptions in a
business and a social context.

Design thinking start with problem framing as the empathize stage start (figure 1), then
it start to conduct solution-focus thinking in the define stage, and then it perform
abductive reasoning to ideate new innovation, last is view the co-evolution of problem
and solution to make prototype, last is representative it and model the empirical data.

Figure 1

In summary, design thinking comprises 5 stages: empathize to learn about the audience
to know what is the subject and what matters, then define what are their needs, and
ideate what solution may be possible, and next to prototype the idea and test it in the
targeted situation and context .
III.2 Data Collection

Data collection is conducted through discussion with the project user, also some brainstorming
with fellow researcher and team executor. Each discussion and brainstorm output will be
arranged into the design thinking framework.

III.3 Tools Analysis

In order to interpret the design thinking method in to action, tools on each process should be
made clear and defined, next are several tools that are provided in some resource (figure 2)

Figure 2

After analysing the context of this research it is preferable that the emphasize stage can be
fulfilled with the journey mapping tools. while the define process can utilize stakeholder value
mapping, the next stage of ideate process can be meet by using brainstorming canvas, and last
the prototype can be visualized by making the prototype storyboarding, and to test the prototype
the research will explore the user’s satisfaction through

III.2.1 Emphasize using Context Mapping

The output of the emphasize process is to provide who is the subject of the solution, and
what's matter to this subject. To explore who will be the subject and what is most
important to them is to break it down using context mapping (figure 3).
The context mapping will define the demographic trend to the situation that is occurring
in the object placement, and be aware of the regulation and rule conducted in the
location. Competition in the wide area to benchmark and propose improvement, and
same as the technological structure as the infrastructure. Next are the customer needs
and uncertainties that may happen.

Figure 3

III.2.2 Define using Stakeholder Value Mapping

After emphasizing by determining the subject and what causes matters to them, the
next stage of the design thinking is the define process, which the output is to generate
what subjects need in the current situation. Using stakeholder value conclusions to
what the subject really needs can be defined. Next are the example of stakeholder
value map (figure 4)
Figure 4

III.2.3 Ideate using Brainstorming Canvas

The next stage is the ideate process, the ideate process will eventually decide what
solution will be suggested. Using the brainstorming canvas the problems and its solution
will be classified into several concepts and contexts, and further on it will eliminate the
many options and lead to a conclusion which solution will be the selected ways to solve
the problem and be the prototype. Example (figure 5)

Figure 5

III.2.4 Prototype using Storyboarding

To transform the solution idea to prototype it should be first to visualize using the storyboard,
which can show, through a sketch, what the idea is and how the idea interacts with the
situation. next are the examples of the storyboard (figure6)
Figure 6

III.2.5 Test through The User’s Feedback

The test section will consist of showing the final product of the proposed solution to the
user, the local authorities as the major stakeholder of making changes in the
environment, the result will include the validation, reliability, and justification of this

Five Forces Porter’s Analysis, summarize literature is obtained from the website: Cited on Sept 20, 2022.

Google Analytics, summarize literature is obtained from the website: https:// Cited on Sept 20, 2022.

Business Model Canvas, summarize literature is obtained from the website: Cited on Sept 20, 2022.

Empathy Map, summarize literature is obtained from the website: https:

map#:~:text=An%20empathy%20map%20is%20a,popularity%20within% 20the%
20agile%20community. Cited on Sept 20, 2022.

Technology Adoption Model, summarize literature is obtained from the website: Cited on Sept 20, 2022.

Metaverse Market Size is a grid data (reanalysis) by Datawrapper, data is obtained from the
report-2021-free-version. Downloaded on Sept 20, 2022.

Exponential growth in digital consumer is a grid data (reanalysis) by Datawrapper, data is

obtained from the website: the-
metaverse-report-2021-free-version. Downloaded on Sept 20, 2022.

Global 3D Modelling, 3D Visualization, and 3D Data Capture Market Revenue is a grid data
(reanalysis) by Datawrapper, data is obtained from the website: 2021-
free-version. Downloaded on Sept 20, 2022.

Block Chain Gaming Ecosystem Diagram is a grid data (reanalysis) by Data wrapper, data is
obtained from the website: the-
metaverse-report-2021-free-version. Downloaded on Sept 20, 2022.

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